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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  April 7, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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after which it must be sent to a laboratory for analysis, where they will tell you exactly whether it is infected or not. albert musin, nikolai old age, dmitry komov and ilina goleeva, lead. and by this time we have all the information we had with you. colleagues, see you. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you? you're about to cook, you go to get a loaf of bread and find that it's either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can't say that. he is already 2 weeks old,
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he looks as if you just brought him from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing bret smart from taper vr. an easy, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container. to create the perfect atmosphere. and keep your bread fresher longer, so instead of spoiling mold, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. brad smart is big enough to hold several loaves, look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in a regular package, and this one is in the brad smart system. the difference is obvious, just think for a moment how much money... you throw away
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every year because of spoiled bread and pastries, 100 euros, 200 or much more. today a sensational system, tapor vea bread smart can be yours from only 39.95. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. brad smart will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself. in a few weeks, don't wait any longer, call us right now. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on... hurry up
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to take advantage of this incredible offer! call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. mega sale machine for dumplings and dumplings the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add the desired amount of filling, press special lever that's all. you can. kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the machine with the most relish for only 495, your mother has oneurismo of the aorta of the heart, she needs surgery, here is the money for the treatment of your mother, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my very dear friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, eh? hello, lisa,
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this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, oh my god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i loved it devils, and you, and you are going to meet with us for a long time, i have a plan for the month, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i don’t know how it ended up in my things,
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subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. good sunday evening everyone. your favorite folk show is on air, songs from the heart. unique voices, melodies, songs that changed the lives of our guests. all this, as usual, over the next two hours. gather around screens your tvs, because our program today is opened by the youngest participant of our evening. he came to us from vladikavkaz, the song he will perform is called drunken cherry, rustan kibloev, rustan, she is a little
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crazy, mixed with cocktails, simply unbalanced. but there’s trouble in her heart, there’s whole water in her eyes, she’s just unlucky, a drunken cherry, a loko came out drunk, covering our faces, a drunken cherry,
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overextended, just very overexposed, and why is fate beating her so much, why? still alone, maybe i’m to blame for something, drunken cherry, drunken forehead came out. covering our face, drunk cherry, just came out, doesn’t fall in love, that’s it, drunk cherry, drunk came out, covering our face, drunk cherry, just came out,
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doesn’t fall in love or something.
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after such a song everyone will fall in love, but everyone, everyone was pulled out onto the dance floor by rustam. our young hero is 15 years old, friends, well done, why is the drunken cherry, tell me, well, i... this song is primarily for my aunt, this song got on social networks , for my grandfather's anniversary, so drunk cherry, because everyone loves her, because she’s a drunken thing, such a young caucasian gentleman, dzhigit dzhigit, but are you the only one in the family who sings
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, or what happened is that i’m the only one who sings in the family, in what grade, how did they let you go, i’m in the ninth class, republican lyceum of art, how did they let you into the program? of course they know, i wrote to the class teacher, like this and like this, my general program is like this, okay, good luck like that, well then we’ll say hello to yours. i can invite an assistant, an assistant,
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of course, can i please invite you to that one? actress lyanka gryva is our guest today, well, i’ll try, you have good taste, by the way, what will we see now? now i will perform, we will perform the honga dance, this is an invitation dance.
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i hope i didn’t let you down, it seems like you’ve been practicing conga all your life, you know, thank you very much, well, you’re already performing at weddings, birthdays, well, unfortunately, i don’t perform at weddings, only at family events, he’s still young for weddings, well, let's look at your story, pay attention, i live with my big family in village of sunzha, and the main one... in our family is grandparents, my grandfather anatoly ivanovich, he is responsible for our farm, well
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, of course, the house is big, there is something for everyone, we keep cows on the farm, i have a opinionated mistress , well, here you are, strangers, when entering the bread, you have to spit three times so that the cows are not jinxed, we have three cows - zoya, maya, and glasha, we keep them for a short time, so that everything is ours, milk, cheese . sour cream, butchkov for meat, when the children are free from school at home, they help me with the housework, i gave them some food and some hay, i planted 56 trees in the garden with my own hands, i used to work as a mechanic, this bus has remained with us for centuries, now we decided to make a greenhouse, at home we often prepare national dishes, according to tradition, pies are accepted. .. the women cook, and my grandfather and i make fire, this is
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my grandmother gulnara, she cooks very tasty food for me, well, it’s clear to me that you prepare assetian pies, it’s something special, when guests come, when there’s a holiday, always three the pie should be on the table, potatoes, cheese, butter, cream, pies in moscow are not like my grandmother’s. we lived with my father until i was 8 years old, he had to leave because of work in nizhny novgorod, i haven’t seen him for 7 years, i would like to hug him there now, talk to him, i love him very much and i miss him very much , don’t think, i don’t have any restrictions in my father’s love in my mother’s, i ’ve been in my grandmother’s arms since i was 3 months old, she raised me, devoted herself to me...
