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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 9, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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all medical universities in our country, medical faculties, students of all universities are actively participating, this week will be devoted to issues of innovation, entrepreneurship, medical universities, because for us this is new, new approaches that tomorrow, or rather today, should be introduced into the educational process medical universities.
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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised give me a porsche caen after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you.
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matters to me, this is my son, great topic for a dissertation, single father, do you need a nanny? yes, you need it, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, it doesn’t mean that no one needs you , maybe something will work out? it seemed to me that we had clarified everything, but i
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still didn’t tell you everything about myself. single, sunday. narter, in the depths of your heart, there is purity, like a baby’s sleep, a frequency in some hertz, silence, at least. without breathing, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. in a special military operation zone, siblings often serve in the same unit . together they defend their homeland, when
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there is a loved one nearby on the front line, then mutual assistance and support helps to move forward. lyudmila ostafieva now comes to the garage often and maintains order remembers her beloved husband. he had oncology, but he said, if it weren’t for this disease, i would go there, i say, you still didn’t have enough there, he said, who will protect if not us. sergei ostafiev became an example for his sons, the father’s word was always the last, so alexey and yuri went to the front, despite the mother’s tears, and she could only believe that they would return alive. i had to learn to wait, i just had to. every day she writes to her boys, lives by their answers, increasingly hears reports about their exploits from the media, receives gratitude from colleagues who... owe their lives to her sons, i
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have always been proud of them, because, firstly, they are my sons, they love me and, most importantly, respect me, i love them very much. in our studio we have the mother of the svo participants, lyudmila ostafieva. hello, lyudmila. hello. lyudmila, hello. how did it happen that both of your sons, alexey and yuri, ended up at the front? alyosha left first. alyosha senior? alyosha senior. at first i asked that at least one stay with us. and then yura went too. lyosha is like that with us always got into trouble, but he was like that from childhood, he was very nimble from childhood, but the boys were not good at what kind of education they received from their father, their father was also involved in male education, and their father
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had something to do with military service , just in the army, 2 years, yes, because your boys, apparently, are professional military men, yes, you are ready to serve. for more than 20 years in crimea, when he was called up to crimea, he served, while still in ukraine, lyosha joined the special forces, moscow, served in reotovo, was a rescuer everywhere, mostly rescuer, and they serve in the same unit, i don’t even know, but if we say someone lost contact, well, i’ll write to someone else, there’s been no connection for a long time, mom , everything’s fine. everything is fine, don’t worry, at the first opportunity, they sent a message, well, like a message, i’ll write good morning, they’ll read it, it means thank god he’s alive, he’ll put a heart very well, lyudmila, let’s see a story about your eldest son alexei, mom, i'm home, the kids have just
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arrived. alexey ostafiev has not been home for more than a year. vacations are spent with children and mother in village of machine operators of the republic of mari el. ok-ok. this time. alexey ostafiev is a military rescuer with the call sign doc. he was wounded and shell-shocked several times, but always returned to the combat zone. took him out of the battlefield. hundreds of fighters, the hardest thing is to be at home right now, i know that i have to be there, pull out, save, help, the doc is known as one of the most desperate fighters, he follows his guys under bullets and is not afraid to go behind enemy lines ,
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alexey ostafiev nominated for the title of hero russia, they told me that my bro 200 hooked me specifically, poked me through their... line of defense, he leaves there from there, passed the line of defense, went there, came to this crew, that's it, i see a tank, i see people, guys , you’re out of luck, granada is different, it worked well, i don’t know how to start these things there, i got into this tank and poked it back, on foot it’s smoldering, in our studio we have a member of the sfo, felsher-reconnaissance officer alexey ostapiev with the call sign doc. hello alexey, hello, hello alexey, i was watching just now plot, and there’s something i didn’t understand, you stole a tank, stole a tank. have you learned how to drive a tank? i am a master of agricultural production, then my first service in the army was under contract, i served
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in special forces, that is, i have the skills, yes, please tell me the details, well, it was an extremely unusual situation, my comrade died, so i went to them. guests to them, to whom? khakhlan. how many did you have? one. one. he passed our line of defense, went into the line of defense of the ukrainians. i walked through their positions to a working tank, it was dark, the crew had finished their work, the support group was working i finished, they stand, well, like here, let’s say they are standing in our rear, a couple of grenades, finished off, got into the tank, drove back. and so you arrived to your own in an enemy tank, to your own it’s as if it was said loudly, where did you go, through the line of defense, i cleaned them up calmly, because it was their tank, and the feeling of fervor disappeared when i drove up to our positions , i’m
