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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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well, because she had to lose this job, she went outside the window to go home, he was walking through the forest along a straight road, a board broke off, he let the cossack down, he took a swim. he swam in the icy water, came home, he walked onto a steep bank and a fire.
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lit it over the river, a girl walked past, approached him, what happened to you, my friend, a girl walked past, approached him, what happened? i’m with you , my friend, the young cossack answered her, i was catching aster under water, the wild river is fast, i didn’t catch the fish, i’ll scoop up water saba...
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the river is fast, i didn’t catch it in the morning, i’ll scoop up some water, boot, well, let’s start a new life with you, here tomorrow, everything ’s stuck in snot, the bosses don’t give a damn about it, wow, who is this, the owner of a taxi company, and you ’re ruining everything for me here, i’m giving you 100,000 right now, i call my friend, he gets you a job in a furniture store, you are a woman, you must be flexible, i don’t owe anything to anyone, especially men, but alla wants to be willing, i’m not going to leave, i’m staying, alla taxi, we’ll see the continuation tomorrow on rtr. i
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welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author’s program bisagon tv, it will be called, does the crime have a punishment, but according to tradition, i will report to you our previous program.
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as a result of which, at the time of recording our release, 144 people were killed and more than 50,050 were injured. i think that this is not the final figure, because many are still in hospitals in very serious condition. i will say right away that the scale of this tragedy puts it on a par with the tragedy in budenovsk in 1995 . on dubrovka in 2002 with
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beslan in 2004, that is, this is a tragedy in which there is no justification, children died, women. peaceful people died, our citizens died. you all saw how many flowers people brought to the scene of the tragedy, soft toys, photographs of the victims. during this entire tragedy , a huge number of people immediately responded, and taxi drivers who took the wounded to the hospital for free, and...
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managed to shoot a huge number of people and set fire to this building, then, apparently, mixing with the panicking people, having managed to throw off their ammunition , got into this renault again, did the same thing and drove away in it, they drove almost 300 km to the side the ukrainian border, where they were stopped and caught, of course, the main question, as it was, remains, is who the customer was, who needed it. just a few hours after what happened, john kirby, coordinator of strategic communications at the us security council, says the following. listen. about the attack in moscow. i know
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you're still gathering information, but do you have any idea if this could even be related to the conflict in ukraine. at the moment there are no signs that ukraine. or the ukrainians were involved in this shooting, but again, this just happened, we are still studying, but i would at this early hour disabuse you of any connection with ukraine, that is, instantly right away, the first thing that is done is to withdraw suspicion from ukraine, and look at how quickly, remember, just recently we talked in our program about navalny, how a few minutes after navalny’s death people all over the world began to express condolences. blaming russia and putin for the murder of oppositionists, practically the same thing happened here, a few hours later the perpetrators were found, moreover , this happened in a country where they still cannot find those who were guilty of
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blowing up nord stream 2, this is still unknown, moreover, it is still in question it’s worth asking who killed kennedy, there are a lot of unresolved issues in the country, but this one has been resolved right away. after john carby, at about midnight, when they had not yet been caught, the criminals were caught and on the agent channel doge showed a screenshot from an account allegedly associated with isis, which is banned in russia. and reports that isis has taken over responsibility for the terrorist attack in moscow. very. it soon turns out that this is a fake, and tv channel j is forced to admit that this, sorry, was a mistake, this is a fake. after doch published this fake message, it was instantly picked up by radio
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liberty, and instantly it spread like a fan throughout all western media. this includes reuters, franz-24, and wallstreet. zhorno and spiegel and others, and kutrov, and almost all the media in the western world accuse isis of committing a crime. let me remind you that in addition to the fake that was thrown out in the rain, at this moment there is no evidence that isis did this. in addition, those people who know a little how suicide bombers act, they know that this is a different system, this is... a different method, these shots were taken by the terrorists themselves in the stake of the concert hall, after the mass shooting of spectators, a group of four people is heading towards exit towards the parking lot, they want to leave the crime scene as soon as possible, the radicals from isis would hardly
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do this, this is completely unusual behavior for them, compare with footage from kandahar in afghanistan, a suicide bomber groups undermine themselves. some world media noticed that the shooters did not have a suicide belt,
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including in the usa. the host of the american channel , daniel davis, deepp dive, recalled two more important nuances. isis religious fanatics never hide their faces in videos during attacks, and they also do not kill for money. for them, killing people is an exclusively religious act. not here, it's just pure unarmed murder. immediately after it happened, but wait for the time and wait until these four the perpetrators will be captured, information will appear that has a real basis. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new
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crime. as for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational-search actions, at present we can say the following: all four of the direct executors of the terrorist attack, all those who shot and killed people, were detained, they tried to escape and were moving towards ukraine, where.. .according to preliminary data for them from the ukrainian sides prepared a window for crossing the state border. a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided them with transport, outlined escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches and caches of weapons. has the opportunity to find out
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and see those who committed this crime. these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammad-sabir fayzov, shamsuddin fariduni, said karamer chabalizada and dalerjon mirzoev. the leader was fariduni, shamsuddin. of them, rachibalizada and fariduni were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2, moreover, on march 7 , fariduni even appeared in the kruko city hall, he was accidentally photographed by a photographer who was filming something there, well, probably, as one can assume, he studied the situation, entrances, exits, movements, safe places, and so on. and so on, as they claim, they received the task in a telegram channel,
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and they were promised 500,000 rubles for carrying out this atrocity, having paid an advance of 250, and note, 5000 not for everyone, but 5000 rubles for everyone, yes, then it became known that large sums of cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which kerbin so excused, what happened later? that all four were under the strong influence of drugs, special military drugs that take away fear, that aggravate the reaction, that is, by and large, these were killer robots, this can justify their actions, no, let's go further, and another day later on march 24.. .videos appear on the internet, seemingly in the first person, from the perspective of those who killed people,
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moreover, they appear on isis resources, pay attention to how people who are already wounded, or maybe already killed, lying on the floor in blood , are cut with knives, and why egil, because this is some kind of abstract evil for the world community. isis, if the united states is the first to support the idea that it is isis, they themselves are committing the crime, because al-ka. and isis. this is the work of the united states and great britain. so, in other words, they could say, we did it, because we did isis, because we did al-qaida. here proof. look, in the seventies and eighties, to counter the soviet union in afghanistan, the united states supported and armed the mujahideen. thus
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al-qaeda was born. and there are witnesses to this. listen. into afghanistan, we had a brilliant idea, come to pakistan to create a mujahideen force, equip them with missiles with tinger everything else to go after the council in afghanistan, we succeeded, the soviet union left afghanistan and we said, great, in october 2006. islamic state of iraq, its leader became abu-umar al-baghdadi, whom the americans had recently released from an iraqi prison. in 2016
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, julia wrote exactly about this, and published a little bit. syria against the government forces of bashar rebels to participate in the civil war in assad. it was carried out on the personal orders of president barack obama. this is exactly
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what trump meant when he accused barack obama of being... the organizer of isis, he is its founder. isis honors president obama. he is the founder of isis. he is the founder of isis. he is the founder, he founded isis. and i would say that the co-founder was the dishonest hillary clinton.
