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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 11, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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you see the boxes on your screens, we continue our investigation and of course we invite madame frati to our studio to tell us where lyuba is, where natasha’s son is, and a thousand other russian children, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. there is a lot of news today, but let's start with the shots of the day. the angara a5 rocket was launched into space, without exaggeration, a historic launch. the territory of
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the country's first civilian spaceport, the first heavy rocket developed in modern russia. angara again successfully launched the arion upper stage into orbit. footage on your screens, the heavy angara has three stages, thanks to which the load capacity increases to 24.5 tons, 2 tons more than the proton m, which also runs on toxic fuel, unlike the mountain, if you look even more globally, then heavy rockets are a global prestige, an indicator of technological development, not all countries that engage in space launches have, in principle, rockets like the angara, for sure, no country in the world has them, against which 18,500 sanctions have been imposed, that is , washington, as biden said at the beginning of the special operation, wanted to throw russia back a century, and we flew to kos. at the same time, if
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you look from a practical point of view, then the need for launching heavy satellites is not only for the ministry of communications and the hydromedical center, but first of all for the russian army, look, for launch, the launch vehicle engine is starting, the engines have gone live, look, fine. lifting contact, 10 seconds, normal flight, seconds, the flight proceeds according to the program, 180 seconds, the flight is normal, there is a separation of the orbital block, the orbital block as part of the 14s-48 upper stage in technological flight performance and test payload, launched into an initial open orbit. dear friends,
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this was a broadcast of the launch of a heavy angara launch vehicle from the vostochny cosmodrome, you can now hear these sounds to my left, these are representatives of rkk energia, celebrating the victory of this day, the fifth exit, for us it was a difficult 3 days, because this a television show and not setting off holiday fireworks, this is routine, hard work, we have begun.
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a completely new launch, an automatic launch, we still have a lot of work to do with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in the twenty-eighth year it will need to launch a manned spacecraft. the feeling when a child was really born, took the first step, which seems to live on this earth for a long, long time on... energy and indeed pride, in response to the attempts of the kievo regime to damage the facilities of the oil and gas industry and russian energy sector, this night our army launched a powerful missile strike on ukraine for a combined strike.
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cruise missiles, including hypersonic ones, missiles and drones were used on critical infrastructure, the ministry of defense said, as a result of a successful attack, the work of the ukrainian military-industrial complex was disrupted and difficult. cherkasy, dnepropetrovsk, kiev and kharkov regions. russian missiles were spotted in the very west of ukraine. powerful explosions occurred in lviv and the city of stry, where the gas storage facility is located. got scared again the poles, who took aviation into the sky, but also... did not dare to intercept. there are at least 16 arrivals in kharkov. the turbat plant and the malysh tank plant were also struck. a series of explosions occurred in the city of kiev. the main hit was on the tripolskaya tes in
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the obukhov area; the russian army had not hit it before and the current attack was successful. only this blow deprived the kiev region of not only generating capacity, but caused it. a global blow to the energy system of the entire country. tripolskaya tes played a crucial role transit and distribution of electricity throughout all central regions of ukraine. look: the whole power plant is just burning, it keeps exploding, it’s just brutal, there was just another arrival, i’m just doing my best. the first seconds after russian missiles hit the tripolye thermal power plant, open. flames and black clouds of smoke, a burning body can be seen from every high-rise building opposite. the glass of the central building is broken, the turbine hall is completely engulfed in fire, generator transformers explode in separate flashes. throughout the region, rolling blackouts
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of electricity and water supplies are being prepared. pribolskaya tes is the most important energy hub of the kiev region, located 35 km. south of the capital, its capacity was enough to provide energy to 57% of the region, as well as supplies to the cherkassy and zhytomyr regions. energy centers. confirmed a crushing blow to the heart of the ukrainian energy sector, all power units were disabled, 100% of the generation of the entire kiev region was destroyed. neighboring regions will provide light to the capital, as reported by mirror of the week.
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$249 million was spent to protect trypilska tesa from attacks by russian uavs, but the kh-101 station was not designed for attacks by strategic missiles. there was a large fire at the enterprise. in the turbine shop now. extinguishes the fire, let me remind you that this is one of the largest power plants in ukraine. and let me remind you that in august last year the energy center stated that, i quote physical protection, testing of critical elements of objects from falling missile debris, indirect attacks from uavs and other damage is carried out using equipment artificial protective structures around them, so 100% of the work has already been completed on the trypillya ts. zelensky was in lithuania during the morning strikes, discussing with the president.