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making my way with an ornament that is not of the russian army at all, they will lock me and my people here, calmly into the gray zone and up to our battalion commander, at that time our battalion commander had a ducat, he such... a tough specific officer, this is the best officer, probably in the world, he said, come on doc, we’ll discuss it with you, you just went without an order, yeah, you went practically without weapons, without support, that’s why... he died , 2 days after these events, there he tore pieces 10 meters from me, he always
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wanted to go to the front, for example, i personally don’t think that this is a super mega heroic feat, this is a heroic feat when, say, no one gives me an order gave, i work as if on courage, well, if on courage, but, let’s say, there is such army courage, yeah, this can be done, this is according to the rules, this is normal. and if you, with your courage , fail some combat mission out of ignorance, there is also a danger, for this i received a slap in the neck, and for which you were nominated for the title of hero of russia, a copulation, a tank saving people, that’s one of the people who... for whom i went to the showdown, this vasya beryukov, he and i pulled out a sniper, our sniper died, we had to get him out of there, and we dragged them away from under the noses of the ukrainians. were in the ring, let's just say we went through and pulled out ours, so we know what you're not wearing
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body armor, why? well, first of all, i’m lazy, uh-huh, well, well, put it on, lazy, so lazy, look at mom, now, look at mom, and, well, let’s just say, basically this body armor is not useful, so i dragged around the body armor , you won’t believe it, there, i don’t know, this studio can be filled with everything with these jets, how many in terms of tone, here. on svo, at the very beginning there is a long, long fence and there, well, there’s this hole, let’s say, i’m like this in normal equipment, i can get through there, in my armor i stupidly couldn’t get through and i i had to do this, well, 150 m in one direction, 150 m in the other direction, and you can’t get through the serpentine either, plus while these thorns are here, while i’m putting everything back on, well, i think i’ll run faster, i also saw that there was a man in the hole alive, but in the meantime... he was running, running around, he had already leaked, uh-huh, i wish i wouldn’t be offended, so i should continue to live with this then, why the hell
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does this piece of iron need such a beautiful thing, he’s, well, let’s say, on maybe for a flight, well , you can patch up the skin or something else, but you can’t cure the soul, he once sent me a photo here their squad, everyone there is standing in armored vehicles in a helmet, and lyosha is wearing a cap. i say, lesh, why aren’t you dressed? mom, it ’s necessary, but he couldn’t write much, mom, it’s necessary, i knew that he was walking there like that, without a helmet, without armor, in a jacket, in a cap, well, excuse me, i have this medical equipment , here you fill the unloading, the usual ratnikov unloading, it is completely medical, well, plus, for example, an ordinary handbag, then the paratroopers brought me a backpack. well, let’s just say that the pleasure is still on his shoulders to carry, that’s my direct purpose, as it were
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, to go into reconnaissance, and then to provide for our turma, that is, our reconnaissance group, i go with them, but in the special forces there are no doctors, a special forces soldier is trained to help, mutual assistance, self-help, now in the background of these new technologies, let’s say, a bird rose, she did all the work for us, well , from above... she filmed everything, this, we also have to walk on foot, because she won’t see mines, minefields, barriers, anything, they will notice , so we provide such a range - services, services, yes, yes, we providing for those stormtroopers, the real heroes are those people who receive an order, then go there against the backdrop of the fact that they, we told them, carry out the task, so - as if they were a real coupon of masculinity. alexey, how did you feel about the fact that your younger brother, yuri, followed you there to the sbo zone? what is extremely
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categorical is that he went to another unit. i say: yuri, come to my detachment, there, at least, you can open up. he came to us, how did he show himself? tu, he protected me, that’s where he works my brother, under his cover i did everything, what exactly, how did i protect him? he gave it to me. the possibility of the sky is his unit, moreover, he is a good organizer, he has improved raps, these radios are electronic interception, and he has completely improved them, so... in which direction, for example, i am starting from one point, i will report if there is any information , i ’m right there, he’s pointing at me, that’s it, the birds aren’t flying over me, i’m wow, lord, i exhale, he won’t blink an eye, he’ll see you through to the end, that’s it, i ’m out, thank god, alexey, he’s younger than you, yes, how much younger is he than you, 2 years, and what he was like as a child, my blood
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only clotted if yura decided something, yeah. he decided on something, which means he will take his perseverance, stubbornness, he is stubborn, he also enjoys enormous authority, no matter where he serves, in any unit, if, for example, mm, it’s only worth changing to the point of hysteria , it’s just half a second, that’s it, hide, i’ll say everything you want, this is my character, although i can remain silent, and yura will lead you to planchka, guys, now hold on, that's it,
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his task is to install bird traps in the armed forces of ukraine. i received the order of courage for correct work, for modernizing stations for the number of
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downed drones. this year yuri did it. a real feat was shooting down a ukrainian baba yaga drone loaded with explosives, heading towards our positions. it fell on a mine field, so it turned out that i walked through the mine field, cleared the mines of boba yaga and brought it to the building for further research. that's it, i defeated her, yes! handsome! having examined the brain of the aircraft, yuri was able to obtain valuable technical information and deployment data.
