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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. vorsky, another river overflows its banks. evacuated from the drowning zone to arenen. nuclear terrorism in kiev, the zaporozhye
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nuclear power plant has undergone an unprecedented series of attacks from ukraine, there is a direct threat to security. interior ministry operatives are looking for witnesses to an armed attack on police officers in the moscow region; the video plan is intercepted. and a new emergency with a boeing plane during the flight, the liner came off. and at the beginning the situation with floods in orenburg. according to the latest data , over 6,000 people have already been removed from the flooded areas. at the same time , the danger zone continues to expand. the most affected by the orsky flood , another river, the elshanka, overflowed its banks, and the evacuation of adjacent streets was announced. in the city itself , schools are switching to distance learning. due to
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the risk of poisoning, doctors recommend that residents drink only bottled or boiled water; however, in the regional center itself the situation is worsening, the water level is in the ural river has grown by another 16 cm, water is approaching not only the private sector, but also high-rise buildings; in orsk the water level has begun to decline today.
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i didn’t want to because of me, so my wife and son , the situation remains alarming, it’s too early to talk about the peak of the flood, new dam bursts are not excluded, the russian ministry of emergency situations group of more than 700 rescuers, all services involved in emergency response are working around the clock . more than 200 people, including 689 children, were evacuated in the vorsky zone of bestve ; more than 600 residential buildings were in the flood zone and homestead plots, 14 temporary accommodation points have been deployed. stress, of course, we are left with nothing.
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experts remind you that you can only use boiled and bottled water ; there is a high demand for drinking water; it is delivered from pharmacy warehouses all over the orenburg region, and will also be delivered from bashkiria and the chelyabinsk region. ruslan bikbultov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, conductor orsk, orenburg region. the flood situation is worsening in the kurgan region, there in one of the districts a state of emergency has already been introduced, which is due to a sharp rise in water levels in the tobol river. there are over 60 settlements in the zone of possible flooding; residents of some villages have already been ordered to evacuate. people are advised to take documents and remove valuables until the situation returns to normal. and now the situation is in the special operation zone, where over the past 24 hours the russian military was able to improve the situation and occupy more advantageous positions in three directions at once, donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and avdeevsky. group fighters the south was repelled by nine at once. this is how the enemy’s
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stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the tankers and drone operators worked harmoniously. and on the outskirts of chasovo yar, where now one of the hottest spots of the special operation, is another stronghold. captured by ivanovo paratroopers. after occupying enemy positions, the airborne assault groups carried out a complete clearing of it. in the southern donetsk sector , the command post and manpower of the kiev formations were hit by the crew of sud-34 aircraft. they attacked with high-explosive aerial bombs with a universal planning module, without entering the enemy air defense zone. the territories from which ukrainian militants have already been driven out are being cleared by sappers. the latest developments are used in our work. the world of robot sappers, how this happens, was seen by our war correspondent, alexander kasuba. the anti-tank mine has been destroyed. the newest robot sapper stalker continues to clear mines. the anti-personnel mines
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that the ukrainian armed forces militants literally filled this area with during their retreat, our thirty-ton vehicle clicks like seeds. robotic complex. stalker destroys any mines or explosive objects. the equipment moves forward clearing the entire square of this entire territory. combat tests of the latest mine clearance models are carried out by sappers from the international mine action center of the ministry of defense. this complex is designed to carry out complete clearing of the area from explosive objects. also for detecting the boundaries of anti-tank minefields. the operator controls a multi-ton robot at a distance of up to a kilometer, as simply as a child’s toy, a very simple striker trawl the stalker is equipped with these metal anvils that literally plow the ground, destroying mines at a depth of up to
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half a meter. the sky above the demining site is controlled by members of the special group countering enemy drones. and upon detection , a signal is given to my partner on the way and i begin to observe how the target is being tracked, there are 10 rounds in the magazine, yeah, each cartridge contains nine pellets, so i’m working on a bet with my partner, here with an anti-drone gun, he’s holding a bird, i’m already holding it i’m filming, here’s another new product for the sapper on the front line, the sapper's little assistant, the scorpio mine clearance robot, with his eyes, mustache and sting, capable of clearing any enemy mines. specializes in the destruction of so -called mine tripwires, fast and maneuverable, always ahead of the sapper. before performing tasks to ensure your safety and use of this product , clean all sensors.
