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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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our common victory, thank you very much for this, and of course, russia is a woman’s soul, this was our program, real stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the information service of the rossiya tv channel continues its work on the air. you are watching the news. my name is maria sittal. hello. the vesti lugansk film crew came under fire in the kremensky area. the correspondent received a concussion, the operator received shrapnel wounds. the ural in orenburg has exceeded the 10 m mark and the water continues abide. houses were flooded, in the morning i went
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to work in a suit, in orsk the water is declining, hello, big land, now you can see by the marks how much the level has dropped, here it’s at least 70 cm. minister faizulin is in the flood zone, communicating with residents, setting a task went around every house, the first payments began. the task of restoration was set by the president of our country, on his instructions i came here. more housing began to be built, but its price increased. what to do and how not to fall into kabbalah for life? the state duma is discussing the issue of accessibility housing. the skolkovo technopark hosts an international open innovation forum. muslims all over the world celebrate one of the main holidays - eid al-adha. the holiday of breaking the fast. the moscow cathedral can accommodate up to 10 thousand believers, but today this figure pales in comparison to such a large number of people. and at the beginning
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of the release about our colleagues from the lugansk branch: vgtrk cameraman denis shum, who was wounded during ukrainian shelling, and correspondent artyom yundos, who received a shell shock, are now being helped on the way to the hospital. the group worked in the kremennaya area, filmed consequences of the ukrainian attack. at this moment , the ukrainian armed forces struck again. word to our military correspondent and director of state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk, nikolai dolgachev. while filming the combat work of our units in the kremensk direction, the vesti lugansk film crew came under artillery fire. our guys, operator correspondents, were accompanied by officers from the ministry of defense. well, at the moment it is known that the correspondent received a concussion, the operator received shrapnel wounds. now they have already received first aid. denis is our operator, he
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there's a chip about a centimeter in size now above the knee, it's still in his leg, the doctors took a first look and said that they'd have to pull it out and cut a lot, so now we're sending you to the hospital, but they told me it's some kind of contusion, well i feel kind of like, well, my head is waking up, everything was going as normal, although so many drones and uavs were noticed, we were immediately warned that there had been strong attacks over the last week. from the birds, well, apparently, we came under enemy reconnaissance, orbstrike came at us, we are waiting for our guys, and the process of providing assistance, in general , is still on the way, upon arrival, too, yes, a very hot direction, the active work of our units, and of course, our guys, leading lugansky, other journalists. we work,
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we observe, unfortunately, during hostilities such situations cannot be avoided. now about the situation with floods: the natural disaster zone in orenburg is only expanding, water is capturing new territories every hour, and the level of the ural river continues to rise. powerful streams of water wash away streets, roads, embankments, and flood residential areas. houses, social institutions and other buildings. in orsk, which was the first... to receive a wave of destructive floods, road repairs began today, today the head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services, minister faizulin, visited the region, he arrived in the region on behalf of vladimir putin. our correspondent margarit semenyuk is monitoring the situation in the regional center; murat zaripov works in vorsk. the water level in the ural river has already exceeded 10 m and the water is only getting more, so the forecasts are not really encouraging, the increase could be about another 30 cm, this is possible. not
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limit, because in orenburg the weather has deteriorated significantly and it has been raining for a long time, the level in the river is measured every 2 hours and the water is rising, this is more than... continues to remain, now we have already exceeded all the highest marks, that is dangerous phenomena we have 930 cm, at the moment we have already recorded 996 cm, and accordingly the rise of water, today
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2,392 garden plots have already been flooded, today, unfortunately, another 360 were added overnight, in total the region was evacuated. order 7,500 people, but some are returning, so the residents of one of the snt in orenburg swam to feed kos, but their boat came across a fence with barbed wire and began to sink, the rescuers who were nearby helped, the locals assure that they had not seen such a flood in the early nineties, it was very badly damaged, more than two meters inside the basement flooded, and the house itself , so to speak, the water did not reach the main house, but my basement... and there is more than two meters of water, so the guys asked, they say there will be even more water, with the flood are fighting now 296 people, 103 pieces of equipment, 46 watercraft and three drones, the military also joined in to help, they organized the daily distribution of drinking water to residents
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of hard-to-reach areas. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. the water begins to gradually recede from the flooded areas; just a couple of days ago it was impossible to walk here, but now. you can see from the marks how much the level has dropped, here it is at least 70 cm, but somewhere you can still move only by boat, in the village of pervomaisky, which was one of the first to flood, the depth in some places exceeds human height, local residents swim only to check the situation and pick up the necessary things. hello, big land! nikolai sokha and his son did not leave their house during the flood; they lived on the second floor for almost a week; when dumbo broke through, they only had time to get up with the dog.
