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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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then it went, well, that’s why, of course, that’s why i understood that what’s wrong, i ’m doing it wrong, incorrectly, you know, so i asked for help, a little time will pass, or a lot, everyone will recognize this nature of yours, well, this thin skin, if i may say so, of your red-haired olenka in the office romance, i understand correctly, so that olenka became the point that divided life in some sense into pre-post, the whole country knew you too, you know, then it was another time, then the picture was shot, and if the picture was made by such masters as ryazanov, then the whole country saw it, starting from the carpathians and ending with the far east, and if the picture was good, then they watched it several times , memorized the words and entire texts, so to speak, from the film were repeated among the people, i even not... i haven’t forgotten how i came to our doctor,
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natalya mikhailovna, she says: natalya mikhailovna, how are you feeling? she tells me, well, compared to bublikov, it’s good, because the whole country has already spoken with texts from the film, you know, so, of course, for me and for the actors it’s priceless, theater actors, because the audience that comes is one thing, you are unknown to him, he opens the program, reads, petrovka. even though sidorov, some kind of ivanova, starts watching, until he gets used to it, when he understands, he’s interested, he ’s not interested in the actor, some time passes when they already know you, the audience knows you from the film, they’re already familiar with you, you’re already somehow- either he is known to them, or the viewer already comes, as if to a familiar person, and you don’t have to overcome this distance to conquer, therefore of course... cinema for a theater actor in
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this sense is absolutely priceless, my favorite film, please put on it, let’s remember it, yura, olya, god, how beautiful you are, well , this is against my background, olya, you haven’t changed at all, well yes, i’m so glad to see you, me too, guys, i’d like to talk, i can’t invite you to my office, kolugina ordered it to be repaired when her new one arrived.
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when i watched this film a thousand times, i never looked with the same eyes as many people look at it today of today's generation, when all sorts of words came, harassment, which means invasion, i always felt sorry for you, in fact, you are a renegade, they once tried to reproach you for this, accuse you after this role, you know, i will tell you this, in basically, how... this role is written and how you can play it, you can play it like this annoying aunt who pesters you all the time and doesn’t give way, and so on and so forth, but it would be very simple, it would be very primitive , very familiar, it seems to me that the meaning of this role is why she, i don’t i know how today’s generation is, i find it difficult to tell you, i am far from today’s generation, but my generation and my world, my...
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they studied together, they, they had some kind of which i remembered her student love, a novel, some- then the relationship, they even went somewhere to kiss in kuntsevo, it seems to me that there was nothing in it, nothing, nothing negative, nothing that could condemn her, because her heart spoke in her, in her the soul sang, poetry spoke in it, it poured it out on paper,
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she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, her past life, she was in it. protectively, she was, why did everyone stand up like that, all the employees of this statistical department, everyone took her side, everyone began to feel sorry for her so why they condemned this self-praising person like that, because he was merciless, he broke her crystal vase, she there was a soul, a crystal va, so it seemed to me, and so i tried to play, this is it.
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well borya, yes, what nonsense, nothing unreasonable, it was the same story, he told me i really liked him, and who could not like him? well, tell me, who could not like my sasha? well, it’s true, tall, handsome, so talented, and he played in the irkutsk story, you know that, well, he’s so young, but you understand, still... time, you don’t know him, and you don’t know of all my youth, but it was a time when young roles were played by older actors, and this was considered in the order of things, no one thought that this was something, well, that’s not it,
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for example, well, really marya ivana bobanova received aphelia at the age of 54, who was generally 14 or 15 years old according to shakespeare, or tara vala konstantinovna played. anna korenina, who was a young woman, and alli konstantinovna was already nearly 60. and khlopkov made a revolution, he gave roles in the irkutsk story to the same young people as they were written by arbuzov. sasha was 21 years old when he began to play viktor edika martsevich, 22 years old, sveti mizere, she was a little older, she played in bulk, well, 25-24 years old, when they came out to play on the stage, it was. certainly revolution and of course varya arbuzova, the author’s daughter, when she saw someone like sasha, how could you not fall in love with him, i think that she wasn’t the only one who wasn’t in love with him, well listen, what if she started writing poetry for him , to convey in letters, you would
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n’t have sent her, what do you want from me, so that i don’t love my olya ryzhova, you won’t succeed, no, borya, it won’t work. and irizanov didn’t write about this, irizanov wrote a romantic image, and not an annoying , too simple aunt who wants how as if to break something fate, no, no, not about that, i can’t want this from you, because i myself have been in love with her all my life, your olya, how can i want you not to love her yourself , besides, i understand correctly, i’m okay, i’m actually a boy, i just like this film, but how many women are there?
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armen jegorkhan in a couple of minutes about this, well , let’s talk now, i’ll find out how he taught us later in the program how the famous director mocked svetlana. "no, i 'm here, he shouted, he humiliated, he shouted, he destroyed, he and he would hit you, yes, he almost beat me once, and once again about love, it is very important in family life to hear not only yourself, but your loved
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one, look in a few minutes, the phone rings, pick up the phone and say hello?" "premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, it's alla, al, al, al, hello! alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, allo, alla, alla, taxi, who gave the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday on rtr, moyata lives in high mansion, in that tall mansion, there is no way for anyone, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she drove it for two quarts... when a kamaz rushes towards you, the radiculum and lameness disappear somewhere,
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humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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saw me for not rehearsing as well as he needed, you see, he wanted me to rehearse, to understand him, but it seemed to him that i didn’t understand a thing, well, in general, we rehearse for three three weeks or two, whatever -weeks with him, he speaks with us, then suddenly there is complete silence and the two of us are talking to sveta, she gives me her remark, i tell her, we talk, we talk, complete silence in the hall, i’m not at home, i don’t understand what’s going on, and so...
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like this, who you are, and give birth to you again, and you understand that all births take place in wild agony, so you just have to accept it, i told him, armen, well, i accept it, i live in this hell, and it was hell, of course , even the stage workers, our assemblers brought me some water out of pity so that i could drink and not die, put it, put it, what kind of you are were born after the murder by goncherov, put it, well, i’ve already apologized to you three times, i need hot baths for my nerves, you are a pole, a healthy person, a creature without nerves, well, it goes without saying, how do you know what it’s like to have a nerve? you can’t find a place for yourself, and i’m not a pole. i am
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one hundred percent american, born and live in the greatest country on the globe, i believe that i became an actress after this role, here i am for myself, seriously, seriously, yes after this role, and at the same time, at the same time you telling terrible things, yelling, almost beating you, i know,
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he was lying to the whole country, the whole country, he was filming, a lot at the time when he was in our theater, and goncharov couldn’t stand movies, so come to him to ask for time off to film, it was a big problem, tricks, tricks, cunning weaving, anything so that just, for example, in the garage, just because i played there, i threw myself on my knees in front of him, and began to beg him to let him go.
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it was very difficult for both him and me to go through, i told him, i rehearsed in this performance seraphim, and i said, come on, sasha, i ’ll leave too, i won’t be able to rehearse without you, but sasha told me, i ask you by christ, don’t do this, don’t do it, stay in the play, play this role, in general he turned out to be right, only we released
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the play, it was spring, suddenly goncherov announced that he would play sasha khludov, it was a huge success. and sasha played, at the end of the performance, when there was applause, armenian came out on stage with a huge bouquet of scarlet gladiollos and presented them to sasha, it was miracles, it was, could, could be beautiful do, they were on very good terms all their lives, they treated each other wonderfully and appreciated each other as two very... talented people, put on, let’s remember another favorite picture, put on with you in the leading role, guskov, this is the last time for me... i ask why you came home after 11 pm yesterday, but you don’t tell me that you had a meeting, we have two children, did you
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get a woman, aren’t you ashamed, why are you silent, why are you silent, don't you have anything to say, lord, she's crazy, well, i certainly. i know that after all these worries with the children, after this hard labor at home, i’m not as pretty as i was before, but it ’s not my fault, but these are your children, these are our children, really, well, when will you become study when you sit down for your lessons, my reasonable one, except you alone, i have no one, never had and never will, i love you alone, please calm down, you know,
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now you’ve watched this excerpt, i remember and bow before the war, when we had a meeting with you, we held it. he came, he could no longer walk, they brought him in a wheelchair, yet he came to my show to say a few good warm words, this will last a lifetime, i was shocked, because it’s very difficult to get a healthy artist out, to go say something or where - to come, after all, this is all a problem, and he is so sick... he couldn’t even walk and he came , put on a picture, we shot sulizanovo together, the heavens are inhabited, yes, yes, i remember how - svetka came running, we are on a locomotive, there
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we are flying under the clouds, under the heavens, and she came running and cried, what, what are you doing, everything that’s not true, you’re going the wrong way, what did you have there, yes, yes, yes, i stopped you so the train wouldn’t get off. you also knew him all your life, yes, yes, from your youth, shuri shirin, of course, he is absolutely amazing, he is an extraordinary
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person, of course, with wit, he is very kind, which rarely happens in people, then some incredible lightness, humor , smart, not vulgar, yes, and very so sometimes, on some, it would seem, just about, on some edge, i will never forget how we were at the evening, and he came out, but this is completely it was recently verochka vasilyeva and he were there, they came out together, he talked, talked, talked, verochka vasilyeva was standing there, he said: vera, tell me to say one word, otherwise he will think that you are senile.
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you're lying, you're lying all the time, i'm lying, toptygin, it's clear, well, repeat, i'm toptygin, you won't repeat it, why will i repeat, i'm toptygin, that's it, she left the house because of you, at least keep this in mind. that’s why you don’t really like this film, it’s not that i don’t like this film, i watched it
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once and said: sasha, i’ve had enough, and then, when i watched this film later a lot of time and watched it often and now continue to watch it, when it is shown on television, i see what a brilliant fantastic acting they have, very subtle, so i would say, such as french cinema, and what’s surprising is that they played it like that, it anya and sasha, they played like that, it was 1968. year of birth, shurik was just one year old, our son was one year old, the film came out, it was just the year when actors in our cinema had never acted like that, put it, i talked about the seas and coral, i eat i dreamed of soup, turtles, i stepped onto the ship, and the boat turned out to be from yesterday's newspaper
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, i stepped onto the ship, and the boat turned out to be from yesterday's newspaper, then one winter comes, then another, and snowstorms howl outside the window, only in cages parrots say, in the forest they forget their language, we started with this with you, well, with fidelity, with constancy, with this amazing quality of yours with which you live your whole life, and today it’s just some kind of almost relict, it’s already found it’s becoming less and less common in people, is it inherited, i’m already, let’s talk about in this case, please, create the same relict tree.
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on saturday, after graduation, you are flying to italy, and i am finishing my business here and will join you, if only i knew where to lose... dad, dad, little darling, if only i knew where the treasure is, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so, from now on, in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days,
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that’s not enough, life. does not provide any information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, the fate of a person, the fate of svetlana nemalyaeva, i might not have known you, well, i personally was lucky svetlana vladimirovna, thanks to my profession, i might... not know alexander sergeevich, but i was also lucky thanks to my profession, i once took from him interview, we walked along tver boulevard with him, i filmed him for one of my reports, but even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, but because it seems to me that he absorbed everything from you, just listen to how he talks about you, put
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put on a piece of our conversation with alexander alexandrovich lazar, here in this studio. by temperament they were completely different people, but at the same time they were one, absolutely, it was at times very funny, touching to watch, because mom was always going somewhere, dad was always at home. “well, why , well, where, well, no, well, no, well, let’s sit at home, well, it’s good to be at home, no, i’ll go, don’t go, no, why, well, after the performance, mom and dad came, well, so to speak, relaxed, take off your clothes, everything is the same as the father in ropes sits in a t-shirt, mom is there too, in hell , after dinner, she washes the dishes there, tired from the performances, so tired, and alina comes in and finds them like that, in these words..." that the father looks at the mother, and so svetka says, what a beauty you are. , for me, for example, this is just a gift of fate, here is shurka, he was a very complex child, he was
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an even more complex young man when he graduated from school and was a student at the university, now this is something, this is just some kind of happiness, you know ?and i would like any woman, anyone a mother would wish to have such a son or such a daughter, such caring and such an attitude like him, i don’t know how it happened, he was very complex, small, it was just frying pans flying and these spoons, oh, there were scandals, he was uncontrollable, he was very temperamental, but... if you see him on stage, in his best roles, in which he played the royal games, and figaro, and, you know, now he’s playing blackness on the run, absolutely luxuriously, here, but you can see what kind of temperament
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the child was born with, therefore, and my mother, my mother was an interesting, such a very peculiar woman, she said when we shouted at him, cursed and were indignant, she... told me here, well , you have a personality, that you are yelling at him, stop it, sasha and his wife, at first, in the first years, lived together with you, i, for example, immediately when shura came, holding alinka’s hand, i said, here’s mom, i ’m marrying this girl, i said, i’m very i'm glad, god, what happiness, now i'll finally be free from you, she'll keep an eye on you, you, and this and this... and this, you know, these were prophetic happy words for me, because she became a daughter for me, she became a daughter for me, my beloved, and she remains so now, she is absolutely dear to me and darling, this is my happiness, because all my
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friends around, who were mine, they are not in such a relationship with their daughters-in-law, if we say that we got used to each other, like everyone else, when they lived with us, they have something like the youth in us.