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and grandfather works, grandmother works, grandfather works, grandmother answers us for the delicious food, for the cleanliness of the house. have you already decided who you want to become? yes, after ninth grade i’m entering the gergiev school for pop-jazz vocals, well, maybe you can sing something else for us, and we’ll support you, come on,
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you’re waiting for lizavet, hello from a friend. you don’t sleep until dawn, you keep talking about me, if you win, i’ll come to you on a hot note, even if you win a victory, i’ll come to you, if you win, it will end. i’ll come cheerful, i’ll open the gates, i’m with you, you’re with me, indefatigable roller, mow and worry, don’t stand on the threshold, i’ll be back when the snow melts,
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ask for it, don’t stand on the threshold, return it when the dream grows, i didn’t come empty -handed, i brought you astina pies, according to our family recipe, my grandmother prepared them, thank you, i understand that it’s difficult to resist grandma’s pies, thank you, yes, have you been to moscow before? yes, here is our next heroine, with whom i want to introduce you, all our tv viewers, who is in moscow for the first time today, she came to visit us from the omsk region, tatyana anushenko will perform a song for us: a guitarist was playing in the park. parkers gave
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the guitarist buried his head in the siren, he sang his song, he sang about love you lemenyanu, he sang his song, he sang about love, betrayal, there are so many people in the park, everyone scattered in pairs, and i have no one except my guitar girlfriend, not me , no one except the guitar's girlfriend, for the only time in my life, i
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did something wrong to you. you turned and left, but i didn’t have time to apologize, you turned and left, but i didn’t have time to apologize, didn’t i love you, didn’t i admire you, kissed the footprints of your feet, wanted to. i'm going to marry you, so i went and went, life according to a different law, i was dying of love, and
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you smiled at someone else, i died. out of love, and you smiled at another, you have no pity, you have a stone in your chest, you are unworthy of love if you don’t know how to forgive, you are unworthy of love if you forgive. you know how, the parkers, the guitarist sobbed, bending over the girl's lilac, he sang his song... he sang about love,
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well done, great, great performance, in general, where did you find this song? where did you first hear it, well, i can’t even say, it ’s just that someone sang it from my elder youth, well, i grasped everything poured and so it fell into my soul, so i’ve been with the instrument for a long time since i was 9 years old, as if in the family we had a lot of children and eight, well, they bought it for my brother,
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somehow little by little i learned to play, well, and one day i was playing around, so i put the chair on the windowsill, well , i forgot about everything, i was playing, the entrance doors slammed, i got scared, i thought, well, kolya, brother, i’m still running this accordion. just in time, and a guy comes in, looks like he’s akin to me, well, a little older than me, tanya, where’s the ring? i i say, yes, there is no house over there at the school, but who played? i played, just don’t tell him, please, i’m crying myself, and he says, i can’t tell you, you play better, but i said that this is your first time in moscow, you visited red square, tell me your impressions, oh, andryushenka , such impressions, i cried yesterday, these are tears of joy, i never thought that i would get there. to moscow, well, of course, it was a dream since childhood, i so wanted to visit the mausales, well, well, this is our era, so to speak, let me, well, let’s see how you ended up on the red
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squares, attention, well, here i am in moscow, since childhood i dreamed of being in moscow, seeing red square, being at the mausoleum, in this spirit, this is very valuable for me, and the place of my childhood, i forgot, finally, i am very happy, emotions are overwhelming. you look at everything so beautifully, it seems that the world is beautiful and there is something for us to protect, that’s it, because this is our homeland, our russia, and we will overcome everyone anyway, and it cannot be that such beauty is given to someone, incredible, no, i have the strength. well in general your lot has been a lot of trials, i was told that your house, and even your first accordion, burned down, in ninety-seven
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there was a fire, the children were at school, i also managed a large farm , my husband was at work, my sister was with her child, but i managed to get them out, everything that was there in the house, and well, that is, there were a lot of storage rooms, everything burned down, except for the household items, all the household items remained. come on, come on, we visited you, let's see how you live, welcome to the village of tambovka, this is my house, i've been living here for 5 years, but i came here by chance, i finished our house, so we decided to ask the owner of this house, but she said tanya, live, so i live for myself, i really like it, it seems to me that there is such grace here, in general, don’t be afraid of my wall like this clumsy, she’s clumsy, but it’s even better for me, i’ll add all this solvent here and i’ll smooth everything out
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, whitewash it, it will be beautiful, my gazebo will be more cultured here, we sing songs here, all sorts of scratches, yes, my dear, i’m following you, you you’re still showing off, am i really not worth the one you’re falling for? i grew up very early mom and dad had eight children, we couldn’t be spoiled there, everyone had their own responsibilities, i went to work on a collective farm, i had to, i had to survive somehow, well, here i already had a boyfriend, so to speak, in a simple way, i was married for 17 years, i gave birth to three children in marriage, at first everything was fine, we lived well, well, we somehow lived together, i loved him very much, but then... something went, went, went, all at once once he let go of his hands, well, he began to sweat, there were problems, then with alcohol, because he didn’t have enough strength to fight uh... for the family,
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it seems like you’ll drink it, then somehow it won’t be so offensive, but then i decided so, the children grew up, then i got ready and left, here is an inexhaustible cup, maybe it helped me too, faith has always saved me in life, and this is the calendar, here prayer of parents for children serving in the army, but i think that this will also help...