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frightened, look, they said, specifically, who to kill, and what kind of people, it doesn’t matter, in short, he’ll come in and say, take this guy away, come in, kill, these four people, these are the ones, could organize what was organized, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a specialist, but i have doubts, it’s hard for me to imagine how four people... the people we saw could do it so professionally, with absolute impunity at that moment, except how... can it be that a huge area of ​​the roof ceiling is engulfed in flames within literally a few minutes, how is this possible, even if there are flammable materials,
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i repeat, i am an amateur, but i am asked this question, i have a feeling, what if there are no already made bookmarks in different places, in the right places, which could catch fire at the same time, engulfed in flames. this whole building, because a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide, burned out, i have a feeling, that these four people are the laborers of this tragedy, but there was a very professionally organized mechanism, and in general there is a lot of strange things here, look, if they wanted to hide, well, just by logic, they would have changed five or six cars, leaving theirs here, they wouldn’t go anywhere, they could just stay somewhere and wait
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a month or two until everything calmed down. no, they were released, i think they were led in order to understand where the trail would lead, the trail led to ukraine, supposedly there was a window there that could receive them, but for what? they are needed alive by those who ordered this terrible, nightmarish terrorist attack, which means we can assume that if they had not been killed here, they would have been killed there, where they were going, it is quite natural that in addition to these questions, there are others, for example, why didn’t the fire protection system work, and i repeat, i’m not an investigator, i’m asking a question: as a person, as a citizen, as an ordinary person? why were some exits closed? why didn’t
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those people appear immediately, or at least after a shorter amount of time? who were supposed to appear? there are many, many questions here. immediately after the terrorist attack , there were a lot of warnings related to what was not allowed.
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of the united states, joe biden addresses the nation regarding the death of prisoner navalny, who, by the way, was recognized by us as both a terrorist and an extremist, so for the record, and did not utter a sound or word and did not express his... taliban,
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iran, syria, north korea, they all expressed their condolences to our country. only the western world modestly remained silent, the only thing it said was that it is anyone but ukraine. now pay attention to the detail. but it cannot be missed 4 days before the commission of this monstrous terrorist act, the creator of isis, former president of the united states of america barack obama, absolutely incognito, without advertising, arrives in london at 10 downing street to meet with the prime minister of great britain.
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the united states and great britain, why, what are they discussing, what could be the reason for committing a terrorist attack, it is absolutely clear to me that this is a resounding victory in the elections vladimir putin, deafening, legendary, the only one, at least. "the history of new russia is the victory of a man from whom the entire civilized world seemed to have turned its back. before march 8, the american embassy and the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens that they should be careful not to go to mass events. victoria even earlier, while in kiev, said that russia "unpleasant surprises await. putin faces surprises on
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the battlefield, and in ukraine."
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he wrote: “forgive me for such an expression, which is not entirely rational, but evil forces do not have nationality, have no political convictions, it’s just that a spiritual front was once formed on the surface of the earth, in different directions of which a kind of matter and antimatter is collected. from the sacred point of view of the coexistence of these two principles. is impossible, and the struggle is aimed at mutual destruction. this front is spread over states and territories and does not know space time. sometimes it happens that the contours of a state begin to approximately coincide with the borders of one of the sides of this spiritual front. very
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in my opinion, the exact words, remember what the president said quite recently, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unfair state of affairs in international affairs, they have been accustomed to stuffing it for centuries. the belly is human flesh, and the pockets are money, but they must understand that the vampires’ point is running out, it seems to me that they have this fear that the vampires’ point is running out, and this is why there is such hysteria, and this is why there is such an open, aggressive acceptance of neo-fascism, if he writes that for 5
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for this purpose, nurseries with surrogate mothers have been created. in russia, children receive traditional upbringing and education. in the west they are subjected to it. of a big country to bring a nazi and stand to applaud him, but this was mirrored, in the same way the world watches quite calmly as right away, without a pause, after the tragedy in crocos city, in ukrainian cafes
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a dish appears on the menu called the crocus city set, and ukrainian gamers have already created a computer game where you can kill innocent people in the crukus city building. and don't need yourself deceive, don’t think that this is only there in ukraine or somewhere else, look, look at what our teenagers are saying, listen, you write, like moscow is a sad tragic situation, but a tragic situation, so what, well, this happens, this is normal, but for me personally, they really killed me, they killed me, what are you doing there, why is everyone starting to feel sorry, okay, there are relatives of these dead people. they will cry, sob, all that, why spread this, uh, since some kind of terrorist attack did not happen there, i have no idea about this at all, the main thing is that if a terrorist attack happened, that means i ’m not going to moscow tomorrow, that means my mother canceled my ticket, that means she won’t take me home, which
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means i’m drinking until monday, thank you very much to the terrorists who came to the crucuses, because i really need it today i was drunk, i just understand what kind of hypocrisy, who cares, someone died there? or that or they never knew that people were dying or that there is, remove it from social networks, burn, yellow croc burn, everything you gave me, i won’t miss you, from where, from where this is the inability to sympathize, this is what their parents taught them, the school raised them this way, why, because they are brought up by their network,
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talking about values, this is a question of what is happening with the modern internet, the internet is developing quickly, the number of users is increasing, there is a lot of important educational stuff there, meaningful, as they say, content, but at the same time, there is so much dangerous content, if not every adult can withstand the dangers that await us on the internet, then what can we say about children who, due to their age, immature psychics cannot resist this, roskomnadzor. over the past year, i closed 500,000 groups with dangerous content, of which 25,000 groups are child pornography, 20,3000 groups are child suicides, 230,000 groups involve drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling and
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more, all this is on the internet, and now i’m fighting for history , that in computer games we have games in which children can not only play, not only there is violence, lgbt propaganda, but there are games where children are... encouraged to come to school and shoot their classmates, this children play, i oppose this, unfortunately, my amendment in this capacity has not yet passed, but the government said that in the near future they will not control the circulation of video games, these are also threats, today people are shaped by the internet, mainly computer games for children , this is colossal. the power of influence is colossal, after laws were passed banning propaganda, lgbt people who talk about traditional values ​​and so on and so forth, all this is there, but this
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does not affect computer games in general, they are deprived of this filter, so when a child opens a computer game called school shooting, that is, shoot at school. he begins to believe that this is how one should live, that is, one should shoot at a school, and he goes and shoots at a school, and a huge number of characters, including lgb characters. they penetrate precisely through computer games, because there is no such filter; moreover, one of these terrorists, doctor bali zada , admitted during interrogation that he learned to shoot through computer games, through youtube, you look at how important they become computer games in the lives of people, and especially children, and no one seems to notice that, for example... today there is even an annual award for the best lgbt character in a computer
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game. this is the media award. and look at the list of these games and many, many others. after all, no one is proposing to ban games. this is a fascinating story, but the point is to have some kind of filter. because of some stupid censorship, but simply because of state security, if you want, look, in china, which we talk about all the time we say, from which half the world is already taking an example, all games are checked for prohibited content. according to statistician, from august 2021 until the spring of 2022, the chinese authorities did not approve a single new one. games in china, i don’t know, i’m not
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chinese, i don’t know this, i haven’t seen these games, but when a country like china takes this so seriously that it specifically screens out harmful content specifically for children, then this is a danger that tangible, which is natural and which needs to be fought, but there is more... threats that also come through computer games. listen again to what deputy lantratova says about this. the kiev regime has now begun to influence our youth not only through the internet, but also through the network of these stream games. i talked with teenagers on this topic, who actually confirmed this information to me, when they have an online game, communication begins, then during communication this is already the case. in a friendly dialogue he begins to talk about how
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bad the russian military is, and how bad there is the regime in the country, and so on and so forth, they begin to recruit children emotionally and psychologically like this. that is, the kiev regime has the ability to recruit or obtain any information from our schoolchildren through stream games. in the best case , this is the collection of photographs or videos of strategic objects in the russian federation, in the worst case, this is conscription and recruitment to commit crimes, murders, terrorist acts, arson of military registration and enlistment offices , explosions on railways, that’s what, for example, a former russian lawyer says, lawyer, foreign agent... i suggest to you,
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dear friends, if someone is watching me now, and about 86,500 people from russia are watching us now, now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write, exactly those, write of you who are ready to act, they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work that is converted into any other, if you have decided for yourself that... you have given up on yourself, you will perish anyway, then do it this is useful, that is, think about what mr. fegen is offering, if you have no reason to live, if you are disappointed, if you want to give up your life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will give up your life and do a good deed for us, go to the crocus or...
