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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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i refuse to continue the flight with you, you hear, hang on, where will you go? april 12 on rtr. nikolai petrovich, can i, but did you ask me to report? come in, marya sergeevna. hello, come in, sit down, everyone here is ours, ours, and yes, i am a representative of the teryokhin family, and a representative. the injured party, according to the law, is the prosecution, so marya sergeevna, for the first time, you and i, one might say, are on the same side of the barricades, finally, maybe, but still you are not a member of the investigative team, that would be too much, well, mash , well, something just like this, i i’m telling you, everyone here is our own, i’m a member of the investigative group, and you’ll excuse me, since we’re in the same group, our own security department, major galanin.
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we have a complaint against vinokurov, and more than one, that’s it, guys, well, we need to do something, we need to save the distiller, well, what can we do, kurochkin, what kurochkin, what kurochkin, what’s wrong with me since everything is clear, i’m looking for this freak teryokhin, besides, i have all the operational support, we’ll work together, zonka, zoya, you were in the office in the morning... on the wanted list yes, i have come to your search, like mars, you are children, all the operational information is flowing to me, i collect it all and pass it on to you, that’s right, ivan ivanovich, everything is correct, everything is correct, zonka, petya, ah, petya, you must definitely confiscate all the medical documentation on teryokhin from the hospital, yes, i tried, ivan ivanovich, they drove us, what do you mean they drove us, should you follow?
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or who? and we also need to interrogate the doctors who examined the etiryokhins and the nurses. yes. by the way, where did they get the idea that distillers beat the detainee. yes, the complaint says that teryokhin has a traumatic brain injury. oh, well, we can easily refute this. that's right, when he was admitted to the hospital, they took a picture of him. he didn't have any injury. oh, panov. i'm listening, what are you talking about? everyone , led by the young father, sang there in joy.
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in kolyma, come, stop by, yes, bye, those freaks, what do you have to hit so hard that the skull cracks like that, look at the fracture line, by the way, a brain contusion is very dangerous for health, how much they give for such an excess , about 15 years old, you know, a fracture, a fracture, but it’s not a fact that there was a brain contusion, i wouldn’t have made such loud statements without a tomogram, dear gentleman, with such a fracture without a brain contusion, i don’t believe it, at the clinic myself? comes, you know, the medical history says that he was brought in unconscious, which means that when he lost consciousness, he’s a fool, a fool, he just gave birth to a child on you, he’ll go to jail, when irina olegovna turned to us, that’s how she came from the street and turned, what’s the difference? , the main thing is that we received information about abuses, our task, it is clear that you understand, it’s clear what the... you’ve been assigned,
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why are you doing this, marya sergeevna, because we all want the same thing, for justice to prevail, for evil to be punished, but you can’t beat suspects, even if they’re guilty of something guilty, true, true, even if they have a bad character, even if they suffer from drug addiction, true, so we really want you to carry out an objective investigation and get to the bottom of the truth. rest assured, i’ll get to the bottom of it, that’s good, maria, go ahead and tell us that done according to the case, as a member of the investigative team, you ordered an examination on terekhin’s injuries, you appointed it, by the way, i need his photograph for the examination, as i understand it, i won’t see him alive, well, i’ll bring the photograph when it’s all over , he himself will come to you with flowers, thank you, yes, i also asked the police supervision for all complaints about the homicide department, great, attention to altukhov, he has already
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been convicted of murder and also complains about vinokurov, here’s something else, perhaps we will be a witness. according to teryokhin's episode, what does it mean perhaps, why are you so upset? we still need to work on some extra work, tomorrow after t there will be clarity, i can’t say anything more for now, ivan ivanovich, i’ll give you a lift, thank you, fedor, i’m on the metro, maybe i’ll still have time to get to the isolation ward, and i’ll walk to the metro on foot to keep my figure , we have to walk a lot, like this, to give you a lift, no, we need to stop by the store.
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he has a craniocerebral injury, he was brought to the hospital without injury, he was immediately examined, then vinokorov injected him, he was alone with him in an empty room and somehow showed up with i received a wine one. yeah, it’s clear, that is, you ’ve already summed up your logical basis for this whole situation, it’s just that everything fits together, then this girl was pregnant, maybe because of this, he just sent zhenya to the maternity home, but the man couldn’t restrain himself , tell me, what about these theoretical ones? calculations, did you report them all to filonov? no, you report, you tell filonov, he will be interested, you shouldn’t be so fedya, i’m sharing doubts, doubts, and i’ll dispel your doubts now, it was i who hit him on the head, you, me, what,
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with a hammer, uh, no, not a hammer, this - a sledgehammer, now i'll hit you, with a metal pipe, for reliability. we always do this in criminal cases, right? hi hi! well, you gave me your word of honor in a moment of weakness, and now you backtrack? it didn't last long for you. come on , feed me. and then will you educate? no, i won’t feed you until you tell me what your next force majeure is. ok, a criminal case was opened against vinokurov for abuse of power. ha, well , yes, and now you’re going to make excuses for your friend? what does it mean to excuse it? i'll figure it out, do you
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know me? well, yes, but why do you seriously believe that vinokurov knocked someone on the head? yes, i don’t believe it, but we need to figure it out, well, we need to. listen, please call vinokurov and find out what he’s doing tomorrow? i. yeah, what, you can’t do it yourself? well, i don't talk to her. yeah, it doesn't get any easier. hello, volodya, lugansky. hello. do we have guests today? no, i was going to celebrate your dismissal report, so put away the champagne. why? because i will drink vodka out of grief. by the way, your criminal friend told me that tomorrow, at exactly three, he will pick up his wife from
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the maternity hospital. at what time? at three, i don’t like it for some reason. look, please, carefully, this is a discovery of papers for you, no, this is not suitable, why is it not suitable, you told me last time that everything is in order, please look, so, so, who are we removing from office, our the head of the homicide department, and they heard that he beat up a young guy, well, what makes you think that he beat up someone, vinokurov never... touched anyone, then why does the guy have such serious traumatic brain injury, well, the cops have gone crazy, finally we’ll lock up at least someone, let’s go, yes, let’s go to the six,
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we just finished there, now i’ll take the prisoner out of there, what a meeting under the moon, hello, altukhov, without security, but it’s okay, the earth is round, we’re warming up the cell here for you, for the former employees, for you and for your dog, wine kurov, you’re saying something with your tongue, take him away, i’ll tell you everything, i won’t hide how i am... if you don’t show up for questioning even once, they ’ll run to court to get arrested, immediately go to
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the prosecutor's office, okay, okay, okay, i 'll come over, and when you get out call me, because i'm worried about you, you idiot, that's it, let me in, come in, can i put it here, listen, i still need to finish... let's see, what does it mean? let's see, mash, don't joke like that, i can't be late, listen, let me write a protocol myself, i'll drop it off for you, and i myself, vinokurov, vladimir, vasilich, vasilich, so don't worry, irina olegovna, we have everything under control , i hope all the best, yes, maria sergeevna says hello, and there is a photograph of seryozha in an envelope. she asked, i’ll tell you everything, thank you, irina
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olegovna, yes, i have a case pending against your son, and i’m not going to talk to you about this topic, i’m communicating with your leadership and that’s enough, but i need to interrogate him, have you already interrogated him, that he is in the hospital, in serious condition, in which hospital, can you tell me? where are you hiding it? he is a suspect and a case has been opened against him. you never know what you ’re stirring up there, he’s not in custody and didn’t give a written undertaking not to leave, so excuse me. buevich, where are you? what do you want? zhenya is checking out today with her baby, will you go and meet her? i don't know, i have a lot to do. very good, then spend the money on a gift. i wonder why the swedish photograph of teryokhin? well, why, why? he’ll stick it into the case, like
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, what a handsome guy our victim is? okay, i'm off. did you interview at the hospital? well, of course i asked, otherwise you don’t know? used illegal methods of influence, no, didn’t, uh-huh, tortured tiryokhin, struck him, marya sergeevna, will you finish soon? no, we still have a long time, no, no, i understand listen, mash, marya sergeevna, can we reschedule the interrogation to any other time, hmm? no, did you hit him? no, this is the devil
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knows what it is, why should i listen to all this, sit down, i didn’t let you go, that’s it, that’s enough, i’m not going to, i’m just nonsense, sit down, you won’t fight with me, no, i won’t , but i really wanted to. you extorted a bribe from him, you're kidding me, on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of solute 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenebekov and victor the owls became quiet, before that it was definitely not tame insurance in space, stations for the first time, how you were greeted here on earth, i sat for a whole month at the cosmodrome, waiting for me or on... the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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on friday on rtr, you look alone, what is our task, to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name, which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at work speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know , what else, geometry,
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algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, but... if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, oops, every saturday and sunday on rtr, well done, of course, i’m glad, hello, hello, hello, lord, where is he, well, tell me the investigative department has gone, why is it inconvenient in front of zhenya’s parents, why haven’t you found any other time, where is he the head, who will take the child, but quietly, the woman’s father, fyodor, well, where is he, we need to go pick him up, you can’t imagine anatoli mikhailovich, they called him to the investigative committee, they say they’re handing him some, some valuable prize or financial assistance, well, why did they call you just now? you need to pick up your wife and child, but they called him to the authorities, and you think that you can simply refuse the general, this is financial help, well, zhenya will be upset, well, we’ll wait then, well
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well, we'll wait, well, no big deal, they called us to the authorities, but... did you write this? well , can you explain what these numbers are? i don’t want to explain anything, are you okay with this, or what? because i got drunk yesterday? i ask again, what are the numbers in the note? that’s it, now i’ll take it out, now you’ll go get it child, what am i?
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you to me? do your nails fall from a height? yes, yes, did you bring me comparative samples? no, very good, that is, i wanted to say, i can’t get samples, my suspect has escaped, but maybe you are a suspect, and you know that you are not looking for him, the conclusion is not ready yet, but in words i can say that under fingernails, female blood, well, victim, not victim, different blood type. yeah, that's it, thank you, you're welcome, you prodigal! the boss is back, while you were there having fun during the interrogation, i, by the way, am a child i got yours, so don’t be surprised, rumors will spread later, don’t flatter yourself, they won’t, listen, fyodor, today you’ll remain in charge,
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i need to fly somewhere, then to the hospital, better fly to the personnel, volodya, sign for the order, about what, about removal from office, there is no need to transfer the case yet, we’ll see. volodya, please, what happened?
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hello, volodya, zhenya called me for help. why in a whisper? because they just fell asleep. yes, yes, ah, nina fedorovna, isn’t my wife going to divorce me yet? come on, i'll feed you. and the krebö? there’s nothing to worry about, yes, as long as she doesn’t understand something very well, little lady, my dear, hare,
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did you offend me that i didn’t meet you, well , i’m sorry, no, no, i’m not offended, i’m just with my child, and you’re not washed, go wash yourself, well , i’ll be quick, zhenya, drink tea with milk and don’t get worked up about... trifles, but i don’t get excited, he thinks that i don’t know anything, it’s funny, he’s a conspirator, he’s got you he feels sorry, just like vanya always felt sorry for me when all sorts of different letters came to him, he hid everything, didn’t tell me anything, stupid, but i would feel sorry for him, uh-huh, well, that’s it, i’m ready, that’s what i’m saying, stupid. thinks that i don’t understand anything, but i have my own agents, so come on, first i ’ll show you your son, and then i’ll sort out
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your problems, vanechka? i’m leaving in 5 minutes, the owner has returned home, zoya, find me vinokurov urgently, why do i need it, why, you suspended him, what are you doing, what are you asking the general prosecutor’s office to ask me a question, call him at home, let him appear urgently. distillers, here kovin is looking for you, well, yes, right
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now, and try to come, just in case they you will be arrested, hello, osb, greetings, golanina, please, good morning, you are shvitsova, how are things going with the witness? oh, that's it, well , for some reason i thought so, yeah, fedya, fedor, great, great, listen, i have such news, and you know what news i have, i just came from the jewelry store, do you know who bought the bracelet , you're crazy, let's go, the prosecutor is in place, yes. who am i, this is the finish line, what are you talking about? good afternoon, my last name is teryokhina, maria sergeevna called me to her place, you can
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come in now. now i find out, victor ivanovich, please, thank you, vinokurov, are you crazy, why did you come, i’m not alone, that means, who will touch vinokurov? well, not alone with a lawyer, very good, come in, let's go. yeah, sit down , thank you, sit down, marya sergeevna, please, thank you, i asked the prosecutor’s permission for everyone to gather here, since viktor ivanovich would initially be aware of both cases, and which cases, about a fall from a height and abuse of power, but very good, very good,
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besides, i found dr. borisochkin and asked him to tell me how it happened, that he was sent to advanced training courses, and other doctors redid your son’s medical history. so, moment, moment, viktor ivanovich, i don’t understand something. sit down, sit down, sit down. everything will be clearer. thanks for the advanced training,
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but falsify documents. did you really think you could get away with this, you already did, but irina olegovna, and you are the same major vinokurov, don’t you be ashamed in front of me, in front of your mother, you should be ashamed in front of major vinokurov, let’s see the expert’s conclusion that more for the examination, i'm now i’ll explain, please, when combining a photograph of teryokhin’s face with an x-ray of the skull labeled as a photograph of teryokhin’s skull. irina olegovna teryokhin under article 1052, paragraph g. murder under current circumstances. you knew that aksenova was expecting a child. or
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maybe it’s all for the better, leave my son alone, and did you find my bracelet? uh-huh, uh-huh, i thought that i had lost him there, when i came to seryoga to give him money, here it is... to get away, well, i don’t mind at all, i grabbed onto the earring, bit into it like a leech, and she decided to give birth to him, and she’s a fool, but i, i, i don’t need a grandson from a drug addict, and she even tried to fight with me, she doesn’t need the earring to scream, but she still doesn’t care, there, you see, there, you see, how she scratched me, then...
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somehow we ended up at the windows, but i don’t remember how this came over me, i don’t even remember, in my face or somewhere else, just suddenly, i look and her, no, but an earring,
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i couldn’t say it openly, he would still rush to meet you. i had to lock it, sorry, but nothing, i didn’t even notice that he didn’t come, yeah, great, the secret becomes clear, we all, and the whole world, are faced with a huge number of incomprehensible changes, well, in any case, incomprehensible changes and deviations in people’s health after covid,
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some began to think worse, some may have started to sweat palms, some have cold feet, some have shortness of breath... some have changes in organs, some have other diseases, they all blame it on covid, before, maybe, there was simply nothing screw it up, today i would like to talk about changes - in the vessels in heart, maxim robertovich, hello, hello, do you think it’s fair to say that covid has changed something so incomprehensible in us, that now all ailments are from covid, well, let’s just say that they have simply manifested themselves much more actively now against the background covid. and there are patients who had some kind of chronic diseases, yes, which worsened against the background of covid, covid infection, any virus, in fact, covid, first of all, it damages the inner layer of blood vessels, yeah, veins, arteries,
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this leads to the development of blood clots both in large arteries and veins, as well as small ones, and if the patient has some kind of chronic disease, and...