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if you leave your position and go on rotation, some kind of grief may happen, because shelling is every day, every day, but in general, son, sit down, my dear, sit down, my good one , this is my future, this is my future, for which i have no doubt i go and work, and a few days later he sent a video that he was clearing it, i only then guessed, well , it’s already all over, she’s already standing with this, already with this machine, well, i say, there are specially trained people, he says,
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mom, it’s necessary, we haven’t seen him for a long time, lyudmila, yes, do you want it? you’ll see him right now, yes, yuri, come in, quietly, great, bro, we have a member of the svo in our studio, yuri astapyev, yuri, hello, hello, hello, yuri, how long have you not seen your mother, yura? six months, calm down, mommy, everything is fine, everything, at home, bye, yura, tell me why, after your brother, after him, you decided to go to svo. it’s a duty, an honor, you understand correctly, i’m a military man, i’ve been a military man all my life, well, yes, i went to serve in the army for 18 years, i stayed for
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contract in the marine corps, i served in the marine corps for 12 years, then 6 years on a ship, i was a technician all the time, i was drawn to technology, how i would like to become an officer, completed higher education, one, two, then gachino, technical service on the ship, she taught me a lot of things, there were such serious elders there, i had a monolith complex, in this complex there are several stations, one of them is an electronic suppression radio station, before it was not so relevant, let’s say, it’s not so relevant to her there was an accent, that is, yes it was radio reconnaissance and so on, i won’t go into detail, as it were, i have three business trips. syria from the age of 18 until the twenty -first year, in the twenty-first year i retired, as if yes, i served all the time, then we had service in the air defense, you know,
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you can’t sit at home when there is such grief in the country, in terms of losing my friends, with whom we not only served, we were friends, we visited each other, the guys all got up and went, and naturally there is no war without losses, you lose your friends. you rub your colleagues, well, how about that? look from the outside, knowing that you are a specialist, of a special class, that is, it is impossible, when your brother went first, it was scary, i have an order to take courage, i am not afraid of anything, well, how did you end up in the zone of a special military operation , stood up, collected documents, and went , well, as if i didn’t say anything to my mother, you know, no, i’m unlike my brother. i actually try to tell my mom, well, not the truth, but i tell my mom about my decisions, why? because
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we still call each other every day, and if i don’t call, suddenly there, i love my mother very much, naturally, like any other person, i try to call her, call her every day, well , it’s clear that in a special operation zone it won’t always be possible to say something or write a text message, you understand that. you can’t just call and say i stole a tank, of course, again, again, you’re just different, lyosha, well, honestly, yes, well, there’s a slight recklessness, it’s there, on courage, yura is weighty, judicious, actually , which is what you were talking about, but you seem to be reckless, no, i wouldn’t say that, there is responsibility, there is responsibility, it is there. honor, the word honor is, well, as it were , honor is the global concept of a warrior, i have honor, i ’m not crazy, no, i’m responsible, but
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the field of exchange is for the woman, how’s that? well , preparedness, as it sometimes is necessary, in this bobag there is some information stored there that i need to know in order to fight this, if i have already been appointed - in our battalion - to lead this process, well , that is, the commander of reba, then i must do everything as much as possible, i won’t send my guys there, yes, it’s dangerous, of course, it’s dangerous, but my guys are not, they are not specialists of this class, let’s say, that is, they have civilian specialties, and i’m a warrior, and here no one can do it better than me, let’s see now, what are you doing there on the front line, yuri, yesterday we worked on a combat mission... rebom, all that is left of him, the first trophy, i show you my workplace, surveillance equipment, communications equipment, security and
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so on, here now we are working on the analyzer, here is a fipivisch, but it very far away, here’s a tripod, a tripod, we’ve still raised it, that is, it’s now standing on the roof, we have the antenna itself, this is the antenna pointer, where it spins, like that. this chip here, it connects, in theory it should connect here, that is , one, it turns out to be disconnected, which means
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it is neutralized, the second chip: it connects to here, that is, if i turn it off, slightly, why am i doing this, i need its firmware, i need its firmware, i need the whole one, but there’s a bomb here, so for the general purpose i need to know for sure its frequencies, i planted it very difficult, all the others, well, i plant a lot very quickly over long distances. this one managed to get through, i saw it for a long time, there is a lot of noise at the radio station, so i removed the antenna, which is noisy, immediately the noise disappeared at the radio stations, the only thing left for me to do is to neutralize it, take it to headquarters for analysis, photo taken , further in the program, how yuri ostafiev’s trophies work now, you can see, look
