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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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perzavod il will tell you how aircraft undergo strength tests. you can get acquainted with the history of the legendary khrunichevo center by watching a film about space satellite launches. and at the former red october factory, guests will learn the secrets of making the famous chocolate. all events will take place from april 15 to 26. in the new issue and program our. two families, two love stories of russian fighters. their spouses have been through a lot. we have proven from our own experience that nothing can interfere with real happiness, what real men think about in moments of tragedy, how your beloved women feel at this moment and how their support gives wings, inspires , helps men, watch today at 15 o’clock, and by this time we have everything, denis polunchukov was with you, see you.
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catch it, whether the fish is big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place. have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? can science fiction be understandable? you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts
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the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on sunday on rtr, your mother’s aorta of the heart, you need surgery, here’s the money for your mother’s treatment, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, and wow , hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more precious, god, some insidious one, he came, he saw, he conquered, i fell in love like hell, and you, and you ’ve been planning to meet me for a long time, i have a plan for the place, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i don’t know how it ended up in mine things, i’ll also say, they threw jewels at you, half
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a lemon, dear friend, on saturday on rtr, in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we’re not leaving... all returnees, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of their hearts and to the depths of their souls. hello, this is our program. love long-suffering, merciful, not irritated, love endures everything, and marriages of two sincere loving souls are made in heaven. today in
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our studio we’ll talk about those with those for whom together forever is not just words. yes, world war ii was definitely calmer. let's save the zedonka so that ours are not bypassed. artyom solovyov went to the front almost immediately after the start of the northern military district. on the front line, he became a sniper in an assault unit and more than once covered his comrades during combat missions. when solovyov's group went to clearing the village of zolotoe 5 in the lpr, artyom had only 3 days left before dembeli, but this task turned out to be fatal for him, go to the church over there, there is nowhere to hide, these are the last shots that he himself took on the front line, he didn’t reach the church only a few meters, came under attack from a drone. at this time, his wife was eagerly waiting for him in bataysk. and two children, were making
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plans for the upcoming vacation, were already packing their bags, but artem never showed up on the doorstep of the house, he wrote me a message, hello darling, i... i have a bad one for you news, the wound tore off my leg, if you don’t need me like that, i’ll understand everything, i’m in shock, i’m in tears, i tell him, no, you and i will go through everything together forever, svetlana left everything and went to rostov to her beloved, his before they had time to evacuate, she was already meeting her husband at the door of the hospital, she was nearby for many months of recovery treatment, training, and well done,
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that sneakers are not sports, she should have bought running shoes, to be together in sorrow in joy, as the strength of a woman makes a man invulnerable , today the stories that they prove that love can do anything, wherever a man runs, it’s beautiful, in our studio we have a wife, a member of the svo, a mother of many children, svetlana solovyova, hello, svetlana, svetlana, hello, how did you meet artyom, oh, we met... in back in 2010 in our city park, and in our park there is a pear, so to test our strength, we were walking in the same company, he hits this pear and wins a toy and gives it to my friend, and then over time he
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tells me , says, well, i knew her, but didn’t know you, wanted to give it to you, but gave it to her because he knew her, then he played it again, won this one again, already gave it to me, at first glance, i think yes, and how we started with him to be friends, i write, i tell him, it’s weak to set the status that you are married to me, he says, not weak, i say, well, put it, so he set it and i, so we still have this status that we are married, and who did he work for? in general, we have a pastry chef, he worked in a restaurant in rostov, at the time we met he was a laborer on construction sites, and how he made the offer, as if there was no offer himself, you made the offer when you said the status is for, probably yes, it was all already clear, yes, it turns out that we met him on may 1, and already in september i moved in with him to live with things, he says, somehow unexpectedly it happened that i see
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your things are already in the closet, you have three children, yes already, three children, victoria was born that year, the victory is ours, but how did you know, what is he going to do? serve, in general he didn’t tell anyone that he was going to go there to the north military district, he’s such a desperate, hot-headed guy, he still wanted to go in 2014, but we probably had a son then, that’s what stopped him, in ’22 no one knew, we had our own agency, an advertising printing workshop, this happened at the beginning of spring, and he said that there were no orders, i was offered a part-time job doing roofing in anapa, i said, well, they offered me to go. earnings are also everything, he left, my heart is restless, how is this possible, he didn’t tell me before, they felt something was wrong, yes, i went through his entire computer, found clues that this was connected with the trip to the northern military district, all this was found, there was information there,