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and blood vessels, what can be done to keep the heart and blood vessels healthy, some talk about some micro-macroelements, some... then he talks about aerobic physical activity, for example, someone says that there is no need to load the heart at all, just sit quietly, here you also need to, if we talk about blood clots, you need to find the balance of the load on the heart and the risk of blood clots from a motionless image life, that's where the golden mean is. if we talk about the heart, yes, then the main reason that leads to the development of problems with the heart, there to a heart attack, the main thing itself, this problem is called atherosclerosis, if the patient has athersclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries, which narrows
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the lumen of the vessel, disrupts hemodynamics in this place, where the blood flows, normally it is called laminar blood flow, but it flows well, but if there are plaques, then what appears is called turbulent blood flow with turbulence. this leads to a reduction in the risk of developing thrombosis in in this place, or the second option , the pathways are not necessarily damaged, most of the cardiac muscle cells simply die and the heart also cannot cope with this, the so -called pumping function in the heart disappears, okay, so far pessimistic, is there anything that can improve or post-covid or regardless of covid, what can or should be done so that you... recommend to everyone who , thank god, has not yet turned and will not turn to a cardiologist with a problem. what to do? well, look, globally there are five main risk factors for the development of plaques, in the arteries, of any kind. the first thing that is poorly
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corrected with rare exceptions is the male gender. yes, the male gender, unfortunately, is one of the most important risk factors for the development of these damn, quatreau roses. i was unlucky with gender in terms of my heart. yes yes. what's next? second. this is tobacco smoking, there are many different factors, this is an increase in blood pressure, this is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, that is, diabetes mellitus, yeah, this... especially such regular exercise, when such large muscles work, it’s not a finger there, but a back there, yes, with regular exercise they increase the concentration in the blood of these good elements that protect against the development of atherosclerosis. it appears to live longer , plus the sport itself, all these
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cardio loads, and they also contribute to the fact that we have so-called main arteries, which are the main arteries, and there are collateral roundabout arteries, yeah, which are connected in the case when any organ in the legs of the heart is in including yes it is necessary to increase blood flow they turn on additionally and some main artery closes for obscure reasons, but collateral vessels work, this does not always end completely badly for this organ, that is, physical activity contributes to the development of an additional system that will reduce the chance of irreparable consequences in the event of, well blocking the obstruction of our vessel, which is always involved, that is, we create a backup system, as we support. normal condition, well, as i often
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tell students there, when there is a traffic jam leninsky prospekt, relatively speaking, and you can go around it in yards, yes, yes, but if there is a truck parked in the yard, then a complete problem arises, you can’t get through, here the same situation is interesting, i didn’t even think about it, that sport can give the body such additional circulatory capacity, that is, if we summarize everything that was said in our first acquaintance with '. system, then in essence it is only physical activity, which will be most positive in the absence of contraindications influence the system as a whole, no, you need to remove all possible risk factors, you need to quit smoking, there should be normalization, control of blood pressure, especially now there are a lot of drugs that can really, that is, regulate blood pressure if it is deviated from norms, a must, and you need to take these medications regularly, this is sugar control, a must, so... and correction of lipid metabolism, yes, this is
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checking your lipid profile, the so -called, now one of the most basic drugs that normalize blood lipid levels are the so-called statins, drugs that reduce the amount of cholesterol, total cholesterol, and these bad lipids that lead to the development of these plaques, well, this is a complex thing in fact, it’s very difficult to say in advance, and more often than not, as a surgeon, yes, i can say, we most often encounter consequences. thank you, maxim robertovich, i hope that our viewers will partially find this information useful, and since you are a surgeon, if you don’t mind, in the next program, maybe we could talk about available surgical technologies and techniques that may not be heard of by most people right now, but which can cure them in... as it may seem - in hopeless situations, okay, yes, thank you
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thank you very much, see you again, thank you, thank you, the fact that 2024 is a leap year, we probably already heard, but i recently found out that a year can be not only a leap year, but also a tatroidal one, what is it, i ca n’t even imagine, we will find out today. nikolay, hello, good afternoon, tatroidal year, you are again trying to attract everything to mathematics, well, not exactly to attract, but it’s always interesting, what is this number? tetrader and year, tetrader and year, yes, let's start with something simpler, a triangle, there are such numbers that are called triangular, the first such number is just one, here is the second, triangular number is three, let's go to this one even before... we put the ball down and
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form a triangle, what will be the next triangular number? well, yeah, let's just post it, let's post it, yeah, well, still six, still six, still six, and now we will play billiards, how many got 10, 10, but how to calculate, if we want this triangular number, how many balls will there be in each next layer we have one more ball than in the previous one, we agree, here there was one, here there are two, here there are three... in fact, you need to learn to count the sum 1 + 2 + 3 plus and so on until the number , yeah, it will be new triangular number, how can it be easily calculated, what does the number n represent? behind? number of lines in this triangular number, the first triangular number is one, the second triangular number is three, which is made up of the first second line, the third triangular number is this, yes, the fourth triangular number is this, and we want to calculate the n-th triangular number, that means, look how it is calculated: 1 + 2 + 3 + and so on, dn. how to calculate
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this amount? can it be easily calculated? gaos came up with a very beautiful way of calculating this amount. then we wrote it back from n to one in we wrote this amount first from one to n in each column we have what is the sum of n + 1 and here. + 1, uh-huh, and here n + 1, here, and we have n such sums, uh-huh, we just need to remember that we counted each ball twice, that is, divide in half, 1/2n by n + 1 in half, we know how count any triangular number, how many balls there will be in it, and now let's go into space, let's
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put these triangular numbers on top of each other, yes, in case someone else doesn't understand why we need a mathematician at school, so as not to embarrass ourselves on camera ? here we have the first triangular number in my hand, here is the second triangular number, put it like this, lift it and lay out here the next triangular number in the form of a triangle, lay it out, great, and here i am , we got the third tetrahedral number, the first is this, the second is if we take two layers, the third is this, it’s clear why such numbers are called secondary in general, right? but they can be represented in the form of tet, it is possible, it turns out that we are now living in a very rare case, 2024 is the twenty- second triple number, but in fact it is quite rare, very rare, very rare, a leap year occurs as it always occurs once every four, by the way, once every four,
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i don’t know, judging by the fact that the number is uneven, probably not, now we’ll discuss it, yes, the previous triadal number was 1540, 1771, the next 2.300. year, and then in 2600, but you can make a wish, now or whatever you need, what do mathematicians do in the tatridral year? philip, you can always make a wish, mathematics gives a lot of reasons for this, yeah, but as you rightly said, this year is still a leap year, why do we need leap years at all, i’m right i understand that there are 24 hours in a day, but the time it takes for the earth around the earth to travel around the sun is not a multiple of 24 hours, that’s right. of course yes, because of this we cram in an extra day as our measure of time periodically to compensate for the lost. in fact, this is the length, astronomers say , of a tropical year - it is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and some seconds, when the sun flies around the earth, this is such
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a terrible number, it is impossible to use it in life, but in fact it close to 3.65.25, yeah. and gailitsesar came up with a very cool idea, let's proceed as follows: this is 45 bc, 3 years in a cycle will be 365 days, and one year will be a leap year, there will be 3.66 on average per cycle, what will be the length of the year 365-25, yes 365 25, everything is so good, but still this number that i mentioned is... not quite 36 5 25 there are 24 with kopecks , but we noticed it later, but before discussing how we noticed it, let's remember why conveniently periodic processes, look, we have a period inside, a period of length four, yes, three years of ordinary one is a leap year, if we understand how
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it works within one period, then we can then add periods one to another and know how life will work as far as we like. which year will be a leap year, which year will be a non-leap year, the calendar is called the julian calendar, which one do we live by now? yes, in the 16th century, pope gregory xiii for some reason came up with the gregorian calendar. the fact is that when the earth revolves around our sun, it has four highlighted positions, and these are the days of the solstice equinox, yes, so easter was supposed to be on the day of the vernal equinox, because of that about... for a few days, in order to return easter to its place, the second thing complicates the calendar a little, and not a little, but quite
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a lot, namely the period now there will be not 4 years, but 400 years, 400 years, during these 400 years there should have been 100 leap years in the julian calendar, but pope gregory has 97, he does not consider 3 years to be leap years, our country has been living since the eighteenth year according to the gregorian calendar. correct, but the mathematical basis, the mathematical component here simple: you have some bad number, you need a rational approximation, there are 4 years, one of them is a leap year, that’s what ’s great about mathematics, what it comes up with, highlights the most important thing, here it’s called continued fractions, and continued fractions. there are many different good soviet literature on this topic, which allows you to find these approximations, what do you think, i slept through these
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lessons or it doesn’t work at school, at school it doesn’t work in a regular school, yes , i remember this term definitely not familiar apparently i missed something, you probably don’t come across this in view of your abilities, but sometimes there come moments when you want to be silent and think, you ’ve brought me to this point, this is a cool idea, when you think and think about it. you understand, and this is always nice, i hope this moment will come, that i will now understand this in the next few minutes, but i’m not sure, but thank you very much for trying, i went, i went to study, thank you, see you, see you dating, the first association or thought that probably comes to mind for most people, when they hear or think about the renaissance, these are incredible achievements in
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the field of art, culture, painting, sculpture, architecture, but if we delve a little deeper, we will probably understand that not all of life, probably especially not all of women’s lives in this era, was so uh, colorful. great, how we used to think about it, that’s exactly what i would like to talk about today about women about the renaissance. sofia, hello, good afternoon. the name phoenixes sphinxes hints that we will probably talk about them, but phoenixes sphinxes - this is still something mythical, but life in the renaissance was quite real, please tell us what it was like, what women were like, what people were like?
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in front of her she has such luxurious blond hair, today she would be great on some catwalk and would look there,
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because she is such a beauty, universal, and fashionable today. one of the heroines that will be discussed in my book is the woman who came after her, it was the woman whom her husband married when she died, or rather, it is unknown whether he married her or no, because she was a courtesan, maybe even a prostitute, the difference between courtesans and prostitutes. very large, because prostitution is, in general, such an everyday phenomenon, universal for all civilizations, and the courtesans of the italian renaissance were women who resembled what we now think of japanese geisha, that is, these are women who entertained, played played musical instruments, knew a lot and knew how to compose the elements. i understand correctly that in this book you are talking about all these layers, some a little more than others. yes, yes, mainly the social strata, the classes that produced the great works of art in question, paintings, poetry, mainly, of course, this is the elite, that
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is, these are aristocrats and wealthy merchants. but sometimes there were social elevators, and one of the social elevators for a woman, of course, was her beauty, that is, in my book there are a number of heroines who made their way from the very bottom thanks to their beauty, like laurdianti, or, for example, like saint catherine of siena, who was not from a very wealthy family, but thanks to her temperament, her faith in god, her polemical gift for the ability to convince others, she became a very influential politician, that is, she made a career in the church and... thus became a great role model, the subject of many paintings, that is, social elevators were like this here are the most diverse, for example, the courtesan tulla dragona, who was the illegitimate daughter of an unknown person, perhaps a cardinal, she started out as a courtesan, but since she worked, as they would say now, on her personal brand, she published her poems, published treatises, then she became
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a leading intellectual, are you talking about how this happened? these social elevators? yes, i'm talking about it. 500 years ago, a woman who did not want to stay married had very few options, that is, she could go to a monastery, she was not necessarily taken there, it was difficult to get into the monastery, devotees had to be brought in, it was necessary for you released, she could run away, she could go into a career, for example, she could become a professional musician, but this, too, became a slightly declassed element, that is, it was a tool for gaining professional freedom. in some sense for musicians , actresses, poets, refusal of marriage, refusal of divorce? yes, you know, in the program i often start a conversation with such a very conservative and radical point of view, in the end it softens, i cannot say that i began to accept absolutely all types of this art and profession that we are discussing, but in fact, yes , this has such a very important reverse side that it’s probably like this
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development, perhaps culture, and well, it’s so hard to say, childbirth, death or a monastery, or even not being accepted into a monastery, which is very sad, yes, yes, i wanted to be accepted into the monastery, it’s expensive, that is, you need to pay an entrance fee, but in general in fact, in the russian opinion , it is believed that going to a monastery is something bad, it’s sad, sad, no, it’s good in a monastery, you have to work in a monastery, but only for your friends, for yourself, you don’t have to serve your husband, no need to serve children, you don't
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you give birth, so your health is not harmed, and then... for example, art historians today say that convents were the first art trends for women, because there were a lot of workshops where women could draw and paint religious paintings. another way out of this wheel of samsara was, as for the model of leonard dovinc's painting, lady with an ermine, was the path to becoming the official favorite. the official favorite is a lady whom the sovereign presents in general as practically a second wife, and court poets write to her. this was developed so much that in the 18th century in france it directly became an official court title in the table of ranks, here on the cover, this beautiful lady, this is the same simonetta vespucci, supposedly, well, it is believed that this is simonetta vispucci, whom batecheli, the artist, loved, this is the same beautiful lady that we see in the birth of venus or in spring, and it was a cult of worship of the beautiful lady, she was married to vispucci and
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giuliana medici adored her,
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the water level in the ural river rose another a quarter of a meter, indicators in the orenburg region are close to critical, the peak of the flood is expected today. boat patrol selection. medicines and food, volunteers help in the evacuation of victims in the orenburg region. nuclear terrorism is how the russian midi called the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. magath calls an emergency meeting. the news will tell you about the main thing in the
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vera tarasova studio. hello. the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions reported to vladimir putin about fighting floods and providing assistance to the population. the president decided to send to orenburg head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services fayzulin. he's there. will oversee the restoration of housing and destroyed infrastructure. the head of the ministry of emergency situations once again visited the disaster zone. he assessed the situation from the air and determined further measures. more than 10,000 houses and almost 13 household plots were flooded in the region. peak floods are expected there today. the situation in the vicinity of orsk is still the most acute, although the peak there has passed. in the old city, the water level has even dropped. but rescuers continue to work non-stop, making earthen dumps and removing of people. at temporary accommodation centers , specialists help people restore their documents, fill out applications for financial assistance, and the victims have already begun to receive the first payments. in orenburg, in
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some areas a siren has already sounded warning of the danger of flooding, people are being prepared for evacuation, with details from margarita semenyuk. the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical level, now already 914 cm; with an increase of another 16 cm , new territories will be flooded. here we have the urals, here 100 m, we are already on the banks of the urals. big water is coming, the peak of the flood is just waiting. rescuers, police, and the national guard are evacuating people; about 800 people were brought from the danger zone. this is not the first time, the day before yesterday they brought a lot of water, oh, there’s a lot of everything, stew, bread, gingerbread and cookies are bought and brought by local residents to be distributed to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place, meanwhile... the water is rapidly covering
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the streets and at home in orenburg, where it was still dry in the morning, there are rivers that can only be reached by rubber boat, well, while we were swimming in the reach, now they decided to come to me, it’s completely flooded there, the house, yes, the house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is located below, the flood waters have already approached the federal highway m5 ural, they are doing work along the side of the road embankments made of rocky soil, the region was visited by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governor.
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volunteers from the all-russian student rescue corps joined in the liquidation of the consequences of the dam break in the orenburg region; they patrol flooded areas in boats and assist in evacuation. people and animals. activists also participate in the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid, whereby volunteers find out the needs of each victim and bring what is needed.