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only faith will save us, nothing else, i even composed a poem, boy, you stood up to defend our country, just like our grandfathers did in 1941 , you couldn’t do otherwise, there is only one outcome, fight until victory, god bless you will help you overcome everything, won’t let you break down for anything in the world, come back alive, everyone come back to your mothers, to your wives, to your children, how does your son feel now? well, as if commissions will be held now, it will be clear what his future fate will be, well, he said, mom, i’ll go anyway, our people are watching the program there, very much, andryushenko, everyone loves the program, the whole village, everyone sent greetings , there you are, you also tell them there that everything is fine, greetings to everyone, greetings to everyone, everyone who knows me, i’m in the city omsk, hello everyone, i love everyone, so let’s sing
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at the table today, shall we? i want to sing the song kalina krasnaya, because come on, valera will play along with you, of course, kalina is red, the viburnum has ripened, and in the vagrant, i recognized the character, i recognized the character, the character, oh what a character, i didn’t respect it, but he’s hand in hand, i recognized the character .
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the other one and i are not going anywhere, friends, a few minutes of advertising, we will continue right after that, our favorite songs are playing in our studio. we've arrived, it's a birthday, your favorite music never gets old, they sound real songs, real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and barely holding back tears, there’s so much
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beauty of the soul there. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the “patchwork” style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning
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simply cleaned. a carpet in a magnificent century is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet is not absorbs odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt is easily removed with a soapy sponge. or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red. two sizes, 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale of a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of these incredible offers. call now. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but repairs or replacements will hit the budget hard. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for the yar fence. life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is
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secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty... just rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for fence, bright life at a special price, only from 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket, it will protect the plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and prolong the garden. season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on terrace for growing seedlings or
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exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and ... sorry, svetlana kolpakova. oh wait, he’s drinking champagne with my husband. i am alone. andrey chernyshov. something out of the blue, huh? perhaps. my whole life was wasted.
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alexander mikhailov. she found herself in a difficult situation. need a job urgently. i just tell me what, where, what. marat basharov. i regretted one, some on the inside. roman madyanov, i have already given orders to increase your salary, allah, taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me, starting from monday, on rtr, those who want to be in the know are watching the news of the week, the program for advanced, the news of the week. with dmitry kiselyov today on rtr, my god, we can crash, everything is fine, after inyazovdes, i
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suggest you work as a translator for me, i agree, you have to set up, someone stole the money and transferred it to the front bills, don't you believe me? i can’t see you at all, light stewardess on friday on rtr. once again, good sunday evening everyone, friends, thank you for being with us, on tv screens, unique voices, melodies and songs that changed the lives of our heroes, now a guest will appear on stage, who, i am sure, will not leave anyone indifferent, she has arrived to us from bashkartastan, anora sultanova with the song black currant.
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the currants are dead in the city garden, i won’t hide my feelings, i won’t pass by, tender words of love in the intoxicating rain, i’ll ask with a smile, warm may day. let
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the flowers bloom, in the spring garden by the river, let the music flow, notes of rain, chamomile, roses, cornflowers, remind you of love, how i miss you, black currant, sweet aroma, it’s never too late for us, that’s all i’ll go back, the stubborn rain will make noise, i’ll open the doors, i believe you’ll come to me, i love you, yes,
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let the flowers bloom, in the holy spring let the music flow, the notes of dazhda, in the daisies, roses, votelkas, remind you of love, and... how much i miss you.
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let the flowers bloom in the spring garden rivers, let the music flow, but it won’t wait, daisies, roses, cornflowers, reminding. no, about love, about how i miss you, thank you, thank you, but you have so much love for life, your eyes shine so much, honestly. thank you, we just left the stage, the whole audience
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immediately stood up, everyone started dancing, such a pleasure, let’s introduce the tv viewers to you, attention, my fate is in your hands, i won’t bother you, but i live beautifully, the way i want, hey, good person, i work in the middle. my eldest son studies here and my daughter will come here, i have four children, i take on any part-time job, i sing for groceries, of course , small children require a lot of time, i have to be with them, and i am always with them, but if there is any work, family is a team, first of all, it is mutual assistance, it is mutual assistance, thank god, our family
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has this, and this is my home, we rent an apartment with my husband and our four children, i live, my... children, my husband lives in a one-room apartment, this is my husband and eldar, he works as a welder on a rotational basis, children they love him madly, miss him, we have a small apartment, but compact, that is, everyone must have their own place in the bedroom, it’s cramped and you can see it, this is my kitchen, my home rehearsals take place here, when i cook, i always sing, he’s a man no matter where, but you keep looking in the wrong direction, eh. ..
