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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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and if there is a war, we will win and everyone will get what they deserve, these were 2 years without vladimir zhirinovsky, that’s all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, and most importantly, we begin, of course, with urgent news, president putin heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions on the flood situation. the fact is that large waters
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are moving towards new territories, while the peak of the flood is ahead, the authorities are announcing unprecedented flooding. the ministry of emergency situations reported that the current level of flood in the urals in the volga region has never been recorded at all in history. more than 10,000 residential buildings, or more precisely, 10,400 residential buildings, remain under water right now in 39 regions of russia. a state of emergency was introduced today in the tyumen region; the day before it was declared in the kurgan region. there is also flooding in the ivanovo and samara regions in the altai territory, but the most difficult situation is still, of course, in the orenburg region, there about 300 houses were flooded, 6,100 people were already evacuated. the city of orsk suffered the most, but even what is happening now is not...
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flood. the mayor of orsk said today that the situation will get worse in the coming days. you can move around the city already at these moments exclusively on inflatable boats. in the timber trade village, a new platinum breakthrough was recorded. what's wrong with people? let's see. 122, one person on the roof, urgent evacuation required. taking only documents and jackets, residents of orsk leave their homes on inflatable boats. come here, run away from there, come on, come on, run, people are being taken off their canopies as doors, now the windows are on the second floor, here i am standing on the roof canopy, which is on... in
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the entrance they climbed out through the window, so we are waiting for the rescuer, we are waiting for the children of the elderly people to be carried out in their arms, to in these shots they save a dog from deep water, they saved the dog, well done, they fought hard. and here a man carries a cat up to his neck in water, look, daughter, we are saving cats, the roof of this drowned house also had to be dismantled in order to get the cat that was stuck under the roof. well, range is a savior, he saved a cat, the roof, turned around, was sitting right at an angle, there had never been such a flood, even if when it flooded, the water never reached us, we were always inaccessible. for water, so to speak,
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my daughter came here, she said, she says, that’s it, the dam is collapsing before our eyes, she says, this is the situation right now, look how the car was flooded, the playground, what is the water level, the entrance, that’s it, here, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, where 3,900 residential buildings were in the flood zone within 24 hours. to safety 6,100 people were evacuated from the zone, and 33 temporary accommodation points were set up. the regional government warns that the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. the mayor of orenburg announced an unprecedented flood. to date, 2,015 areas and 1,535 households have been flooded, 188 of them in the last 24 hours. already, 45 snt are disconnected from power supply.
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cars abandoned in the middle of the streets, barely visible road signs and cruising boats, this is how the torso now looks from a copter camera. at the request of the governor of orenburg region, the russian ministry of defense is providing assistance to residents of the region in combating floods on the elshanka and ural rivers. military engineers of the yasninsky missile formation arrived in orsk to assist in the fight against floods; military personnel will supply drinking water and primer to the damaged dam in the area. city ​​of orsk, as well as participate in the evacuation of the local population to safe areas. more than 100 military personnel and 18 units of special equipment are involved in the work: dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators. in addition, personnel the yasny missile formation will be involved in work to strengthen
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the river coastline in the orenburg region. the state of emergency was given federal status. today in orsk there was another dam break near the village of lesototorgovy. in short, somewhere around the bend it rushed, not where it crumbled, further on, here the water is gushing towards us at the market place. in short, karau, the drop is almost a whole meter, let's go, that's it, the flood wave along the ural river will reach orenburg on april 17, probably also flooding the kurgan region and tyumen. roshydromet specialists give unfavorable flood forecast. the level in our rivers, ishim and tabol, is predicted to be high. we are introducing a state of emergency in the tyumen region in advance. it allows us to quickly respond to the situation that develops on the rivers. in
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such conditions, operational services have more powers to protect the population and territory. residents of areas where large waters have not yet entered are building small dams on their own to try. save houses, well, here two or three men built such a small dam, that’s how much it will hold, i don’t even care unknown, they are dragging with small shovels, and this is the samara region, where more than 300 houses were flooded, during the evacuation from the village in the afternoon, a motor boat with children collided with a tree and capsized, heads, heads, heads,
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just up to the windows, they tore them up tonight all the people, the windows were broken, they were evacuated through the windows, well , in short, they flooded the first floor, so the level is half a fence, they can only move on boats, the car completely sank, the bathhouse, just like that, they pulled people onto the roof. furniture affects whoever can. president vladimir putin heard reports from the governors of the orenburg region denis pasler, the kurgan region vadim shumkov and the tyumen region alexander moor on the development of the flood situation and measures taken to
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help people caught in the flood zone and evacuate those who are at risk of flooding. vladimir putin also listened to the report of the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov. following the results, the head of state gave instructions to the government. create a special government commission headed by the minister of civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters by alexander kurenkov. the ssu began urgently building new defensive lines in the kiev region, anticipating a possible russian offensive in the coming weeks or months. the head of gur, terrorist budanov, in an interview with ard , said that he expects russia to intensify offensive actions in late spring and early summer. kiev is building another new line of defense in the chernigov region. look, dragon teeth, reinforced with logs and metal mesh, concrete bunkers with machine gun nests. zelensky personally came to inspect the construction site. this is very deep in the rear, 500 km from kharkov, where the ukrainian armed forces are also urgently erecting
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fortifications. they are building, as the german propagandist ronsheimer says, under continuous fire from the russian army. french propagandists from the lci tv channel are talking about the imminent loss of the former capital of ukraine, kharkov. look, they even drew a map and calculated that russian troops would only have to travel 50 km. the city is called putin’s main target, and its fall is a serious blow to ukrainians, especially at a time when the armed forces of ukraine and so are in serious difficulty due to the lack of weapons and people at the front. new unique footage from the ministry of defense from one of the hottest areas of artyomovsky. ivanovo paratroopers from the southern group of troops stormed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of chasoy yar. and this is how russian factories fly in to support the ukrainian armed forces near the village. productive in the south donetsk direction. three glide bombs at once destroyed the fortified positions of the armed forces of ukraine at
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a considerable distance from each other. podumansky, this is already the avdeevsky direction. fighters from the brave group, using attack drones, destroyed the second bradley infantry fighting vehicle in just a few days. our wars took another bradley as a trophy. hundreds of kilometers from the city of milionnik kharkov , not far from the russian border, the armed forces of ukraine are preparing for the worst. here in the kharkov region , ukrainian soldiers are building new defensive structures. together with them we are going to the first line of defense, where in just a few weeks a full-scale offensive by the russian army may begin. in the meantime, the ukrainians are building these new defensive ones.