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there is practically no electricity, four missiles arrived at the last of the surviving tets-3 stations at once, hit nashuts-3, the last tets that was alive, four missiles, the lion's share of russian missiles were received by objects in the west of ukraine, in chervonograd - this is the lviv region , points came under attack. local power substation. in the 1448th central artillery base was hit in the rivne region. gas storage facility number two in the city of strey was destroyed by hypersonic daggers;
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the f-16 fighter is again raised to monitor the trajectory of russian missiles in poland. please note that polish and allied aircraft operate in the airspace, which may lead to increased noise levels, especially in the south-eastern part of the country. at night there is intense activity of long-range aviation of the russian federation associated with missile attacks on objects located on the territory of ukraine. a german military expert reports that all anti-aircraft missiles for the patriots, eriste and other western air defense systems of ukiev have run out. stack is the largest energy company in ukraine, at the beginning of the fighting there were 170 strikes on thermal power plants. repairs have been going on for years; most energy facilities have been restored. it definitely won't happen in the foreseeable future. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to oil and gas industry and
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energy facilities in russia, tonight armed forces of the russian federation launched a massive strike with high-precision , long-range, air- and sea- based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles against the objects of the fuel and energy complex of ukraine, the goals of the strike were achieved, all objects were hit, as a result, the work of ukrainian military industry enterprises was disrupted, the transfer of reserves to regional combat operations, and the supply of fuel to units and military units is also difficult. but not at the front, towards the usa, stated that now i intend to firmly ask the west to transfer air defense to ukraine, since its kind and soft diplomacy did not bring results, so now it will be evil and tough. we are talking, of course, about petru’s air defense systems. khuleba said he was tired of banging his head against the wall. they say he personally is in... in europe, but no one wants to give at least one system, even for rent, as i
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understand it, good diplomacy means going to mcdonald's with blinkin, and evil and tough diplomacy means hitting the table with that same one a shovel, which if something happens, the ukrainians will fight and go on the attack, as kuleba himself promised, you won’t believe it, but kuleba’s toughness worked. the european parliament has just refused to consider the budget until the european council approves the sending of additional patriots to kiev. member of the european parliament from belgium, guy verkhovstat, announced this just an hour ago. however, there is one thing that another western deputy understands and is also wearing a hat. member of the british parliament george gelovey said that russia will not back down. will push western missiles, western missile defense systems so far away that they cannot
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to fire at the ethnically russian population of ukraine, that is, even the british, one of russia’s most ardent opponents, are beginning to understand the hopelessness of ukraine’s situation, wait for the rest of the west to understand this. the russian army, of course, is not gathering. today, russian troops advanced in the northern direction to the outskirts of verkhnyaki. in addition, russian attack aircraft, as a result of active offensive operations , entered the southern outskirts of the village of umanskoye, in the avdeevsky direction. the russian army continues to conduct a positional assault on artyomovsky direction. the dynamics of the assault on the watch pit changes every day. the city is literally being cut into pieces like a pie. in this footage, ukrainian militants are trying to panic. to escape from our artillery on an american boor, but are undermined by my own, and this
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is the marina direction of krasnogorovka and we are watching footage of a direct hit by a one and a half ton factory on the fortified ukrainian armed forces, the industrial zone of the city.