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there, and you will be this to me, and whoever you are, i love you because i have you, and i always tell them, i love you, of course, i pray about it, i read books , i listen to lectures so that i can be a wise, wise mother, you are kind of smart, well, you must admit that not every mother will allow draw on wallpaper, creativity, if it weren’t for a rented apartment, probably yes, but do you have a family song? let's eat a teahouse, drink tea instead of strong wine, i'll play you some music, everyone here likes it, in the east, in the east, when there is no moon in the sky, in the east, in the east,
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it's the same time without a seagull. the drink goes in a circle, and the sakals look at the world, they are glad to see the guest, they are glad to see their friend, there is a feast here, but not a feast, in the east, in the east, what kind of foolish skies are there, in the east, in the east, what are the teapots. where is your husband working? yes, shift work, welder under st. petersburg, well, does he know that you are on the program? yes, he supports me very much, i call him, you are my hero, because we had an interesting meeting with him, and he actually married me with three children, the third was in the belly in the eighth month,
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it so happened that the biological father refused, here comes my hero sultan, hello, i love you, respect you, thank you for everything. supports, yes, thank god, and the children love him, and he loves the children, a bright man, listen, you’re great, really, when, when we we were preparing for the program, we went to your vkontakte page, and there we saw one very touching post, you sing, i sing in tattered shoes, but nothing, but i sing, i make money on the shoes, i’m not discouraged, even if i don’t have cool outfits, even though my shoes are torn, i am the happiest thing that i sing, that i was able to go out on stage and perform.
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mother of four, may, may they be successful and successful in your musical career, thank you, thank you, well, in general, well, well, you are a queen today, thank you, andrey nikolovich, i brought it for you too. i can give you a gift, oh, well, let ’s change, andrei nikolaevich, firstly, can i, this is a national dish, chak-chak, my aunt baked it.
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i wrote in posts, i’ll go to malakhov anyway, i’ll go anyway, they didn’t believe me , everyone laughed for a long time, i’m standing here, annunciator, hello to you, mom, your leg, sir, come on, oh, oh, your leg, please , why are you shy, we’re all here, lord, come on, now we’ll dance something with you, dance, what not, what we sing, let’s do more, what’s in our repertoire, which ones? we'll sing for you, why are you worried? my zealous fate is not up to you, but i live
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beautifully, as i want, fate, my human being, is not up to you, but i live beautifully, like me, come on, oh, oh, we sang papurias from our favorite songs for all women, which they perform at our
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concerts. marina maksimova, we heard you, today is our surprise from the sambov region, the slavs, who will give women their favorite musical hits. let's meet! i won’t grab stars for you. not because it’s difficult, not because it’s pitiful,
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just in this sky, no matter how angry it is, there is not a single cherished one that can be compared with you, i will kiss your hands, i will become sadness in your smile, and no one will dare to disturb us, and no one will take it away from us from these days, i will kiss your hands, forgetting like a boy about the shift time, don’t rush to interrupt this fairy tale, it’s so good, my accidental dream.
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in the noisy hall of the restaurant, amidst fun and deceit, the haven of a reveling poet. near the table opposite you are sitting half turned, all in a ray of night light, it just happened suddenly that the words escaped your lips, your head began to spin intoxicated, oh, what a woman, what a woman, for me? such, oh, what a woman, what a woman,
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like this for me... i would like to screw my life back 10 years like a film, so that you become a simple girl, pure, pure, like a spring garden, i see a shadowy slope, a red bank with a strip of silt , i am ready to kiss the sand on which you walked, again the shadow on the shore, the shore. flat silt, i am ready to kiss the sand on which you walked, everything is for you, sunrises and fogs for you, seas and oceans for you, flower meadows for you, here for you,
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are burning in the sky, the stars are for you, a crazy world. ours was created for you, i live under the sun for you, everything is for you, sunrises and fogs are for you, seas, oceans for you, flower meadows for you, only for you the stars burn in the sky for you, our crazy world was created for you. i live under the sun for you only for you i live under the sun for you!
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for you, well, stash mikhailov, and nikolai baskov, and sergei dubroven, everything is for you today, dear women, well, let’s get acquainted, how long have you all been singing together, well, 8 years, who came up with such a number for you to combine puri like this? our leader came up with the idea for march 8th, well, somehow we didn’t even think that it would get to you, well, we are very happy about this event, and how did your wives react to such a gift? well, for example, my wife was standing backstage at that moment, so she didn’t see the gift, but she heard it, and
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tell you about yourself, you not only sing, you have some professions, right? i personally work in culture, head of a department in non-stationary services population, we serve a village where there are no permanent clubs, and you, oleg, and i, oddly enough, am a teacher in a high school, what subject, history, society, yes, yes, we are preparing the guys, the unified state exam for other tests, yes, andrey, and you, i also work in...
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yes, thank you, and now we are actually here, great, well, let’s do something else in your performance. the world is not simple, not at all simple, you won’t be able to hide from the weather and from the gros, you can’t hide in it from the winter south and from the separations, from the gentle separations, but besides troubles, uninvited troubles, there are sunny stars in the world there is light in the dear home and the warmth of fire, because i have you, i have you. everything that i have in life, everything, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that worries and dreams about, that’s everything, that’s
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all you, everything that i have in life, everything, everything that the joy of every day, everything that i call my destiny is connected, connected only with you. well, after advertising, friends, we will be back, stay tuned, april 6 marks exactly 2 years since vladimir zhirinovsky has not been with us, for the first time on television, his own nephew viktor zhirinovsky, it was he who ruled all the years country residence of the politician and witnessed important historical events. events, including prophetic statements, new predictions of the famous politician and secret audio recordings. all this is being done to worsen the economic situation in russia and aggravate the international situation. malatov, on
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monday on rtr. bourbon starsman, a product of the stellar group, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection rum, castro, product of stellor group. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. tiitanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor group. hello, dear friends. your
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favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? there are big dreamers in the west, but we we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you, i don’t know what to do, we must calm down, if
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anything happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, on saturday, out of the feeling that he himself stole his daughter and is keeping her in lock him up, this can’t happen, stay away from him, anna miklysh, alexander nikitin, you ’re hiding something, what? don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i need to know, you’re a weeping little lady, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. once again, good sunday evening everyone, songs from the bottom of my heart on the air, unique voices that will touch the soul of everyone who is now at the tv screens in our studio, our guest, who will now appear on the national stage, came to us from kazakhstan, and he assures that only by one date of birth, he is a numerologist, he can tell what is your character and temperament and is it suitable for you?