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at the black and white picture, don’t aim at us, don’t aim at us, please, if you’re spotted, from the exact coordinates they copied, let's say, artillery will hit there very clearly and harshly, now, by and large, there is a war of drones. why are we drinking, i’m flying to baikanor tomorrow, you’re kidding, he can’t cope without me, on cosmonautics day, you’ll take it with you when you fly, into space, they ’re ready to step into the unknown, there’s no degrammatization, but there’s ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate, take us away and we’ll crash.
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only space can be conquered boldly. there is not enough oxygen. only one can be returned to earth. come back. it was you who came here to die, huh? i want to live on earth. film by klim shipenko. dad, hi. and you'll be back soon. salute 7. april 12 on. rtr: fast, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price - this is reality! we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century! with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material
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them, to whom? how many of you were there? one. one. he went into our defense line, went into the khakhlov defense line, went through their positions. it’s dark on a working tank, the crew has finished their work, the support group has finished their work, they’re standing, well, like here, let’s say, they’re standing in our rear, they finished off a couple of grenades, i got into the tank, drove back, in this bobag some information is stored there that i need to know in order to fight this, if i have already been appointed to lead this process in our battalion, well, that is, the commander of the rebbe, i am a warrior . and here no one can do it better than me. we were joined by alexander, a unique engineer for the development of an unmanned aircraft system, he is, in fact, your cousin, as i understand it, but tell me what you
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came with, this is the same trophy, yes, yes, this is yura’s trophy, it turns out he planted him, we restored it, made it work, but can you? can you please demonstrate what he can do? yuri, please tell me, what tasks does such a device perform? you know, such a device performs the tasks of reconnaissance, reconnaissance and combat adjustment of heavy guns, tanks, mortars, it can carry ammunition, like this, of course, yes, special drops are made to it, and it carries ammunition and then drops them on top ... the noise is coming from him, what is the noise there, these are fans, how long can such a thing fly for half an hour, half an hour, he has
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it’s a pretty serious camera, it creates a point where you need to hit artillery, where there’s a crowd of people, where everything is, a witness. look at the picture, don’t aim at us, don’t aim at us, please, if you ’ve been spotted, the exact coordinates have been copied, let ’s just say that artillery will hit there very clearly and harshly, now, by and large, it’s a drone war, this didn’t happen a year ago , there was another war, these unmanned aerial vehicles were not on such a scale, you know what i just caught myself doing. here you're probably used to this, this thing at a distance of 4 m causes me an animal fear, that's the maximum distance he can see dima and me, for example, well, now he was right next to me, look at which bird you're working from, that's it for example , this, this, this right here
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, this can work there for one and a half to 2 km, decently, but for you it was terribly decent, i was cold, it’s almost eerie, well , this sound of course was like that to me, have you ever felt terrified by babu here is this... this is the same on our account, on the group’s account, there are four baba yagas, that is, we blew up three of them, they explode, they explode, you see how many there are, for example, she has 150 there now and two eighty polkas, they are these polkas that stand on the sides, those that i cleared, they fly silently, you only hear them, that last squeak, this one, they fly and land, that is, silently, no, yes, these are mines, uh-huh, well, and in the middle is a shot from a rp, which was previously disassembled, they remove the cumulative part there they stuff plastic in there and it gets diluted and it turns out to be a very big explosion. a healthy, powerful explosion, we planted three of these, they
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exploded, they lost control and fell, well, also thanks to this woman, which i cleared, that is, you cleared this woman, and this gave us the opportunity to plant these three, you need to know how to fight them, and why is baba yaga, by the way, the name, it’s a huge drone, it’s 2 m, so it’s almost healthy and... it carries a very large amount of ammunition, he is capable of pulling over a temka, a tank mine, uh, mining a road, blowing up some kind of pillbox, bunker. elon musk tried his best there, yes, communication immediately with satellites, yes, control via the internet, that is, these are unusual frequencies, it’s not easy to crush it, but our russian men, of course we can, we can do everything, of course, we can do everything, you understand what works for them. the whole of europe, well, we understand this,
