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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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soviet classics, but they want to make a film for a new generation, so that alisa seleznyova, as the author intended, would travel through time, so that her story would remain relevant. salemazarev, alexey sasyrin, alexander borushkov, alexandra kalkova, lead: northwestern bureau. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. good afternoon everyone, last week we told the story of our heroine natalie zhitnikova, a 30-year-old woman is looking for her son, who, according to her, gynecology employees were selected, but this story took on a frightening character not so much because of the doctors, but because of the crimes. fratti's hopes. in these shots,
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nadezhda shchelgacheva frattya, a former crane operator who overnight became a signora. having exchanged her factory uniform for a comfortable life, frati quickly plunged into the world of big money, which was well covered up by the noble mission of saving orphans. well, of course, i can’t say the exact number, because in principle i didn’t set myself the goal of entering the count directly for the child. well, up to a thousand, probably adopted. there are no children.
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sales are the happiness of children. for such childhood happiness, in 2010 nadezhda frati was sentenced to four years of suspended imprisonment. it would seem that after this she should have hidden in italy, but frati’s traces led our film crew to pern, where she continues to do business. and so we arrived at the address where the fratti company is located, as you can see, individual entrepreneur frati nadezhda fedorovna for translation and visa processing. that is, the case of nadezhda fratya is still alive. exclusive investigation.
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well, there were a lot of calls, everyone wants to help me, natasha wrote to me, she says, we have a similar story with you, let’s remind for those who may have missed your story last time, what you told here on the air, briefly, i just turned 18 years old, so i have 3 december at the end of the year, in february they took me, i didn’t know where i was going, she just came into my dorm room and said : let’s go, get registered, i wasn’t going to do anything, in general, i was going to give birth, and as i understand it, all these years you cannot sleep peacefully, live, come to terms with the idea that somewhere in the world there is your son, yes, i’m andrey, i beg you, help me find it, please, i’m knocking on all doors, i called them every day, every other day, they’re constantly looking for me, so, people who care, are touched by your
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story, and you receive a message, as you already said, from natasha, let's look at this message, attention, my husband's name is alexey. he was adopted as a baby. date of birth: march 31, ninety-four. the medical book says that he left the city of zernograd in the volgograd region in rostov-on. at one month he was admitted for asthma. in hospital. the woman who adopted him was 32 years old at that time and could not have children. lyosha was the boy's name, without a middle name. mother's name was larisa. he buried her and was left alone. he didn’t really look for his relatives, he thinks that he was... abandoned, the story is very strange, no one tells him anything. so, the wife, the wife is worried, lyosha, and we must say, we didn’t say last time that you, well, let’s say, are a professional chef, you work in restaurants, you’re in the restaurant business, and lyosha, lyosha too, too
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chef, on condition of complete anonymity, because he did not expect natasha to see this program. will call the editor, he agreed to take a dna test, here we see these frames, the test results are ready, please bring the envelope, thank you very much, so, the result of the biological maternity test, which means zhitnikova natalya vladimirovna, alexei’s child. probability of motherhood is 0%. in this case, it is 0%, but we do not lose hope and continue to search for your child, your son. moreover, as