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other half, let's meet a numerologist from almaty, kadyr ilyasov with his original song dvorik childhood. in the courtyard of my childhood the whole world was gathered, i cannot remember my childhood without tears, how we fought, how we defended the honor of the court and our native city, we grew up on the streets, deep-voiced and hungry, but we knew the value of friendship and love, we shared everything equally, joys and sorrows, boys who matured early. we lived as one
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family, kazakhs and ukrainians, russians and germans, chechens and georgians, tatars and balts, koreans, moldovans, jews and uzbeks and victor the armenian, we will remember, we will not forget, yanis ivanka, artush and vakhtang, reliable brothers, vilorka and roshida and jew yashka, i raise, i bowed for our boys. and we grew up, we married girls from another yard, in another yard the girls were better than ours, their guys took our girls, for them our girls were special, but we always lived in such a way that our children and grandchildren were internationalists.
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where are you ? me, i’ll fight for them, he doesn’t live by the rules, it’s my own street, we need to talk, but many are not there,
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the boys and a march sounds, this is the march of our fathers, winners, without the past there is no future, we will live as one family, kazakhs and ukrainians, russians and germans, chechens and georgians, tatars and balts, koreans, moldovans, jews and uzbeks and victor armenin. we will remember, we will not forget, yanis ivanka, artush and vakhtang, reliable brothers, vilonka and rashid, and the jew yashka, for now i raise my voice for our boys, i raise my voice for our boys.
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such a soulful text in this song that you feel like you remember, like yesterday, everything that happened in the childhood yard, we grew up in the village, and the whole of kazakhstan, this is great international village, it was a different life, a happy life, let us visit you in almaty, visit the places of your childhood, attention. now we are in kazakhstan, in my small homeland, the village of koksu, this village used to be a station, so people of different professions, different nations were brought here, they were needed. the working hands were good, the people here were very interesting, there were 27 nationalities, we didn’t divide who was kazakh, who was russian, who was german, who was estonian, who was lithuanian, who was chechen, then ingush, we were all brothers, every family inside spoke our own language, but a common language that united us all, it was the russian language, in this
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house, it is no longer there, in this place we lived, the family was large, six children, it was a happy time, my mother was a teacher, taught mathematics, dad was a soviet worker, a participant in the war, without legs, he taught all six of them, raised them, i’m already 78 years old, all my friends, classmates who lived here, no one is there anymore, i really regret it, i miss it, because they were real faithful friends, these are their houses, where they lived, they stand, abandoned, where the homeland begins, with pictures in your primer, from good and faithful... comrades living in the neighboring yard, now i live in this house, the house is small, but very cozy, i lived alone for 16 years, it was very difficult, in those years i became get involved in astrology, i read a lot of books, vedic numerology,
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for example, sacred numerology, everything says that human life is connected with numbers, i remember that i need a woman in the life of someone born with the number six. i advertised in the newspaper that i was looking for a life partner born on the sixth, fifteenth or twenty fourth, i found such a woman, she was born on may 6 and her name is may, i was 60, she was 40 when we met, he hid his age for 10 years, you know how old he is, he looks good and young, well thanks to you, you look after me well. when he proposed, you know, he said: “ marry me, i’ll make you happy.” he does what he promised me. after meeting her, i began a new life. i became a father at 60 years old. god gave us a small
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child, our daughter, my wife and i do everything in order for her to be happy. with all my heart i want my daughter to have the same friends that i had in our village. i wish you a friend who, in a difficult and joyful hour, uttered a real word, what will be saving for you, so that songs sound, so that wine fills your sides, so that you all wish each other what i wish for you now. so that you all wish each other, what i wished for you now, for your friends, tell me, are you still more of a musician or a numerologist at heart? father from the war
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i brought an accordion, which means that when i was 7 years old , i took it for the first time, didn’t sleep for a day, learned to play, and then studied music, we all had a lot of germans. they taught me everything, i speak german well, i have lost in restaurants all my life, yes, now i sing on the arbat and somehow in almaat on the armata, in almaat, yes, now, but what i have become - an astrologer, well, somehow it happened, god wanted it, it’s probably given by the cosmos, that if i know the number of birth or look at a person’s face, i can already say something, yes, that’s it here are valerochki, valerochki, let's... tell me, thanks to numerology, how should he look for his wife's date of birth, here is may 19th for him, 6 + 9 is 10, 10, you need to find a woman of number one so that she is water , when water irrigates the earth, the earth blooms, you heard, yes, but
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how do you understand that this woman is number one, where the number one should be, only in the number of birth, the hemoglobin is lower. i will say that what date were you born? am i the eleventh? 1 + 1 is two, he also has clairvoyance, he sees prophetic dreams, and he
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looks a lot like his mother, which means by birth number, the number 11 in general in the east is considered so aggressive, sharp, so assertive, the leaders of factories, factories, the state and so on, he holds the whole country in his hands, thank you, let's sing something, but i always. i tried to sing to beautiful women, lord, when i look at beautiful women, my voice opens up, there are so many good girls, so many affectionate names, but only one of them worries me, i have a peaceful dream when i fall in love. in your heart, you don’t want peace, heart, how good it is to live,