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yes, yes, that he wanted to go there from rostov and from bataysk, and you began to guess, i began to guess, yes, subsequently contact with he was, no, there was no contact, it turns out that he was silent for about five days, i was in tears, he went somewhere, he didn’t answer calls, or messages, nothing. thoughts are generally completely different, that he abandoned, left, left me with two children, that is, well, completely, so he left, that’s it, communication stopped, then calls me, says, i, now they are taking away our phones, they will give them back, no one knows when... communication, i say, where are you? he says, i’m at the university of special forces, i’m undergoing retraining to go to the north military district, we have a dad, he’s strong, strong-willed, so it was useless to argue with him, and it’s too late, yes, he’s already there, that is, there’s nothing to be done, i i say, well
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, i’m getting ready, so i have to, we’ll wait for you, well , at least you feel better, that you didn’t quit, but no, i still continued to worry, waiting for messages and calls from him, and how often there was contact, well, with... the next one was already when there were 40 minutes before crossing the border, then there was no signal for five days, there was no response for 2 days, then maybe for a week, at most, there was no word from him for 10 days. call, not recording anything, and the kids were wondering where dad was, what did you tell them, well, they said that dad went to the north military district, dad went to defend our country, let's call artyom to us, come on, artyom, please come in, hello , hello, i wish you health, artyom, i wish you health, hello, and in our studio member of the svo, artyom solovyov, hello, artyom, yes! hello, how did you decide to leave your family, your wife, to leave, to leave without saying anything, and
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most importantly, why didn’t you say anything, because the first time i raised this question in 1414, there were so many screams, well then circumstances changed, a son was born, it was hard on my heart that i didn’t leave, so in 1919 i found a way to go, well, they bombed there. the contract will simply fall into some part, for example, that is not yet participating, and you rushed right into the thick of it, yes,
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yes, then i found a telegram channel that akhmat was recruiting volunteers, the second task i had was how to get away from my wife so that she wouldn’t guess, get away with it, good word, but i have comrades we went to anapa to roll the roof of some hotel, i think we can leave under this noise, well, you understood that you would have to say it early or late? worthy answer. can you lift the veil of secrecy for us at least a little? artyom? we
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were part of an assault unit akhmat-special forces. during my short period of participation in the north military district of 60 days, i spent 40 of them there in active offensive operations. which direction? severodonetsk direction. at that time we started with popasnaya. and there, there, there, further, further, some. i am currently serving, studying and doing humanitarian work
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for a hospital for the wounded, but where do you study? in rostov, at the ring institute, economics, first year student, wow, artyom, we have a video from your parents, let's see, let's, what, uh, 4 months already... he did push-ups as a child, like all the boys, he went for walks, fishing, that was the first thing he loved, he gathered all the kids who were on the street, they always played war, there were homemade machine guns, i actually had him as an assistant, only when i start doing something in the kitchen, mom, i ’m with you, i finished school and said, i’ll go to become a cook, and mom began to just rest a little, then he’ll cook some kind of roll for us, he especially likes to cook meat dishes, he indulges. his girls there, well, he has a peculiar character, if he decides something, he won’t
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you'll convince me, there's a simple mystery here, no one thought, neither his relatives, nor him, nor us, nor his parents, nor his wife, he says, i should be here, i was the first to know that he was left without a leg, for three days he he didn’t call us, there was nothing, there was silence, i called, he said, everything is fine, just no leg. i said to my mother in tears, well, the main thing is that i’m alive, my nervous system is a little shaken, but i just have a tear in my eyes... “we are proud, we are proud of our son, we decided to tell our father, the first, yes, before the last battle assignment, i have a feeling that this is our last, well, for many, at least me, we left, i think, at 5:00 in the morning, uh,
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i wrote to my father, about 12 o’clock, i say, most likely, that i’m done, i won’t come back, i say, if i lose contact.” “there, there, there, i say, we are based, so that he can come, well, somehow pick up the body there or something, well, how would i prepare myself mentally to this, and went to the boys, still drilled, i say, be careful, be careful, all this crept into me, but it turned out that that instinct worked just in my case, on what was based, i was just lying there, lying there , i think you and i were corresponding and i just felt like something was pushing me to lie, i have a feeling as if ...