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you know that, bor, i will tell you that, despite the fact that i was born in the grass advice, i don’t like to give advice, and i don’t give it, but i have to tell you that the only thing that can be very important in family life is to hear not only yourself, but also your loved one, here i have sasha, i’ll scream, to yell, i’m very hot-tempered, we quarrel, fight, half an hour passes, he, despite the fact that it was mostly always me who was to blame, he , like a man, like a noble gentleman , came up to me here, said, svetka, what are we
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doing? , i don’t even remember why we quarreled, let’s hug you, let's have mercy and not quarrel, this, this is very important, alexander alexandrovich, today the artistic director of the russian theater. these are completely different things, and i never thought that he had any directorial abilities, but this is what i saw for the first time in the funeral prayer, which he, by decision of the theater, restored, one of the best works of mark zakharov, and restored scrupulously, absolutely on point with the score, but he breathed into the actors, into everyone, this whole... life of this entire wonderful work by grisha
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gorina, when i saw this, i was simply, simply amazed, i was shocked, i thought where, where did this come from, but it was a performance based on the score of mark zakharov, but when he staged his performance, he personally ran, already him himself, as a director, i you know, i was, but he is my son, i may not...
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a person has his own destiny, each person has his own path, each person has his own path, i don’t know how to say, something that can change this road, this path, this look, so i don’t know what you to say, thank you, svetlana, i heard today, really, a lot of this, what... i collected myself in my heart, thank you,
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thank you, thank you, good health to you, thank you, thank you, i thank you, thank you, fate man, fate is bright, i beg you. posters on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts, april 6. the exhibition the creation of the world is taking place at the andrei rublev museum of ancient russian culture. the theme of the exhibition was christian ideas about the creation of the world and man, reflected in religious art. among exhibits - icons, sketches of temple paintings, engravings, books, objects of decorative and applied art from museum and private collections. in the house of music, rachmaninov's second concert and scriabin's third symphony. will be performed by the national philharmonic orchestra
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of russia, soloist ekaterina mechetina, conductor vladimir spevakov. for the bicentenary of the birth of anton bruckner, the theater has a new opera, a concert with the participation of soloists, the choir and orchestra of the theater, conducted by fyodor lednev. premiere on the small stage of the chekhov moscow art theater the play hunger, staged by elizaveta bondar based on the novel by knut hamsun. starring sergei volkov, evgeniy perevalov, nikolai romanov, maria sokola. premiere at the bronnaya theater. sergei kolvarsky staged the play pig. dmitry skorikov, conductor eduard diadyura.
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the boris eifman ballet theater begins a tour of the tatar opera ballet theater named after musadzhali with the performance the pygmoleon effect to the music of johann strauss. the national theater presents the premiere of the original version of romeo and juliet based on shakespeare's tragedy karelia. the director of the play, maxim sokolov , moved the action from verona to the far north, and the characters in the production spoke different languages ​​- karelian, vepsian, finnish, tatar, mari and russian. at the komissarzhevskaya theater, the premiere of roman gabriya staged a performance based on the play by ivan sergeevich turgenev a month in the village in the role of natalia petrovna evgeniy igumny at the zurich opera house opera by roman haubensto. mother america, written in the early sixties of the last century based on the novel by franz kavka. premiere production by sebastian baumgarton, musical director gabriel feltz. we have never encountered such a score before; it differs from the traditional one. here, instead of notes, there are drawings of clouds, there are graphics that look like needle-shaped fields. and the composer also wrote
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a kind of grid for the performers, each instrument has its own of sixteen cells, and the musicians have the opportunity to perform. and combine blocks in any order, leaving empty fields for improvisation. in addition to soloists, the performance involves three orchestras, four percussion groups and four choir. we invited a team and a choreographer who specialize in street dancing and breakdancing. we also use complex spatial sound effects in the auditorium. i think that in the centenary year of the death of franz kavka, we present the most insane, exciting and impressive stage embodiment of his plot. the exhibition "voice of the forest" is being held in paris' petit paul, the theme of which is the work of theodore rousseau, the founder of the barbezon school, which united the first artists who painted in the open air. ruso made nature not only a theme his creativity, but also his refuge in life. according to wadler, he was a naturalist striving for the ideal and created a new school of french
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landscape painting in the mid-19th century. my planet tv channel presents. winnie the pooh received the first part of his name from the real toy christopher robbin, the son of the writer milne. the toy was named after a london zoo bear named winnipek, who came there from canada. the sun is slowly setting, the team is preparing for the night shift, the acoustician is closely watching instruments,
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it is almost impossible to find schools of aerial fish in the ocean without a sonar; the technology helps determine the exact fishing location. search for fish in the sea, his leg extends, the antenna is under the bottom, and it also looks, the antenna spins, so to speak, and it breaks through the schools of fish, we already then set a course for the school, set up either a trawl or a trap, that’s when there are eyes under water, this is very good, kalinovka discovered a large school of sai. work was in full swing on the bridge deck. while luck is smiling, you need to have time to set a trap and take it as soon as possible more fish. time after time, the fishermen lower and
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raise the heavy trap. the dog eric, as a full-fledged member of the team, takes an active part in the process. good! this is the moment for which you need to see the catching of saira, thousands of children in the light of a red spotlight jump out of the water, raising millions of splashes, there are several tons of prey here.
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fishing is unpredictable, so they say, to achieve success at it, you need to go to every city, saury is a cruel type of fishing, because every night has passed, in the morning all the cards are already there, someone caught it, someone didn’t caught, the fishermen’s salary directly depends on the catch, the more fish, the greater the reward, each successful shift also raises the morale of the team, cold, damp, fatigue, it’s all for nothing. if the holds are full, and the profession of fisherman will be needed, probably for many years to come, because it will be needed, damn it, and humanity will need fish, as they say,
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it has begun, the fishermen have a whole six months ahead, there is a sea, that means there are fish in the sea, there is always something being caught, every fisherman sooner or later thinks about the day when he will have to to go ashore without returning, someone drives these thoughts away, someone, on the contrary, wants to give up everything and live a normal life. “the sea will always mean separation between the fisherman and his family, for my grandchildren i would never wish
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him to go into the seas, it would be better if he sat somewhere in an office, in a warm place, where it doesn’t blow, the waves don’t rage, as they say , calmly, every day i was at home, with my family, with my children, this way of life and the romance of the ocean at first fascinates, then drags me in so much that..." to his young wife, waiting on the shore, we have yet to find out what the words “the sea doesn’t let go” mean, to be honest, i ’m not yet ready to agree that he will always go sailing for six months, otherwise no matter what kind of money he would actually earn, no , but this is his choice, that’s how he is my husband, well, first
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of all, a good friend, i don’t respect his choice, if you want to be a sailor, then you will be a sailor, the fish in vladivostok is always rich. kalinovka goes into the vast expanses in search of successful fishing. every day ships will be similar at the same time not similar to the other. the monotonous landscapes of the pacific ocean will more than once be replaced by a riot of colors of light fishing and stormy skies. until spring, this team will not return to their native shore; the fishermen will continue to do their difficult, dangerous work at the end of the world, where waves and harsh seas reign.
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my planet tv channel presents. the french king charles 9 was also an entertainer. he invited the most skilled pickpockets to his balls and... let them pull out wallets and remove jewelry from the merry guests, the king allowed the scammers keep everything they managed to steal, we forded this river, just like that, smart girl, smart girl, well done, my bullet, on the way to five. pavel himself asked the bysthalan how often and for how long he personally meditates, and the master surprised him once again. he personally
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sometimes goes into meditation for as long as 40 days, as long as 40 days, i ask, what does that look like? i ’m sitting, he says, solitude, in my little room, no one bothers me, a man comes, he puts down a plate of food, he leaves, and god forbid someone asks something there, he’s in his own thoughts, he is in shock. perhaps, on these very five fingers, pavel will be able to plunge into this very state of the astral plane, even for a second. diary of pavel kulikov. taban khurgan translated from buryat means five fingers. a place with a special energy that is perfectly conducive to meditation. by the way, it is thanks to meditation that i got into my routine. the life of buddhist monks included wushu. one lama sat in the lotus position in meditation for 9 years. naturally, during this time his
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legs became pretty numb. he had to learn to walk again. then he told his disciples that spiritual practices must be combined with physical practices as the latter, and wushu was chosen. in the same way, paul and beishalan combine physical practices with spiritual ones. first they rode a couple of kilometers on horseback, now they will meditate. okay, come over there and sit down. sit in lotus position. what beauty is here, master, there is space ahead of you, infinity ahead of you, sit with your eyes straight, your back straight, mentally receive energy from this area and dissolve in it. the main task is to dissolve, the main task is to throw everything away
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thoughts out of your head, try not to think about anything. but i’ll tell you, if you haven’t tried this, it’s very difficult, for a second you catch yourself, yeah, i threw out all my thoughts, but you understand perfectly well, if you caught yourself with this thought, then it has already come, probably, you still need to learn this, still attend, devote more time to it, after meditating on...
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give the basics of martial art, well, i trust you, thank you, thank you, master, he didn’t just allow me to conduct a training session, he also gave me the vestments of the lamas' students, that is, i i can consider myself a full-fledged student of the lamas. the wushu greeting looks like this: right
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fist, left palm, repeat. well , i felt a big buzz, i felt it, i just got high, i thought it was not in vain that i came here, probably a person who doesn’t trust his student, well, let’s call me that for now, would never trust children to train, here he is , probably, he saw someone in me, maybe himself in his youth. hands on the belt, elbows slide along the body, and do it slowly, the blow is called changsuan, translated from chinese as long fist, ready, let's try, and once.
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oh, you can’t imagine, i ’m overwhelmed with emotions, i’m the first person to train near datsan, in the so-called buryat shaulinsky monastery. i guess you can say my dream has come true, this is something amazing, next to me is the lama who... you, who raised me for so long, and i can even say happy. and i’ll tell you this, it’s even cooler than films with jackie chann, it’s a feeling that
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i’ve been missing in my life. usho is not just swinging your legs, but usho is deep wisdom understanding of life in general. and if i can convey it. the children i coach, my children, i will be very happy.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the studio andrey shevtsov, there buvorsky has already broken through in two places, in the zone of possible flooding of almost 11 thousand people, mass evacuation is underway, rescuers are working in the southern donetsk direction. the ukrainian armed forces received hail. in the kherson region , a boat on which militants tried to cross the dnieper was destroyed. the hatches are closed, everything is ready to undocking from the stations. today to the ground
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the international crew of the soyuz-24 ship returns. the mass evacuation in orsk broke the dam and water began gushing out. authorities are warning the entire sector. the old city is in danger; for safety reasons , electricity and gas have been turned off, the ministry of emergency situations is urgently building up a group there with details murat zaripov. one after another, multi-ton dump trucks transport rock, which the loader then dumps into the water to seal the gap in the embankment dam on the ural river. water poured into the city, from here, breaking through the barrier with strong pressure, a little later another ravine was discovered. there has been a breakthrough, now technology. works, and people work, equipment is brought in in order to carry out restoration work on the house, restore the flow - this is the first task. water quickly filled the lowlands and rushed into
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the residential sector. more than 4,000 houses and almost 11,000 people were in the possible flooding zone. this is the entire area of ​​the old city. the dam in the old city broke and all residents of the old city evacuated. the streets are busy even at night. people are in a hurry to leave dangerous zone, in one of the city squares there is a line of buses, they can be used to get to temporary accommodation points. a reinforced group of emercom forces is working in orsk to help the locals. the rescuers have received their colleagues from moscow and the perm region, they are examining the already flooded streets in search of those who have not yet left, sometimes people have to be carried out, as one of the police had to do, who rescued a disabled person from a house going under water, and also helped his mother. there are two streets behind me, which quickly turned out to be flooded, the ural river is rising very quickly, a current has even formed here, and by morning the water will probably capture several more.
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murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, demfir abzalov, conduct orenburg region, orsk. a state of emergency was declared in two districts of the samara region; sudden warming led to rising water in rivers, 600 residential buildings and 1,500 household plots were flooded. the situation is abnormal, according to the regional emergency services service. this happened 35 years ago. rescuers not only evacuate people, but also deliver them to flooded houses, check farming and pets. food and water are brought to those who refused to leave their homes by boat. in the pendensky region , more than a hundred household plots were under water, three bridges were washed away, they are planning to restore them in the near future. however, rain is approaching the region, which could worsen the flood situation. a massive blow to the arsenals and factories of the nationalists was inflicted that night, numerous explosions occurred in kharkov, and an ammunition depot there was liquidated. drones approached targets. in
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several stages. it is also known about explosions in khmelnitsky region, ochakov, nikolaev region. previously, there were reports of the destruction of ukrainian armed forces facilities in odessa. the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units was successfully disrupted in two directions of the special operation at once. grad installation crews worked at the yuzhnodonetsk site. objective control data.
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israel is not complying with the recently adopted resolution for an immediate ceasefire, so it is necessary to agree on the introduction of an arms embargo and other sanctions against it. the permanent representative of our country stated this at a meeting of the un council. vasily nebendya. our diplomat emphasized that the guns must fall silent immediately; without this , it is impossible to prevent a humanitarian and mass apocalypse.
