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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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first person volodya, well done, thank you at 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, he apparently will show more than the rest, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, overnight + 22 cm, the level of the urals in orenburg is a record in history, in the disaster zone they are working today, the same fortifications will be built in other areas, two are working in the disaster zone minister, ministry of emergency situations and construction, the situation is becoming more complicated every hour in kurgan region, major firefighter.
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kyiv region. attacks on critical infrastructure of ukraine. meade urges russians to refrain from traveling to the middle east, especially israel and lebanon. our demand for the immediate release of julian asandge is to protect him from life imprisonment in the united states. washington is already considering australia's request. today is exactly 5 years since juliana sanch has been in prison in london. a significant event is celebrated by the mother and child group of mark kurtser, the hundred thousandth child was born there. and in this the year marked the 300th anniversary of the birth of the poet and thinker; politicians, diplomats, and cultural experts turned this date into a holiday of russian-turkmen friendship. so, but...
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russian armed forces carried out massive attacks on critical infrastructure in ukraine. the targets were electric power facilities and enterprises supplying the apu. almost completely, as local media report, the trypillian tes in the kiev region was destroyed. this is the largest energy generator in the region. after the attack , a large fire broke out. a series of powerful explosions thundered in kharkov and chuguev; at least sixteen missile strikes were reported in the area of ​​factories. malyshevo turboatom and reinforced concrete structures, workshops where they repair and assemble heavy equipment were erected, ammunition depots and industrial transformers were liquidated. now we move on to record floods: orenburg is trying with all its might to resist the elements. rescuers, military personnel, and local residents are building earthen embankments and installing dams. two federal ministers, the ministry of emergency situations and construction. water in the city is still
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rising, the situation is becoming more and more difficult in the kurgan region. an hour ago, they announced an urgent evacuation of residents of another settlement. murat zaripov and albert musin are monitoring the situation in the regions. water gushed out from somewhere, from under the bottom. the water finds breche and quickly floods the lowland. at night, equipment hastily pours back the barrier dams to stop the flow, which... the level of the ural river continues to rise since yesterday evening in orenburg by another + 27 cm. our regions are not growing, we will say so we grow only according to the water level. our main task is the safety of our orenburg residents, and once again i urge you not to sit and wait, which means there are already critical situations and you need to evacuate as soon as possible. the level of the urals in orenburg is a record in the entire history of observations and still continues to increase, and the river is also growing.
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mara, in order to protect houses, city services and the residents themselves have been digging trenches and building dams for several days. this water-filled , prefabricated dam was delivered to orenburg by a special aircraft of the ministry of emergency situations. she must protect the nearest residential buildings. the water comes there from the embankment. and today the same fortifications will be built in other areas. the evacuation has been going on for several days, but there are still quite a lot of those who do not want to leave their homes. at the same time, the peak of the flood in orenburg has not yet been reached. the maximum is expected within .
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try to miss, there will also be a difficult situation. the minister of construction and housing and communal services, irik faizulin, is working in orenburg today; he inspected the affected areas of the city, focusing on liquidation issues consequences of the flood. restoration of housing, this year there is a lot of snow in central russia, so the center of the urals, unfortunately, is in this trouble, so no one will be left without support, now we are preparing a corresponding report for the president, in which a work plan will already be formed and e preliminary need for financial resources, the group of forces of the ministry of emergency situations is being expanded in the region, more than 4,500 rescuers are already working here. and 850 units of equipment, humanitarian aid also continues to be delivered to the region help, another shipment arrived by plane at night, 35 tons of food, medicine, personal hygiene products and rubber boots. murat zaripov, vasily peredkov, sergey shelepin and zemfir abzalov, vesti orenburg. barely 500
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volunteers from all over the city replace each other, strengthening the dam on the tabol river almost around the clock. they work in teams, groups of students and cadets, schoolchildren with teachers, athletes, whole families come. i want to help the whole city, strengthen the dam, i help dad, i hold the bags, and he fills up the sand, i’m very proud them, i was very surprised, i thought he wouldn’t get up this morning, when the alarm rang at 5:30, i thought he would stay asleep. the necessary townspeople and regional authorities constantly deliver hot meals to the volunteers. volunteers, the ministry of emergency situations, cadets and so on, local residents, that is, we provide everyone with hot meals. dozens of apartment buildings are now at risk; some neighborhoods in the regional center have already been evacuated. in kindergartens and schools, furniture is urgently moved as
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high as possible. the second floor of one of the kurgan gardens now looks more like a huge stock. furniture from cabinets, cribs from groups and even kitchen stoves are here in case of a real flood. they will definitely be safer, but the most valuable things - electronics and documents - were taken outside the institution. kindergarten employees evacuate their personal property and help the kindergarten. in addition, they go around the village from the administration of the city of kurgan. an additional one and a half meters of dam was built around the treatment plant to prevent flood water from entering the city pipes. this could threaten communal collapse. we are dumping. big water awaits from the day. completely evacuated, the rest of the people were taken out over the last 24 hours.
