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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 11:30am-1:59pm MSK

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mikhail shumov, conductor of the belgorod region. having destroyed an entire column of visu equipment, the commander of the legendary tank alyosha took the first step into politics to help the soldiers and their families. hero of russia russia baksikov submitted documents for the preliminary vote of united russia. as part of this campaign, the party selects candidates for the september elections. they will be held in 40 regions. the rules for submitting documents for participants and veterans of the northern military district have been simplified. state council of tatarstan. i'm going to present it to the state council. interests and military personnel, their families, participants, svo, and in general all veterans. there are some nuances. in
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the medical care of military personnel, all that remains is to achieve success and start working. a new earthquake was recorded near new york, the earthquake, according to preliminary data, did not cause serious damage, and president biden went to inspect the consequences not of a natural disaster, but of a man-made disaster, a collapsed bridge in baltimore. the owners of the white house waited there for 10 days. report by valentin bogdanov. zero casualties, no destruction, but maximum level of panic. residents received an emergency notification that everyone in new york city should stay indoors due to an earthquake just 40 minutes after the statue of liberty and the entire largest metropolis in the united states were shaken with a force of 4.7. scared dogs, a surprised
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guitarist, a reporter rushing into the frame. one more, we have one more, here are those who did not succumb to fear, like this hairdresser saving a child. trislo in the private houses of neighbors.
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well, biden is not amused, with questions about the underground elements, he is intercepted on the way out from the white house. regarding the earthquake, i spoke with the governor, who believes that the situation is under control, apparently he is not too worried about it, so everything is fine. wearing aviator glasses, the us president went on a helicopter ride around a container ship that had collapsed after being hit.
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that’s what it’s called: every day to finance a murder, to finance a war, to pay for it, thereby continuing it, to give advice on how to conduct it, to send our cia there to supervise this war in ukraine against russia, against a nuclear power, this is no longer possible, if you do this, you cannot even call yourself a christian. margery taylor greene threatened the speaker with resignation in advance, and what’s on her tongue is on donald trump’s mind, the final word in fate.
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kratov followed with lightning speed, they are now also seeking to perpetuate the name of trump, however, in the name of the federal prison in miami, behind bars of which biden’s supporters, of course, would like to see the republican himself. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria bolatvina, news from new york. mexico breaks off diplomatic relations with ecuador and recalls its diplomats from the country. that night, riot police burst into the mexican embassy in quito and detained the former vice-president of ecuador, who had received political asylum in mexico.
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several mexican diplomats were wounded during the operation. the arrested politician is accused of corruption. ecuadorian authorities called the assault on the embassy a defense of sovereignty. in turn, mexico announced a gross violation of the vienna.
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2 years are like one day, and any number of years will pass, nothing will change, today the time has come for the ldpr, which vladimir volfovich always spoke about, today the party is more united than ever, and no attempts
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to introduce artificial dividing lines into the party space are ending. for success. two tu-95 strategic missile carriers completed a planned flight over the neutral waters of the chukchi sea. the vk long-range aviation aircraft were accompanied by the crews of su-35s fighters. as reported by the defense ministry, the flight lasted over 12 hours and took place in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. the west has declared a war of complete destruction on the russian world, gennady zyuganov announced this today as part of his speech at the all-russian party meeting, which was held via videoconference. he added that nazism today has again taken root in europe and again threatens the world with a big fire.
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according to the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, the main thing now is the unity of all political forces in russia, regardless of views. today it stands. question edgewise or all state-patriotic forces of the party, regardless of their ideological views, will unite in the name of victory. or a new defeat awaits us, we call for such unity, and on behalf of the presidium of the state of patriotic forces, 2 days ago, speaking at the government report, i officially stated, i call on everyone to ensure victory, because without victory over these forces we cannot to be the future. in primorye , the far eastern leopard population has increased; 14 kittens were born last year, and now region... there are already 129 rare predators. for comparison, at the beginning of 2000 there were no more than 35 individuals worldwide. the main
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home for them today remains the national park and leopard land, but increasingly there are reports that spotted cats are found in other areas of the seaside. experts reassure: these predators are friendly and try to avoid close contact with people; usually they just watch from afar. this weekend in havana , cuba. and cuba, so maybe cheburashka really
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is cuban, dense tropical forest, that’s where to this is what eduard uspensky put in the first lines of his story, the cheburashka, here it is, there are no dense tropical forests either in israel or in morocco, which means that the cheburashka is definitely a cuban, and here in cuba they know the cheburashka, they remember it, then in havana we will have ..
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like now in cuba, when we are faced with economic problems caused mainly by the terrible sanctions under which we
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have been for more than half a century, we look with hope towards our russian brothers. russia, a country that is not afraid of the american empire, is also under sanctions, and logic dictates that we should be together, close ranks and help each other. applause for anna revyakina's poems, and this was after the official events, everyone was invited to an informal one. a meeting of the committee for the defense of the revolution in the govan district of playa, there were ordinary residents, and a whole minister, and deputies, and also a veteran of the rebel army of fidel castro, we know the common history, we follow politics, but of course, we cannot but have a common future due to a common cultural code. unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year. a by the way, in the new film cheburashka speaks... spanish. he knows spanish, right? the translation is over with you, but this
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is definitely not about the magic of relations between cuba and russia. sergey brilev, alexey kalashch and evgeny makarov with the assistance of chabburashka. news from havana. and today on the air of russia-24 is a new film by sergei brilev about latin america and soviet intelligence. watch at 12:20.
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gota underwent a complex operation at the elizarov clinic, tendon-muscle plastic surgery on both sides, without surgical intervention, there was a chance of learning to walk minimal. he is a special child with a rare genetic disease, g1 fox syndrome . officially, there are only five such children in russia; due to a gene mutation, danis has breathing problems, developmental delays and motor disorders. i started having problems with my right leg. she did not allow him to walk fully, but was spastic and very tense. this problem was corrected at elizarov’s clinic. after discharge, danis returned home with his mother. now i need to stay in casts for another 3 weeks. and then doctors recommend starting rehabilitation. the sooner, the better the restorative effect will be. they can rehabilitate
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danis and teach him to walk in a private center in chelyabinsk, they developed it for him. you and i can help danis, to do this you need to send an sms with the word danis to number 3443, indicate the donation amount separated by a space, it is important to confirm the transfer. svetlana krukovskaya, rashid latypov, vesti, surgut, chelyabinsk, voronezh. about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch sunday at 20:00. this is
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to lead. we are methodically destroying the enemy’s military infrastructure, but what’s on the ground? somewhere near? military correspondent sladkov visited the stormtroopers of the alexander nevsky brigade. there were always many residents here, in the basement of the theater they hid from shelling, and elena erofeeva saw how the already peaceful mariupol was coming to its senses. 75 years
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of the nato bloc, an important background, was it true? what, why should you look for real alabai right here, news of the week, sunday, 20:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, they follow the developments in russia abroad, stay with us. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar
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group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts: we are here for you! cognac monte chococa, product of steller group, titanic deluxe golf belleg! where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the gourmet cuisine of the best
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restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello, you are watching a program about animals, their owners, and how friendship between them makes the world a little kinder. please join, even if you don’t have a pet, because this is a fixable matter, you are among friends, let’s get started. love for
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animals is instilled in childhood; it appears with the first kitten brought from the street or with the appearance of a puppy in a gift box. bante. and if in childhood your favorite was a tiger, and more than one. let's watch. honored artists of russia, karina and artur bagdasarovy. well, in general, the childhood of the forties artists, it is completely different from the childhood of any other children, it is so very magical, because all childhood is spent in the arena, and even when i was little, we had such a phrase that we are children of sawdust, we are sawdust children, that is... we grew up in sawdust, if childhood remembers, schools, we constantly changed schools, we constantly, we