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sasha kazyavin told me, our the correspondent, who again spent a whole week in the volgograd region, was told that the head of the city of leninsk, sushkov, vitaly pavlovich and the head of the administration. help our program, yes, i’m right, sasha, at your request, you turned to alexander bostrykin, he took control of your business, but as i understand, sasha, now the problem is with the head of zaks, yes, who flatly refuses to provide any... or data, yes, we arrived at the zaks department, the boss came out and said that she had no words for her. not the head of administration, nor the mayor of the city and said that let representatives of law enforcement agencies contact us, we hope that they will contact them and we will receive at least some data. but besides the story of natalie, whom we are following, of course there were a huge number of calls that became victims
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of nadezhda fratti, let's remind everyone who this woman is, briefly, attention, fratti, nadezhda fedorovna. date of birth november 1 , 1953, had a criminal record under article 291 , part two of the criminal code of the russian federation. giving a bribe to an official . on january 30, 2001, the prosecutor's office of the volgograd region opened a criminal case case on the fact of illegal adoption of russian children by foreigners. the total time spent in the volgograd pre-trial detention center is 10 months. the sentence was overturned 4 times. the final verdict came into force in 2010 . a suspended sentence of 4 years was imposed. additional information. born in the city of berezniki, perm region. maiden name krapivina. in 1980 there is a daughter, alla. the second marriage was registered in 1989 with italian carlo fratse. has two citizenships - russian and italian. in 1992, nadezhda
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and karla went to italy, in 1993 nadezhda fratti registered the company arkabalena, whose activity was the adoption of orphans from russia. so, now on the screen you will see an article, kinder surprises, that’s the name of the article, who is trying to stop the case of the sale of volgograd orphans abroad, the heroine lyubov voropakha, the grandmother of four grandchildren, who managed to save three, having learned that her daughter was deprived of her birthright, and one was a girl , lyuba, her granddaughter ended up abroad, taken out by nadezhda fratti, that’s what love is. ropakha tells years later, attention, i have a daughter, she abandoned the children, her deprived of parental rights, there were four of them, this is daria, here is nikita the eldest, then tanya, here is lyubashka, nikita stays with me,
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the girls are sent to an orphanage and i began to draw up apekunski, well, as if to leave them, i find out that lyubashka in... in the kirov orphanage i came to the director chaplina, we agreed, let’s stay with you until she’s 6 years old, and then i ’ll register her and take her to my place, she agreed one day... now it’s her fate, here’s how to find out , where is she, where is she, i would go up and
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rip her throat out myself, close her eyes completely life is everything, lyubasha for 27 years, i haven’t seen her, we’ve been looking for her for 27 years, we’re waiting, god forbid that she’s alive, if she only sees all this, let her remember, she must, lyubasha. if you see, hear , please respond, for god’s sake, respond, i won’t say anything, more, that’s it, these are human dramas, love is lyuba’s grandmother, and we have this girl’s mother in our studio,
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i’m grateful to fate that this happened in mine life, you were also looking for your daughter, you were also ringing all the bells, yes, the fact is that this woman, lyubov mikhailovna, who now i said that i abandoned my children, everything is quite wrong, and i did not abandon my children, i worked, yes, the children stayed with their grandmothers, at that time i had a grandmother for each child, but that’s not the point.. .in this , my grandmother went there to the orphanage and one day she comes crying, i say
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, i immediately sat down, i say what happened, she says, i’m feeding lyuba, and lyuba says grandma , we’ll soon be taken to italy, she says which italy, she says us they'll take you to mom and dad , she smiles, she says, she's so happy, she says and how about mom and dad - you mom and dad are in italy, no, me mom and dad, they are waiting for me in italy, kolya is coming, i’m another boy, i really don’t remember the name, anfisa and sonya, five people, here there are five people with my daughter, and kolya immediately runs around, eats candy, she says, i treat them all, kolya, what italy is lyuba talking about, yes, we say, we’re going to italy to visit our parents, just like that, after that it’s probably passed , month.