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ada is moving to the front, you need to arrive at the position before daylight hours to avoid fpv drones. at this time , visibility prevents flight, or almost eliminates them. kamikaze drones are the specialty of ada and her brothers in arms. it works. fragmentation ammunition, it is anti-personnel, you can take off, the goal of the day is to strike russian infantry, but the jammers block the signal very quickly, it does not listen, it falls, yes, i was jammed again, it just fell, a drone exploded a few tens of meters from us, outside the explosions merge into a roar, artillery is guided bombs, but hell
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we can do it there or even during the evacuation, a few days ago we did it we have the ability to transfuse blood, we are right on the battlefield . to carry out a transfusion, you need to save the blood and heat it without relying on electricity, there is a drone,
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go down a little, look, hold on, the hose is too short, i can’t pull it out, go down some more. it's okay, it worked out. transfusion allows timely stabilization condition of the wounded person, because transporting him 2 km can take more than 30 minutes. the russians have achieved success over the past week, they managed several small breakthroughs, one of them, for example, to the west of avdeevka in the area of ​​​​the village of umanskoye, where russian troops advanced 3 km at once, in this positional war - this is a lot. in general, we are forced to admit that the initiative is still on the side of the russians, and not... to stop the advance of the russian army, the kiev regime is desperately looking for cannon fodder. commanding ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine pavlyuk directly said that ukrainians, all ukrainians must realize that no one will be able to sit out, because there are not enough people in the troops. he also said
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that putin is trying to disrupt mobilization in the country. moscow is supposedly russian. propaganda spreads fake news about the lawlessness of the ukrainian military commissars, and it is not the tcc employees themselves who kidnap and beat people, not caring about the law. here is another example of transport mobilization. this is odessa. military commissars are trying to force men to leave minibuses, but they forbid taking pictures of themselves. allegedly, such videos have recently been banned. publications on the internet, the legislator will apparently be labeled as a peacemaker, they will recognize putin as an agent, but you won’t believe the kremlin propaganda, the british times is spreading it right now, the newspaper writes that there are no people left willing to fight in ukraine, people are looking on the internet for advice on how to evade conscription, information about the places of work
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of the military commissar on social networks is disguised as a weather report in order to leave ukraine. the boys save up for bribes or try at their own peril and risk cross the border away from the so-called border patrols. one such place is the tisza river on the border with romania. a fence with barbed wire was installed near the river. since the conflict began , 22 people have drowned in this particular location. men. how many managed to cross the river to escape mobilization? known. zelensky world. he claims that in fact taras, and at the same time lives, of course, in his own mikola are happy to die for him. any other information is, of course, russian stuffing. they supposedly cause stuffing alarm in the west and sabotage the financing of ukraine. zelensky believes that american assistance is critically important for ukraine. therefore,
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zelensky is ready to receive money on credit, as long as they give the money. faster, he also said that ukraine would welcome western troops on its territory. zelensky for the first time publicly supported macron’s initiative to send the french legion to ukraine. about mobilization and the law that is necessary on changes in mobilization. its deputies have been accepting it for four months now. russian propaganda directly asked. russian propaganda in this direction.
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completely for the future, it is desirable for ukraine to have 25 patre systems from 25 patriot systems with 6-8 batteries in each, we have to choose what to buy, do you understand?
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a new sensation, former, possibly future us president donald trump, at one, of course, secret meeting, revealed his plan to end the conflict between russia and ukraine, the plan, as they say, is a trap, but for
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ukraine. so, donald wants to force kiev to give up crimea and part of donbass to russia. trump i am sure that zelensky is striving for a dignified exit from the war, and that kiev will give in, since it has no other choice. trump's strategy is aimed at dialogue with russia, because donald considers putin's claims to... the regions to be justified. trump’s main goal, according to the washington post, is to break the emerging alliance between russia and china and return us back to the western family, or to the western orphanage. moreover, for the sake of a new window to europe, trump is ready to limit nato and give written guarantees to putin not to expand east. agree that it sounds interesting and even a match. but today it is trans itself. donald was pressed, one way or another, our plan for ukraine
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is that from ukraine... there should not be a danger to russia and the russian people, and ukraine’s neighbors, for whom it also poses a threat, understand this. another kremlin agent, petor pellegrini, has been elected as the new president of slovakia, which means the position of the country’s prime minister, also an agent of the kremlin, robert fitz, will be strengthened even more. the european union became nervous, as pilligrini clearly stated during the election campaign: advocates the normalization of relations with russia. called russian sanctions ineffective. moreover, pellegrini believes that sanctions have a negative impact not only on the economy of slovakia, but on the economy of the entire europe. and ukraine will definitely not join nato. that is, now both the government and the presidential office of slovakia take a single, normal, human position. in this regard, germany has already stated that pilligrini and fitza openly sympathize with putin, their friend is the prime minister in hungary, and orban is completely russian.
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trojan horse in the eu, because bratislava and budapest urgently needs to be expelled from the european union. bundestag deputy norbert rötken made this speech. ryotkin's compatriot, eu chairwoman ursoline, says the new slovak president will not support the west in the war against russia.
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represents his pro-russian line, he assures that he is also committed to the eu and nato, although with a caveat: “we will remain an independent slovenian republic with our own laws, mentality and traditions. this sounds quite nationalistic, and so it should be, the political scientist believes. there is doubts about pellegrini's commitment to the european union." given his clear position on democracy, ivan korczok at least ensured that the government would not have too absolute a carte blanche. the choice of direction between east and west was finally made after a long election battle with record turnout of 61%. and although the results announced at night have not yet been officially confirmed, there is no doubt about the victory of the pro-russian populist. his rival , pro-western liberal ivan karchok, has already admitted
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your defeat. russia's war in ukraine has become a central issue in this election. a distinct no, it sounded in exactly the right direction. at least that's what the pelligrini and fitz prime ministers said in the stan. this means that this election will decide the direction of our state's policies. and the people approved of the direction set by the fitz government. in addition to the news about the victory of another eurosceptic in ukraine, another sad one is spreading like wildfire.
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major sponsor of kyiv in the war against russia. in other words, berlin and washington confirmed the thesis that the war with russia will come at the cost of disposing of old western equipment. they say that the usa, japan and saudi arabia have the most such systems, well, the most obvious option here is, naturally , the usa. the american army is armed with 60 petrium batteries, but taking into account
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the size of the country, this number is not so large, that is, they immediately hint that the united states is unlikely to give its equipment to kiev. japan, as you understand, also has its own concerns. north korean missiles are now flying over gilov daily mode, which means tokyo won’t give up its complexes either. saudi arabia is also unsettled in the region, and in addition to the tense situation in ariad, there is also sympathy for russia, even at the personal level of the leaders, which means that it is also going wrong here. against this background, i just told some enchanting story. they say that due to a shortage of ammunition, ukrainian soldiers are sent on dangerous missions to look for unexploded russian shells in swamps and reservoirs. they write that a vtsushnik with the surname polyukhovich, in this
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way, found as many as 14,000 ammunition, well like, join him. in the swamps, at the same time, in parallel, but in the arctic. northern norway is preparing for war with russia, and the german bundesfer is preparing on the basis of the ukrainian war; this is all called a stress test for nato in the arctic. the alliance's largest maneuvers since the end of the cold war are taking place there, involving 19 90 thousand soldiers. the goal is a demonstration of force against russia. the legend reflects the offensive of russian troops that crossed the borders of norway. what happened next?