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were on tour, 2 months in the same school i studied, 2 months in another, and of course it was interesting, with us, we come to the city of chelyabinsk, i have a whole diary of red paste written, your son did something wrong there, there are bad marks there, there are some other things, i have a teacher came to a rehearsal, once came to a rehearsal, watched a child rehearsing with tigers, all the recordings ended in red paste, she brought me cakes, pastries, we always had some kind of house, tiger cubs, lion cubs, panty cubs, it happened that even in our hotels there lived some small a tiger cub that needed to be fed and nursed, i went into the playpen with '. with our dad, a trainer of wild animals, mikhail bagdasarov, people's artist of russia, our dad, he brought us into this profession, that is, at first
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my dad and i started working together, i was 18 years old, there were 18 tigers in the cage, arthur already he came to us after 2 years, that is, he turned 15 years old, his dad brought him into a cage, almost all animals, they should grow up with you, it’s not like that... he came, you have an adult dog, yes there, i don’t know, there’s already a huge caucasian, let’s say, yes, and you already approach them and you don’t know anything about how to handle him, also with tigers, you have to take the baby from a young age to grow up with him, and he will help you - he teaches, and you teach him something, until they are a year old, we don’t do anything with them at all, because they are stupid little kids who just run around and play, and it’s impossible to teach them anything, that is, they still have that kind of childhood. plays, but during this period we are watching them, we can immediately understand by - the exterior of the animal, what he can do, yes, that is, someone jumps better, someone
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spins better, someone already knows how to do some basic tricks, for example, hector, you saw how today hector actively ran straight, growled at arthur, yes, an absolutely amazing code, very kind, very good, in all his 16 years he did not fight with more than one tiger, but such a role. he chose such an oh, aggressive match for himself, so he and arthur interact like that, arthur turns him on, he growls at him, it’s for both of them madly like. our beti is such a young lady, she lies like this the whole show and i ’m blonde, i have benches, i don’t know how to do anything, so she chose this role for herself, she lies there, gives herself a manicure, pedicure, scratches her ears, scratches her head, pesters to the men who lie next to her, that is, this is a completely separate show. the worst thing is, you know what happens, such things happen, we had a rehearsed trick, and there is a crossbar that we walked on today
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, tigers from above are inserted into... and swords and he walks on top, then suddenly at some point something scared the tiger, who had been doing this trick since childhood, probably, i don’t know, 5 years, suddenly his grandmother whispered, he jumped up, looked at these swords, said, damn it, i’m not going anywhere at all, that’s all , no syusi pusyusi, no there, as he says, well, you have to force him, go force him, he doesn’t want to, he’s afraid. he was scared , he had to spend about a year on this to restore this trick, so that it would be clear in his head that it’s not scary, that he can go, that he won’t fall anywhere, and so on, this happened to us with our beti and the tigress, who doesn’t come out to work here, doesn’t do her tricks, because she doesn’t like the checkered carpet, for some reason she came up with the idea that he, i don’t know, will eat her there, bite her, wrap her up, i i don’t know what he will do with her, but he still won’t go down to the manesh
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in any way. doesn’t want to, so there’s still a very big difference when you just work with people with whom you can come to an agreement, say, guys, today we have work, you do this and that, but these comrades, what’s going on in their heads? got up, you don’t you know, by the way, here’s one of our great tales, the ring of fire, this is the most terrible trick, but it’s not a damn thing... the most terrible trick, this is the simplest trick that can exist, it just looks spectacular, again the same moment, why they jump into the fire, why the animal goes and makes a jump, there is an answer, because it is not afraid, if he even once paws, i don’t know, he’ll catch his tail like a child, get burned, say, on a stove, he’s bigger in life will not fit this stove, so here, your task is to
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this... this is that animals in any situation live less than people, now korinka and i already have an anniversary this year, in my opinion, we have been working together in a cage for 30 years, during which time we have already probably the fourth generation of animals has left, this is difficult. today our guest is artur bagdasarov, and he did not come alone, with his son and his beloved pet, do not be alarmed, we have already taken all precautions, if anyone for some reason wants to leave the studio, please do it right now , i warned you, meet me, please, artur bagdasarov. arthur bagdasar,
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trainer, honored artist of russia, descendant of the bagdasarov dynasty, can speak the same language as wild cats, awarded the order of friendship, hello, i'm glad to meet you, hello, sit down, please, it's very scary, i imagine this picture very clearly . a man works in a cage, comes home from wild animals, scary dangerous ones with huge claws, and at home he is waiting, viva, hello, arthur, how did this happen, it somehow happened that the wife for some reason decided that i need a dog at home, here this is not a dog at all, this is something incomprehensible, please introduce me to your son, this is
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my son, his name is... what is your name? mark, markov, hello, it’s very nice mark, i’m very glad that you agreed to come to us, are you growing up in the circus, or have you chosen some other direction in life, well, become a tiger killer like your dad, what are you doing, this is a surprise, what secrets, now i will also know, arthur, i was completely shocked by the story of how your father put you in a cage for the first time, i was 10 years old then, dad worked with tigers at the end one tiger didn’t run in and he... there was slapping his whip there, come in and i shouted from the auditorium, let me drive it myself, i can do it without a whip, he says, you ’re brave, i say, yes, come in , i somehow came in every day, drove this urals home, for some reason, apparently after some christmas tree performances, since there were a lot of them, i became a little insolent, bolder, probably, yes, well, a tiger and a tiger, a tiger always he was lying towards me with his back, then the front was turned, i also
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went in, sent him home, i turned around and such a blow to the back, my shirt shattered into pieces, uh-huh, and my dad that same day... immediately after our performance he took me to this tiger so that i wouldn’t have panic fear, but i immediately had fear , because i immediately the most interesting thing is not clear which of us was more scared, because after the tiger hit me, he ran into the very corner and was also afraid there, i didn’t understand what was happening at all, who was more scared than whom, i at that moment i don’t know, but it was such a good lesson for both of you, probably, mark, you want one for yourself same fate, well, my fate will not be exactly the same, but mine is more complicated. this is a combo, interesting, are you hearing about this for the first time, tigers with lions, so who else will you have there, well, panthers, wow, you really want to become like your grandfather, apparently, yes, well, yes, how often do you
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go to circus, well, very rarely actually, because i also have my own way of making money. so there is some kind of parallel business, apparently, there is not enough time for the circus, so what are you doing, well, this is filming, modeling, that’s it, i see a purposeful a young man who needs to be supported and who will definitely succeed, but tell me, dad already allowed you to get close to wild animals, well, i didn’t approach them at all, i led them on leashes for so long, then well, i didn’t approach the little tigla, i just led him. on leashes, i'm shocked, did you seriously lead a tiger on a leash? well, a small one, well, a tiger, well, yes, that’s the story, amazing courage, but why did your wife decide that you need this animal? listen, you
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’ve been working with cats all your life, right? yes, but how i had a second half, we started having animals at home, yeah, the first one appeared was a black spitz, our love was there, it was a river, yes. it’s good, the second one can’t stand it at all, so the third one we got is astik, the bastard, who actually showed up for me, a girl vivo, because i wanted a dog, so that there was a girl, it seems like they have a different energy compared to the boys, like jackson, and jackson, you forgot about jackson, cat, cat, jackson, there was a cat after all, that’s how we got to the pitchfork, who is more difficult to deal with, wild animals or this here... a pet that is very scary to offend, but we get such pets, they are absolutely not queens, this animal can’t do anything, it only pees, poops and eats a lot, if only you
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had some kind of food now well, she’s just like an excavator, the boast is gone, she doesn’t chew, she swallows everything, in general it’s a wolfhound, i ’m still ready to show right now what this dog can do, this dog can do the most important thing, this dog knows how to love, what may be more important, but czechs, i already understood that are they really the kind of dogs they will lick to death, the animals you work with, are they capable of the love that pets give us? no, they are not capable , after all, predators are predators, when you communicate with a predator, you have a slightly different state, you don’t have contact like this, you cannot take it, touch it, yes,
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of course you can, of course, a small tiger cub, but these adult cats that have already grown up, they are kind kitties far away, so get small dogs, no need for tigers, i just never. i haven't seen it, would you like to see it? cat, please tell me, these are mosquitoes, a side effect of the profession of a trainer, the kitty decided to try me, check what people taste like, so you don’t have to put your head in the kitties’ mouth, your dad, why did he put it in the lion’s head, and he i didn’t bite him, i don’t have an answer for him, he had thick hair. a very tasty nut, we wanted to surprise you with something, something doggy, of course, since you also happen to be a dog lover, do you know any dog ​​sports? no, you see, so this is it’s called dog athletics, i think
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that we’ll probably take the baby either stronger or hide it, decide for yourself, we’ll take it stronger, it’s better to take it stronger, because now two serious guys will take part in this performance, one of them is called shayan, the second is called. .. chagiwara, your applause, along with it yulia abukhovich appears, attention, what is it - is the chick ready? well done, okay, give it, oops, oops, listen, i didn’t have time to blink an eye, what’s the height there? but there was a meter, now we’re setting it to 15 meters, so what? against? ready? i didn’t understand anything, well done, give me, give me, what’s next, girls? now we’re raising the height by another 10 cm. 125 we’re setting
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the height, but we’re already approaching sergei bubok’s record, the little ball is ready, yes, nesting dolls, shay, you don’t want to work at all, well, let’s try one more time, shay, ready, oh, this is it called even with a reserve, in my opinion, she did it, bravo, bravo, let's move on to the next attraction now, sit, be quiet, no, no, go ahead, oh well, okay, 3 m, dad,
