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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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on cosmonautics day, if you fly with you , you will take them into space, they are ready to step into the unknown, there is no degrammatization, but there is ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate, take them away, we will crash, only space is boldly conquered, oxygen is not enough for you. only one can be returned to earth, come back, you came here to die, but i want to live on earth, film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, and you 'll be back soon, fireworks canopy, april 12 on rtr, i said, i want a white cat , he comes up and oh, you’re good, he likes to grab his voice there, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done,
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the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr.
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well, look what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, soon on rtr. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea. on
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the first coastal one, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. today there is only one glass in the program. what kind of juice can replace a plate of vegetables and help the heart protect the immune system? it attacks the dna of our cells, causing them to mutate and turn into tumors. listen, it’s just not some kind of vegetable, but some kind of emerald. leeches. a panacea for all
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diseases or a useless folk remedy? we understand the effectiveness of the ancient method together with an internationally recognized scientist gerontologist svetlana trofimova. leech analyzes blood. this is such a vampire. carefully. dyspnea. in what cases does it not pose a threat to health, when you need to urgently consult a cardiologist. it rises and begins to press down on the lungs. blood flow. to the lungs. the eyelid twitches when it is a normal nervous tic, when there is a disease that can lead to the operating table. the eyelid may not droop all the way. you have the feeling that somewhere in your cheek is twitching a little. good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is the commander of the ship speaking to you, second pilot - sergey agabkin. our flight
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will take place at an altitude of 10,000 m, cruise speed is 920 km/h. we will offer you refreshments during the flight. pleasant flight! a mystery for our today's passengers in the studio , the most popular drink on airplanes is on the agenda, not only popular, but also healthy. what do you think this could be? some kind of delicious berry juice, cherry, perhaps mineral water, mineral water, grape juice, tomato juice. here she is our winner, but why did you decide?
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the only juice that is salted, so this allows you to retain moisture in the body, avoiding dehydration, if we say that some juice is healthy, then tomato juice will be in the first line, why is tomato juice useful, let's discuss this together with our expert, marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association of dietitians and nutritionists of russia, marina sergeevna, good morning, come to us. good morning, yes, in fact, of all the juices that nature and stores offer us today, tomato juice really is the healthiest and lowest calorie. let's start with the fact that tomatoes are vegetables, and yes, according to the recommendations of the world health organization
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, a person should receive at least five servings of vegetables a day. in this sense , tomatoes are one of the easiest options to get the required amount of vegetables. it's worth pouring yourself a glass to drink right now. why? because now viruses are still circulating, and tomato juice, among other things, helps the body fight colds. so, it protects against colds. tomato juice contains about 30% of the daily requirement of vitamin c in one glass, and we remind you that this is a very important vitamin for maintaining the immune system, because it is responsible for the biosynthesis of protein molecules, and therefore for the production of immune cells and various antibodies , therefore vitami. helps maintain the immune system in good condition, well, it also contains copper, it also affects the immune system, protects against premature aging, well, we have already repeatedly said that it is so bright the red color of tomato juice is due to the fact that it contains the substance lycopene, and this is a truly unique substance, which
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is a very powerful antioxidant that protects almost all our cells from damage by free radicals, so tomato juice can be safely classified as a food for preservation. essentially, it turns out that these free radicals attack the dna of our cells, causing them to mutate and turn, including into tumors. licapin, it protects against this, it attracts these free radicals like a magnet, binds and removes from the body. consumption of foods rich in lycopene, in particular tomatoes, reduces the risk of cancer, especially the risk of prostate cancer, so for men, tomato juice is definitely the best option of all . for women, well, for women it is also worth noting that recent studies have shown that tomato juice can slightly improve the course of menopause. symptoms of menopause such as irritability and anxiety began to decrease, that is, this is also such an important point, therefore, for men, for women, tomato juice will definitely be