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thank you for your support, i wanted to report on the support of a special military operation, for us this is now the main, key task, we have oriented the republic in such a way that we really do not have a more important task, we now have very, i would say, very strong volunteers battalions, we made a lot of efforts so that the battalions left here fully equipped, we we even bought armored military equipment, so we help with everything. my term of office is ending in the fall, in this regard, i wanted to ask, if you have the trust to continue this work, i would try to ensure the plans that we have for this pace of development of the republic, but i will certainly be guided by your decision, your trust, in general everything works out there are many plans, and the results are good, so for my part i will do... to support you, but
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the choice, of course, will be up to the people, we need to work with people, especially during this period directly meet more often. magat announced an extraordinary meeting due to the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, an emergency session will be held tomorrow, over the past few days ukrainian drones have attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the fragments of one drone fell on the roof of the sixth power unit; the day before, another drone attacked the unique training center of the nuclear power plant. a few minutes after visiting the station. magat employees. the organization has already announced the risks of a nuclear catastrophe in the zaporizhzhya region; the russian foreign ministry has called the situation nuclear terrorism. ukrainian militants shelled the village of limovo in the bryansk region. another barbaric blow hit the very center of the settlement. there were no military installations there; there was a blood transfusion center, a library and a large department store nearby. according to the head of the region, a woman and a child were killed. three were wounded. the movement of trains on the stretch under vyazma at. due to
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the collapse of a road bridge on the railway track, it will partially resume in the coming hours; now trains from the avelovsky and belarusian directions are being detoured. arrival of trains from kaliningrad and brest to the capital is delayed. buses have been organized for passengers of the international lastochka express, which ran between moscow, smolensk and minsk. the automobile overpass connecting vyazma with the southern microdistricts collapsed on april 8. fragments from six spans fell onto the rails along with the cars. don't switch. yamal game managers are preparing for a massive hunt. moose. to do this, inspectors set up artificial salt marshes on forestry lands. young animals and lactating females especially need such feeding. report by vitaly toropov. from in november, the nearest moose feeders are just a stone's throw by northern standards. an hour's drive on
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hard surfaces and half an hour on a snowmobile through the swampy taiga in the puima of the wangapur river. we are there, we don’t have time to turn on the camera, and the first twenty-kilogram bag of salt is already on the table. a new catering point and reinforced with a geotag for colleagues, this table can last for a year for 3 months, depending on the number of elk that choose it, horned ones, judging by the tracks in the purovsky district, have increased quite a bit, they say game wardens, until the next location, another half hour on snowmobiles, and we are on the other side, oxbow lakes, we come across...
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in order to recover, well, so that growth is good, like vitamins for humans, and minerals, there are no minerals in nature, so we put out fertilizing they walk in salt licks, mostly - we choose promising places, that is, where the paths are - along the floodplains of rivers, moose move around here, so we made two salt licks near the river, in about 4-5 weeks the birthing season will begin, so now more than ever for moose cows, by the way , an abundance of dietary supplements to offspring. was born healthy and beautiful. vitaly toropov, andrey dobrikov, lead yamal. all news is always available on the media platform , view it in the application or on the website. meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, hello, well, it’s already wednesday morning, april 10 on the calendar, anastasia chernobrovina, denis stoiko, we are always in a hurry to meet you. and everyone else, including us, is rushing towards love. about 600 volunteers from st. petersburg will help toads in mating migration. with the arrival of spring, amphibians
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head to the eastern shore of the sestroretskoye reservoir, where they lay eggs. the main task is to help gray toads cross the road safely. the cry was thrown by one of the local reserves and... helpers were found in just a few hours , almost 600 people, but before they begin to perform honorable duties, they will have to learn so as not to harm amphibians. by the way, drivers are very kindly asked not to drive in these places, and in the meantime, reckless drivers there are more people who do not allow ambulances to pass on the highways, as traffic police representatives say. why, despite flashing lights and special signals, motorists are in no hurry to give way, dmitry zaitsev found out. a red suv, red sweatpants, and he himself is all crimson with anger. an aggressive driver on this kuban highway scolds the skory crew with his last words. it seemed to him that the car caught the rear-view mirror, and his car also caught the rear-view mirror. in this regard, he
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overtook our car and blocked its traffic began to provoke a conflict. in the end , there were no injuries, but due to the time spent on the altercation, the doctors barely had time to deliver the pensioner. with epilepsy before intensive care, now the police are checking the car, and the driver of the crossover from izhevsk has already been fined, however, he still faces a criminal sentence, in a narrow yard a man deliberately pinned an ambulance, they say let them go around it themselves, the skirmish lasted until he arrived traffic police squad, and there are a lot of similar examples on russian highways, when after repeated despite all the requests, the driver in some case went to the side, freeing up the lane, but at the same time... a very indecent gesture towards the car, doctor of medical sciences vladimir lazarev himself worked for a long time as an anesthesiologist in an ambulance, he admits that all sorts of things happened on the road, inadequate drivers sometimes attacked the crew with their fists. with knives, in some cases this led, of course, to sad consequences; they did not have time to get the patient to
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the hospital in time. apparently, grubiyanov drivers are not particularly afraid of the current sanctions, according to the administrative code, namely the second part of article 12.17 , provides for a fine of 3 to 5,000 rubles for failure to provide priority in traffic to a vehicle that has special color schemes and special signals applied to its external surfaces. or deprivation of rights from 3 months to a year, all this is at your discretion. judges, if the driver does not give way, this is something that is associated with a fine of 5.00 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive, but if the driver has already done some other actions in addition to this, then there is a different type of punishment, and indeed, the criminal article for interfering with medical workers, which led to serious harm or death, provides for a fine of 80,000 rubles or a real sentence of up to 4 years, however, experts note that law enforcement practice under this article is negligible in cases of punishment. on it single. deputies, for example, believe that in the fight against auto louts it is still worth hitting with the ruble, tightening the main administrative
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punishment, increasing the fine several times, so that it starts, for example, with 20 thousand and ends with 100 thousand, why not, if this is necessary for understanding, well, let's do it that way. the inevitability of punishment may soon become a reality; on the capital's roads, they are already testing photo and video recording systems installed directly on the ambulance, after studying. all the nuances, the experience gained is planned to be disseminated everywhere. more about the new experience: those insured under the compulsory medical insurance system will have digital medical profiles. this was stated by the federal compulsory health insurance fund. they will include data on the medical care provided, appointments and procedures performed. well, essentially, this system will combine a digital policy and an electronic medical history, which will help doctors assess risks and make prescriptions for their patients. we will find out all the details from ours. a member of the working group of the all-russian union of insurers on the development of compulsory health insurance, mikhail pushkov, is visiting the studio. mikhail aleksandrovich,
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hello, good morning, good story, as far as we understand, the entire medical history will appear somewhere on some platform, in one place, how safe will all this be, tell us about everything, this it’s a fairly serious communication and information environment, so all services will definitely be protected, you’ll get the appropriate approvals, protection licenses, everything will work, i don’t even doubt compliance. law and so on, on what platform will this all be? well, it will be such a multi-component system, gisms, the state information system will also participate here , the interface of the federal register of insured persons will work here, information will be pulled up through the regional information system, that is this is such a mix of a fairly large information interaction, this digital profile will be able to access, as i understand it, any medical specialist, but the patient himself, or the patient will not... there will be several services, first of all, of course, this is the access of the patient himself, and
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this is access to specialists, doctors, but there is also a very powerful analytical unit where executive authorities, territorial funds will analyze, but personal information is not needed there, specifically ivana ivanovich, they need deprived information regarding morbidity, financial stability, solvency of the medical organization as a whole is a balanced system, so such a system has a lot. tasks, that is , there will be a lot of data there, but not everyone entering the profile will have access to all the data, will the specialist himself be able to go there after the fact to clean up this profile, or is it already written with a pen, then with an ax, as they say, not to cut it out, i think that just the number will allow to minimize errors, will help to avoid them if it is assigned a certain treatment or examination, they, well, have not been completed in full, a person registers, then... he is removed from the registration, the same often happens, people complain, and you know, just one of the components,
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the management component, is in order to control the availability of medical care, yes, of course, this will probably not be done by the doctor at the reception, this will be done by the executive authorities, we really hope that insurance representatives will be involved in this stage, feedback to the patient, yes, if for some reason he cannot get help, he needs to urgently signal, well then, of course, well, finally, he needs. remembers that we have deadlines for the provision of medical care, in which a state guarantee program is established, we simply, when we were preparing for a conversation with you, using a personal example from our team , it was said that here is a person who survived a myocardial infarction, and is now recovering, the doctor prescribes a regular appointment for heart tests and is given a window there for 2 months, during these for 2 months, a person with a heart attack must not only try to catch a recording on echo every morning at 7:30, he must even come personally with his legs.
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100 years ago, i understand, you miss your mom, i'm going to pull her out, soon, amazing people, amazing seventh season, this is unprecedented, it seems to me that we have never seen this level of complexity in this show, friday at 21:30 , schools are not united;
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almost half of russians spend on additional education for their children. more than 10,000 rub. per month, every fourth person puts up to 5,000, almost the same from five up to 10. the most expensive items are tutors, classes in in-depth study of subjects, music and art schools, early development schools, classes, for example, with speech therapists and psychologists. by the way, parents are increasingly choosing it courses for their children, extremely popular areas. well, by the way, several regions have successfully introduced impressive payments for children who win olympiads. unified state examination students receive medals for their studies. now we’ll find out how to earn start-up capital without getting up from your school desk. certificate for 100 points chemistry, in russian. certificates, awards, letters of gratitude, tyumen medical university student kirill pavlovich needs both hands at once to hold all his insignia. thanks to his efforts, the young man entered
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the educational institution he needed without any problems. moreover, for the subjects passed with the maximum score, yesterday's student received two. this means that those guys who received a medal when they take the final certification, first degree, they must receive at least 70 points, and those guys who have a medal
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second degree, respectively, at least 60 points in the russian language and another subject, if they... do not confirm, well, strictly speaking, the conclusion is drawn that this medal was received biased. let's calculate how much you can earn with your mind. the largest payment is provided for the winners of all-russian olympiads. traditionally , 100 unified state exam points are already expensive, depending on the region, payments range from 20 thousand in kalmykia and tatarstan, 60,000 in omsk to 150,000 in bashkiria. by the way, monetary rewards are awarded not only to students, but to teachers who were able to prepare excellent students. average.
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so far, the program is not operating in all regions, but experts are confident that it is a matter of time; if the indicators of stimulated students grow, the practice will continue to spread. what do you think are effective monetary incentives for academic success, write to our telegram channel. well, then cherry blossoms in the sochi arboretum. let's admire the delicate colors of spring in a few minutes. they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for
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your head, we know everything about vacation, relax. annex kalinan belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. off the coast of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat - the most intelligent creature. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on
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the “watch” media platform. the first podcasts we watch. so you ’re confusing me so that i, next to anyone, won’t understand me anymore. don't touch my daughter. on saturday. i will soon be 18. i will live the way i want, that lina has disappeared, left home, does not answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what to do, everything will be fine, if suddenly you'll need mine help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl has disappeared, your friend polina, they are beaming together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself so as not to seize. and from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe
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it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr, i thought that everything here is kind of more serious, you sit and think, it’s not here about thinking, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are no two opinions maybe because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own and what many people use is the strongest love for game, this is a five-on-one program, i'm five-on-one
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one on saturday on rtr, maybe it’s worth returning everything back, the premiere is on rtr, nothing will work out with your vasya, as i see it... you don’t need to take the money to the bank, wait, wait, there are witnesses, no, it’s convenient, yes, what do you think, i stole the money, alla taxi, today on rtr, favorite residence of elizabeth ii, balmoral castle in scotland for the first time. throughout its 169-year history, it was opened to the public; public tours inside the building were allowed by charles ii. you can look into the ballroom, where watercolor paintings by him hang.
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majesty, as well as into the room where the queen received the premiere of liszt ras 2 days before her death. a special place is occupied by the dressing room, which houses a collection of outfits worn by charles, camilla, elizabeth herself and her mother over the years. for an additional fee, you will be given afternoon tea, cost. tour with excursion 150 pounds - that's 1800 rubles. tickets for this season are already sold out. well, in sochi , tickets to dendra park are selling out. sakura is blooming there now, as many as nine different varieties. it's truly hanami season. in a week it will be overall very beautiful. svetvana, marina and olga came to sochi from the northern capital. friends came to dandropark to admire exotic plants and take part in the so-called hanami, the cherry blossom festival. we found ourselves in a piece of summer. and such lush sakura, we relax our souls, walk, although we could lie in the pool, relax, sunbathe. dandropark has been specializing in collecting subtropical plants for decades,
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which are difficult to see in other regions of the country. flowering and winter flowering coincided the plants are still blooming ; the time for spring-flowering plants to bloom has already begun, namely in mid-april, which is why we see viburnums, chaenomelis, and jasmines in our park. we have blooming magnolias, blooming camellias, and nine of the twenty- three varieties of sakura have already bloomed, that is, in the park you can see all the diversity; tourists come to the lower part for positive emotions. park, this bird yard is full of inhabitants. in different parts of the garden you can see roosters, black and white swans; the pelican is the center of attention of guests; it willingly poses for tourists. another bird has flown, masha, look, it’s great, right? svetlana ostankova has always been interested in ecotourism, and now she goes on a trip with her little daughter. what is developing, all sorts of eco-trails are being built in
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large numbers, this... let's go, first they need to warm the station and melt it, they will last a week, fireworks, i refuse to continue polek with you, do you hear where you are going two april at 23: 55 on the russia channel, let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. the news will tell you about the main thing in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. the governors of the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions reported to vladimir putin about fighting floods and providing assistance to the population. the president decided to send the head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services , faizulin, to orenburg. on site, he will oversee the restoration of housing and destroyed infrastructure. the head of the ministry of emergency situations visited the disaster zone again, he assessed the situation from the air and determined further measures in the
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flood region. the urals have grown by another 25 cm. new areas are being prepared for evacuation in the coming hours. in the situation in the vicinity of orsk is still the most acute, although the peak of the flood has passed. in the old city, the water level has even dropped, but rescuers continue to work non-stop. they make earthen dumps and take people out. at temporary accommodation centers , specialists help people. documents to fill out applications for financial assistance, with details about the situation in vorstke, our correspondent ruslan bikbulatov. in orsk, there are almost 700 houses in the disaster zone, about 2,500 people were forced to leave their homes. at temporary accommodation centers a whole team of specialists is working, social workers, lawyers, bank employees are helping to restore documents, fill out applications for financial assistance, the first payments have already begun to arrive to the victims.
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the head visited one of the temporary accommodation centers.