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how did he do it, how did he i did it at 3.5, the next height is 3.5 m, i'm afraid, quiet, quiet, no, no, forward, but 3.5 m, wow, awesome, but as i understand it, guys, the idea of ​​hiding from the dog on the fence is how it failed, no chance, will it really be even higher, girls, 4 m, quiet, quiet, no, no, off, yes, bravo, nothing but, wow, i
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just can’t say, this is cool, arthur, not a bad circus , yes, in general, i told you that you can’t walk near fences, that we have dogs, yes, what an impression, mark, i’m shocked, so i’m shocked, let’s meet applause, yulia, marusya and, of course, chigiwara, please applause for my guests. let's talk about your extraordinary hobby, hello, hello, please, verchik, come here to me. marus, please tell me, do you work with your mother, help her with the dogs, or do you have some completely different hobby? well, i compete in competitions from barcelona, ​​this is our oldest, oldest dog. what breed? writer, well, like chagivar. i understand correctly, girls, that you have your own sports club, which you engage in. yes, here you go now you were observing just the elements
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of athletics, there was a wall discipline, and a barrier, our dogs showed, well, average results, this is an amazing result, at least everyone in this studio is absolutely delighted, the bulltip breed, they require physical activity, the baby is dissatisfied, dissatisfied, very brave kid, he also wants a piece of cheese, are there competitions in these disciplines, competitions are held in... a very emotional athlete, when he
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already sees the apparatus, he knows that it will work, he really likes actually jumping, that is this is how he expresses his desire to jump as quickly as possible, he is very emotional and wants to get his as soon as possible. you also have to raise your voice at your animals so that they hear you and concentrate on you, well, they all have dogs that are bigger than these ones, they are the same when they communicate, they bark, they talk to each other, if he... talks like a dog like that, then he is unlikely to understand anything, everything that we saw in this studio on video is all useful for dogs are definitely a sport for dogs. eat breeds that are not suitable for this sport? as a rule, there are no restrictions; if the dog is healthy, it can play sports. in this context, of course, i am very interested in the chihuahua, whether it can perform similar exercises, but if the dog has
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motivation, then of course the dog can, and i heard that she really loves to eat, probably there is motivation, she she terrible eater of everything. listen arthur, maybe we ’ll now invite your sweet girl to try part of these competitions, what do you say to that? come on, but in that case i i’ll ask you to show us the necessary equipment, and chagiwara, we’ll invite him, of course, backstage, let’s applaud this amazing animal again, well, we have vivo, we have treats, please, let’s try to bring her here, take her vivochka bivochka, come on, oops, ah, bravo, and you 're great, well done, let's try the bun again, let's try again, and you're great, what, ah, good, and you tell arthur that it is impossible to train her, everything is possible, please, what about everyone else, now let's go, now, of course, we’ll try to help you, we need
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a little props, yes, take it, let ’s go, vivochka, let’s go, let’s go, go around, yes, come on, oh, yes, okay. okay, let's try to add a wand, yes, i'm listening, right here now, yes, ah, you're so good in general, come on, well, come on, oops, ah, okay, let's complicate it, yes, yes, okay, well, let's, ah what did you expect, of course, yes, look carefully, willow, come on, oh , well done, well done, let's say, who would have thought that she was capable of this for food? fantastic! ok, let's go! well, well we're going to world record, very motivated dog, beef, come on, let's go, oh, wow, listen, there's only one left, yes, okay,
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arthur, i'm telling you, you 're working with the wrong bellies, vibulka, well- okay, pay attention, here you need to run, let’s drive forward, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! “this is amazing, guys, i just have to beg for arthur and mark to do this now, let's, of course, i really want to see, viva, viv, viv, at this one, look, there's still one left, arthur smells like failure, viva, viva , vivka, and arthur, what will say, in my opinion, the emotions are no worse than with tigers, yes, but congratulations to you, you have an amazing animal, thank you very much for your passion, for the sport that you give to dogs, arthur, thank you very much for the wonderful company, it was very nice, we
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never leave athletes and children without gifts, so please bring gifts to the studio for our friends, wow! so, mark, this is for you, and this is for you, thank you very much, and for the animals, of course, there are also gifts, these are gifts for viva, she deserved this gorgeous gift with her performance, i very grateful for your time, thank you very much for stopping by, i’m very glad to meet you, thank you, thank you, got dressed, well done, the premiere on rtr vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no court will give a child to a mother who has there is no work and no living space, i need official registration, she will arrange something else for us, what to do, wait, wait, wait, let's go, they ate my child, alla taxi from monday to rtr. kalinon belek is
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a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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i’d like to stay in moscow, of course, get you a job in our restaurant, i also drew a horse with wings, pigasus, after all, it will be yours here, then you’ll draw it. we watch it on the weekend, well, who liked it? this is zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping? i'm afraid, what are you afraid of? wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid, or what? i'll have to fire you, actually i don't work here, i i live here, like cinderella, some kind of just home, here in general, we can’t comprehend it. it’s okay, i’ll still fight or the princess, who the prince will choose, but you loved her, but most likely not, but you
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love me, wings of a pegasus, today there is nerter, the floor is threatening, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. with a movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear. and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, happy birthday to you, blow it out, today. after graduation you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and join you, if only you knew where you’ll lose it, dad, dad, if you knew where you’ll find it, i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, are you even his i loved you, mom, so from now on, in more detail, come with me. “i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we’ve only known each other for a few days, it’s not enough, life doesn’t
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give us any information, the premiere was on rtr today, while we were hanging out.” tigers, evening has already fallen in the far east, which means that another large predatory cat is preparing for a night hunt in order to feed its little kittens. people in these parts are working hard to restore the leopard population. let's see the plot. leopard land national park is located in the southwest of primorsky krai, occupies a large area of ​​​​more than 360,000 hectares, together with a protected zone, it was formed in 2012 with the aim of preserving the rarest big cat on the planet, the far eastern leopard. at
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the time of the creation of the national park , only 35 individuals of the far eastern leopard remained. many did not believe that it would be possible to save it, they suggested relocating it to zoos, but everything worked out. currently , there are more than 125 adult far eastern leopards, and its numbers continue to grow steadily. honestly. to know here we have a real leopard paradise, vast expanses, plenty of game and even our own personal protection from poachers, look, they are looking out for someone again, the far eastern leopard is one of nine subspecies of leopard, its northernmost subspecies is one of the smallest in general , the only subspecies that is adapted to life in the snow in the harsh coastal taiga, it lives only in the southwest of primorsky krai, on the border area with china and north korea.
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a leopard in the wild lives for about 12-13 years, then, for example, the famous far eastern leopard named alexey has already lived to be
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17 years old. and you, gentlemen, my passport is not according to my age, if you look at the average far eastern one. i'm looking for, wow, young forud, check out how handsome he is! if you suddenly don’t have the skills to train wild cats, but you really want a predator home, a cat whose roots do not come from the far east, but straight from the hot african plains, can help you. savannah, in our studio with our hostess natalya orlova. hello natalya, hello, hold tight, very, i’m very afraid, welcome, as an amateur i see that this is an unusually rare beautiful color, almost a leopard, it has something in common with a leopard, it has nothing in common with a leopard, it’s a bush cat, dad, bush cat dad, now we’ll figure out who the dad is and who the mom is, because if i understand correctly,
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for this breed this is of great importance, our dad is a serval, and our mom is the first generation from a predator, how do you like it? did you ever come up with the idea of ​​getting this particular cat? well, we saw it we’re on the internet, wondering what kind of beauties these are and decided to try, yeah, i think that it’s probably very difficult to find exactly this breed of children of such parents.
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it’s normal, but the smaller one doesn’t recognize, yes, how much this animal costs, it may not be voiced, well, if you are uncomfortable, then you don’t have to do it, the automotive world, the automotive world, bugatti, you’re kidding, if you compare it with the automotive world, this is bugatti , this is the most expensive breed in the world, wow, don't look at me like that, i don't care myself, but i want to talk in more detail and now, with your permission, i want to invite to
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the studio in this place, an owl specialist, a specialist who will tell us even more about this breed. my guest is olga tornovskaya, let's greet her. olga tornovskaya, philinologist, feline expert, international class judge for all types of cats, world cat federation. hello, i am glad to meet you again. everything is fine, so, will you sit between us? with pleasure, well, look. "hello, vika, you are my good girl, tell me then to me, is it still a domestic cat or is it a wild animal, help us figure it out, is it a hybrid between a wild animal and a domestic cat, how should it be treated as a wild animal or as a domestic cat? it needs to be treated as a hybrid, since there is wild blood there, then you need to be
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especially careful, you need to understand that this is..." a domestic cat, but on the other hand, understand that there is still the blood of a domestic cat, and if the animals are hybrids...