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troops to a certain point on the front, you need to understand that the territory of the region is limited and this is exactly the same thing, sending one group based on the original goals of this war, they want to reorganize
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to resume the offensive that took place in 2022, when four russian-speaking regions were under russian control, capturing this city... they will essentially reach the border of the donetsk region, the most symbolic region since 2014 , when pro-russian residents declared autonomy. with gliding bombs from artillery and drones, the russians are now hitting the defensive structures of the armed forces of ukraine in chasovoy yar in order to first destroy them and then enter this city. the russians are not launching a frontal attack, they are trying to take chas yar in a semi-ring, that is, they surround it on three sides, from the east, south. the consequences of floods in the orenburg region, in the kurgan region, and now also in the tyumen region. the key issue is, of course, helping people. the meeting is attended by not only
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the governors of the three regions, but also the heads of the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of construction and the ministry of finance. silunov just announced that money for... the restoration of flood-affected regions will be immediately allocated. flood damage in one in the orenburg region alone exceeds 40 billion rubles. - said the governor, while pasler gave a very preliminary assessment. in orenburg , the evacuation of all snt and recreation centers along the ural river began today; residents were asked to go to prominent places if possible. give a distress signal to rescuers. the level of the ural river in orenburg rose to 1.69 cm, the head of the ministry of construction, faizuli , reported. this is how
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embankments in the city are reinforced with bags of earth, sirens also sound for residents of low-lying areas, they are now being called upon to evacuate immediately, but also president putin just said: you need to think. already now about the restoration of all drowned houses, communications between kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation, we communicate almost every day, but nevertheless the situation changes hourly, so i asked i would like to report. first of all, governor, how do you assess the situation at the moment? the region sent documents on a preliminary damage assessment to the government commission. to
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date, the amount exceeds 40 billion rubles. but it is clear that this is very preliminary, because the water has not yet receded and we have not fully started the examination. shall we sail further? at the same time, vladimirovich, the figures that i mentioned, we proceed from the fact that the dams that today protect our large populated areas can be broken. from the point of view of the forces and means that are used by the russian ministry of emergency situations, the group is large , with a certain shift from the point of view of moving further from orsk, continuing to move towards the settlement of ilek, we transfer both equipment and people. look somewhere the water hasn’t arrived yet, somewhere it hasn’t yet... gone away, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and the infrastructure, of course, so don’t wait, please prepare for this in advance, it
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’s coming to your neighbor tea, it takes me off, drink tea, you can’t see the sidewalk, that sidewalk, another 20 cm have increased overnight. the toilet floated, and while we have the dam there holding the rainbow, we save the camel, i’ll give the carts a stroller. yes, she reached this street, literally in a day she completely filled the yard, entered the house in
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the cellar, my cellar is 2.5 m, completely in worth the water. water gushed out from somewhere, from underneath, it burst, here, well, what kind of rodents, there are rodents, they actually say it’s funny, these are generally technical procedures that were prescribed there hundreds of years ago, we already know how to count, we know how to construct dams, that's why it means protective dams. so, we’ll sort it out, thank you, but zelensky
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went to beg for new weapons in vilnius, held a number of meetings there, lithuanian president nauseda listened to zelensky’s complaints about the lack of air defense and the situation on the battlefield with the romanian leader iohannis, zelensky discussed the transit of ukrainian agricultural products through romania and moldova. support for the kiev regime was also personally promised by the president of the czech republic petr pavel and the openly gay latvian president edgard renkiewicz, the latter even promised long-term support to ukraine. zelensky was so tired of pretending to beg that after the meeting it was as if joe biden had possessed him. look, the ukrainian clown did not immediately find a way out of the stage, at first. generally went in the wrong direction, while zelensky left for the baltic states, probably to distance himself from the law on mobilization, here are the new ones. clever
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details: the summons will be considered served, even if the citizen of ukraine is not at the address and has not physically received any summons, that is, the thief no longer needs to strain, you can hunt for cannon fodder without leaving your office, catch the so-called swindlers, that is the cloners will have the police, here's a new one.
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that by lowering the age of mobilization, the kiev regime risks destroying an entire generation of young ukrainians; there are already twice as many forty-year-old men in ukraine as twenty-year-olds, and the proportion of men aged 20 to 30 is the smallest in the history of ukraine. everyone who had enough money or determination fled the country. british
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skyys. writes that the kiev regime is now fighting on two fronts: in the east it is confronting russia, on the western border against its own citizens who are trying to escape to the european union. it’s true that no one wants to die for zelensky, there’s a new trend on ukrainian tiktok, it’s called the everyday life of a hustler; he escaped, which means he survived.
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on the battlefields in the east, ukraine is trying fight back the russians, but another war is unfolding on its western border. here the authorities are trying to keep citizens from fleeing. they are needed in an army that lacks recruits, but thousands of ukrainians do not want them.
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we also met a smuggler who helps young men escape before they are conscripted. stas says that he is not ashamed of what he does. people are simply not ready to die, people are simply not ready to die, young people are not ready to bury themselves alive, so they turn to us for help, many people turn to us, some call them traitors, others call them weaklings, but every day the authorities catch men suspected of evading service, the number of deserters is expected to increase, since the government has lowered the conscription age from 27 to 25 years, according to him .