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but it turns out that bonya is waking up, i i wake up , look, but there is no one, she just barked, that is, she somehow felt something and i too that day, my mother goes to work every three days, comes back from the day and says, she lost her cross, then lunch we found out that there was an injury, and the timing coincided that this is your dream, bonya and your injury, yes, it was a dream in the morning, i told him. i immediately wrote it, and my mother came and wrote to him too, and it turns out that when there was no communication, i write to him, the first day and tell him everything that happened, then the second day, i also tell everything there, that was just the day fourth, he just wrote to me and told me what happened, that is, no hello, nothing , just what happened, what happened, before that there were signs, and photographs, he
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sent me, he always bought new shoes, sneakers, and then we we look in the feed, in the gallery and all the time the left shoe, it photo, well, i said, i bought sneakers, she says, show me, at least i’ll look, i always threw off her left shoe, i say, that ’s it, probably mystical signs, yes, within a month all four photos of the left shoe, maybe something like this , that the guardian angel simply led you along the edge and you remained alive, maybe we went into the temple, in the evening of the previous day i lit a candle - i prayed, plus we also fortified ourselves on the territory of the temple, because well, it was shelled, but there were good positions there , there in the video, if you slow it down a little, you can see how a mine flies to the head literally there a meter away, it wobbles and orders it to the leg, that is, it clearly flew straight to the head, let's call
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the guys of your colleagues, now to our studio, they have arrived too, pavel, alexey, please come in.
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let’s say, you were together at the moment when artyom was wounded, literally three meters away, tell us about the events of that day, the day began with the fact that enemy copters began to bother us a little, so we had a group of people who were running , tried to knock him down, in the end this the scout finally flew to us, that is , he wounded the guys, wounded artyom, wounded three more people there, that is, with just one mine , by and large, we have a video of how this happened. let's get a look.
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guys, the question immediately arises, where is this video from, the telegram channel of the enemy, how did you recognize yourself, i was in the hospital, i told a friend, well, how everything was in detail, two weeks have passed, probably. i wake up, i have a lot of messages, i open the video, i watch, i’m walking, i think, ho, he says, look at the video, it looks like he’s talking about yours story, wow, i say, well, where did i find it, and he says, yes, in such and such a channel, he sends me a link, i go to this link of this channel, and there is a description under the video, 2, 1,2, maybe i won’t ask you about comments on this video, but i didn’t read it, i wrote my own. i wrote to them, i say, to kill us, i say, it was necessary to have two mines, i say, drag them, i say, one was not enough, they blocked me, were you also wounded or did it miss you? no, there was no injury,
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well, it’s as if the fragments took over most of it the guys who were standing on the street, we were standing, one might say, right under the canopy where artyom was now crawling, that is, we ran out to meet him, heard a bird, well, a copter, to warn the guys, someone there from the second floor was trying to notice him, and how once at the moment of our exit, so to speak, there was an explosion, literally there... for three or four seconds, there would have been more wounded, they dragged one, the other, began to tourniquet them there, quickly call an armored personnel carrier, i even wondered what was wrong with them now, here is one, the second is in the hospital, now he is another wound lies, if you give up there , you are afraid of something, cry constantly, then there was no point in us going there at all then, so it was as if we always tried to support each other in every way, they passed the phone to each other there, if anything happened to their wives, parents, brothers , sisters, so that anything can happen. to be reported. sveta, how did you find out what happened to artyom? i was at work, a message came, hello, love.