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i was lying at her feet, take it, she told me, calm down, i personally talked to chaplin, she told me that the child was nowhere, no, no, no, i told her, i say, i ’ll take lyuba, she says, everything will be fine, going through all this stress, parting with your child, you end up in pre-trial detention, in pre-trial detention you tell everyone that you lost your daughter, yes , that your daughter was taken abroad, this is... the hope of the frati is to blame, i am under investigation and the whole prison is buzzing with this very
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frati, that on the organs of children, i say there are girls there who were already in prison before me, an acquaintance in this camera, i say to ira, what ’s going on? she says that this is how they are discussing there, that the frat is sitting there in individual cell, that this is how it is, and even a simulator was brought to the cell today, you... compare what she probably knows about your daughter, i told her, i say, my daughter is missing, my child, i say, is missing from orphanage, like this and that, i say, she was also told that they were taken to italy. she told me, i’ll help you, that’s how they did it, that usually she’s alone in the settling tanks, when she’s being taken somewhere to a prison camp, they made it like a personal meeting for us, because they warned me that today was my trial, i must were conducting an investigation, that they told me that there would be shit in the settling tanks, that i would have 5
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minutes, don’t hit her in the face, i wasn’t even going to hit her, we went to... it turned out that we were walking all the way there was a narrow passage, we were all walking, he stopped, he took four of us away like that, they stayed behind us, he opens the door and shows that this is a fratya, she was sitting at the end of the corner on a bench, the four of us approached, i already had a photo ready, i i show her, i say, this is my child, i say, this is my daughter, i say, she was in the kirov orphanage, i say she was taken to italy. as soon as she saw lyuba, she said, she instantly said, anfisa and sonya are gone, she’s alive, the boy’s fate, she says, i don’t know, but this girl, she’s very smart, she has an analytical mind, she’s alive, she in the family, but you, he says, will never see her again, you won’t find her, she is born, she has a different citizenship,
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she is in the family, i say, she personally supervised her. that's the word, she's so healthy, she 's so nice, she's so healthy, i even now i’m saying, i’m getting goosebumps, she understands, the thing is that it’s not only me that the word health stuck with me, why was she talking like that, because maybe the children were all being tested for explantation, yes, yes, yes , after all, they were thundering that the children were going to transplatology, she... put herself to shame, but she started, why do you need these children to be a bastard, when then she switched to profanity, the first time i hit her, i hit her, the second girl, grabbed her by the hair from behind, lifted her up, the hall is quiet, i say, you know, i say, scum, it’s you, well, i’m ready
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to kneel in front of you, i say, please tell me about my daughter, tell me for god’s sake, i say, that’s how it is in your spirit, tell me whether she’s alive or not, she says, cross she lies down and says she’s alive, and she repeated it five more times, there’s no anfisa and sonya, i don’t know anything about boys, but lyuba says, yours is alive, then you couldn’t stand it and started it, i gave it to her from the foot, i don’t know , i’m actually surprised how her head isn’t... well, even though i was thin at that time, i really thought her head would fly off, they hid it here camera, those girls who were behind us, they said: get lost, he slammed the door, then they started beating, there
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were three girls who were with me, she started screaming that i won’t leave this like this, i will complain to the consulate . that's it, then they knocked, she said, take it, he says, let's go out, she went out and there in the corridor she screamed, i will complain, i will complain, and she and i were driving, in the same car, they were taking her in an envelope, i’m in the same one, she keeps saying, i ’ll arrange it for you, she’s got a hole, maybe he saw me, i i’ll get you settled, i’ll get you settled, then, when we arrived from the police station, this... dopansist told me, everything’s fine, don’t worry, they’ve already taken me to the cell, girls, he says, there was no fuss, everything’s fine, calm down, then about 9 o'clock, the beginning of ten, she was a feeder, but they opened it, and there the dopanesist squatted down like this and said, you broke two of her ribs,
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i say, i'm not sorry, he says: look, if anything, you broke it! i say, of course, i did, but he made it clear to me so that i wouldn’t, well, if they suddenly pull me, that yes, yes, yes, yes, i said, of course, i, i say, don’t even worry, but the most interesting thing is that even arkady mamontov conducted his own investigation and interviewed nadezhda frate, who happily told him about the methods of her work, not yet understanding what arkady was collecting on... there 's a lot of dirt on her. in italy, hundreds of families know who this russian woman with an italian surname is. for them, nadya is something like an italian godmother, for...
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the number, as we understand, of victims of nadezhda fratya is in the dozens and is now appearing, look at the headlines, on this photo, a girl from italy linda sirotti, who is looking for her birth mother in bereznyaki, only in the perm region, an italian family adopted linda when she was 10 months old, according to the italian, nadezhda frati herself did not help her adopted daughter, this is what you see, anna kryukova 2 february eighty-nine and pavel kryukov 28.
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what is she doing today and how is her business thriving after advertising.