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temporary accommodation centers have been set up for the victims. the pvr also employs mfc employees who help with registration. this is the moment of destroying the enemy drone. crews of anti-aircraft air defense systems reliably cover the sky above the heads of our soldiers. over the past 24 hours alone, about 100 drones were intercepted in the ukrainian armed forces. during
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the counter-battery fight over the past 24 hours , more than two dozen guns of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. american self-propelled gun paladin, polish crab, british breichart. at work of our jet. 20 km, rszzo hurricane crew of the eastern group of forces returned after another combat tour. the car is heading towards the rear to reload. the soldiers take up their jobs and again go on day duty. new targets have been discovered in the south
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of the donetsk people's republic, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. after the shot, the most dangerous minutes for the crew. the enemy is conducting a counter-battery attack. you need to leave this position as quickly as possible so as not to become a target. by this time , air reconnaissance data had already arrived. the enemy stronghold was successfully hit. the car hides in a dense forest belt and... returns to shelter, the commander of this unit with the call sign baikal was on a special operation also from the first days, during all this time his car was never hit, are there any differences from how the fighting took place in twenty-second year and how is it now? yes, the differences have changed, changed a lot, there is more and more danger from the air, we have already tuned in to the air, we have protected the car, anti-drone grid, installed a thunderstorm system so that... the groups are on duty in the hottest
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sectors of the front, the task of the artillerymen is to provide support to the attack aircraft, who are consistently knocking out the enemy from fortified positions. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the verkhovna rada of ukraine this morning by a majority vote adopted a law on tightening mobilization rules. in the second reading, the draft was supported by 283 deputies, 21 were against, and abstained. coming out in wide release in exactly one week a new adventure film that promises to become the main blockbuster of spring. 100 years ago, the film was created based on the works of the famous science fiction writer.
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in one of the st. petersburg schools with high school students, they are shown selected fragments and asked what is the impression when you look at people who just looked there and met something that is very important to you, of course, this, well , yes, that’s enough, well, nervously, there are schoolchildren from belgorod in the hall; at the insistence of their parents, they had to leave their family for a while city, in st. petersburg they can live and study in a calm environment, without the constant threat of shelling, the film is important for... young guys, namely, the film is about the fact that they should not
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give up, yes, and do everything to fight for their future , it seems to me that it’s much more relevant now. the filmmakers emphasize that this is not a film adaptation of baluchev, but a movie based on it. they do not set themselves the goal of arguing with the soviet classics, but want to make a film for a new generation, so that alisa seleznyova, as the author intended, would travel in time, so that her story remained. melodrama alla-taxi, there are not enough drivers in the taxi fleet and alla finally decides to get behind the wheel herself, what will come of this, what kind of passengers she will get, we will learn from the new episodes, and not immediately after the evening news. you watch the news and then this is what our program is about. the fsb completed a counter-terrorism operation in kabordi in balkaria, two militants were killed.
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iran is preparing to strike israel. the russian foreign ministry urges citizens not to visit the middle east. and 5 years ago, julian asanche was arrested. is there a chance for freedom? with we'll get back to you with details in a couple of minutes. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 50 minutes today on rt. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax,
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anex. kalina. belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luckshery collem exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, so that’s what you are ?
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no, another girl has disappeared, friend polina, they study together in college, so it’s hard to restrain yourself so as not to lose the noise from this uncertainty, we will endure, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, ibushka, crying, premiere on saturday on rtr. we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say , my trophy, we were hungry, here comes
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the grandmother, herself hungry, but she brings this feast to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, support with a word, hello, dear soldier , and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing. from monday to thursday on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. the national anti-terrorism committee announced the completion of the counter-terrorism operation in kabardino balkaria. two members of a gang that was connected with the international underground and planned terrorist attacks and sabotage in
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the republic were eliminated. “the bandits were hiding on the territory of a gardening community near nalchik, where they were blocked by fsb special forces. during the operation, in which the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the russian national guard were involved, a special regime was introduced, it operated in the territory of fourteen villages, now investigators are working on the spot. russians are advised to refrain from trips to the countries of the middle east to israel, lebanon to palestinian territories, due to the situation in the region. this is a warning from our mid. the situation is heating up every hour. the iranian military has put missile and radar units across the country on high alert. the general staff reports this. air defense of the republic. air exercises have been announced in the country. the skies are closed to civil aircraft over critical sites.