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i told him right away, what happened? he writes to me: if you don’t need me like that, i will understand everything. my leg was blown off. i tell him, let’s quickly make a video call. he answers me, he’s in the hospital, he says, it’s probably an hour after the operation. he says i won’t tell you which hospital, he says i know you will come straight. now here, i say, no, i ’ll wait for you in rostov, so i waited for him on the third day, they brought him to the rostov hospital, before he even had time to visit him, i was already standing with bags, we met him with my mother, with our godfather , in what condition did you see your loved one, well, he was lying on our stretcher, of course he became hug, kiss, joke, because for sure he always jokes with us, and even in the hospital, when we had... my ward is so cheerful, psychologists come, well, he comes to see us, everything is fine with us, everyone jokes, he says : well , it’s clear, there’s no need to come to you, he says, i’ll move on. artyom, what words did you
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say to your wife svetlana when they reported what happened to you? they brought me from the operating room, took the phone, i think, in the most delicate way to tell me now, fought a lot, well, wrote, i think, but now i’m like not... full-fledged, i say, if i you won’t need someone like that, i say, well, just go, i say, get a divorce, everything is fine, so i wrote, artyom, in fact, in your heart you were sure that you wouldn’t get a divorce, of course, well, yes, she called me, she says, you that where you are, i’ll come now, i ’m saying, i won’t say, i’ll find you now, it won’t seem like much, then i wrote, without even inventing anything, we’re together with you forever, it can’t be any other way, okay. she kept pestering me, get up, go, get up , go, no matter what you sit, no matter what you lie, i say, your legs hurt, they will hurt for a long time, go, svetlana,
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you yourself, even for a moment, became afraid of what you would do next, no, not even in my head there was no such thought as to what and how next, i realized that we would overcome everything, that we would go through everything together, the whole way, so i started and before recovery, we will learn again. we learned to walk, we learned and move on with our lives, the third child was born, the grandmother says: we need a fourth, we’ll wait for a while, the third is still small, now another family will come to our studio, who love each other and decided to get married after the disaster happened, let's let's see a story about them, the north, handsome, i have long wanted to become a military man, duty, honor, everything that makes a man a man. i ended up in special forces reconnaissance where i wanted, there is food, it’s ready, i didn’t tell my future wife anything, that i was going to go somewhere, well, then the guys finally persuaded me,
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let her... at least know where to look for you , the bell rang, and he told me that i was going to the northern military district, it just so happened, then it’s your choice, in any case, we will worry, wait, there was a mortar attack, a shell exploded in front of me, i know that i am dying, all i wanted was to save my brother, just to cover him with myself, we always called each other brother, both my legs were torn off, my arm was torn off, for about 3 weeks... the matzo lay there, he asked me for forgiveness, that forgive me, my love, that i am like this now, and i remember, i answered him that what you were for me is what you remain, and it doesn’t matter to me whether you have arms and not legs, i have two arms, two legs, we we'll cope, after about a month we were transferred to the traumatology ward, which is more bugs, her brother, i'm in the north, everything is very
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it’s awkward in my soul, as i will show it in front of the child, he sees in such a way that half a person is not there, it doesn’t bother me at all, the main thing is that he is strong, he does not lose heart, and even if somewhere he can’t do something, we are always with his mother let's help, what kind of cake is there, how do you like it with condensed milk, that's enough, i chose the wedding dress alone, it was very difficult for me, but my husband told me, buy the one you like, i said it with such confidence yes, we had a painting in the hospital, got married, if a person does not give up, he will always go as far as i need it, i feel it in my heart, she’s next to me, so i want to protect you from behind, i know in myself that my body is crippled, but my soul is not crippled, we have svo participant vladimir sever and his wife virginia in our court, hello, it turns out before the start of the svo, you didn’t know each other for that long, yes, about three months,
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tell your story. relationship, how did you meet? the story of our acquaintance is generally such a mysterious story, i ended up where i shouldn’t have been, we had a disco concert in the nineties city, they literally called me within an hour, gave me a ticket, we got there at the door and ran into vladimir, well, we just had to go to the store, we didn’t know where the store was, we asked him, he was the only one there , and what about you? were you there, vladimir? i have long wanted to go to a disco. i was just lucky enough to get to this disco, but in general it was interesting, of course , that the first time it was canceled due to covid, i handed over my ticket, and then, after all, when they set a specific date when it would be, i i bought it again and decided to restore the old one, the lucky ticket turned out to be, yes, that is, i restored another ticket, which i returned, i got two tickets, i wanted to invite someone with me, but it didn’t