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news: orsk, orenburg region. the difficult flood situation in the border regions was discussed by telephone between the presidents of russia and kazakhstan. vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev noted the close interaction of the specialized services of the two countries in terms of monitoring and forecasting the situation of coordinated response measures. the heads of state also touched upon some aspects of international issues, including in the context of russia’s chairmanship of the commonwealth of independent states, and kazakhstan’s chairmanship of the collective security treaty. an anti-ship missile neptune off the coast of crimea, 236 drones, five khaimars missiles, all of this was intercepted by our air defense forces within 24 hours. the data is provided by the ministry of defense. on the southern edge of the group's special operation. dnieper identified and a warehouse of enemy drones was destroyed. the ukrainian armed forces launched 15 attacks in the donetsk and ovdeevsky directions, including four in the chasovo yar area; the attacks were unsuccessful. the lists of destroyed enemy equipment were supplemented by self-propelled guns, crappies, paladin, acacia carnation,
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british and american howitzers, rapier anti-tank gun, rap and counter-battery stations. kiev's daily losses in all areas, over 900 killed and wounded. israel intends to complete the liquidation of all battalions of the radical palestinian movement hamas. benjamin stated this netanyahu. the prime minister added that the operation will also be extended to rafah, where hundreds of thousands of refugees are located. there is no force in the world that can stop us, netanyahu noted. according to the head of the israeli cabinet, the date for the start of hostilities in rafahi has been determined, but he did not name it. in the ruins of the alshifaa hospital in the gaza strip after the departure of the israeli military , 380 bodies were found; in total, as a result of israeli actions on the palestinian side , 33,360 people were already killed and 76,000 were injured. according to the latest data, eight people were injured in naples during a clash between demonstrators and police;
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protesters tried to break through the cordon on the way to the san carlo opera house, where a concert was scheduled to mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato. before this, activists marched along one of the streets in the city center with posters against nato in support of palestine. chanted nato out of italy and called for an end to israeli military support. this is the news, don't switch. the altai experimental design bureau is developing new models of military drones and modernizing old ones. and engineers and it specialists created a program with the help of which. the operator can control the drone from an underground shelter. olga solangina with details. on the simulator , the future operator learns to feel the drone, its breathing, literally with his fingers, practicing every movement, a millimeter to the right, a millimeter to the left, which can become
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a serious mistake, the price of which is an unfulfilled combat mission, in the worst case , someone’s life. the fpv simulator comic is an exclusive computer program developed at the beginning of the northern military district by volunteer ai officers. it doesn’t just need move. warfare using computer technology is at the peak of popularity today, just like snipers once were, with a remote control in the hands of a cadet with the call sign ravin, his face is securely covered with a balaclava, it is no coincidence that such a specialist in a special military operation is worth his weight in gold, a priority target for enemy. this is an incredibly valuable shot, because, if you remember, we, from... exclusively by kamikaze drones, stopped the offensive in one of the directions, it’s just that the enemy’s equipment was burned exclusively by drones in order to become a sought-after specialist only in the computer class, you need to fly for at least 50 hours, then use a protective net so as not to break
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the equipment only later in the fields. designers, engineers, it specialists are developing more and more new technologies, improving computer programs almost daily, for example, today we are talking about reusable drones capable of destroying targets. we have already received several tasks to modernize this drone for a completely different type of projectile, this is already direct request from the troops. ivan, head of the altai uav experimental design bureau. he and his colleagues are not only working on the latest software solutions to create kamikaze copters, but are seriously concerned about the safety of operators working in war conditions. that is why another new development has appeared - a complex system. broadcast, with the help of which the operator can control the drone from a shelter, a person can go 20-30 m underground calmly, that is, where nothing will threaten him. and this another new technology: altai intelligence officers, in combat conditions
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, developed a drone hunter that shoots nets. uav unit fighters created a tarantula bird catcher trap with their own hands. the principle of operation is simple: a net is thrown out that captures an enemy drone. olga solangina, evgeny firsov, host altai. in the irkutsk region, women volunteers created a movement in support of northern military district soldiers. they sew clothes and ammunition, prepare semi-finished products. children from the local orphanage joined their work. our correspondent with details elena malyshkina. in this small workshop , the whirring of sewing machines never stops. siberian residents of the ancient village of urik are contributing to the victory. the women created not just a volunteer group, but an entire movement in support of the svo participants, they called it their own. residents of uskuda, granovshchina, kuda, khamutov and urik are making clothes for the participants in the special operation.
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an idea arose to purchase equipment, so we brought five-pointers, please give us all 17 pieces, however , work doesn’t stop at home, so we brought it the next batch of what was sewn on, these are blanks, they will be finalized, packaged and sent to the northern military district. our women also prepare dry soups, borscht, pickles, which are very much in demand among our guys in the northern military district. the ideological inspirer of the urikovsky good
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deeds, yulia denisenko, says: she has been interested in cutting and sewing clothes since childhood, she is also a mother of many children, her eldest son is also in the northern military district, and teenagers from a local orphanage also took part in this rural humanitarian mission. the guys at the shelter make things like this, like this small, like talismans, cheburashkas. volunteers from urik say, now that they have a good one. equipment and working hands, they need fabrics and the more the better, waterproof fleece, knitted synthetic padding, t-shirts for military personnel are sewn from it. elena malyshkina, alexey bondarenko, andrey vorobyov, vesti irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, stay with us, morning continues on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, that’s the main thing. good morning everyone, hello, today is april 10, i love this day, denis stoykov is with you, i’m anastasia chernobrovina. almost half of russians know first-hand what an office conflict is. every third respondent named their colleagues as the initiator of the latest quarrel in the workplace, and only a few themselves. problem. this is also not uncommon with management and most employees blame their
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bosses for them, most managers consider the culprits of conflict situations to be, well of course, subordinates, although there have been a little more non-conflict managers over the year, but the good news is that half of russians do not have conflicts with either colleagues or bosses, i hope we are one of them, in general, conflicts with the boss are dangerous, conflicts between residents and the management company it’s also not uncommon, in the state duma they want to legalize the activities of the house manager, today it’s like this: work has the nature of a social burden, what prevents you from making the profession official and the salary decent? alena kashtanova sorted it out. check the status of mail boxes, watering flowers when leaving the apartment has already become a habit. svetlana albertovna has held the position of house manager for more than 5 years. my husband and i retired, came here from the north, and somehow went straight to the general meeting of owners. it turned out that they chose me. it looks like they made the right choice, but the cleanup workers come out in unison. all controversial issues are resolved in the general house chat, he knows how
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to resolve issues if the questions are difficult to answer, and he can’t sleep at night, we’re not all very grateful, but it seems like the house management never comes here i stepped face to face with the problems of the residents, everything was falling apart, the walls in the entrance clearly needed painting, the basement was in need of drying out after the winter. obviously, the building manager is an important link, the absence of which directly affects the well-being of the residents; he controls the activities of the management company and supplies. in the gray zone, and therefore wages, the availability of remuneration, in principle depends on
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the decision of the residents, people do not want to pay for the work of the building manager, so they consider it unnecessary, they believe that this should be a social burden. i know very few cases when the owners at their meetings decide to pay a small amount. the state duma decided to legalize the status of a house manager. one of the methods being discussed is to oblige the management company to enter into employment contracts with them. thus, we come to the conclusion that this is an already established labor relationship. once labor relations have been established, then there should be taxes that all citizens in the russian federation, working citizens, pay.
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these positions are often filled by retirees; changes in legislation may become an impetus for the emergence of young specialists in these positions who will take on the problems of housing and communal services with energy and enthusiasm, subject to good motivation and decent remuneration for this work. well, let’s discuss the topic; with us today is the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and public utilities svetlana razvorotniva. svetlana viktorovna, hello. good morning. listen, well, in reality, not everyone will take on such powers, and almost all residents rely on such a person, but it’s true. the load is colossal, maybe already in bring out the specialty separately and pay for it? here, as a rule, people do this on a voluntary basis, they have some kind of job, or they are pensioners, so in no case should they be equated with some kind of work activity, this is exactly what
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the tax code has now done us, he said, this is a remuneration, which means it’s within the framework of an employment contract and let’s not pay from it... to collect this money, we have begun a massive outflow from the homes of these citizens, especially if they are pensioners, they they become automatically working pensioners, lose the right to indexation of pensions, as a result, of course, the house is left unattended and no one is better off because of this, so what is the way out to cancel these taxes on this money? barely enough for this communal apartment, and they are scraping together housing services from their small salaries, and can you imagine, they decided to add additional money to pay for this person, and we met
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several times at the site of our committee and discussed how it was possible for the ministry of finance to accept mintrut, yes now there is a solution when can this be rolled back to... so that there is no such outflow, well, i’m very glad that we have now found, as it seems to me, mutual understanding with our specialized committee on the tax budget and with the ministry of labor, which promised to support us, well, we need to make changes to the law on pension insurance, simply to recognize these persons as not subject to insurance, but they are always, again, those who want some kind of pension experience of their own, and those who want contributions to the funds, i think that...
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nice start the morning with a strong cup aromatic tea. azerchay bouquet is a tart tonic, it will give you strength and vigor for the whole day. morning, time to brew azerchay. on cosmonautics day. this is the fate of the legendary crew of solute 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor sovenykh. the cabin became quiet, a minute and a half remained before the collision with the station. it definitely wasn’t before. manual belay in space, a dead station for the first time, how were you greeted here on earth? i sat for a whole month at the baikan cosmodrome, waiting to be
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either punished or rewarded. the fate of a person boris korchevnikov on friday at 15:00. collected from what was. in thailand, craftsmen made a replica of an italian sports car. the parts were taken from old japanese cars that were found at car dealerships. of course, it accelerated to 350 km/h, like one of the fastest cars. this creation will not be able to, but otherwise it is almost indistinguishable, how much it cost, this hobby is not specified, but they created a rare copy for several years, if only there was time, the luxury car today on a test drive with ivan zinkevich resembles an all-terrain vehicle and a lunar rover at the same time, but stands like a piece of meteorite. today i’m testing the chinese suv mhiro from donfn, it looks unusual, but let’s start getting acquainted. the car resembles a piece of granite that has been very carelessly chiselled. the length of the body is more than 5 m, the width is more than two, at the withers it confidently exceeds
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190 cm, in design and dimensions it resembles the hammer or its japanese analogue, the toyota mega cruiser, as well as the domestic all-terrain vehicle strela. price - 15,990.00 rub. this is the most expensive car of chinese origin of all that is official. changing the length of the pillow, with screens, is probably even too much, there are three monitors in front, the design of the power plant is unusual, it is a hybrid, it has at its disposal... on the front rear axle, there is also an internal combustion engine that acts as a generator. the total power
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of the power plant is 816 horsepower, the torque is even more impressive, 1050 nm. with such an arsenal, the three-ton colossus easily takes off, just 6 seconds are enough for the speedometer needle to reach 100 km/h. claimed range on a full charge and full tank filling - 750 km. but in real life this figure is about a quarter more modest, but with cross-country ability everything is in perfect order, it seems that there is no obstacle that would be beyond his ability. the suv has four-wheel drive and an impressive ground clearance. in the standard state it is 221 mm, but with air suspension the body can be raised by another 105 mm. on asphalt, air struts help smooth out road unevenness, and the rear wheels swivel. improve maneuverability, but when maneuvering at high speed, 3 tons of weight is still felt, emhiru was certainly impressed, it is
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a powerful and unusual car, but in the city it looks like some kind of alien, and the price of 16 million, even with such characteristics, seems overpriced. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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titanic luxury collection bothrum. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary
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masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. on cosmonautics day. the signal is gone. stanza does not respond to any commands? why are we drinking? am i flying to baikan tomorrow? they can't cope without me. you've been written off. star team, dangerous, volodya, increase speed, take away, take away, what happened, punctured glove, light, talk to me, i'm talking to you, history real feat, they used up almost all the oxygen, no one will return home, the film has reached an unprecedented height, you need
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to open the hatch, the shuttle docked, there is nothing, it seemed to you, let it go, fireworks on april 7, 12 on rtr, they disappear, thousands of meteorites can be lost forever, they still sink deeper into the melting ice of the antarctic.
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a gas turbine, an aircraft engine, a compressor, wherever such a blade serves, enormous loads await it, and even if it has a small defect, sooner or later it will collapse, which can lead to the most serious consequences, up to the loss of the entire car, but here is a way to prevent it. such control using a tomograph, here you can not only see the presence of defects, but even such weak defects, there is simply some thinning of the object, and it can be measured, and with the help of a tomograph you can examine jewelry, all kinds of precious stones and, say, pearls, so we 'll do it now, literally for a minute you can see on the screen, a natural-looking bead has
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an artificial core, so clear the picture is obtained not only thanks to the tomograph, which, by the way, was created in russia. our mathematicians have learned to process x-ray images so that their resolution increases many times over. as a comparison, photographs taken by smartphones, due to their size, their matrix and optics do not seem to allow for good photographs, but thanks to the use of various processing algorithms, the photos come out amazing. the fact is that the quality of the image directly depends on the dose that the object receives during the study. no, of course we want that the tomograph should be as young as possible so that there are as few x-rays as possible, but then the quality of the reconstruction can only be improved by developing the software part, adding artificial intelligence methods, the algorithms created here can work with any tomograph, including medical ones, they will give clear and detailed images minimally, irradiating patients, and their
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work will not be interfered with by metal implants and endoprostheses, which are now introduced into images... serious distortions, however, before using these programs in the clinic, it may it takes a lot of time, this is due to the difficulties of certification, another thing is, say, customs and inspection of things, at the airport they ask you to take out your computers, but what did you have there, we can’t see anything, some tangles of wires, now many gadgets are charging , they carry power banks with them, and the shadows from these objects obscure everything else, the security service begins to rummage around. a computed tomograph would solve this problem, especially if paired with artificial intelligence, which would highlight suspicious areas. this drawing is 100 years, how did he get here, why exactly here, if this is... a message from mom, she’s letting us know that she’s there, 100 years ago, 100 years ago, i understand, you miss mom, i’m going to her pull out, soon,
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let's, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. rossi's morning is the main thing. the water level in the ural river rose another quarter of a meter. the indicators in the orenburg region are close to critical. the flood is expected to peak today. patrol on boats collecting medicines and products, volunteers help in evacuating victims in the orenburg region. nuclear terrorism, that’s what the russian foreign ministry called the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. magath calls an emergency
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meeting. the news will tell you about the main thing, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. vladimir putin, the governor of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, was reported on the fight against floods and providing assistance to the population. the president decided to send the head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services fayzulino to orenburg. us. he will oversee the restoration of housing and destroyed infrastructure. the head of the ministry of emergency situations once again visited the disaster zone. he assessed the situation with air and determined further measures. more than 10,000 houses and almost 13,000 household plots were flooded in the region. peak floods are expected there today. in the vicinity of orsk , the situation is still the most acute, although the peak has passed there, in the old city the water level has even dropped, but rescuers continue to work non-stop. they make earthen dumps and take people out. at temporary accommodation centers, specialists help people restore their documents and fill out applications for financial assistance. to the victims the first payments have already begun to arrive. in orenburg
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, a siren has already sounded in some areas, warning people of the danger of flooding and preparing for evacuation. with details from margarita semenyuk. the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical level, now it is already 914 cm. if it rises by another 16 cm , new territories will be flooded. here. we have 100 m here, we are already on the banks of the urals, high water is coming, the peak of the flood is just waiting, a rescuer, police, russian guards are evacuating people, they brought them from the danger zone about 800 people, 40 of them children, some residents are still staying, beef stew, who brought it, these are the children, grandma lives there, they came, they brought it, it’s from the city, not yes, not the first time, the day before yesterday a lot water was brought. oh, it's full of everything. stew, bread, gingerbread and cookies are purchased and brought by local residents to be distributed to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place. meanwhile, water is rapidly covering the streets and houses in
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orenburg. where it was dry in the morning, the river can only be reached by rubber boat. well, while we were swimming in the reach, now we decided to get to me; it’s completely flooded there. house, yes, house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is inside. stands below, the flood waters have already approached the federal highway m5 ural, embankments of rock are being made along the side of the road, the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov visited the region with the regional governor denis pasler, they flew over the entire territory affected by the flood. the minister examined the conditions in which those evacuated to temporary accommodation centers live. that's it, the water went through dam. the regional authorities will compensate all victims for losses and provide financial assistance. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov. news orenburg. in the kurgan region, the water rose by one and a half meters, an evacuation was announced, sirens and loudspeakers announced the need to urgently leave their homes, there are several areas in the flood zone, and another 60 settlements in the danger zone.
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kurgan itself is now awaiting the approach of high water; additional forces and rescuers have arrived from five regions. orenburg residents and residents of other russian regions are collecting help for flood victims. donation packages are sent to both organizations and entrepreneurs. and caring people. our correspondent oksana boricheva provides details. the volunteers of the orenburg orthodox help center are in a bustle of work. caring orenburg residents are carrying everything necessary for those affected by the worst flood in the history of observations in the region. personal hygiene products, clothing, shoes for adults and children are brought to the center, water, food. especially now people lack bed linen and warm blankets. volunteers accept items, sort them and distribute the items.