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here is the moment, who, who is smarter, we must predict their steps, another moment, on whose side is the truth, definitely, we are right, we we will win, this is 100%, our guys are the smartest in the world, yes, yes, that’s for sure, the guys there are all real, everything is real there, there is a very big contrast, because life is death, that is , truth, falsehood, you understand everything, there you understand everything differently very quickly, let's call real men, real people, soldiers who were injured, because of these copters the call sign is gyurza and andrey bobekchuk, the call sign is drone, good afternoon, good afternoon, hello, darling, hello dear , thank you for this, thank you for being there visit them, hello, hello, hello. first of all, i would like
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to thank you very much for such sons, these are real heroes, if it weren’t for the doc, i wouldn’t be talking to you now, there was such a situation that we were shot, two died at once, i was thrown away, that is, i generally i lost consciousness and a house fell on us, well, the house collapsed on us, and then... and here you are, yes, i’m here. doc, how do you
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feel about the fact that a scoundrel, a scoundrel, is not getting enough treatment? good afternoon. hello arsen. uh, i was dealing with personnel, i'm in the leadership of the unit consisted of the fifth volunteer detachment of the bars unit. and thanks to alexei, uh, i ’m here today, safe and sound. uh, may 1st. we took part in the capture of the settlement of dolgenkoye, we came under mortar fire and was shell-shocked, lost consciousness, one might say, i had no bearings at all, i didn’t understand anything in the area at all, what was happening at all, i open my eyes, a doc is standing over me, bringing me to my senses , at that moment it turned out that... the unit had a lot of wounded, i
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i look, he is poor, alone, at the break, he ran there, he helps there, he ran here, they are simultaneously helping me, i say, doc, i say, i refuse evacuation, i say, i will help you, we must pay tribute to our doc, who instantly made everything, made a quick decision, and sent the guys for evacuation, and... to this day the guys thank him, because they are alive, healthy, many don’t even know that the doc helped them at that moment, because they were unconscious, and you know? that there are a huge number of people who want to tell you words of gratitude. attention to the screen. my dear, doc, lesh, thank you so much for pulling me out, one of your stripes, so to speak, you brought me back home,
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thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and from the entire primorsky region, from all the boys whom you helped on the field battle. actually , it turned out to me that you were not from our platoon, doc, from the entire battalion, because you were never afraid of anything, you flew, one might say, through all positions, pulling out the boys, helping them , a real hero, not sparing yourself. to pull out the boys, i am very grateful to him that he was in our unit and that he pulled me out, that he saved me, not just me, and a huge thank you to him from me, from my daughter, wife, sister, all my family and friends, and from
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all those guys whom he saved, i thank him all very much, i am very proud that we were together, i remember... how a man saved, helped his comrades, i hope he recognized me, remembered me, because naturally, life goes forward, people change, outwardly, in uniform you look different, completely, in combat conditions, everything was thrown away, all that, well, in general, doc, lyokha, thank you very much, i’m proud that i was in the same unit with you, you know, i’ll tell you one case that inspired me very much, our colleagues from... led the battle for pasiolac and it so happened that they had problems with their equipment, but this happens, that is, they were trapped in a field, they were simply squeezed, they turned to us on the radio, they say we have wounded, pull them out, the commander sent four of us , and it so happened that we were squeezed into a field,
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they began to treat us with mortars and that’s it, we couldn’t there, not here, meanwhile, as we later found out, doc, he walked around like... some kind of swamps there, this is his element, that is, he loved one, but he’s alone, so he’ll go, well, you know, how he he was a fan of this thing, that is, if you give him a tank, he will say, no, it’s not mine, well, he’s just really a fan, so he went, pulled out one wounded man, brought him, then returned for another and carried a heavy , that is, when there is actually a battle going on there from all sides. crumbles both his own and others, it’s really very difficult, i know from myself, but also i had to pull out the wounded from bakhmut, this is colossal work, and it’s necessary, i ’ll tell you, to carry out three hundred heavy things in one person, you have to manage it, it’s really
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a feat, i’ll tell you, i’m proud of this man, these are the heroes right now in front of mine eyes. uh, who protect our homeland to this day, uh, protect you and me, children. thank you so much, mom, for such sons. we have another video where your serviceman is injured. let's take a look and then please comment.