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work out. that is, the ticket was for her, i think, when did you realize that this was your woman? we talked for a very long time, corresponded, we did not meet for a long time, at first we only texted, called, got to know each other, since you were at a construction site, and i understood that he was without home-cooked food, there somewhere there’s something in the store, and in the evenings i sent him a taxi for dinner, what a concern, what’s next in the program? can tragedy interfere with true happiness, and how vladimir and virginia sever managed to preserve not only love, but create a family. such families are something unusual; the guys are very lucky to have each other. those who came to the studio congratulated the guys. tatyana, please come in, i came to get a job, it didn’t work out, i’m being robbed, don’t
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cry. well, get yourself in order, get smart, let's go. allah, taxi, premiere. today on rtr. fast, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, and the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned . the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two
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thanks to the covering material made of pvc film plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call and order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from just 20. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or replacement will hit your budget hard? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repair and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. everything you need to do for. attach the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it gets dirty, just rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, fast, convenient and
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easy, call to order a universal photo facade for the bright life fence at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your country house plot. on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of salyut 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenebekov and victor from sovyanykh. the cabin became quiet, a minute and a half remained before the collision with the station. before this, there was definitely no manual shutdown in space, a dead station for the first time. how were you greeted here on earth? i sat for a whole month at the baikanu cosmodrome, waiting to be either punished or rewarded. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday. on rtr. previously in the program. love can do anything. words together forever take on a different meaning when a tragedy strikes a family. artyom solovyov
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went to the front immediately after the start of the northern military district. he did not tell anyone about his decision. it turns out, about five days. he was silent, i was in tears, he went somewhere, he didn’t answer calls, messages, nothing. 3 days before demobilization, artyom solovyov went on a combat mission, which became fatal for him. the drone dropped a bomb, it exploded right under his feet. i realized that we would overcome everything, that we would go all the way together. a tragedy also occurred in the sever family, just like artyom solovyov, vladimir sever, following the call of his heart, went to the front and got into reconnaissance. there was a mortar attack and both my legs were blown off. tore off his hand, he asked me for forgiveness, that i’m sorry, my love, that this is me now, and how you announced to virginie that you were going to fight, and like a real man
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who pulled himself together, clenched his will into a fist and went there , but he will never tell his woman directly that he is going to the front, because well, it will be a shock, firstly, secondly, it will naturally traumatize the woman a little with here you also need to work on the psyche and present it, so you need to be a little softer, that is, of course, all men. which volunteers go there, they announce this after being there in fact, and the time came when i was already in the unit before being sent, on that very day, all the guys insisted on telling my future wife that i was leaving for the front, because this may be my last message, she should know where to look for ends, and how much time virginia passed from the moment vladimir disappeared until the moment he announced you, where is he? a day, maybe, until they got to the unit, in general we had such
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a version that i got a new job, i would transport goods around russia, well , as a freight forwarder, so to speak, for some reason that morning when he was leaving, i was still very suspicious, such a small handbag, which means, well, that is, he kept a minimum of things, he took a machine, slippers, i remember, he had such a black purse, and he would just kiss you, sit on... food , i was naturally at a loss for words, well, since this happened, it means he made a decision, he such a person, even if he had told me earlier, let’s say, then i think it wouldn’t matter...