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heart, it’s so good that you are, thank you heart, that you know how to love so much, dedicated to lyanka, friends, it’s not the wind that rises right away, it’s amazing, and you sing in your heart, you don’t want peace, heart, how good it is in the world , heart, how good it is that you are you. thank you heart, that you can love,
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thank you very much, bravo, bravo, sorry, i planted a meadow, and what kind of apples do you keep, in our district there is a state farm, well, there used to be a state farm, now it is an oak joint-stock company, apples are valued far beyond the tambov region. yes, and mommy graduated from the chisinau conservatory, absolutely right, then
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she entered the institute of cinematographers in moscow, from which i graduated as a geek. tell me, this is your first time on our program today, how do you like the atmosphere, how do you like our heroes dancing? i have such a feeling of comfort, kindness, such an amazing mood, such talents, it’s so inspiring, i say at the beginning of the program, maybe we’ll dance, he says, no, thank you very much, i see that i’ve already started dancing myself. his father andronik mesropyan's song "my father"!
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i run into your arms as always, to snuggle up on your shoulder again, i want today dad only for you, the most beautiful! say the words, you gave me joy, you were always with
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me, if only you dad knew how proud i am -you, nothing is scary in life if you are next to me, like a wizard, making all your dreams come true, my father, my dearest, my father, just be always with me, my dear father, day and night, you ask the heavens for i, pray to god, will bow to you, niska, my dear father, i will bow to you, janiska, my dear father.
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you tell me, my dear daughter, and my heart is immediately light, yes, i will hug you so tightly, i will thank you for your love, for your unearthly kindness, my father, my dearest, my father, just be always with me. oh, my dear dad, you are not night, you won’t ask for me, you pray to god, i bow to you, janiska, my dear dad,
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my dearest father. my father, just always be with me, my dear dad, day and night, you ask the sky for me, and you pray for a long time, i bow to you, i am niska, my dear dad, i bow to you, janiska, my dad native.
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well, we are talking about the friendship of peoples, rose was born in yerevan, yes, when she was 2 years old, her parents moved to moscow, what does a father feel when he hears such a beauty, his daughter singing to him like that, well done, rose, very good, not the fact that my daughter just sings normally, i personally, right now he ’s praising me, he’s usually very critical, because he’s yes... so thank you, thank you very much, by the way, we have your children’s performance, rosette, let’s let's show attention and love,
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i'm 7 years old here. this is a competition, we lived in vladimir region, the city of strunino, and there was a morning star competition, and this is actually my first time on stage, by the way, rozat, your song always plays in our house and my grandfather really loved this song about his father, so we love you very much, thank you big and just what i want, i want to add, i didn’t know that zhoka would also have special guests today.
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to my eyes, i’ll give everything for this meeting, maybe it’s not on the way with me, i know i have to leave now. and i wish you, out of a thousand stars , one, the brightest, i wish you, out of a thousand tears one, the sweetest, i wish you one, the happiest meeting, i wish you one, the longest, out of a thousand nights. well, friends, we will be back after advertising, stay with us, we are opening the doors to
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big politics, a new memory pill, you want, you want france to fight with russia, the aggressive policy of france so that russia cannot win this war, frank hypocrisy. come again. russia and france, how was it? he answered me in russian, in russian, because he was uncultured. according to big politics, we
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we know more than others. this is the main meaning of your work. moscow, kremlin, putin. we are watching today on rtr. gene sheaf. stella product. groups. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. borbon stersman is a product of the steller group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant
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details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic, luxury collection bodroom, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in castro's titanica,
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a product of the stellar group. we collected the first a group of about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me. one bullet is still in me, and this, let's say, is my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she brings this cereal to the crowd and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids in, i came across such people who care , support with a word, hello, dear soldier and in action, without your help. nob didn’t survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday
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on rtr, call the phone, pick up the phone, say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, it's alla, hello! al, hello, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who passed the order, i don’t recognize something, alla? from monday on rtr, once again good sunday evening to everyone, friends, program, in in which we introduce you to soulful songs, voices and people who cannot imagine their destiny without music. now we are inviting a folk ensemble from the saratov region, balagan, to
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perform on our folk stage. give me the freedom to fly, i’ll fly to the abandoned land, i’ll fly to the country to look for it, i’ll milk the abandoned lot,
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lady! this is how she lives now, since i’ll ask my dear mother, how she lives now, maybe she’s still living. maybe it’s a pamerla, maybe it’s
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an omagelka, it’s overgrown with grass, maybe it’s not good. would have fallen in the green grass infected, the soil is damp, mother may is coming out, look, my dear. my, how
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difficult it is without you, look, my dear, how difficult it is without you, my dear.