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we are standing in front of a minefield. they fighting in the most difficult conditions. northern norway according to the scenario 2 days ago , russian troops crossed the borders of the alliance, nato forces confront them as part of the largest military exercises that the western world has not seen since the end of the cold war. more than 900 soldiers take part in these maneuvers. and this,
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of course, is a show of force in relation to russia and vladimir putin, who is increasingly threatening the west with new escalations. the alliance became even closer to each other after the start of the war between russia and ukraine.
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stop for refueling, all cars and additional canisters are filled under high pressure, platoon.
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equipped with the latest weapons, this is not a crude army, first-class and highly professional soldiers really work here. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in beijing, the capital of china, the minister will stay until april 9. lavrov has already met with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china, wang, and discussed issues of bilateral cooperation, interaction and work in brix, the group of twenty, as well as regional issues, among other things. crisis and situation in asia-pacific region.
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it is noteworthy that lavrov’s trip to china took place immediately after us treasury secretary janit helen completed four days of negotiations in china. summary of warning for chinese banks and exporters. the head of the ministry of finance threatened beijing, saying that if china continues to help strengthen russia’s military potential, then beijing , quote, will face consequences that it has never seen before. we are most likely talking about... the use of the chinese orbital constellation, right during elena’s visit to beijing, the united states, through the bloomberg agency, accused china of providing russia with satellite intelligence data, while the donkey understands that china is not violating any legal or international restrictions on providing any data to russia, just the opposite, if the parties really agree about it agreed, there is no actual evidence of the transfer.
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slowly, the state department said with a blue eye: we condemn any violation of the vienna convention, we call on the party to the conflict to resolve the conflict within the framework of international normal in general, if you believe the americans, then strikes can only be carried out on the chinese embassy in yugoslavia, and, of course, israel on the iranian consulate in syria. this is precisely
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the world order that the west defends. the president of mexico, who was forced to evacuate his ambassador from ecuador, said this: “mine.” the position is unfavorable to the foreign hegemon. in america, they are concerned about the growing tensions in the region for very utilitarian reasons. they fear that now that china and mexico city are at loggerheads, streams of migrants will once again pour into the united states. that's why they try their best to justify the young and supposedly inexperienced president of ecuador, who screamed an unprecedented attack on a foreign embassy. how did it happen that criminals raided the mexican embassy in ecuador. this
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is impossible, this cannot be, this is madness. right now in your footage you can see the ecuadorian police. stumbles into the mexican embassy, ​​where the country's former vice-president jorge glas is hiding. the former official has been hiding there since december and is waiting for political asylum from mexico. he is being investigated because misuse of budget funds allocated for restoration work after the 2016 earthquake. the ecuadorian police are coming right now and arresting him. it all looks very dramatic. they are all hung with weapons. you can see that some police are literally climbing the walls of the embassy. some time after. at the beginning of these events, the president of mexico made an appeal, calling what was happening an authoritarian act, and stated that from now on he was breaking off relations with ecuador, with in this case, the entire diplomatic mission will be recalled back to mexico. today i directed the armed forces, our air force, to take our ambassador back to mexico. our position is very
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inconvenient for the oligarchs of latin america and those who really run everything, that is, foreign ones. hegemon. this spectacular break in relations came against the backdrop of quite tense days in relations between the two countries. last wednesday, during a press conference, the mexican president questioned the authenticity of the recent elections in ecuador. a little later, the president of ecuador responded by declaring the mexican ambassador a person of nongrat, that is, he must leave the country as soon as possible. mexico then announced that it was going to grant political asylum to corhiglas, the former vice president. all this preceded this mind to
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run, hosting mr. voice, the mexican embassy contributed to the fact that he stopped reporting weekly to the judiciary, thereby mexico influenced the democratic institutions of ecuador, which clearly violates the fundamental principle is not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. this is a significant
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event not just for two countries, but for the entire region. ecuador is going through truly turbulent times. over the past few months it has intensified here. well, everyone who is not too lazy to interfere in the us elections is what the americans themselves think. now they blame not only russia, but also the main asian enemy, china, microsoft, which released a report called. threat players in east asia are using unique methods. according to researchers,
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china is using artificial intelligence to generate images and videos denigrating individual american politicians, and the technology is constantly improving and, according to microsoft, will soon be able to have a significant influence on the election campaign and voters. this includes awareness of content that is politically divisive on topics such as gun violence and government conspiracies. one example is the statement of the beijing-backed group storm-1376 in august twenty-third, that the us government deliberately started forest fires in hawaii using weather weapons. however, chinese political strategists don’t have to try very hard here; current us president biden and former us president
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trump fiercely clashed in the election race themselves without anyone’s help, using all available and inaccessible methods of struggle, even down to outright trolling below the belt. trump, for example, in the souvenir shops of his hotels. sells mini projectors pilitic purposes. they create a hologram of biden's face in the toilet. one of the guests has already shared a video of this gadget in action: the current president is discrediting himself on his own. for many months now, there has been an ongoing crisis, for example, on the us border with mexico, which the biden administration refuses to resolve. chet wolf, the former acting us secretary of homeland security, said on fox news that
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the migration crisis is entirely biden's fault and an undermining of national security. no matter how hard the border patrol tries to check illegal immigrants, most of them enter the united states for completely unclear purposes, and it is not known where they hide afterwards. federal government.
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presumably the us, they are facing unprecedented violence since onarchy. even the hollywood actors who took part in the filming consider the film not an ordinary action film, but a warning to all of america. let's see. this is a new film that depicts what most of us would consider unthinkable, a new civil war in america. the darkest american history has always been close to hollywood's vivid imagination.
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as we follow reporters down country roads, watching an america absolutely destroyed, no rules, no decency, who gives you orders.
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that civil war could never happen here or happen again. until we come to our senses, our polarized, divided, uncommunicative, blaming state will continue unless we do something. let's move to the zone of a special military operation, military correspondent pavel kukushkin is in direct contact with us. pavel, hello, you have returned from one of
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the hottest spots. there are battles going on in the area of ​​​​zelenaya and gorbatova streets, the ukronazis are desperately trying to push our paratroopers back there, but they are unsuccessful, they are not succeeding, our guys have already gained a foothold, in parallel with it, other units of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense are moving north with a cleanup bogdanovka did not stop, they continue to move in
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the direction of kalinovka and north towards the settlement. grigorovka, and this is a small settlement, but it is very important, the heights are dominant there and this will allow us to control the operational space from the north for hours at a time, and that will make the task easier, and in parallel from ivanovsky and kleshcheevka to the south, now sofia is also being crushed by our guys, so the news is soon positive, there is progress, what is the situation of the ukrainian army itself now, how can you... describe its activities, i see we have difficulties with communication, we are trying to get through to pavel kukushkin again. paul, returned to us? yes, yes, i'm connected, yes, i'm connected, i hear you. the ukrainian army has now gone into a state of defense; are there any areas where the enemy is attacking us? how can you describe the activities of the enemy army right now?
