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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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the main roles in the series were played by russian cinema stars, including svetlana kolpakova, alexander mikhailov, marat basharov and roman madyanov. well, are you kidding me, why do i look like a clown? alla taxi is a kaleidoscope of interesting destinies, a fascinating life story and a lot of humor. the big premiere is already tonight on our channel. ekaterina frolova, news. vesti follows the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your live favorite program 60 minutes hot on the heels, starting with urgent ones. news putin heard
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reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, the governor in the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions about the flood situation and the measures being taken. presidential press secretary peskov has just announced this. the president ordered the creation of a special commission, it will be headed by minister kurenkov. the day before, another river, vorski elshaka, overflows its banks. the evacuation of the surrounding streets of the city has been announced, the mayor of the city, vasily kazupitsa, announced this. reports. institutions are now deployed temporary accommodation points. according to the latest data, in orsk, where the flood situation is most acute, over 10 thousand houses and about 18 household plots are flooded, more than 200 people have already been evacuated. in general, there is a vacuum in the orenburg region.
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refused to evacuate. now rescuers use all-terrain boats to evacuate people and animals. in general, our people in the flood zone retain maximum humanity. despite their own troubles, they actively help eliminate the consequences of the flood. for example, 40 huskies were rescued, who remained on an uninhabited island, accessible only by boat. residents heard the desperate howl of dogs and called out, they need boats. many concerned people quickly arrived on the scene and in the shortest possible time the huskies were saved. well, these men opened the roof of a flooded house and rescued a cat who was living because of the standing water.
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only a few minutes remained. another alarming message: the water level in the samara river, near the orenburg city of buzuluka, was 9 m and 30 cm. the prosecutor’s office believes that the dam broke in vorsk occurred due to untimely measures taken to maintain its technical condition. the whole yard is going away, that’s okay, then the five-building buildings are flooded up to the windows. they just evacuated all the people through the windows tonight, they broke the windows, they evacuated through the windows, well, in short, but, come on, the dam was dug out.
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elshanka in the area of ​​​​the park square in orskaya, i’m standing on the canopy of the roof, which is at the entrance, we climbed out through the window, so we are waiting for a rescuer, we are waiting, there are 122, one person on the roof, we need it. move only on boats, the car completely sank, bathhouse, damn, there was no such flood, even if when i was flooded, the water never reached us, we were always not...
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well, here two or three men built such a small dam, if this is about to break through, everything will go there, it’s already starting to flood there, everything there is generally in the water, look, but for the first time they took the cats. he went, well, rank, savior, rank, look, little one,
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just like that , people pulled furniture onto the roof, it concerns who can do what they can, that they have arrived, arrives, and arrives, and arrives, and well , today i don’t know, we started at 6 o’clock, these guys are all standing still, i’m in damascus. so, well, now i’m filming from the roof, well, i’m on
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the third floor, today we won’t go for a walk, everything there, even the gate is almost invisible in the houses, well... they saved the dog, well done, silk, this is the sixth microdistrict , what a great fellow, dosikom, my god, what’s the dog’s name? well, brother, you’re good, fuck, climb up the stairs, 10, 10 o’clock in the evening, how long have you been sitting here, that’s all. now focus on the screen, these are frames destruction of two bm27 hurricane launchers by a strike from the iskander otrk with the subsequent detonation of the ammunition, these installations
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, along with the vampire rszzo, are used for shelling the belgorod region, the rszzo were located near the planet mall building in the shevchenkovsky district of kharkov, that is, in a densely populated area. megapolis portal. as soon as it became clear in oragu that the russian army had effectively worked against military targets within the city. mayor terekhov immediately went to the shevchenko district to save the situation, against the backdrop of trees he began to lie about s-300 missile strikes on civilian targets. a few minutes later, local residents arrived at the scene and filmed the actual state of affairs at the arrival site. see for yourself. kharkov residents showed one of the destroyed ones. which fired at belgorod directly from the city limits, obviously exposing the population to return fire. now ukrainian propaganda claims that russia was aiming at a civilian target, although footage of charred equipment speaks for itself.
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zhutti catches up with oikonomis. today the publication writes that russia wants to make kharkov gray an area unsuitable for human life. in the article , the same terikhov claims that the once two million city will be abandoned.
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here in kharkov , ukraine's second largest city, fears are growing that these airstrikes could well be a prelude to a full-scale combined arms operation by russian forces, which we know is just across the border, some 30 kilometers away. "we heard the roar of drones flying over our houses, followed by the roar
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of missile defense and machine gun fire from ukrainian soldiers desperately trying to somehow get these drones, but partly it was unsuccessful, since the drones reached their target, it is clear that these attacks have intensified significantly, yesterday we visited ukrainian positions in the suburbs of kharkov and everyone there is preparing for the fact that russia can launch a large-scale attack on he told this city in the coming weeks and months that he expects an intensification of offensive operations in late spring and early summer, primarily near donetsk. watchmaker budanov actually wrote him off, said that he the ukrainian armed forces will lose one way or another. the next city will be pokrovsk, while budanov believes that there will be no significant changes at the front until the expected russian offensive begins. well, right now there are new unique shots. ministry of defense from one of the hottest directions of artyomovsky. ivanovo paratroopers from the southern group of troops
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stormed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of the village of chasov yar. the operation began at dawn with a breakthrough on several landing combat vehicles, in which the fighters they installed the flags of russia and the airborne forces. after dismounting, our soldiers, under cover of fire , discovered the positions of the kiev militants and carried out a clean-up operation. and this is how russian factories arrive. oporniks of the armed forces of ukraine near the village of urozhaynoye in the southern donetsk direction. three glide bombs at once destroyed the fortified positions of the vssu officers at a considerable distance from each other. near umansky - this is the avdeevsky direction. the brave fighters of the group, using attack drones, destroyed the second bradley infantry fighting vehicle in a few days and the mrab international max pro armored car, as well as house with militants in the ssu. another warehouse with military equipment was burned by an attack from the iskander m otrk in the village of udennaya.
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it was here that bandera’s followers distributed supply chains for the needs of the front. the militants admit in interviews with western media that right now they are scared like hell that the kharkov direction will finally float and the russian army will open a direct road to kiev.
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it used to have electrical equipment that was controlled by electricians, wires, but the wires were stolen, they probably made it mechanical, the equipment is very old, you see, there are problems, we are trying in our factories, we are trying in our factories to do something somewhere , what we can do, we do, what we cannot do, we look for in museums and get spare parts from the museum, a gun from the year sixty-one, shells from sixty-one, sixty-four, a lot.
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in the form of a tetrader, the so-called dragon teeth, they are additionally connected to each other by metal cables so that they cannot be moved apart by armored vehicles trying to break through, all this is also held in place by barbed wire and special anti-personnel wire. in addition, the area around these structures is mined so that armored vehicles cannot safely approach the barrier, and behind it an anti-tank ditch is dug, further strengthening the next line of defense. in other words, the barriers themselves delay the approaching equipment, and the military... in the fortifications destroy it. similar protective barriers are being erected in other areas near the front line. for security reasons, exact information about the location and construction progress of these facilities is not provided. construction the fortifications we saw took several months, but there were some problems. during construction work, we encountered difficulties both with the terrain itself and with
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groundwater. we started work in the winter, and as you know, the temperature here remains at this level for a long time.
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i personally came to inspect the construction site, probably the largest in all the years of ukraine’s existence, and at the same time gave an interview to the ictv presenter, whom he himself sent to the front. so, zelyansky, who has not yet decided to sign the law on total mobilization, sitting in the trench, said that moscow is to blame for the fact that ukrainians do not voluntarily go to die, saying that the kremlin realized the sensitivity of this
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issue and is throwing it into ukrainian society. at the same time, they probably forced the ukrainian military.