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numerous demonstrations took place in many countries, including iran, pakistan, iraq and the uk. today , the international crew of the soyuz-24 spacecraft, our oleg novitsky, the representative of belarus marina vasilevskaya, and nasa astronaut laurel akhara, are returning to earth to land on the territory of kazakhstan near the city of zheskazgan. now the hatches between the ship and... the small one are already closed research module dawn of the russian segment of the iss. at about 7 a.m., the soyuz will undock from the station, 3 hours later, after which the descent vehicle will enter the dense layers of the atmosphere and will spend another 25 minutes landing. a fundraiser has been announced to help six-year-old danis fatkhulin from surgut. the boy was born with a rare genetic disease, he has breathing problems, developmental delays and movement disorders. recently, a child suffered a very difficult illness. danis
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is awaiting a year-long rehabilitation, which requires more than a million rubles, that kind of money his parents don’t, but anyone can help the boy, to do this you need to send an sms with the word danis to number 3443 and indicate the donation amount separated by a space, it is also important to confirm the transfer. our news is always available on... ru see you. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where
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everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. it’s a pity that we don’t have enough courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my
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husband, i’m from alone, andrey chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, and there’s a fire, my whole life was wasted. good morning everyone, good saturday morning, today is the sixth of april, a cheerful start
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to the day is ahead, the weekend is ahead, together with you we meet them and vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, well, why actually sit in the studio, let's go straight to the open -air museum, not far from irkutsk, this... all its exhibits are created from what turned out to be at the training ground, almost 10 years ago, enthusiast alexander rastarguev created his first a sculpture made from trash, and now visitors are greeted by a detachment of medieval knights on horseback, a group of fellow terminators, who also don’t let you relax for a minute, and also dragons, cars, transforming robots up to 7 m tall. well, you can look into the future april 18th. when the science fiction film 100 years ahead based on the story of the same name by the soviet science fiction writer kilychev will be released on wide screens. visitors to the russia exhibition were the first to see this film. i would like to watch a new film, but i would still like to watch my own movie. and this wish
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will come true. welcome to the birthday of our cinematic universe, which cannot be confused with any other. moscow. moscow. october, yeah, who knows, maybe this is what our capital will look like in 2124, and so far, in order to take the viewer 100 years into the future, the creators of the new science fiction cinema used the most modern technologies and equipment, we filmed it on a blue screen, on a green screen, on led screens, on controlled led screens, on programmable led screens, in russian light, a milestone cinema in the russian film industry, namely the new russian one. the legendary story of the girl from the future, alisa selezneva, will sparkle with completely new colors. according to the script, she, however, like all schoolchildren’s heroes, became a little older. teenage problems, busy parents. didn't understand? yes, and first love is on the horizon, plus strict teachers.
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it seems that some things will not change in 100 years. alice, can you tell me what you do? by the way, the leading lady, dasha vereshchagina, has definitely been playing since early childhood. did you know what you wanted to do, act in films, and even in what role? there was a moment when my grandmother and i were sitting, watching tv, watching, and i told her, grannies, i also want to play alisa selizneva, and i will play her, well, my grandmother said that this was impossible, because alisa seleznyova had already been played, but we definitely haven’t seen such an alice yet, so many modern high school students recognize the image of kolya gerasimov, because, as actor mark edelstein assures, he remembers his turbulent school years very well, so ... playing himself, the masters told us: guys, why are you making this up, everything was already in the theater, you were not there, in short, in gerasimka field, in principle, everything was, i was not there. now there is, and there is a new family science fiction movie telling about what time has no power over, and the most evil
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space pirates, everywhere, at any time, anywhere in the universe, is relationships with loved ones, this is the only thing that worries every person, and maybe in the future, mm alien too. in short, you understand, in 2024 the calculation of a new era will begin, when we, in general, when we become part of the star federation. wait for now, of course, i’m waiting madly, but first, the premiere, attention, start to the future is scheduled for april 18 in all cinemas in the country. we'll wait for the premiere 100 years ago, well, this weekend we can go to the cinema, to a family musical fairy tale, to a flying ship. or enjoy the cherry blossoms. you can see trees in delicate pink colors in russia, for example, in kaliningrad, and admire them. with them, and completely free of charge, against the backdrop of ships, a whole festival is taking place in crimea, where they will teach you
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how to properly contemplate beauty, brew tea, compose a wither, those who are now in sochi are lucky, the local arboretum has the richest collection of japanese pine trees in russia, in in krasnodar you can take a photo against the backdrop of plum blossoms, no worse, sakura too beautiful, accurate, gardens and vegetable gardens after a long winter require special care, from competently carried out... work, it depends on how productive the coming season will be, and how lush the plot will be. your colleague our co-host, svetlana abramova, will tell you where to start. listen, this is what real spring sounds like, a kind of alarm clock for a gardener. it's time to open the summer season and prepare the site for the long-awaited summer. you need to do everything and not miss anything. svetlana, good morning. hello, ekaterina. yes i i’m determined to start the dacha season,
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of course, you can help, we can’t do without help here, those who, after a long winter , are driving through their six acres will not let you lie, there’s really a lot of work, and it’s best to start with cleaning up the garbage and leaves left over from the fall , fallen branches, mulch of everything that prevents you from breathing deeply. as a rule, gardeners begin work in the garden by pruning trees, primarily fruit trees. yes, winter has not been kind to my favorite apple tree. we 'll look at it now, remove all the broken branches, dry ones, thickening the crown so that our apple tree gains strength, blooms and bears fruit more actively this year. moreover, this must be done before the sap begins to move, so that the cuts heal faster and the plant does not experience severe stress. in the middle zone, the garden is pruned, as a rule, from the second half of march to mid- april. it is important that the air temperature does not drop. below -5°, in which case it is better to choose a clear day, without precipitation and sharp
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cold in the forecast. it seems we were right. how do we prune, should we leave the stump? no, we are by no means a stump leave it, make a cut into a ring. at the very base of the branch, where the tissue is actively regenerating, so the cut heals faster. it’s worth taming last year’s shoots so that the crown becomes more compact. but under no circumstances should we touch the flower buds, which should provide us with a harvest this season. how could this be possible, and this is for advanced summer residents, i’m here on the stairs, no matter what the tools are, the main thing is to know when to stop and not cut off too much, no more than 30% of the crown, so as not to harm our apple tree, ekaterina, what to do here, look, there is already quite serious damage here, well, a brush won’t help here, a saw will help us here, so radically, sawing, unfortunately, won’t help this apple tree. we need a healthy garden, a healthy plant, nothing else, but in fact the tree
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is infected with a fungus, so deeply that the lower branches are already beginning to dry out, leaving it is pointless, so we cut it, we don’t regret it, it’s worth paying attention to the bushes, they also need inspection, similar pruning and treatment against pests that managed to hide in the cracks of the bark and under the scales of the buds, preparations based on vazil are perfect for combating them... and approximately how many liters are needed per bush? for one bush we use about a liter and a half of working solution, for one tree 2-3 liters. we carefully cover the entire surface of the plant with the composition so that wintering insects are certainly destroyed. the health of the garden equally depends on the work that was done in the fall. it’s so good that i tied mine up in the fall, look how well it overwintered, the snow didn’t damage it. i can only praise you, now we need to untie it, uh-huh, so that it
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can straighten out, and we can see if there is anything broken? and other plants that are not resistant to frost are best removed gradually. first, we open a small hole for ventilation so that our plant gradually gets used to the spring sun. why can't you just take it off right away? because our soil is frozen, the roots don’t work, they don’t function. since the growing season in the leaves is already happening, if we immediately remove the cover, then we can get a sunburn on the plant, the cover is completely removed when the ground it will warm up to 15-20 cm in depth, however , you can help it with this too. how much snow has fallen this year, i haven’t seen such subrobes in moscow for a long time, but it’s only
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beneficial for us gardeners, the soil is saturated with moisture and the plants will just... we’ll fix it, in a closed greenhouse the soil dries out a lot, the snow in this case kills two birds with one stone, it not only revitalizes the soil, but helps seedlings develop faster, because melt water has a much more beneficial effect on them than tap water. snow the main thing is to distribute it evenly, yeah, in a thin layer, no more than 30 cm, otherwise it’s soil.
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will not be able to get those microelements from the fertilizer that are necessary, but we can’t give them back, we need to quickly refresh ourselves, so help yourself, thank you for the good work, astronomers have already done a good job, they were the first to discover a super-earth with an eternal day side, it’s called tidal capture, when one hemisphere is always facing the parent star, scientists have already managed to calculate the surface temperature, determine that...
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observe your mood, how this cosmic energy influences us, for some it will influence just an increase in mood, a desire to do something urgently and get results, while others may, on the contrary , feel some kind of strong pressure from others, maybe a state of depression or melancholy appears, so you need
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to watch, monitor your mood, if the mood is just to rush into battle,
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well, in general, yes, or wait, well, it all depends on the context and, as i say, on the specific card of its forecast, but how i said intuition after all, it’s very powerful now, if at the beginning of the week, when we have an eclipse and 2 days after it, it’s worth hiding, as you said, and then, when the eclipse has passed, because its effect will still continue, what to do in the second half of the week, here this is just a good time to start some kind of start, yes, aries gives us a lot of energy, it’s amazing.
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when we judge the nature of the period by the characteristics of the sign. aries is generally not about mercy, not about friendliness, not about peacefulness. this is a real warrior, yes, he demands in order for everyone to follow him, everyone recognized him as a leader, in fact, all his ideas were recognized as the only important ones. therefore, here i am, the ego, now is the brightest, now is the most sounding, therefore this is the time.
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the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on the russia channel, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, it's alla, al, al, hello, hello, alla, hello, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who gave the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday at 21:20, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you’re good, he loves to grab a jacket there, or so, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready
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to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry , he says everything: guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, today at 11:50 on the russia channel. and then eternal youth. i love you with my soul. i won’t marry a gray-haired man like that without a tooth. and i want old. be as good as before, she will move right away. after all, you can’t be reborn. something is possible, but he doesn’t tell him. a can they? stories about drugs for rejuvenation. in a few minutes, kalinon belek is a place where time stands still,
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immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance. and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, happy birthday to you,
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blow out, today after graduation you are flying to italy, and i am finishing my business here and joining you, if only you knew where you will lose, dad, dad, little werewolf, if only i knew where you could find it, i have a business proposal for you, you? flowers from fans, did you really love him, mom, from now on , in more detail, come with me, i can help you to provide, i want to provide for you, we ’ve only known each other for a few days, that’s enough for me, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is today on rtr.
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kombucha will help you lose extra pounds; regular consumption of a drink made from the japanese kambucho mushroom has no worse effect on the body than intermittent fasting. researchers from south carolina have found that this can be used to reprogram fat metabolism. and chinese scientists advise everyone urgently losing weight by summer to pay attention to chocolate, cocoa, rich in theobramine, and this relative of caffeine promotes breakdown. in the body, but the coffee itself, apparently, will now have to be drunk less often, exchange prices for the rabusta variety have reached a historical maximum, arabica is also rapidly becoming more expensive, but you can approach the issue of being slim from the other side, finally take up fitness and not on monday, right now on saturday, well-known wealthy people set an example; anna aksyonova looked into their private rooms. good morning, what do you think is the most important thing to do in the spring, the main goal, task. for many
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it is to lose weight by summer, as the industry has calculated fitness clubs, right now there is the greatest demand for gym memberships, in the fall the treadmills are suddenly empty, it’s understandable that it’s too early to lose weight by the new year, we know that sports and healthy eating should be on a regular basis, but still , if you really need it for the summer, let's see how celebrities are preparing for the hot season, after a whole series of weeks you... you can breathe out of fashion - says irina shayk happily devolves her favorite chicken nuggets and burgers, but how beauty depends on good mood - says the model, then you can prepare for the summer, he admits that during classes he pays attention to photogenic places and does not do abdominal exercises. you can always pull in your stomach, says irina. running and pilates boxing also help a lot. you can’t get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say: i look cool, you can relax,
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you need to strive for the best. model, so even in a bad mood she goes to the gym, and apparently, it works. sometimes after a hard day at work i want to skip class, but i tell myself to just get up and go to school. gym, the workout will take only one hour, says jennifer lopez. it would seem, where else would there be training after she gives all she can at rehearsals on stage. but no, jen works out with three trainers at once, does a lot of exercises for strength and endurance and... then posts these photos in swimsuits that girls 30 years younger than her might envy. in general, this regime is clearly not for everyone, even before summer. either it’s about having fun, without stress, you’re running past the sports ground, since you pulled yourself up on the horizontal bar, or i just hung there, or sat on the exercise machine like nicole kidman, and it doesn’t matter that the paporations are right there, it doesn’t bother me at all. nicole is confident.