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other regions also responded to the misfortune of the orenburg residents, other dioceses joined, these are moscow, yekaterinburg, rostov, which also help us with humanitarian aid, and we are expecting this cargo, even more than 5 tons. entrepreneurs, students and retirees also provide assistance to the world. another cargo gazelle is being assembled by the headquarters of the popular front, this cargo will now go to orsk, preparations continues to provide assistance to everyone who needs it. oksana boricheva, dmitry primachik, news! ukrainian militants fired at the village of limovo in the bryansk region. another barbaric blow hit the very center of the settlement. there were no military installations there; there was a blood transfusion center, a library and a large department store nearby. according to the head of the region, a woman and a child were killed. three were wounded. magathe announced at an extraordinary meeting due to the situation around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. an emergency session will be held tomorrow, over the past few days, ukrainian drones have attacked. the fragments of one
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drone fell on the roof of the sixth power unit, another drone attacked the unique training center of the nuclear power plant the day before, a few minutes after magathe employees visited the station. the organization has already announced the risks of a nuclear disaster at azas; the russian foreign ministry has called the situation nuclear terrorism. train traffic in the moscow-minsk direction is open. restoration work on two more tracks has been completed. repair teams around the clock were working at the crash site. mobile bridge under the vyazma. the movement of trains from sovelovsky and belarusian directions, as well as trains from kaliningrad and brest, is on schedule. the automobile overpass connecting vyazma with the southern microdistricts collapsed on april 8. fragments of six spans fell onto the rails along with the cars. at the age of 94 , peter hicks, one of the most authoritative physicists in the world, who theoretically predicted the elementary particle later named after him, passed away. on the bazon mass theory. thanks to
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research at the large odron collider. a year later, hicks's revolutionary work, linking the various forces of the universe together through a single mass-transporting particle, was awarded the nobel prize in physics. the briton shared the award with his colleague francois englert. don't switch. yamal game managers are preparing for a mass calving of moose; for this purpose, inspectors are setting up artificial salt marshes on forestry lands; young animals and lactating females especially need such feeding, reporting by vitaly toropov. from november to nearest by northern standards, moose feeders are just an hour away by car on hard surfaces and half an hour by snowmobile through the swampy taiga in the river floodplain. we are there, we don’t have time
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to turn on the camera, and the first twenty-kilogram bag of salt is already on the table. it's called an artificial salon. the moose will come, how long will it last? well, it’s still melting on its own, enough for the season. state hunting inspectors record a new catering outlet and confirm it with a geotag for colleagues. this table can last for a year, for 3 months, depending on the number of moose that he will be loved. judging by the tracks in the purovsky region, there has been a significant increase in the number of horned ones. a very fresh rookery, here he is, when it’s frosty for half an hour on snowmobiles, and we’re on the other side of the oxbow lake, we come across a trail of artiodactyls , game managers say, until the next location he’s still eating this fir, you see, he’s gnawed it, the place for a new salt marsh is the best, that’s how he goes along the river, it feeds here, because the vegetation is rich, and there is fir, and juniper, aspen, and more... to feed on it,
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but without an important natural mineral , life is not sweet for elk, elk must eat salt, in order to recover, well, so that growth is good, like vitamins for humans, and minerals, there are no minerals in nature, so we feed them with straw, we mainly choose promising places, that is, where the paths, along the floodplains of rivers, are where elk move, so we made two salt licks by the river, about four times later. the birthing season will begin in 5 weeks, so now more than ever lasihas, by the way, have an abundance of dietary supplements so that their offspring are born healthy and beautiful. vitaly toropov, andrey dobrikov, lead yamal. all news is always available on the media platform let's watch, in the app or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great! okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is good morning, hello, well, it’s already wednesday, for the third morning in a row anastasia chernobori will be with you on... borisov, he told how he adapts to earthly life after 6 months on the iss . you take it, oh, how heavy it is. sneakers,
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socks, a t-shirt seem heavy because you are used to them flying in front of you. the hardest thing to understand is that you can't to fly, you have to walk with your feet, and objects, if you let them go, fall on... imagine, but there are advantages, delicious food, fruits and berries. the first thing the astronaut ate after landing was a whole basket of blueberries. you can also sunbathe on the ground. yes. well, there are not enough berries in space, and there are wobbles in the rivers. the russian ministry of agriculture has banned its industrial and amateur fishing in the astrakhan region until the end of the year. reserves of valuable biological resources have decreased critically. alexander blinnikov found out what this is connected with and what other popular fish are in danger of extinction. fish has been famous for its taste since ancient times, what you want to try when you want solimik, it was very popular on balconies , they dried it there, every fisherman at least once turned a balcony into a kitchen, there, among linen, canned food, grandfather’s skis, it was prepared, roach, the recipe is simple, salt and add a pinch
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of sun rays, they will take away all the excess, in return there will be a subtle aroma and rich taste, in an hour we caught a whole bucket, such a good ox, we added a little salt and nibbled on it. irina zakharovna spent her school years with a fishing rod, she recalls then roach was the most common catch, now it is also fished, but the symbol of the astrakhan region is becoming less and less common in cages. viyalina vobla is a brand of russian cuisine; they say the dried delicacy was tried back in the times of ivan the terrible. since then, the fish has been heard all the time, saltykov shchedrin even told her a fairy tale. it seems that such a fuss about the roach only harmed it, because today the fish has turned into an ed. and a delicacy. scientists calculated biological resources and gasped. over the past 20 years, roach stocks have decreased more than twice. therefore , a logical decision was made to ban fishing for a year. the stocks of this species have already crossed the critical line, after which the degradation process will lead to a loss of commercial
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value. and probably to the extinction of this species. the fact that the fishermen are shocked by the pattern. the v obly population has long been on the hunt for slaughter. there are many reasons for this, but the underlying problems are the same. human. factor, people have a bad influence on the environment, and fish uncontrollably, removal of roach producers during the spawning period and its mass spawning migrations to the delta of the river and the volga and all types of fishing, this includes industrial fishing, amateur fishing, now any hunting for wobbles in the astrakhan region is prohibited until the end of the year, violators will be mercilessly fined and punished, however, fishermen will be able to catch any other fish with redoubled force. it should be good, the carp should be there, the females should roll off from old age, not yet, there is nothing yet, of course, there are no prerequisites for the disappearance of the most popular fish species, for example, crucian carp or pike, but apparently it was the same with roach, all these processes are quite difficult to predict, experts note, a sudden factor may intervene for which we
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are not prepared, this is the drying up of some reservoirs where this particular fish lives and the impossibility of it further replenishment, this is a decrease in the state demand... for the replenishment of certain species of fish, in principle, we are not currently engaged in replenishment of these most common species of fish. in order not to be left without your favorite fish, you need to replenish stocks before the species becomes endangered, because otherwise you will have to wait a long time, for example, according to scientists, it will take at least 5 years to completely restore the roach population. there is something to discuss, our guests, in the studio , deputy director for science of the angelgard institute of molecular biology, ran, doctor of biology. sciences anna kudryavtseva, anna, good morning, hello, good morning, anna, tell me how it happened that for 20 years nothing has been done, no programs have been adopted, this critical line has already been passed, we are on the verge of our cultural code, one of the vobla, which everyone is so accustomed to is on the verge of extinction, in fact this is due to the fact
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that historically, well, with the collapse of the soviet union, the number of fish factories sharply decreased, as... yes, and it is necessary that there be enough water so that caviar does not dried up, yes, so that
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the level of this water is enough for it to cover the eggs, the hydraulic structure now cannot redirect the river beds either, what to do in this case, this is one of the main problems, as far as i understand, there should be coordinated work between regions that they follow the course of the river, and of course we are talking about such a massive modernization of such structures, that is, in any case, we need to work as a team at the same level. leadership of these regions is possible at the level of the country's leadership. are there any such plans? of course there is, but this is a lot of work and it has already begun. about 25-30 specialists from a variety of fields who are related to fish reproduction and the provision of legislative frameworks. and just like that, we have created a list of recommendations that can be used to restore recovery populations in the regions. the first thing we proposed was precisely the introduction of a 5-year ban on fishing, well, to restore the population of,
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for example, asitrov, they say, it’s already taken 20 years there, and they haven’t restored it yet, here the roach is 5 years old, but god forbid, if so, or maybe artificially in parallel then it is grown, if asitrov can be grown artificially, then with roach science has not yet figured out a way to do this, but then there are fewer of these fish, but other species. it seems to me that the specialists understand what needs to be done, all that remains is to meet with the right people people in the state to help in whitewashing. we
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really hope and expect that we will be heard and everything will be fine. yesterday you couldn’t believe that we have fewer eggs in the country, there’s also our favorite roach, let’s hope that after all, it seems to me that no one even fully understands what the question is, because there has always been a lot of roach in russia, and let's hope that we will be proud of this type of fish. the seventh season without pathos, so calm and easy, but the result is fantastic,
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really fantastic. on friday at 21:30. behind over the past 3 years, the level of use of artificial intelligence in the country has increased by one and a half times and in priority sectors exceeded 31%. the federal artificial intelligence project as part of the digital economy project helps introduce innovations. artificial intelligence is now responsible for smart waste sorting at this ulyanovsk enterprise. before sending all collected waste to the conveyor, the program carefully scans it using a dozen parameters. two buckets are enough. that is, in the first redraw you put all the packaging prepared, in the second, respectively, is organic. we don’t teach people to sort houses by brand, color, or cleanliness, because this is a fairly professional story. in addition to automated production, a mobile application was also developed in ulyanovsk, thanks to which.
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for every kilogram of this waste , the user is awarded points, which can then be converted into rubles, as they say, and conveniently, all these innovative developments are born here, in ulyanovsk, our approach, it is unique, we are for it... to compare or shine object in different spectra. yes, based on a spectral image , determine what kind of material is traveling along the sorting line, from the fund for promoting innovation, young scientists received 30 million rubles for further promotion of their product, thanks to government support, creative teams in the it field have now begun to declare themselves more often, for example, in bashkiria, with the support of the skolkovo foundation, they created an information system for agricultural enterprises, this
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minimizes manual labor, this practically reduces the human factor to zero... what is better to sow in a particular field, how it is more rational to organize watering when it is more favorable to start harvesting. the development has already been highly appreciated by farmers of the sverdlovsk region. in this field there will be barley-peas, it will be more visible.
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national project digital economy, agriculture, in total, thanks to the federal project artificial intelligence is already demonstrating its results in many areas, from large industry to medicine ; over 850 solutions have received grant support from the innovation promotion fund, as well as 25 pilot implementation projects artificial intelligence by large customers from the skolkovo foundation. and then. money for successfully passing an exam, we’ll tell you soon how to make start-up capital at a school desk. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on
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the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, titanic delluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort at our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. everyone is here. a room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words; we are responsible for every word.
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evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. here is the money for your mother's treatment, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship it’s worth a lot, who are you chatting with, wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love is even more expensive, oh my god, some insidious one. i came, i saw, i won, i fell in love with these little devils, and you, how long have you been planning to meet? i have a lot of it, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it, and i don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also tell you they threw the jewelry into half
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a lemon, dear friend, on saturday on... rtr: we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, and one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we have this arc. here comes a grandmother, she’s hungry, but she brings this kurpa to the parish and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that... we need to take the kids in, i came across such people who care, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without
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your help, you wouldn’t survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, nartr. hypnotic underwater show.
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exciting performances in traditional style were staged at the chinese aquarium. with the help of movement and dance, the artists told the legend of loseni. she is the fairy of the river, a mythological creature known for beauty, wisdom and kindness. there is a poem in which the author described the love date of the lyrical hero. and the local little mermaid, and now here immersive performance, the audience is delighted, the tv viewers are too, well, the viewers of our channel are delighted with the sklifosovsky series, the continuation of the medical saga is now being filmed in kislovodsk, we invite you to find out what tests are in store for the life of dr. bragin, the car has started, which means a new chapter in the lives of the characters is starting the legendary sklif and of course the brilliant surgeon oleg bragin. the eleventh season finale left many questions.
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leaves little time for family. bragin is no exception, he has a teenage daughter, yes also with such a character that even the young performer of the role of tamara bragina does not envy her tv dad. once upon a time i think, well, why did you do this, well, i would have done it completely differently, but nevertheless, i love tamara very much, however, like tv viewers, they love all the heroes of this story: elena yakovleva, maria kulikova, roman madyanov, of course will return to the screens, and even with an addition to the project, for example, charming will take part. and there are chances that this will change a lot in the fate of the heroine nina usatova, in a word, we are waiting for the new season, watch on our channel. and then, control
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over the provision of assistance under compulsory medical insurance. why we need digital mid-profiles and how they can help doctors and patients, we’ll find out from our guest immediately after the news. this drawing is 100 years old. how did he get here, why exactly here, if this is not a message from his mother? this is her letting us know that she was there 100 years ago. 100 years ahead, i understand, you miss your mother, i’m going to pull her out, soon, the news will tell about the main thing in russia abroad, in the vera tarasova studio, hello, about fighting floods, providing assistance to the population the governor of the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions reported to vladimir putin, the president received. measure in the region,
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more than 10.00 houses and almost 13.00 household plots were sunk. already today, the peak of floods in orenburg is expected; the water level in the ural river has increased by another 25 cm. new areas are being prepared for evacuation in the coming hours. the situation in the vicinity of orsk is still the most acute, although the peak of the flood has passed. in the old city , the water level has even dropped, but rescuers continue to work non-stop. do earth dumps and take people out.