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there was one senator recently and he said: “will you agree to credit money? if, for example, they tell you that the credit money is credit pennies, but you won’t take it back? i say,
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but you won’t get it. i answered, why?” these elections, if not, no choice, let's speak openly, so we we will agree to any option. the initiative of french president macron to potentially send troops to ukraine. what is your position on this issue in order to train our boys.
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prime minister robert fica, despite the fact that the president of slovakia has largely representative functions, he has the right of veto, so he can use it, it is the president of slovakia who initiates the ratification of international agreements, the president appoints judges of the highest court, this is also a very important factor, especially when does the country's prime minister plan to start serious internal reforms in the country, therefore pilligrini, who during the election campaign clearly stated that he was in favor of normalizing relations. from russia said that russian sanctions are ineffective and have a negative impact on the economy of slovakia, moreover, pellegrini believes that ukraine cannot join nato, that is, now both the government and the presidential office of slovakia occupy the same position. of course, we won’t be enchanted; we must remember that the same pillegrini said that bratislava will maintain the required level interaction with brussels and washington. also slovakia, despite all the statements of
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robert fitz. once the prime minister of slovakia, and now peter pellegrini will become president, with more than 50% of the votes in the presidential election , forty-eight-year-old peter pellegrini says he will make slovakia a priority. i want to be the kind of president i promised you, the one who will always defend the interests of the slovak republic and its
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citizens, also respected. "i will do everything in my power to slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, has always remained on the side of peace, and not on the side of war. left-wing nationalist candidate, close ally of prime minister robert fitz. pelligrini's victory will strengthen the power of the populist liberals." fiza canceled arms supplies to ukraine and said that the only way to end the war is to give up part of its territory to russia. pellegrini showed diplomacy during the vote. i guarantee that we will remain a strong member of the european union and nato. that's not what this election is about. the opposition was hoping for karchok, who actively advocated for the supply
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of weapons to ukraine. and his message is pro-european orientation, the president represents slovakia abroad and i made it clear where slovakia should consider itself. prime minister robert fitz and presents his pro-russian line, he assures that he is also committed to the eu and nato, although with a reservation. we will remain an independent slovak republic with our own laws,
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not yet officially confirmed, there is no doubt about the victory of the pro-russian populist, his rival, the pro-western liberal ivan karčok, has already admitted defeat. russia's war in ukraine has become a central issue in this election. a distinct no, it sounded in exactly the right direction. at least that's what they said in the camp of pelligrini and prime minister fitz. this means that this election will decide the direction of our state's policies. and the people approved of the direction set by the fitz government. a progressive experiment has started in the west. euthanasia , physician-assisted suicide continues to gain popularity in canada, for example, right now they are discussing the idea, sending it to euthanasia not only of the terminally ill, but also of the homeless and simply poor people. 28% of respondents believe that living on the street is a good reason to take his own life. 27% said that poverty is also
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considered an indication for... euthanasia. and finally, if it is impossible to get medical care, 51% support euthanasia. apparently, canadians believe that it is easier to commit suicide than to get help. suffocation with a pillow is not much like a peaceful death. forensic experts found traces of strangulation. after this, the family of the deceased
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went to court, but the high-profile case did not affect the popularity of ivtanezia. last year, about 3. belgians chose death at the hands of doctors, which is 10. percent more than the year before. another monstrous case in the netherlands, neighboring belgium. there , doctors approved the euthanasia of a girl with depression. twenty-eight-year-old zarayter peak has a number of mental disorders: autism, borderline personality disorder, depression. this prompted her to turn to doctors for permission to undergo euthanasia. the psychiatrist unexpectedly confirmed that...
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zaraiya lives in holland with her boyfriend and two cats, and from the country her life may seem serene, but this is far from the case. terbik has struggled with mental illness throughout her life, suffering from autism and borderline personality disorder. she turned to specialists with her problems and throughout her time resorted to various treatment methods. but nothing helped her. based on this, terbik believes that her illness is incurable, which is why she decided to take such a difficult step. she decided on euthanasia. autonasia is a practice intentional termination of life. this procedure is done by a doctor to limit
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the person from suffering caused by the disease. different countries have different laws on euthanasia, for example, in india, euthanasia is a crime, and in principle, such a procedure is allowed only in ten countries, and the netherlands is one of them. by the way. holland was the first country to legalize euthanasia back in 2001, so patients can legally choose to do so. as for zarai, the procedure will be carried out at her home. the doctor will give her a sedative first, then she will inject a medicine that will stop her heart, her boyfriend will be next to her until the end , after zaraia’s death she will be cremated, she even planned this, she wants her prag to be developed in a special place in the forest. this example reflects a growing trend in the netherlands, because everything. more and more people want to die by euthanasia due to health problems, so they are taking this step, but this is causing outrage among critics who call it a worrying trend. euthanasia has long been considered an extreme measure, but is increasingly becoming an easier
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choice for patients. people give in and decide to undergo this procedure, but not every country allows euthanasia due to mental illness. this is practiced only in the netherlands and belgium. many believe that this is suicide, others. they accuse doctors that in this way they get rid of seriously ill patients more easily than before. if you take statistics from the netherlands over the past decades, you will see that the number of people who died this way is growing. in 2022 , euthanasia accounted for 5% of all deaths in country. so it no longer seems like a last resort, while terbick says she 'll never get better, her example encourages other people to do the same. i'm not one of those who wants to die, but if i do... then i'm dead. people will think i'm depressed, but i'm not. if you see me lying on the floor, respect my choice and do not resuscitate me. the twenty-eight-year-old dutch woman has been cleared for euthanasia, which is scheduled for
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next month. she decided to take this step because of suffering caused by mental illness from the doctor’s words that she would never get better. she once had ambitions to become a psychiatrist, but she was never able to finish school and begin a career due to her own mental growth. after the psychiatrist told her that every kind of treatment had been tried to help, there is nothing more we can do for you, it will never get better, she recalls her psychiatrist saying. dar bik admitted that she is somewhat afraid of death because she does not know what will happen after it? i'm a little afraid of death because it's absolute unknown - she said. we really don’t know what will happen next, what if there is nothing there, that’s the worst thing. professor of health care ethics at the protestant theological university, theo gurin, worked on the dutch council on euthanasia. over the course of his work, he has seen dutch euthanasia, in his words, evolve from... death as a last resort to death as the default option.
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in canada they now want to allow euthanasia for drug addicts. the law should come into force this fall, the publication reports. whites. indeed, why help treat and save people from addiction when you can simply put them to sleep. it seems that this innovation will spread to europe, as the local drug monitoring center reports that 5% of the european population is addicted to cannabis. 23 million people aged 15 to 64 years old, for understanding this is portugal and belgium combined. europe also has a huge problem with drug trafficking. europol counted 821 groups in the eu. according to agent dory, 81% of these gangs are exclusively engaged in smuggling and distribution drugs. most often , drug trafficking operations took place in italy, germany, and the netherlands.
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she kept 70 kg of cocaine at home, and although jamila habsuay tried to shift the blame to her brother, who had already been prosecuted for drug trafficking, the final argument was also a kilogram of cocaine found right in meriya. in addition, 20 gold bars were found in the city hall. watch the adventures of the french pablo from khabbar in a skirt. dozens of gendarmes, investigators and dog handlers crowded in front of the mayor's house
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avalon. they searched the family home and found 70kg of cannabis. the police confiscated the car, sealed the phone and charged the mayor with suspicion of involvement in drug trafficking. despite the fact that jemila habsau does not live in this house, she is its owner. dzhemila, a member of the socialist party, has headed avalon for 3 years and also works in the city pharmacy.
