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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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by the way , not only the former american president, but also the current mexican one, decided to illuminate himself with a solar eclipse. while abrador held a press conference on safe sky observation over the weekend, his country's diplomatic mission in ecuador became unsafe. today, when skeet’s diplomatic relations have already been severed by two, and his actions were condemned by four more latin american countries, the storming of the mexican embassy by ecuadorian security forces compared. that night in mexico was the first debate before the already imminent june elections, candidate presidents from the ruling party claudia schoenbaum started the hottest ones. first of all, i want
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to congratulate the mexican diplomats who returned from ecuador and thank them for their courage. even the opposition did not argue with this, because they were shocked by what happened over the weekend. no, this does not fit into any norms, i physically defended the honor and sovereignty of my country. this cannot happen, what happened here is incredible. really incredible. how did the ecuadorian police army guys treat it like that? with a diplomat, especially an elderly one. the international political consequences of how this ecuadorian special forces soldier climbed into the mexican dignicia in quito, then the gates were opened from the inside, jeeps of security forces drove in, and soon in one of them the former vice-president of the republic, jorge glaz, was photographed in one of them, hiding with the mexicans, who later as part of a whole special operation , they landed him on this plane, hanging it where the maximum security prison of loroc is located, and so internationally...
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they found out that it was the same former ecuadorian vice president glass, under whom he was deputy, under rafael korea, the same one who sheltered asandzh in his embassy in london, who came to power in ecuador, other leftists, and then the rightists, handed him over to please who knows, and are now finishing off those who sheltered him, internally politically, it is very beneficial that, having been released from prison for health reasons, the former vice president found shelter with the left-wing mexicans. the decision of the president of the republic was taken in the face of the real risk of imminent flight of the citizen sought justice. at the same time, the young and ambitious ecuadorian president noboa gave orders to the army and police, and it was precisely the expansion of their powers that he put forward to a referendum, coincidentally, scheduled for just about the end of april, well, just think that the embassy was taken here, although even in latin america , with its tradition of using the embassy as a refuge, old-wave diplomats, of course. lost, this
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is absolutely unacceptable, this cannot be, this is savagery, love and betrayal, life is death, but politics, this is what mariachi sings about, well, today, even when distracted by dancing, mexicans are definitely talking about politics, this is the text that was added, well, are we waiting, what is this song about? yes, well, now there is still urgent news from america, while half of the states are monitoring the solar eclipse, a message comes from las vegas about a mass shooting near the casino. according to the police, the criminal barricaded himself in the office of a law firm, nearby, here are the first images, there are victims, presumably three people, we are monitoring the developments.
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our broadcast will continue with local news, colleagues, as we see, we have already taken places in our studios, but before we all go to our regions, we’ll briefly introduce the country to what our two branches will tell you about, first we’ll give... state television and radio broadcasting company smolensk and maxim filipenkov, a major emergency occurred in vyazma smolensk region, one of the key road bridges collapsed there. hello, igor, right now the film crew of the state television and radio broadcasting company smolensk is working at the scene of the incident, we are receiving footage from vyazma online, five spans of the bridge have collapsed. at this moment on there were several cars in it, one woman was killed, and five more people, including a teenager, were injured. neurosurgeons were sent to vyazma from smolensk. special trains, and specialists also work there . four gas services are engaged in clearing the tracks, since a gas pipeline runs across the bridge. without an accident, about 9.00 consumers were disconnected from gas supply.