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on saturday on rtr. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. do you want twice as much harvest? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from will keep warm from frost. it will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering, etc. care we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or
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exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size , the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of film. pvc plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. steersman bourbon. product of steller group. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag made. and goes well with any clothes and shoes, it will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather,
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high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for... an umbrella. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space. and keep your purse organized. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. veda vodka is a product of the steller group. mega sale. a machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, will not fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add
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the right amount of filling. press the special lever, you can make a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes, take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the machine for the most relish for only 4.95. romcastra is a product of the stellar group, it was you who arranged everything, but not only did your career deprive me, you decided to finish me off, alla taxi, premiere on monday. on rtr, once again, good afternoon, if you have just turned on your tv, before advertising, we met in the studio with olga gabdulina, who has nadezhda fratte, an investigation about she, we continue, took the child to send to italy, visiting the circumstances olga ended up in a pre-trial detention center, and even in the same cell with nadezhda frattya. let me remind you that from 1993 to
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2001. there were at least 1,260 children who were so entertained. fratya personally visited orphanages in russia, gave bribes, all in order to ensure that her conveyor belt worked uninterruptedly. children from dysfunctional families were quickly separated and then sent to italy by adoptive parents. there is a version that some of the children went for organs. for such childhood happiness in 2010 nadezhda fraite was sentenced to only four years, suspended. advertising journalist nadezhda popova joined us, she and nadezhda frat celebrated the new year, i’m right, hope, good evening, she basically ruined the whole new year for us, because they behaved very defiantly, i’m still the territory of tenerife and you know, russian speech is spoken in such a nice hotel in an expensive one, and i just sat opposite me and i realized that
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she was russian, you know?
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and what she took abroad, as we found out with italian journalists, 1,276 children, a verified figure, at first it was 600, then it became 1276, which means that then i had a big investigation in one of the newspapers where i worked at that time, and we turned to italian journalists, they began to help us, in any case, although we would like to trace the routes where our children were taken, absolutely. which this woman received through her actions. shocked by the scale of the rewards, mrs. fratti arrived in volgograd in 1993, where she got a job as a translator, helping italians wishing to adopt children in russia. she was the local representative for the arkabalen or
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rainbow adoption agency located in the wealthy. northern italian city of padua. the agency was created the same year when ms. frattya arrived in volgograd. when secret police officers raided nadezhda frattya's apartment in volgograd, they were amazed to find stacks of forged documents as well as client lists. nikolai bichekhvost, a senior investigator at the volgograd prosecutor's office, said the fratze were paid £1,700 for each child, that is, for 7 years she earned about £1 million . but let me remind you that arkady mamontov was one of the first who began to conduct an investigation and even visited italy, let’s look at a fragment of what he managed to find out then: we decided to find out what the salary of the head of the nadya service company depends on. in italy, in the district of modena, in the small town of spilamberta, in a two-story building on the central square, the company nadyaservice is located. people who want a child from
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russia, we also came here, a detailed conversation took place in nadya’s office. better take a girl, a simple translator in russia and the head of a company in italy, who controls the fate of the children. ivan, now she can say that so many years have passed, innocent, 4 years, relatively speaking, what do you
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think about the scale of all this. you know, the scale is, of course, amazing, as is the cynicism with which it was all done, this is the first thing, you know, in the end i looked at some documents, well, which were in... wide access, including the investigative , she was convicted of forgery of documents for giving a bribe, yes conditionally, that is, the main structure that she had, trafficking in minors, was not charged to her, that is , she did not answer for this, that is the most important thing in her criminal activity, the first, yes, is large amounts of cash money that she , strictly speaking, could manage by bribing - that means, directors of orphanages, bribing officials. she covered up the dates of the court hearings with a white stroke,
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because those italians who took the children did not want to wait, yes, but the court decision has a certain date of entry into force, that’s why she simply painted over these... the dates of court hearings and showed it to the italians, plus they found seals of government bodies in the russian federation, they found forms of government organizations, guardianship, court decisions, and so on, that is, it was all put on a grand scale, a business that, business, criminal business, in fact, we must understand that in terms of profit volume, i think it even exceeds the trade in...