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that you don’t need to try too hard before summer, you need to do something for your body every day, says the actress, jogging, yoga, cycling, the main thing is not to sit still, fifty-six-year-old kidman is sure, she remembers the bikini season and cindy crawford, although on the wave of a new popularity, it seems that her summer never ends, you need to be in shape all the time, remember her famous complex exercises, the model considers it to be relevant to this day and admits that she often... uses it in her home gym, and in order not to get bored, she constantly alternates types of workouts, today squats and push-ups, tomorrow you can run or just walk and be sure to start the day with smoothies, well, we know, this is their hobby, the smoothie should contain spinach, banana, almond milk, protein powder, cocoa and mint leaves, and if you have a busy schedule, full of work, husband, children,
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cooking, what kind of gyms are there? yoga smoothies, should i just stop eating and lose weight? “no way,” says bella hadit, the model recently returned to work to the delight of her fans, in a new photo shoot she tried on a soft lilac swimsuit, in general, there’s clearly nothing to complain about, what’s the secret? bella assures that she adheres to a healthy diet, but she doesn’t have a clear training schedule, if you find the time, give it your all, says hadit, if after the workout you can still do something, then it was wasted. sony doesn't have victoria starchy foods, pasta, legumes, dairy products, sugar and carbonated drinks are prohibited, which may be why for many years vika’s weight does not exceed 50 kg. in addition, she plays
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sports every day. do you still have the strength and desire to enjoy summer? question. that's all for today, see you on saturday and chat. and right now we find out that scientists have identified factors that will help... prolong youth, one of them is darkness. artificial light and gadgets , on the contrary, supposedly add wrinkles to us. at what age do we begin to grow old, when it is time to urgently take care of ourselves. according to the most extreme hypothesis, this unpleasant story begins right from the moment of birth. another option is more loyal, youth lasts up to 45 years, and vision begins when a person develops the first age-related disease. but that’s when people start thinking about rejuvenation. at the age of 20, we will talk about solving this problem right now in the studio, dermatologist, cosmetologist from the medical academy of presidential administration evgeniy konnikov, hello, hello, hello, dentists and dentists too, cosmetologists
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take credit for the fact that people now look younger than their parents and parents, parents at their age, young, we of course give ourselves... of course, because cosmetology in recent years has really stepped far forward and actually works miracles, but this is also a merit of the image, of course, but to be honest, if you take a person and take a photo of him like 40-50 years ago and dress him the same way, give or take we will look similar, in in most cases, this is a craze for creams there, for example, among young girls and they say: it doesn’t help me, because at the age of 20 you shouldn’t use a cream for those over 40, here’s how to choose the right care, what to pay attention to, and is it really important to respect age when choosing skincare products? of course, it’s not just
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like that, on the boxes and jars they write 45 plus, 35 plus and so on, each has its own time, so when girls want something like that, they may get these components with nourishing... cream or serum, but they don’t really see the effect, because everything is already good, as you can see and how you can fix what is not there, the main thing is to make it worse, absolutely true, but you can ruin it, because some drugs , or rather , the active ingredients that are included in the composition can cause allergic reactions, can cause unnecessary swelling on a young face, for example, and can irritate the skin, because there are products with retinol, for example, high concentrations, which do not by the way, they are suitable for every type of young skin, so here you need... of course, consult a specialist, i knew one older lady, by the way, a doctor, who exclusively washed her face with baby soap and used baby cream , she looked great, can this work or is that all -is it genetics? oh, it’s still genetics,
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because there will always be people who will say: i wash my face with running water, i sunbathe as much as i want, i wash my face with baby soap or dictary soap, everything is fine with me, so of course this is the same... as with men same, who have thick skin, this was all just taken into account by us, but often men really don’t use anything, only when their spouse or someone is there, and then the jar of their cream quickly melts before our eyes, because there was no other, or an expired tube of some kind, but you can use this technique or , in addition to the cream, for...
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trust, you can ask in advance, yes, about the devices, the doctor, of course, should know what year the device was manufactured, what generation the device is modern or not and so on? you would trust reviews, well, depending on whose,
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word of mouth, it seems to me, works best, well, this is my personal opinion, thank you, thank you, the secrets of youth were revealed to us by the associate professor of the department of dermatovenereology and cosmetology of the central state medical academy of presidential administration evgeniy konikova, and who is this? my name is alice, guests from the future, a guest from the past, how could it possibly be? turn out to be space pirates, i love children, they will meet again, i wanted to propose marriage to you , an interesting proposal, well, maybe some other way is possible, 100 years ago, any interference in time can lead to this, soon, my joy lives in a high mansion, in that high mansion, no one can enter, the intercom is jammed. hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she
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chased him for two blocks, he left and started to bite him, when a kamaz rushes towards you, sciatica and chromate disappear somewhere, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today at 2:00 p.m.: 50 on the russia channel. new nurseries for bear cubs have opened in primorye. created a cheerful commotion at the rare animal rehabilitation center this cheerful company. small himalayan bears, they tirelessly climb trees and run along the paths of the park. the babies, alas, were left without a mother, now veterinarians are taking care of them, their most important task is to preserve and develop animal instincts, to prepare predators for independent life in the forest, so hugging in a bear nursery is strictly prohibited, but it is incredibly difficult to resist, of course, the bears themselves they reach out to people, asking for handcuffs, they’re so good, there’s still a special one left to open. nursery for avid lovers computer games to accustom them to
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the real and not the virtual world. a new hobby for gamers is making videos about what popular computer games might look like in everyday life. but let's appreciate an unusual hobby. do you know that you haven’t left your room for 24 hours? i bought you tickets to the amusement park so that you can finally feel real life, not virtual life. these gamers, interesting people, came up with a mountain. they sit at home with their smart devices, their glasses replace the racing track and the impenetrable jungle, but outside the window there is the same landscape, only a real one, and some virtual reality lovers have finally realized this. playing in real life is a trend that always gains millions of views on the internet, because organizing the filming of such a video is not so easy, you need to choose the right one... appropriate props, then repeat all the tricks that the character
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in the game does, and this is for you do not press buttons on the joystick. arcade and adventure games are perhaps the most popular type of games that people try to play in real life. these guys we transferred popular mobile games to the street, and it turned out even more interesting than on the phone. it turns out that chopping fruit with a sword is not an easy task. i'm ready. wow, so, well, we warmed up on the street, moved around, strengthened our muscles, now it’s time to pump up our brains, puzzles and other board games, it turns out, are also better to play in real life, this way you can completely immerse yourself in the plot of the game and, for example , feel like a prominent businessman. internet craftsmen do what cannot be recreated in real life with your own hands. this guy, for example, made a good old pac-man out of cardboard,
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and let’s not forget about our little brothers, a hamster or a cat probably also wants to play the legendary mario. in general, throw away your gadgets and go outside, it’s much more interesting there and don’t forget, in such games you won’t be able to control other players in reality, so get ready. bottom, well, who beats like that, no, if you want to do well, do this very thing, then the best breakfast, i love eggs benedict and hate them in all other forms, let's prepare this dish correctly, wait for our movie recipe in a couple of minutes. rest
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is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic luxury collection titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment is
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exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy. exquisite dishes from the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your relaxation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellec - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, the phone rings, you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello,
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reluctance , therefore, store and restaurant dishes are increasingly finding their way onto our tables, and at least 6% of respondents are engaged in such a cute gastronomic scam, passing off plucking food as their culinary products. most often this is done with salads, cereals, pancakes, cheesecakes and main courses. less often they call theirs sandwiches, rolls and pizza. the main motive of culinary deceivers is to get something delicious on the table...
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a confused woman, insecure, you are so confused that you don’t even know in what form you like eggs, with a priest you loved bastard eggs, with a musician you loved fried eggs, with a bug catcher you’ll send eggs when there are so many around options, it’s difficult to make a choice, the heroine of the film, along with her new fiancé, had a new favorite recipe for an egg dish, until she realized what she really wanted and what she loved, i love eggs benedict and hate them all other types, strange. the name of the dish, and not even all the chefs know where it came from, i don’t know, somehow egg benedict, probably some kind of monk, well, in our country, well, it’s true that there were monks, benedictians, benedictians, like they, the benedictians, the order
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of benedict, oh, you got out of it, as according to legend , eggs benedict appeared thanks to an american broker named benedict, in fact, one day he, suffering from a hangover, wandered into a cafe and asked to cook something hearty but light . yes, it’s a little more complicated than hatching an egg. why are we begin? and we always start with the sauce, because everything else cooks very quickly. for the hollandaise sauce, melt the butter. when it is ready, pour it into a separate container through a spoon, get rid of the unnecessary film, set the water to warm up, and in the meantime separate the white from the yolk. the yolk must be beaten. circular motion, from side to side. here is a circular motion from side to side, beating the yolks, they should turn slightly white and increase in volume, they have already turned slightly white, and the main thing is that they have already turned slightly white my hand, we send the beaten yolk of salt to a water bath, brew it, pour melted butter into it finely, don’t forget to stir and add another
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piece of butter, low-fat, and well, in general, it’s like all french cuisine. the sauce needs to be peppered, pour the juice of one lemon slice into it, remove from heat, leave on the table, you need the sauce to thicken, move on to preparing the poached egg, heat the water to about 80. it all ended up in a bowl, and if we sent this egg so without processing it cook as an egg, then this
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entire liquid part will turn into foam, flakes, feathers, in general it will ruin everything, we wait until the water is almost boiling, we begin to twist the funnel, we send the yolk to the center of the funnel, we continue rotation, the remaining white should seem wrap around the yolk, this usually takes about three or four minutes, but today something went wrong. not like that, listen, otherwise it won’t work out, now, in my opinion, he’s gotten really dirty and left altogether, a runaway cook, a new film on the russia channel, in general, if you also didn’t get everything right the first time, don’t be upset, maybe the eggs were simply stored incorrectly in the store, if i were in the place of the heroine of this film, after such a dish, i would definitely have you, i mean, what about you? before trying, you need to finish the dish: grease the slices of bread with butter and
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lightly fry. and i always try to use more than just hollandaise sauce, but add some other bright and interesting ones. i recommend using makheev mustard mayonnaise, its taste is a little unusual, at the same time spicy and sweet, with a slight sourness. this mayonnaise will be a spicy addition. for our dish, it’s original, let’s try it, come on, squeeze the mayonnaise onto the bread, put thinly sliced ​​avocado on top, green jerky, the cherry on this sandwich is our long-suffering shot egg, pour hollandaise sauce on top and try, we’re having a marriage of benedict’s combination today and the person, well, you say, well, it’s just such a film, i wanted to feel like a bride too, well then run, wait, come on though. let's try, mm, this is absolutely fantastic
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delicious, cool, it’s not in vain that we tried with you, but still i want to tell you that it’s easier to choose your favorite dish than the groom, so i don’t know, so i’m sorry, but run, run, run, we have something to do here, sorry, i ’ll run, okay, good morning to you and bon appetit... guys never need to play with cars, i saved several models myself, i still don’t dare throw it away, but just with age the hobby reaches a new level, each of these brutal men spent on their hobby 1. dollars is unlikely stop at this, all the cars in sandboxes for adults function exactly like real construction equipment, only the load capacity is an order of magnitude smaller, and the drivers in the cab are no longer like...
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tchaikovsky, namely tea, coffee, a candy cane, and why is he asking now? , what is it, what is it, because, as you remember, they come to confürenburg, mori and the nutcracker, from there, tea, coffee and candy cane, so now some classics on the russia channel, let's go.
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next saturday we will wait for new ones musical surprises, bye, get dressed, well done, premiere on the russia channel. vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space. i need official registration. she will arrange it for us again. what to do? stop, stop, stop! go! they ate my child,
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and the taxi. from monday at 21:20. tomorrow. i wrote in posts all year, i will still go to malakhov, i will still go. they didn’t believe me, everyone laughed at me, i’m standing here, it’s so good, i have a feeling of such comfort, kindness, songs from the bottom of my heart, evening show by andrei malakhov, tomorrow at 17:50, what color will fashionistas and fashionistas choose this spring, and how many shades it has, after the news we will continue our morning. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsi studio. the dam in orsk has already broken in two
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places; in the zone of possible flooding, almost 10 thousand people are undergoing mass evacuation, and a rescuer is working. in the southern donetsk direction, the ukrainian armed forces fired hail. the boat on which the militants tried to cross the dnieper was destroyed. the hatches are closed, everything is ready for undocking from the station. today the international crew of the soyuz-24 ship returns to earth. the mass evacuation in orsk broke a dam, drowning about 600 houses on nine streets. the authorities warned the entire residential sector of the old city to come. time will be under water. for security reasons , electricity and gas have been turned off, the ministry of emergency situations is urgently building up the group, and forces have been deployed even from moscow. with the latest news from orsk, murat zaripov. one after another, multi-ton dump trucks
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transport rock, which the loader then dumps into the water to seal it brezh in a bulk dam on the ural river. water rushed into the city from here, with strong pressure, breaking through the barrier. a little later , another ravine was discovered. there was a breakthrough. now the equipment is working, and people are working, the tank is starting up in order to carry out restoration work, restore the flow there, this is the first task. water quickly filled the lowlands and rushed into the residential sector. more than 400 houses of almost 11 thousand people were in the area of ​​possible flooding. this is the entire area of ​​the old city. the dam in the old city burst, all residents old city to evacuate. on the streets even at night.
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colleagues from moscow and the perm region, they examine already flooded streets in search of those who have not yet left, sometimes people have to be carried out on themselves, as one of the policemen had to do, who called from a house going under water... and also helped him mom. there are two streets behind me that quickly became flooded, the ural river is rising very quickly, a current has even formed here, and by morning the water will probably take over several more streets. murat zaripov, sergei shelepin, zemfir abzalov, vesti, orenburg region, orsk. a massive blow to the arsenals and factories of the nationalists was inflicted that night; numerous explosions occurred in kharkov, an ammunition depot there was liquidated. drones approached targets. in several stages, it is also known about explosions in the khmelnitsky region, ochakov and nikolaev region. previously, there were reports of the destruction of ukrainian armed forces facilities in odessa.
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the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units was successfully disrupted in two directions of the special operation at once. calculations of hail installations worked at the south donetsk site. data objective control confirmed losses. su-25 attack aircraft attacked the enemy in the severodonetsk direction with unguided missiles, and the aircraft controller reported that the targets had been hit. in the kherson region, with the help of drones, marines of the black sea fleet eliminated a boat on which saboteurs tried to cross the dnieper. israel is not complying with the recently adopted resolution for an immediate ceasefire, so it is necessary to agree on the introduction of an arms embargo and other sanctions against it. this was discussed at the security council meeting. he declared permanent representative of our country vasily nebendze. the diplomat stressed that the guns must be silent immediately. without this, it is impossible to prevent a humanitarian apocalypse and mass famine in the gaza strip.