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all of nikolai’s neighbors evacuated to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers; despite the decrease in water levels, more and more flood victims continue to arrive there. we need beds, mattresses, but at the moment , today they brought us 30 new folding beds, some of which have already been dismantled. there is not enough bread and drinking water in orsk stores; essential goods are brought from neighboring regions of the urals and volga region, including ufa, kazan, and yekaterinburg. volunteers are not stopped. that due to high water and blocked roads, the journey takes much longer than usual. usually we specialize in delivering additional assistance to fighters in the northern military district zone, but since we have such a situation today, we decided do not remain indifferent, we will deliver
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and accompany you. residents of the affected areas assess the damage, draw up documents to receive compensation in the matter of eliminating the consequences of the emergency under the control of the president.
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instructions will also be given to the federal government, which means the region will also be given financial support. the roads and the vorski dam will also need to be restored. if necessary, specialists from other countries will be involved. regions, residents have already begun to receive the first payments, next week they will begin work commissions whose task is to visit every house and apartment so that people receive all the required payments and compensations. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, conduct orenburg region, orsk. they are preparing for floods in the kurgan region; large amounts of water could arrive there any day now. in one of the areas, the level of the tabol river is close to a critical level, residents are already evacuating. in kurgan itself. the embankment in the city center is being strengthened with sandbags, work is being done around the clock,
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and dams are being built at the same time in five areas with a total length of 30 km. several groups from neighboring regions were sent to help local rescuers. water is arriving in the tyumen region, a state of emergency has been introduced there, a record rise in water is expected in ishim, and residents are preparing to evacuate. helicopters have been sent to the region to quickly transport people to temporary accommodation centers. other topics: maternity capital in russia is provided upon the birth of a child immediately after its registration, no additional statements are needed. electronically and as soon as possible the timing of decisions on social assistance for the elderly and disabled. the minister of labor and social protection announced this to vladimir putin today at a meeting in the kremlin.
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our citizens throughout our country, we began our work at the federal level, we called this initiative the social treasury initiative, which introduces simple and understandable mechanisms for our citizens to receive various types of support. the format of social management extends not only to payments, it also affects quite complex complex social services; as an example, we can consider changes in approaches to organizing medical and social expertise. we see that this... the measure is in great demand today from our citizens; today more than 80% of us undergo examination in absentia.