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yes, i remember everything, oddly enough,
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a mine exploded in front of me, the earth shook under me, i feel like something’s wrong with me -that’s not so, that is, i died, both my legs were torn off, my arm was torn off, my right arm was also torn off, my brother in arms was lying next to me, everyone was in some kind of small shelters, they were there under a tree in a trench, and he was completely unprotected, my only desire was... before death was to save a friend, but at that very moment the following happens, i get up at this moment - after this explosion, all i wanted was to save my friend, and i did it, and the guys tell me that i already, well, that is , you understand, i have no legs, i i couldn’t get up in any way, you couldn’t get up, no way, no way, but i remember it, and... this same moment, this same comrade of mine, alec, my little brother, he’s already
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dragging me, that is, it turns out, in that moment when i died, either my spirit stood up, or my astral body, this all happens in an instant, you saved my brother, in the end, it turns out that we saved each other, his hand was wounded at that moment, and after he could not drag me, the deputy platoon commander, older than the group, ran up and the two of them pulled me into the trench. how long were you conscious? and about 40 minutes, that is, when they were driving me across the battlefield, i was still driving to the guys, i said, let’s stop somewhere, i really wanted a soda, the only thing i said, boys, boys, well, that’s all i could say, in fact i wanted them to find some kind of shelter or hide, that's all i wanted, this is so that my guys survive, well, thank god, we have an excellent group, everything was worked out, clearly and... thanks to this we all survived, and
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how did you find out about this, apparently, when people have some kind of spiritual connection between man and woman, it seems to me that we feel something, yes, svetlana, yes, they were on a mission, they probably haven’t been in touch for five days, although i already knew, he said that for four to five days , well, i understand that it’s already been the sixth day, no hearing, no spirit, that’s just... that night i had a dream that i i’m sitting in the cinema, as if he’s sitting with strangers there in the front rows, and some woman, i ask her why, i say, he’s not there with us, and she says, that’s it, he’ll be there now , i immediately, in the morning, let’s write to the group, we had a chat, group, colleagues, wives, we all met after a while, created our own group, i say, well , my wife will serve together, i say, oksana, got in touch, alik
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didn't come out, she says, no, yes, wait, wait, don't worry, i felt that they already knew what happened, anyway. so oksana, and i couldn’t stand it anymore, wrote: “either you tell me now, well, tell me how it is, or i don’t know what i’m going to do, here she is for me, they undermined their faith, but he doesn’t have a hand, i don’t care.” moment, it seems to me that i didn’t even hear these words at all, the main thing is that he’s alive, i found him literally within a day, because he came out, well, alec, here’s a colleague, that’s who they were injured with. he got in touch with us, he says , in one hospital, well, probably now we are either in moscow or st. petersburg, well, they will evacuate, we kept in touch, and i will never forget, he told me, vira, he said, tell me, tell mine, i love her so much, he doesn’t have a single scratch on his face, that’s why
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they somehow on this, he emphasized , he says, his face is completely intact, he says, he’s so handsome, here he is, when, unfortunately, here they are... they flew to st. petersburg, he says, that’s it, we’re in st. petersburg , uh, i don’t know, he says, will we end up in the same hospital or more than one, uh, we were taken to different ambulances, my sister and i were discharged from all hospitals, which ones exist in st. petersburg, and the second one, which we called, yes, well, they didn’t say anything, they just said, yes, he is here, i didn’t even know that he had legs, no, when they found out, it was already himself, that’s when he then got in touch, the next day, probably literally, yes, a call rang, from an unfamiliar number, i immediately felt that this was news from him, he spoke in a whisper, he had no voice, i say, everything, everything, everything, i found you, i immediately bought tickets and on november 2 i arrived,
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it was his birthday on november 3, of course, when i went into the intensive care unit, there because... “you can’t cry, you can’t get hysterical, otherwise we won’t let you in, i held on as best i could, it was of course very difficult, so when you met in the hospital, what were the first words, the first conversations in general, you remember, and his only words were, tears rolled down, he’s a bunny, i’m sorry that i’m like this now, i say, we ’ll get through it together, of course, we have not yet passed the path. everything will be fine, we will get back on our feet, we will get up, of course, the main thing is together, but how medical staff, what kind of relationship was this attitude towards you, i want to thank the st. petersburg doctors, the military medical academy, very worthy people, they not only treat me well, they treat everyone well, they are great, masters of their craft,
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they they do the job very well, god bless them, they work there like bees, i believe that after us military men, they are probably the second who deserve great respect. we have a video from them for you. let's get a look. when we found out that this particular couple wanted to get married in our walls, of course, we could not refuse. such families are something unusual. the guys are very lucky to have each other. i want to say hello to you, my dears. advice and love, as they say, and pass on small souvenirs. a cat is a sign of well-being. happiness in your home and family, i love you, i kiss you, you’re great, i’m always glad to meet you, come and visit, we’ll definitely come, in terms of what these cats are, they were brought to you, yes, yes, to our studio, now they’re right here they will bring it, let's call the one who brought them, tatyana,