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pressure is increasing on the israeli government and washington, as reported by the axios portal. joe biden, dissatisfied with the attacks on volunteers of humanitarian organizations, demanded that benjamin netanyahu immediately change the operation in the gas sector and threatened to deprive him of support. portal sources say that this was the toughest conversation between two leaders. political discussions on the middle east take place against the backdrop of al quts, a day of solidarity with the palestinian struggle for independence. thousands of people demonstrated in many countries, including iran, pakistan, iraq and the uk. a new earthquake, near new york, magnitude 4, tectonic impacts began on friday evening, they were more intense than the author's shocks. residents of the us metropolis took to the streets, the work of the john f. kennedy and newark international airports had to be suspended, and also interrupt the meeting of the council of ministers. our diplomats took notice. joe biden
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told a family story that turns out to have little truth at an event in baltimore, where a freighter recently demolished a bridge, the us president told guests that his father was born and raised in this city, and there is still family here, but biography, which was published by the american media, joseph biden, sr., although born in baltimore, was still a small child. he was taken to delaware and later to pennsylvania. another surprise to those gathered was caused by biden’s remark that that a broken bridge is a good thing because rebuilding it will create new jobs. let me remind you that six people died when the structure collapsed. today the international crew of the soyuz-24 spacecraft, our oleg novitsky, the representative of belarus marina vasilevskaya, and nasa astronaut laurel khahara are returning to earth. land on the territory of
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kazakhstan near the city of zhezgan. now the hatches between the ship and the small research module have already been closed. the dawn of the russian segment of the iss. around 7 am the soyuz will undock from the station, 3 hours later, after that the descent module will enter the dense layer of the atmosphere and will take another 25 minutes to land. our news is always available on the media platform. we look at the application or on the website, do not switch.
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move out today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, today, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the little one away, this is not our child, but he may be ours, life does not give information.
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good morning, good morning to everyone who joined us, well, april 6, saturday, the whole weekend is ahead, in the studio vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, in the telegram channel morning of russia not only. all our stories, and
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what’s left behind the scenes, be sure to subscribe, the train left for costa rican unscheduled, you can get stuck in a traffic jam for a long time, even on a country road, all because of a banana.
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its predecessor is a shade of ocher, not so bright, but rather muted, one of the oldest natural pigments from the greek ochoros, which means yellowish; they used it to draw pictures, and later they learned to add into the fabric. our sand is clay, that is, that’s where it all came from, then the fabric. painted with clay, with the same dandelions, and with onions. modern technologies make it possible to achieve almost any shade, today the world knows 136 different variations of yellow, it seems that all its shades have come into fashion at once: egg yolk,
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butter and lemon sherbet, here is the recipe that all designers use in spring collections, well, we’ll check it out, what it's like in practice. is this butter or yolk? the yolk is on you, just like that, right a good yolk, but it’s more like butter, so whipped, that ’s what they serve in restaurants, the shade is really tasty, but it’s not suitable for everyone, maria, for example, had to learn from her mistakes, maria has average contrast and for for her, this color is too pale, too bleached, on maria this shade looks as if she washed this jumper many times, but mustard , on the contrary, emphasized all her dignity. by the way, such a suit can be a good replacement for the usual beige, colder, this is what suits our maria, in principle , it matches her color type and the now fashionable office siren style, so office siren, like you in the office siren style, i really like it and i
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would take this image for everyday wear in everyday life, usually you what colors do you wear, and usually bright ones, it’s more like fuchsia, maybe blue shades of blue, i also have something like that. there is no color in my wardrobe. natalya also didn’t find her yellow color the first time, although it would seem that red-haired girls should suit all variations of this color. because it the shade is not her contrast, it falls a little short of her bright shade of hair, the shade of her skin, her eyes, so against the background of these clothes she looks more sickly, although it is quite bright, it’s just not the right temperature, the mistake is easy to correct , replacing the cold tone with a warmer one. surprisingly comfortable. it is quite non-standard, but for exhibitions, theaters, some events, i have already fallen in love with this image, so before experimenting you should take into account your color type, however, there is an easier way, not use a porn tint on the face, for those who are afraid of mistakes, you can buy a yellow skirt or trousers, the next step is to learn how
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to combine it with others, here, by the way, everything is simpler, because it goes with almost everything, first you should try tones close to yellow, it best combined with green, orange and green, you can... the image will be more complete and harmonious, yellow is on trend, very bright, sunny, warm, warming color that suits every type, but you need to look at which it’s the color to add it to the shades,
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bright yellow, neon, yellow, pastel or delicate, in the eyes, if you look, brown eyes, they are bright in themselves, add a brown arrow, undoubtedly spectacular and it’s impossible to wear it in warm sunny weather days, so there is still time to practice and apply it in your wardrobe. there is still time to study and get used to new facts about whales. they were demanded to be recognized as individuals, and the king called for these mammals to be given the same legal rights as people. indigenous new zealand peoples. he signed a historic document called the declaration of the sea, detailing the defense plan. “rights include freedom of movement, the ability to develop natural behavior,
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develop their unique culture, thrive in a healthy environment and witness the restoration of their population. the authors of the declaration outlined specific steps, what are the actual grounds for such a special attitude towards whales, we will now find out from ivan zatevakhin, who else, good morning, good morning, okay, protection, okay." on the moratorium on whaling, but the declaration of the rights of whales is not too much from my point of view no, they were studied, they were discovered to have self-awareness, this is firstly, secondly, they they solve the most difficult tests at the level of children of a certain age, and also up to seven years old, at least, that is, they are extremely smart animals, they adapt very quickly, they understand the conditions of the problem . a very complex language system, yes, well
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that is, signal, it is not clear whether there is a language there or not, and there are also tonal, tonal, pulse, different signals, but there is an opinion that they also, as it were, address each other by name, but this is absolutely absolutely known, this a well-studied phenomenon, colleagues from the institute of oceanology were engaged in this in our moscow, which means this is a signal.
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signals can determine that this cochelot belongs to our population and this is culture in fact, when they pass on the ability to communicate to the baby. well, except for everything among other things, the skills of a certain cultural type of hunting are passed on, but among the affalins, and among the affalins, for example, this was well studied, they either used a stick there to dig in the ground, or wrapped their muzzles with a sponge when they needed something like that among the guttering then invertebrates can get something for themselves, that is, they are certainly instrumental activity, but besides everything else, they.
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"give me a fish, play with me, no, people, well, in one of the experiments, it was so expensive, i'm afraid it's over, but it was so big, they made it, the computer was huge, it had a screen, and there were large panels and the killer whale could type, which means symbols for communicating with the trainer, well , accordingly, he also typed something for her , some commands, etc. .." conveyed in general, the coach communicates, they understand
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the signals that the coach, say, or experimenter gives them, in general we can somehow try to decipher their language, or is it too difficult for us to communicate with them , well, scientists are trying to decipher, the fact is that it is impossible to figure out how languages ​​are deciphered, the belingua is selected, that is, the inscription is in one language, understandable and in another, or there are some... like this computer, but tell me, please, then the same for the dolphin, yes, if only, but the experiment, in my opinion, is over, because it is of course expensive, probably, but as for the structural mathematical methods of structural linguists who are trying to solve this issue using mathematical methods, right here maybe yes, but these methods will
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develop, but the whales themselves, if we continue to talk about these animals, they are very empathetic. i dived there for six months, photographed him, wrote sounds, that is, he got used to it, he distinguished it, a shark swam up, which means he blocked it with himself, other humpback whales drive killer whales away from - say, some seals, this, that is, they understand, yes, i sympathize, they understand that the killer whales will eat him, they will not regret it, while the killer whales may not regret the whale itself, but since it has fins
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healthy, tail, it is powerful, it can hit very hard, they are afraid, in general, a lot... they have us in them or vice versa, tell me who is next from the animal world in line for their own declaration of rights, elephants are certainly then there is no doubt for me, we will wait, thank you, everything is fine - said candidate of biological sciences, tv presenter ivan zatevakhin, thank you, thank you, will our guest be able to ride on such a wheel, the wheel of fortune is spinning, well, let's go? who will be lucky next time? well done, well done! amazing people, amazing, season seven. to be honest, i'm completely shocked. at 21:30 on the russia channel. move out today. and
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the child? i don't care what happens to him. cinema on weekends. “well, you can’t have a sick child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the turk away, this is not our child, but he could be ours, life doesn’t give certificates, premiere today at 21:00 on the russia channel, a touching farewell, visitors to the everland zoo in south korea could not hold back their tears as they said goodbye your favorite fubao. this is the first panda born in south korea, but under an agreement with china, all black and white cubs born abroad must be returned before they turn 4 years old. fubao, how our katyusha from the moscow zoo became an internet star from the first months of her life, she also became famous for her adventurous character. her favorite pastime is clinging to the leg
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of the zookeeper, who became her second pandapapa. and everyone somehow forgot what except. time of year they think that it is empty, but not one bird lives there, but two, but they are so they cleverly camouflage themselves against the background of snow, making them difficult to see even from a three-meter distance. the moscow zoo now contains two males, they are quite young, they are only 3 years old, both were born in captivity, these birds reproduce well in artificial conditions, because they are unpretentious, this is the most self-sufficient species
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for captivity, they do not need anything, in addition to a convenient place and a dangerous presence of constant food, unlike the same corvids who are constantly looking for something, digging for something, they don’t need anything, she sits all day, i saw a mouse, went to eat, sat back, sits further, everything is fine in life, this is an owl, polar owls feed on rodents, in their habitat in the arctic and subarctic, eurasia and north america, their diet consists mainly of lemings , ground squirrel voles, although during periods of feeding chicks, white owls, and this is the second name. the peculiarity of owls is their plumage, the plumage of owls is unique, the fact is that owls have certain notches on their feathers, a certain additional
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velor layer on the surface of the feather, which makes the flight of the sofa absolutely silent, this is another such adaptation to quiet night hunting. in captivity, of course, you don’t need to hunt anyone with an owl, and keepers regularly bring betas. in addition to polar owls, one of the largest, by the way, the moscow zoo also keeps owls. about ten species of these birds, short-eared owls, long-eared, common and long-tailed owls, in total there are more than 200 of them in nature. owls are a whole order, called nocturnal birds of prey or owls, they are designed, in general, plus or minus the same, owls beautiful plumage, which allows them to fly silently, the facial disc, this owl’s face, serves as a locator for capturing sounds, imagine that owls also have eyes located on the front of their heads, that is, both eyes look forward. accordingly, the maintenance of all owls in captivity is approximately the same; they are fed mice, the enclosures are equipped with various perches and artificial hollows for breeding. we
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are in an open-air cage for obscurities, there is a nesting pair here, so it’s not worth going into the open-air cage, they will eat it to defend, we just lay out the food and go out. a nesting box has been installed for them to nest; i don’t know whether it is visible or not. to that corner, there is now a female on eggs, there are no chicks yet, but there are eggs there, but short-eared owls do not need nest boxes, these birds, unlike other species, do not live in forests, but, as the name implies, in swamps, and they do not nest in tree hollows, on the ground, among bushes or tall grass, you can see that a marsh owl nests under our thuja, she took food there and is building there is a little house there, here in the enclosure there lives one female and two males, we hope that the female who is now sitting under that one will form a pair with someone, and maybe they will live there together, and maybe they will have chicks,
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in nature, owls generally live alone, but in the moscow zoo they even live in whole families, a group of long-tailed owls, for example, consists of parents, their chicks from the year before, well, another brood is on the way, and the swamp owls, as already said, this year too , perhaps a couple will form and appear eggs, when animals have enough food, there is no competition for food, they behave much calmer, in such conditions they reproduce more easily, so by summer, zoologists expect a massive replenishment of nocturnal feathered predators. and then, not these silent, but singing heights in the service of science. how these funny animals change the tempo of their songs, the secrets of the neural-brain comerton, we will discuss with an expert in a relatively short time slice, wait, it’s spinning.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. servant, why are we so lacking in courage? a? premiere on rtr.
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oh sorry. svetlana kolpakova. oh wait, he’s drinking champagne with my husband. this is one. andrey chernyshov. why are you like snow? on the head my whole life has burned up, alexander mikhailov, she is in a difficult situation, she urgently needs a job, just tell me what, where, what, marat basharov, you regretted one, you order, i’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, your salary should be increased, i’ve already ordered , allah taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me. from monday on rtr. at the bottom of lake
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baikal. they found new mud volcanoes , cracks, the landscape of the lake is alive and changing all the time, the filming was done by a deep-sea robot, it sank 160 m in goryachinsky bay and discovered hundreds of craters and boulders. now the best mother will have to analyze the processes going on at the bottom of the king of the lake, but we’ll just admire the picture. a neural network and russian programmers help us understand natural processes.