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i am going to the country to look for the requested share, alexander vasilyevich kurylenko, the creator and director of the choir, i am fascinated. and we saw footage, footage of the unique temple of st. nicholas the wonderworker, yes, this is the village of kutino, the village of kutino, so we... met this temple several years ago, then we recorded a music video there, and thanks to this video, among other things , now this temple is brought in in the register of specially protected objects
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of the saratov region, the walls have been preserved, yes, the frescoes have been preserved, yes, no, only the domes, but here is your execution, yes, no, there are no crosses yet, there are no crosses yet. i recognized alexander vasilyevich, i was in the ninth grade, on a day off my dad makes noise to me: “lena, come here quickly, to the tv, i fly up to him, look, what an interesting man,” he sang, by the way, to the hurdy-gurdy, spiritual verse, two
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brothers lived, and then 4 years later, when i had already graduated from music school, i entered conservatory, then the door opens and an amazing man in a white suit enters, where?" "that's it, class, tell me, otherwise, class, fate, fate, fate, and now you are also together on these folklore expeditions, yes, we are together all the time, oh, let’s go with you, we visited one of these expeditions in the village of maksimovka, saratov region, where these unique grandmothers are still preserved, who carry with them the knowledge of folk songs and tributes all their lives.
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there’s a little guy here, well, he’s old, of course, 92 years old, always cognac, he can have a glass two drinks, we always visit each other together, we got married together and my husband died in the same year, we live on the bottom now, so i , too, have been singing all my life and we sang together in the club, we sang in church, here is our treasure, our song , these are notebooks, this is our life, we only live by this.
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peresit daughter, where did you walk all the dark
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night, helping each other, here is my cellar, i have everything here, of course, now he climbs like a climber, here is a hook for my bucket, i lower it down there, i climb in. to the young sorrow of the third day i say
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dear left me and what good spirits to drain those very gifts from maksimovka for sure. this is a ninety-three-year-old grandfather drinking this yes this is drinking yes this is their local cognac thank you very much thank you very much just to tears forgive me please i’m very ashamed, but could you tell me a little about the instrument you played, the hurdy-gurdy, this is the wheeled the lyre is a medieval instrument, it came to us from europe and is very, very good.
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where you washed yourself, washed yourself, a cossack took his horse to eat, and a jealous husband took his wife to drown, there’s a whole story there, yes, as the performers say, a song about love. about love, yes about love, we are all about love, you know, well
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, from folk songs, i propose to be transported to los angeles, it was from there that our guest flew in, who today will perform a song in memory of his grandfather, the famous chanson performer boki, boris davidyan, singer joka is our guest for the first time. with the song my child side.
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i couldn’t find words for you, i can’t find a node at all, a guiding star for me, you were my god, i’ll say, i dreamed of being just like you, i wanted to sing with the same soul, the cranes are still flying, but already... without you , my dear, you were my god, you were mine...
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i remember every word of yours, and i live as you taught me you, only my heart weeps, and my soul hurts and hurts, grandfather, i do everything as you
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taught, i love your songs, everything that you loved in your life. i will forever keep it for everyone, you were my god, you were my grandfather, if only one side, and i follow in your footsteps, you were my god, you were... always first, my paradise was created for you, my dear
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grandfather, my dear. you were my god, and you were my dad, on both sides. and i am following in your footsteps, you were my gods, you were always first, heaven was created for you, mine, my dear grandfather.
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how do you remember your grandfather? firstly, he is a legendary man, we have always been friends, i still live as he taught me, i even once sat at the table and someone asked me, and i answered him, and he tells me : who taught you this? i...
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friends, in my house i made such a small museum, you know, there is such a memory here, at my house, i invite you, come with me, which reminds me every day of my legendary grandfather, here are his microphones, which he sang, gave big concerts, our sadist, how we walked with you. and how the buzulki played, and how the sluks caressed us, i still remember many microphones, because at concerts he gave them to me, when we traveled together, it was that time in my life when i was studying, i remembered what he was talking about
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taught me, i will never forget this day, today with my child... and joka is also, let’s say , this name was also given to you by boris, yes, in general, my name is george according to my passport, but no one knows me like that... everywhere with long hair, when you decided to change your radical image like this, i always had this hairstyle, well , my grandfather passed away, i wanted something
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to change it, as if you know, to somehow switch off, for some reason, i did this hairstyle, i want to be like him, of course, because for me this is my god, and he will always live in my heart, but i i know that you have another dear person, this is your grandmother and... i was told that she loves our program, but doesn’t know that you are here today as a guest, she will be very surprised now, yes, this is my grandmother, you know, every time i come home, she always sits on your programs, aida, hello, u i have two grandmothers, well, ayuda always watches this program, i love you, thank you, thank you for your love, thank you for your grandson, that we’ll sing today, oh, let’s sing, i’m crazy, yes, why? today, as they say, i’m really enjoying you and from the heart, everything is all at once
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, we’re having a blast here and i’m going home a little and i want to meet you soon, i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it i believe that she has already forgotten me, everything that happened between us, only so easily you forgot, remember our house, our garden, and how we walked with you, bravo, rose, and how the booze played, and how the sounds caressed us. after advertising we will be back, friends, stay with us, be
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kind, fasten your seat belt, bring the cognac, the feeling will shock us today. i love you, please take your seat, friday stewardess,
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection bowdrum. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, is a spring
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idea. customers, curators of escape plans, so who are the first confessions of interviewed terrorists about ukraine being behind the organization of mass terror, a crushing blow of retaliation throughout ukraine from the air. we are methodically destroying the enemy’s military infrastructure, but what’s on the ground? somewhere near. the voenkors boats visited the attack aircraft of the alexander nevsky brigade. there were always many residents here, there were theaters in the basement, they were hiding from shelling. and elena erofeeva saw how she came to her senses already peaceful mariupol. 75 years of nato.