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and alexey, what kind of fight was that, what is the name of the fighter? and there kurban, zaur, this is a fire support group, were seriously injured, seven people were seriously wounded, one. deceased - call sign grandfather set out for the task and the armored personnel carrier was blown up by two landmines planted
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on the road, some of the soldiers came out, they were just pulled out, and after this shooting began such a dense, dense mortar shelling, artillery shelling, a group of skulls covered very well, they went from one side, and i went... from the other side i came into this pit, that’s why i seem to remember them very well, these are my kind of friends, brothers, what was left with each of them was a grenade, yeah, that is, if they lose consciousness, then they shot the ammunition in one direction, that is, they held not defense, they wanted to take that in the first place, they used what the fighter had on him, but both of them can’t walk, it ’s just that in this hole in the hole, six of course, a saur, by the way, he’s a very dense , such a healthy guy. he is a two-time world champion in martial arts, so it was decided, now we serve with him all the time, and here is the qurban
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too, well, kurban, let’s say, my build zaur is twice my size, don’t look at my brother, he’s thin, he’s generally healthy, it’s just a pleasure to drag him around, to put it mildly, on the other hand, i remember from this, but those guys who kind of climbed out, the scout is a trampler, that is, yes, he trods down paths where groups can then go, so i will say that when there is an assault, that is, yes , there is an evacuation group going parallel there and well , everything is being worked out there, brother comes in on topic.
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with mines, why am i very worried about my brother, well, i’m very worried about him, because he rushes to places where you shouldn’t go, well, you don’t need everything, i personally don’t need this, yura, he comes to you for this, his brother swears, of course, he’s an older brother, it’s as if we had such a hierarchy anyway, but has there ever been a time when you would swear at your brother, right there, for what reason, yes, of course, we generally swear often, oh, okay, but in a brotherly way, in the program: the award has found its hero, an unexpected gift awaits alexey ostafiev, let me give you
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a medal for participation in the svo, well deserve it, the medal of the ministry of defense of our organization has been issued, congratulations, thank you, congratulations. here , in general, everything is kept in snot, the bosses don’t care about it, wow, the premiere is on rtr, who is the owner of the taxi fleet, and you ’re ruining everything for me here, i’m giving you 100,000 right now, i’m calling my friend, he’s getting you a job in a furniture store, you’re a woman , you must be flexible, you must be i don’t owe anything to anyone, especially men, and allah wants to quit, i don’t... i’m going to leave, i’m staying, allah taxi today on rtr. do you want twice
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an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1990. earlier in the program, military rescuer alexey astafiev shared why he does not wear a bulletproof vest. in the hole i still saw that the man was alive, but while he was running, rushing around, he had already leaked out, so i wish i wouldn’t be offended, so i should continue to live with this then, but what the heck? this piece of hardware seems to be beautiful and needed. and his brother yuri told how he provides clear skies to our fighters with help.