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just a few minutes ago we witnessed a number of officials, from mayor's assistants to municipal councilors, arrive at the city hall building to receive participation in the meeting of the crisis committee, at the moment they refused to comment on the situation with the drugs found in the mayor's house. also, for some time , gendarmerie vehicles have been stationed near the city hall building. in the footage you can see a team of dog handlers. a team of investigators from dijon also arrived here amid the investigation. another search took place during the day at the city hall and at the pharmacy where the mayor works. as a result , a kilogram of cocaine and a gold bar were found. myra and her two brothers were taken into custody. the brothers are already known to law enforcement for drug-related crimes. they are suspected of using the family estate as a warehouse for drugs. investigators are going to find out whether the mayor was involved. the arrests occurred against the backdrop of a clean place campaign. euros in cash were seized on
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sunday in the moorland area of ​​ovalon. there are currently seven people in police custody, including the mayor of owolon, jamila habsaoui, and two members of her family. 14 hours after the first searches, prosecutor huck the defile in charge of the investigation confirmed the start of an investigation into the illegality. drug trafficking. according to our publication, investigators also seized a firearm. however, the prosecutor does not want to comment on this detail yet. in total , 70 representatives of the gendarmerie were involved in the operation. i was shocked by this news, of course, every city has drug trafficking to a greater or lesser extent, but i was amazed that this was happening in avalon, i was shocked that the mayor, who has done so much for the city, had anything to do with this, you know , avalon is a very beautiful city in which
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life is in full swing, this is a shame for us, it harms avalon, i really respected the mayor, all this rotten hype on social networks... this story does not shine anything good for obolon. because of this news, i didn’t even have time to finish my pizza. they found 70 kg of drugs on her, but she pretends not to know about them. everything was stored in the attic, and despite the smell, she pretends she didn't know about it. so far, as a result of the searches, the police have found about 20 gold bars, cocaine, and firearms. very difficult. tragic news is spreading across ukraine like wildfire. there can be no talk of any entry into the north atlantic alliance at the seventy-fifth anniversary summit, which will be held this summer in washington. moreover, the deputy prime minister of ukraine for euro-atlantic integration, olga stefanishina, directly
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confirmed: the usa and germany are against ukraine’s entry into nato, that is, the two biggest sponsors of kiev in the war against russia. in other words, berlin and washington confirmed the thesis that a war with russia at the cost of disposing of old equipment and ukrainians is a good deal for the west. this scheme was confirmed in helsinki. finnish president alexander stoop, in an interview with cnn, said that there would be no negotiations with russia and ordered the ukrainians to continue to fight for the interests of the west. the defense express publication writes that germany is right now looking for extra patriot air defense systems for ukraine, they say, most of them. in the usa, japan and saudi arabia. the most obvious us option for the us army is 60 batteries petriot, although given the size of the country, not so much - analysts write, that is, they hint that the united states is unlikely to give its systems to kiev. japan, as we understand, also has its own
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concerns. north korean missiles are flying overhead. that means they won’t give it to you permanently either. there is turmoil in the region and saudi arabia. and... they say that due to a shortage of ammunition, ukrainian soldiers are sent on dangerous missions to look for unexploded shells right on the battlefield. they are allegedly often recovered from swamps and other bodies of water, where there is a greater chance of a shell. border. we are talking about our shells, which they fly to ukrainian positions. according to vssushnik maxim polyukhovich, he has to not only examine the swamp, but also walk through several kilometers of minefields in search of a shell. he is sent to such tasks every day due to an acute shortage
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of ammunition. many officers of the armed forces of ukraine confirm the deplorable situation, saying that they have to save shells and select only the most important targets for them. in the swamps, but already arctic in northern norway, for a war with russia, and based on experience based on the war in ukraine, the german bundeswehr. this is all being called a stress test for nato in the arctic, where the alliance's largest maneuvers since the end of the cold war are taking place, involving 90,000 soldiers.
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several hours pass before alpha platoon finally arrives. according to them, they took
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the fight on the bridge, so they were delayed. stop for refueling. all machines and additional canisters are refilled under high pressure. alpha platoon consists of four tracked vehicles.
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the location for the largest exercise was, of course, not chosen by chance, 300 km from the russian
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border, it's close enough to show their strength and the russians will be watching very carefully what happens here, vladimir putin should think very carefully about who he associates with, there are 9000 soldiers stationed here, some of them equipped with the latest weapons , this is not a crude army, the people working here are truly first-class and highly professional. hello, the situation is tense and very alarming. we are now in the city of orsk, behind me, the place where the border between the big water and the land passes.
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now i will ask the operator to switch the camera to floating. a transporter, just a few minutes ago, this heavy special equipment arrived on the track, which maybe can go sailing and gets to the most inaccessible places, so we saw how many elderly people came out of there, the evacuation continues, this road takes us to the old city, the same one that was the first to take the blow of the elements and now houses there, residential private houses are in the water for a roof, and at the same time...
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a timber merchant, that’s where they use preventive measures, and without waiting for a critical situation, they began to evacuate people, new streets were also flooded overnight, and the evacuation there also continued at night, more than 700 rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations from different regions of russia, including from moscow, are already working in orsk, the fifth day help people cope with this disaster. ruslan, as far as i understand, this is the peak. the flood has not yet passed, that is, the water will continue to remain. forecasts, come on, it’s quite complicated, yes, the peak of the flood has not yet been passed, but now, according to the latest information, the water is approaching to the city of novotroitsk, which is located 40 km from orsk. in addition , the water level is rising in the urals, in the city of orenburg, the regional
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capital, and evacuation has also been carried out there for several days. i must say that. rescuers and volunteers, there are a lot of them, from among ordinary people, not only residents of orsk, but also other cities came here, work here, work in difficult conditions, the water is icy, it’s cold outside, it rains from time to time, but also during the day and the rescue operation does not stop at night, people work selflessly, thank you very much ruslan, you great fellow, and shows excellent reports.
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russia with siberia, the one who annexed siberia to russia, russia to siberia, that is, one ermak increased the territory of russia, and very... seriously, and the other is trying to disconnect part of the historical russian territory, all this against the backdrop of propaganda that this different peoples, isyrsky, his parents are the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, his parents live in the vladimir region, his brother lives there, that is, these are different peoples, but this is an absolutely inadequate perception of reality, let’s move on, which means the head of the kiev regime, now in an interview, says that ukraine needs air defense,
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it needs 25 patriot systems, 6-8 batteries each. that means 200, well, it all looks casual, he said, but if you just look at the numbers, each battery costs a billion dollars, give or take, a total of 200 billion dollars, in fact, all those figures that the west promises to give for many years, they are significantly less than this figure, but that’s not all, as you rightly noted in the video, the united states of america has 60 batteries alone, that is zelensky demands to give up everything that the united states has, plus... everything that the allies have, this is still not enough, about three to four batteries are produced in the united states per year, that is, production for 50 years in advance, in today’s, but understandable , that this is impossible for three or four reasons, which means an absolutely inadequate perception of what is happening, we move further in the degree, so to speak, of increasing this inadequacy,
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british foreign secretary cameron and the french séjournet. former us president donald trump in private order said he could end
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russia's war in ukraine by pressuring kiev to give up some territory, according to people familiar with the plan. some foreign policy experts said trump's idea would reward russian president vladimir putin for condoning violations of internationally recognized borders. strength. trump's proposal is to force ukraine to cede the donbass border region to russia and crimea, according to people who have discussed it with trump or his advisers. this approach, which was discussed earlier has not been reported, will dramatically change the policies of president biden, who has emphasized deterring russian aggression and providing military assistance to ukraine. in an effort to return to power, the republican candidate has often said that if elected, he could negotiate a peace agreement between russia and ukraine within 24 hours, even. taking office, but he has repeatedly refused to publicly say how exactly he will resolve the war, which has lasted more than 2 years. there are actually several levels of inadequacy here,
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look, firstly, why france and germany talk about this entente, but they don’t call germany into this entente, well, because when the entente was created 120 years ago, it was created against germany, well, it seems like now they are all democrats and scholz, one of the main sponsors
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of russia and germany, that is, the entente is a tool for involving russia in western politics in order to eliminate the main competitors of the anglo-saxons with its hands. who is the competitor today? china. that is, the entente cannot be against russia, the entente cannot be without russia and the entente may be needed by the anglo-saxons only in order to stop china with our hands, so they go there to solve some of their own problems, but we must understand that everything that the western world does is ultimately directed against china, but they they want to be convinced that they have a chance to do this, as happened at the beginning of the 20th century, to pit us against china, so terrorist acts... shelling of belgorod, economic sanctions, money allocated to zelensky, weapons supplied to zelensky, pressure on third countries, this everything for
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in order to drive russia into this new entente, and pay attention, it should be informal, because they are not going to invite someone to nato, here is some kind of bloc based on what happened at the beginning of the 20th century, that is, but what are they are they going to ask us to join this new entente? exactly the same thing that they offered to nicholas ii at the beginning of the 20th century: the revolutionary movement within russia, problems with japan, problems with great britain, solve all the problems at once, but there is a problem, they can, look, here is the most interesting thing, and the role of the individual in history, they believe that yes, but their problem and our happiness is that today in power in russia, it is not nicholas ii, who receives all this perfectly well, understands and...