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there are people who will guide us through the forest where we are now, i cannot tell you how it happens, but i know that there is a passage where we can pass, i just want peace, i want to live first of all for myself, he really very very nervous, but he won't change his mind. he has already made his decision, ivan will pay $600 to escape, the smuggler told us that the cost has increased dramatically since he has to pay his contacts to follow the other route. it has been
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very difficult to work in the last 5 months, because control over the border has increased, they check everything, and it is much easier to cross it than to cross. is it a business or helping young people, why are you doing this?
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focus on problems in the indo-pacific region due to the ukrainian crisis and gases, reports politiko newspaper, there are many problems between the united states and its allies, one of them is the growing power of china and the inexorably strengthening ties of the celestial russia. us deputy secretary of state kumble said that washington was never able to drive a wedge between the allies, no matter how hard it tried, beijing is all. they also continue to help russia circumvent western sanctions, supply military components and share intelligence. what haven’t the us and nato figured out yet? therefore, they are convening a summit of a new format: america,
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japan and the philippines. heads of state meet today in washington, in particular biden kishida and filipino marks jr. intend to address the topic of joint patrols in the south china sea. against this background , north korean leader kim chin-in called for preparations for war, the national news agency tsak reports. the leader of the dprk, look, made a statement against the backdrop of a siul model. in the photographs posted by the central telegraph agency, the layout and military maps were blurred out so as not to inadvertently reveal state secrets, which, of course, was foreseen. the us military is really looking closely they monitor the territory of the dprk, and china, even russia, when they fly over on the b-52 strategic bomber.
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cnn propagandists were able to visit one of these; this was the first time that a film crew was present on a plane that is part of the american nuclear triad. the flight lasted as much as 33 hours and required 4 refuelings, but there were some incidents; in the middle of the journey, one of the main engines of the plane failed, and the landing gear did not lower during landing. this is not surprising, in general the b-52 is a symbol of the past the power of the us air force, to understand, is several decades older than its own crew . shrouded in pre-dawn darkness , a mailer 11 roars out of barksday air force base in louisiana. this is the beginning of one of the longest military missions in the world,
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a continuous thirty-three-hour flight by a b-52 strategic bomber crew to the other side of the world, flying past russia, china, north korea and back. as you can see, it's dark outside and the cockpit has red lights for night vision. we are not only one of the most visible and flexible links of the nuclear triad. we on the b-52 can be anywhere we need to be within 48 hours. these flights are specially conducted. china, which is putting pressure on taiwan, and chinese coast guards are pursuing ships from the philippines, a us ally. and the national leadership of china, the national leadership of russia, what are they reacting to? we see that they publicly comment on our bomber missions, especially if other countries are involved in them, and in a very cooperative manner. tanker one contact. one contact, after 5 hours into the flight, we made the first of four
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in-flight refueling stops off the coast of alaska, filling up to capacity. watch your own fuel consumption, i would like you to stay with us until sanskrit. after an hour of flight in formation, during refueling we make an arc over the pacific ocean in the direction of japan. it is very important that we convey to our partners that we mean what we say when we say that we are committed to our alliances, this is an example of what the b-52 does. we appear when asked. this is a sixty-three year old boeing v52 the strata fortress is a decade older than its crew, but remains the usaf's primary bomber in every us war since vietnam. thanks to planned upgrades to outdated systems , it will last for almost another century. this year , the united states began production of the next generation, the b-21 bomber. china is not far behind, promising to soon introduce its stealth strategic bomber. 20 seconds before turning around. ready? aboard mylar 11, we
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fly past the eastern coast of russia toward u.s. and allied fighters. our the plane is not armed. the mission is not to attack, it is to prevent attack, to deter, but it is, of course, a bomber. if we had nuclear weapons, the air force would monitor the flight from the joint nuclear operations center in louisiana. we are showing it on the news for the first time. this is a 24/7 operation to track all launchers, ballistic missiles and airborne nuclear weapons.