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children were allegedly trafficked for organs, and after all sick children were taken out, these were really sick children who had a lot of all sorts of health problems, it was there that these problems were eliminated, they were treated there, and if it was simply impossible to cure, living conditions were created for them in which, in general, then the children had a comfortable life, the case was quite interesting, it was examined, there was a court decision on it, and the acquittal began there. i haven’t heard anything bad about her at all, i don’t take into account people who were somehow interested in her activities, because completely unrelated, well, since she has such a thing at all, well, it seems to me, yes, that this is a person who simply says something according to a template,
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what he said there in court, and of course this woman, she evokes a lot of feelings and any woman who has child, of course , this and the maternal role even exceeds my professional one as a psychologist, i’ll still try... a very high level of aggression, that is, there is such a level of internal aggression that the whole world around should be subordinated and should be punished for its own complex children's story, here is a story about her and how she decided that being absolutely powerless in childhood and dependent on others, she would enslave others and would...
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they conducted searches in frati’s apartment, i would like to show you, look at the house, in the city of volzhsk, in where frati lived with her accomplice, the house was old, on the third floor - it was an apartment that was... one of the few women, perhaps from that
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period, i don’t know about the present, who crossed the path of the same people, because... which she was essentially caught doing, let's let's see, sasha found the same accountant's accomplice, nadezhda frattya, she is still alive, doesn't assume anything, opens the door for sasha, attention, hello, nina dmitrievna, we... the russian channel has arrived, can we talk to you, what you want, what you want, yes , they wanted to know, maybe you remember the story with nadezhda fratti, well, that’s why it happened that they call you the right hand, fratti, well, because she and i worked together, there was no one else, i prepared all the documents, nadezhda had connections in orphanages, as far as i know, are correct, she paid money to orphanages, orphanages, i transferred the money myself, but we didn’t transfer money for the children, it was bribes. it was just help for an orphanage, well, yes, that
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’s what they call it, supposedly charity, but what was the amount of the bribe, 2.0 dollars there, well , 5,000 was transferred, as i remember once we transferred in rubles, not in dollars, she paid me for the work, the fact that i worked, well, in different ways, depending on how many children were adopted, if i asked two dollars, no, that’s too much, but... the case materials also say that allegedly families from america are also america
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in itself, hope was not connected with them, that’s why there was a crisis, there was a confrontation with whom, there were others here, there were people who dealt with the americans, she began to adopt more children to italy, the americans may not have had enough children, so they got angry, that is, you crossed their path, well, competition. this is the happiness of children, i myself was in
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an orphanage, yes, my mother was in prison, my father died at the front, that’s it, i had nowhere to go, i was handed over to an orphanage, and this is probably you prompted to help the children, and the fratya knew that you were from an orphanage, yes, mash, do you believe that she is speaking sincerely, or is it just like that now, well, in general there was a huge smokescreen in which they participated, even quite , as if respect. but 90% of healthy children there were diagnosed with mental retardation or developmental delay, and under this sauce they were given away, plus the law that you cannot separate brothers and sisters was violated, like in the story with dima yakovlev, and so with the next boy, who was scored by an american, the law was violated that three... russian families must first look at the child and
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refuse, but these families were told: you can’t handle this child, he’s mentally retarded, you can’t handle it, let’s find something else for you, they checked three boxes and were sold to the west, and if i may add, the documented amounts of bribes are not a thousand dollars to officials, but from 60 to 120,000 dollars was received by each director of the orphanage, what are they talking about, well, otherwise she would not have been standing at the door like that. of course, but it seems to me that this woman, she seems again a person with a serious injury takes on some idea of ​​his own, i wouldn’t be surprised if it was used in the dark, because it’s just...