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they are confident that iran will respond to israel's recent attack on the country's consulate in syria, which resulted in the death of high-ranking officers. states. well, it’s true that they don’t name specific dates. as bloomberg writes, citing intelligence data from the united states and israel, a large-scale attack is possible using high-precision ballistic missiles and drones. the target may be military and government facilities. israeli forces are also in full combat readiness. air carriers are canceling flights to tehran. the fate of julian asanji is a stain of shame on the reputation of britain and the united states, which ignores his rights. this statement was distributed at the russian embassy in london in connection with fifth anniversary of the arrest of the wikileaks founder. before this, asansh spent 7 years in the ecuadorian embassy. australia's appeal to... home to stop persecuting its citizen is stuck somewhere on biden's desk. from london, alexander khabarov. the ecuadorian embassy is located in one of the most expensive
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areas of central london: boutiques, luxury hotels, but julian asanche did not see this entire cheslavia fair; he spent almost 7 years behind these walls, in a small room that ecuadorian diplomats allocated to him without sunlight. only twice in all this time did he appear on this balcony to speak to reporters. it was. forced confinement, then the swedish authorities were prosecuting asandzh for allegedly committing crimes of a sexual nature, and he, as is now clear, quite reasonably feared that this was all a trap with the aim of handing him over to the united states. we met with him twice inside this building, and despite all the difficulties, he carried himself well, continued to run his wikileaks website, releasing new revelations. it is very difficult to be here at the embassy all the time, but at least i can continue to work. it became known that all these conversations were recorded, and even murders were carried out against assange. it ended with
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round-the-clock monitoring and reports being received in ecuador, the government changed, and the new president in the united states, where options for his kidnapping of this latin american country, lenin morena, were discussed , decided that it was more profitable for him to hand over assange. an aged, bearded prisoner was forcibly dragged out of the embassy to be delivered one of the harshest in london. from life imprisonment in the united states. the wikileaks website created by assange exposed us war crimes. among them is the sensational case of the shooting
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of civilians and journalists in iraq. no one was ever punished for this murder of iraqi civilians. his publications completely exposed war crimes and were very painful for the united states government. assange is an australian citizen. after years of silence, australian authorities have asked washington to stop it. the pursuit. during a meeting with japanese prime minister joe biden promised reporters that he would consider this request. a request for asandge's extradition from the united states was sent to london under donald trump. the biden administration not only inherited the case, but also made great efforts to bring the founder of wikileaks to the united states. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead london. the significant event is celebrated by the mother and child campaign group. the hundred thousandth child was born there, an increasingly extensive network of clinics, under the constant leadership academician mark kurtser, has been working for almost 20 years, today there are dozens of modern
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medical centers and outpatient clinics in 27 regions of our country, report by kseniy klimina, congratulations, alisa dolgova has not yet had time to recover after giving birth, as she is already giving an interview, her baby has become the hundred thousandth a child who was born ... caesarean, but in a modern medical center this procedure is common, here is a multidisciplinary center, specialists from different fields work, once a baby weighing less than
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half a kilogram appeared within these walls. came out, this is the temperature, humidity, darkening, isolation from excessive sound, this is necessary to create comfortable conditions that simulate intrauterine stay in the uterus. there is also a so-called bank of unborn children stored here. eco procedures have been developed over the 23 years of existence in the clinic. this is a program that we conduct for women who are diagnosed with a. oncology, before starting therapy, they turn to us to think about their reproductive functions in advance of aggressive therapy, temperature -200°, there no vital activity occurs, these containers contain embryos and eggs, a special video surveillance system allows you to monitor the development of embryos that are in
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the incubator because... we are here on the screen for only five days, this period is enough to already select from them the best. over the entire history of the work of the mother and child group of companies , a whole city was born: the hundred thousandth child, the birth of the world today is a special event for the clinic employees. demographic situation, support, motherhood, childhood, on today occupies a leading role in medicine, and we, as part of such a great force , are involved in this event. the doctors gave it to her family. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva vladislava makarycheva. vesti, novosibirsk. a conference dedicated to the founder of turkmen literature was held in moscow. mukhtomkuli frags. this year marks the 300th
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anniversary of his birth. word.
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just like i know, pushkin and chekhov and ostrovsky are also revered in fraternal, friendly turkmenistan. georgy shingeli translated magtymguly in 1944, when it would seem there was no time for poetry, but no. “the war sharpened feelings and poems, imbued with love and faith that good will win, helped not only the turkmens to defend their homeland. magtymguly can, perhaps, be compared on the one hand with lomanosov, who was an extremely versatile person, because magtymguly is also a philosopher, this is a thinker, on the other hand, with a fat lion, the values ​​of humanism, justice and goodness were fundamental in his work. he brought the literary language closer to the people, who transformed
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magtomguly's poems into proverbs and..." hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes hot on the heels, let's start with breaking news.


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