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in china , that there is no need to use so much industrial potential in the world, of course, we were talking about ukraine, many statements about this were made by the american country, quite restrained, as always, in general. china did not help russia introduce war, however, china once again stated that it did not take part in the supply of military components, but bloomberg and yelin, apparently, and biden think differently, let’s read. from
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allies that china has stepped up support for russia , including by providing geospatial intelligence data to help moscow in its war against ukraine. amid signs of ongoing military integration between the two countries, china has provided russia with satellite imagery for military purposes, as well as microelectronics and machines to make tanks, according to people familiar with the matter. president joe biden expressed shizenpin's concerns during a telephone conversation about china's support for the russian defense industry. this support includes everything. machine tools, optics, nitrocellulose, microelectronics and turbojet engines, said white house national security council spokeswoman adrienne watson. treasury secretary jannette yelin also warned this week of significant consequences if chinese companies are found to be providing material support to russia's war against ukraine. vladimir vladimirovich, regarding the little entente, this most updated entente, i, of course , also read today’s article. i was amazed,
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that is, they missed the two foreign ministers against whom this entente was created 120 years ago, the fact that russia joined there, becoming a triple alliance, for some reason they missed this fact, but in this article they directly write that the new the goal of this renewed entente is to defeat russia, let’s read vladimirovich’s article, which in general is essentially a declaration of war on us, honestly. but i can read, the dark days are here again, russia's war of aggression in ukraine is now in its third year and has a profound impact on european euro-atlantic security. it is absolutely clear to our countries that ukraine must win this war, if ukraine loses, we will all lose. the cost of failing to support ukraine now will be much higher than the cost of fighting back against putin. the uk and france are proud of the support we have given ukraine, from unprecedented sanctions to...
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the delivery of the first large missile systems scalp and storm shadow ranges. just last month, the first ukrainian pilots graduated from the royal air force and began training with the french aerospace force as part of a program to increase ukraine's ability to fly modern f-16 fighter jets. but as discussed at the paris conference in february, we must do even more to defeat russia. the world is watching us and will judge us if we fail. the world will judge you no matter what. defeat russia. two ministers.
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was included in the list of the top 10 main russophists in the world, but there are just so many of them, there is such competition for the main russophov that no, no, this convinced one started long ago before everyone else, so why did he also publish an article today about the fact that russia in 3 months, oh in 3 years, excuse me, will attack the baltic states, definitely, that is, everything, alone and immediately writes a paragraph later, but at the same time, listen, nato is doing the wrong thing. that is investing money in these expensive exercises against russia, yes, ukraine needs to let everything go, so wait, but what about you are going to repel an attack on the baltic states, even if you don’t conduct a training exercise , and indeed, you’re right, everywhere in kharkov, kharkov, they write a lot of all kinds of articles, but note that right away it was zelensky who announced that this is russian propaganda, yes, you see, yesterday’s sunday tymes article, yes, in detail...
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the assistance that was allocated to him, it was already allocated on credit, he probably just didn’t report it to him, but in principle , all those grants and other things that were allocated to him, in the form of weapons, armored vehicles, etc. further, a significant part is formalized precisely as a loan, which he is not even going to repay and is not, well, he will not be responsible for anything, we understand, temporary people, they are temporary people, and you know, of course, i added tar to this a common barrel of tar - another victory for this, as again the western media write in the headlines, ukraine skeptic pilligrini in slovakia, well , a really unexpected victory, the liberal media and liberal sociologists have already given victory to korchuk, this very
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rival, and absolutely pro-western, i i want to remind you that at one time he resigned from the post of head of the slovak ministry of foreign affairs in protest against the purchase of slovak products... you can imagine, he was already predicted to win in the first round, he was predicted to win in the second, here is pelligrini with a good one, and wins by a landslide, who have indeed spoken out more than once as ifitsa against the continuation of the war in ukraine, the continuation of military assistance to ukraine, and so on, and you have seen what hysteria reigns in the slovak liberal media, in the czech, in the slovak. there now, just - i just saw cartoons here in one issue of a newspaper, money, and here’s a fitz who is strengthening his position, there’s total hysteria, they have illustrations in a row, now there are articles about what to do now, now, you know,
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pro-russian politicians will lead slovakia, well , the trend is good, there is no need to overestimate it, of course, we understand that slovakia will not be able to dictate its terms to nato or the european union. but paired with hungary , you see, in fact, sometimes some problems will be created there, and most importantly, this trend really we must use it, including in the elections to the european parliament, which we have already bought, if you believe, again, the hysteria that reigns in the western media, not at a price, i hope they bought it, just like they just now seized several thousand euros from the polish there ’s some politician there, that is, you know, three rubles to bribe the president is all, well, maybe someone else will come along, right?
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putin is about to attack, let’s come back, it’s narrow, we don’t have enough courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband. this is the one andrei chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, and a fire, my whole life has burned down, alexander mikhailov, she is in a difficult situation, she urgently needs work, you just tell me what, where, what, marat basharov,
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regretted one, some kind, you order, i’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, your salary will be increased, i’ve already ordered, allah, taxi. how did we manage without you before? that's right, especially me. today on rtr. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but we need to rest. where the sun is. and the sea, on the first shore, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. treat yourself
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to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards. we are here. for you the titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice. for an unforgettable holiday.
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on cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, it’s still our common holiday, of course, it’s a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, what was your mission, look and figure it out, and if you can fix it, i have a feeling , that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we’re taking off, pale all bring volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he was going to die, it’s just now two
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cosmonaut, that is, you understand, yes, your wife, with a heavy heart they saw you off at one end of the road, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some kind, my wife viktor petrovich knitted a hat for him and two for you, fate person with boris korchevnikov on friday. on rtr, please, fasten your seat belt, bring the cognac, it will shock us today,
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stewardes on friday people, any terrorist attack is terrible, it’s vile, it’s inhumane, who is the customer, who needed it. the first thing that is done is to remove suspicion from ukraine. don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with international terrorism? the internet is colossal.