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please come in, hello, hello, lena for you. front window, i ’m shocked, vergenia, you were so moved, i was delighted, of course, yes, tell me, tatyana is a very wonderful woman, a very wonderful person, in her free time she goes to the children in hospitals, brings all sorts of homemade goodies, tatyana , and what do you do, well... i work, and so, i have free time, that is, at first, when it started, i always tried to somehow find a way out to help the guys at the front. an old friend who went through chechnya at one time, he says: come here to the hospital, help the guys, you won’t end up in the hospital, yeah,
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so they introduced me to the head nurse, the head of the department, and i started visiting the guys, but now i mostly try not to get up, why? you try not to get up, but on june 6, when kokhov’s aggression was blown up, i got so nervous, i had a stroke, tatyana, an incredible woman, well done, a great-hearted person, i was most likely more pleased that someone was coming to me, that is they do something for me, and some things are completely unimportant, in general it’s absolutely not even important, the most important thing is that they came to you, this is very important. tatyana, how did vladimir hold up? he’s great, vova, he’s such a person in himself, he loves communication very much, for him, for him. he didn’t need any goodies, he needed to communicate, yes, he needed to communicate spiritually, he was always so inspired, and
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there was a desire for life, i went to vyritsa, we have a cathedral there, the kazan mother of god took this myrrh and brought in the church, i put candles there, that is, we prayed that the left leg definitely recovered so that there was support, and what tatyana brought was... everything helped, it really helped. now let's talk about the wedding, who made this decision, who made the proposal, tell me, in general, everything somehow developed rapidly, vladimir invited us to the children's entertainment center, and my daughter, what is your opinion, well, my mother says, yes , a worthy man, i say, well, then we can invite him to borsh, well, that’s it, he came to the borsch, so he stayed, probably about a week... in two there was a proposal, we were standing on the balcony and he, well, come on, he says, let’s get married, marry me, well, as if i was expecting this
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proposal, i say, come on, on december 2 we immediately submitted an application, by the way, i then i asked him, you left, you understood that you have a wedding on december 2, how can that be, i say, i’ll be back by this time, and he told me, i kept my word, and his decision not to cancel was from this is a proposal to me, i say, let’s postpone it, well, we’ll postpone it, so that while you get stronger, how did you react? to the transfer, it was categorical, then he also had to sign the papers there , the notary is also lyudmila aleksandrovna in the city of st. petersburg, i also want to say a very big thank you to her for helping, and then we...
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5 months after painting. let's get a look. let's pray to the lord. about the roar of god, vladimir. virginia and others betrothed to each other about their salvation. let's pray to the lord. the servant of god vladimir is married in the name of the father and the son and the holy
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spirit the servant of god virginia is married to the servant of god vladimir in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit lord our god, crown them with glory and honor. lord. next in the program: who dissuaded virginia from marrying vladimir? among acquaintances, among friends, there were many words from the side that you yourself were ready there, did you think well, can you do it? what kind of relationship did virginia's daughter adeline have? with a reprimand, you can pin there, name your hands, hooks, if i do something there,
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are you confusing me? to? understood me, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, i’m damn lost, i left home, they don’t answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what should i do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, i’m scared, lyuba, you, no, have disappeared... another girl, friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from making noise from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, suddenly it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. do you want to
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an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather. in just 1995, april 6, turning exactly 2 years old, vladimir zhirinovsky is no longer with us for the first time on television, his own nephew viktor zhirinovsky, it was he who ruled all the years. i was seriously injured, i lost my leg, now i’m kind of handicapped, i say, if i i won’t need you like that, i say, well, just go, i say, get a divorce, while performing a combat mission, vladimir sever’s group came under mortar fire, both my
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legs were torn off, my arm was torn off, my right arm was also torn off. vladimir and virginia had their wedding right in the hospital, as planned on december 2. you went to the mtr, you understood that your wedding is on december 2, how about that? and he told me, i kept my word, girls, how do you feel about those who leave when their loved ones are injured, well, there are such cases, i don’t understand, for me i don’t know, i loved a man, yes, when he was, so to speak, on two legs, yes, with two arms, then, well, it happened, and that i stopped loving him, or now i no longer needed him, i don’t know, it seems to me , on the contrary , i love it even more, because somewhere i already dominate , something like this, some things seem to depend on me, well, many people say what, well done, what’s left, but how could it be otherwise? maybe yes, although there were a lot