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useful for maintaining youth and health. protects against osteoporosis. this, by the way, is very unusual, because we are accustomed to the fact that protecting... this is osteoporosis, we either have a product with a high content of vitamin d, because it helps to absorb calcium, or dairy products, which actually contain this calcium , there's tomato juice. well, the same lycopene has a beneficial effect on precisely those cellular processes that are associated with maintaining bone density. listen, well, it’s just not some kind of vegetable, but some kind of emerald, in general, the name itself translates it. this is a golden apple that protects us from strokes and heart attacks, well , in addition to the fact that we noted the high content of various antioxidants, which allow us to primarily keep blood vessels in good condition, it is worth noting that
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tomato juice also contains pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the microflora, and as a study by australian scientists has shown, thanks to this ability, tomato juice can influence... shows modern man, what is high blood pressure? now research suggests that drinking tomato juice, which is known to be rich in potassium, yes, is a good way to lower blood pressure, and since blood pressure decreases, then the vascular wall will be healthier, lately i ’ve been eating whole tomatoes more often, than i drink tomato juice, tomato juice - it’s like this, either you made it at home, right there, or i just caught it somewhere. in some canteen or in some restaurant i just decided to order, yes, but tomatoes, they are healthier, they
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also contain fiber, well, we are accustomed to the fact that fresh products, especially when it comes to vegetables, are healthier than products that have been subjected to thermal processing, but the situation is exactly the same with tomatoes the opposite is true, if we are talking about lycopene content, just after heat treatment the concentration of lycopene in the product will increase and it becomes more accessible to our body. so if you use tomatoes not fresh, in cooked form, well, for example, in the form tomato paste, tomato juice, add them to some dishes, stew them, then their benefits will even increase, how does it work? these juices that are sold will also be useful, studies were conducted by roskontrol and roskachestvo, which showed that packaged tomato juice is a good product if it does not contain additional sugar. a lot of added salt, but in fact it’s very easy to prepare tomato juice
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yourself at home, by the way, it’s very inexpensive, because i’ll open it’s a secret to you that in most cases , the tomato juice that is in packages is not made from tomatoes, but it is made from tomato paste, let’s take this very tomato paste, oops, in principle, it was developed with water. approximately one in three one in five, we’ll go further, make this tomato juice even healthier, let’s take some greens, well, in our case we have arugula, and add a spicy twist to this, and let’s take it and throw in a few lettuce leaves, by the way, this is a great life hack for people who don’t like greens, yes, for example, i really like adding celery, i really like the combination, that’s just the taste of tomato... celery juice together - it’s amazing, and i like adding garlic, it doesn’t look like a baguette net
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, we got it, oh, friends my, this is generally, well , what are the health benefits of freshness, yes, yes, we sat on... and it’s amazing, but still , there are probably some contraindications, right? well, first of all, we remind you that any product can cause allergies, so allergic reactions to tomatoes they are rare, but there are also diseases of the digestive system, and cholelithiasis in some cases can be a contraindication, exacerbation of peptic ulcers and gastritis, well, due to the fact that tomato juice still contains fruit acids, well, in some situations it can also be, but... see the application on
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the website thank you very much marina sergegievna. today we found out why tomato juice is the pinnacle of the evolution of all juices. we continue and give the floor to academician cardiologist belenkov, who will tell you what disease your shortness of breath indicates. stay with us, it’s you who are confusing me, so that when i’m next to you , i won’t understand me anymore, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, the log is gone, i left home, calls are not answered, and you are sure that you know your daughter well, well now, what to do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call anyone. guys, pop, it's not scary, lyuba, you, no, another