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but are we can we move past this? the special military operation turned out to be a powerful engine, an incentive to determine who is who and what and what, when so many people understand that
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it is impossible to sit on two chairs, that the time has come to decide who? with whom you are? remember these mourners in kazan to the arrow, how many of them there were, pitying him, saying he was a nice boy, how sorry he was, and so on and so forth. this trend has continued. today it is addressed to these terrorists. then i myself would cut off the ears of everyone who did this, they killed people, yes, but this man who cut off the ear of this terrorist and not even... he has the same place in prison, you know, the same, she’s crying for about the cut ear of a terrorist, a murderer, and absolutely indifferent to the dozens of people who were killed by these murderers, this is she saw how he cut the throat of a still
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alive, wounded man and her compatriot, is that like yes? i absolutely agree that it is impossible, unfair, and wrong to blame entire nations or diasporas for crimes that were committed by specific people, specific criminals, this is true, but this absolutely does not eliminate the issue of migration policy, absolutely not, on the contrary, it aggravates this issue, because our migration... this is a copy of western programs. remember what yuri baranchik wrote. migration programs to the russian federation was dealt with by international organizations, the world bank, foreign governments and ngos. we go to the website of the international organization migration and see
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four programs starting in 2007. facilitating safe skilled migration to the corridor. central asia, russian federation, 2021, regional program in the field of migration, 2014-2015, regional program in the field of labor migration in central asia and russia, 2010-2013, project on labor migration in central asia, 2007-2009, while , what. among the program's donors there are foreign organizations banned in russia, such as the united states agency for international development (usid) and others from countries that are currently providing assistance to ukraine, but nothing
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changes, but what is striking is the work program of the educational subject called history of the tajik people. for fifth to ninth grades for the 2023-2024 academic year, it was developed for russian-tajik secondary schools. historian alexander dyukov, researcher at the institute of russian history iran, clarifies about these schools. for those who don’t know, these are russian-language schools operating in tajikistan at the expense of the russian budget. it is expected that graduates of these schools will be better prepared to integrate into russian society. well, great, is it really bad? wonderful. read on. these are the topics of this work program. central asia on the eve of the invasion of tsarist
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russia. the end of the russian occupation of central asia, the state of the indigenous people. what do the people who compiled these textbooks think? probably this is the ministry of education or, well, who else or whoever it is did, as they think, a person who...
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stories from kazakhstan are also very interesting. we are talking about a textbook on the history of kazakhstan for the seventh-eighth grade, which states that the russian empire, taking advantage of the kazakh-dzhungar confrontation, began an open seizure of land in the northern part of the kazakh state, and this textbook, by the way, is not in bookstores and the library i found it, it’s only in the hands of our children, and so everything very smoothly, very neatly comes down to the fact that russia deceived, used kazakhs for their own purposes, and this had a negative impact in the future... on the history of kazakhstan and for some reason many parents are silent about all this, i found a history textbook for
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the seventh-eighth grade, this is a very rare textbook, here is the publishing house mektep, 1978, where in the section on the accession of kazakhstan to russia it is indicated that this was a completely voluntary accession and that the kazakhs were accepted into russian tributary at their request, where the acceptance of this tributary corresponded to the fundamental interests of the kazakh people and with the help of russia... the people were freed from the dzungar pro-generalization, and indeed, separated by our feudal strife, we were unable to provide adequate resistance to the dzungars, in some areas the dzungars exterminated the entire population, and enslaved the survivors; in these conditions, russia was the only country that could protect us from extermination. now i want to return to the perpetrator of this terrorist act. just look at their social profile. for example, muhammadsabir fayzov, 19 years old, single, no children, secondary education, previously worked
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hairdresser in ivanovo, registered there , shamsuddin fariduni, 25 years old, married, has a child, registered in putilkov near moscow, worked there as a laborer at parquet factories. in 2015, he was sentenced in tajikistan to 5 years. 8 months for attempted rape of a minor, saidakrami doctor balizov, 30 years old, married, has a child, unemployed, dallerzhon mirzoev, 32 years old, married with three children, was on the territory of the russian federation with his registration in novosibirsk expired 3 months ago, which is why he was fined on 5,000 rubles and was obliged to make an independent exit from russia, his brother, ravshajon mirzoev, was on the list of terrorists in tajikistan, as he fought for
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isis in syria, that is, these are young people, 19, 32 years old, with secondary or incomplete secondary education , who practically do not speak russian, although i don’t really believe in this, because working as a hairdresser without speaking russian is quite difficult in ivanovo, but... nevertheless, they communicated through carriers, which was probably more convenient for them, pretend they don't understand the question. with temporary registrations in different regions of russia in so-called rubber apartments, where 10 people live per 1 m2, they worked mostly unofficially, that is , they also received money unofficially, so they were of no benefit to the state, they did not pay taxes. that's right, that means one of them was convicted of a sex crime, the other was closely related to
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a terrorist who fought for egypt, and look, none of them professed radical islam, they were not fanatics, no, they turned into murderers in 3-4 weeks on russian territory, that’s what... not in tajikistan, but here, because tajikistan has stricter rules on this matter than we do, maybe because we are more liberal in relation to all this, and there is no need for hysteria, there are absolutely no questions for tajiks in general or especially for islam, no, there are questions for us, for us, for those. who, for 15 thousand rubles, takes an exam on knowledge of the russian language from a person
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who does not know it at all, those who cost 70 thousand or... who, this one, yes, exactly him, yes, this the famous commander of the great patriotic war, i’m sure, yes i’m sure, most migrants don’t know a single word of russian, but at the same time they all have certificates of knowledge of the russian language, everyone passes exams, you go out to the parking lot, migrants stand with the same open certificates, these they sell security, the police pretend that they don’t notice anything, and so it’s always here,
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but the management, of course, prohibits asking any questions on this topic and... what percentage of them respects us, what percentage of them knows our traditions or at least not they hate them, how many of these people are, and where is this filter that should separate, so to speak, the grain from the chaff, these people do not fully fulfill their duties, this is a problem, and look, just using the example of four people, here... these four terrorists, 50% of them, two of them should not have been allowed here at all, but they ended up here, and now multiply it by this crowd, i know that a proposal has been submitted to the state duma to consider the issue of lifting the moratorium on the death penalty for terrorism, pedophilia for serious, serious
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crimes, first i want you to listen to what dmitry nazarov and dmitry bykov zelbeltrud think about this. listen. we love death, we are hungry for death. save us, o god, o lord, jesus. we even turn mourning into a reason for blessing executions in russia. the question is how this terrorist attack will be used in russia. these are cynical words. using it to legalize the death penalty, to lift the moratorium, i said then, i will repeat now, the death penalty is the reluctance to kill, it is the need to draw that red line beyond which a person understands that he will lose his life, they tell me, but can you imagine what life imprisonment is, where are you in
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the cell? one and a half by one and a half, where you are bent all the time and so on and so on and so on, i understand everything, but this is life, life, the happiness of life in life itself, as the great ones said, but there is hope all the time, or as they say , in the east the shah will die or the shah will die, but tell me, please, what would have been done with these four murderers if they... ended up in the hands of the relatives of those whom they killed, isn’t it more correct that this measure of punishment exists as a stop for those who can still stop, for those who understand how this will end, of course, i can give examples and saudi arabia, and israel, the united arab emirates, by the way,
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the death penalty is in belarus. the united states of america has it, it’s just a very cunning system, here you can’t transport it there, but there you can. and for people, if you ask, simply, for a big country, for a country that has seen people fall and die people are cutting the throats of innocent people who came to a concert for no reason, hold a referendum, because the conversation is on. but about justice, which has always been fundamental for russia: justice, sacrifice and compassion. i am convinced of the result. and, by the way, i treated
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the priest’s words on this matter with great attention and respect. proterea. listen, we definitely need to raise the issue of the death penalty, because this is humanity in feeding and taking a person’s soul to death. i don’t understand this humanism, it doesn’t understand the majority of the inhabitants of our country, god's law determines the death penalty for a number of categories of person, if a person is stolen, another person is found, stolen is found
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in the person who stole, he must be put to death, for example, that is, kidnapping - visiting people for the purpose of sexual exploitation with for the purpose of distributing it to organs, for the purpose of whatever you want, selling it on the black market, this is a mortal article according to the bible. and so many things that are happening to us now, no matter how permissible they are, god does not fools around with scoundrels, and for the record, i want to remind you that russia introduced a moratorium on the death penalty in 1996 only for the sake of joining the council of europe, this was a condition of the situation. as we know, from march 16, 2022 russia. no longer a member of the council of europe, which holds us back, we want to continue to live according to the laws that are offered to us, to be humane, as they offer us, but they declare sanctions on us, arm neo-nazis, and
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send terrorists to us. and, of course, after all that has been said, i think that you understand perfectly well what i express deepest condolences. for those who have lost their loved ones in this bloody, unjust tragedy, at the end, i think it’s fitting to listen to a song that, of course, everyone has already heard, which is called live.