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an operational headquarters has been set up on the spot, and the investigative committee has opened a criminal case. yes, thank you, maxim, we’ll let you get ready for the broadcast, there’s a minute left until the regional we use parts in order to turn on the state television and radio broadcasting company voinakh, ramzanev already. studios , new groups of fighters from the chechen republic moved into the area of ​​the svo. good evening, igor - these are employees of the ninety-sixth operational regiment of the russian guard. they repeatedly took part in the liberation of strategically important settlements in the northern military district zone. many fighters have been awarded high state awards. at the same time , another multinational group took off from grozny airport. before shipping they successfully completed a course of practical military training at the russian special forces university in guduremesya. the fighters will defend the interests of the country as part of the legendary akhmat special forces. the regional public fund named after hero of russia akhmat
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hadji kadyrov provided all the support. the fighters are equipped with everything necessary, including modern weapons and equipment. yes, we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region. in a few seconds. the flood in the capital region has reached its peak. this year it is especially intense, about 2.0 household plots, almost a dozen roads and several bridges were flooded. to get to work, residents have to use boats, speedboats and amphibians. to those who. stays at home, food is also delivered by water. report by alexey knor. we watched the film, i was a legend, so he went out every day and looked for people, that’s how i am. on the third day , the only way alexander can navigate the streets of his native village is in an old kayak. two
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motorcycles and two cars sank. the vorya river came out of the banks were flooded by snt morning. those who managed to evacuate before the flood began, the rest were locked in their houses, waiting for the water to subside. the floors were not completely soaked. we are pumping out the basement, we think we are still in a good position, water is not coming into the house, we raised the house, but for those whose houses are flooded, the floors are everything, it’s like a disaster. the necessary food and medicine are brought by the ministry of emergency situations, everyone is waiting in fear what will happen to their houses, the majority of course are leaving, but we have 11 people here now, now we are bringing them food, no water, no toilet now doesn’t exist in fact, well, of course, everything has to be kept on the second floor. it’s hard for the animals because they can’t help but walk. voskresensk, noorfominsk, yegoryevsk, dmitrov, flood affected 15 districts near moscow, almost 2.0 courtyards were flooded, 16 sections of roads, three bridges. the most difficult flood situation remains in the urban district of lukhovitsy, where we have
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all-terrain vehicles working, and two floating conveyors are also working. for residents of the villages of beloomot, dedinovo, lovtsy slemskie borki, the amphibious all-terrain vehicle is the only connection. last year our car was near those trees, almost at the turn and there, this year our car, in fact , you can see for yourself how much more water has become, our car is already here, but for the residents of the village of peshkogo in podnoginsk, the water in the areas became an unpleasant surprise , they were flooded
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for the first time, here from the nasokka, where the birches are, here completely, where it is flooded with water, this is my plot, which i purchased for the construction of a residential building, the plots were demarcated in the former place. collective farm fields, no one warned buyers that they could end up in a flood zone, our site is completely in water, ducks are swimming there, there is a common drain dug between the houses. facade cladding, most of which will be glass. potapava will become the twenty-
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seventh station of the sokolniki line; after its opening, local residents will be able to get to the metro on foot, saving up to 40 minutes a day on the trip. luxury experts have discovered pathogenic bacteria in shawarma sold in moscow. they examined three dozen samples from different catering outlets and 29 of them turned out to be hazardous to health. very often , popular fast food is prepared without attention. what should you pay attention to so that you don’t end up in the hospital after a snack? report by alexey karev. meat lies next to vegetables, salads and sauces are in the public domain, and the grill clearly needs sanitizing. the window is open, is this acceptable? it is desirable that the sliced ​​products be closed. navrus calls himself a pro, he has been preparing shawarma for 10 years, he assures that visitors don’t complain, but... the specialist has a question. a lot, and if there is no air conditioning, can you imagine how hot it will be here in the summer, how quickly
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microbes will begin to develop, and where are your gloves? under the watchful eye of an expert, the chef cooks for us too, we decide to try it, we tried shawarma at first glance, you can see, there are products here, everything you need, just enough meat , vegetables, fresh enough, again only at first glance, well, that’s it the main thing is that it’s delicious, that’s what’s really inside this shawarma. this is the disappointing verdict of the laboratory
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research. twenty-seven samples showed an excess in the total content of microorganisms. in addition, in 15 samples , the content of escherichia coli bacteria was additionally detected in one sample of staphylococcus aureus and in two samples of listeria bacteria. together with the expert, we visited several more.
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shuurma snacks with meat or chicken are a great way to satisfy your hunger, but buying it is almost always a lottery, you never know what’s inside, if you’re confused about something, experts say, buy food and cook shawarma at home. alexey karev, oleg ivanov, news! now about other events briefly. after the winter, the city began to update road markings, primarily near schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, large transit hubs, stations, metro and parks, so as not to disturb drivers; most of the work is promised to be carried out at night. from now until april 12, farmers can apply to participate in the weekend fairs . this can be done on the portal; this spring more than a thousand retail spaces are to be distributed, but are not provided free for private farm owners and individual entrepreneurs. large-scale... improvement will begin this year in the kolomenskoye nature reserve. at the first stage, the embankment will be renovated, the pedestrian part
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will be expanded, and cafes and playgrounds will be placed along the entire route. a wedding garden with a pavilion for special ceremonies will also appear on the shore, and a restaurant with a summer terrace will be opened next to the pier. one of viktor vosnetsov’s masterpieces - the famous heroes today left their usual place in the tretyakov gallery. the painting was removed from the wall for the first time in 30 years to hold. its restoration inspection and the safety of the canvas need to be checked in advance of the grandiose exhibition, which will open in may. report by polina iermalaeva. velichava, ilya muromets peers. into the future, as if not noticing how many heroes of the 21st century are around today, with hands and ropes, holding the canvas, vosnetsov’s 3x4 m masterpiece is removed from the wall, more, more, more, a little more, then carefully laid on soft pads, freed from protective material , is already doing this patiently and concentratedly only...


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