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girl has disappeared, friend polina, they are together in college is shining, it’s so hard to restrain yourself so as not to go crazy from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try, live together, suddenly it will work out, weeping little one, premiere on saturday on rtr. kalinan belek is a place. where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. allow me. you have a first-class holiday if the reorts are elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts - we are here for you. discover a real gem on the coast. bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury
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collection bodrum. continuation of the criminal dramas of volgograd in the nineties. the adoption conveyor belt of crown jeweler nadezhda shchelgacheva shocked the entire country with its scope. 7 years of uninterrupted work, 1260 children disappeared in italy and dozens of families thirsting for justice. france is not a person; she could have done this. we conducted our own investigation and found hope for fratti in russia, what is the italian citizen doing now, where the children disappeared. all the truth. malakhov, today on rtm. your mother has an aortic aneurysm and needs surgery. here's the money for your treatment moms, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and
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love is even more expensive, god, some insidious one, i came and saw, won, i fell in love with these devils, and you? how long are you going to meet with these two? i have a plan for the place, put your things, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it and i don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also tell you they threw the jewelry on half a lemon, dear friend, on saturday on rtr. good morning, one of the most common symptoms that we doctors have to deal with is shortness of breath, well, let’s say a woman comes to me, well, not very physically active, she says, i ran after the bus, such shortness of breath, one conversation, or a patient comes ,
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and he says, and i’m out of breath at night, as soon as i lie down, i… shortness of breath begins, this is a completely different situation, shortness of breath, shortness of breath is different, and let’s now try to figure out a little why it happens, what it happens, in principle , what to do. here four patients contacted me at once, well, let’s start, as always, with the lady. oksan, tell your story, what is the problem? the problem i have is that my shortness of breath started more than 10 years ago, and over time it has become more severe. and she worries me when i talk, a lot, i gesticulate, i start to choke, i have a friend who weighs more than 100 kg, she was always surprised, i don’t have shortness of breath, but you do, in the documents that i still i'm looking through before you come to me, you have anemia, i have iron deficiency, yes anemia, and you are also hypotensive, here is your blood pressure,
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pulse rate and cholesterol, this is a lack of oxygen, here is your... this is an anemic problem, so your diagnosis is clear, the treatment is the most pleasant, dark chocolate, a good steak, yes, that is, everything that can increase hemoglobin, if this does not work, then these are some kind of drugs that increase hemoglobin, your story, shortness of breath yes... well, now i’m even sitting, i have a mild form of shortness of breath, no not to mention that when i lace up my shoes, it feels like now. i’ll throw away my skates, i apologize for the expression, it’s clear, i must say that i thought it was because of excess weight, but about 10 years ago i weighed
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20 kg more, and there was no such problem, that means so, that means so, there is such a phrase : the worst enemy of men after 40 years is shoelaces, you are moderately hypertensive, but you have high tachycardia. i would look at an unusual one, maybe a section of your body is the diaphragm, because what you are describing is that, excuse me, what is below the diaphragm is pressing you, it it rises, here, here, here, here, here, this is what we’re talking about, it rises, begins to press on the lungs, this is tachycardia, here your situation needs to be examined. we need to get examined, see what the problem is, then maybe the same, let’s say, more or less pleasant things, of course, less pleasant than oksana’s, yes,
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such as, say, exercises that train the abdominals , breathing exercises, andrey, hello, my problem is that when i go to bed, i lie on my back, shortness of breath occurs, i have it started when i was in 2000. fell from the roof , fell, when leaving the building there is a porch, i fell standing on my feet with my pelvis, my pelvis hit the step that was higher, naturally, a fracture of the pelvic bones, this shock wave into the lungs, the lungs contracted, was why i lost consciousness, well the comrades who were upstairs, the guys came down to me, did artificial respiration, i started breathing, came to my senses, yes, in the end, when they brought me to the ambulance. i couldn’t breathe for 2 days in that sense, the fact that i couldn’t take a full breath, i i start to breathe a little, immediately pain appears in the lungs, i immediately exhale, and i was breathing