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the federal security service detained five criminals, accomplices of ukrainian fraudulent call centers; through one of the communication centers alone, the criminals stole 7 billion rubles from russians. the stolen money was accumulated in ukrainian banks and went to finance the armed forces of ukraine and raids on criminal cells in offices. premises took place on the territory of moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl, sochi, moscow and leningrad
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regions. the organizers had seized computers , communications equipment, large sums of cash, and digital assets. about the value and firearms, means of communication quickly all here,
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with the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, the illegal activities of a group of persons involved in the organization and operation of an illegal virtual communication center, used by ukrainian call centers for telephone fraud and extortion of funds from russian citizens in especially large amounts, funds received in this way through a chain of financial transactions were accumulated in ukrainian banks and went to finance the armed forces of ukraine. according to preliminary data , using only one communication center , more than 7 billion rubles were stolen from russian citizens. but. footage of interrogation from terrorists from crocus city hall on video they admit that they were going to ukraine for the promised reward, confirming tera’s kiev trail. the ukrainian special services were preparing to meet the terrorists in the area of ​​two previously cleared mine areas between the villages of chuikovka and sopych, sumy region. from the m3 highway to points evacuation is about 30 km. why are you under arrest?
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croc city terrorist attack, what were your group ’s plans after the terrorist attack in the direction of kiev, who gave you instructions, saifu, he told us, leave in the direction of kiev, when you get beyond the border, not far from the border, leave your car, just take me, i i’ll help you further, i understand that before these...
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he proposes, or more precisely connects the defeat of ukraine with his defeat, as i understand it, he invites us to unload the flags in berlin, in paris, in london, well, president duda turned out to be cunning, he said: in warsaw no need to make friends, we don’t seem to think that russia will attack us, but at the same time we weren’t really going to, yes, yes, they weren’t really going to, yes, and we’re not going to, we have our own tasks, we’ll finish a special military operation for... which they have designated for themselves, that is, when the tasks are completed, but at the same time the west is trying to help the kiev regime, these are the same patriots, they practically do not appear in the supplies that nato countries usually announced there , launchers, i mean, that is these empty m902 launchers are pak-3, these are modern launchers that
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can operate in rolling air defense mode, we recently reset two of them in davdeevka. this is a new installation, which not all countries have, this year 12 launchers were delivered, minus two, which we have now reset, by the way, which countries were supplied from, from the united states of america, from germany and the netherlands, only one the netherlands presented two launchers, there were 20, now 18, that is, this means that the west doesn’t care continues to supply kiev with such modern weapons, because to save...
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kharkov, when we shelled industrial zones, in which there was a lot of equipment and production, and so on, they followed their course, fell on residential areas, that is, this is what was happening in kiev. is now being repeated in kharkov, but now things are very bad there, and japan must share from its 192 launchers with ukraine, that is , when these installations will arrive in ukraine is unknown, but the fact that they need them like air is a fact, because those planning aerial bombs, they harvest their harvest far behind enemy lines and destroy what they collect with such difficulty with the forces of all of europe by those coalitions and associations that they created there.
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well, production was on the territory of the russian federation, we are now producing these 57 mm, they are part of a new complex. such a derivation installation is called with an uninhabited tower, which is exactly used by this 57mm ammunition, and there is also an uninhabited module era, and they have, as they say, a shooting lottery, this is all for in order to destroy, among other things, the pividrono, but there are two shells for it, there is one armor-piercing shell, it flies about a kilometer per second , it destroys all these light armored vehicles, there is an explosive one, too, with about... such a speed a detonation is possible if with our modern shells, then the detonation can be organized at a certain height, then such drones and others will be encountered, another drone
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danger, that is, now we see that ukraine is trying by any means to hold these fortified areas, which they once were built in order to have time to build a new, active construction near kiev, around kiev, active construction is taking place on the right bank of the dnieper, that is, the enemy understands that most likely... he began to link, i repeat once again, his defeat to ukraine with his defeat, this is a fact, but we can say that the west is really waging a war against us, and indeed our foreign ministry has
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any doubts about this, that we have no doubts, we understand this, but we must, as they say , ask in order to know later , where are we we are raising the next flag, well, after ukraine is freed from this infection, where should we stay if they are at war with us, and if they lose the war, from whom should we take indemnities?
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but everyone understands that when they fantasize about this, they forget about russia, if they asked russia, they would stop publishing these fantasies and telling everyone, because we will not allow this. urgent news is coming from the orenburg region; in orenburg, some private houses are already flooded. city authorities say the flood situation continues worsen, they urge citizens to evacuate urgently, please listen to the recommendations, not even recommendations, but the demands of the authorities. all villages in the belyaevsky district of the orenburg region on the banks of the urals will be flooded in the worst case scenario. residents need to prepare for evacuation, wrote the head of the district, alexander fedotov. all the latest information is in the report. at night in orsk several more streets went under water,
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rescuers and volunteers helped those who wanted to leave their homes, people tried to do something under such sandbags protect their buildings, now the water is not actively rising and remains at approximately the same level, in this area, somewhere knee-deep, and somewhere waist-deep, evacuation continues in different parts of the city, here... an elderly man is carried out on a stretcher , rescuers and volunteers help people get to their apartments to pick up documents and medicines, now the guys will help me pick up documents, well, mostly documents, of course. those who previously refused to do so decide to leave their homes; the flooded part of the city is disabled gas and electricity, i just took the thermos, now i’ll put away the boiling water, i’ll take it back to them, they are sitting without bread, without boiling water, neighbors, yes, muscovites saved us, thank you, the best people on earth, the situation remains alarming, it’s too early to talk about the peak of the flood , new dam breaks are not excluded, the russian ministry of emergency situations group and all services involved in emergency response are working around the clock,
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and ordinary residents are also helping. i have to go to work tonight, i decided in the morning that we need to help here, guys, more than 2.0 people were evacuated from the disaster zone in orski, almost 700 of including children in the flood zone of over 6.00 residential buildings and garden plots. we have never had such a flood, even if when it flooded, the water never reached us, we were always inaccessible to water, so to speak, here my daughter arrived, he said, he said, that’s all. the dam is collapsing before our eyes. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkassov, alexander bozhenov, vasily peredkov. news: orsk, orenburg region. now our assault units continue to advance to the front in the artyomovsk direction clock time. russian troops approached school 77 in the kanal microdistrict. this footage shows one of the offensive operations of the ivanovo paratroopers. our soldiers in airborne combat vehicles approached the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and captured an enemy stronghold on the outskirts
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of the city. but. the offensive of our units is taking place with the support of the russian aerospace forces, the footage was filmed north of avdeevka in the novo-bakhmutovka area. positions in the armed forces of ukraine are equal to the ground of a high-explosive volume. nizing aerial bombs, and this is the destruction of fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces in the ugledar direction with the help of half-ton fabov with universal planning and correction modules. unique footage of the super-maneuverable su-34 fighter-bomber preparing for a combat mission. a five-kilogram high-explosive bomb is lifted using a damkrat, and then
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the fastening is carefully checked. a command sounds indicating readiness to complete the task. at a speed of 900 km/h, at an altitude of 12,000 m, su-34s attack ukrainian targets. footage from the ministry of defense shows how the bombs open their wings and land on the target.