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found out a very expensive breed, what do they eat? what do they eat? that in nature, all kinds of birds, quails, rabbits, chickens, well, mice, of course, and in nature they also eat snakes, but here they are not particularly sold and somehow i feel sorry for them, but listen, you need to walk with vetch , or she is at home all the time, she can go for a walk herself, just a minute, vika can go for a walk herself, of course, but what will everyone else who meets on her way do at this moment? but all jokes aside, are you walking with this animal? well, we’re walking, we have a closed area, they have a walking enclosure, they walk in it like this, and if we need to take her somewhere on a harness, please,
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she will walk in the parks near the fountains, she will be happy to do so. guys, i don’t know about you, but what i see is fascinating, what i feel is very beautiful, very dangerous, very interesting, it simply cannot be conveyed in any other way. thank you very much for this experience that you gave us, thank you very much for. your knowledge, thank you, yes, i don’t let anyone go without gifts, this is for you, thank you very much, see you again, all the best to you, take care from myself, thank you, thank you, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i ’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played dodgeball football, that’s all for me time was knocked out, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr,
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they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest. it’s a shame, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal shore, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, discover a real pearl on the bodrum coastline, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and
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unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. those who want to stay informed watch the week's news. advanced program. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s just a joke, he’s doing it himself
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will come to the house, we will start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how to refresh the lion? a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, today on rtr, feed.
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hello, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking me, vika died, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, on sunday, see me tomorrow my sister is coming, what about my proposal for us to be together, hello, hello, i spent the night with a guy, he’s good, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill - this is lena, lena - this is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you. damn, what 's going on? hello, sister, sunday on rtr. it's hard to believe, but these dogs were bred to hunt waterfowl. cities. graceful,
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self-respecting, and not surprisingly, that the largest of them became favorites of kings and received the corresponding name: royal poodle. in our section, i want to start it, let’s watch the story. budels are a very ancient breed, the history of the origin of this breed dates back to the 4th century ad, dating back to the time of the migration of peoples. and these dogs roamed with the atars and established themselves as wonderful shepherds, and when they came to europe, they mixed with european hunting breeds and the result was dogs that were used as kicking dogs and as dogs that retrieve game from the water, these dogs have very thick hair, and in order to prevent tangles, all sorts of twigs, weeds from clinging to this hair, people began to shave some haircuts and thus very...
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place, this is among all, including service dogs. a glove, yes, well done, bring it here, duck, duck, well done, excellent, raccoon, yes, you are my joy, these dogs are used in the circus, they are also used for service purposes, for example, there is a dog that was used by a volunteer in the ministry of emergency situations in modern times ,
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the popularity of royal poodles came from the eighties and nineties of the xx century, and after some decline, at the moment we are again seeing an increase in the popularity of these wonderful dogs. our regular viewers know that in this section we invite famous people who have a representative of the breed living at home, but poodles are such cool guys that they can achieve popularity themselves. please meet our star guests, these are the royal poodles, vladimir and vittorio, along with their owner nadezhda revinova. vladimir and vitorio are the main poodles of russian show business. on their has dozens of roles in advertising, popular tv series and television programs. hello, nice to meet you, please. i have never had such stars before. tell me about their creative path, how it turned out that dogs, that is, are more famous than some people. 5 years ago, when the world was
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6 months old, a girl i knew invited us to appear in a commercial, that is, they were looking for a poodle and offered it to the world, since then he has been filming periodically, of course, well, let's talk about vitorio, vito is filming a little smaller, but only because v the black dog is not very clearly visible in the frame, but he is also invited, and he is also great, he has his own roles, and the guys do not compete with each other, do not throw broken glass into each other’s shoes. somehow other capricious stars do, and so on, maybe they spread gossip about each other, no, they don’t argue with each other, they’re not best friends, as i understand it, vita was the first to appear in your family, that’s right, you too he was named after vita caerleon, in the mafia, of course, yes, he is a hooligan, well, the character is appropriate, but why then peace? and the world? i was afraid that two guys would compete, so i chose the most peaceful name - peace. tell us, what roles did your dogs play? well, the world has starred in children's programs, in music videos with
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stars, as well as in commercials, in full-length films, wow, what do they like most? i prefer something active, like standing and sitting. not very much, but this is something active, shows some tricks, they like this much more. let's see what happens to the dogs and actors on the set. please, attention to the screen. yes, but this is preparation, yes, makeup. yes. that's it, we're waiting, we've started, look at peppa, at mom, who, look at mom, here. maria, hello. that's it, wait, camera, hide. and they began. listen, it seems to me that you need to be a very smart dog in order to learn to understand what they want from you, but when the world actually comes to the set, he doesn’t take his eyes off me, that is, what you tell him, he and
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he does, he always tries to do everything right, that is, he is not a bully, he loves to be praised, loves to be in the center attention, well, i know that you have prepared several numbers that can... vito, shame, shame, oh, shame, vita, shame, lie down, lie down, good, well done, well done, well, let's go, now you, okay,
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now , probably support, come here, with pleasure, hello, world, he prefers to interact with a person, loves all sorts of commands, so that next, there, right left, go around, go around, you have an amazing understanding with your dogs. i know that raising a poodle is, of course, special, and today we invited this studio is a specialist in poodles. please meet, this is olga popova, your applause. olga popova,
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an expert cynologist, groomer, and poodle specialist, knows all the secrets of this breed. hello, thank you very much for being here. i understand. that poodles are a separate world, what is the peculiarity of working with poodles, all dogs have their own specifics, tell us about working with poodles, what their specifics are, he is a clown, an artist, he is always up for anything, he loves to learn, loves to interact with a person, and this is real the dog is a companion, that is, if a person likes to relax, yes, then the boodle will lie at his feet and sleep peacefully, it seems to me that this is a very active dog that is needed. wait, in the story they said that this
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breed was bred for hunting, we are used to the fact that poodles are actors, when this breed was formed, dogs were used for hunting and mostly hunting dogs to a greater extent, right? i can imagine this dog without hair, it seems to me that they will even look somewhat like a greyhound to a hound, greyhounds participated there, yes, retrievers, the portuguese water dog took part in breeding, like a poodle in selection, how to do diving and swimming with such hair, excellent, the wool gets wet so hard to make the process of swimming in water easier, they shaved the butt like this so that the dog doesn’t pulled to the bottom, left the lungs warm.
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she is not at the peak of her popularity now and the most glorious years were maybe the eighties or nineties, correct me, yes, yes, most likely why is that, well, now people prefer small dogs, but you know, as they say, the closer to the city center, the smaller the dog, yes, they are afraid that there will be a lot of problems with care, well... how i came up with my formula, the same amount of time you spend cleaning up wool around the house for other breeds , if you put this in a pile and wash and trim the dog once a month, it will turn out the same thing, the poodle’s hair sheds like other dogs, no, it doesn’t shed, no, it sheds inside itself, that is, it must be combed out, well, it lingers, but for me it seems that the film crew of the program has never spent so much time with friends time to film a location shoot, how did this happen? with poodles, our correspondents spent 6.5 hours in the grooming salon, removing the poodle's haircut, and we intend
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to show you this, but today we have a royal poodle as our guest in the salon, her name is chateau, black color, she is a very respectable lady, a girl , she is our champion of many... exhibitions , multi-champion, in general , a multiple winner of the breed, champion, i’m ashamed to admit, it’s been like two months without a haircut, i don’t recognize myself in the mirror, dear, quickly give me back before you start cutting, poodle, her coat needs to be combed and washed well, chateau often goes to exhibitions with us, so she tolerates all combing and personal care procedures very well. well,
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let’s go for a swim, all the royal pudderies really love to wash themselves, the chaton demonstrates this perfectly now, the shampoo is special, and it doesn’t sting the poodle’s eyes, even if it accidentally gets in, wow, water, lovely, as if born again, well, we've washed ourselves, let's dry off, there are standard haircuts, these are leo, continental, modern, english saddle, there are also unusual haircuts. for example, i cut a poodle both like a bunny and like a harlequin. pinocchio, harlequins - this is all
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for young people. at my age, only classics. make me a continental, honey. well, after 5 hours of cutting, this is what our chateau looks like, beautiful and elegant, well, what do you like, well done, well done, very beautiful, so, the latest trends in the classics of the poodle beauty industry. today
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irina stepanenko , the champion groomer, will present you the golden scissors of russia. ask! dear ladies and gentlemen, let's begin our fashion show: royal poodle, spring 2024. so, jack the poodle. shows us the sporty moderm haircut, which is very practical and easy to care for and to live with. represents the popular scandinavian lion haircut, maned pants look fashionable and add lightness to a dancing gait. excitement. scandinavian lion in brown. notice how different
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the scandinavian lion looks in different colors. and represents the continental lion haircut in black color; in everyday care, the mane is braided with elastic bands to preserve the fur, balls on the butt and paws, an allusion to arttemon and pinocchio's fairy tales, completes our show, the world and vita, the world in white color, the fantastic fluffy cloud ivita, the veteran emphasizes the wisdom, experience and taste of your dog. so, ladies and gentlemen, pay attention to how, with a difficult movement of the groomer’s hand, the poodle transforms, the poodle turns into an elegant, truly royal dog.