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how can you take a life, how can you turn off the light? how can you take away the mother from a child who is five years old, no, no, no, no, no, no, man, it is not possible to know how long he will live, but he is given
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one choice, how to deal with this time, how to live. how to learn to live in the world, to be able to love, to be able to forgive, and to give oneself to the end, and to
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give yourself over, live, live, live. how to learn to simply live, to be close to family people, to be together is a dream. how can you forgive the enemy, how not to cross the line, how to hold back your tears in... prodi see
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the dawn ahead, hope and believe, the last day cannot be returned, in this future life will be taken away, pass on, save, forgive! our children here still have to live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live, live! how can you and i learn to simply live,
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you and i, not fight, not kill, but simply become a human being, and simply become a human being. just to live, it happens that the present, if it is real, finds its place many years later, and today this song sounds more timely than ever, well... and although
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lent is underway, i don’t want to break our tradition, i just want i should add that, understanding this glass, i invite you all to remember those who died in this tragedy, anyway as a result... to drink to the victory, to our victory, but again mechman was too late. our
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glass, but he said, we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we’re right, geologists, i’m looking forward, god willing, i’m waiting for you at our next meeting, all the best. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we are with!
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we know everything about vacation anex. western politicians have completely distorted world history; the heads of foreign affairs of france and great britain wrote another surreal column: the world is safer for the renewed entente. 120 years after
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its creation, the behavior model of these pseudo-allies has not changed at all. they are waiting like vultures to take advantage of russia’s weakness, as was the case during the civil war. wars, this was the case in the nineties, even today. opponents hoped that with the help of ukraine they would solve the russian question, but this once strategic plan increasingly resembles an insane mantra, and its supporters are sectarians. the supreme fatman of the cult of russophobes, ursula vonderlein, promises to prevent the victory of dissenters in europe, well, listen, a united and peaceful europe is being challenged both from within and from without. russia is not only trying. putin's friends here in europe are trying
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to rewrite our history and change our future with the help of populists and demagogues. european parties, adg in germany, national unification. france, confederation of freedom and independence in poland, the names are different, but the goal is the same: they trample our values ​​and want to steal our europe, and we must not allow this to happen, never, never, never, still missing the mustache, yes, yes, yes , yes, it’s very similar, our european roikh should be free from untravic dissidents, well, it would also be easier, kaina. banned in modern europe, well in poland, now, now, now, now, now, now it is left exclusively as not a politically correct expression
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of a slavic language alien to europeans, and of course, this will be one of the reasons to demand that poland abandon this savagery and switch to their native language. european bureaucracy into english, in which everything is politically correct, everything is accurate, it’s not enough, you’re talking about the jews, here they generally agreed, some say that it’s imperative to pay all the palestinians, and others completely, destroying the general plan of a beautiful united europe, they say, no, we need to do the opposite, for example, that’s what the ex says mp and member of the regional council ilde franz, from the socialist party, war is not entertainment, it is not a joke, there are families who suffer, there are children who die, but an act was committed, and what happens is only part of it, what i now call the stalinist islamist current,
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because it is so, because it is the current that constantly denies this reality, usually we should all be on the side of the israeli army, not because we sympathize with... but with him replies from of the same united europe. an irishman, but not a former, but a current prime minister. prime minister netanyahu, let me tell you this tonight. the irish people are very clear. we are disgusted by your actions. cease fire now to allow safe delivery of aid. and how can ursula vonderlein determine which of them is putin’s friend, like here, when there is no consensus at all, why, if they are all europeans so smart, they don’t want to march, why can’t they
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learn to march beautifully, signature, well why don’t they want to do this, even though they are slovaks? i clearly state that i am a politician who will never allow a slovak soldier to go to fight in ukraine, so i think that we did not scare people, on the contrary, i actually assured every mother of every father in slovakia that their son would not go fight in ukraine. so people had no fear, you know, some tried to present it in a different way, but let’s see what’s happening in the world, the president of poland said that war is just around the corner, and he didn’t knows. sweden is handing out leaflets describing how to survive an invasion and military
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conflict. in germany, the head of the ministry of defense says that children need to be taught the rules of behavior during war and somehow protected. so, from this point of view, it is still unclear how this conflict will end. i am very glad that i joined the circle of politicians. i have said more than once, i would prefer to listen to the words of the pope than in this case the president of france emmanuel macron, although i know him, we are at odds, the new president of finland is arguing furiously with this peacemaker, alexander dup. sorry, stupid, sorry, stupid. when you become a mediator in peace negotiations, it all starts with dialogue. after the dialogue, you begin to define parameters. however, i think the hard
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truth in this case is that continuing to fight is the only way to achieve peace. putin only understands the language of force, and in many ways, this war is too big for him to lose. sometimes i wonder if the world is not almost impossible from his point of view, but i think that there is a shift in rhetoric coming from the ukrainians and president zelensky. there are talks about the peaceful forum that we need. obviously the swiss will accept it at some stage in the near future, but peace must be two-way. this is not a one-way path. it is necessary that the paths meet at a certain stage, but when the conditions are right for this, i don’t know. to be honest, right now we have absolutely no political dialogue with russia. i don't think we can install it, nor should we.
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stepan bandera, who was a nazi, they put a statue of him, this is the problem of the nazis in ukraine, right, there is nazism, a huge problem of nazism. as president, how could we correct this situation in ukraine? i would negotiate for peace. i mean,
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putin has repeatedly tried to negotiate peace, in fact he made two peace agreements with zelensky. zelensky is a us puppet that we put there, he is our puppet there. and he knows that if he resists, then his own the far right will kill him and the us will stop protecting them. so, he does what we say. i don’t want this st. petersburg, moscow and some russian cities in 10 minutes, and putin
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knows this, that is, we, even if america leaves, we will remain capable of this, this is what general de gaulle wanted from the very beginning , we are a real threat, and thus cyber attacks, because we are the only ones in europe who have a nuclear deterrent, yes, because we are the only ones in the european union. this is a man, a worm, who threatens russia. can you imagine that many people could really die of laughter looking at this little devil who is threatening us, we don’t need to be threatened,
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it’s just pointless, no way. what can they offer the russians to get them to agree to the 2022 border negotiations , what can they offer russia to get them to agree? nothing, the russians will not accept the 2022 borders. i think this should be absolutely clear. as for russia,
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they passed laws, they held referendums, as a result of which the whole donbass, kherson.