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destroyed two multiple launch rocket systems at once, of which ukrainian formations also hit belgorod. after the impact, secondary detonation began. yes, this is what the zaporozhye front looks like now. the surrounding area of ​​the village of rabotina is strewn with damaged nato equipment and ukrainian armed forces vehicles. drone operators destroyed an american
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maxpro armored vehicle, a bmp bradly and a tank. on the approaches to the city of chasov yar, the russian flag and the airborne standard are now flying. paratroopers , supported by armored vehicles, surrounded the positions of ukrainian militants and captured an important stronghold, including taking prisoners. kyiv will have to give up part of the territories to russia and retreat. this is the conclusion reached by the american tv channel cnn. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky calls the situation at the front catastrophic. russian units, according to him, are developing an offensive. the enemy, using the advantage in the air, missiles and ... ammunition, is trying to achieve its goal of reaching the administrative border of the donetsk region. the enemy continues to conduct offensive operations day and night, using assault groups with the support of armored vehicles. especially a difficult situation has developed in the bakhmud direction, in the avdeevsky direction, and in
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the novopavlovsky direction. the most brutal battles today continue in the areas of pervomaisky and vodianova, as well as in the eastern chasyars, where the enemy is trying to break through the defenses of our troops. in the limansky, orekhovsky and kherson directions the situation also remains tense. the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, kuleba, in an interview with the british financial times, complains that russian air bombs are destroying positions in the ukrainian armed forces, and it is impossible to hide from these weapons. head of the main intelligence directorate ukrainian terrorist budanov, in a conversation with the german ard, claims that the russian army will launch a large-scale offensive on the donetsk front closer to the summer. we expect the russian army to intensify offensive operations in late spring and early summer. first of all, in the dpr, the direction of the main attack is expected here, i think that they will try to stretch our forces along the entire front line, we are preparing for this, and i believe that we will be ready. russian troops
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have indeed regained the initiative at the front, writes the washington post. options zelensky's views on what to do about the war range from bad to worse. the ukrainian president himself officially confirmed the presence of western military personnel in ukraine. i held macron’s proposal, at least in terms of sending instructors to train our boys, to train our guys here, so that this mission could come from one or another state, i believe that this is much faster than sending our guys. regarding the border mission, he said that we could become and proposed the initiative to be on border, how can we refuse, if they offer this and will come, we will only support. ukraine is tired of the war and kiev will never compromise with official moscow, ermak, the head of zelensky’s office, told the publication. moreover, women aged 18 to 60 will now be included in the official register of those liable for military service. this may
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not be the most pleasant job in the world, but it is especially important in light of russian aggression, it was necessary to replenish the army and carry out rotation from the very beginning of the war. they will build it in the kiev region. the authorities plan to cut down 260 hectares of forest for the construction of the national military cemetery, local residents opposed the bank’s plans, organized a spontaneous rally, mobilization is gaining new momentum, military registration and enlistment office employees set up roadblocks at the entrance to the capital. indeed, there are shameful cases when guys were mobilized, a few days later they died on the front line, have you seen even one person?
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that at the moment we are dealing with a shortage of ammunition, weapons, troops, so what president zelensky spoke about, and this is very difficult to overcome if you do not have the opportunity to replenish supplies, and this will be a decisive factor this year, perhaps next year too. documentary evidence of the participation of american mercenaries in the attack of the kiev regime on the belgarid region in mid-march. us thugs took part in the raid as part of ukrainian drgs. the fact is their participation in a terrorist attack. near the village of kozinka is confirmed by video from american helmet cameras. before attempting to break into russian territory, the american the mercenaries behave extremely self-confidently and even joke, but within a few seconds the russian army liquidates the mercenary detachment. and
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here are photographs of what our specialists found during an inspection of the terrorists’ property: a flag with the emblem of the third ss panzer division , the death’s head, weapons from small arms to western military-technical missiles. an impressive arsenal. that's it... and the manufacturer is a spanish company on one of the packages the emblem of the polish strategic reserves agency. the inscriptions on the rations are not only in ukrainian, but in english, polish and french. it is reported that in addition to the americans , the french and romanians took part in the attack on the belgorod region. this is footage from helmet cameras of americans who participated in terrorist attacks.
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this uh this group like uh previously of convoy yeah okay so they're pushing up in front of the convoy okay he uh showed the differences like in airsoft and painfall levels of team dedication dude happy we're not out here jeries behind the enemy's actions
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and mercenaries of ordinary militants of the kiev regime, our fighters are watching from the air, waiting, when most of the enemy's forces are concentrated in one place. in a nearby building, another group of militants are providing medical assistance to each other; they were wounded while moving; they have no time for jokes on the radio. under fire, this is what our fighters are waiting for, in
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the area where formations of the main intelligence department of the armed forces of ukraine tried to break through our line of defense in order to organize information provocations during the presidential elections in russia, there are still dozens of bodies of liquidated militants, many of them foreigners. it is already known that in an attack on americans, french, and romanians took part in the belgorod border area. here are two more two-hundredths, here is one, his pants are down, i don’t know what they wanted to do with him, here is the second, the author of this material, our legendary military correspondent evgeniy podubny in our studio, well, an amazing gift, and from american comrades, a high-quality documentary video that directly confirms the participation of americans, and the american accent, strictly speaking, in... in raid operations on the belgorod border, unfortunately, it
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has not yet been possible to establish whether these are mercenaries or seconded specialists who were assigned to the special forces detachment of the main intelligence department of the kiev regime, but in fact, under the roof of so-called volunteers, of course can participate. professional military personnel, in fact, why? and in order to cement the moral and psychological state of these detachments, here are our american friends shoulder to shoulder with us, but during the life of, in fact, americans there are much shorter than ukrainian militants, in fact this is understandable, because that after all, during the time that a special military operation lasts, such an experience. was received by the enemy, which of course on the ground,
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the enemy infantry, or special forces act even more confidently than the people who train them, by the way, this is quite, quite a frequent testimony about prisoners of war with whom i spoke, who say: yes, i studied in the uk, or yes, i studied in spain, yes, i studied in france or there in poland, in fact, my instructors could not teach me anything, because i can teach them learn. well, here, in fact, is the first in my memory such clear evidence of participation in the attacks, moreover, the romanians showed up in the same way, yes, with their private military company, and here it’s also good that there is objective control over the destruction of this group, which is really important for us , a mine arrived, and it was a mine that arrived, moreover, one more person was killed by a sniper...