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bravo! well, what can i say, beauty is a terrible force, i think it’s time to bring it to bear. of course, bring the gifts quickly and loud applause, of course, bye-bye too. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group.
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veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection bowrum romca
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product stellar group please fasten your seat belt can tell me you saved my life, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgenia lazar, why me, there are many ready-made specialists, light, it ’s like i’m going downhill without you. maybe not your man, in a zone of strong turbulence, light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please take your seat, flight attendant on friday on earth, on the day
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cosmonautics, this is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is still our holiday. with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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why has the incidence of whooping cough sharply increased in russia and what does this mean for you and me? and we 'll talk about whooping cough. whooping cough in adults today, one of the serious causes of chronic cough, has become a huge reservoir for the spread of whooping cough bacteria. is it possible to somehow determine that my dry cough is whooping cough, what additional symptoms exist. how to buy medicines correctly so as not to spend extra money? which is correct? to buy medicine, and we trust the pharmacy sellers, it’s better if you collect it all and throw it away, they help, that is, you need to think about what works better, and he will go off
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the treatment, and then i will wonder why they don’t buy the medicine, because my fault, what kind of breakfast will improve brain function, new research on the benefits of breakfast, i have a real surge of energy, it fell, hormones started working, some, others, others, for those who want to lose weight and those who want not to gain... weight is the first item, i get up early , no feeling of hunger, is it always necessary to start waking up after waking up, hello, says doctor mestyakov, you are in my clinic on the belarusian channel russia-1, i appeared here with cats, dogs, rats and often with monkeys, and today you see what kind of girlfriend i have , we will get to know her better in the section for soul and body, so go and sit down. here we have other topics, we will learn to save on medicines, and we will talk not
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only about generics, we will talk about the latest research related to breakfast, and why the incidence of whooping cough has increased sharply and what this threatens us with, so human cub, give me your place, your time will come, blow. and we begin. so, the section: how to buy medicine correctly, how to buy medicine correctly. i said that we can save money, but we will save much more in terms of our health. what's our problem? we really believe in medicines, we are not... not everyone is like that, but there are a lot of people who simply
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give advice in pharmacies without special medical education, so we trust the pharmacist more than the doctor, and actually, excuse me, doctors they like to write us out medicines are more expensive. newer, well, sort of like modern knowledge, so, well, first of all, figure this out, it’s better if you collect it all and throw it away, you don’t remember how long it’s been there, something new, something old , something completely old, and most importantly, you don’t even remember what it’s from, you read some name, you remember, but they seemed to give me this,
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they won’t give you a box of tablets, but in america there are exactly 15 tablets, no 14, not 16, 15, because the doctor wrote 15 on the prescription, i understand that the problem is getting to the doctor, the problem is with the doctor himself, yes, that all this will begin, it’s easier to actually go, i don’t know, to be treated with urine than to go through all these, so to speak, steps to get a prescription, and to get the correct prescription, unfortunately, we live today... so we are still learning, just getting to know how, when we go to the pharmacy, what do we buy? the medicine is more beautiful, often more
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expensive, based on the fact that the more expensive the better, well, that’s our psychology, not understanding what the actual active medicinal substances are there’s not much in the world, but i don’t take any there, let’s do 90% of the medications. which we use in everyday life, including antibiotics, not in hospital use, but in outpatient practice, here are drugs for hypertension, for intestinal disorders. and so on of all these medicines, well, well, if there are 50 active substances, and there are thousands of medicines based on them, but it’s the same thing, here you have a weak medicine, produced in some ryazan region, what does it contain, it contains this dose of medicine, and something super expensive?
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they began to produce it themselves, because why didn’t we produce medicines, many of them, but we couldn’t, because patents, because obligations, because we had to buy there, these are all sorts of legal dral subtleties, but technically we have problems we are not special, we have raw materials, and we have technology, our uncle didn’t allow us, well, according to the law, but when we sent our uncle, everything immediately appeared as our own, this time, so don’t buy too much in advance, right? a reasonable amount of time ahead, because first of all, you don’t know how things will turn out the situation, what medications you will need tomorrow, i understand, he is hypertensive, he has been drinking practically the same thing for years, but this is the same for years it has always been, the institute of cardiology in 1976 and today, but they have changed a little medicine, the meaning of them remains the same, it’s just that more effective ones have appeared aimed at the same points that we put pressure on decades ago,
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look, the dosage is important, you can buy a cheap medicine, and then the dosage is, let’s say 5 mg is needed, 10 mg is needed, let’s say 10 mg costs 100 rubles, again 70 rubles each, but 70-70, that’s already 140, and already more, then look, many medicines today contain hypertension, medicines for the same pain, and so on, combined, that is, there are different medicines in one tablet, well, from the pressure, there are sortans here, here and...
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but i can afford it, someone can’t, someone will scarlet him, i won’t pay that kind of money, i’d rather buy sausages there, and he ’ll get away with treatment, and then i will wonder why they don’t buy medicine, because it’s my fault, i sent him for an expensive medicine, beautiful packaging, bright, new, brand tratatta, but he drank for a day, drank for two, drank for a month, drank for three, but he was sorry for the money, and then it went up three times in price, as we see, so we are ready to pay, yes, but you understand , it’s more profitable for the doctor, let’s say, in many countries we don’t prescribe by trade name, we prescribe only generic, that is, the dosage form, and if we want the trade name to be given, we put abbreviations on the prescription that cannot be replaced by generic, if for some reason we need exactly this the medicine was used, but the general rule
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will be given to you. or rather, pharmacists promote various things for taking expensive drugs, in general i will never forget, i am standing in line, why are you at the pharmacy, and an older woman asks the pharmacist what medicine for hypertension she should take, she advises something, but i couldn’t stand it , i say, listen, well... grandma, well, go to the doctor, why are you asking, this is a serious thing, so the whole queue has thrown on me, but what do your doctors understand, but they are not interested in anything there yet, they have this is the pharmacy, this is the place how... to say, they give each other advice, but i drink this, it helped me, but where else should i go on social networks, i write something, well , let’s say that if you have stomach pain, you need to check and treat heliobacter, half of
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the people i'm starting to write not helio, but helio with the letter x, but i sent them all to bans with the letter x, it annoys me when they start telling me how to write, you understand the meaning, and the other... half writes, but i take chamomile tea, but this is not necessary, then i start reading further, they are already up to my nose they treat each other, then they switched to some kind of macrota, to some kind of sexual secretions, don’t listen to each other, listen to the doctor, find a competent doctor and listen, and also use your head, this always helps, and we move on , time for answers, my answers to your questions, what have we received? kusoreva natalya, kaliningrad. more than 20 years ago i was diagnosed with duodenal ulcer. now in the process of life we ​​have to undergo the procedure of fibrogarstroscopy. this time i
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was advised to undergo an analysis for the presence bacteria heliobacter. there is an opinion of many doctors that this bacterium is killed with every antibiotic taken. so it makes sense. undergo a procedure for the presence of this bacterium in the human body, if you can get rid of it so easily, what is your opinion, and if you can’t get rid of it so quickly, how can you cure it, thank you, in fact, why do a gastroscopy, you have 20 years ago there was an ulcer and now you do a gastroscopy every year, if there are no symptoms, it’s a pointless waste. money, this research is not the easiest, for some it will not be enough, so say, i just know that sometimes it’s a turn, this time, with geleobacter it’s not so simple, what test to do, you have 100%, since there was a duodenal ulcer,
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there was geleobacter, and now if we take blood antibodies, it will positive for life, you have heliobacter, you don’t have heliobacter, antibodies will be for life, determine today for today this is a test, a ureoplast test, a respiratory test or an antigen test. well, this is what determines not what was, but what is now, it’s not so easy to get rid of it, an antibiotic yes kills, but it happens that we firstly, the antibiotic regimen is 2 weeks, and today we don’t always even treat pneumonia for 2 weeks, we give 5 days, a week, 10 days, 2 weeks, this is not many antibiotic regimens, we give two antibiotics special plus two more drugs, four drugs for 2 weeks. if it doesn’t work out, we have backup schemes, it’s not so easy to get rid of it, it really leads to ulcers, freezing and stomach cancer, that’s a fact, they’re now working on a vaccine against this disease, maybe someday it won’t be possible illness from