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of words from the side that you yourself were ready, there you thought carefully whether you could or couldn’t, who these well-wishers are the kind who, well, among my acquaintances, among my friends, there were also such people, from that moment on, i don’t communicate with... with these people, this is also incomprehensible, you live with a person for more than one year, when in order to leave, no, because... for injuries, especially since you were connected by marriage before, yes, the wedding took place on december 2, you know, our women, they, they probably also need to come up with some kind of order of courage, because this, this is a very masculine order of femininity, i won’t say it’s a burden, but it’s definitely. inconvenience creates in everyday life. volodya, love is generally an inconvenient thing. you constantly need to sacrifice something for the sake of your loved one. girls, have you ever felt sorry for yourself? i didn’t feel sorry because i know
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where i’m going, where i was going. and i left two children with my grandmother, they are already adults, so i say, we need to go help. my mother says, well, it’s necessary, then it’s necessary. all. and after 2 days i was in moscow and only left. there in september. here is the light, say a few words to those who find themselves in a similar situation from women and ponders what to do. you probably need to listen to your heart, your mind may speak differently altogether, there will be some and excuses will immediately be found not to go, not to help, in order to leave the person. but as the heart says, if you love a person, then you need to be with him forever, regardless of any obstacles. from some circumstances, as they say, that marriage is made in heaven, virginia, and to good people, what to say, who say, you need it nothing, just deprive yourself of communication, protect yourself, that’s all situation, it has melted people into their places,
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some of whom, it is quite obvious that everyone sees this, i will say more, we defend our interests, our family values, for the sake of the future and for the sake of the children, now we want to invite your daughter and your daughter to the studio now. name is adelina, adelina, please come in, adelina, hello, hello, can you please, can you, how are you, everything is fine, who is sitting to your right? my best parents, mom and dad, i love my dad very much, he is the best for me. adeline, when did you start volodya call him dad? i didn’t call him dad right away. i had to wait a lot, get used to each other, of course, get to know each other there, well, then at some point i wanted to call him dad, he was
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very pleased when i started calling him dad, what kind of person he is, adeline, he very kind and humorous, he always loves us all, yes, he always likes to make jokes on everyone , especially on me, and how he makes fun of you, how... he calls you, well, at some moments you can make a joke there, call your hands crooks you have if i have something there i will do this, but it doesn’t offend you , you like it, no, you like it very much, because love, because yes, i love him, if something doesn’t work out for him somewhere, i will always help him, i’ll support him, yes, i had to leave them for a week, so i had the two of them, nothing, they managed, what do you call it, little bunny, daughter, daughter, call me by name, no, we don’t have names at home, i generally understand when i look at you, that life is wonderful, svetlana and artyom have a large family, adeline has a dad.
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we slowly started talking, then she arrived his future wife, virginia, when she arrived, of course, volodya immediately took inspiration, it’s wonderful that there is a soul mate who supports him next to him, in difficult times, and this of course gives strength, he said that he intends to get married, to sign me invited, immediately after the ceremony, i say, where did you want to get married, she says in st. isaac’s cathedral, it’s amazingly joyful that god so... built in such
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a wonderful cathedral, so beautifully, solemnly, they were married. i would like to wish both vladimir and virginia that from the gentlemen did not leave, with prayer, with faith in god, everything can be passed, all trials can be overcome and move on. everything can be experienced, everything can be overcome with faith in god, i would also like to say a huge thank you to all my neighbors, and those who surround me , i have a neighbor from a completely different house. he helps, when you need to go somewhere by car, he comes and picks you up, no problems at all, that is, people seem to be so imbued with all this, and the fact that they show great respect for us, and this makes you very happy help because you help us stay alive, i’m not bragging, as if i were talking about it, the enemy’s missiles and drone shells fly very far, that’s why we ’re going just for this, so that they don’t reach anywhere at all, let’s use these in words let's end with... today's program, thank
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you very much for your participation, live happily together for a long time, no low bow to you for your feat, for your choice, guys, it was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on channel russia, see you, see you. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, the situation in the orenburg region is becoming more serious, the water level in the ural river is rising, now the guys will not help you pick up the documents. the protective dams are not holding up,
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and there are breakthroughs one after another in novotroitsk.


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