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head of the ministry of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov visited the temporary accommodation centers with the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the volga federal district igor komarov and the governor of the region denis pasler. earlier, they assessed the operational situation from the air. as soon as the water recedes, a door-to-door tour of the disaster area will begin to assess the damage caused by the disaster. this is necessary to compensate for lost housing. when we discussed the introduction of a federal emergency, of course there. the amount that was announced was 21 billion, yes, it was considered, well, the number of houses, the area of ​​these houses, the price per square meter, yes, well, in case of complete loss, of course compensation, so i still sincerely hope that we can return, but where there will be some difficulties , of course, we will also resolve this issue, bread and water are delivered to orsk, to the orenburg region, trucks travel from moscow and
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the volga regions, news: orsk, orenburg region. the difficult flood situation in the border regions was discussed by telephone between the presidents of russia and kazakhstan. vladimir putin and kasym jamar takaev noted the close interaction of the relevant services of the two countries in terms of monitoring and forecasting the situation of coordinated response measures. the heads of state also touched upon some aspects of international issues, including in the context of russia's chairmanship of the commonwealth of independent states, and kazakhstan's chairmanship of the collective agreement. security anti-ship missile neptune off the coast of crimea 236 drones five khaimars missiles, all of this was intercepted by our air defense forces within 24 hours, the data is provided by the ministry of defense. on the southern edge of the special operation, the dnepr group discovered that a warehouse of enemy drones was destroyed. the ukrainian armed forces launched 15 attacks in the donetsk and ovdeevsky directions, including four in the chasovo yar area; the attacks were unsuccessful. the lists of destroyed enemy equipment were supplemented by
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self-propelled guns, crappies, and paladies. acacia carnation, british and american howitzers, rapier anti-tank gun, rap and counter-battery stations. kiev's daily losses in all areas are over 900 killed and wounded. israel intends to complete the liquidation of all battalions of the radical palestinian movement hamas. benjamin netanyahu stated this. the prime minister added that the operation will also be extended to rafah, where hundreds of thousands of refugees are located. there is no force in the world that can stop us from... in the gaza strip, after the israeli military left , 380 bodies were discovered; in total, as a result of israeli actions on the palestinian side, 33,360 people were killed and 76 thousand were injured. according to the latest data, eight people were injured in naples during a clash
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between demonstrators and police. the altai experimental design bureau is developing new models of military drones and modernizing old ones, and engineers and it specialists have created a program with which an operator can control a drone from an underground shelter. olga solangina with details. on the simulator, the future operator learns to feel the drone, its breathing literally with his fingers, practicing every movement, a millimeter to the right, a millimeter
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to the left, it can become. a serious mistake, the price of which is an unfulfilled combat mission, or, in the worst case, someone’s life. fpv simulator comicca is an exclusive computer program developed at the beginning of the northern military district by aishnik volunteers. it is necessary on it. not just move, but be able to destroy a target, enemy military equipment, while overcoming a number of obstacles, going around a tree, flying through buildings in a trench. warfare using computer technology is at the peak of popularity today, just like once upon a time snipers, with a remote control in the hands of a cadet with the call sign rabbi, his face is securely covered with a boklava, it is no coincidence that such a specialist in a special military operation canopy gold is a priority target for the enemy, this is an incredibly valuable frame, because if... remember, our offensive in one of the directions was stopped exclusively by kamikaze drones, it’s just that the enemy’s equipment was burned exclusively by drones. to become a sought-after specialist only in a computer class, you need to fly for at least 50 hours, then use a protective net
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so as not to break the equipment only later in the fields. designers, engineers, it specialists are developing more and more new technologies, improvements almost daily computer program. for example, today we are talking about reusable drones capable of destroying enemy targets and returning to base. we have already received several tasks to modernize this drone for a completely different type of projectile, this is a direct request from the troops. ivan, head of the altai uav experimental design bureau. he and his colleagues are not only working on the latest software solutions to create kamikaze copters, but are seriously concerned about the safety of operators, working in war conditions. that is why another new development has appeared. a complex relay system with which an operator can control a drone from a shelter; a person can go 20-30 m underground calmly, that is, where nothing will threaten him. and this is another new technology: altai intelligence officers, in combat conditions
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, developed a drone hunter that shoots nets. members of the uav unit created a tarantula birdcatcher trap with their own hands. the operating principle is simple: throw away a net that captures an enemy drone. olga solangina, evgeny firsov. altai. in the irkutsk region, women volunteers created a movement in support of northern military district soldiers. they sew clothes and ammunition, prepare semi-finished products. children from the local orphanage joined their work. our correspondent elena malyshkina provides details. in this small workshop , the whirring of sewing machines never stops. siberian residents of the ancient village of urik are contributing to the victory. rural women created not just a volunteer group, but an entire movement in support of svo participants, they called it theirs. residents of uskuda, granovshchina, kuda, khomutovo and urik make crying tents, warm suits, various
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types of pouches for first aid kits and for unloading, and also t-shirts for the participants in the special operation. strong show, beautiful, everything. the local administration purchased two overlock machines for the volunteers , modern equipment, and the sewing process sped up several times. and the quality has become better, i found out how and what happens, i found out that at home the girls sew ammunition for their guys, t-shirts, raincoats, pouches, and there arose such an idea to purchase equipment, so we brought five-pointers, please give us all 17 pieces, however, work at home does not stop, here we brought the next batch of what we sewed, these are blanks, they will be finished, packaged and sent to the northern military district. our women also prepare dry soups, borscht, and pickles, which are in great demand among our guys. the ideological inspirer
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of the urikovsky good deeds, yulia denisenko, says she has been interested in cutting and sewing clothes since childhood, she is also a mother of many children, the eldest my son is also in the northern military district, and they became participants in this rural humanitarian mission. teenagers from a local orphanage, the guys at the orphanage make these, small ones, like mascots, cheburashkas. volunteers from urik say that now that they have good equipment and working hands, they need fabrics and the more the better, waterproof fleece, knitted synthetic padding, they use it to make t-shirts for military personnel. elena malyshkina, alexey bondarenko, andrey vorobyov, vesti irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, stay with us, the morning on the russia channel continues,
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, so, morning of russia, good morning, hello, well, it’s already wednesday morning, april 10 on the calendar, anastasia chernobromina, denis stoiko, we are always in a hurry to meet you, everyone else is in a hurry to meet love, including us, about 600 volunteers from st. petersburg will help toads in their mating migration with the arrival of amphibian spring.
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drove our car, blocked its traffic
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and started to provoke a conflict. eventually there was no damage, but due to the time spent on the squabble, the doctors barely had time to deliver the pensioner with epilepsy to the intensive care unit. the police are currently conducting an investigation into the car. and this crossover driver from izhevsk has already been fined, but he still faces a criminal sentence. in a narrow courtyard, a man deliberately pinned an ambulance, telling him to let them go around on their own. the skirmish lasted until the squad arrived. ps there are a lot of similar examples on russian highways, when after repeated requests, the driver still in some variant walked to the side, freeing up the lane, but at the same time showed a very indecent gesture towards the car. doctor of medical sciences vladimir lazarev himself worked for a long time as an anesthesiologist in an ambulance, he admits that all sorts of things happened on the road, inappropriate drivers, sometimes they attacked the crew with fists and knives. in a number of cases, this led, of course, to tragic consequences; they did not manage to reach the patient in time. to the hospital, apparently, drivers grubiyanov are not particularly afraid of the current
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sanctions, according to the administrative code, namely, part two of article 12.17, for failure to provide priority in traffic to a vehicle that has special color schemes and special signals applied to the outer surfaces, a fine of 3 to 5,000 rubles is provided, or deprivation of rights from 3 months to a year, all this is at the discretion of the judge, if the driver does not give way, this is what is associated with... a fine of 5.00 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive, but if the driver has already done some other actions in addition to this, then there is a different type of punishment. and indeed, a criminal article for interfering with medical workers, which led to serious harm or death, provides for a fine of 80,000 rubles or a real sentence of up to 4 years. however, experts note that law enforcement practice under this article is negligible; cases of punishment under it are isolated. deputies, for example, believe that in the fight against auto-hammers it is still worth hitting with the ruble, making it tougher. the main administrative punishment is to increase the fine multiple times, so that it
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starts, for example, with 20 thousand and ends with 100. well, why not, if this is necessary for understanding, well, let's do it this way. the inevitability of punishment may soon become a reality on the capital’s roads; photo and video recording systems installed directly on the ambulance are already being tested. after studying all the nuances, the experience gained is planned to be disseminated everywhere. more about what's new. experience, those insured under the compulsory medical insurance system will have digital medical profiles, this was announced by the federal compulsory health insurance fund. they will include data on the medical assistance provided, prescriptions and procedures performed. well then essentially, this system will combine a digital policy and an electronic medical history, which will help doctors assess risks and make prescriptions for their patients. we will find out all the details from our guest in the studio, a member of the working group of the all-russian union of insurers on the development of compulsory medical insurance.
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interaction, this digital profile of a sufficiently large amount of information can be accessed, as i understand it, any medical specialist, but the patient himself, or the patient will not, but you know, there are, there will be several services, before in total, of course, this is the access of the patient himself, and this is the access of specialists, doctors, but
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there is also a very powerful analytical unit where executive authorities, territorial funds will analyze, but there is no need for personal information, specifically there it means that anonymized information regarding morbidity, financial stability, solvency of medical synchronization as a whole, a balanced system, therefore such a system has a lot of tasks, that is, there will be a lot of data there, but not everyone entering the profile will have access to all the data, and of course, will the specialist himself be able to go there after the fact to clean this profile, or is it already written with a pen, then with an ax, as they say, cannot be cut down, i think that just the number will allow... to minimize errors, will help to avoid them, if a certain treatment or examination is prescribed and they, well , are not completed in full, a person signs up, then he is taken off the record, the same thing often happens, people complain, you know, that's just it one of the components, the managerial component, is
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to control the accessibility of medical care, yes, of course, this will probably not be dealt with by doctors, it will be dealt with by executive authorities, we really hope that by this stage there will be. included insurance representatives, feedback to the patient, yes, if for some reason he cannot get help, he needs to urgently signal, and then, of course, of course, well, finally, we need to remind that we have deadlines for providing medical care assistance, in which a program of state guarantees is established, we simply have, when we were preparing for a conversation with you, using a personal example from our team, it was said that here is a person who survived a myocardial infarction, is now recovering, the doctor prescribes a regular appointment for a heart echo and ... and a window is given there for 2 months, during these 2 months a person with a heart attack must not only try to catch a recording on the echo there every morning at 7:30, he must even come personally with his feet to the medical institution, take a place there, not so much as take there are 50 people already standing the same only two heart attack patients are recorded, as a result
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, these 2 months fly by nowhere and he doesn’t get to this echo, here’s how to deal with this, well, here’s a very good example given by cerus escorts with a high degree of probability they will be connected. informing through government services, which today, in principle , the service is developing in other areas, yes, the date of appointment, time of appointment, and here insurance companies can also connect, check whether this is all true, thank you very much, a member of the working group of the all-russian answered our questions union of insurers development of compulsory medical insurance, mikhail pushkov, yes, i turned 60, afisa is celebrating her anniversary, a new life in the monastery, how she ended up near sergius passads. the collapse of a career, the loss of a child, in general, fate before and after. malakhov, today at 16:30 on the russia channel. not just schools, almost half of russians spend
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more than 10 thousand rubles a month on additional education for their children, every fourth pays up to 5,000, almost the same amount. from 5 to 10. the most expensive items are tutors for classes in in-depth study of subjects. musical and artistic schools, early development schools, classes, for example, with speech therapists and psychologists. by the way, parents are increasingly choosing it courses for their children, extremely popular areas. well, by the way, several regions have introduced impressive payments for children who win olympiads, successfully pass the exam and receive medals for their studies. how to earn start-up capital without getting up from your school desk now. let's find out: a diploma for 100 points in chemistry, in russian. certificates, awards, letters of gratitude to a tyumen student medical university kirill pavlovich needs both hands at once to hold all his insignia. thanks to his efforts, the young man entered the educational institution he needed without any problems. moreover, for
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subjects passed with the maximum score, yesterday's student received 200,000 rubles as financial incentives. my friend received a monetary reward for. 100 points in eg, i thought why not repeat 200,000 minus interest. i think this is a very good incentive for others. i know at least several people who wrote the unified state exam just for this incentive and a good result for admission. now other monetary incentives to study well are also appearing in the region. for example, the money for a gold medal is 20,000 rubles. and for silver at the end of school they will pay 15,000 rubles. true, the knowledge will have to be confirmed when they take the final certification, which means that those guys who received a first-class medal must receive at least 70%.
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in kalmykia and tatarstan, 60,000 in omsk to 150,000 in bashkiria. by the way, monetary remuneration is due not only to students, but to teachers who were able to prepare excellent students. on average, teachers receive the same amount as their students. of course, this is very nice, such a bonus, but i still think it’s deserved. such incentives for teachers, which are introduced by the regions, make it possible to combat the shortage of personnel. for example, for. victories in such professional competitions as teacher of the year in russia, for example, there is a primary school teacher or, for example, a teacher, psychologist,
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defectologist, and so on, that is, these payments from 2000 to 1 million rubles. so far, the programs are not operating in all regions, but experts are sure that it is a matter of time; if the indicators of stimulated students grow, the practice will continue to spread. what do you think are effective monetary incentives for academic success, write to our telegram channel. well, then cherry blossoms in the sochi arboretum. let's admire the delicate colors of spring in a few minutes. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but we need to rest. where the sun is. sea ​​first coastal, where everything is included, except the head, we
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know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
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on cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, it’s still our common holiday, of course, it’s a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, what was your mission, see. and figure it out, if possible, fix it, i have a feeling that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we take off, i’m all pale, brings volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he was going to die, just now there are two cosmonauts, that is, you understand, your wives saw you off with a heavy heart, the road is one way, it was impossible to calm them down. my wife had some kind of intuition, apparently, my wife viktor petrovichna knitted a hat for him and two for you. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on
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rtr. maybe we should return everything back. premiere on rtr. nothing will work out with your vasya. as i see it, i’m actually starting to shake. i need to take money to the bank. wait, wait, are there any witnesses? no, oh, convenient, yes? what do you think? i stole money. alla taxi. today on rtr. favorite residence of elizabeth ii. balmoral castle in scotland has been opened to the public for the first time in its 169-year history. public. excursions inside the building were allowed by charles ii. you can look into the ballroom, where watercolor paintings of his majesty hang, as well as into
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the room where the queen received the premiere of liszt ras 2 days before her death. a special place is occupied by the dressing room, which houses a collection of outfits worn over the years by charles, camilla, elizabeth herself and her mother, for an additional fee you will be given afternoon tea, the cost of the tour with excursion is 150 pounds - that’s 18,000 rubles. tickets for this season are already sold out. well, in sochi they are buying up tickets to the dendropark, where cherry blossoms are now blooming, as many as nine different varieties. it's truly hanami season. in a week it will be absolutely beautiful. svetlana, marina and olga came to sochi from the northern capital. friends came to dandropark to admire exotic plants and take part in the so-called hanami, cherry blossom festivals. got into a piece summer, and such lush sakura, we relax our souls, walk, although we could lie in the pool, relax, sunbathe. dandropark has been specializing in collecting subtropical plants for decades, which are difficult to see in other regions
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of the country. the flowering of winter-flowering plants also coincided. the time for spring flowering plants to bloom has already begun in mid -april, so in our park we see viburnums, chaenomellis, and mesni jasmines, we have blooming magnolias, blooming camellias, nine out of twenty-three varieties have already bloomed sakura, that is, in the park you can see all the diversity, tourists come to the lower part of the park for positive emotions, this bird yard is full of inhabitants. in different parts of the garden you can see roosters, black and white swans; the pelican is the center of attention of guests; it willingly poses for tourists. another bird has flown, masha, look, it’s great, right? svetlana ostankova has always been interested in ecotourism, and now she goes on a trip with her little daughter. what is developing, all sorts of eco-trails are being built in large numbers. it's great because
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people want to be closer to nature. ecotourism plans to develop. in the arboretum, weather forecasters promise that april in sochi will be abnormally warm, so the peak of flowering of trees in the garden is still ahead, which means this is a great chance to see the most popular location of the resort in new spring colors. and then, a responsible position. i didn’t make count montecrist; i’ll have to retrain as a building manager. to the building managers? with your dubious past? no, right here...