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heleobacter, so it’s not that simple, let’s move on, hello, i’m dentsova vasilievna, i live in the kemerovo region, the city of topka last year. health problems appeared, i began to get very irritated out of the blue over trifles, memory problems appeared, i began to get very tired, i heard that it was a problem with the thyroid gland, what tests do i need to take when i go to see an endocrinologist, you know , you said it this way, what did i come up with, can you also go check your thyroid gland? everything has become very annoying over trifles, began to get tired, memory impairment, well, probably, uh, after all, it’s unlikely that it’s your thyroid gland, here you need to look at issues of depression, there are some other things, chronic fatigue, but
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you can check the thyroid gland you need to, you don’t need to start with an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, don’t go for an ultrasound, don’t make this mistake, just do the tsh hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, if it... from the city of ivanovo, i often hear from you that antibiotics are not prescribed for the flu , here is my story, i got sick 6 days ago, very... i’m seriously ill, i’m not getting any better, my daughter
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called the local therapist to the house, she came 20 minutes ago, left a prescription for antibiotics, i tell her, why? and she says: your flu is spreading to your throat, you need to take antibiotics. dear doctor, please help me, i don’t know what to do, it seems like antibiotics are not allowed, our doctors. they prescribe what to do, thank you very much, well, look, you’ve been ill for quite a long time, you ’ve been feeling very bad for 6 days, and you’ve had a high temperature for 6 days, plus the doctor came and looked i looked and saw that you apparently have swollen red tonsils, a white coating, maybe he felt the nodes, that is, you could already have a bacterial infection, of course, a viral infection, flu, no antibiotics, but this is one mistake - to give antibiotics for a viral disease, here’s the second
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mistake - not giving antibiotics if you suspect a bacterial infection is attached, so the doctor wrote, i think that yes, you need to take it. another question is how not to lead to such a situation, because the chain is viral disease, a banal viral disease, a severe viral disease, can be traced, but it begins precisely with the penetration of a virus, influenza, covid, adenovirus, any virus that causes these respiratory diseases, as a real complication, it is generally easy to avoid, observe distance, avoid close contact, avoid crowds of people, and so on, and so on, and so on, be vaccinated against those diseases that exist. in particular, a flu shot, maybe, yes, it’s not so relevant now,
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but respiratory diseases, they are always there in the summer, in april, in may, in july, there is just a surge in winter, but there is a certain background level of orv, so we are talking about such a universal antiviral agent, such as interferon alfa2b, this is an agent that can improve urinary tract . immunity, interferon alpha2b is present in the nasopharynx, this is part of our natural immunity, if something dries out, if there is already a viral infection, if resistance drops, then adding interferon alpha2b, for example, in the form of drops or a spray, may not work let the infection inside or, in any case , prevent it from growing, so it can be used both prophylactically and at the first symptoms of an acute viral infection, well , of course, it would be nice if you had a doctor, of course, such situations definitely require
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consultation with a specialist, well, , hello, my name is angela kachanova, i am from the city of novorossiysk, i have the following question: for the last 2 years i have been very worried about tremors, sometimes it is a slight trembling of the hands, sometimes the whole body trembles, and this gives me very great discomfort, since i work with people, i feel uncomfortable when tremors take over my entire body and i can’t control it. i tried to cope with this with the help of breathing exercises, but this is not very effective, doctor, tell me what to do in my situation, well, you know, i ’ll tell you, indian, not that there is some kind of problem, but that you are describing, most likely, an essential tremor, tremors come in different theologies, there are dozens of names, from parkinson’s to god knows what, and we are trying to differentiate this tremor. efforts either at rest or vice versa, if we take something with a pen, it starts earlier, even
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there is a diagnostic test, i drank and the tremor , on the contrary, goes away, yes, this, by the way, is with your type of tremor, because as you describe, most likely it is social tremors, it's just hard to deal with, and there are medications that can be used so to speak, but they are prescribed by a doctor, so you have to go to the doctor, firstly, check the diagnosis, am i right, and if you can't with it cope on your own, then perhaps you need to... take more special medications, that’s it, we’re done with the questions, we have a physical education break, which means that i climbed onto the thread, i’ll tell you that if you want to review us, this is an application or website,, further, new research on the benefits of breakfast.
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for those who want to lose weight and those who want not to gain weight, the first item is porridge or an egg. i get up early, there is no feeling of hunger, is it always right after waking up, and we’ll talk about whooping fever, and in 9 months of the twenty-third 27,800, well, firstly, because we relaxed, and we thought we won, then that’s it began to increase again, whooping cough in adults today. one of the serious causes of chronic cough has become a huge reservoir for the spread of bacteria and whooping cough, it’s a shame that we don’t have enough courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but
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wait, she’s drinking champagne. alla taxi, how we used to get by without you, that’s it, especially me, from monday on rtr, rest means leaving
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yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy the... here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. russia is traditional, modern,
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technological, original, open, great. like this. but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, the big ones have come change. into the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we... from this room , absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant
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maniac, in real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, “i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we're watching this weekend, well, i liked it, yes, it's zavyalov, our owner, aren't you sleeping,
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i'm afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, you're stupid or something, i'll have to fire you, actually i i don’t work here.” “i live here, cinderella, some kind of maid, this is generally incomprehensible, nothing, i’ll still fight, or the princess, who will the prince choose, and did you love her?” “yes, most likely not , and you love me, wings of pegasus, today on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1 there is time, and today, as promised, we will talk about breakfast. parto. i said that lunch is one of my favorite meals, breakfast has recently become mine,
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and like you, i always didn’t want to eat in the morning, but i have no appetite in the morning, i woke up, i feel nauseous, then you drink tea, coffee, i had coffee, i ran, then i felt sick after 2-3 hours, then you try to eat something, but what can you eat, you’re already at work, you didn’t take anything with you, well, you intercepted it somewhere, someone took a cake yes, i took a piece of sausage off someone’s sandwich, well, that’s something i had a snack and so on, then, when i became an adult and smart, i tried to, well , force myself. it just happened that i moved the training from the evening to the morning, and after a two-hour intense training, well, i
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really already want to eat, i ate and eat different foods, then i’ll say that i eat porridge or scrambled eggs, and i felt a qualitatively different life, i don’t i want to eat almost until the evening, i have a real surge of energy, i... am no longer stopped by a surge of nausea or lightheadedness, i think well, but relatively well, but it could have been worse, i believed in the miraculous properties of breakfast, which, by the way, is accompanied and confirmed by scientific data: breakfast triggers the circadian rhythm of many internal organs. our hormonal system, it still sits waiting for food to enter the stomach, it fell,
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hormones started working, one, another, third, fifth, tenth, like clockwork, poke-poke-poke-poke-poke, the chain went on, and then they are produced even if you no longer eat, it’s like a start, like an alarm signal for the body, especially since they don’t light they see how much time they don’t know, food is a definite start. moreover, if you haven’t eaten on time, information goes through the body, hey guys, we weren’t fed, they won’t eat anymore, and what are we doing, we close ourselves off, we save energy, when there will be more, we don’t believe that food there will be, and this signal went out, and then we started eating, no one canceled the signal, it has been proven by research that people who don’t... car get fat and in all the recommendations in the world for those who want to lose weight and those who want not
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to gain weight, the first point is have breakfast but they started talking about persecution, they say that people’s heads work better, they remember better, but i have already said this from my own experience, as always, that porridge or an egg, you know , like on an airplane, chicken or meat, chicken or meat, chicken or meat? proteins, carbohydrates? porridge - complex carbohydrates, if you eat, i don’t know, there is a white bun, you spread condensed milk or jam on it, this is harmless, then it’s better not to have breakfast, you must have proteins, you must have complex carbohydrates, so i, for example, for 40 years i ate scrambled eggs in the morning, and oh, how i know how to cook scrambled eggs, no restaurant will serve you like that, i have onions fried just right, sausage, just sausage. greens, that’s a different story,
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at one time i ate hard-boiled eggs, an hour ahead of you is one thing, half an hour is another, the most important thing is that you didn’t leave home without breakfast, to school, to college, my breakfast consists of a cup of coffee with chocolate, and at the same time i feel full and cheerful, but my mother says that such a breakfast will lead to yazha, it’s true, you have to listen to mom, it’s clear, the coffee is running and why, it’s not yazha, but then it will be overweight, heartburn, well, there is no benefit at all from this, in the morning i... go to the gym, so when is it better to have breakfast, before or after training? it’s better after, or well, depending on what kind of training you’re doing, if so, chatting humbly, you can have breakfast, eat an hour before training, no less, there’s a serious workout, you’ll feel sick, so, you know, you don’t want to live, you don’t want to breathe , and if there was something there, it would definitely come out, and so on, and then after, you eat