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like a dog, like this, neutral breathing, of course, then after 2 weeks it all stopped, of course, breathing seemed to be gradually restored in that regard the fact that i completely died was not so painful to do, well, when i go to bed on my back, i can’t bear the pressure. they allow the lung to expand, it’s unpleasant, yes, dangerous, well, to be honest, it all depends on how pronounced the adhesive process is, that is, you just need to do it, so to speak,
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the most, let’s say, useful things for you, namely good breathing, you are a young man, i’m a fitness person, i’m a fitness trainer, i do kind of fitness, especially, so it’s not fitness, but breathing exercises, you know, and ok. sash, vladimir, hello, hello, doctor, yes, hello, you know, the situation is very simple, before, for example, when i had even more weight, i could easily speed up there, walk faster, there weren’t any particular problems, even sometimes i ran after the bus there, sometimes i even caught up him, but now the situation is a little different, let’s say, at a normal pace, if i walk fast, that’s fast enough, i don’t have any problems, but if i accelerate myself or walk up the stairs unevenly, but a little faster i immediately feel it, that i don't have enough air. the problem especially gets worse when you’ve eaten, so if you eat you start to do something, well , sometimes it just feels like some old man is breathing, that is, this feeling is so very strange, i understand that
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there’s probably all this pressure , but somehow before this, maybe i didn’t feel it, maybe it didn’t affect me like that, well , i don’t know, that’s why this is happening, how and how to deal with it? the first thing you need to do is lose weight, i haven’t discovered america, the second thing you need to do, 170 to 110 , is to take care of your blood pressure, if you can’t do it yourself, then take blood pressure-lowering medicine. so let's make it fundamental that you understand where you are. shortness of breath is cardiac or pulmonary. so let's start with pulmonary dyspnea. the first, as a rule, when pulmonary dyspnea makes it difficult to exhale rather than inhale. the auxiliary muscles turn on, this is what happens in some. degree on the back wall of the chest on the left, protrusion of the neck veins when exhaling, but this is already in heavy smokers, dry wheezing when breathing is not moist, cough with
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sputum difficult to separate, this is shortness of breath. it may be a symptom of some general conditions such as anemia, it may be the result of an injury, but it may be the result of severe heart disease, that is, in fact, your heart shows that it is hard. everyone good health, if you have any questions, come for a consultation, and i’ll give the floor to my colleagues, goodbye. today is thursday, which means that dr. agabkin
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will answer right now. to the most interesting and exciting questions about health, all this in the ask the doctor section. so, here we are on plasma, the first question. hello, my name is maya and i am from krasnodar, the question is this: if a person is completely healthy, both partners are healthy and they lead a healthy lifestyle, please tell me why with such behavior and with such a lifestyle... and at people do not become pregnant , some kind of infertility occurs, that is , pregnancy does not occur for a long time, maybe some extensive tests need to be taken, maybe tests, i don’t understand this, but maybe some in-depth tests will help resolve this issue, why can do such problems arise? well , let’s take the first one, more likely, that the reason lies in some undiagnosed diseases, because in fact, if we take a man, then... these
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could be diseases associated, for example, with damage to the testicle, sometimes suffered in childhood, for example, paratitis, mumps, yes, can lead to the fact that the inflammatory process takes over the testicular tissue in the future, accordingly, the sperm product decreases, sometimes people find out about this already in adulthood, some variants mechanical excretion disorders, such as, for example, chronic prostatitis. in humans, unfortunately, men do not always pay sufficient attention to this and not in all cases they share these problems with their wives, which means on the part of women there can also be problems, these are various anomalies of the structure, for example, of the reproductive system, they are most often asymptomatic, that is, there are no special inconveniences, there may be a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes, there may be an incorrect position
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of the uterus, all this is of course necessary. pre-diagnose, if nothing of the kind was found, then in that case, yes, an immunological study is possible, because a small percentage of cases of infertility are really associated with an immunological conflict in a couple, and there are special tests for the so-called chelay conflict, which the immunologist prescribes, in the future, it is treated accordingly, well, i can only add on my own behalf that if, for example, a young couple for some time cannot conceive a child, this is a reason for both of them to go to the doctor .