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a special ballistic suit protects against shell fragments, special attention is paid to shoes, and has anti-fragmentation protection on the top. and mine-resistant soles, protection is provided from mines petal pfm1s and mines pm4. it was the first time i made this costume and i was very pleased with the result, because it does not hinder my movement. the suit is completely ergonomic, this is very important, because the life and health of sappers depends on it. soldiers of the engineering units of the military center group continue to clear the territory of the legacy of the ukrainian armed forces militants. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead. the head of magat called the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant reckless and said that the risk of a nuclear accident has increased. rafael grossi called for refraining from actions that jeopardize the safety of the zas. experts from the international atomic
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energy agency confirmed at least three direct hits on the plant. the militants attacked it the day before. three employees were injured. according to rosatom, the radiation background has not changed, experts say. these are the remains of a drone that flew into a truck from which food was unloaded next to the canteen of the zaporozhye electric power station. the second arrival was recorded in the area of ​​the cargo port, the third arrival was recorded on the dome of block number six. not a single nuclear power plant in the world designed to withstand such fire from the armed forces. more frequent arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared. attitude towards the zaporozhye station from the ukrainian armed forces. maria zakharova also called the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant nuclear terrorism; she calls on the world community to react and realize the consequences of such an attack. meade's official representative asked a question on her telegram page. quote:
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how many more times should the zaporozhye nuclear power plant be shelled in the ssu so that the west and zelensky stopped repeating this deadly number of their bloody whisper. minobarny launched a multimedia project: the victorious breath of the crimean spring of 1944. it contains declassified documents about the crimean strategic offensive operation. order. scores, medal sheets and maps tell about the course of hostilities; everyone can learn about the rapid advance of the red army and the feat of soviet soldiers who liberated the peninsula from the fascist occupiers. maria temnikova will tell you more. these documents from the archives of the ministry of defense is shown for the first time, a map on which one of the plans for the crimean liberation operation is marked, and this is a report from marshal of the soviet union, alexander vasilevsky. past yesterday. and today the rain has completely rendered the road unusable, and the operation cannot be started. to
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commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea, the military department has prepared a multimedia project on its website; archives have been declassified here. crimea came under the rule of the nazi invaders in the fall of '41. hitler believed that the ancestors of the germans were the ancient goths, who were once in the stern, and it was necessary to create such a recreational zone after the defeat of the soviet union in the stern. for the german-aryan nation. the nazis launched real terror against the local residents. one of the worst pages of the occupation of crimea was the crimes of the nazis in the krasny concentration camp near simphepol. some of those who ended up in this camp were members of partisan families; they were actually taken hostage. alexander fedorovich lipiev got red a twelve-year-old teenager, survived miraculously. all the partisans had them. and they got caught in the forest. in april '44. before the retreat , the nazis killed hundreds of crimeans here, creepy chronicle footage from the well, soviet
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soldiers are already taking out the remains. in crimea, it seems, every five lands are saturated with the blood and suffering of those times. the obelisk of glory on mount mithridates became one of the first monuments dedicated to the event of the great patriotic war. it was opened on october 8, 1944 and in many ways it is symbolic that the monument was located at the highest point of the city, from where there is a magnificent view of the kerch strait. this is where it essentially began. enemy, the largest landing operation in history to pull back truly large troops, about 10 thousand soldiers took part in it. for 36 days the red army soldiers held a bridgehead 3 km long and 2 km wide. thanks to this operation, the april offensive also became possible.
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lead. in ukraine, military commissars tried to mobilize a fourteen-year- old orphan. yes, about this and not only immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. cognac monte shococa is a product of stellor group. they say you need to prepare for vacation. rest. you need to be able to, you need to relax beautifully, but
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you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinon belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. cnop gin is a product of stellar group.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio records we are here for you bourbon steersman is a product of steller group. hello dear friends. your favorite is on air! program 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to deploy nuclear weapons, i’ve already demanded, return it to me, i’ll tell you how things are at the front, the weather is cloudy and hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, reliably, there are eight, from the equipment, and
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we have one wheel there, the other. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you’re seeing me for the first time in my life, and you’re reproaching me for something i’ve never done, oh, any woman needs a woman’s happiness,
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accept it it’s like a fact, i’m a loner, i have... doesn’t mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out? it seemed to me that we had clarified everything, but i still didn’t tell you everything i told myself. loner, on sunday on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. ministry of internal affairs
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asks for dvr recordings to detain the attacker on police officers in the moscow region. this. applies to drivers who the day before, from 14:30 to 15:30, were on the section of the road from chernogolovka to the village of botovo in the opposite direction. let me remind you that the day before in the nagen district, employees discovered a cache of drugs, when the pawnbroker appeared, they came under fire. one of the police officers was fatally wounded, the other is now in serious condition in hospital. the criminal fled the scene of the incident a black motorcycle without license plates. a plan has been announced to intercept...
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crews of the grad multiple launch rocket system destroyed, along with its ammunition , the enemy vampire multiple launch rocket launcher, which had been shelling civilians in the belgorod region for several days. the precise hit was recorded by the thermal imager of our drone. the artillerymen who work every day in the most difficult conditions were awarded right there on the front line. armored vehicles and dugouts were destroyed and destroyed, the target was hit from an anti-tank missile system bassoon, at the zaporozhye sector of the front. the advancement of our troops is ensured by engineering and sapper units; in a matter of minutes, fighters erect pontoon crossings along which trucks, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks go towards the enemy. report by vesti war correspondent anton stepanenko. you hold it, we pull it up, we pull it up,
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we pull. rubber boots definitely won’t help, knee-deep or waist-deep water, in spring and autumn. leveling bridge for crossing further vehicles. multi-ton sections that engineers install in water withstand and trucks, and infantry fighting vehicles and even tanks.