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with such pleasure, it’s not this anymore, i don’t want to eat, that’s where my eye is. he’s sleeping, his ear is asleep, i’m lazily eating something, you’ve already sat down and eaten, the spoon is just flashing by, so somewhere i read that the latest studies have shown that there’s nothing wrong if you skip breakfast, and you say that this is harmful, you will figure out who to trust, i always know that you can’t trust anyone, i can, and you choose what your ideal production consists of, mine, i have, you know, like a week, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, i’m thinking about something, i don’t have oatmeal ready, that’s it i have these four porridges all the time, and sometimes i gourmand, when you work out, when you do 200 burpees, 100 pull-ups, climb a rope, do push-ups, you’re hungry, your hands are shaking, i take a piece of lard, cut it into a frying pan and there porridge, once in
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shoon porridge with lard like that. yes, this is my ideal breakfast, or scrambled eggs, i already told you, scrambled eggs, omelet, you know that in france it takes 6-7 years to become a cook, that’s how a doctor takes an oath, that’s how a cook takes an oath, that i will never be mad, and so on and so on, seriously, no fools, at final exams i always cook the same thing, an omelette, all the years, that’s because you know how to cook an omelette, and you are judged as a cook. is it important what to drink during breakfast, coffee, juices, water, no, i think juice, yes, it is sweet, yes, it is nevertheless acceptable, but you should not drink juices on an empty stomach, when eating, wash it down, well, for the taste , why not, i avoid juices because of the very high sugar content in them, here’s coffee, water, yes, well,
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we talked about breakfast, we even ate an egg, coffee i have it here, let’s move on, well, influenza virus 34 has grown very much in the whole world, and we’ll talk about whooping cough, because whooping cough, it would seem, is a childhood disease, it would seem that vaccines have been exhausted, and the incidence is growing, if we look at our official data from the internet,
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in the twenty-second year there were 508 thousand cases, this is the latest statistics they have, but i know that whooping cough statistics today are difficult to understand, why? well, firstly, because we relaxed, there was a whooping cough vaccine, and we kind of won, and indeed, when the first cockroof vaccination was introduced. god knows when, about 50 years ago, probably, there was still a whole-cell vaccine, and of those, from a severe condition, 3000 cases of children who were seriously ill died from whooping cough, after the introduction of the vaccine it dropped to 20-30 cases, and we thought we had won , then everything
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began to grow again. then they introduced a new vaccine, also quite effective, again the dynamics went down, then again began to grow so much that today, when we talk about chronic cough, we definitely, without fail should be diagnosed today, and non-whooping cough is: when you tell a sixty-five-year-old person that you have whooping cough. he looks at you like you’re crazy, is he a child or what? whooping cough in adults is today one of the serious causes of chronic cough, pneumonia, and inflammation. lungs and even death, this must be remembered,
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yes, it’s a bacterial disease, what’s the matter, but the fact is that, firstly, even in those countries where there is no such fight against vaccines for adults vaccinated against whooping cough, re -vaccinated against ...
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then you need to go get a tetanus vaccine, because every 10 years you can get injected with a rose bug and get tetanus, but
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smart doctors have now added the tetanus vaccine to whooping cough for two diseases, because you go and get it for slubtonus at the same time as if you get it along the way whooping cough vaccine, it protects you from these problems. in chinese, whooping cough is called a hundred-day cough, it was written back in the 7th century ad, and why? well, it’s because a hundred-day cough is precisely a chronic cough, like that in children, which once was and is, now, now i’ll show you how a child coughs, we have porridge. wooping, so poor child, i can’t watch, i need to turn it off, this doesn’t happen anymore, in adults, in
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children, of course, who have whooping cough, in adults it’s so severe, well, you don’t see it often, but it’s a constant chronic cough, he coughs coughs , coughs and coughs, coughs, coughs already and checked the reflux, whether there is a reflex of acidic contents, gave him drugs like ameprazole to reduce acidity, checked the pharynx, but there is no he has sinusitis, hormoritis, nothing is draining, he is not taking medicine for hypertension that provokes a cough, we have already looked in the ears to see if there are sulfur plugs that put pressure on the cough receptors, they are in the ears, in the heart, in the esophagus and so on, we have looked at everything , he’s coughing, he ’s coughing, they didn’t look at one person, they didn’t send the blood for pcr, that’s the same pcr, suddenly whooping cough comes, dear doctor, where were you looking, by the way, we don’t always give antibiotics, very often after
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an acute period of whooping cough the cough still remains for a long time, and if you have a fairly long cough, there’s probably no point in giving you antibiotics, because you’ll still be coughing for a certain amount of time, but the antibiotic helps eradicate the carriage of these bacteria. you cease to be contagious, you still cough that you are no longer contagious to others. i’ll now take a physculptural pause, then we’ll talk about some more problems associated with whooping cough , including, if you want to review us, look at this platform, look at the application or look at the, i went to the thread, then, what to do to prevent whooping cough.. . led to deadly complications. in the section for soul and body, we talk about what is important to teach modern children. the shadow is pneumonia, and then, when the pneumonia resolves, we see
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a tumor behind it. is it possible to somehow determine that my dry cough is whooping cough? what additional symptoms exist? if someone in the family fell ill with whooping cough, everyone had to take antibiotics prophylactically, what to pay attention to in order not to miss the complications of cucumber, what should modern children be taught, how old are you? seven, seven and a half, whoever you want to be a veterinarian, who children want to be at the suggestion of their parents, look, this is where her desire to become a veterinarian grew, so what are you doing without him? calm down, i have a tablet, and you have a tablet, where is it? if you want to see your child as such and such, first become that yourself, my joy lives in the high mansion, in that high mansion, no one is allowed in, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i have never cheated on you , she drove him two quarts. left, started to bite, when
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a kamaz rushes towards you, sciatica and lameness somewhere disappear, humor, humor, humor, premiere today on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration
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of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. news of the week without dust noise, put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday on rtr. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, understands, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, let's sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. please,
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acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in white, to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is yet to come, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, happy birthday. i’m blowing you away,
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today after graduation you are flying to italy, and i’m finishing my business here and coming to you i’ll join you, if you knew where you’d lose it, dad, dad, little darling, if you knew where you’d find it, i have a business proposal for you, “you already have flowers from fans, you actually loved him, mom, so from now on , in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we ’ve only known each other for a few days, it’s not enough, life doesn’t give us any reference, the premiere is today on rtr. thank you for staying with us, thank you
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for watching russia-1, and we let's talk further about whooping cough. so, unexpectedly, this problem has arisen for many, but i promised talk about other problems related to these. in fact, pulpology, everything related to cough and pneumonia, is a rather complex field of science. and very often we are faced with the fact that pneumonia does not go away in the time frame we expect. in principle, 15% of all pneumonias last a very long time, in theory, cough and shortness of breath should go away on the second or third day, feeling unwell with a temperature of four or five, and x-rays, by the way, x-rays, i’m also always
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surprised, in hospitals, they treat the next day x-ray, why else, x-ray remains unchanged, here is the primary picture up to 4 weeks, that is, pneumonia. i’m just saying that when we are talking about unresolved pneumonia, we need to think about some unusual pathogens, mycoplasma spreads quickly, for example, whooping cough, if it is treated correctly, it also goes away very
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quickly, in fact, the antibiotics that we usually give for community-acquired pneumonia, they should a priori include drugs like: whooping cough, these antibiotics, they don’t give, but what for mycoplasma, what for chlomydia, what for those powerful ones that give kill everything except these, in addition to whooping cough, mycoplasma and so on, chlomydia, so what i have here, is it
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possible to reduce the night attacks of porridge so that the child can sleep peacefully, i won’t tell you now how to do it. ourselves, if a child has a cough, we are not talking about that, we are talking about whooping cough as an increasingly growing cause of cough in adults, in fact, why i said that this is statistics, because the americans also believe that they have a mathematical model, that this is not 58,000, but 258,000, because there are no tests, no alertness, neither patients nor doctors they think so, i coughed, where did it go, i went to the doctor, they gave me... everything, but no one knows that you have a cough, so they checked it mathematically again, calculated that the numbers were underestimated by four times, so we have the same thing, if 28.00, 27.000 multiply by at least four, in fact, i think that we have no less whooping cough than the americans,
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because americans have vaccinated 25% of whooping cough adults, and we have scraped together 1%, no, how much will we weigh in grams?