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and then negotiate with the russians and tell them that we are ready to negotiate around the two draft treaties that you proposed to us in december 2021. if the west did this, i think the russians might say, some russians might say, we want guarantees that ukrainian troops will completely withdraw from the four regions. we probably want russian troops to be stationed in some other regions of ukraine, for example, in odessa, maybe somewhere else, i don’t know, but then we are ready talk about the 2021 treaty, which in the end we proposed, but of course the west is not close to such a position,
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but i don’t think the russians will agree to anything less, i would like a number of more of our eternal seekers of peace agreements, so we listened to this man, who very precisely and very clearly sets out the legal unshakable position, moreover, this is the minimum, the minimum of our demands, please, yes, in general, of course, i must say two things make a very big impression, probably demands additional understanding that hamas are stalinists, and i think that for hamas itself this would probably be a big discovery and for i think that historians of russia, this is also a very big discovery, i think it ’s worth quite a lot, but what this british
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analyst says is even more expensive, he also utters absolutely monstrous phrases for the western ear, it turns out...
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hundreds of billions of dollars were wasted, destroyed connections in the world economy, generally destroyed globalization, absolute collapse military... okay, this is our strategic line, after all, i’ll probably defend ursula vonderlen, but she told the truth, we
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really want to influence, we, russia, want to influence the future of europe. yes, maybe, including our information activities, and the activities of those information structures that we still have and which. by the way, they are in quite high demand among european audiences, but we want europeans to use their brains, and we want europeans to change their own a future which, in ursula fondern's version , means a direct collision with russia, a direct collision with russia, about which, about the consequences of which they do not want to think exactly the same way. like this french general, yes, as far as i understand, he was involved in the development of the french military doctrine, so, well, it’s clear that he is a parquet general,
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basically, yes, he is a political scientist general, but they are all political scientist generals, they don’t understand the radius of destruction of a nuclear weapon is 150 kilotons, which hits the center of the city of nantes, or bruges, yes, where? it’s very problematic, they don’t think about it, for them all this, by the way, you very aptly said, these are some kind of computer cartoons, for them in general the whole situation is an animation, this is a computer game, oh they mean we have three cities and that means that we will sit like this, but they turned off three of our cities. he doesn’t think about the fact that others also have a button, this is in reality, we really, we need to say this directly, we want to change the future
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of europe, but you have ruined the present for yourself, european gentlemen, you ultimately chose these morons who are leading you, but we are trying to change your future, which means 200-250 million killed and... but, in my opinion, we must discard this false delicacy of ours, that no, there won’t be a european nuclear war, no, there will be one, we need to talk about it straight away, we need to say straight out
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which european cities will turn to dust, and how many victims there will be after five or six nuclear weapons hit the city of paris, and so on, and each european, for example, i would do this, every european should receive a postcard from us in his mailbox. yes, this is his house, this is where, this is a nato military facility, this is where he flies, this is what will remain of his house, it is necessary to hammer into the head of every european man in the street that he, too, can die, because the european man in the street has lived for the last 60 years in the full sense of , that in fact he is immortal, well, in the social sense, yes, that nothing can happen to him, that the same croissant and... cappuccina, yes, evening, as they say, a glass of wine, no, everything went very cool, but the second point that i can’t help but pass is
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a wonderful story about 120 years of the entente, yes, two, so to speak, such big titans wrote an article, that’s what i don’t know about zheft or one of them, but the second one is definitely blue, well , yes, but in this whole story there are two moments, one on the surface is proant, but i want to ask, where is that? was?
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904, an agreement between england and france behind the back of russia, which entered into confrontation with japan and england, which stood behind japan, is was originally designed as a dagger in the back of russia, that’s where this european meanness comes from, well now, what kind of new meanness will it be, and meanness , in my opinion, will also be very interesting if you read what western politicians say,
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well, but we need to send ukraine in such a way as not to provoke the collapse of the current political regime, because i think the europeans understand perfectly well how the ukrainian political elite is changing its shoes, so now they are looking for a form, and lastly, taking advantage of 40 seconds with his official position, a very good man, a very deep writer, wrote to me about our last few broadcasts, and he wrote to me: well, what are you saying about the fact that the west... lies all the time, the west cannot and does not want to tell the truth, yes, people have the right, including the west, to live in a world of dreams, this is generally a person, these are dreams in many ways, this is what we see - these are the dreams of the west about russia, how he defeated us, since he defeated us will win, how can he deceive us and so on, why are you saying all this, people live in peace, people do not they want to live in reality, says a man
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who is at the end of... western dreams, it is advisable that they do not live in the world of their dreams, but that they do not live in the world of western dreams, for sure, bravo, otherwise it will be like today vladimir vladimirovich quoted an english newspaper about bibi nitanyahu: the dream of reasons creates monsters, the sleep of reason gives birth to monsters, but this is if there is reason, at least
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someone would be able to sleep, sergeisanovich, yes. but still, when the west says that putin only does what he dreams, so to speak, as if to destroy ukraine or, say, there, much less destroy europe, after all, let’s once again restore the simple chronology of events. listen, back in 2022, that is, quite recently, you had the minsk agreements on your table, under these agreements, let me remind you, ukraine regained donetsk and lugansk in exchange for, let’s say, neutrality, a return to what, in fact , speaking, she started in the ninety-first year, in the ninety, well , first, ninety-second year, when they wrote it into the constitution. non-bloc status, in in general, that was all, this is our main demand, the main thing, so to speak, is the problem that arises around ukraine, quite recently it was on the table, about what kind of destruction, so to speak, of ukraine, or what kind of attack on europe, yes or so say, some kind of catastrophe, you can say, it’s obvious that until the last moment you were offered options that, well, now they really look absolutely unrealistic, now, as if as an option , only one thing can be considered, which is
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when this french minister of defense call there's a refund. i have repeatedly said, including here, that in fact this obstinacy of ukraine and its western curators regarding non-compliance with the minsk agreements looks extremely suspicious, but why? because in fact, in general, they could carry them out, at least formally, so to speak, and then
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de facto completely, as it were, yes, in fact, refute them, but in real practice, they did not do this, which means you are the only one , they really were leading the matter towards war, but - from the point of view, so to speak, of continuing this political process, yes, i absolutely do. i agree with the tough position about it always here, i also defended it about what cannot be given to them - the feeling of impunity and the fact that it won’t reach them, so to speak, which means it won’t touch them in any way, but since enough has already been said about this, let’s so to this stick, so to speak, let’s apply at least some kind of carrot, but there should be a carrot, well, that’s how it is expressed figuratively, if we talk about it, after all, in my opinion, even when putin spoke - with tucker harlson some time ago, carlson told him: so to speak, the west cannot retreat, because it will lose face, to which putin said that well, you can look for, so to speak, forms, forms can be looked for if there is a desire, and here i would draw the attention of westerners, again, how to translate this there, so to speak, is another question, on a simple thing, ukraine as a whole is overrated,
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it cannot be the meaning of life in europe, what they say is that if it loses ukraine, so to speak, will lose to europe, this outright lie, the question is who can you talk to about this, and if now at least someone, maybe the elections to the european parliament will show something or you... no, ukraine is not the meaning of life for europe. and in fact, the life of europe without ukraine is quite possible. it's possible. is there life after ukraine? yes, of course there is. this is, firstly, and secondly, a question of interpretation of what the defeat of ukraine is, right? well, for example, come on, in the end, technologically you don’t like the defeat of ukraine, let’s separate the defeat ukraine from the defeat of zelensky. for example, there may be a defeat of the zelensky regime. i'm just talking psychologically.