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. the water level in the ural river rose another quarter of a meter. the indicators in the orenburg region are close to critical. the flood is expected to peak today. patrol on boats collects medicines and food, volunteers help in evacuating victims in orenburg. nuclear terrorism is what the russian foreign ministry called the attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. magath calls an emergency meeting. the news will tell you about the main thing in the
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vera tarasova studio. hello. vladimir putin heard reports on combating floods and providing assistance to the population from governors orenburg, kurgan, tyumen regions. the president decided to send to orenburg, kurgany, tyumen, the head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services and reka faizulin, who will oversee the restoration of housing and destroyed infrastructure. and the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, arrived in tyumen. today he will continue his working trip to the regions most affected by the flood. the day before, he assessed the situation in the disaster zone in the orenburg and kurgan regions from the air. kurenkov flew over the territories to determine further. in the vicinity of orsk the situation is still the most acute, although the peak has passed in the old city, the water level has even dropped, but rescuers continue to work non-stop, making earthen dumps and taking people out. at temporary accommodation centers, specialists help people restore their documents and fill out applications for
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financial assistance. the first victims have already begun to arrive. in the orenburg region, water has come close to the ural federal highway, in some areas of the city a siren has already sounded, people are being prepared for evacuation with details margarita semenyuk. the ural river near orenburg is approaching a critical level, now it is already 914 cm, with an increase of another 16 cm , new territories will be flooded. here we have the urals, here 100 m, but already on the banks of the urals. big water is coming, the peak of the flood is just waiting. rescuers, police, and the national guard are evacuating people; about 800 people were brought from the danger zone, including 40 children, some residents are still staying. beef stew, who brought it? here you go, children. grandma lives, they came, they brought it, it’s from the city, but no longer, yes, this is not the first time, the day before yesterday they brought a lot of water, oh, a lot of everything, stew, bread, gingerbread and cookies are bought and brought by local
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residents to be distributed to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place. meanwhile , water is rapidly covering the streets and houses in orenburg, where it was dry in the morning, the rivers can only be reached by rubber boat, but for now we were swimming in the reaches. now they decided to come to me, there it is completely flooded, the house, yes, the house, yes, there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is inside, stands below, flood waters have already approached the federal highway m5 ural, embankments of rock are being made along the side of the road, the region was visited by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov with the regional governor denis pasler, they flew over the entire territory affected by the flood, the minister examined the conditions in which the evacuees live their temporary accommodation points. that's it, the water went through the dam. the regional authorities will compensate all victims for losses and provide financial assistance. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. in kurgan in the region, the water rose by one and a half meters,
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an evacuation was announced about the need to urgently leave their homes, the population was notified by sirens and loudspeakers, in the flooding zone, several areas, another 60 settlements in the danger zone. in anticipation of the approach of high water, now the mound itself has arrived with additional forces and rescuers to help. from five regions. the whole country is collecting help for flood victims. donation packages are sent by organizations, entrepreneurs and caring people. with details from oksana boricheva. volunteers of the orenburg orthodox help center are in a bustle of work. caring orenburg residents are carrying everything necessary for those affected by the worst flood in the history of observations in the region. the center provides personal hygiene products, clothing, shoes for adults and children. water, food, especially now people don’t have enough bed linen and warm blankets, volunteers take things, sort them and give them to those in need, the saidov family was suddenly deprived of everything by the water element, their house in snt near
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orenburg was flooded quickly, they ran out in what it happened, we just managed to take the documents, because the water came very quickly, other regions responded to the orenburg residents’ misfortune, other dioceses joined, these are moscow, yekaterinburg, rostov, which are also helping us. humanitarian aid, we expect this cargo, even more than 5 tons. entrepreneurs, students and retirees provide assistance around the world. another cargo gazelle is being assembled by the headquarters of the popular front, this cargo will now go to orsk. collections continue in order to provide assistance to everyone who needs it. oksana boricheva, dmitry primachik, lead the orenburg region. ukrainian militants fired at the village of limovo in the bryansk region. another barbaric blow hit the very center of the settlement. there were no military installations, a blood transfusion center, a library and a large department store were nearby, as the head of the region reported, a woman and a child were killed, three were injured. magatte announced at an extraordinary meeting due to the situation around
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. an emergency session will be held tomorrow. over the past few days, ukrainian drones have attacked zaes. the wreckage of one drones fell on the roof of the sixth power unit, another drone attacked the unique training center of the nuclear power plant the day before. in a few minutes. after visiting the station by magat employees. the organization has already announced the risks of a nuclear catastrophe at zais; in the russian mita , the situation was called nuclear terrorism. train traffic in the moscow-minsk direction is open. restoration work on two more tracks; completed repair teams worked around the clock at the site of the crash of the road bridge under vyazma. movement sovelovsky and belarusian trains , as well as trains from kaliningrad and brest, are on schedule. an automobile overpass connecting vyazma with the southern microdistricts. collapsed on april 8, fragments of six spans fell onto the rails along with cars. at the age of 94 , peter hicks, one of the most authoritative physicists in the world, who theoretically predicted the elementary
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particle later named after him, passed away. hicks has been working on the theory of bazon mass since the mid -sixties, although the existence of the particle was confirmed only in 2012, thanks to research at the large hadron collider. a year later, hicks' revolutionary work linked the various forces. yamal game managers are preparing for a mass calving of moose; for this purpose , inspectors are setting up artificial salt marshes on forestry lands; young animals and lactating females especially need such feeding. report by vitaly toropov. from november to the nearest elk feeders, by northern standards, it’s a stone’s throw, an hour’s drive on hard surfaces and half an hour on the snow.
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entering the swampy taiga in the river floodplain wangapur, we are there, we don’t have time to turn on the camera, and the first twenty-kilogram bag of salt is already on the table, it’s called an artificial salon. the elk will come as long as there is enough for him, well, she herself will still melt enough for the season. state hunting inspectors are recording a new catering outlet and confirming it with a geotag for colleagues; this table may last for 3 months, depending on the number of elk that choose it, horned ones, judging by the tracks. in the purovsky region there has been a decent increase, game managers say, until the next location it’s still half an hour on snowmobiles, and we’re at on the other bank to grow old, we come across a trail of artiodactyls, a very fresh rookery, here he is, when the frosts eat this fir, you see, he gnawed it, the place for a new salt marsh is the best, so he walks along the river, feeds here, because the vegetation is saturated, and the fir there is also juniper. and aspen, there is something
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for him to feed on, but without an important natural mineral, moose’s life is not sweet, the moose needs to eat salt in order to recover, well, so that growth is good, like vitamins for humans, and minerals, there are no minerals in nature, so we lay out the fertilizer for them there are salt licks, we mainly choose promising places, that is, where there are paths, along river floodplains, where moose move, so we made two salt licks. in about 4-5 weeks, the birthing season will begin, so now more than ever, by the way, lasikhas have an abundance of dietary supplements so that their offspring are born healthy and beautiful. vitaly toropov, andrey dobrikov, lead yamal. all news is always available on the media platform. let's take a look, in the app or on the website. meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, that’s the main thing. good morning everyone, hello, today is april 10, i love this day, denis stoykov is with you, i’m anastasia chernobrina. almost half of russians know first-hand what an office conflict is. every third respondent named their colleagues as the initiator of the latest quarrel at work, and only a few themselves. the problem with the management is also not the case.
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boxes, watering flowers when leaving the apartment has already become a habit. svetlana albertovna has held the position of house manager for more than 5 years, i retired with my husband, came here from the north, somehow i immediately got to the general meeting of owners, it turned out that they chose me, it seems they made the right choice, but the subbotniks come out together and resolve all controversial issues. in the general house chat, knows how
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to solve problems, if questions are difficult, he can’t sleep at night, we are all very grateful, but the building manager, it seems, has never set foot here, with the problems of the residents one on one, everything is falling apart, the walls in the entrance clearly need painting , in the basement to dry out after the winter, obviously the building manager is an important link the absence of which directly affects the well-being of the residents, he controls the activities of the management company, the supply of resources, coordinates up... and never has been, from the point of view of russian legislation there is no status of a house manager, this is an old name, old regime, house manager, there has always been some kind of then an active citizen who interacted with authorities, so their activities today are actually in a gray zone, and therefore wages, the availability of rewards, in
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principle, depend on the decisions of residents. people don't they want to pay for the work of house administrators, but they think this is unnecessary, they think that this should be a social burden, i know of very few cases. once labor relations have been established, then the taxes that all citizens in the russian federation, working citizens, pay, they must be identical. proportionally or add this activity to the list of permitted ones for the self-employed, then taxes for activists will be lower, in both cases the work of house management will become similar to a full-fledged profession, for now even such a specialty doesn’t exist, it doesn’t sound like a house manager, there is, for example, a general
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director of a management company, there is a manager, we have 12 universities in russia that train specialists for housing and communal services, although i can’t say that they are very popular in these positions... pensioners often work; changes in legislation can become an impetus for the emergence of young specialists in these positions, who will take on problems with energy, enthusiasm, subject to good motivation and decent pay for this work. well, let's discuss the topic, our deputy is with us today chairman of the state duma committee on construction and housing and communal services svetlana razvorotniva, svetlana viktorovna, hello, listen, well, in reality, not everyone will take on such powers, and almost all residents rely on such a person, but the truth is the load is colossal. bring out a specialty and pay for it separately, here, as a rule, people do this on a voluntary basis, they have some kind of job, or they are pensioners, so in no case should they be equated with some kind of work activity, that’s it it is now
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made our tax code, he said, this is a remuneration, it means within the framework of an employment contract, and let us pay not only tax from it. they always pay taxes, they also pay insurance premiums, as soon as they started collecting 40 percent more of this money, we began a massive outflow of these citizens from their homes, especially if they are pensioners, they become automatically working pensioners, they lose the right to indexation of pensions , as a result, of course, the house is left unattended and no one is better off, how will these taxes come out of this money that you said or...
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well, i’m very glad that we have now found, it seems to me, an understanding with our specialized budget tax committee and with the ministry of labor, which promised to support us, well, we need make changes to the law on pension insurance, simply recognize these persons as not subject to insurance, but they are always , again, those who want some kind of pension experience of their own, and those who want contributions to the funds, i think that no one interferes there ...
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questions, well, i haven’t understood much yet, but i i understand that in the near future - after all , you will sort out this issue, and somehow , how, how, it is you who will help.
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it's nice to start the morning with a cup of strong aromatic tea. look at the tart tonic bouquet, it will give you strength and vigor for the whole day. morning, time to brew azerchay. maybe we should return everything back. premiere on russia channel. nothing will work out with your vasya. as i see it, i’m actually starting to shake. i need to take money to the bank. what? wait, are there any witnesses? no, oh, convenient,
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yes, what do you think, i stole the money, allah taxi, today at 21:20 on the russia channel, they collected from what was, in thailand, craftsmen made a replica of an italian sports car, the parts were taken from old japanese cars that were looked for at car dealerships, of course, accelerate to 350 km/h, like one of the fastest cars, this creation will not be able to, but otherwise it is almost indistinguishable, how much such treatment cost is not specified, but they created a rare example for several years, if only there was time, a luxury car today on a test drive with ivan zenkevich resembles an all-terrain vehicle and a lunar rover at the same time, but stands like a piece of meteorite. today i’m testing the chinese suv ehero from donfen, it looks unusual, but let’s start getting acquainted. reminds me of a car. a launch of granita, which was very carelessly trimmed, the body length is more than 5 m, the width
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is more than two, at the withers it confidently exceeds 190 cm, in design and dimensions it resembles a hammer or its japanese analogue toyota megaacruz, as well as the domestic all-terrain vehicle strela, price - 15,990. rub. this is the most expensive car of chinese origin of all that officially sold in russia. impressive dimensions provide space in the second row; there is massage, ventilation, and heating for all seats. the driver has at his disposal a comfortable seat, all electric drives, the ability to change the length of the cushion, the screens are probably too much, there are three monitors in front. the mhiro's powertrain design is unusual; it's a hybrid, with three electric motors on the front-rear axle. there is also an internal combustion engine that acts as a generator. total power of the power plant 816
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horsepower, torque is even more impressive - 1050 nm. with such an arsenal , the three-ton colossus easily takes off, just 6 seconds are enough for the speedometer needle to reach 100 km/h. the declared range on a full charge and a full tank is 750 km, but in real life this... figure is about a quarter more modest, but with cross-country ability everything is in perfect order, it seems there is no obstacle that would be beyond its ability. the suv has four-wheel drive and impressive ground clearance; in the standard state it is 221 mm, but with with air suspension, the body can be raised by another 105 mm. on asphalt, air struts help smooth out road irregularities, and swivel rear wheels improve maneuverability. but when maneuvering at high speed 3 tons you can still feel the scales, the emhera, of course, was impressed, this is
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a powerful and unusual car, but in the city it looks like some aliens, and the price of 16 million, even with such characteristics, seems overpriced rest. is to leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxer collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible
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culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world-exciting. in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, watch, love is when you look in one direction, watch, watch, watch, want
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to watch, watch, come on we'll see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look at the agreement , sign, we sign at the same time for one two three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, we go to the doctor, we borrow a lot from him time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside, the most necessary.
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important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things - from monday to friday on rtr. so you're confusing me so that i won't understand you next to anyone else. don't touch my daughter. on saturday. i will soon be 18 and i will live the way i want. paulin is missing. she left home and doesn't answer calls. and you are sure that you know your daughter well, so now what to do? everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they study together in college, so it’s hard to restrain yourself from making noise
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from this uncertainty, we will endure it, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping little house, premiere on saturday on rtr, they disappear, thousands of meteorites may be lost forever , they are still sinking deeper into the melting ice of antarctica, of course global warming is to blame. according to a new scientific model, there may now be up to 850 thousand meteorites in antarctica on the surface or under a layer of ice. approximately 5.00 go under the ice every year, there are already cannot be explored, but if everything starts to melt even faster, then about 3/4 of all time capsules, as scientists call meteorites, will drown. well, our mathematicians decided to improve
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the vision of conventional tomographs. now even devices with low resolution will make it easy to make an accurate diagnosis. or detect barely noticeable defects in parts, andrey negrov was convinced of this. this is a printed model of an engine blade, and we are now tomographing it. gas turbine, aircraft engine, compressor, wherever such a blade serves, it will be subject to enormous loads, and there will be even a small defect. sooner or later it will collapse, which can lead to the most serious consequences, including the loss of the entire machine, but here is a way to prevent this from happening: control using a tomograph. here - you can not only see the presence of defects, but even such weak defects, there is simply some thinning of the object, and it can be measured, with the help of a tomograph you can examine jewelry, all kinds of precious stones and, say, pearls, so we will do now. literally a minute on the screen is visible, the natural-looking bead has an artificial
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core. such a clear picture is obtained not only thanks to the tomograph, which, by the way, was created in russia, ours. subjects have learned to process x-ray images in such a way that their resolution increases many times over; as a comparison, photographs taken by smartphones, due to the size of their optics matrix , do not seem to allow them to be taken. good photos, but thanks to the use of various processing algorithms, the photos come out amazing. the fact is that image quality directly depends on the dose that the subject receives during the study. of course, we want the tomograph to be as young as possible, so that there are as few x-rays as possible, but then the quality of reconstruction can only be improved by developing the software part and adding artificial intelligence methods. the algorithms created here can work with any tomograph, including medical ones, they will provide clear and detailed images with minimal irradiation of patients, and their
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work will not be interfered with by metal implants and endoprostheses, which are now included in images serious distortions, however, it may take a lot of time before using these programs in a clinic, this is due to certification difficulties, another thing, say, customs and inspection of things, at the airport they ask you to take out the computers, eh? what did you have there, we can’t see anything, some tangles of wires, now many gadgets, chargers, power banks are carried with them, the shadows of these objects obscure everything else, the security service begins to rummage with their hands. a computed tomograph would solve this problem, especially in combination with artificial intelligence, which would highlight suspicious areas. and then, an endangered species. oh, beauty, before there was fish, yes, not fishing, just pure pleasure. right, right, right, now there is no such fish anymore, wait, how can it not, it’s a roach, it’s a roach, well, it turns out that we’ve already caught all of it,
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now we’ll only see it in a museum, so what a museum, i’m in the past year in astrakhan i caught it, is it really all, hmm, everything works out, you can’t catch a roach for a year, by the way, i heard about it, but the population is recovering, we’re talking about we’ll talk to an expert about this very soon, i really wanted some fish, let’s go, i still have some left over from last year. after all, i wanted to go fishing, at least we’ll eat, it’s a pity how, the news will be told about the main thing in russia abroad, in the studio vera tarasova, hello, vladimir putin heard reports on combating floods and providing assistance to the population from the governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, the president. the decision to send to orenburg, kurgaan and tyumen, the head of the ministry of construction, housing and communal services iryk faizulin, who will oversee the issues restoration of housing and destroyed infrastructure. and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander
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kurenkov, arrived in tyumen; today he will continue his working trip to the regions most affected by the flood. the day before, he assessed the situation in the disaster zone in the orenburg and kurgan regions from the air. kurenkov flew over the territory to determine further measures to set tasks for the rescuer. more than 10 thousand houses and almost 13 thousand household plots were flooded in the region. the situation in the vicinity of orsk is still the most acute, although the peak has passed there in the old city, the water level has even dropped, but rescuers continue to work non-stop, making earthen dumps and taking people out. at temporary accommodation centers , specialists help people restore their documents and fill out applications for financial assistance. the first payments have already begun to arrive to the victims. in the orenburg region, water came close to the federal highway. ural, in some areas of the city a siren has already sounded, people are being prepared for evacuation with details from margarita semenyuk. ural river near orenburg it is approaching a critical
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level, now it is already 914 cm, with an increase of another 16 cm, new territories will be flooded. here we have the urals, here we are 100 meters away, we are already on the banks of the urals. big water is coming, the peak of the flood is just waiting. rescuers, police and the national guard are evacuating people; about 800 people were brought from the danger zone, including 40 children. some residents still have beef stew, who brought it? here are the children, grandma lives there, they came, they brought it, it’s from the city, yes, not anymore, yes, not the first time, the day before yesterday there was a lot of water they brought, oh, a lot of everything, stew, bread, gingerbread and cookies are bought and brought by local residents to distribute to neighbors who have not yet left for a safe place, meanwhile the water is rapidly covering... from the street and houses in orenburg, where it was still dry in the morning, the rivers, you can only get there by rubber boat, well, while we were swimming in the reach, now they decided to get to me, it’s completely flooded there, the house, yes, the house, yes,
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there is somewhere a depth of about 2 m, the house is inside, standing below, flood waters have already approached the m5 ural federal highway, along the roadsides are made of embankments and from rocky soil, the region was visited by the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, with the regional governor denis... accommodation. that's it, the water went through the dam. everyone looked at the conditions in which those evacuated to temporary centers lived and the regional authorities compensated the victims.