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in the west, comrades who are not our comrades can stop us, especially adventurers who, for example, come to ukraine in order to earn money, money dead are not needed, and this is the tip of the iceberg, that is, the americans participate in raid operations on the ground, accordingly, a huge number of western specialists take part in combat operations in other positions, that this is combat control, this is a communications organization, this is an organization. after all , these are interaction organizations, especially with regard to interaction between units of the kiev regime on the front line and, for example, with those intelligence officers who transmit intelligence data to these units, it is known that regime militants in general they use the entire, for example, western satellite constellation, yes, which exists, but
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it turns out that the americans, as the main actor in the north atlantic alliance, have long been taking... part in these hostilities and, moreover, well, apparently they are no longer ashamed of it, because, well in general, this is a feature of that raid, an attempted raid on the belgorod region, yes, and there every platoon commander, for example, had a camera on his helmet, well, understandably, because the main goal of this raid was generally media, so we took the house, here we are now we'll tell you, then how... how we easily passed the russians, well , it’s good that we have objective control, where it is clear that no one got through anywhere, but the americans also participated, there was video evidence, not so detailed, but they participated in the counter-offensive actions of the kiev formation regime in the summer in the south of the special military operation zone,
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then moments were even recorded, as in fact, a comrade with such a characteristic southern american accent. and he commanded not even a squad, but a platoon of ukrainian military personnel who acted there mrapakh, on other armored vehicles, and were under our artillery fire, in fact, well, there the episode is more crumpled, but here everything is in more detail, that is, the americans are actively involved in real combat operations - with our armed forces, american voters are getting nameless coffins in their... homeland, i think that some strong guys from the fbi are explaining to them that they shouldn’t cry about this on facebook, share their grief there, yes, and no, these shots from american films with the solemn funeral of these people, but if only one episode got into the public field, this does not mean that there are few episodes,
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there are many episodes, it’s just that not all these flash drives, not all these cameras survive, our specialists, in fact, took these shots from the destroyed americans. from their cameras, and searches continue, that is, in some areas, our groups simply cannot reach yet, because there is enemy fire, of course, there is the impact of fpv drones, and , for example, a helicopter was shot down not far from this place, and there is still a question there, which helicopter was shot down, the americans, oh, the americans, the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, well, in fact, in these raids they used army military transport aviation, what did they use, they used.. . two black hawks, which are in service with the main intelligence directorate, actually soviet military transport helicopters, which helicopter was shot down is still unclear, because it is impossible to inspect the area, some of the officers who were on the spot, in principle they claim that it was a blackhawk, but we will find out the truth when we are able to approach
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this area, when the enemy’s fire is overcome, that is, what am i talking about... the saboteur reports: the commander, an american, was killed, that is, he commands this terrorist attack, but what i mean is that our society has long ago, it seems to me, somehow gotten used to the idea that yes, we are at war, not with the kiev regime as such, yes, we are at war with the collective west, well, so here is a calm reaction to this, in general, but says a lot, and - if you look at these frames like this again, and it’s clear, not all the fragments are shown here, the americans really behave as if they were in afghanistan, well, that is
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, they are from the enemy, apparently they don’t expect much and somehow act so relaxed, quite self-confident, but it lasts exactly 5 minutes, these are the impressions, i remember very well how a special military operation began, then the russian army inflicted a very successful fire defeat on a training ground nearby with lvov, where the big one was located. the number of polish mercenaries, in my opinion, there were mercenaries from europe, with this blow, and part of the flow of mercenaries, and such a serious part, it was thrown back, that is, the mercenaries really realized that well, this is not safari there in the big east, this is not libya, this is not syria, this is and for this you will have to pay with your lives in blood, but for all this, this is actually so bright, by the way, in my opinion, these are these shots, yes, where on... actions, well, that's what something like this is also in the same geography
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this all happened, in my opinion, in fact, it is important for us to understand that it is really now under the guise of some ukrainian formations, but here they generally tried to imagine that it was almost our neo-vlasovites who were acting, but i watched - about 10 hours of these video from helmet cameras , i didn’t see a single person there who spoke russian, i saw in surzhik, well, they speak ukrainian poorly, and i saw people who speak the version of the ukrainian language that is accepted in western ukraine, but -they speak a lot of english, so there were no russian-speaking people there, that is, rdk is like that - a good bad sign, a laying company, but behind which... there were really special forces units that were formed already during a special military operation, often from motivated volunteers, often from
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veterans of combat operations, and who took part there in one way or another somewhere from the contingent of peacekeeping forces that worked for ukraine under the un in africa, for example, but actually, from these texas arizona guys, i don’t know the nivada guys, yes, who are happily walking around for 5 minutes, then they die, they die faster than their ukrainian brothers-in-arms, but this process, it will only intensify, it will only intensify, because you see, they are constantly going beyond certain, well, as we say, red lines, a discredited term, well, discredited, by the way, i say now without any irony, that is, they are constantly trying something new, something new, by the way, in attacks on the belgorod region, the day before they were involved kiev regime... british jets - drums drones that were shot down by our air defense systems, that is, before they were embarrassed to use such weapons systems there, yes,
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now they are no longer shy, here they are, in general - in raid, essentially assault operations, here the americans are coming, this was not the case before either was, but the level is constantly increasing, constantly, and we see the tactics that the kiev regime has been using over the past 10 years, now... their curators of western countries, when in the center of residential areas, here is a video that was accidentally discovered the day before, have systems volley fire, mr. terikhov claims that we are attacking peaceful neighborhoods in kharkov, immediately a frame appears here, in the same place, with a hurricane installation, as far as i understand, a hurricane and nearby the remnants of shelling. belgorod, that is, of course, what is called escalation, there is nothing new in this either, because from the very beginning the enemy
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used social facilities, medical facilities, children's facilities in order to place personnel there, how many videos were from schools where they are, of course, of course, in in this sense, there is nothing new here, well, by the way , about the video that we just watched about the moment of the destruction of this group, it is also an important moment, they can pass on an example to their own from the other world. heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, lavrov and the people's republic of china vanya in beijing has just begun, thank you very much, evgenia, we will take a break, the phone is ringing, you pick up the phone , you say, hello, the premiere on rtr, hello, hello,
1:25 pm
hello, hello, hello! hello, hello, guys, hi, this is alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, hello, alla, alla, taxi, who sent the order, i don’t recognize something, allah, today on rtr, if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be miniheat. roommate, it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120 by 90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to
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its compact dimensions, a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will fit comfortably even in the most difficult spaces. places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price of only 29-95. we present to your attention a real bestseller. luxurious bag. chocolate from genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in patk style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize
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saves your feet from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the insole is breathable. anatomical shape ensures a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to its modern design, garden shoes fits perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. fast, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price. this is reality, we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. classic design brings warmth to any space nostalgia, and the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned . the magnificent century carpet is
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an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red, two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. call right now to order a magnificent carpet century only from 14.95. hurry, this is a limited offer. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going. donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this is... let's say, my trophy . we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she brings this kurpa to the crowd and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i
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decided that we need to take the kids to myself, i came across such people who care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only... ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you ’re seeing me for the first time in your life, and blame any woman for something i’ve never done you need a woman’s happiness, accept it as in...
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it’s worth getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, this doesn’t mean that no one needs you, and maybe something will work out, i thought we cleared everything up, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, loner, on sunday on rtr , peace in ukraine can only be achieved on the battlefield. there are no prospects for a diplomatic settlement of the conflict, finnish president alexander stoop said in an interview with cnn. zelensky, who previously claimed that he was not asking the west to send soldiers to ukraine, has now changed his shoes and claims that
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he is not at all against the arrival of foreigners from countries nato. the swiss publication enzi analyzes the format in which macron can send the french military to war with russia. there are four scenarios. the french may be sent. defend kiev from the north, defend odessa in the fsu reserve on the zaporozhye front, or they will be placed in moldova. the russian army is conducting an offensive along almost the entire front. ukrainian air defenses receive too little supply, so attacks from a distance deal a serious blow to critical infrastructure. western support is arriving slowly. in terms of arms supplies, paris lags far behind berlin. but now, even with american aid blocked, macron even wants to send his own army to ukraine, depending on how the situation develops. what can we expect if macron's big words are actually followed by action, what would such an operation actually look like?
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unlike the german bundeswehr, the french armed forces are capable of fighting even without nato allies, but the scope of their actions is limited. at this time at the moment there are four possible options for the participation of the french. the first is the deployment of a contingent north of kiev to prevent an invasion from belarus. scenarios, combined units of the armed forces of ukraine will be able to transfer to the eastern and southern front. the second option: french troops will act as reserves in the zaporozhye direction and try to prevent a breakthrough of russian forces. the third option is the deployment of french troops north of odessa, which is currently the most important point of access for ukraine to the black sea. to the sea. fourth option: troops could be stationed in moldova. well, stup was absolutely right when he said that there were none. the west is not even thinking about real peace negotiations, otherwise , what was all this for? why was it necessary to build up this military presence, which became
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the prologue to our special operation ? in order to cause maximum damage to russia, and in this very war it will be until the very last ukrainian about what... the last european from the us point of view. not only to the last ukrainian, but also to the europeans still don’t really understand this, but if something happens, this reserve will be thrown in, so actually. now the conversation is about the fact that it is already possible to add the french, while these precious french - so to speak, with blue blood, uh, they, of course, will not immediately come under fire, somewhere ... near odessa
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they will stand, but freed , yes, they will be in a different place, the released troops of the ukrainian armed forces will already be transferred directly to the front, and therefore, let them continue this war as long as possible, when there is an opportunity, what is called throwing in weapons or something else, that means throwing in weapons, when not, they will give...
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euros like in germany, if you sign the association itself some kind, and because of this they overthrew yanukovych, then, please, they continue to promise nato, without visas, remember without visas, what a beautiful carrot it was, without visas they were killed, so to speak, they fought, and so on, now for 2 years no one has left from ukraine he can’t, but with a visa, but without a visa you can’t leave, men and women can make great money there, which means prostitution in europe, that’s why.