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it is the electronic format of documents that allowed us to significantly reduce the time required to conduct a medical and social examination. today it does not exceed 10 working days, and for certain categories of citizens, for mtr participants, especially if the person has an emputation, we it was reduced to three working days. the state duma today discussed the most pressing issue of housing affordability for russian citizens. now. the benefits of massive preferential mortgage programs are actually nullified due to rising prices per square meter. the cost of apartments in new buildings has doubled in just a few years . more housing began to be built, but its price increased. therefore, our task today , together with the central bank, the ministry of finance, and the government, is to do everything to ensure that housing is affordable for citizens. let's think through these questions and make sure... a person had the opportunity to purchase housing through a preferential, regular mortgage, but
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would not end up in bondage, when he has to work all his life for a mortgage, paying it off, but we see that the issue of housing affordability was raised during the annual report of the chairman of the central bank elvira nabiulina to the state duma , the main news is that the peak of inflation in russia has passed, as she believes, positive changes can be achieved. which may block some suspicious transition, we
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recommended such a service to banks, but we believe that it would be correct to secure it legislatively, ilvira nabiulina also told deputies about assistance to flood victims from financial organizations. russian banks have received hundreds of requests to apply for credit holidays; applications are processed in a simplified manner, without unnecessary documents. the central bank keeps this situation constant. control. the state is constantly increasing investments in research and development, and is waiting for high-quality solutions so that russia can compete in the world in many areas of science. mikhail mishustin spoke about this today at a meeting with the head of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov. the prime minister congratulated the scientists on their anniversary. the russian academy of sciences turned 300 years old. we discussed large-scale projects launched last year and work in new regions. our country faces the tasks of strengthening technological and economic sovereignty, development in almost all
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sectors, which cannot be solved without the participation of our scientists. on our previous one. why we talked in detail about the role of the russian academy of sciences, but now i would like to hear how you assess the results of 2023 year, we began to work with new territories, we created associations of the southern regions, which included not only crimea, but also all our new territories, the most important thing is that there is experience of interaction here, that is, crimea shares its experience when it was part of the russian one. artificial intelligence, medical robots, spacecraft and electric vehicles of the new generation. the integration of these inventions into various spheres of the russian economy is being discussed today at the open innovation forum in skolkovo. experts analyze which knowledge-intensive the products are most needed by the market and can provide high returns for investors.
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the exhibition within the framework of the forum presents advanced developments of domestic enterprises, which will be provided by technologists in our country. and here are the topics further in our issue: an air hazard regime has been reintroduced at the zaporozhye npp in energodar. muslims celebrate eid al-adha today. see you in a couple of minutes. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today.
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they say you need to prepare for rest, rest you need to be able to, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is inclusive. but, except for our heads, we know everything about vacation. relax. annex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true
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excellence by making your dreams come true. kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reоrts: we are here for you! titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best
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restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. maybe we should return everything back. premiere on rtr. nothing will work out with your vasya. as i see it, i’m actually starting to shake. to me i need to take the money to the bank. wait, wait. is there a witness? no. convenient, right? what do you think? i stole money. alla taxi. today on rtr. on cosmonautics day, it’s a holiday, cosmonautics day, it’s still our common holiday, of course, it’s a holiday for our entire country, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station,
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what was your mission, look and figure it out, and if you can fix it, i have a feeling , that filming was more dangerous than the real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich to take off, pale. they all bring volodya, he’s just that color, i thought he was just going to die now two cosmonauts, that is, you see, yes, your wives, with a heavy heart they saw you off, it’s a one-way road, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had intuition, apparently some wife of viktor petrovich knitted a hat for him and two for you, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on... rtr. live on air. we continue the release. data from
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the ministry of defense. three dozen d-20 gas guns, several air and sea assembly shops drones, training center for their operators. all this was located at a ukrainian military base, which was pretty battered by our aviation and artillery. also, according to the military department, 172 drones were shot down over the past 24 hours. three guided french air bombs were intercepted, ukrainian armed forces suffered losses along the entire front, 955 mercenary fighters, over 700 were destroyed in the avdeevsky and donetsk directions. the enemy southwest of artyomovsk lost two american armored personnel carriers, a polish british self-propelled gun, and several radar stations. on zaporozhye nuclear power plant and in energodar , an air threat regime has been reintroduced; drones have been spotted in the sky. earlier, representatives of the russian foreign ministry stated that they would seek international organizations to recognize the ukrainian attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. at moscow’s initiative, an extraordinary