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anti-ship missiles neptune off the coast of crimea 236 drones five hymars missiles. all this was intercepted by our air defense forces within 24 hours. the data is provided by the ministry of defense. on the southern edge of the special operation , the dnepr group discovered a warehouse destroyed enemy drones. the armed forces of ukraine launched 15 attacks in the donetsk and ovdeevsky directions, including four in the chasovaya yara area. the forays were not successful. the list of destroyed enemy equipment included the self-propelled guns krap, paladin, acacia and carnation. british american. kiev's daily losses in all areas are over 900 killed and wounded. israel intends to complete the liquidation of all battalions of the radical palestinian movement hamas. benjamin netanyahu stated this. the prime minister added that the operation will be extended to including in rafah, where hundreds of thousands of refugees are located. there is no force in the world
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that can stop us. netanyahu noted. according to the head of the israeli cabinet, the date for the start of hostilities in rafah has been determined, but he did not name it. after the israeli military left, 380 bodies were found in the ruins of the alshifaa hospital in the gaza strip . in total, as a result of israeli actions on the palestinian side, 33,360 people have already died and 76 thousand have been wounded. don't switch. altai experimental design bureau is developing new models of military drones and modernizes old ones, and engineers and it specialists have created a program with which an operator can control a drone from an underground shelter. olga solangina with details. in the simulator , the future operator learns to feel the drone and its breathing, literally with his fingers,
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practicing each one. simulators is an exclusive computer program developed at the beginning of the northern military district by volunteer it specialists; you need to not only move around, but also be able to destroy the target, the enemy’s military equipment, while overcoming a series of obstacles, going around a tree, flying through a building in a trench. warfare using computer technology is at the peak of popularity today, just like snipers once were. with a remote control in his hands, a cadet with the call sign ravin, his face is securely covered with a boklava; it is no coincidence that such a specialist, in the conditions of a special military operation, a canopy of gold is a priority target for the enemy. this is an incredibly valuable shot, because, if you remember, our offensive in one of the directions was stopped exclusively by kamikaze drones, just equipment the enemy was burned exclusively by drones; to become a sought-after specialist only in the computer class, you need to fly for at
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least 50 hours. then with a protective net so as not to break the equipment only later in the fields, designers, engineers, it specialists are developing more and more new technologies, improving computer programs almost daily, for example, today we are talking about reusable drones capable of destroying targets enemy and return to base. we have already received several modernization tasks this drone for a completely different type of projectile, this is already a direct request from the military. head of the altai uav experimental design bureau, he and his colleagues are working not only on the latest software solutions when creating kamikaze copters, but are seriously concerned about the safety of operators working in war conditions. that is why another new development has emerged - a complex relay system with which the operator can control the drone from a shelter. a person can go 20-30 m underground calmly, that is, where nothing will threaten him. and this is another new technology
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a. chinese intelligence officers have developed a net-firing drone hunter in combat conditions. members of the uav unit created a tarantula bird trap with their own hands. the principle of operation is simple: a net is thrown out that captures an enemy drone. olga solangina, evgeny firsov, host altai. in the irkutsk region, women volunteers created a movement in support of soldiers from the northern military district. they sew clothes and ammunition, prepare semi-finished products. to their children from the local orphanage joined the work. with details our. rural women created not just a volunteer group, but an entire movement in support of svo participants, they called it their own. residents of uskuda, granovshchina, kuda, khomutovo and urik make
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raincoats, warm suits, various types of pouches for first aid kits and for unloading, and also t-shirts for the participants in the special operation. strong show, beautiful, everything. the local equipment administration purchased two overlock machines for the volunteers. another batch of what we sewed, this blanks, they will be finalized, packaged and sent to the northern military district. our women also prepare dry soups, borscht, and rassolniks, which
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are in great demand among our children in the northern military district. the ideological inspirer of the urikovsky good deeds, yulia denisenko, says: she has been interested in cutting and sewing clothes since childhood, she is also a mother of many children, her eldest son is also in the north military district. and teenagers from the local orphanage also became participants in this rural humanitarian mission. the children at the orphanage make small ones like mascots, cheburashkas, volunteers from urik say, now that they have good equipment and working hands, they need fabrics, and the more, the better, waterproof fleece, knitted synthetic padding, they make t-shirts for military personnel from it. elena malyshkina, alexey bondarenko, vesti irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform we look in the application or on the website we stay with us. morning continues on the russia channel. let's start.
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come on, come on. more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, good morning, hello, well, it’s already wednesday, well, from heaven to earth take this oh, russian cosmonaut konstantin borisov came down, he told how he was adapting to
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earthly life after 6 months on the iss. you look so heavy, your sneakers, socks, t-shirt seem heavy because you ’re used to them flying in front of you, the hardest thing is to understand that you can’t fly, you have to walk with your feet, and... berries, the first thing the astronaut ate after landing there was a whole basket of blueberries, and you can also sunbathe on the ground, yeah, well, in space there are not enough berries, there are roaches in the rivers, russian ministry of agriculture banned its industrial and amateur fishing in the astrakhan region until the end of the year, the reserves of valuable biological resources have decreased critically, what is the reason for this and what other popular fish is in danger of disappearing? they dried the kitchen on the balconies there, every fisherman at least once turned the balcony into
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linen, she prepared preservation of grandfather’s skis, roach, the recipe is simple, add salt and add a pinch of sun rays, they will take away everything unnecessary, in return there will be a subtle aroma and rich taste. we caught a whole bucket in an hour. good roach like this, salted a little bit, we nibbled on it. irina zakharovna spent her school years with a fishing rod, she recalls, then roach was the most common catch. now she also fishes, but the symbol of the astrakhan region is becoming less and less common in cages. real vobla is a brand of russian cuisine; they say the dried delicacy was tried back in the times of ivan the terrible. since then, the fish has been rumored all the time, saltykov shchedrin even dedicated a fairy tale to it. it seems that such a fuss around the roach is just for her. harmed, because today fish has turned into a rare delicacy, scientists have calculated biological resources and gasped. over the past 20 years , roach stocks have decreased by more than half, so a logical decision was made to... influence and fish without control,
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the fact that the fishermen are shocked, scientists are seeing a pattern, the roach population has long been killed, there are many reasons for this, but the foundation of the problems is the same, the human factor: people have a bad impact on the environment , removing roach producers during the spawning period and its mass spawners. to migration to the delta of the river and volga and all types of fishing, including industrial fishing and recreational fishing. now any hunt for roach in in the astrakhan region it is prohibited until the end of the year. violators will be mercilessly fined and punished, however, fishermen will be able to catch any other fish with redoubled force. the pike should be good, the carp should be good, the fish should roll off half the veins. there's nothing yet. of course, there are no prerequisites for the extinction of the most popular fish species, for example. painting or pike, but apparently it was the same with roach, all these processes
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are quite difficult to predict, experts note, a sudden factor may intervene, which we are not ready for is the drying up of some reservoirs where this particular fish lives, and the impossibility of its further replenishment, this is a decrease in government orders for the replenishment of certain types of fish, in principle, now we are not engaged in replenishing these most common species of fish, so as not to remain without... your favorite fish, you need to replenish stocks before the species becomes endangered, because otherwise you will have to wait a long time, for example, according to scientists, it will take at least 5 years to completely restore the roach population years. there is something to discuss with our guests, in the studio deputy director for science of the engelhard institute of molecular biology, ran, doctor of biological sciences, anna kudryavtseva, anna, good morning, hello, good morning, anna, tell me, how did it happen that in 20 years, nothing has been done, no programs have been adopted, this is the feature...
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in case it is necessary to work as a team at the level of the leadership of these regions, possibly at the level of the country's leadership. are there any such plans? of course there is, but this is a lot of work and it has already begun, about 25-30 specialists from a variety of fields who are connected with fish reproduction, with the provision of legislative frameworks, and we have created a list of recommendations that can be used for restoration purposes.
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becomes smaller, but other types of fish , on the contrary, increase in number, well, for example, the same crucian carp, which we are talking about is a very tasty fish, yes, but also salty, we are talking about biodiversity, it is very important that we preserve in nature those species that exist because, well, now vobla has disappeared, tomorrow some other species has disappeared, the roach will be able to be restored in our country, that is, this population will remain with us, well , it all depends on what kind of people we are... it seems to me
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that experts understand what needs to be done, all that remains is meet with the right people in the state to help the vobla. we really hope and expect that we will be heard. everything will be fine, but yesterday you couldn’t believe that we have fewer eggs in the country, there’s also our favorite roach, let’s hope that after all, it seems to me that no one has even fully understands what the question is, because there have always been a lot of roach in russia, and let's hope that we will be proud of this type of fish, it is a symbol of the astrakhan region, let's hope that we will restore it, i answered our question from the deputy director for science of the institute molecular biologist named after engelhard, doctor of biology. on the day of astronautics, there are no more than three attempts to dock, i understand you, dawn, let's go, first they need to warm the station and melt it, they won't last a week, fireworks, seven, i
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refuse to continue the flight with you, do you hear, where are you going, april 12 at 23:55, on the russia channel. over the past 3 years , the level of use of artificial intelligence in the country has increased by one and a half times and in priority industries exceeded 31%. the federal artificial intelligence project as part of the national project “ digital economy” helps to introduce innovations. artificial intelligence is now responsible for smart waste sorting at this ulyanovsk enterprise. before sending all collected waste to the conveyor. the program carefully scans them according to ten parameters, two buckets are enough, that is, in the first bin you put all the prepared packaging, in the second , accordingly, organics, and we do not teach people to sort houses by brand, color, purity, that is, this is a fairly professional story, in addition to automated production in ulyanovsk we developed there is also a mobile application, thanks to which
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everyone can earn real money. mobile application has two roles, and the first role is , accordingly, the person who cooks secondary resources, an individual, and packaging, so the second role is being processed - these are our carriers, they pick up packaged resources and deliver them to the receiving point. for every kilogram of this waste , the user is awarded points, which can then be converted into rubles, as they say, and conveniently. all these innovative developments are born here in ulyanovsk. our approach is unique, we use neurocameras to implement it, multispectral images allow us to compare or illuminate ae.
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allows you to make predictions based on artificial intelligence data, and a forecast of the future harvest, based on this you can plan some work. the essence is simple, analyzing hundreds of parameters, the program calculates the most suitable scenarios: what is better to sow in a particular field, how to organize irrigation more rationally, when it is more favorable to start harvesting, the development has already been highly appreciated by farmers of the sverdlovsk region. this field will be located. barley peas, it will be visible painted over, who and where works, when, together with bashkar developers , sverdlovsk agricultural producers are testing the program, as they say, in the field, this allows you to improve all indicators online. today we are creating for ourselves a unique eurp system to manage the entire group of companies based on
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pre-active analytics with artificial intelligence, which will allow us to influence all key indicators of purchasing, supply, and production. on indicators. the symbiosis of scientists and entrepreneurs is already demonstrating its results in many areas, from large industry to agricultural medicine . in total, thanks to the federal project artificial intelligence, the national project digital economy, grant support from the foundation for assistance to innovation received over 850 solutions, as well as 25 projects for the pilot implementation of artificial intelligence by large customers from the skolkovo foundation.
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hotel titanic deluxe golf belk, where every moment is an exception. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the gourmet cuisine of the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic dellux golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you 're looking at 100 to one. what task will we be able to open the whole board, if you ask, then with a hint, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many will be 7.8, 7.8 and 8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor , i chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, so you ’re confusing me, so that when i’m next to you, i won’t understand me anymore, don’t touch my daughter. on saturday, i will soon be 18 and i will live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home,
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does not answer calls, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what to do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, i'm scared, lyuba, no, you have another one missing girl, friend polina, they study at college together. it’s so hard to restrain yourself so as not to go crazy from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere on saturday on rtr. hypnotic underwater show: exciting performances in traditional style staged at the chinese aquarium. with
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the help of movements and dances, the artists told the legend of loshen. this is the fairy of the river, a mythological creature known for beauty, wisdom and kindness. there is a poem in which the author described a love date between the lyrical hero and the local little mermaid, and now here is an immersive performance, the audience is delighted, and so are the television viewers. well and. viewers of our channel are delighted with the sklefosovsky series. the continuation of the medical saga is currently being filmed in kislovodsk. we invite you to find out what trials life has in store for dr. bragin. mosovka went, the car went. this means that a new chapter begins in the life of the characters of the legendary sklif and, of course, the brilliant surgeon oleg bragin. the finale of the eleventh season left many questions, and we will definitely get answers. but the main character, maxim overina, will always save patients and solve complex medical problems. what are the secrets so far? they take something from life, something from some life stories, from some life situations, the series is very life-like, a huge spoiler, among other
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surprises, fate seems to be preparing a new mission for bragin, that’s why he will come to kislovodsk, despite the busy schedule, the film crew managed to appreciate the beauty of the magical atmosphere of the new location, healing, even for traditional professional cinematic ailments, director yulia krasnova laughs, this is my voice, a beautiful british distance, we feel. air on oneself, however, according to the scenario of dr. bragin’s new patient, clean air alone will not put one on his feet, and as always, an operational solution will be required in every sense. they started, the ability to act quickly and make choices in the most difficult life situations, these qualities of emergency medicine doctors, says maxim overin, struck him literally from the very first episodes, this is the twelfth season, and the emotions are still the same same. i bow to this profession, to these people who, without choosing a patient based on his condition, rank, money that he has in his wallet, but simply
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do their job, in my opinion, these are great people, but still people, for what the audience especially appreciates from klifosovsky is the plausible story of personal destinies, everything here is also like in life, heroic work takes energy and leaves little time for the family, bragin is no exception, he has a teenage daughter, and even with such a character that his tv dad... not even a young girl is jealous performer of the role of tamara bragina, i once thought, why did you do this, well, i would have done it completely differently, but nevertheless i love tamara very much, however, like tv viewers, they love... all the heroes of this story, elena yakovleva , maria kulikova, roman madyanov, will definitely return to the screens, and even with a replenishment; for example, the charming sergei nikonenko will take part in the project, and there are chances that this will change a lot in the fate of the heroine nina usatova, in a word, we are waiting for the new season, watch on our channel. well on our channel, of course, the ud russia program is released almost every day, not only on the channel, but in the telegram channel, every day, without
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exception, new materials. a lot of interesting things, subscribe, so we’ll leave you for a little while, have a wonderful, eventful, sunny day today, bye, bye, hello, this is from alexander’s studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. the peak of the vorsky flood passed about half of the houses in the old city under water. local residents are being evacuated by rescuers and volunteers. the damage assessment begins. ukrainian militants they hit civilians with artillery. the shelling of the village of klimovo in the briansk region killed a woman and a child and a new attack.


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