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there are no more than three attempts to connect, i understand you, dawn, let’s go, first they need warm the station and melt it, they will last a week, salute 7, i refuse to continue the flight with you, you hear, where are you going, april 12 on rtr,
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bored of your old fence, want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement is too much hit the budget, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful... lights to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears , just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order
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universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price. just from 9.95. just choose a suitable design and create it. repeatable look of your suburban area. cognac monte shococa is a product of the steller group. do you want twice as much yield? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. it will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses 120x60x60. mass media 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of minigreenhouses made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and
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protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose yours. mini-greenhouse size and get a high-quality harvest, call and order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95 cognac old barrel product of stellar group. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move. furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible proposals. call to order a conveyor system for moving furniture. for only 995 gin сnop product of stellar group. i just have
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to teach you all. spring is a time when not only nature awakens, but the soul sings. i wrote the song, i didn't change a single line. i love your program because you bring together people who are not just talented. they contain the color of the soul, hello andrey, evening show of andrey malakhov, on saturday on rtr, once again, hello, from 1993 to 2001, separated girls and boys, 1260 people, you see card on yours.
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they were quickly separated from dysfunctional families and then sent to italy as adoptive parents. in 2010, a trial took place, and nadezhda frati was sentenced to four years probation. it seemed possible that our correspondent alexander kazyavin went to berezniki. in the pervskaya region, i found nadezhda’s niece fratia. hello. hello. hello. and it turns out that you are a relative, yes, nadezhda fratya. oh, how's your relative? i saw her once in my life. she is the ex-wife of my father's brother, but she was not fratte, she was shchelgacheva, like us. that is, they lived for some time, when they got married here, we did not go to live in volgograd, the city of volzhsky, yes. yes. but then they divorced, she married an italian, it turns out her last name became fratti, she went
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to live in italy, but i saw her once in my life, when i was a teenager, she was with her daughter, with my cousin, it turns out, scarlet, yes, they came, maybe they came here on some business, but they decided to visit us, well, we lived poorly, just like now, and somewhere maybe half an hour, maybe an hour... they were visiting us, saw the conditions in which we live, drank tea, that's it, maybe half an hour passed before they left and the doorbell rang again, they came back and they just brought a tv into our apartment, at that time it was a very chic gift, i remember that we just opened our mouths, that they were here for us, they came to us out of the blue, one might say, we even got them and didn’t expect, well, didn’t expect them to come, after the previous broadcast... to the editorial office the bell rang and they said: what are you looking for, frati’s hope in italy, she’s doing
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business, and alexander went to meet madame nadezhda fratti, look how she looks and how fast she runs at her age, it’s quite difficult to find frati’s hope, because there is no information anywhere about her whereabouts at the moment, we... studied the materials of the criminal case and drove to all the addresses that were indicated there, but we did not find fratti, so we arrived at the address where the fratya company is located, as you can see , individual entrepreneur fratya nadezhda fedorovna, translations , visa processing, that is, the case nadezhda fratya still lives, but as we found out, at the moment nadezhda frati is not in the office, well, we are waiting for her here, we hope that she will appear here, sorry, hope, hello , and you are hopeful, yes, yes, what happened, yes, hello, we wanted to talk to you. why are you working on visas now, yes, and what can you spare me a couple of minutes? no, goodbye, yes, tell me, but
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it turns out that the children were sent abroad to italy, and what are you doing now in russia? are you working out? microphone, why are you running away from us now? who are you anyway? we are journalists from a russian tv channel, go there, how many children have you transported? and what is yours, what kind of creature is this? but tell me, which one? you had a scheme, you helped families in adopting children, or did you really sell them, hope, well, you and i will walk in circles like this, you will, that’s it, leave me alone, if you don’t leave me alone, i will definitely call the police, and you izali, they left italy, why are you now continuing to do what you were doing, no, long gone, 20, no, no, what are you doing now, oh, my god, now you have a functioning visa center, who do you help with paperwork, you also children, or rather , you also children, well, you send them to italy or to
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what - other countries? do you even consider yourself guilty of anything? do you somehow worry about what you did before? in general, you took money from two to 15 thousand dollars and even more, isn’t this all true? how did you even find children? imagine women, you’re already a woman, they’ve just been looking for a woman for a long time years, you know? but they were looking for you, they couldn’t find you anywhere.