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session of the iaea board of governors is being convened, and the issue of attacks on the station will be raised at a meeting of the un security council. will continue the topic. sergey samokha. employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant usually go to work and no one knows where a ukrainian drone might fly today. for the last 5 days, the nuclear power plant has been under attack . from kyiv. the next wave of attacks in iisu began last friday, when arrivals were recorded at the nitrogen-oxygen station and at the port. the next drone arrived on saturday; on sunday there were at least three attacks, three people were injured. and on this next day, the sixth power unit came under attack , the day before the educational building was attacked. in addition to the protected power units, on site c there are a number of facilities, such as a spent nuclear fuel storage facility, diesel generators providing uninterrupted. operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to disaster. unfortunately, despite all the calls to the ukrainian armed forces
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to stop terrorist attacks, the station and its infrastructure are under constant attack. according to the head of magat , emmanul grossi, the shelling will most likely continue, although the agency does not say who is shelling the ac. today's incident, although outside the perimeter of the facility, is. prophetic event, since it indicates a clear willingness to continue these attacks, despite the serious danger they pose to nuclear security and our repeated calls for military restraint, whoever is behind them is playing with fire, an attack on a nuclear power plant is extremely irresponsible and dangerous, it must be stopped, the critical situation that has developed at zas will be discussed in the near future, but it is not a fact that the perpetrators of the shelling will be announced at the meeting in new york. westerners have taken the path of silence, they are literally blocking the appearance of news on this matter in their own mainstream propaganda media. moreover, here and
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there we even hear direct approval of the criminal actions of the kiev regime, including those committed against nuclear facilities. the information policy dictated by washington is picked up by both western media and official organizations. commenting on the attacks on zas, state department spokesman matthew. miller only called on russia to refrain from actions that could lead to a nuclear threat. after with this statement, the headlines of the foreign press began to change, which just a few hours ago had unambiguously announced an attack by ukrainian drones. kiev completely blames russia for everything. the kremlin's false statements regarding alleged drone attacks from ukraine are nothing more than an attempt to hide its own intentions, commit a terrorist attack or cover up serious emergency situations that... have already occurred at the station, however, there is nothing new in statements about self-fire, these tactics kiev has been actively using it for 10 years, claiming that the residents of donetsk and lugansk
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are shelling themselves, only this time... the consequences could be much more serious, according to experts, in the event of a disaster, the nuclear cloud will first cover central ukraine, eastern and northern europe. sergey samokha, news. the biden administration underestimated the data on tranches to kiev by at least $14 billion, writes the american conservative with reference to the us congress. there, they spent more than a year trying to get real numbers from the white house. it turned out that washington allocated not 111, but... to ukraine. in addition, biden, using his presidential powers, could unofficially allocate another 4 billion to zelensky in the form of weapons supplies from united states stocks. well , if we count from 2014, washington’s total spending on the ukrainian conflict has reached 300 billion. as the atalabama republican senator said at senate hearings, the pentagon and the white house could
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spend american money more profitably. we have spent 300 billion dollars on ukraine since 2014, now we are printing or burning 80 thousand there dollars per second or 4.5 million dollars per minute, we can no longer maintain this rate of spending, we must find better ways to spend our money, but the pentagon chief tried to convince senators and congressmen that kiev needs another 60 billion. austin admitted, that the bulk of the money will remain in the states, it will be received by enterprises that produce weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. muslims all over the world celebrate today one of the main holidays, eid al-fitr. according to tradition, it lasts 3 days symbolizing the end holy month of fasting - ramadan. vladimir putin sent congratulations to the believers. the president noted the contribution of muslim organizations in strengthening cohesion and interethnic harmony. there are a thousand in moscow.
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acquires in the year of the family declared by the president of russia, may uraza bayram fill the hearts of believers with the desire to do righteous deeds and give strength for further creative activities. eid al-fitr is the end of the month of ramadan , the holy fast for muslims. the dagestanis have 3 days of weekend ahead, which they need spend in prayers with your family. sarkar
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magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov. news dagestan. well, today on our channel there is a continuation of the allataxi melodrama, at a new place of work in a taxi company, alla is haunted by troubles. either she is tasked with taking a large sum of money to the bank, or an unusual order arrives at the control panel. new episodes today after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us. my dear, your smile bans, hurts, burns and the yeast fogs and bubbles.


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