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defense with attempts, four attempts to counterattack in order to weaken our offensive, in particular, i have already said that there were attempts in the area of ​​​​the canal area, now, in addition to this, they have attempts, from time to time, to prevent us from advancing in the avdeevka direction, this is berdyncha-semyonovka, these are still there settlements, there are battles going on inside, so they are trying in these settlements... now to counterattack, and they tried to stop our advance from the thin one to the area of ​​​​the settlement of umansk, but nothing worked, there is quite a serious advance there, about 2 -3 km, already directly close to a populated area, in general, if you characterize it this way in general, then rather they are already preparing for a blind defense, there are no such serious counterattacks observed, what is
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the significance of the vayara now, pavel? who's behind him? as i understand it, 30 km and kramatorsk, absolutely correct, evgeniy, kramatorsk, well, a little further, there, probably closer to 40 km, kramatorsk, followed by slavyansk, and accordingly. kramatorsk is a fairly slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration, in principle they can be considered, these two cities, they are located very close to each other, it is a fairly serious transport and logistics hub, there is quite a serious grouping there, and of symbolic significance, yes, we all remember that slavyansk is one of the symbols of the russian spring, and accordingly for ukranazis will also cling to him, and with the taking of yar’s watch from us...
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believe me for sure. so, as part of the mobilization , the mobile circus of ukraine received reservations from mobilization as a critically important enterprise. maybe it’s for the better, zelensky is returning to his roots. may god grant him good luck in this regard. ask. ukraine is mentally ill - this is a completely obvious thing. and we, perhaps, can even try to make a diagnosis. what is happening to ukraine, by the way, to its western sponsors, is called frustration.
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meaning, this is how it differs from an animal, the distinctive feature of a person is the will to a person must find deep goals, meanings in all his actions, and so on and so forth, in ukraine the meaning has been completely lost, listen to the recent statements that were made, in my opinion, even today or yesterday, ermaka ukraine is tired of the war, but we will not make any compromises with russia, which means we translate this: ukraine, for it the war is tiring, it does not see any prospects for victory, but at the same time look there will be no way out of this situation, she will simply continue the war, for what? so i read some pretty serious ones over the weekend.
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for some reason, ukrainian experts believe that they constantly assure their population that when everything is over, the west will launch a new marshal plan,
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pump in a huge amount of money and restore ukraine, where did you get that from? today, when statements are made, the recent foreign ministers of britain and france said: the defeat of ukraine will be our defeat, it will be irreversible damage. the west, in such a situation, when the west believes that it will suffer its own personal defeat if ukraine loses, the ukrainian leadership is on its knees begging the west for economic assistance, money and weapons. well, imagine a killer who was hired, that he killed russia, and this killer should beg to be given weapons and money for food at this moment, right? that is, absolute absurdity, but imagine that the fighting ended one way or another, even now, when ukraine is needed, it can hardly be imagined that the killers would have a group, yeah, it
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would be such a killer group of nato killers, then in this clan they would immediately announce to the killer, you go kill, but we won’t take you into our structure, because our main killer the usa and germany are against , yes, we... we won’t take you once, secondly, the weapon that we gave you so that you could commit murder on our instructions is a debt, you will still owe us for it, we will give you food so that while you get ready. didn't die of hunger, this one, by the way speaking, also in debt, that's it, this is absolute absurdity, the mafia, what can we talk about, no, the mafia behaves much more decently than the western leadership, the modern mafia, yes, it is based on rules, maybe the west will learn from the mafia, the mafia will learn from western politicians, but now today, so it is clear that when hostilities cease, ukraine will be immediately forgotten, no help will be provided... thus the state
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is destroyed, destroyed, has no prospects, at this moment ukrainian leadership is enough people, says: go to the front, for what? in order for certain settlements to remain under the jurisdiction not of the russian federation, but of ukraine, for some time. give up your one and only unique life for this. this is absolute absurdity, but on the same level. absurdity today among the western masters, they also have a complete frustration of meaning, look, there is a part of me there that is personified for us by trump, orban, fitze, these are the ones who say, they have at least some kind of plan, here this part is not said let's measure with russia, at least freeze this conflict for a while, they have more or less some kind of plan that, well, we will give russia some part of the territory, by bargaining, yes. they
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will give up ukraine, that is, we will not take it, well, we will agree that russia, as it were , sets this part of the territory for itself, which means orban, you remember, when he arrived from trump, he immediately announced that ukraine would become a buffer, a neutral buffer, not yours, not ours, between europe and russia, looks fantastic, but some kind of real built plan, as for the group that says that no, we will... fight, they repeat slogans: ukraine must not lose, or vice versa, russia must lose, we must defeat russia, the path to peace lies on the battlefields , but this is a set of phrases, what is your plan, what does it mean to defeat russia, how are you going to do it, in 2022 there was still some understanding that we will now crush russia economically.
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there was a very good report about uh, that means actually suicide, autonasia, up to 5% of people they die by committing suicide, this is only for medical reasons, the percentage of those who commit suicide just like that is growing, which means that euthanasia is allowed for those who are depressed, euthanasia is being discussed for drug addicts, children, drug addicts, homeless beggars, the number of drug addicts is growing.