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neck and at the same moment vision disappears, but vision disappears for about literally a second, little by little, within 5-6 seconds, the spasm begins to slowly fade away, what could this be, although for the next 3-4 years i have no trams, no head, no back, there was nothing like that, which means that it could be, well, the very fact of loss of vision tells us that most likely all this is connected with a violation of blood flow through the arteries, it could be ... the structure of the vertebral artery, for example, its tortuosity, at the time , when a person turns his head, accordingly this artery is compressed, the blood flow through it is blocked, and this leads to such changes, which means that what needs to be done is, first of all, you need to do an ultrasound examination with an assessment of the speed of blood flow in the so-called brachelocephalic arteries, carotid arteries, vertebral arteries, but it is very important with functional tests, that is
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, when... blood flow, it is performed in the usual position in the position of just turning right-left, in order to understand how the blood flow changes, if it is found that there indeed there are these changes, then... together with a neurologist , a decision is made on what to do, that is, in some cases we are talking about taking vasodilator drugs, that is, which simply improve blood supply, in some cases we can talk about some that even surgical operations. thank you very much. we will get back to you in just a few minutes. advertising on the russia channel. premiere on rtr. come on out on the line yourself. easily.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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dellux golf beleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. on cosmonautics day. this is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is our common holiday anyway, of course, this is our whole country’s holiday, the legendary crew of the salyut 7 station, what was your mission, to look and figure it out, if you can fix it, i have
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a feeling that the filming was more dangerous, than a real flight, i was approved almost immediately for viktor petrovich, we take off, they bring everyone, he... in general, he’s just that color, i i thought he was going to die, it’s just that there are two cosmonauts now, that is, you understand, but your wives saw you off with a heavy heart, the road is one way, it was impossible to calm them down, my wife had an intuition, apparently some wife of viktor petrovich knitted a hat for him and for you two, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, you know, i don’t like. companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you ’re seeing me for the first time in your life, and blame any woman for something i’ve never done i need a woman’s happiness, take this as a fact,
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i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, a great topic for... do you need a nanny? yes, you need it, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, it doesn’t mean that no one needs you , maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still tell you... not everything about i told myself, a loner, on sunday on rtr, this is a program about the most important thing, right
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now we continue the section ask the doctor, attention to the screen, my name is yulia novoselova, i am from the city of zelenograd, i am 36 years old, i have a question about a child with high cholesterol, i have a daughter, she is 13 years old, and she has high... cholesterol, so i would like to ask whether heredity can affect high cholesterol and how to deal with it? what checks to do? well, the very fact that the child has an elevated level. cholesterol already indicates that apparently, we are dealing with a hereditary disease, this is hereditary hypercholesterolemia, it really occurs, the child has elevated cholesterol levels from an early age, so , accordingly, this is the same case when neither with the help of diet nor with the help of physical activity, we we will not be able to regulate this cholesterol level, that is, here we must immediately understand and accept the fact that such people are taking drugs that lower cholesterol levels. this is a lifelong event, that is, this is necessary hereditarily
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caused by hyperproduction of cholesterol, it must be suppressed with the help of drugs, that is, drugs are selected for such patients, it must be said that, in principle, drugs that lower cholesterol levels at the moment there are about six, probably seven pharmacological groups, that is, we are talking about choosing the necessary the drug is statins, statins are one of the groups, in fact there are. brothers, for example, there are, uh, now, let’s say, drugs with monoclonal antibodies, that is, that regulate this, well, in fact, there are many different drugs, in fact, the cardiologist in this case must , based on the clinical picture and on the basis of some concomitant diseases, select the drug that will be optimal for this patient and, of course, choose the dosage such that cholesterol is reduced and the likelihood of side effects the effects did not increase. thank you, well, one of the viewers in the studio has questions for the doctor,