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they defended for 2 months, as if they defended it thanks to them, the military engineers, and not only did they defend it, they managed to take it with them, they couldn’t leave it to the enemy, no, we had all the equipment, all
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the pantones, that is, without losses, but we picked it all up and took it away they took them with them to a permanent deployment point, that is, without loss, yes, although according to documents even according to the military during combat operations, and all these pontoons... are laminated and undermined. in the rear areas of a special military operation engineering and sapper units are practicing their skills in overcoming water obstacles. there are many rivers in ukraine. stepanenko anton, vinokorov, valery. news: zaporozhye front. against the backdrop of failures in the ssu, ukrainian military commissars continue to grab everyone on the streets. this time they tried to mobilize a 14-year-old schoolboy. in the odessa region, a teenager was harshly detained on the street and at gunpoint. pushed into a minibus. according to the young man, people in military uniforms tied him up, hit him on the back with a machine gun, and tied his hands with plastic stitches.
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according to local media, the military took the schoolboy out of the village, but upon learning his age on the way, they threw him out of the car right on the highway, threatening him with violence if he spoke about what had happened. foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in beijing on an official visit to the board of the head of the foreign ministry. russia landed a few hours ago. as part of the upcoming negotiations, it is planned to discuss issues of russian-chinese relations , interaction in international organizations. the idf withdrew almost all combat units from south of the gas sector. this happened six months after the hamas attack on the israeli border region. according to the country's defense minister, the israeli army has destroyed all the militants in khanyunis and is preparing for an offensive in rafah. at the same time, sources of arab publications claim that progress was made at the negotiations in qatar; in the next few days, tel aviv and hamas may conclude a truce agreement. all the latest information about the situation in the middle east is in the report by sergei poshkov.
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six months of war in gaza. 6 months since then moment when, on black saturday, october 7 , hamas terrorists from the nugba brigade attacked israeli cities and towns, killing 1,200 men, children and women, taking more than 250 hostages into the sector, the idf, the israel defense forces from...
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tried to talk more about military successes. we destroyed 19 of the 24 hamas battalions. they killed, wounded, and captured most of the terrorists. we cleared the shifa hospital, destroyed missile production facilities, command posts, weapons depots , and continue to methodically destroy the underground infrastructure. unannounced departure of more parts of combat units from gaza, a sharp increase in the supply of humanitarian aid to the sector, the opening of additional checkpoints for humanitarian convoys, many associate with severe us pressure. in a telephone conversation last week, joe biden demanded that benjamin netanyahu urgently solve the problem of food for the starving sector and minimize the death of civilians in gaza. the day before , european partners also joined the demands.
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and criminals on our hostages, it's unfair, but we must pay, peaceful people should not pay for the mistakes of the army and government. up to 133 hostages may remain in hamas captivity, although not all of them are likely alive. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia dimyanets, lead israel. there is another emergency in the usa with a boeing corporation aircraft. the airliner, which was flying from denver to houston, had the casing of one of its engines torn off during takeoff. frightened passengers filmed the parts hitting the wing on their phone cameras. the boeing crew requested an emergency landing to return to the departure airport there were no casualties. the us civil aviation authority has launched an investigation into the incident. tonight on the russia premiere tv channel, immediately after the big news, the multi-episode melodrama alla taxi starts. after her husband’s betrayal, alla gives up everything and gets a job at a taxi company, where she finds herself the only
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woman. drivers, will the heroine be able to cope with the difficulties of finding true love? ekaterina frolova has already watched the first episode. did something happen to you? it happened. quiet, moderately happy life the boisterous saleswoman alla kopylova changes dramatically after an unsuccessful surprise. it's all my fault. i arrived at the wrong time, while you were shopping for her unconsciousness there. and instead of the sympathy and support that she so needs, alla suddenly faces... general condemnation and intrigues of former relatives. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space. but you won’t find any work here anywhere. but even left without a family with just one suitcase, she does not intend to give up. strong and the resilient alla will have to build her life from scratch, and also get to know herself again. i haven't achieved anything. besides the fact that i fry the potatoes well. she's so naive.
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she always helps people like an ambulance, when it comes to her own problems, she is confused, suddenly, at such a sharp turn , fate seems to give alli the green light and brings her to the taxi depot, but in the stern male team she is not accepted right away. woman, do you even understand what you are talking about? this is washing a car, it’s not your plates, it’s a car, ready, accept it, will alla be able to carry on her shoulders everything that has fallen on her head, and even help others find their happiness? take revenge and go after her, don’t disgrace the honor of the taxi company. the main roles in the series were played by russian cinema stars, including svetlana kolpakova, alexander mikhailov, marad basharov and roman madyanov. this is a kaleidoscope
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of interesting destinies, a fascinating life story and a lot of humor, a big premiere tonight on our channel. ekaterina frolova, news. dolphin named kimmy, for whose fate had been hanging over almost the entire country for the last month, was released into the open sea. the mammal was seen off in balaklava bay. the place was not chosen by chance; now there is a large concentration of dolphins in this area, and kimmy will be easier. will join a flock of relatives. let me remind you that at the end of february a young red-listed dolphin washed up on the coast in yevpator and now, after rehabilitation , returns to the sea. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchakov was with you. see you.


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