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enterprises that use these routes for shipping. the basis of the algorithm is a special neural network. at the first stage , satellite images were used to train it. from them, artificial intelligence learned, in principle, to distinguish ice from water, then the story was loaded into the computer long-term observations. now the machine can predict when the ice will begin to move in which direction, with an accuracy of 80%. arrows or dots indicate the direction of drift. this data can be used in assaults, and there is where to use the information, because most of the russian seas are freezing, and the ports are covered with ice. according to forecasts, the volume of transportation along the sowing route will soon reach 70 million tons per year. in russia, for this purpose, they additionally build icebreakers of a special class, and recently in st. petersburg they began to use new technologies for training future captains of northern latitudes. our task is to quietly, that is, carefully enter the port, turn around
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and approach the pier. the current bridge simulates the mooring of a three-hundred-meter gas carrier, in one trip it transports 172 thousand cubic meters of gas, the cost of an error when controlling this giant is difficult to even imagine, the simulator will help you make the right decision in the future, five bridges with appropriate control systems allow you to navigate various vessels in the difficult conditions of the russian north and the arctic. eat the specifics of arctic ice, and there are specifics of ice in the baltic, it is not at all necessary that if you have certain stable skills, you know how to break ice or how to navigate and work with an icebreaker in the arctic, then you will successfully do this in the conditions of the baltic sticky ice . the new simulator was created in 9 months, 70 programmers worked on modeling ships, today cadets of the local university are trained here, and tomorrow experienced sailors can take the helm to improve their skills. it’s better to make a mistake 100 times while operating a virtual ship than to make a single similar mistake in reality. scientists have found that
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the brain changes the perception of time to suit our needs. researchers conducted experiments using alston singing mice, noisy animals from costa rica, and found that neural connections in the mice's brains controlled the tempo of their songs. neurons track something like relative time, slowing down or speeding up an interval. our colleagues denis stoykov and elena nikolaeva learned the details. at head of the laboratory of neuroimaging, multimodal analysis of the mental health center, irina lebedeva. erina sergeevna, good morning, everyone knows this effect. sometimes time rushes, especially in the morning, you seem to wake up to the alarm clock, it’s no longer there, and sometimes it drags on, especially in childhood, when they tell you that
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there or dad will come and bring something. using elementary examples, let’s say there are people who are always late, but without giving time, a person will always arrive on 15 minutes later than the appointed one, even many already do, they appoint him earlier, as a rule, they have children, by the way, in general,
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it seems to me, it’s not connected, someone is always the opposite... it’s very difficult, but there are also social, there are psychological aspects, individual characteristics of a person, for example, more anxious people, so to speak, they finally have time, the ability to plan, of course, by the way, in connection with these people who are late, there is a very, so to speak, illusion that can be used in this case, then there is, for example, if a person is planning some kind of business and takes some kind of large construct such as to arrive on time, to arrive at a certain time, yes, then most often he will not have a reduced estimate of the duration that he needs, that is a person is more likely... most people, not all, of course, but most will make mistakes, if we consider this action as a set of several stages, so to speak, get out, go to the car, so to speak, drive and so on, or go to the station there metro and drive through, then here the person begins to more
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calculate our time correctly, we wanted to communicate with you about an experiment with mice singing alton, alston, alston, alston, some breakthrough research is being carried out in this direction, we are standing on the threshold of some... her, maybe we soon we will set the biological clock so that we can really set our own time when i feel good, i will feel it to the fullest, when i feel bad, i will make a click, and it will happen in an instant, it was in some science fiction film, set it up no need, it already is, yes so to speak, internal time also depends on your mood, and research, i just often can’t influence it, it seems to me that life is really like a white flash, a black flash, a white flash, a black flash, i’ll go for a walk, go for it. ..
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there are any in your brain, they are simply connected with what you are doing, so the fact that you discover the mechanism in singing mice is everything. is also relevant for those hypotheses that now dominate regarding the internal time of a person, well, here we are again they said that in different situations, this illusion of time is distorted for us, but i have a dog, she eats at 8 pm, does not wear a watch on her paw or the wall, does not watch them, in 3 minutes she starts torment you, so go, let’s complete the task, this is called in science a reflex for time, yes, that is, a dog is a landmark.
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this is the duration of the work of your muscles, then the time that, please believe me, if you train and train, the duration may increase, but in studies, which lasts the same amount of time, but in the middle there is a break, before the break the time lasts very long, because you want coffee, there is something else to take, and after you come it’s over, again it depends on the state of the person, whether this lecture is interesting to him, for example, or not, if she is interesting, then time passes quickly, if a person is bored, then this stretching begins.
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they started watching themselves, this is natural, well , this is another one that is no longer connected with time, but it’s just that a person always likes to watch himself, that’s how much they said, but time it turned out, thank you, the head of the laboratory of neuroimaging and multimodal analysis of the mental health center irina lebedeva answered our questions, all the best to you, and the conversation went very quickly, thank you, we are missing some courage, and the premiere on the russia channel, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova, just wait, she’s drinking champagne with my
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husband, i’m alone, andrey chernyshov, you ’re out of the blue, and my whole life has been on fire, roman madyanov, i’ve already given orders to increase your salary, alla, taxi, how did we manage without you before? exactly, especially me. from monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. there is no limit to perfection. a japanese surgeon folds paper figures using instruments for laparoscopic operations. and so he does it so cleverly that master classes are recruited on social networks.
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yes, after watching our videos today , you will also not be able to relate to familiar things as before. rags and mops are not only a tool for wet cleaning of premises, but an amazing paint brush, especially for those artists who prefer wide format canvas. in general , you can use anything for drawing , but the most suitable items are those that have already served their purpose; for example, you probably just throw them away. these old toothbrushes, but they could create
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masterpieces with their help, you can watch this video endlessly, millions of subscribers of the artist who mixes colors with an ordinary iron sponge agree with me, and you don’t even have time to understand how ordinary colored spots turn into beautiful picture; by the way, he has an ordinary fork in his arsenal. a traditional sponge for washing dishes is suitable, with it you can depict a very realistic sky or sea waves, the main thing is not to press too hard, but what’s more, even a plastic bag will do, inflate it, tie it and the resulting sharp corner needs to be dipped in paint, for example, here so pink, then with a slight movement real peonies will bloom on the canvas, all that remains is to add a little greenery, the still life is ready. in
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general, if you want to paint, don’t put it off until you buy paint brushes; everything you need is already at hand. listen, have you by any chance seen my sponge? so here it is, my sponge, i’ve already told you how many times, it’s not for washing, it’s for creativity. let's go, i'll show her the picture i painted for her. and then, who is the strangest in the world? what helps stars maintain their youthful beauty? the most effective sets of exercises, wait a few minutes. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true,
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kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. every number is here. this is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there ’s no need to think here, here that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that's it, two there can be no opinions, because we have five of them, this is dangerous. when it comes to fleas, i'm out of competition, there are
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questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i meant it, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if something from him and zhenya adds his own, then what many people use, the strongest love... for the game, this is the program five on one, five on one, today on rtr. kombucha will help you lose extra pounds; regular consumption of a drink made from the japanese kambucho mushroom has no worse effect on the body than intermittent fasting. researchers from south carolina have found that this can be used to reprogram fat
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metabolism. and chinese scientists advise everyone urgently losing weight by summer to pay attention to chocolate, cocoa, and plenty of it. theobamine, and this relative of caffeine promotes the breakdown of fats in the body, well, coffee itself, apparently, now you’ll have to drink regis, stock prices, the rabusta variety have reached a historical maximum, and rabika is also rapidly becoming more expensive, but you can approach the issue of being slim from the other side, finally take up fitness and not on monday, right now on saturday. well-known wealthy people set an example in their private rooms, anna aksyonova looked in. good morning, what do you think? what is the most important thing in the spring, the main goal, task, for many it is to lose weight by summer, as the fitness club industry has calculated, right now there is the greatest demand for memberships in gym, in the fall the treadmills suddenly become empty, but it’s clear that it’s still too early to lose weight by the new year, we know that sports and
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healthy eating should be done on a regular basis, but still, if you really need it by the summer, let’s see, like a roast. after a whole series of haute couture weeks , irina shayk believes that you can breathe out and enjoy your favorite chicken nuggets and burgers. but of course, beauty depends on a good mood, says the model. then you can prepare for summer. admits that he pays attention to photogenic places in class and doesn't do abdominal exercises. you can always pull in your stomach, says irina. running and pilates boxing also help a lot. you can’t get up in the morning and take a look at yourself. to say, i look cool, you can relax, you need to strive for the best, the model says, so even in a bad mood she goes to the gym, and apparently it works. sometimes after a hard day at work i want to skip class, but i tell myself to just get up and go to the gym, the workout will only take one hour,”
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says jennifer lopez. it would seem that, where else to train, after she gives all her best at rehearsals on stage, but no, jen does it right away. trainers, does a lot of strength and endurance exercises, then posts photos like this in swimsuits that would make a girl, about 30 years younger, envious, in general, this kind of regime is clearly not for everyone, even before summer. whether it’s for fun, without stress, you’re running past the sports ground, since you did pull-ups on the horizontal bar, or you just hung, or you sat on the exercise machine like nicole kidman, and it doesn’t matter. that the paparazzi are here in general doesn't bother me. nicole is sure that there is no need to try especially hard before summer, you need to do something for your body every day, says the actress. jogging, yoga, cycling. the main thing is not to sit still, confidently fifty-six-year-old kidman. she remembers the bikini season and cindy crawford, although on the wave of new
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popularity, it seems that her summer is not ending, she needs to be in shape all the time. remember her famous set of exercises. considers it still relevant and admits that he often reproduces it in his home gym, and so that it doesn’t boring, constantly alternates types of workouts: today squats and push-ups, tomorrow you can run or just walk and be sure to start the day with a smoothie, well, we know this is their indulgence: the smoothie should contain spinach, banana, almond milk, protein powder, cocoa and mint leaves , and if you... have a busy schedule, a lot of work, a husband, children, cooking, what kind of gyms are there, yoga smoothies, maybe just stop eating to lose weight, under no circumstances, says bella hadit, the model recently returned to the delight of her fans to work, in a new photo shoot she tried on a swimsuit of a soft lilac color, in general, there’s clearly nothing to complain about, what’s the secret?
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bella assures that she adheres to a healthy diet, but she doesn’t have a clear training schedule, if you find the time, give it your all, says hadit. “if after training you can still do something, then it was wasted,” bella assures, although many would probably argue with this. “i can’t remember her eating anything tasty, that is, harmful,” admits victoria beckham’s husband, david beckham's diet victoria does not have starchy foods, pasta, legumes, dairy products, sugar and carbonated drinks are prohibited. maybe that’s why, over the years, vikka’s weight has not exceeded.” guys will never get tired of playing with cars, i myself have saved several models, my hand doesn’t rise, i still throw them away, but just with age, the hobby
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reaches a new level, each of these brutal men spent more than $1,000 on their hobby, it’s unlikely to stop there, all the cars in the sandbox for adults function exactly like the real thing construction equipment, only the carrying capacity is an order of magnitude smaller, well, the drivers no longer fit in the cab, they work remotely, so to speak, pressing buttons on the remote control, but for these people the noise of construction is pleasing to the ears, but on saturday morning they still want the sounds of a melodious song, well so in vain for this we have andrei petrov, who does not sleep on saturdays, andrei, hello, introduce your guests, quickly, good morning studio, good morning everyone, look who came to us today, the nova saxophone ensemble, the guys who you are already on our set we saw, and what did they bring today? today they brought a little bit of tchaikovsky, tea and coffee. a candy cane, and why now he’s asking what it is, what it is, because, as you remember,
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marie and the nutcracker come to confürenburg, that’s where tea, coffee and candy cane come from, so now some classics on the russia channel, let’s go!
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for now, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here you go comes, oh, you're good, pet the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, ah, so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! oh, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance, in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, in circle of friends, a program for the whole family,
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today at 11:50, on the russia channel, and then in the siege, will you be able to do everything in the garden, not forget anything, what tasks cannot be put off until a long box on a summer cottage to reap a rich harvest, the consequences, you will find out very soon, you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the andrey shirtse studio, a lady in orsk has already burst in... places in the zone of possible flooding of almost 11 thousand people , people are leaving their homes, a rescuer is working. in the south-donetsk direction, the ukrainian armed forces fired hail. in the kherson region, a boat on which militants tried to cross the dnieper was destroyed. the device successfully undocked from the station; today the international
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crew of the soyuz-24 ship. mass evacuation in orsk broke a dam, flooding about 600 houses on nine streets. the authorities warned that the entire residential sector of the old city will soon be under water, electricity and gas have been cut off for safety reasons, and the ministry of emergency situations is urgently increasing the number of troops deployed even from moscow. with the latest news from orsk, murat zaripov. one after another, multi-ton dump trucks transport the rock, which is then transported by the loader. dumped into the water to seal the breach in the embankment dam on the ural river. water rushed into the city was from here, with a strong pressure, breaking through the barrier. a little later, another ravine was discovered. now the equipment is working, people are working, the water tank is starting up in order to carry out restoration work there, restore the flow, this is the first task. water quickly filled the nezins and rushed into the residential
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sector. there were more people in the area of ​​possible flooding. people are in a hurry to leave the danger zone. on one of the city squares there are lines of buses that can take you to temporary accommodation points. works in orsk reinforced group of emercom forces. their colleagues from moscow and the perm region arrived to help local rescuers. they search the already flooded streets in search of those who have not yet left. sometimes people have to be carried out on their own, as one of the police officers had to do when they called from a house going under water. disabled person, and also helped his mother, there are two streets behind me, which quickly became flooded, the ural river rises very quickly, a current has even formed here by the morning, water will probably take over several more streets. murat zaripov,
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sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, vesti, orenburg region, orsk. a state of emergency was declared in two districts of the samara region; sudden warming led to rising water in rivers, 600 residential buildings and 1,500 household plots were flooded. the situation is abnormal, according to the regional emergency services service. this happened 35 years ago. rescuers not only evacuate people, but also deliver them to flooded houses, check households and pets. those who refused to leave their homes are being brought food and water by boat. in penza in the region, more than a hundred household plots were under water, three bridges were washed away, they are planned to be restored in the near future. however, rain is approaching the region, which could worsen the flood situation. a massive blow to the arsenals and factories of the nationalists inflicted by tenuch, numerous explosions occurred in kiev, nikolaev, sumy, vinnitsa and dnepropetrovsk regions. earlier , an ammunition depot was liquidated in kharkov; drones
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approached targets in several stages. it is also known about explosions in the khmelnitsky region and odessa. the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units was successfully disrupted in two directions of the special operation at once. crews of hail installations were working in the south donetsk sector; enemy losses were confirmed by objective control data. at the severodonetsk control , su-25 attack aircraft launched strikes with unguided missiles, and the aircraft controller reported that the target had been hit. in the kherson region, with the help of drones, marines of the black sea fleet eliminated a boat on which saboteurs tried to cross the dnieper with several accurate shots. tankers of the central the districts stopped the attack and destroyed it before a platoon of nationalists. military personnel who showed particular valor during combat missions in the donetsk direction were awarded orders of courage and medals for
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bravery for bravery. israel is not complying with the recently adopted resolution for an immediate ceasefire, so it is necessary to agree on the introduction of an arms embargo and other sanctions on its relations. our permanent representative stated this at a meeting of the council of ministers. the diplomat stressed that the guns must be silent immediately, without this fail to prevent a humanitarian apocalypse and mass famine in the gaza strip. pressure is increasing on the israeli government and washington, as reported by the axios portal. joe biden, dissatisfied with the attacks on humanitarian volunteers, demanded that benjamin netanyahu immediately change the operation in the gas sector and threatened to deprive him of support. portal sources say it was. thousands of people demonstrated in many countries,
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including iran, pagestan, iraq and the uk. large-scale protest against the reduction of 15 thousand civil servants took place in argentina. in the center of buenos aires , employees of a state-owned enterprise gathered near the building of the ministry of economy, they demanded that those already fired be reinstated. another slogan of the demonstrators is to stop president jovier miley's aggressive campaign of severe spending cuts. for security reasons , the police blocked the approaches to the government quarter. the soyuz-24 spacecraft has just undocked from the international space station and is returning to earth with its crew. russian oleg navitsky, representative of belarus vasilevskaya astronaut nasa laurel akhara. in 3 hours the capsule will land on the territory of kazakhstan near the city of zhezgan.