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the doctors who committed this act of murder simply strangled madame everything, her wish came true, forensic experts confirmed, yes... the woman died from strangulation, the doctors did not have anything for it, in continuing the conversation about western values, you are the first started, don’t regret it further, mind you, i didn’t say that, yes, yes, yes, a ukrainian online fan girl, well, also news marked urgently, won the world sex championship, which
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was held in spain on the costa del sol, category, category is important , unconventional values, best girl-on-girl performance, footage available. the warsaw pact disappeared, but why didn’t nato disappear? yes, yes, that’s the whole question, so now it’s too late to talk about any buffer zones. now regarding the spring-summer offensive, i don’t i can’t say anything about this, because, well , practically everyone in ukraine is discussing it, and all
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the experts have come to the conclusion that, of course, there will be a spring-summer offensive, they are convinced of it, the only question is when in what direction, some are inclined to believe that everything -yes. russia is more interested in the exit on the border of the donetsk region, well, it will make every effort to solve this problem, and other experts are very concerned about the fate of kharkov, because in addition to the military threat, the loss of the industrial center, and i want to say, the scientific potential there is very high, huge military-industrial complex enterprises are concentrated there and so on, there are repair bases, there are a lot of interesting things there, but besides everything else, kharkov can... repeat its fate 100 years ago and again become the capital of ukraine, they are very concerned about this story regarding the fact that if there is a loss of kharkov, then russia can use this not to expand its territories, but to launch a new
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internal ukrainian project with a new government in kharkov, with all the ensuing consequences, as was the case in last century, let me just remind you, it was the capital there twice in the nineteenth year, and then from 20 to the thirty-fourth year. yes, it was only later that the capital was moved to kiev, so they have such a concern that where to say if we lose kharkov, this is symbolic, politically it poses a huge threat to the current regime, so i think that they will try, of course, to strengthen kharkov , regarding zelensky, you know, a very interesting guy who says: listen, we need the same number of soldiers for in order to change those who are fighting, but we need people like them there, with experience in combat, i just don’t understand how to solve this problem. well, i don’t understand, when you grab people on the street, shove them into a prison, you think they already have experience in combat operations or are just learning how to do it, but it’s impossible to solve this problem by definition, just as it’s impossible solve the problem with the patriots, you said correctly, zelensky speaks out and says we
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need 25, why 25, and why not 35, not 105, he does anyone know how many of these systems are in the world, these systems, the expensive patriot systems in the world, you mentioned the number 60 - tell me, do the us have a lot of batteries or not? i believe that for such a huge country as the united states of america, this is nothing at all. and if we assume that in these conditions, let’s simulate the situation, if biden, already completely crazy, takes and gives at least one patriot system to ukraine, and god forbid, there will be a terrorist attack there, similar to september 11th. can you even imagine the level of risks, yes for the current political elite, if they make such a decision. these democrats, together with biden, will be buried with an aspen stake, they will drive an aspen stake there, so the united states of america will not give a single system to ukraine from japan, well, this is generally wonderful, they have 24 systems, patriotic, only they, you know, some palankas are flying in the sea of ​​japan, there somewhere in garages in north korea
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they are riveting something, if not every day then every other day, i ’m not offending, but it’s just a fact, there in this sea something is always flopping, flopping, falling falls there, well, tell me: the japanese will give at least one of their patriotic systems to ukraine, well , taking into account what the situation with north korea, with south korea, they will give, because hypersound will not bring down the patriots zhenya, even at gunpoint, they won’t have a single system they will give it back, germany has been kicked to the bone, well, dad, please, let him, only in europe germany has the most there, everyone else has two or three, five, and so on, no one will do this, it is impossible today for ukraine to find 20.
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a plot where terekhov spoke, yes, look, it has arrived, right here, so to speak, peaceful citizens, here we have a shopping center, here he literally turns the camera like this, and there is a burnt-out rszz system 10 meters away, just burnt out, but he didn’t show it. he said that these are russians, what am i getting at, i ’m leading to the fact that kharkov residents are simply used in residential areas, they install these mlrs systems and shells fly there not because kharkov residents live there, but because the ukrainian military installs these systems there , i’m very sorry for kharkov, you know, i think i really need to understand these people who looking back at their home and wiping tears from their eyes, they leave this city, this is what people have experienced. in 2014, luhansk and donetsk residents experienced this, we had it all, it
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’s just that many people didn’t understand us then and didn’t realize what was happening at all, today this is happening to kharkov, a dear city, a beautiful city, but who is to blame that this is a ukrainian the authorities in the person of zelensky, instead of looking for some kind of compromise, a way out of this situation, not only has plunged the country, they are now provoking, i don’t know if there would be such a war today if ukraine had not... attacked the belgorod region, the bryansk region, did not attack with drones, oil refineries, and so on, because you know, you can discuss, condemn russia and so on as much as you like, but everything is known in comparison, if before that it was horror, horror, when the missiles arrived by force transformers, so against the backdrop of what is happening today with the energy sector of ukraine, it was the babble of a newborn baby, and it was not the politicians who should have understood this when they hit today...
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all the footage confirming the destruction of those rszzos was filmed, including by local residents ,
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well, that is, the kharkov residents who came to the site of the crater, where terekhov had just left, hanging noodles on their ears, recorded the destroyed rszzo vampire, you see it in your footage, this activity of kharkov also does not resemble the defense in any way, they put rszzo in residential areas their own. in residential areas and are hitting our peaceful neighborhoods, throughout belgorod. in this regard, i would, of course, like to say a big thank you to our scouts, with their help another missile defense system was destroyed, we will return. get dressed, well done! premiere on rtr. vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who does not have a job. alla taxi
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, eh. .. the bullet is still in me, it’s, let’s say, my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she is hungry herself, but she brings this kurba, i come and say: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, to support me in word,
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hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you... could not survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simple amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. support for kiev is the key to restoring peace in europe, said german constructor scholz. according to his logic, if we arm ukraine, this will avoid war between russia and nato. scholz himself is a versatile personality; in addition to caring about kiev, he tries to save your ratings. in the twenty-fourth year, the chancellor's approval rating is for the first time in recent years. 4 years fell to the level of 13%. in this regard , today he registered an account on tiktok to find a new voter there.
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the main character of his first video is not even the chancellor himself, but his leather briefcase, which has accompanied scholz for the last 40 years. to understand, if someone doesn’t know, tiktok is a chinese youth social network where it’s common to dance and make faces. schols. at the same time he already promised not to dance, why should he they immediately mockingly said, you already dance beautifully to washington’s tutka, well , that is, the trick didn’t work, look, as for your presence in tektok, the federal government is discussing this, and i think that’s right. here's a look at the idea that scholz's press secretary came up with. a couple of minutes ago , the government press information department started its own channel on
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tiktok, it’s called the federal chancellor’s team. now on the tiktok network you can immerse yourself in the workflow. so, now hold on tight, we are here they sent another test video, okay, seriously, well, wow, this is olaf scholz after a bottle of wheat, now we know what kind of party scholz really is, the sdp after the legalization of marijuana.
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in recent months, western leaders have been behaving absolutely inappropriately, for the simple reason that they understand that there is a dead end, the rating is falling, so well, there will be a tiktoker scholtz. well , the next creative we understand, yes, that it’s a deep fake for all sorts of reasons, well, that’s understandable, i mean with this briefcase, he ’s registered anyway, the dancer is a deep fake, so far, well, i don’t know from there whether the devil will jump out or zelensky will carry this briefcase behind scholz, but there remains a new creative, a party of bavarian beer lovers, which scholz will lead as an all-german movement in the hope that voters will support him, well, of course we are focusing on the way european voters vote today, for example in slovakia.
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ukraine is small, there will be individual countries, especially those that run ahead of the american locomotive, lithuania, latvia, estonia, especially such, you know, political lithuania is distinguished by zoology, especially the lansbergis clan, as they say, apples from apples. does not fall far, if we look at the elderly lansberges, he was a direct agent of the central intelligence agency, who was destroying the lithuanian ussr and organizing provocations around the villeneuve
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tv tower, then today his work, so to speak, is continued by his grandson, the same from the cold, even i would say, still more sophisticated and, well, absolutely choking on russophobia, well , that’s modern europe, on the other hand, if let’s look at... messages, which are coming, today there was news on the news feeds that the old nato countries are getting rid of the park.