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it's all dusty, isn't it? handsome, thank you very much, dronchik, alexey, on behalf of all the veterans of the northern military district, saved by you... and future rescued ones, on behalf of the primorye regional public organization of veterans, allow me to present you with a medal for participation in the northern military district, well, you deserve a medal from the ministry of defense of our organization, congratulations, thank you, congratulations, congratulations,
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we have a participant in the studio. flame - this is because fire support, that is , attack aircraft, when they go into battle, they need to be supported by dense heavy fire, that is , ags, utes, well, these are ages - these are easel grenade launchers and utes - these are large-caliber machine guns. andrey, tell us about this award that was just awarded to alekseev? our organization learned that the ministry of defense had issued a new medal, we ordered it. here's alexey, we had it ready for february 23rd, well, it just so happened that now the award has finally found its hero, here's the same about him i can say, in principle, separately for
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each one with andryukha, let’s say, there were many such situations when people were afraid of blood, even if, for example, a medical instructor was trained to do something else or a person, well... he basically wouldn’t be able to, he i’m not ready, for andryukha, more cases like this happened to him, so you say, well, something like this, here’s an accompaniment to the example of a kamaz, there’s a lot of people there, if he’s nearby, it clearly helps, just for example, here ’s the moment at ars, he is shell-shocked. he's everything walks, wanders, pulls him out, well, it’s like he helps me too, well, there’s a lot of experiences about the lordship, this bastard, i sincerely love him, he’s like a son to me,
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i adore him, but he came back several times with hospitalist home, simply, it’s not profitable for me, firstly, he’s an intelligence fighter, a scout, he’s always on his cell, never relaxes, all that when a person has an illness. then you kind of sometimes are a burden to the unit, so he was never a burden, but i thought that he can be, because after such concussions, let’s say, then he ’ll get stuck in a knot, no, i’ll stay there with you, but he’s okay, well, it happened once, but i succeeded, that alexey and kolya gyurza were also the commander before me. fire support platoon - we got on the machine, then they crushed them, they hit the headquarters right away, i rushed to save kolya, well it turned out that there was another explosion and i was thrown into the basement,
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i tried to say something there in that smoke, everything, well, you yourself you know, like after a breakup i looked, it seemed like i was all whole, everything was fine, well, i stood there, holding on to the wall, i was shaking all over, it was vague, so i tried to say that the viper lay there, but my jaw was cramped, that is, i couldn’t say anything, well here such a clearing, you know, a silhouette appears, a familiar one, a bearded one, dragging a viper, he pulls me out of the basement and drags me, and i hear him screaming, kolya, old man, run the car, get us into the car, he helped, and then it worked out the fact that we were evacuated, well, to raisin, then from raisin we were already in russia, kolya was heavy there... there were a lot of heavy ones, but i saw that i didn’t seem to be so weak, and the heavy ones should be sent further to belgorod, dumps, so i decided that it was better for me to go back behind the tape to find my unit, again
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i find a unit, the first one to me meets alexey, hello, dear, we haven't seen you for a long time, alexey, yuri, we have a video for you, look at the screen, he is a participant in the special operation, he always came to the aid of his grandson. the second means my brother came as a volunteer, he sends me this photo, what does he say? awarded the order of courage. in general, in one breath, as they say, i wrote this poem. the law in war is
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harsh, no matter what, but the fighters remember all the behests of their fathers, let them know about the war, not from a book, come home alive, brothers. and if he hadn’t returned, i admire everyone , i tell everyone exactly about the example of what kind of man you need to be, alexey, yuri, this is your aunt, and your sister, your aunt natasha came to us today, let’s invite you to the studio.
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it’s hard to say, yura seems to look more like his mother, but when he starts talk, then he is just a copy of dad, lyosha too, especially when the conversation is like this, these are the guys, natasha, where do such guys come from, such courageous real ones, but in russia they live neither their grandfather nor their great-grandfather, they will not let you down, and they honor all the traditions kind, this is our breed, they say. yes, we have such
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a breed of ostavievs, here is my father, there were four brothers, my mother, when she saw her off to war, gave everyone an old icon, it’s called a mother’s amulet, and i also called my new book a mother’s amulet, and the very first poem, this is a whole poem that i dedicated to these boys. and i want to say thank you to lyudmila, and a low bow to you for raising such sons, this is our pride, this is our support, god bless you with health, joy, good luck, good luck to your loved ones, and we are very proud of you, guys, thank you for your brotherhood, thank you guys, this was our program, real stories about our people. people, see you on the next broadcast on
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the russia channel, see you, see you. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, you i greet you, maria sittal, hello, the vorsky peak of the flood has subsided, in the old city the water level has dropped by a meter, here near orenburg the indicators are close to critical levels, only the roofs are completely visible in the water. sergei kiriyenko is on a working visit to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, today the station was attacked again. "a woman and child died as
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a result"


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