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a search and rescue team will be waiting for the crew on the ground. it involves about 200 military personnel, helicopters, airplanes, and ground equipment. our news is always available on the media platform. we look at the application or on the website good exits. they say you need to prepare for a holiday, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax.
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anx. you look a hundred to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podbokh, the name of which character from the works of the gun, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at work, talks a lot and loudly,
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geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, today tomorrow. on rtr. good morning everyone. good saturday morning, today is april 6, a cheerful start to the day is ahead, the weekend is ahead, we are meeting them with you vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova. well , what’s the point of sitting in the studio, actually? let's go straight to the open -air museum, not far from. irkutsk - these are all its
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exhibits, created from what turned out to be at the training ground, almost 10 years ago, enthusiast alexander rastarguev created his first sculpture from trash, and now visitors are greeted by a detachment of medieval knights on horseback, a group of fellow terminators is also not let you relax for a minute, and also dragons, cars, transforming robots up to 7 meters tall, and you can look into the future ...
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moscow october 2, yeah, who knows, maybe this is what our capital will look like in 2124, in the meantime, in order to take the viewer a hundred years into the future, the creators of the new science fiction cinema used the most modern technologies and equipment. we filmed this on a blue screen, on a green screen, on led screens, on controlled led screens, on programmable screens, in russian world, a landmark cinema in the russian film industry precisely.
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there was, uh, now there is, and there is a new family fantasy movie that tells about what time has no power over, and the most evil space pirates, everywhere, at any time, anywhere in the universe, these are relationships with loved ones, this is the only thing that worries every person, and maybe in
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the future an alien too, in short, you understand, in 2024 the calculation of a new era will begin, when we, in general, when we join the s... but first, the premiere, attention, start in future is scheduled for april 18 in all cinemas across the country. we will wait for the premiere 100 years from now, well, this weekend you can go to the movies, to the family musical fairy tale, the flying ship. or enjoy the cherry blossoms. you can see trees in delicate pink colors in russia, for example, in kaliningrad. you can admire them, and completely free of charge, against the backdrop of ships; a whole festival is being held in crimea, where they will teach you how to properly contemplate beauty, brew tea, create a wither; those who are now in sochi, in the local arboretum, are lucky to have collected the most there is a rich collection of japanese paintings in russia, in
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krasnodar you can take a photo against the backdrop of a blooming plum tree, no worse, sakura is also beautiful, of course, gardens and vegetable gardens after a long winter require special care. the work carried out will determine how productive the coming season will be, and how lush the plot will be, your colleague, our co-host svetlana abramova will tell you where it’s best to start, hear, this is what real spring sounds like, a kind of alarm clock for the gardener, it’s time to open the summer season and prepare the site for the long-awaited summer, you need do everything in time and don’t miss anything. svetlana, good morning, hello, ekaterina, i ’m looking. you are determined, even militant, i would say, yes, i am determined to start the summer season, you will help, of course, we cannot do without help here, those who, after a long winter, drive through their six hundred square meters will not let you lie, there is really a lot of work, and it’s best to start by removing debris,
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leaves left over from the fall, fallen branches, mulch, everything that prevents you from breathing deeply; as a rule, gardeners begin work in the garden by pruning trees, fruit trees... first of all, yes, winter did not spare my favorite apple tree, we will now look at it, remove all the broken branches, dry ones, thickening the crown, so that our apple tree gains strength, blooms and bears fruit more actively this year, and this must be done before the juice begins to move, so that the cuts heal faster and the plant does not experience severe stress. in the middle zone, the garden is pruned, as a rule, from the second half of march to mid- april, it is important that the temperature. the air did not drop below -5°, but the day was better choose clear weather without precipitation and cold snap in the forecast. it seems we were right. how do we prune? should the stump be left? no, we under no circumstances leave the stump, we cut it into a ring. at the very base of the branch, where the tissue is actively
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regenerating, so the cut heals faster. it’s worth taming last year’s shoots so that the crown becomes more compact, but under no circumstances should you touch the flower buds that should provide this season. us harvest, and this was so possible, and this is for advanced summer residents, i’m here on the stairs, whatever the tools, the main thing is to know the measure and not cut off too much, no more than 30% of the crown, so as not to harm our apple tree, ekaterina, but what to do here, look, there is already quite serious damage here, well, a brush won’t help here, here we need a saw will help, so radically, to cut, unfortunately, these are no longer apple trees... but in fact the tree is infected with a fungus, so deeply that the lower branches are already beginning to dry out, leaving it is pointless, so we cut, we don’t regret it, it’s worth paying attention to the bushes ,
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they also need inspection, similar pruning and treatment against pests, which in the spring managed to hide in the cracks of the bark and under the scales of the buds, are perfect for fighting them... i can only praise you, now we need to untie it, yeah, so that it straightens out, and we look, no or something. broken inside, everything feels fine, yes, a very
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good bush, here is a shelter with rossers, dodendrons, climatis, hydrangeas and other plants not resistant to frost, it is better to remove it gradually, first we open a small hole for ventilation so that our the plant gradually got used to the spring sun, and why can’t we immediately remove it, because the ground is frozen, the feed doesn’t work, it doesn’t... it doesn’t function, and the growing season in the leaves is already happening, if we immediately remove the cover, then we can get a sunburn plants, the cover is completely removed when the ground warms up 15-20 cm in depth, however, it can be helped with this, how much snow fell this year, i haven’t seen such subrobes in moscow for a long time, but this is only to the advantage of us gardeners, the soil is saturated with moisture and plants... will only be grateful to us for it. it’s a pity that the life-giving moisture will not reach the greenhouses. well, we'll fix that now. in the closed
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conditions of the greenhouse, the soil dries out greatly and the snow in this case kills two birds with one stone. it not only revitalizes the soil, but helps seinets develop faster, because melt water has a much more beneficial effect on them than tap water. the main thing is to distribute the snow evenly. yeah, in a thin layer, no more than 30 cm. otherwise. the soil will not warm up for a long time and you will have to postpone planting seedlings, but i can’t, my schedule doesn’t expect radishes, by the way, you can also please radishes with green manure, natural fertilizers that disinfect the soil, saturate it with nitrogen, improve the structure of the soil, and also suppress the growth of weeds, a real lifesaver for the gardener, now you can rest. ekaterina, do you need anything else to feed the garden now? it’s still early, the soil is not warmed up and... the plant will not be able to get those microelements from the fertilizer that are necessary, but we can’t wait any longer, we
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i urgently need to refresh myself, so help yourself, thank you, good work, astronomers have already done a good job, they for the first time discovered a super-earth with an eternal day side, this is called tidal capture, when one hemisphere is always facing the parent star, scientists have already managed to calculate the surface temperature, i’m working , so i am aware that we are in the eclipse corridor and are approaching the stage of the solar
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eclipse on the eighth, how should we behave at this time, what can we generally count on, how to prepare for it? well the eclipse begins to have a very strong influence on us somewhere 2-3 days before its implementation, yes, so little by little we are already entering the very heart of this solar eclipse, this is the most important eclipse of spring, it gives a lot of energy, a lot of optimism, and if we are talking about... readiness, then we need to observe our mood, how this cosmic energy influences us, for some it will be influenced by just an increase in mood, a desire to do something urgently and get results, while others may feel the opposite some kind of strong pressure from others, maybe a state of depression or melancholy appears, so we need to watch, monitor the mood, if the mood is just to rush into battle,
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bring it into calmness and that’s it, everything that stresses us out, that’s it to cut off from yourself at this time, is it worth taking any serious steps, or maybe it’s worth waiting, waiting out, this eclipse, what if there’s some kind of confusion in the head? and this, of course, is always reasonable, to let this feeling, this desire, something to realize, in theory, this week that awaits us is decisive if we are willing to do something for it.
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this is an amazing time for even the most doubtful of us to decide to take some kind of first step, the second half of the week, even closer to the end, is already the time when we will have a cool mind, and we can take the first steps, the first start of some kind can be realistically realized, maybe, after all
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, mercy, friendliness, empathy should be based on these feelings or not, well... in general, we we always judge the nature of the period by the characteristics of the sign. aries is generally not about mercy, not about friendliness, not about peacefulness. this is a real warrior, yes, he demands that everyone follow him, everyone recognizes him as a leader, in fact, all his ideas are recognized as the only important ones. therefore, here i am, the ego, now the brightest, now the most sounding. therefore, this is the time of leaders, all those who doubt, this is why now they will suffer the most, because there is a heavy load, if we summarize, what will it be like motto of the week, i am, yes, wonderful, i like it, and i like it, everything is color behind me, i am, everything is behind me, thank you, serious forecast
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from astrologer tatyana ermolina, decorated, supplemented, saturated our morning, thank you, thank you, goodbye. i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, they were already there when i came here, we need find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed and... now is the time to sort everything out and it’s time to act somehow. questions, proposals, objections, no, another, 100 years ago, go ahead, what do you want, soon, today we have no work for women, i will do everything, i will wash your cars, these are not plates for you, this is a car, allah, taxi,
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premiere from monday at 21:20 on... we'll tell you about the stay in a few minutes
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and... discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible cuisine and atmosphere complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world. eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic, luxury collection to the cheerful, i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh you’re good, he loves to grab there, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for your beloved pets, where are you flying after
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the performance, you are in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i need to feed the hamster. you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr, we wanted to, well done, premiere. on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no court will give a child to a mother who doesn’t have a place to work, i need official registration, will it arrange for us, what should we do, wait, wait, wait, let’s go, i have the child was eaten, alla taxi from monday to rtr. kombucha will help you lose extra pounds; regular consumption of a drink made from the japanese kambucho mushroom has
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no worse effect on the body than intermittent fasting. researchers from south carolina have found that this can be used to reprogram fat exchange. and chinese scientists advise everyone urgently losing weight for the summer to pay attention to chocolate, cocoa, rich in theobramine, and this relative of caffeine. promotes the breakdown of fats in the body, well, coffee itself, apparently, will now have to be drunk less often, exchange prices for the rabusta variety have reached a historical maximum, arabica is also rapidly becoming more expensive, but you can approach the issue of being slim from another country and finally start doing fitness and not on monday, right now on saturday, famous wealthy people set an example, i looked into their private rooms she akyonova, good morning, what do you think is the most important thing to do in the spring? the goal, the task for many is to lose weight by the summer, as the fitness club industry has calculated, right now there is the greatest demand for gym memberships, in the fall
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the treadmills are suddenly empty, but it’s clear that it’s still a bit early to lose weight by the new year, we know that sports and healthy eating should be on a regular basis, but still, if you really need it for summer, let's see how celebrities are preparing for the hot season after a whole... series of high fashion weeks you can breathe out, says irina shayk, who enjoys devouring her favorite chicken nuggets and burgers. but how does beauty depend on a good mood, says the model. then you can prepare for summer. he admits that during classes he pays attention to photogenic places and does not do abdominal exercises. you can always pull in your stomach, says irina. running, pilates and boxing also help a lot. you can’t get up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say: i look cool, you can relax, you need to. strives for the best, says the model, so even in a bad mood she goes to the gym, and apparently it works. sometimes after a hard day at work i
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want to skip class, but i tell myself to just get up and go to the gym, the workout will only take one hour,” says jennifer lopez. it would seem that where else would she train after she gives all she can at rehearsals on stage, but no, jen works out with three trainers at once and does a lot of exercises. stamina then posts photos like this in swimsuits that girls as old as this would envy 30, she’s younger, in general, this kind of regime is clearly not for everyone, even before the summer, or it’s a matter of pleasure, without stress, you run past the sports ground, once you did pull-ups on the horizontal bar, or just hung, or sat on the exercise machine, like nicole kidman, and it doesn’t matter that the paparazzi are right there, don’t bother me at all. nicole is sure that there is no need to try too hard before summer, you need to do something for your body every day, says the actress, jogging, yoga, cycling, the main thing is not to sit still,
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fifty-six-year-old kidman is sure, she remembers about the bikini season and cindy crawford, although on the wave of new popularity, it seems that her summer does not end, you need to be in shape all the time, remember her famous set of exercises, the model considers it still relevant and admits... that she often reproduces it in his home gym, and to avoid getting bored, he constantly alternates types of workouts. today you can do squats and push-ups, tomorrow you can run or just walk and be sure to start the day with a smoothie. well, we know, this is their hobby. the cocktail should contain spinach, banana, almond milk, protein powder, cocoa and mint leaves. and if you have a busy schedule, a lot of work, your husband and children are ready. what kind of gyms are there, yoga smoothies, maybe just stop eating to lose weight? no way, says bella hadit. recently, to the delight of fans, the model returned to work. in a new photo shoot she