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flew in from somewhere and landed at some ukrainian airfield, such a redeployment to ukraine at 16 is impossible, the fact is that modern fighters use a radio-technical flight support system, these are short- and long-range navigation systems, this is a communication system, this is an approach support system landing, monitoring everything that happens around the airfield, this means deploying the appropriate systems. radio engineering, radio engineering, so our task today is to monitor with the help of aerial space reconnaissance, preparatory activities for the deployment, respectively, of certain airfield hubs of ukraine for the relocation of already f16, and as soon as it is deployed there, accordingly monitor at the moment of arrival there, well, work with iskanders , work with daggers to
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absolutely turn all this into dust. against this background , we note that the use of our aerospace missiles continues to cause great concern in the west using bombs equipped with a planning and correction module. the damaging effect is such that the layered system of long-term fortifications of ukraine simply cannot withstand, everything is simple with this explosion. is turning inside out, so we will expect that scaling such strikes will give us the opportunity to really make serious progress in certain directions, and as the main expectation today is that at key heights, fortified areas around the yaar clock, the russian aerospace forces will scale these strikes, thereby providing opportunities for the advancement of russian troops forward, and a small example of how our defense-industrial complex works 20 times,
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compared to 2000 21, the production of krasnopol guided guided projectiles has increased, this is a projectile that carries out high-precision destruction in the presence of target designation, target illumination, well, of course, not every product range of the russian defense industry can boast of such figures, but the very fact is that the ammunition industry responded across the entire range from artillery. ammunition to modern powerful bombs is this is also an indicator of the efficiency of the government’s work and, of course, the management contour of the russian defense industry. kakfabs are being used right now at the front, primarily in the chasoy yar area, look. unique footage of the preparation for a combat mission of the super-maneuverable su-34 fighter-bomber, a 500-kilogram high-explosive bomb.
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the control and correction module allows you to strike from a distance of 70 km without entering the range of enemy air defense. after the attack , the pilots carry out the usual anti-missile defense maneuver, on the other side ukrainian formations are urgently erecting a fortification. when russian troops entered ukraine, they crossed into the territory at the border with belarus in an attempt to capture kiev. kievets.
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these newly built fortifications are designed to ensure that this does not happen again. they are made up of tetraders, concrete cones called dragon teeth. they are additionally fastened with metal rods, all of which is also wrapped in barbed anti-personnel wire. in addition, the area around the barriers is isolated, next, anti-tank ditches were dug. such protective barriers are also being built in other places near the front. iskander was destroyed. two multiple launch rocket systems at once, from which ukrainian formations also fired at belgorod. after the impact , secondary detonation began. this is what the zaporozhye front looks like now, the surroundings of the village of rabotina are strewn with damaged nato equipment and ukrainian armed forces vehicles. drone operators destroyed an american max pro armored vehicle, a bmp bradley and a tank.
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on the approaches to the city of chasov yar now the flag of russia and the standard of the airborne forces are being developed. paratroopers, supported by armored vehicles , surrounded the ukrainian positions. ammunition is trying to achieve its goal of reaching the administrative border of the donetsk region. the enemy continues to conduct offensive operations day and night, using assault groups with the support of armored vehicles. a particularly difficult situation has developed in the bakhmud direction, in the avdeevsky direction, and in
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the novopavlovsky direction. the most brutal fighting continues today in the areas of pervomaisky and vodianova, as well as in the eastern chassyara, where the enemy is trying to break through the defenses of our troops. in the limansky, orekhovsky and kherson directions the situation also remains tense. the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, kuleba, in an interview with the british financial times, complains that russian air bombs are destroying positions in the ukrainian armed forces, and it is impossible to hide from these weapons. the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine, terrorist budanov, in a conversation with the german ard, claims that the russian army will launch a large-scale offensive on the donetsk front closer to the summer. we expect the army to intensify offensive actions russia in late spring, early summer. first of all, in the dpr, the direction of the main attack is expected here, i think that they will try to stretch our forces along the entire front line, we are preparing for this, and i believe that we will be ready. russian troops have indeed regained the initiative at
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the front, writes the washington post. zelensky's options on what to do about the war range from bad to worse. the ukrainian president himself officially confirmed the presence of western military personnel in ukraine and supported it. ukraine is tired of the war and kiev will never compromise with official moscow, the head of zelensky’s office, ermak, told politico. moreover, women aged 18 to 60 will now be included in the official register of those liable for military service.
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it may not be the most pleasant job in the world, but it is especially important in light of russian aggression; the army had to be replenished and rotated from the very beginning of the war. in the kiev region they will be elevated to... suffered punishment, when the commander-in-chief comes out, he must first say, at least 3 months of preparation, due to a shortage of shells, ukrainian militants have turned into scavengers, the wall street journal reports, the command of the armed forces of ukraine forces soldiers to search in the swamps for unexploded shells,
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ammunition that cannot be recovered, is used for kamikaze drones. if ukraine does not receive the necessary assistance, this will become a real problem for it, because at... at the moment we are dealing with a shortage of ammunition, weapons, troops, with what president zelensky spoke about, and this is very it's hard to overcome if you don't have the ability to restock, and that will be a deciding factor this year maybe next year too. in the orenburg region , 99 people sought medical help, nine required hospitalization, local authorities report. the flood wave is moving along the ural, torsk, and orenburg rivers and will reach the regional capital by april 17, warns the ministry of emergency situations. normalization of the situation in the region is expected no earlier than the twenty-fifth. problems with flooding are now already in 39 regions of russia in the kurgan and temen regions, following the orenburg che regime was introduced. what is the site of the natural
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disaster now? we look: 122, one person on the roof, urgent evacuation required. taking only documents and jackets, residents of orsk leave their homes on inflatable boats. come here, run away from there, come on, come on, run, people are being removed from the canopies as doors, now there is a second floor window, here i am standing on the roof canopy, which is at the entrance, they climbed out through the window, so we are waiting for the rescuer, we are waiting, here are the children, old people.