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like a normal person, i know all the thoughts are wagon, don’t waste them, speak, go ahead, well what, we now have a topic for the soul and body, and the section is called what we need to teach modern children, today my friend sofa is my guest, in fact, this is not a child, this is a real athlete who brings prizes, without fools, how many do i need? i know, i know for a year or two, well, somewhere like this, somewhere like this, she’s been
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riding for 2 years, she has her own horse, yes, this is my mother, buy me a horse, here she really practices, she really supports this horse has a soul, she really goes to competitions, she jumps over these obstacles, i saw it on video, and at the same time she is quite such a caustic person, she is often the daughter of our employee on filming, and my favorite thing is when she paints herself in war colors, you make black lips like that, how old are you - this and that and a half, who do you want to be, an equestrian veterinarian, a veterinarian, listen, in fact, this is one of the topics that i wanted to say, what children want to be, at the suggestion of their parents, they want to be astronauts, artists, discoverers, pilots and
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so on, all this is wonderful, there must be a dream, only cosmonauts, imperial discoverers, pilots, fighters, there are only a few, a few, from a few, not from a few, but from millions of people, when you have no focus since childhood, who is missing now in a country of professionals , veterinarians, doctors, plumbers, workers, engineers, there are not enough of them, you think only in russia there are not enough of them, there are not enough of them everywhere, there are not enough of them in america, you know, when i worked in america, i was faced with a situation with our migration, we were traveling, that's all candidates of science, still chief engineers, plant directors,
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“she loves horses, tell me, soph, do you like studying or so-so, i didn’t like it, so-so, what’s your favorite subject, but writing, writing, that is now russian language, before, russian, russian language, class, you don’t like mathematics, that’s right, you ’re like me, i, really, i was bad at writing, but i adored the russian language, literature and also somehow instinctively didn’t like mathematics
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, adored animals, look, it’s also important that she loves horses, and mom didn’t say listen, let’s take up chess, you play chess, no, checkers, cards, well , you have a lot to learn, i didn’t actually say, go play there... and horses are a headache, it’s expensive, time-consuming and so on, look, this is where her desire to become a veterinarian grew, by the way, so you know, in europe a veterinarian earns much more than a doctor, there if you don’t become a doctor, you will never become a veterinarian under any circumstances, selection like going into space, fortunately not like that, but for me it’s about the same, i adored animals. let's go myself, i signed up for the club of young biologists at the zoo, when i was her age i went to
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the zoo every day, watched first the lynxes, then the tigers, i wrote a whole paper there, my grandfather said for a long time, if only my graduate students wrote their dissertations like this, this it would be great, he was happy about it. so, i think that modern children should initially be aimed at practical life, so that they have an instrument. here i am looking at it my way. friends, she will either become a veterinarian or not, but she will become an equestrian instructor 100%. this is already a piece of bread, she is only 8 years old. already a professional, yes, but what will happen in another five, she already has a profession, someone went to a music school, plays the button accordion, maybe she hates it, but he already has a profession, someone does something else, you owe the child, if not the end of school, then he must have some kind of profession other than what he will get at the institute, a doctor - yes, you must
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confirm the diploma, how long, you must have a profession, i graduated from school with a driver's license . i had youthful but in the last 2 years we had a truck, we dismantled it, assembled it, in our class, we passed it, we all graduated from school with a license, and you will live with your mother for a long time, you want to live alone, not now, but ever, or so everything suits you, i want to live with my mother, to live with my mother, well, i also found a fool who asks an eight-year-old child, but nevertheless this desire to live with my mother, it remains for a very long time, you can live perfectly with mom. just not on the mother’s neck, this is psychology, we must teach the child, and profession and b- to prepare for the fact that the time will come when he will earn money himself, in this case i cannot boast that i am like this, i force the child to earn money himself, so that he lives there within the limits of what he earns, so that he earns a pretty penny, well
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, i give money and give, and you know why, but it’s easier for me, i have it, i don’t strain myself, i don’t tell either my daughter or my son that you go to school, earn a pretty penny, go join a detachment there, that’s it. i won’t give you money, if you want to buy a new computer, save, save, know the value of a penny of labor, well for me it’s a headache, it takes time, no effort, nothing easier to give, i give, now i think that a child should be pampered, but this is probably wrong, but i know a lot of people whose parents put them through such a school, of course, she. .. where is your mobile phone? at home, at home? well, how are you without him? calm down, i have a tablet, and you have a tablet, where is it? here, tablet here? do you play it a lot? of course, there is no escape from these tablets, but what will we do? this is already
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a strange part of life, we need to try this somehow, i don’t know, did you read it on your tablet? anything about veterinarians, do you know anything about their work? no, time will pass , you’ll read it, if you don’t lose it, do you watch on your tablet, horse racing, professional, competitions, no, but what do you watch on your tablet, everything in a row, everything in a row, well, well, yes, like all of us, i am now i won’t discuss tablets and gadgets, because they still exist, and in the end, everyone copes with it one way or another, but it’s imperative to send your child to sports. you think she’s so skinny, she’s dexterous, she’s really like a monkey, when she comes on stage, and the most important thing is that she gallops and pretends to be a horse, but now she’s already a girl, she can’t pretend anymore, she jumped so hard that the bridge was shaking, sport is health, passion and once again it’s a profession, in applied sports, if you give it to a gymnast, it’s alone, and of course, send the boy to
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martial arts somewhere, so that he will be strong, self-confident, this is very important, it will always come in handy. go to bed, get up on time, don’t overeat, don’t spit the desired gum , and so on and so on, only then the child will be the way you want him to be, if you want to see your child as such and such, first become that yourself, and the child will not care. well, doctor mestikov
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and sonya were with you, see you soon, they are just around the corner, goodbye. her baby. according to the unanimous opinion of his contemporaries, he combined enormous talent with rare spiritual qualities. he combined grace, hard work, beauty, modesty and good morality. throughout his life he never ceased to set the best example of how we should treat both our equals and our superiors and inferiors. he had many students whom he helped and... whom he led with purely fatherly love. on this day, april 6, 1483 , raphael santi, an italian artist and
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architect, one of the great masters of the high renaissance, was born. 210 years ago, on april 6 , 1814, after the defeat of the french army in russia and the victorious foreign campaign of the russian army, emperor napoleon bonaparte , after much deliberation, renounced the throne. no, there is no personal sacrifice that i would be willing to make in the interests of france, he wrote in the text of the renunciation. by decision of the allied monarchs, the deposed emperor received possession of the small island of elba in the mediterranean sea, but a year later he returned to paris in triumph. 120 years ago, on april 6, 1904, in the provincial town of ostrov, pskov province, vasily merkuryev, one of the most beloved actors of soviet theater and cinema, was born. theater teacher, people's artist of the ussr, forester in the film cinderella fairy tales, academician nistratov, comedies true friends, senior lieutenant cloud
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in the heavenly tikhod, fyodor ivanovich will fly in cranes, he played more than 70 film roles on the theater stage. it seemed to me that dad was working all the time, recalled his son pyotr merkuriev. he was either in the theater or filming, when at home, then sitting in his chair or lying on a huge bed covered with books, he studied the role, and then we were sitting in the kitchen, suddenly he began to say something, and it sounded so natural that we didn’t always understand that this was the text of the role. 95 years ago, on april 6 , 1929, edison denisov, one of the greatest composers of the 20th century, who connected traditions of russian musical culture and the achievements of the european avant-garde. music, denisov said, is the only language that is...
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hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour: in orsk, water is coming. that rescuers barely have time to take people out. the dam was destroyed not only by the flood, but also by negligent maintenance of the structure. it’s also happening in the samara region.


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