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out of sight, president volodymyr zelensky's options on what to do next, let alone how to win the war, range from bad to worse. zelensky said ukraine would only agree to the return of all its territory, including lands that russia has controlled since 2014. with the front line having changed little over the past year, the military return of the russian-held eastern and southern parts ukraine, making up about 20% of the country's territory, seems increasingly unlikely. the option of negotiating with russian president vladimir putin to end the war was rejected by zelensky until then. for now, russian troops remain on ukrainian soil. putin has shown no willingness to accept anything short of ukrainian capitulation. the status quo is terrible, as the fight has now reached a stalemate, with ukrainians dying on the battlefield every day. but the ceasefire, according to the ukrainians , is also not the beginning, since it will simply give it's time for the russians to replenish their strength. ukrainian western officials believe zelensky is largely stuck. i have no idea how zelensky will get out of this situation, said one ukrainian deputy. we'll be back.
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you don’t have lyuba, another girl, your friend polina, has disappeared, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from getting lost in the noise of this unknown, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, suddenly it will work out, ibushka is crying, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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know everything about holidays. annex.
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titanic luxury collection, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. kalinon is a place where time stops. immerse yourself. luxury and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into
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a fairy tale.
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on cosmonautics day, this is a holiday , cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday anyway, it’s our common one, of course, it’s a purely holiday. our legendary crew of the salyut 7 station. what was your mission, look and figure it out, and if possible, fix it. i have the feeling that filming was more dangerous than the actual flight. i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich. let's take off. the whole pancake shop brings volodya. it's just that color. i thought he was going to die, just. two astronauts, that is, you understand, right?
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you killed me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you, in the most dangerous place for you, she’s a predator, what else, could they? praying, they say that you people know how to look straight into your head, this is a metaphor. look into his head, look into application or website. ukrainian commanders say that the eviction of civilians from their homes in front-line cities should be forced without a twinge of conscience, since they could become collaborators and begin to direct russian missiles at the deployment points of the ukrainian armed forces.
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from the latest news, to the south, from the side of ivanovsky, they took two quite serious oporniks on the approach to the northern city from the side of bogdanovka, they completely cleared bogdanovka, they moved further than the enemy into the next forest belt, assault actions from... from the side of bogdanovka, here are the northern chasovyar continue, there are heights, yes, for which our military personnel are now fighting, and after we enter them, the control and zone of control of precisely the northern flank of the chasovyar will increase, today the chasyar was quite good and a powerful arrival of our factories, most likely it was one and a half tons, ours landed... in the industrial zone of chasyar, where two units of the defense were located, there were
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about 500 people, but already in the morning there was information from interceptions that more 1002 is already there for sure, there was about 50% of the equipment there, initially our scouts detected it and accordingly a blow was struck, but this moment of such a large concentration of the enemy in one place speaks precisely... such about several things, yes, with on the one hand, that they do not stop transferring reserves there, reserves primarily from the military defense, but in this case they did not have time to bring them directly there to the line of combat contact, where they were going to hold our advances with them, one moment, the second point is that, again, based on such a grouping, and how they were in this case, they didn’t have time to get there relatively recently with the terrain. so to speak, to get acquainted with the situation, we didn’t have time to get acquainted, we just don’t have time for it, yes,
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because there is constant fire from our side, it’s actually impossible to disperse troops like this, so we take advantage of this, we destroy such large concentrations, not only there was contact on the chasvyar directly near the line, but the blows also occur in the nearest rear areas are 10-15-20 km, where they also have quite large reserves. group, thank you very much, vladimir, vladimir razin, voenkor is with us in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation. i would return to the statements of western politicians and the press, i would not give them such great importance to you, because they sometimes directly contradict each other, based on their internal logic, internal political struggle, just like the victory of peter pellegrini in slovakia, yes , this is important news, it caused a stir in the west.
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and the action is as follows: the west is trying to expand the escalation zone in order to stretch russia’s military, diplomatic and political attention directly from the front, literally the president of belarus has just appointed a new deputy head of the presidential administration for ideology, that’s what we call it, he said, that the curators of our fugitives, that is, this anti-belarusian emigration, like yours,
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by the way, demand something hotter, just propaganda... those who are trying on the instructions of the sbu, on the instructions gur, this has already been established, to make caches with a handle with weapons, and this is intended not only, and maybe not so much for action on the territory of belarus, but to make it possible. then transfers to russian territory, we stop these actions, by the way, a joint board of the kgb and the republic of belarus foreign intelligence service recently took place, where this was also discussed, i think behind closed doors there was a lot of exchange of information, the north-western direction, aggravation sharp, the latvian state security service is now preparing
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provocations in the northwestern direction, this is the answer to the creation of the leningrad military district, that’s how they see it, literally. near the kaliningrad region, however, listen, we recently carried out normal such exercises, usual, 500 troops were involved in the ashmyany region, this is the north-western direction, they are deploying, now there are exercises of defenders, more than 90 thousand troops, regularly conduct exercises , their troops, which, not counting the kiev regime, are concentrated on the side of poland and the baltic states, are many times larger than
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the number of armed forces of the republic of belarus, but they are escalating the situation, escalating it in order... to form loyalty among their population to this asymmetrical so-called war, that is , in fact, carrying out terrorist attacks already with their direct participation against the russian federation, there is evidence that they are preparing the territory of the republic under the baltic republics for launching drones across the territory of the russian federation, and by the way, why did the french start talking about the fact that they will lead their troops in order to legalize their real participation, can you imagine, now they... even several months before the elections to the european parliament, they say: yes, we will participate, sikorsky said at the nato summit, we will form an alliance mission on the territory of ukraine, if only the data that hundreds of dead, i’m putting it mildly for now, there are hundreds of dead in the country already in ukraine, would have surfaced during the election campaign, excuse me, this information of power would have been much greater, that is, because of what they are
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already carrying losses, they are trying to legalize at least somehow, by the way, the phone rings, you pick up the phone and say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hello, this is alla, al, al, al, hello, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, allo, alla, alla, taxi,
1:55 pm
who passed the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, today on... rtr. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a shape that is comfortable for the foot. it doesn't press and doesn't slide very easily. put on. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special. lightweight eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet when you get into a puddle, and the breathable anatomically shaped insole provides a comfortable... comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes are excellent will fit into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden.
1:56 pm
provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. are regular shovels not doing a good job in the garden? introducing the hammer smith rais shovel. the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go smoothly by oil. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds like never before, effortlessly. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle with
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hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel, with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily pluck the roots one by one. you can. it's easy to spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened wa-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even with the most. hard soil without any extra effort, with a soft handle, with which the grip area is quadrupled and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer
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will get you at an incredible price for only 4995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time, you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect plants from frost , retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening , extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering care we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. pipes are resistant to corrosion and protect plants from strong gusts of wind; thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from
1:59 pm
insect pests. choose your size mini-greenhouses and get a high-quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. breaking news: another dam break in borsk occurred near the village of lesatorgovy. in novotroitsk, water also overflowed the dam, local residents are being evacuated. the ministry of emergency situations
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warns that a flood wave is moving along the ural river from orsk, where the military was involved in the fight against the elements in the direction of orenburg. the water will reach the city by april 17. the mayor of orenburg, salmin, said that in the near future the situation will only get worse. look straight now, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, hello on the russia tv channel, hosted by denis polanchukov in the studio and the main thing for this hour: vladimir putin instructed the government to create a special... commission on the flood situation in the orenburg region, the water level is rising, high-rise buildings are already being drowned, evacuation continues. muscovites saved us.


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