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please, i ask you, good morning, doctor, advise something for weakness, fatigue, lately everything depends on the weather, uh, it’s difficult, i get up in the morning, uh, my blood pressure is fluctuating, it’s sunny outside, but it’s hard for me to go out, even to the store, how to restore strength, firstly, you need to find out the reason why you began to feel weak, tired, how... your life in recent times the time has changed, maybe you were sick, or your nutrition somehow changed, some kind of diet? yes, i was sick with the flu for several weeks in winter. weakness may be a consequence of a viral infection, but you also said that you are worried about a surge in blood pressure. it is believed that people with cardiovascular diseases may be sensitive to weather changes, so special attention should be paid to the heart. be sure to take the medications prescribed to you by a specialist, do not miss a dose, even if... today you feel good, you need to go
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outside more often, watch your diet, be sure to eat protein, because it will give strength to your muscles and drink more water , and a specialist can also advise you to take enzyme q10, this substance is present in our body, they give energy to the heart, brain, lungs and others organs, but with age there is less coenzyme, people with cardiovascular diseases also often have a deficiency of this substance, if there is not enough coenzyme... then fatigue, weakness, pressure surges may appear, when taking enzyme q10 you need to take into account that it is better absorbed together with fatty foods, and in order not to take additional fats, you can use coenzyme in liquid form. the water-soluble form of coenzyme is optimal for absorption and does not require additional intake of fat. thank you, doctor. we continue, we give the floor to the doctor, ophthalmologist dmitry dementyev, who will tell you how to distinguish a nervous tic from a serious disease. good morning, every
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person, at least once in his life, has encountered a problem when his eye begins to twitch, today we will discuss whether the eye twitches, is this normal or pathological, using the example of our heroine svetlana, who has been suffering from this problem for a long time, let’s go ahead. let's listen to her story, hello, my name is svetlana sokolova, i'm 40 years old, and i work in a garment factory, manager, i spend a lot of time in production, it is correspondingly noisy there, then there are problems with suppliers, there is not enough fabric, well, in principle, i would not say that i have some kind of nervous work, so...
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svetlana, go to me here, come out. svetlana, good morning, several questions at once, good morning, today my eye is twitching, right now, when i was driving here, right? no, the eye twitches, now no, why can the eye twitch at all, the first reason is called a tic, the so-called nervous tic, the second reason is more serious - blepharaspasm, that is, well, translated into russian, when the eyelids spasm , it’s difficult to open, well, let’s try
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to simulate the opening of the closing of our eyelid, that is, this is something serious after all, well, we’ll dig now and find out, yes considering. mechanically, it rises and falls, within about a minute we have to blink 20-25 times, this is normal, when the eye opens completely, the cornea is exposed, then it closes again, there is a constant closing of the surface of the eyeball, bleforms. what what is balafarospasm? when the eye can, the eyelid may not drop completely, or vice versa, close and not rise at all, that is, such ptos has occurred, this causes so-called functional blindness, women are more susceptible to this
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disease than men, this is a condition, you work, are you a seamstress, do you actually sew, are your eyes stressed all the time or are you? do you work in the management of a factory? no, i work as a manager at a factory, that is, you don’t sew yourself, well, you have a lot of stress, nervous work, i don’t think it’s nervous, but lately, of course, yes, lately there’s been a little more tension, maybe that’s what caused this spasm, maybe now we’ve handed out signs to everyone, a test, and you’re looking at the screen. look carefully at the picture, you see movement, this is how the snake is spinning, or the picture is static and does not change, i ask everyone present in the hall to do the same, hold it in your hands, look carefully, my snake is moving, your snake is moving, yes, whoever still has a moving snake, raise your hands, everyone who
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raised their hands, everyone who still has a moving snake is in a stressful situation, you are stressed, the one whose snake is not moving is fine, his psyche is excellent, nothing is happening, the snake is not moving, you are at risk, come to me, and your eye is twitching, apparently the reason that your psyche is unstable, what is the difference between blepharosm and a nervous tic, let us try to understand, so, the general symptoms, we will look with you, uncontrolled closing of the eyelids, you have this, you just want to close your eyes, you are driving, i don't know, in the subway, on the bus while driving and...
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common between blephrospasm and nervous tic. now let's try to differentiate one disease from another in order to understand exactly what our heroine suffers from. blephrospasm: a symptom of drooping eyelids, well, i don’t see this in you, but tell me, you yourself feel that the eyelid is drooping, you look in the mirror, it is not completely, there were no such symptoms, good news, the inability to close the eyelids on your own.