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is collapsing before our eyes, this is the situation right
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now, look how the car flooded, the site, what the water level is, the entrance, everything, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the most difficult situation is in the orenburg region, where 3,900 residential buildings were in the flood zone per day, 6,100 people were evacuated to the safe zone, 33 points were temporarily deployed. placement. the regional government warns that the peak of the flood is expected on april 10. the mayor of orenburg announced an unprecedented flood. to date , 2,015 areas and 1,535 households have been flooded, 188 of them in the last 24 hours. already now 45 snt are cut off from power supply, 20 snt are without gas, gas and partially electricity are turned off in the village of kuznechny. if you have nowhere to stay, if you don’t know where. at night, you are putting your life and the lives
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of your loved ones in danger, absolutely everyone who will help you evacuate, water may come , it is in a flood zone, you need to leave your homes, do not delay evacuation, the situation will only get worse in the next two days, the water level in the urals is already reached 872 cm. at the same time , already 760 cm is considered an unfavorable value, extremely dangerous 930 cm, now the guys will help me pick up the documents, well, mostly the documents, of course, we talked initially from the first day, they didn’t want to, they said everything is fine, everything will work out until the second floor, it won’t reach the second floor, definitely, i liked it, very well done, quickly, ok, well, how else... kindly, well done! creepy footage, roofs
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of houses, cars abandoned in the middle of the streets, barely visible road signs and cruising boats - this is what the torso looks like from a copter camera now. at the request of the governor of the orenburg region, ministry of defense russia is providing assistance to residents of the region in combating floods on the elshanka and ural rivers. military engineers from the yasnaya missile formation arrived in orsk to assist in the fight against floods. damaged dam near the city of orsk, and also participate in the evacuation of the local population to safe areas. more than 100 military personnel and 18 units of special equipment are involved in the work: dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators, in addition, the personnel of the yasninsky missile formation will be involved in work to strengthen the coastal river lines in the orenburg region. the state of emergency was given federal status. today another one happened in orsk.
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flood along the ural river will reach orenburg on april 17, and flooding of the kurgan region and tyumen is also likely. roshydromet specialists give an unfavorable forecast for the flood. the level in our rivers and shim and tabol is predicted to be high. state of emergency in the tyumen region. we enter in advance, it allows us to quickly respond to the situation that develops on the rivers; in such conditions, operational services have more powers to protect the population and territories. residents of areas where large waters have not yet entered are building small dams on their own to try to save their houses. well,
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here two or three men built such a small dam, but how much it will hold is completely unknown. here they are dragging with small shovels, and this is the samara region, where more than 300 houses were flooded, during the evacuation of a village in the afternoon, a motor boat with children collided with a tree and capsized, people found themselves in icy water, but that’s all...
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so the level is half a fence, travel only on boats, the car has completely sunk, the bathhouse, just like that, people pulled furniture onto the roof, everyone is saving themselves with whatever they can, president vladimir putin heard reports from the governors of the orenburg region denis pasler, the gurgan region vadim shumkov and the tyumen region alexander, development. with floods and measures taken to assist people caught in the flood zone and evacuate those who are at risk of flooding. vladimir putin also listened to the report of the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov. based on the results of the chapter the state instructed the government to create a special government commission headed by the minister of civil defense, emergency situations and
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disaster relief alexander kurenkov. federal security service. only through one of the nodes, the so- called connection, the criminals defrauded russians of 7 billion rubles. the stolen money was accumulated in ukrainian banks and went to finance the armed forces of ukraine. raids on criminal cells in controlled premises took place in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl, sochi, moscow and leningrad regions. from the organizers.
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new footage of the interrogation of militants also appeared; the terrorists say that they actually fled to ukraine, kiev. kiev customers prepared two corridors, developing the territory along the border areas of the villages of chuikovka and sopysh. this is sumy region. look, why are you arrested? for a terrorist attack. where did you commit the terrorist attack? croxie. what were your group’s plans after the terrorist attack ? who gave you instructions? he told us to leave in the direction of kiev when you’re ready. beyond the border, not far from the border, leave your
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car and take me, i’ll help you further , i understand that ahead of the border there will be... “i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, doesn’t
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answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well, now, what to do, everything will be fine, if suddenly you need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, any, you, no, another girl has disappeared , friend polina, they study together in college, it’s so difficult.” ourselves, so as not to get away from the noise of this uncertainty, we let's endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping little house, premiere on saturday on rtr, discover a real pearl on... exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere
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of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. rest. it's leaving yourself alone. rest is nothing to think about when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum.
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please, introduction and roll call, is it possible without formation? that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i begin, mark anatolyevich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, like a man - a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. and how much more ahead? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with
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joy, let’s all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday the narter, please, fasten your seat belt, bring the horse. oh, the feelings will shock us today, andrey borila, you can tell me about life. saved, i want to offer you the position of my assistant, evgeniy laza, why am i there are many ready-made specialists, light, without you it’s like i’m going downhill, or something, you’re not your man, in a zone of strong turbulence, light, wait, don’t say anything, just think, i love you, and you, please, take your place,
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he ’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, always will tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, what is the correct way? medicine will always support a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, that's how a child sleeps, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust for 100%. and you will be happy, well, i can’t
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guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr, well, now an absolutely incredible opportunity in direct communication with belgrade, the famous yugoslav serbian director kusturica exactly a week ago, he met with putin and thanked the president of russia for his personal historical... he expressed justice. kusturice then compared the current persecution of the russian-speaking population by the kiev regime with the deportation of 230,000 serbs by the croatian authorities during the yugoslav crisis. on in ukraine, the directors immediately signed him up as an agent of the kremlin. previously, kusturica also said that the serbs hate nato for the barbaric
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bombing of the country in ninety-nine. what i wanted to ask, of course, we see how difficult it is for those who share or understand russia’s position on the ukrainian issue and on the modern world order in general, how do you live under such pressure from the west, and do you see a tendency for europe to change, hungary takes a different
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position from brussels, and is now elected to...
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uh european culture in this uh the end of the 20th century was uh they bombed belgrade. why did they, why did they bomb us? because it was necessary to say who pissed europe. this is not europe, this is not berlin, this is not paris, this is the united states, this is new york, this, this came to the united states. and for... us they showed you in russia that you will have 20 years later, and this is very obvious, how to say,
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i have never been an enemy of anyone in this world, i am an enemy of such actors who are not so good actors, of which such scenes, in which people don’t believe, i never believed before these scenes that a bad actor played, enemy of ukraine -
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and look what happened to the serbs, then the same thing will happen to you, to the russians who now live on the territory of russia, but
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beyond the borders of your culture. world, you are at a meeting with putin, we, of course, drew attention to this, announced the filming of a triptych, three films at once based on our russian classics. against the backdrop of what is happening in the world, when russians, and russians and russia are being cancelled, on the one hand it looks like challenge, we, of course, are infinitely pleased to know what kind of pictures they will be, what language they will be in, and how often you practice russian, you speak just fine, i i want to do this in russian, because, as i said , this is one of the foundations of european culture, when you say, tolstoy’s cossacks, when...
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and this is how i was, this is my inspiration, which relates to two novels, an idiot and a crime is punishment, already in ukraine they naturally made a remark to you, expressed fi because gogol you named russian writers, in the opinion of some comrades who live there on this...