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important backstory, so was it from? why should we look for real holobuys here? news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. today on rtr. unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our guests. the songs continue their work with all their hearts. and
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now another nugget from nizhny novgorod. from the village of syava andrey salikov will appear on our folk stage with the song terimok. near the hill, a stream beats the sedge belt, a hot garden has given out, there is no rest for the heart, the sleeves are rolled up, wow, a work of art, how to build
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the house is full, that's my concern. i’m building a mansion house so that it’s wide and high, i’ll paint the window inserts with bright patterns, i’ll install my chopped mansion on time. i will place a red ugal with icons, a lesumi ax ringing, hardened.
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there is a jar of milk for my sweetheart, curtains in lace, kosidla kvasnitsa, and the calluses on my hands are wiped off with water. the master's work is afraid. the residential house is ready for us, the holiday will soon take place, the time for housewarming is approaching, i built a little shed, it’s not low, it’s not high,
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it’s waiting for me with lunch, dear and striped cat, my chopped mansion, i know everything about it... a bench on the side in the center, a table and a sand-rubbed floor, a bench on the side in the center , a table, and a sand-polished floor, but this is your mansion, we saw it now on the screen when you yes. you and i even share our patronymics, far away from civilization andrei nikolaevich is very far from civilization, our village is located on
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three regions, kostroma, kirov, and we are right on nizhny novgorod, well, like border guards, it took us a long time to build, seven long years, the log over there has already darkened, come on let's see what a gorgeous stove you have , what a cat, attention, stripe, yes a cat, my home for many long years, i return to my house, i see my mother sitting by the window, waiting for me at the set table, cabbage soup is simmering in the oven on the coals, pies they are appreciative of their warmth, the distant side is beautiful, yet my father ’s house is closer to my heart, so... “this is my father’s house, my father and mother lived their lives here, my mother gave such an order that after death i would move to this house,
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which i did , my father and i were sheathing this house , i was 7 years old, and he said: here hit me, guys, uh, this one, this one, this one, up to the window, then run, run, don’t mind at all, here we are, with my brother...” we’ll eat money and not gold, you can’t value your parents’ house. , not my dear, her hands are golden, the lines are ready,
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no worse in the store than even in general, now my back hurts, turn around, the first treatment for illness, balalaika, this is my mother’s balalaika. i played it, my mother taught me, but how to tune i have no idea, in our country, when a person dies, it’s customary to burn old things, this scarf, it’s new, she took care of it and didn’t wear it, you have to take care of this thing so much that you don’t even wear it, i left it as a souvenir, my mother always watched the songs with all her heart, all ears... and i buzzed when i would see you at malakhov’s, but i didn’t wait, but your lottery ticket fell out, i rarely shed a tear, i try to restrain myself, my mother is always,
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in my memory, a good fairy, on the way, with affection, as in childhood, she will warm you up, let it snow , even if the frost gets stronger, i will bring beautiful roses to mom, mommy’s kingdom has been gone for a long time heavenly, a year and 2 months already, and what luxurious goslings you have, i want to say, from the pavodsk, yes, andrey, the geese are already 7 years old, they lived with their grandmother. in kindergarten, because andrei nikolaevich still works part-time.
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just come support her, yes, this is her group and sometimes in the evenings i’ll come to meet you and it’s your wife who works there and you go to her work, so there’s some time to work out with the kids, what should we sing today?
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sorukhanov, mailboxes, come on, i’ll look into the mailbox, i’ll be left with nothing to do with this strange emptiness, locked with a key, my envelope got lost, on planes, on trains, got lost along the way in unfamiliar cities, new letters come to me, and somewhere i and somewhere you, empty mailboxes, like open bridges, new letters come to me, and somewhere me and you somewhere?
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this name became the name of my daughter, the name of my beloved friend. the red sun washes itself, hands are warm in the ross, and russia , like... little greenery, rises in all its glory,
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they didn’t let me get in, i don’t know a land better than the one that raised me, blue bread of krulova, the sky is blue, light. from birches russia, thank you, friends who were with us today on this sunday evening, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you next sunday, write letters, we are waiting for you, calls to the editorial office, the sky is blue.
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russia is bright from heaven. the historical vestige of nato is celebrating its seventy-five-year anniversary, a sad holiday, this is the news of the week and i, dmitry kiselyov, good evening, watch now. on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, new arrests and details of the preparation of a barbaric terrorist attack in crocus, the first confessions of interviewed terrorists about customers and curators.


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