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when you wake up in the morning, you feel like your cornea is drying out, you feel like your eyes are dry, you want to drip moisturizers drops. no, i didn't notice. this doesn't happen. and finally, the last symptom of manifestation: unexpected movements of the neck or head? no,
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it wasn’t, i hope there won’t be colleagues who don’t tell you that you’re jerking your neck, but they say you’re stern with your nose and neck, they haven’t addressed you yet, yes. well, based on our differential diagnosis, we came to the conclusion that, in general, you have more common symptoms. most likely, i think it does.
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it’s ideal for a person to sleep at about 8 o’clock, well, we have pink glasses here, this is not a joke, it has been proven that glasses with such pink the filter reduces the amount of blinking and can reduce tic, so when you buy yourself rose-colored glasses, when you feel that you are tired, your eye begins to twitch, try wearing these rose-colored glasses, the pink color helps to relax the muscles.
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naphtics, you’ll fly with you, you’ll take them, into space, they’re ready to step into the unknown, there’s no degradation, but there’s ice all around, only the chosen ones are tested by fate, take us away, we’ll crash, only space is bravely conquered, there’s not enough oxygen, you can only return one to the ground come back, it's you who's here to die arrived, but i want to live on earth, film by klim
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shipenko, dad, hello, you'll be back soon, fireworks on april 7, 12 on rtr. a first-class holiday following reorts, elegant details, a feast of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for...
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. premiere. so stop it.
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alexander pankratov black. next time. wings are growing, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, soon on rtr, doctor, more and more often on the internet, i began to notice interesting stories of treatment
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with leeches, so no luck? morning, good morning, if we remember that this is the last century, no, good herudotherapy has a thousand-year history behind it, then we can probably say that this is the last century, from ancient egypt, in my opinion, it’s absolutely correct, and if you remember that, unfortunately, diseases
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of the cardiovascular system take... almost the first place in the mortality rate of the population, then you can think about gerodotherapy, because it is precisely it is leeches that belong to the object that we are now considering, the cardiovascular system, how does this leech bite generally work, what is happening there? well, if we look at the leech under a magnifying glass, we can see what is located at the end, well, in the area of ​​the leech’s head, if i can highlight the head like that. with teeth, it is precisely with these jaws and teeth that she bites, this is such a vampire, well, when a leech bites, of course, at the moment of the bite , a large amount of biologically active substances enters with saliva, on average about 10-15 ml it's sucked out by a leech, well, it's a small average one, but it's about, probably, these
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two test tubes, if you and i decide to go. donate blood, yeah, to the clinic, biochemistry, this is not much, we have collected popular statements about gerotherapy, some of which may turn out to be facts, and some myths, and i propose to discuss them. yes, our viewers have two signs: truth and myth. we first want to know your opinion, and then we will discuss it with experts. so, the first leech analyzes the blood. so. well, mostly a myth. of course it is myth. what is a leech? yes, is it a blood sucker? an animal, this is actually a little vampire, yeah, by and large he doesn’t care what kind of blood, and what happens to a person, or to some other object from which he takes blood. why does the leech ae suck blood? this is just food for her, it is a source of nutrition, a source for maintaining her vital functions, in this case she does not know what kind of blood it is. let's move on,
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the leech contains about 100 useful substances. whether it's true or not, it's more true, well, more part believes that it’s true, it’s true, 100 or a little more, probably no one can say the exact number, these are still biologically active substances. but many of them have very high activity, well , first of all, everyone probably knows that such a substance as hirudin affects blood viscosity, helps prevent blood clots or blood clots from forming, and, of course, prevents thrombus formation. the next thesis: gerulatherapy can lead to bloodptera, something most believe that this is a myth, although we just said that there is still blood loss, firstly. the leech sucks out the blood, secondly, this blood then flows out for some time, but here it must be said that the danger is primarily associated with where exactly the leech is placed, because that is why a herudotherapist exists, to