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there may be some kind of move, so to speak, for contacts, this is the elimination of zelensky, especially after may 20, the legitimacy of this person, it hangs by a thread, by the way, this is also important for everyone, everything that zelensky will try to sign after may 20 , can be refuted, so to speak, and even disputed, as if unequivocally, by any other person who came to power in ukraine, if it remains, so to speak, this is necessary to take into account, that means, well, in some, so to speak, and such behind-the-scenes political schemes that will still be or are there, yes, that’s another question, that’s it. definitely, maybe there is a calculation for this, but nevertheless, this is one of the forms, zelensky screwed himself, his team screwed himself, so to speak, yes, ukraine will remain one way or another, let’s talk about it, here it was before that, there was some kind of ukraine, there was, you and i somehow lived, lived,
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yes, there were some, so to speak, forms cooperation, there were, therefore, is there life after ukraine, yes, there is, ukraine is not the meaning of life for europe, and it seems to me that it makes sense to convey these thoughts to them, including, by the way, through contacts with those who ...
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i understand that maybe, so to speak, there are different options here, but in my opinion, this is exactly the leak of zelensky and his office, as if it could open the way for some other options.
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will perish, as it were, perish to the west and here we should look for some kind of compromise, perhaps,
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which vladimir putin seemed to be hinting at there in the sense that they want to save face, yes, well, let them save this face, the question is that we have fundamental, as it were, marks relating to the demilitarized status of ukraine, relating, so to speak, to the territory of the east, well, as for me i say, you know, so to speak, i personally, it means that if we asked what you want, how much i want the russian empire, it means within the limits of alaska, hawaii, california there, this very thing, finland, poland. well, although in general poland and finland are so stinking that, to be honest, even i can’t be sure we’ll clean it, yes, but nevertheless, but again here wishful thinking is one thing, as if yes, real politics, so to speak, is another, i think that in general all this hysteria at the beginning, which went to the entente, is this letter, because this is at the same time it’s about time that the terrorists began to testify, they directly say that they were going to ukraine, two areas were not enough for them, they had to clear the mines, they were expected, money was transferred to them.
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who is behind this? that someone can believe that budanov is acting without the approval of western intelligence services? well, now there is a video of how a finnish officer is filming what is happening on the front line, we once again had a good fight there and again we pull out a bunch of corpses , who? well, whoever stormed belgorod tried , well, near belgorod, the american border with the belgorod region. mercenaries, how many french
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will i bury there, how many germans? this is a serious question, but the petriots, we are enemies there, admit that we laid a bunch of peterets, who served them? so the west is really afraid that we will start calling a spade a spade , then we will fuck up and we need to fuck up, well, why be shy, which french city do you like least? i don’t care at all... france, to be honest, please ask, dear french, since you’ll give a damn, i’m afraid you’ll have to say goodbye to all the cities, well, again, the choice is yours, you can act a little differently, try to bring your completely schizophrenic authorities to their senses , advertising.
1:13 am
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a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, that’s how a child sleeps , but you don't have to do that i advise. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnyakov. on saturday on rtr. here , in general, everything is kept in snot, the bosses don’t give a damn about it, wow, the premiere on rtr, who is the owner of the taxi company, and you’re ruining everything for me here, i’m giving you 100,000 right now, i’m calling my friend, he’s getting you a job in a furniture store, you woman, you must be flexible, i don’t owe anything to anyone, especially men
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who want to quit, i’m not going to leave, i'm staying, allah taxi, tomorrow at rtr. it should be noted that both dmitry and sergei raised a very serious, complex topic: we will not give up the idea that we are opposed by reasonable people with whom there is something to talk about, but there is no one there, the horror is that the broad masses of the people. .. as they said in soviet times, europe also does not understand who rules them, that’s why the vote, it’s no coincidence that rusul vondernen should formulate an absolutely fantastic slogan, that is, by and large she says democracy is terrible, because that it brings to power people who do not conform to the line of the european party, so these are all friends of putin, this is a terrible
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attempt by russia to invade our internal affairs, i would like to say a minute, who has been dealing with our internal affairs for decades? who in general did nothing but try to do crap here, who got into our politics, well, just with ears, who ultimately took in all our bastards, who, moreover , ran away with money stolen from the people, well , please, just do it, leave it yourself, but the money was stolen from the budget of the russian federation and further along the list of all the bastards who held high positions in the nineties and now feel just fine , ask them a question, please tell me where you got this money from, this is how they relate to the personal income tax form there, yes, how does your declared income compare with the money you ended up abroad, you can ask this simple question, and then keep chubais in kokhas, keep all this vomiting bastard, return the money to us, please, people's money, no, it won't work,
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please tell me, all of you who are now talking to us through our lips, you have covered up your criminal cases, let me remind you that ursula... she has a really big criminal tail stretching out, as i understand it regarding vaccinations and covid-19 , there is at least one figure who right now could not be taken by the butt and not taken to prison, let me remind you. that almost all french presidents take turns going to nara, some for conditional ones, some for specific ones, but it’s up to everyone, you can you imagine how much business there will be after this scoundrel, because if you think about it, macron with his whole team of cheerful boys, but this is a thief with a thief and they drive thief, they will all really be judged, this must be understood. therefore, who should we talk to, we are dealing with an absolutely rotten, vulgar, vile, war is necessary for them, i really like, as i said to the fellows, americans, you
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are laying claim to world domination, but why don’t you have 61 billion, well then say you are much less than world domination, that you are not holding out, you will say so, then the americans, that’s how crazy the russians are, and the russians, and you have water, and here yes... give me, give me, why, son, can you get a loan, you can on credit, i won’t give it back anyway, give it, give it, just something, but
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no one tells him that son, you’re an idiot, it’s kind of awkward, yes, because there’s no one to tell, because there’s on the other side exactly the same idiots, here the city of bruges was proposed as one of the targets, that’s what i remembered, in ninety-four, ninety-five, i worked there in european college, and there was such a student there... he went to england, studied at the london school of economics, from there he returned, i don’t know in which test tube he was grown there as a mish or in some other, but from there he
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returned completely an ideologically imprisoned person, then his scientific career was short, then his political career was long , it was precisely along a very pro-european, certainly russophobic path, apparently you did something with him in the team, apparently you somehow offended him in the team, these are the roots russophobia. began back in 1891, when russia made, well, as many of my colleagues think, let’s put a rather serious mistake on
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france, there really wasn’t much choice, by that time bismorok had already left the scene, well, the german-austro-hungarian axis began to form, but nevertheless , then russia actually sold its soul and for a huge amount of french capital, well, everyone knows that the period of time from... the nineties, in fact, the next 10 years was a period when the russian economy grew at the fastest pace in the world (8% gdp per year) in general, but i think that many reassured themselves that they had made a good deal, well, the essence of this deal became clear during the first world war, and by the way, then nikolai girs, the minister of foreign affairs, in a letter to his ambassador in paris, there spoke there with alexander ii, approved the letter, go there and negotiate specific ones in paris.