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tried on a soft lilac swimsuit. in general, there is clearly nothing to complain about. what's the secret? bella assures that she adheres to a healthy diet, but she does not have a clear training schedule. if you have the time, give it your all, hadit says. if after training you can still do something, then it was wasted, bella assures, although many would probably argue with this. i can’t remember that she ate anything tasty, that is, harmful, victoria’s husband admits. sugar and carbonated drinks are prohibited, maybe that’s why for many years vika’s weight does not exceed 50 kg, in addition, she goes in for sports every day, whether she still has the strength and desire to enjoy summer is a question. that's all for today, see you on saturday and chat. and right now
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let's find out what scientists have determined. factors that will help prolong youth, one of them is darkness. artificial light and gadgets, on the contrary, supposedly make us more wrinkled, but at what age do we begin to grow old, when is it time to urgently take care of ourselves? according to the most extreme hypothesis, this unpleasant story begins right from the moment of birth. the other option is more loyal, youth lasts up to 45 years, and vision begins when a person develops the first age-related disease, and that’s when they start thinking about it. people talk about rejuvenation not at 20 years old however, we will talk about solving this problem right now in the studio of a dermatologist and cosmetologist from the medical academy of presidential administration evgeniy ikonnikov. hello, evgenya. hello. cosmetologists take credit for the fact that people now look younger than their parents and their parents’ parents looked younger at their age when they were young. we, of course, take credit for this, of course, because cosmetology
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in recent years has really come a long way. forward actually works miracles, but this is also a merit of the image, of course, but to be honest speaking, take a person to take a photograph of him, as he did 40-50 years ago, and also dress him, plus or minus, we will look similar, in most cases, this is the craze for anti-aging creams there, for example, and for young girls, they say, they it doesn’t help me, well, probably because you don’t need to use a cream at 20 years old... for those over 40, here’s how to choose the right care, what to pay attention to, and is it really important to respect age when choosing skin care products ? funds? of course, it’s not just like that, on boxes and jars they write 45 + 35 plus and so on, everyone has their own time, so when girls want something delicious, they may get these components from a nourishing cream or serum, but they don’t
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really see the effect, because everything is fine anyway. how can you see and how can you fix something that doesn’t exist, the main thing is to make it as good as possible, not to spoil it, that’s absolutely right, yes, you can spoil it, because some drugs, or rather, the active ingredients that are included in the composition, can cause allergic reactions, can cause unnecessary swelling to a young face, for example, but they can irritate the skin, because there are products with retinol, for example, high concentrations, which are not suitable for every type of young skin, by the way, so of course you need to consult a specialist here, but did you know an older lady? uh, by the way, the doctor who exclusively washed her face with baby soap and used baby cream looked great, can this work or is it still genetics? oh, it’s still genetics, because there will always be people who say: with running water i wash my face, uh, i sunbathe as much as i want, i wash my face with baby soap or dictary soap, everything is fine with me, so this is of course an illusion, as with men, too, who, when
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their skin is thick. he just took everything into account for us, but often men really don’t use anything, only when their spouse or someone else is there, and then the jar of their cream quickly melts before our eyes, because there was no other, or some tube was expired for him , yes, you can use this technique, or after all, in addition to shaving cream, you need something yet yes? carry your wife’s cream on the sly, in fact, you can even carry your wife’s cream on the sly if your skin type matches, as for various hardware rejuvenation, it’s just a kaleidoscope and so and so, but how to figure out this hardware system, at what age, what can be done , what is not needed, what age, what concomitant diseases, what
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procedures have already been done, what medications? is taken by the patient, because for hardware cosmetology this is very, very important, and both the result and the side effects depend on it effects, it may be that some methods are becoming outdated, of course, they are becoming outdated, because there are different generations of laser devices, different generations of ultrasound machines, in order to trust a doctor, you need to first look at the information about the specialist you are going to see for a consultation, look his education, already a doctor whom you trust, you can ask him about anything in advance, and about the devices. the doctor, of course, must know what year the device was manufactured, what generation the device is, modern or not, and so on, but you can give reviews i would trust, well, depending on whose, word of mouth ? it seems to me that working is best, but this is my personal opinion, thank you, thank you, the secrets of youth were revealed to us by evgeniy konikov, associate professor of the department of dermatovenerology and cosmetology of the central state medical academy of presidential administration. to make dreams come true. cinema on
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weekends. i'm counting down the minutes until the evening when we meet again. this is my lena and she will be with me. and who are you? let her tell you. well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i ’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i ’ll do it, honestly, len, tomorrow at 12:40 on the russia channel, my joy lives in a high tower, in that tall tower, there is no way for anyone, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i will never... when a kamaz rushes towards you, sciatica and lameness disappear somewhere. humor, humor, humor, premiere, today at 14:50 on the russia channel. new nurseries
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for bear cubs have opened in primorye. fun commotion at the rare rehabilitation center the animals were entertained by this cheerful company of small himalayan bears. they climb tirelessly... their most important task is to preserve and develop animal instincts, to prepare predators for independent life in the forest, therefore hugging in a bear nursery is strictly prohibited, but it is incredibly difficult to resist, of course, the bears themselves are drawn to people, they are asking to be held, they are so good, it remains to open special nurseries for avid fans of computer games to teach them. them to the real, not the virtual world. new hobby of gamers, making videos about what popular computer games can look like in everyday life. well, let's evaluate an unusual hobby. you know that you
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haven’t left your room for 24 hours. i bought you tickets to the amusement park so that you can finally feel real life, not virtual. these gamers, interesting people, have come up with a mountain of their smart devices, and they sit at home, glasses, and we race the race track for me. and impenetrable jungle, only outside the window there is the same landscape, only real, and some fans of virtual reality we finally realized that acting in real life is a trend that always gets millions of views on the internet, because organizing the filming of such a video is not so easy, you need to choose a suitable area, set up props, then repeat all the tricks that the popular guy does games that people are trying to play in real life, these guys took popular mobile games,
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arcades and adventures to the street, perhaps the most turned out to be even more interesting than on the phone, it turns out that chopping fruits with a sword is not an activity from the lungs, i'm ready, wow! so, well, we warmed up on the street, moved around, strengthened our muscles, now it’s time to pump up our brains ; it turns out that it’s also better to play puzzles and other board games in real life, so you can completely immerse yourself in the plot of the game and, for example, feel a prominent businessman. internet craftsmen do what cannot be recreated in real life with their own hands. this guy, for example, made a good old one out of cardboard. pacman, but don’t forget about our little brothers, a hamster or a cat, too, probably want to play the legendary mario. in general, throw away your gadgets and go outside, it’s much
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more interesting there, and don’t forget, in such games in reality you won’t be able to control other players, so get ready, in the left corner and at the bottom, well, who hits like that, no, you want to do it well . this is the best breakfast, i love eggs benedict and hate them in all other forms, let's prepare this dish correctly, wait for our movie recipe in a couple of minutes. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorizo. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden!
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titanic luxury collection. titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. every number is here. this is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is
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your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. move out today, but child, i don’t care what happens to him. today. well, you can't a fingered child on the street. let's go to my place. live as long as you want. yes, we won't be long. she will take away the bramble. not our child, but he could be ours, life gives no clues, the premiere is today on rtr, ordering homemade food is better, the russians admitted that many people don’t have the time or desire to cook on their own, so store and restaurant dishes are increasingly available. on our tables and at least 6%
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of respondents are engaged in such a cute gastronomic scam, public catering passes off as their culinary products. more often this is generally done with salads, cereals, pancakes, cheesecakes and main courses. sandwiches, rolls and pizza are less commonly called their own. the main motive of culinary deceivers is to get a delicious original dish on the table, but without effort, and at the same time not destroy the opinion of their relatives about their outstanding ones. culinary talents are deceivers, you can cook eggs for breakfast yourself, back in 1620 the english physician tobias wenner advised starting the day with this product, i remember this, masha lyagina rewatched the film the runaway bride, to find a unique recipe for an egg dish, so come on masha, surprise us, you are the most confused woman, insecure, you are so confused that you don’t even know in what form you like eggs? with a priest you loved chatter, with a musician you loved glacier, with
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a bug-catcher you would lay eggs. when there are so many options around, it's difficult to make a choice. the heroine of the film, along with her new fiancé, had a new favorite recipe for an egg dish until she realized what she really wanted and what she loved. i love eggs benedict and hate them in all other forms. strange name of the dish, and even not all chefs know where it comes from. i don’t know, somehow. well, it’s true that we had monks, benedictians, benedictians, benedictians, like them, benedictians, the order of benedict, oh, you twisted it, according to legend, eggs benedict appeared thanks to an american broker named benedict, one day he, suffering from a hangover, i wandered into a cafe and asked to cook something hearty, but light, a little more complicated than a scrambled egg, where do we
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start? we always start with the sauce because everything else cooks very quickly. for hollandaise sauce, melt the butter, when it is ready, pour it into a separate container through a spoon, get rid of the unnecessary film, let the water heat up, and while we separate the white from the yolk, the yolk must be beaten, a circular motion from side to side, here is a circular motion from side to side to the side, whisking the yolks. they should turn slightly white and increase in volume, they have already turned slightly white, and the main thing is that my hand has already turned slightly white, beat the yolk with salt and put it in a water bath, brew until fine pour the melted butter into it with your hands, don’t forget to stir and add another piece of butter, isn’t it greasy, well , in general, it’s like all french cuisine, add the juice of one lemon slice to the butter, pepper the sauce, remove put it on the table, you need the sauce to thicken,
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move on to preparing the poached egg, heat the water to about 80° and add acid, vinegar or lemon juice, why? the acid will help the squirrel set faster, firstly, and secondly, well, it will taste better, so, can i break it carefully, you don’t you’ll be upset, i trust you, thank you very much, look, then you hold the shell like this, look, the liquid part of the egg, it all ended up in the bowl, what if we sent this egg. so without processing it will cook as an egg, then this entire liquid part will turn into foam, flakes, feathers, in general, they will ruin everything, we wait until the water is almost boiling, we begin to twist the funnel, we send the yolk to the center of the funnel, we continue rotation , the remaining white should seem to wrap around the yolk, this is usually
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it takes three or four minutes, but today something went wrong, listen, well, it won’t work out, now... in my opinion grisha got very upset and generally left, a runaway cook, a new film on the russia channel, in general, if you also didn’t get everything right the first time, don’t be upset, maybe the eggs were simply stored incorrectly in the store, if i were in the place of the heroine of this film after such a dish, i would definitely leave you, i mean, but you tried it, you i tried it, before trying it, i need to finish the dish. brush the bread slices with butter and lightly fry. and i always try to use more than just hollandaise sauce, but add some other bright and interesting one. i recommend using mahey mustard mayonnaise. its taste is a little unusual, at the same time sharp, sweet, with a slight
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sourness. this mayonnaise will be a spicy addition to our dish. original, let's try it. come on, squeeze the mayonnaise onto the bread. top with thinly sliced ​​avocado, greens, jerky, the cherry on this sandwich - our long-suffering poached egg , pour hollandaise sauce on top and we’re trying, today we have a marriage between benedict and a man, well, you say, well, it’s just such a movie, i wanted to feel like a bride too, well then run, i’ll eat , let’s at least try, it’s just fantastic, it’s delicious, we’re not in vain with you we tried, but still i want to tell you that it’s easier to choose your favorite dish than the groom, so, therefore, excuse me, but run, run, run, we have something to do here, excuse me, i’ll run, okay, good morning to you and have a nice appetite,
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see you guys never play with cars necessary. i myself have saved several models, i still haven’t raised my hand to throw them away, but just with age the hobby reaches a new level, each of these brutal men spent more than $1 on their hobby, it’s unlikely to stop there, all the cars are in the sandbox for adults they function exactly like real construction equipment, only the load capacity is less, by an order of magnitude, and the drivers no longer fit in the cab, they work remotely, so to speak, by pressing buttons on the remote control, but... good morning studio, good morning everyone, look who came to us today, the saxophone ensemble, the guys you already
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saw on our set, and what did they bring today, today they brought a little bit of tchaikovsky, namely tea, coffee, a candy cane, and why everything. what is he asking, what is it, what is it, because, as you remember, marie and the nutcracker are coming to confürenburg, tea, coffee and a candy cane are coming from there, so now there are some classics on the russia channel, let's go,
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well, it was great, the saxon ensemble novo we have a film set today in all i mean, a young band in what is the twenty
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-first, yes three it turns out already, yes 3 years it turns out on stage, you can of course see you in the moscow halls, so come to the concerts with the guys at the studio, thank you for the invitation, but it was really great, see you next saturday, we'll be waiting for new musical surprises bye can our guest ride on such a wheel? the wheel of fortune is spinning. go! who will be lucky next time? well done, well done! wow! amazing people, amazing! seventh season. to be honest, i'm completely shocked. on friday at 21:30 on the russia channel. could you feed me? bon appetit. my business trip ends in 3 days. would you like to come with me? life doesn't
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give any information. premiere today at 21:00. on the russia channel, well, we fulfilled our mission, and woke you up as best we could, thank you for waking up, we wish you a good weekend, and of course, don’t forget to subscribe to our telegram channel, all the news is there, and we ’ll check in more often, see you, goodbye. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. all residents of the old city evacuate.


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