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he wrote about the expanse of little russia, he didn’t say, he if the ukrainians - they saw him as ukrainian, then that’s all of them, but i read it in the original in russian, dead souls is one of the best, most familiar novels of the 20th century, if they think that it is ukrainian, this is their thing, i think that it is, and this, we also had it, if its andrich, if is he croatian or is he serbian, he wrote in the serbian language, cyrillic, how to say in russian, this is what they wrote what they think, i think that my film will be, it will be done will be done at the beginning.
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will relate to its survival, because europe, as an entity, is now less and less relevant, less or less exists, and let’s say, if you want to pay for gas that comes from russia, you need to pay america, then the gas will come to your home , and let's say the german, now the industry, as it was known, is known for its volkswagen, and now it's ...
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eurasia, at least that's what i call it, and they call it the euro-atlantic alliance, that is, look there are 200 miles of water between the two.
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i came to work to get a job, it didn’t work out, i didn’t rob you, don’t cry, get yourself in order, get smart, let’s go, alla taxi, premiere, today on rtr, you’re bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replace. will hit your budget, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for the fence bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repair and painting, four bright beautiful
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offer. call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price only for. 4.95 now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy, cut the blanks to the size of the shape, put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and that’s it, you can stick a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes, take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the most delicious machine for only 495. do ordinary shovels do a bad job in the garden? introducing the shovel. hammer smith razer - the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through the roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer
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can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, and bushes. weeds faster than ever without effort. the hammer smith razer is the ideal all-round shovel for... your garden. regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted-v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, cuts through the toughest root systems like butter and strips out roots one by one with ease. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tools, call to order the versatile hammer smith razer shovel with
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razor-sharp edges on both sides, sharpened into an imaginary blade, made of carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel for... handles even the hardest soil without unnecessary effort, with a soft handle , with which the capture area increases four times and only if you call now, incredible... here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. love white fluffy? i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh you’re good! the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws, or, well, tame
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the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you are in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif?
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. any terrorist attack is terrible, it is vile, it is inhumane. who is the customer?
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first second regarding the plots here on uh in ukraine, of course, here he understands the intricacies of ukrainian life, even in the intricacies of european life, i will only say one thing: modern europe called the european union and nato with different personal belongings there, this is the same thing in principle as ukraine. ukraine is falling apart according to the same pattern. because of the same stupidity, because of the same greed,
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because of the lack of normal management in favor of the people who live, because the bureaucracy in one case is kiev, called the office of the president or whatever, and in the second case brussels neglects the real interests of the people who live on this territory, they are each other, that’s why they merged so much in ecstasy, relatively bushy, who... showed only one thing, i want to remind you that many in our liberal democratic laber did not like, yes and in general milosevic, the president of serbia and... by the way, mar kadafi, who led libya, remember, now there is no time like the next time, what they talked about what would happen next, what milosevic predicted for europe and for russia and what gaddafi predicted for europe. and lastly, please note that the employees of the russian language institute named after alexander sergeevich pushkin helped,
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presumably for money, to pass exams for those who do not know russian, but come. yes, apparently the candidate of sciences and other outstanding graduate students, what is unfavorable in the sphere of social sciences, not only me, but i said a long time ago, but after this fact, the institute of the russian language, corruption, theft, and those who work against the interests and russian language, what they do, professionals, what they should love, russia's national interests, what? what should be done is the leadership of this institute, the scientists of the councils of this institute, ask yourself this question, not you, of course, if they were in the army, they should have shot themselves, since they are not in the army, a crime has been committed, the people who committed it will be punished , it is very unfortunate that this has long-term consequences and leads to
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tragedies such corruption crimes, this is really a big problem that needs to be eradicated. i'm talking about the leadership of this institute, please, please, well, i would too said a few words about the terrible events in the orenburg region, there is such a concept in prognostication, a gray rhinoceros is an event that seems to occur unexpectedly, but on the other hand, if you look closely, you could see it earlier, vitalyich started this topic because that the most important thing right now is to provide assistance to the victims, i hope all this will be done. complete the necessary actions, but then, with a cool head, of course, you need to analyze why this happened, because this is not it’s just that there’s some kind of tsunami there, it’s the mystery of the snow, that is, in general, these are relatively predictable things, and here too there is one plot related more to my oil and gas theme, because the topic is accelerating that
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the orsk oil refinery has closed, and also here such a panic begins: there is no gasoline in russia, there will soon be a collapse, a collapse, and the western press is already writing that we are calling kazakhstan asking for help with gasoline, in fact, in fact, this is all not true, because, because we ourselves export gasoline in kazakhstan, because the ban, the export ban does not apply to the eurozest countries, russia has gasoline, and we have certain difficulties with the production of gasoline, but already at the end of march it began to grow, so this is also an attempt to create such panic sentiments in this case out of the blue, so conspiracy theories.
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i can’t see the light stewardess on friday on rtr. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, let's introduce the hammer smith razer shovel. ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting,
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ensuring maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots. and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels don't work well. compacted soil, but a shovel razer's unique inverted v-shaped design includes razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade to cut through. the hardest root system is like butter and it is easy to pick off the roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws,
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hatchets and other tools. but why, when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel, with razor-sharp edges on both sides, sharpened wa-shaped. with a blade made from carbon steel, making it the toughest shovel to tackle even the toughest soils effortlessly, with a soft grip handle that quadruples the gripping area, and only if you call now will you get the incredible hammer smith razer at an incredible price, for only 49.95. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary. it will protect plants from frost will retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening
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, extend the gardening season, and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket can be successfully placed even in the most compact sizes in hard-to-reach places on your site or premises. the durable frame of mini-greenhouses made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. we present to your attention a real hit of sales, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather, an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in
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the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes, it will become your reliable a companion to work, on a visit, on a walk to the store, soft genuine leather, high-quality accessories, classic shape and optimal size, such a bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas, the femininity of its owner will add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two trendy colors on choice. universal black and noble brown. call now to order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. so, wordsky plans to design the construction of a new dam. the regional governor said at a meeting with local
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residents. the previous one was erected in the fourteenth year, in the twenty-fourth, it burst in two places. this is what the flood in orsk looks like, satellite images were published by roscosmos. military engineers have already been involved in the fight against flooding. directly now the flood wave is moving towards orenburg. and will reach the city by april 17. authorities warn that another 2,000 residential buildings could be flooded in the region in the next 24 hours. a state of emergency has been declared in the orenburg region. today it was also introduced in the kurgan and tyumen regions. on behalf of president putin, a government commission has already been created to eliminate the consequences of disasters. it was headed by the minister of civil defense. a total of 10,400 houses were flooded in 39 regions of russia and the flood continues,
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perhaps the peak is yet to come. it was a 60 minutes program. thanks for watching, bye. goodbye. on the russia channel, the time for the main news of the day is on the air, big news in the studio igor kozhevin, hello, orsk is sinking under water, here are the sunken cars, the roofs are somehow visible.


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