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iran, so england got very little, so symbolically, yes, the main populated areas went to russia, the neutral zone was very large, but nevertheless that’s all, after that russia was clearly in zhirnov. of this union and the fourteenth year showed, although of course, a miracle on the marne, the salvation of paris turned out to be possible only thanks to the russian army, so returning, skipping or moving on to modern times, today we
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have an attempt, really very... in this article, in fact, i saw only one call to fight until the last ukrainian, so to speak, all forward, and how exactly we will fight, we will tell you later, or we won’t even tell you at all, but we will have to fight until the last ukrainian, here, well, well, let ’s take a closer look at who exactly wrote this article, you can say a lot about david cameron, but there won’t be very much good, regarding his international activities,
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he had some achievements in domestic politics, he brought the conservative... party to power in the tenth year, it’s been here for how many years is in power, although he will clearly lose this year, yes, but he is clearly such a good duck in this pair, moreover, great britain itself rather resembles such a sick man of europe, because no matter how you measure its power, its influence, its ability, so to speak, projecting power somewhere beyond the border does not work very well, a small budget, there are 60 billion dollars, unemployment is really low, but everything in the world is low, high inflation, deficits, in general , great britain has no signs that it i have the right to say on behalf of europe that it is not in europe, well, not in the european union, but in general, although you are of course right, it is not in europe, by the way, the uk received such a dubious honor of being called an american poodle precisely during the time
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of david cameron, when he, well, really, together with françois olan, so to speak, willingly... wanted to conclude, really, really we are talking about the fact that these two countries have any kind of nuclear potential, it seems that by announcing the possibility of creating an antana they are simply trying to show off or i don’t know, demonstrate their nuclear weapons and tell the europeans, unite around it, that in general, it’s a pointless and stupid event in this sense, but the sick
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people of europe seem to be more sick than great britain alone today. why do we underestimate them so much? well let's see anyway europe is a continent of wars. and the fact that in recent years, well, we don’t need to write off yugoslavia, that is, they have always fought, there has not been a single century when europe has done without european wars. european peoples accustomed to war. and the european military-industrial complex is very serious. yes now. is going through hard times, but the centuries-old traditions of the gunsmiths of the czech republic, germany, austria, the same britain, that is , no matter how you treat them, but these are schools, france has its own school of production, including including airplanes, there are complete cycles, we are now dealing with a continent that suddenly realized that it cannot count on america, and what we see are the sprouts
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of the future army of europe, they are beginning. look for allies, look for like-minded people, and from this unity, the newly resurgent militarism of europe, bite off little by little those that have not yet completely lost their health.
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well, he played well, he played under the hoop, the task was to pass the ball to him, he was somehow pushing there, and how tall is he, he’s a little shorter than me, i think 1990, that is, you both played centers, no, a good pairing, that’s great,
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yes, with my height i can only be a point guard, yes, i played tana, i played chulintana in the movies, well, celentana played in the movies, so of course, misha, then you can tell me about the economy, i have there will be a separate question for you there, but if we went on the st. petersburg topic, then if possible we will continue. city on the neva, and i wanted to return to democracy, vladimirevich, you asked the question, how is it that such people are elected in europe, but stalin said about this that a semi-anecdote is like this, yes, that he thought that democracy is power people, and comrade roosevelt explained to him that this is the power of the american people, and so today’s european and world democracy as a concept is the power of the american people, but if we dig even deeper, then this is not the power of the american people in the sense of these kind of rednecks -that. ordinary people, this is the power of the elite, globalists, world bankers, so they choose, as if by appointing some european politicians, immediately we get an answer to the question why there is a trail of
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criminal cases behind everyone, well, this is a tool, this tool, here we can speculate about the morality of this very elite, but in order for it to easily step over morality, but dragging your country into a war is, well, this is a difficult task. the selection of personnel takes place through all sorts of movements, which now in russia, thank god, are classified as extremist, because having stepped over oneself, a person moves on, moves, moves, and then there is no end to this, strictly speaking, moral decline, here i would immediately like to say about swedes and finns, well, i don’t know how the former minister really the incumbent played, and now the president, basketball, maybe, as a joke, eating a fat one on the balalaika, he really liked to play on...
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they just turned it 180°. sweden and finland now have security problems after they joined nato. but that is not all. look, let’s take
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a map of europe, or a map of the world, whichever you prefer, because finland and sweden are at the forefront of the fight against russia, with which they have not had any problems, some for 200 years, some for many decades. this means that they are like this... alexander stup, they they pushed the finns and swedes to the front line, without having any real reason for this, this was done so that the british and americans could not go to this front line. this is the same trick as with the ukrainians, only without the hot stage of the war yet, but they are already being pushed into the front trenches, so to speak, and look at how the political elite behaves in finland, they didn’t just do it. here is sanna marina, this is a beautiful girl who sat on someone’s lap, so she sat on her knees, and finland was in nato got involved, and now he is giving lectures somewhere, and will not bear any responsibility. here
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comes a new president, well, it would seem, show some wisdom, what does he say, he is an initiative, he is straightforward, here is me, me, please, war, war, war, not just, as they say, we fiends, with some kind of prudence - then the northern ones, no, demand more than anyone to start military operations, i am sure that finnish society is not so inclined, but now this no longer plays any role, because all are some kind of democratic mechanisms. referendum they just and neatly they wrapped it up somewhere and threw it away. and once again i would like to draw attention to the chronology of the date. this is also very important. on january 1, 2022 , a moratorium on the ban on the export of round timber, which was sent to finland, came into force in russia. this is january 1, twenty-two . then, in february of the same year , a special military operation begins, and then finland gets scared further. where and
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immediately joins nato, because the only economic anchor that held it, our forest, round timber, everything, it doesn’t go to them, so they forget about friendship, oh democracies, about anything, they go to nato, and they go to the front position, exposing their people, but that’s not all, now, when there is talk about 100 billion of a certain fund that needs to be collected to support the kiev regime, that is, let’s again we’ll bend our fingers, we didn’t have...
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we’re used to the fact that westerners are now juggling historical dates, well, they’ll forget a few words about the entente, we’ll already congratulate russia on the soviet union on may 9, 8, they’ll forget to indicate who dropped the bomb on... .japanese cities, but with the entente - this a completely different story, the entente is an alliance of france, england and russia, when two countries say that they are creating an entente against the third, which, strictly speaking, was in this alliance, this, you know, is an anti-hitler coalition against the soviet union, that’s just no longer in words, just to sound like this, but they haven’t gotten to that point yet, but soon, i assure you, they will also get there in this rewriting of history and... there is one
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important point, one important point in the entente, how it differs from nato , here we are now they said rightly, why the entente, if you have nato, like 75 years, an anniversary, as you say, full of strength, why did you immediately bury him after the celebration, no, the fact is that the entente had three treaties and the only binding military treaty was only one treaty, the russian-french one, that is, a military alliance in the full sense, when everyone must do something for everyone, even in... in the sense of nato with this notorious fifth article, there was no entente, this was the calculation of the british when they set fire to the first world war war, they had no obligation to fight for russia, and germany, this is exactly what they promised, they said, yes, we will not fight, this whole exchange has long been open, we will not fight, we have no obligation to fight for the russians, and this was the moment at which they pushed the kaiser to declare war on russia. mikhail ilinovich, well, i worked for...
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by the way, by the way, i don’t know if you paid attention to how our deputies were eager for the euro, this is the same, as it is, in strasbourg, yes, because yes, this is happiness, happiness, yes, well, and those who live there all their lives, this is generally happiness for them, so the fact that they live in dreams is understandable, moreover, their center of reason is removed, because...
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full day, insurance, etc. etc., in recent years they have decreased by one and a half million, but by 2 and a half or 3 million, the number of jobs for mexicans, illegal, has increased, and this simply follows from the official figures, another thing is that these figures
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are hidden somewhere there, but there it is, i even published this text, they were hidden in my place, if you published them, well, where to go, this is not logical.