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understand where it is possible and where cannot be placed, because it is one thing when a leech sucks blood primarily from the subcutaneous capillaries, it is another thing if, for example, it is placed on a superficial vein or, which would not be desirable at all, on an artery, then there is, but it can still lead to, yes , hirudotherapy is... a cure for all diseases, a small percentage believes that this is true, yes, this is just durimar from a fairy tale, pinocchio treated everything with leeches, yes, after all, this is, of course, herudotherapy, this is a specific direction in medicine, is still more often used in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, with a violation of the blood circulation by the sreological properties of the blood. let's talk about those diseases that, according to modern research. may actually be treatable gerudotherapy let's start with reducing the level of cholesterol in saliva; the biological fluid of the leech contains a substance called cholesterol esterage, and
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so it just lowers cholesterol levels, numerous studies prove that the use of gerudotherapy helps to significantly reduce cholesterol levels , we have viewers in the studio who... good morning, good morning, there are some, my name is irina, so, i was diagnosed with high cholesterol, well, somehow i didn’t want to take pills, yes, there was excess chemicals in the body, and they recommended me to undergo gerotherapy. at first i was somewhat dubious about this event, but nevertheless i thought i’d try, it was painful, well, unpleasant, let’s put it this way, the main thing is not to see them, that’s it. and now i have completed three courses over the course of 2 years and recently took tests, the result has really improved, that is, it really works, my indicator was elevated, it was
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almost an eight, now it has dropped to normal, well, we should probably still talk about that hirudotherapy is not a separate treatment, we can get this together with some basic therapeutic measures. let's move on to lowering blood pressure, wow, well, i'll say that by the way, in pre-revolutionary russia , many of our famous doctors there, they had a very positive attitude towards herudotherapy, including botkin and sechinov, and since drugs for lowering blood pressure were then in general , it wasn’t, they lowered the pressure with leeches, but the truth was that this was mainly true during hypertensive crises, that is, when the pressure increased sharply, by the way, again, a study was carried out.
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hypertensive crisis, what's wrong with me yes, indeed, just now they were talking about what happened, after my husband's funeral i had a hypertensive 180, i was taken to the hospital, it was very bad, there, thanks to the doctor, he advised me, here are leeches, i passed the seven-day course, after... discharge, i ’ll tell you, you know, i was born again, i began to fly, here i am, as they say, i fly, it immediately became good, that is, for 7 days in a row we went out, took leeches, yes , yes i
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i listened, i went, i even want to say that after the first procedure i felt easy, it really works, what else do we have, pain reduction, pain can be multifaceted, it can be headaches with arthritis and arthrosis, we already repeatedly. they said that leech saliva contains a large number of biological active substances, and it is precisely thanks to these biological active substances that also have such an analgesic... effect and we observe just a decrease in the pain effect, which also happens with migraines too, and for migraines too, my name is olga, you know, i was faced with a problem, yes, constant headaches especially in the fall in the spring, today the fashionable word is pressure saw, it’s generally unbearable, you know, it’s like they’ve put on a helmet, such wild pain, suddenly i heard an advertisement, the medical center offers a course of leeches under the supervision of doctors, i also doubted it at first, because they said, well, like a mosquito bites, someone...
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is young and beautiful, thank you for spending this morning together with us, we wish you have a nice day and good health, see you on the russia tv channel, my god, we can crash, everything will be fine, after the attack in sturdes, that’s how it turned out.
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lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, this is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about it, hooligan zalubin, what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olivier watch , what has happened, alexander grigorievich, well, hello, let there be no forces that could hold her back, this impressive, yours, hello, after your interview there are a lot of new ones. it’s good that they
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are watching and listening to what i say in the first person. volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always have a connection. moscow, kremlin, putin. we will see, we will show more than others. thank you very much, come again. on sunday on rtr. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, overnight + 22 cm, the level of the urals in orenburg is a record in history, today the same fortifications will be built in the disaster zone in other areas, two ministers of the ministry of emergency situations and construction work in the disaster zone, the situation is becoming more complicated.


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