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in the materials of the criminal case it appears that you sold more than 1,200 children, what kind of scheme did you have in general, it was not the sale of children, please tell me, but it’s true that even children were sold for organs, remain silent because you are afraid of something, right, are you afraid of new criminal cases or something? this is actually
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your confession that you gave money to people as bribes, well, this is not your wish, nadezhda fedorovna, you helped families from italy, you are in ruins, but who are you? i'm not, here you are you are worried about what happened in your life in general, the fact that you were doing these things, listen, all the children are healthy, everyone is in italy, contact me. department, they are all registered, they have all grown up, they have already amazed their children, leave me alone, no one has been doing this for a long time, at least you will recognize in any of this who is doing what now, that you have pestered me, i wanted more than greedy, that’s it, i say again, no one knows anything, leave me alone, i’ve already had enough of you strange people, builder’s jackets,
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we will find her, olya, hope, have you heard about this woman? alone, there are 1276 children here, maybe thanks to your program now, which the whole of russia, half the world, maybe at least 1/3 can see thanks to you, will be able, thanks to you , to connect with the parents from whom these children were taken away at one time, this is already there will be a great victory, no, but the main thing is that everyone turns a blind eye, that the business continues, sasha ended up in her office, let’s
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see, his colleagues also pretend that they don’t know what dandelion he is with. nearby, pay attention, now we're going up third floor to the office of nadezhda fratti's company, let's find out what they are doing now, so, well , here we are on the third floor, room 311, hello, please tell me, nadezhda fratti? can we assure here? yes, can you? tell me, what is the office doing now? how? yes, slowly everyone. well, you issue visas, right? yes, italian? do, but any citizens or children, maybe she needs it, i don’t delve into hers, it’s hers. and who are you playing here? me, why do you need it? employee, and
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this is her office personally, right? and her working the place is here, yes, as we understand, nadezhda frattya’s case lives, i won’t show faces, italian visas are issued here, even at the moment we see on the table 1 2 3 4 5 she and you, yes, and this is where you can see how much in your company there are only two people in her office, yes you can, thank you, there is nothing there, but here we see nadezhda fratti’s work office, portraits of her daughter, tell me , in general, most of the visas now are issued for children or for adults, no adults? spare parts are supplied from europe for agricultural machinery, then do you have a visa center here and also a logistics center, well, essentially
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a logistics company, yes, yeah, yes, this is for my work, yes, this is hope frati, no, this is for work, why didn’t you get up, this is for my personal why, well, i saw nadezhda fratya, and why are you afraid to pick up the phone, that’s why you, like nadezhda frattya , quickly run away, yes, no, she has requests, and she lives in perm now, yes nadezhda, don’t you know, daughter she is also here, no, in italy, in italy, yes, you didn’t even know, yes, that she used to be in she sent children to italian families, received money for it, she sent more than 1,200 children there, criminal cases were opened, you don’t know, yes, this is the first time i’ve heard of it at all, well, you know who you work with, okay, okay, at least they warned you, right? well, as we see, the employee quickly left the office, at the moment nadezhda fratya called him, most likely ordered him to leave the office, their working day was over for today, but at the same time, judging
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by the extract from nadezhda fratya’s business, everything is in the minus, all minus, no profit, alone losses, such a hard life, i don’t rule out that this is your case, even now people will look, and maybe, maybe some new circumstances will disappear, but in fact it’s very important to just understand and evaluate what’s going on with the rest -then our russian children have become, where are they, if they are alive, god forbid, and if god forbid, that the list must be made first, who? friends, if you have something to tell, we encourage residents of the perm territory, volgograd region and komi, as well as those who watch our program in italy on the watch platform, to contact us
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to the editorial office, telephone numbers, email accounts you see on your screens, we continue our investigation, and of course, we invite madame fratte to our studio to tell us where lyuba is, where natasha’s son is. and a thousand more russian children. take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. there is a lot of news today, but let's start with the shots of the day. angara rocket again.


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