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formulated, they are, by and large , a team of managers, they are managers, they will still bounce off with their golden parachutes, they have no national interests, for them this concept does not exist, they are transnational managers, this is true, but where is their money? in banks, and the banks will collapse, they will not collapse, like this, well, because these people are so experienced that
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for a long time some of them are sitting in banks in southeast asia, some are sitting in caches, some are sitting in works of art, some are sitting in gold, these are guys who have been accustomed for centuries to the fact that banks can collapse, and note that all the collapses of banks have never led to a change of elites, but the most surprising thing is that in america the banks collapsed, but the elites only got rich, in germany the banks felt differently at different times, and the elites only multiplied, these guys know that they will be with the banks a little before in order to have time to do everything that needs to be done, because the banks are their main employers , no, well, banks are their employers, these people are performers, these are not demiurges, we don’t see demiurges, but these are minor performers. they haven’t yet figured out what they are, how many centuries they have been working, they
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carefully transplant them from place to place, they love them, they fawn or molt them, this is several and you know, this is a kind of cult from inheritance. premiere on rtr. who is this? the owner of a taxi company.
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are you ruining everything for me here? i'm giving you 100,000 right now. i call my friend, he gets you a job in a furniture store. you are a woman, you must be flexible. i don't owe anything to anyone, especially men. quit wants? i'm not going to leave. i'm staying. allah, taxi. tomorrow on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, and
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discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces. and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting, incendiary adventures entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic to collection bodrum. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going
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to donetsk. are you with us? yes, when my soldiers come running. they carried me away, another shelling began. and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, for that we drink, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, you’re kidding, without me
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can’t cope, on cosmonautics day, you’ll take it with you when you fly, space, they’re ready to step into the unknown, there’s no degrammatization, but there’s ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate. take us away, let's crash, only space is boldly conquered. there is not enough oxygen, only one can be returned to earth. come back. this. i came here to die, but i want to live on earth, a film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, and you’ll be back soon, fireworks in the shade, april 12 on rtr, yes mikhail lenevich, let’s
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finish off the reptilians, let’s finish off the reptilians, yes, i ’ve been counting for a very long time, what...
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at the same time, accordingly, it is necessary to especially work with the muslim proletariat. we had a program at one time to the barrier and many years ago ladies came and accordingly she sits on anpilov’s team, she suddenly rolls her eyes and says every night lenin comes to me and dictates his works: i have already published 10 volumes of lenin, so i'm
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not the first on this issue. well, you must admit, it sounds very linin-like, very linen-like, but if we speak completely seriously, then it will come to this, because as soon as the west - tries to recruit an army, of course, then they will be faced with the fact that whoever goes there, of course, how to organize it, there is no idea, there is not enough money, there are no ideas, there is no money, that’s not enough, let’s say there is no money, supporters of islam will politely ask, but what values ​​are you asking us to fight for? they won’t tell you the weapons, just give them, give us small arms.
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about the entente, it’s not just an article, there’s a whole range of events, today the british guards guarded the elysee palace in paris, the french guards, buckingham palace in london, that’s all i think, when the 120th anniversary of russia’s accession to the co-continent, the russian guard will take protection of all these, and what options, all the palaces, but you see, what worries me most is that the pendants have been returned, no, of course, not the austrian one. because, well, if the french guards ended up in england, then they should probably return with pendants, well, there will now be such a film, you know, a series in britain came out about this buckingham,
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it’s better not to know, it turns out everything is different there, what dumas wrote, bikingham there - it turns out that he ruled britain because he slept with the king, i’ll say it again, the main theme of the series, which is very popular and very... is being discussed in britain, so that’s it, the story there is different, by the way, in this article that was published today , including the one on duty who is a supporter of this line, which is prohibited in russia, yes, he is, after all, what they write, they missed the fact that russia had something to do with the entente in general, it’s as if it wasn’t, all the time, it seems entente against russia, they set the task for this renewed entente, we must defeat russia, i would have already requested, in fact, the entente, this is a new one. she declared war on russia already, whether she was going to defeat her or not, but at the same time everything was correctly noted here, because all these agreements within the framework of these dual, triple alliances
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consisted, in general, in one thing, in the imperialist division of colonies, in africa, in asia, that is, that the first agreement was shared by egypt and morocco, they secured, well , they agreed on zones of influence, that later in iran there in central asia with russia, that is that... that they are now so condemning all these paris, london, shouting to us, no, under no circumstances, you have no right to even talk about zones of influence, this is all the 19th century, and they joyfully celebrate these agreements, but you know, when you show, an official who is not elected by anyone, but by and large, who comes out and talks about how, look, this or that political party is going to win there in a democratic you...
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in the czech republic they have now also released on your own head in due time, but in forty-five, now there is the very center of the spread of this paranoia, panic, today they say there again, in hungary they have now discovered a site, vyshgorod, vyshgorod, lord, vyshgorod-post, which means through which, oh horror , some european politicians who are clearly putin’s agents received fees , received royalties for their articles. drov unt bashi drov you understand wrong - that’s why they make arrests there, there are searches in different countries, that’s what they published when
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they presented this study today putin, with a mass of tentacles, has entangled the whole of europe in his hand in each, well, stop hiding in each tentacle, you know that the red pencil is for marking these elections, that is, that is, putin headed the democratic one. he lost the first round, according to some polls he lost the second, but here he wins by a significant margin of 53, or what? well, there is a 6% gap from the second 53-47%. why
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did the slovak newspaper, the most liberal of money, come out today, yes, where is the president of fear, like that, the headline is big, why is the president of fear, because he talked about peace all the time, that ’s what you showed, it was his, well , the red line, he kept saying: “i won’t send your children to fight, we stand for peace,” this is called inciting fear , speaking for peace and pacifism, it turns out, has already become fear-mongering. you see, here is that chicken, which means, well, like the slogan of the paratroopers, we need peace, life-giving all , that really stood out there for aggression, for almost a war with russia, what he became famous for in his time, being minister of foreign affairs, at the height of the pandemic in slovakia, when slovakia did not have any vaccines at all, he resigned in protest against the purchase of the russian sputnik vaccine, and how is it possible
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to inject the russian vaccine democratically.
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finnish leader, well, yes, well, the game, recruited a long time ago at a basketball match, we have a compromising photo, sorry, in the end, what conclusion does this author of this article come to, what does he say, wait, well , this is what we do, bullying our opponents , only considering that without any evidence that they received money from putin, and not putin’s agents, because russia needs this, because it
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divides us in this way and so... they really treat each other this way, let them eat in general such a state when we i’m quite happy with it, let them weaken themselves in this way, i agree, you know, when we discuss all these events, statements, such a kaleidoscope, it seems that we love such a circle.
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the main goal is so constant: to defeat russia, if you can’t win right away, deceive and win by deceiving, here they are around they are spinning about this, in fact, there are certain weaknesses that allow them to do this, and weaknesses, i speak in such a broad sense, this is also typical for our statehood somewhere, by the way, i don’t agree here about this, we also have historians , which in this case i am not criticizing you, but when they say: you know, here... russia concluded an agreement with france incorrectly, it was not necessary to do so, but how alexander ii should have acted there, when russia was actually at the end the eighties was isolated practically in europe, she was looking for a way out, she received a time of respite, a time of economic dawn, and one cannot only extrapolate contemporary events, as westerners do with the past, and in general regarding the article of these two foreign ministers , it seemed that one of the main tasks was once again to say
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that in crocus... sitiho, the terrorist attack was carried out by the islamic state, they just with which one, i never remember,


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