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but the us itself is closely watching china. in october, a chinese fighter jet intercepted a b-52 aircraft flew over the south china sea at night and came within 10 feet of the bomber. by number of ships, china has the world's largest navy and will soon have the world's largest air force, according to the commander of the indo-pacific command. beijing is rapidly modernizing its armed forces, including strategic forces. however, it is not part of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. weapons and hides its nuclear assets. after 19 o'clock
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flight and another 14 hours of travel ahead, a light comes on, signaling a malfunction of one of the main engines of the aircraft. the team reviews checklists . chokes, i confirm the number. they decide to turn off the engine, no panic, just risk management. as we approach the thirty hour mark of our flight, we see our second sunrise over mount rainier in washington state. and although the crew is tired, they all know that there is still an important task ahead. getting the b-52 back on the ground is one of the most difficult parts of the mission. during entry a b-52 plane was landing, which was in the air almost 15 hours longer than the most proposed commercial flight. the age of the jet in the air, a mission that has demonstrated capability and remains critical to the air force. this
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is no longer a drug; the german criminal police warn that cocaine has entered everyday life. germany's chief investigator, head of the federal criminal police office, holger münch, confirmed that cocaine has become an everyday drug in germany, but the elite, apparently, have not given up drugs. the head of the german foreign ministry, annalena bärbock, said in the bundestag that the vast majority of germans are grateful to her personally and personally to chancellor scholz for the fact that the german economy, it turns out, no longer depends on putin and... germany has switched to green energy, in this regard, the joke of the day . look at the festival, which is dedicated specifically to green energy, we had to turn on
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a powerful diesel generator due to the lack of sun, which powers solar panels. energy company markus kroeber dryly said in german that scholz , of course, did not give up gas, he simply switched from russian pipeline gas to american liquefied gas, which, as you understand, is several times more expensive. therefore, according to kroeber, german industry simply will not recover to pre-pandemic and pre-wea levels. german economists assess the prospects for the german economy with pessimism and the country's gdp. in 2024 it will grow by only 1/%. the economy shrank by 3% last year. everything, on the same hearings in the bundestag, some deputies did try to get through to verb, saying that because of the manic desire
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of the scholz government to put an end to any supplies of energy resources from russia, ordinary germans are suffering, not.
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but our citizens don’t care where the electricity in their homes comes from, the main thing for them is that it is there and that it is affordable. germany's refusal of russian gas occurred under us pressure. we were convinced that we were too dependent on russian blue fuel, but now we, europeans, are dependent on lng supplies from usa. we get 48% of liquefied gas from the usa, only 12% from russia. biden
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said in january that for reasons of climate policy, he would stop further supplies of lng, that is, we are plunging into a new dependence, the consequences of which... can be predicted, but is all this, as you said, really in the interests of germany? once again i ask myself what kind of people in our country are you communicating with there, because the vast majority of citizens of our country are grateful to us for the fact that we are no longer independent from the russian president and russian energy resources. madam minister, you just said that you no longer want to receive gas from russia, tell me if this is the reason why the federal government is larger. is monitoring the investigation of sabotage on the nord streams, at times it even seems that the government wants to disrupt it, or is it something else, maybe it’s all because the united states or our other partners are behind the sabotage? fifth question and in at least three of them you for some reason said that the americans are our enemies and that we are acting according to
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their pointer, what kind of world do you even live in, as for the northern flows and the investigation, we do what we do because we are a rule-of-law state, in a rule-of-law state the decision is made not by the federal government, but by the judiciary, which is why the investigation is being conducted by the general the prosecutor's office, but the government does not interfere. this is our understanding of free liberal democracy, the principle of separation of powers always applies, in this case too, so why are there still no results? that's it, no more questions on this topic. on in the usa immediately had a cascade of blm scandals. let's start with san francisco. the reparations committee came up with a stunning proposal to pay $5 million to every african american at once. and at the same time completely erase debts due to decades of systematic repression due to
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slavery, but not everyone can receive the fortune, the applicant must be 18 years old and he must be identified as black in documents for at least 10 years. you must also meet at least two of the eight criteria that confirm your suffering from slavery. according to the plan the city will also be... obligated to financially help african americans with below-average income over the next 250 years; it is recommended to allocate 50 billion from the budget for everything, it is recommended, but it will not work. i’ll just remind you that it was in the united states that the klan klan, a secret russian organization, was founded; it was its followers who gave the world sodylyncha, when a person is brutally dealt with without investigation, and sometimes even without reason.
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respondents by race, 80% of white americans are against it, while 77 black
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americans are in favor of this bill. in in general, while biden promised to unite the state, everything turned out exactly the opposite. this is a woman from congress, her name is jasmine crocket, and i want you to hear her political initiative. last week i met some famous person, actually she was a famous person, and i was thinking at the moment about one of the proposals, which is that black people should not pay taxes for a certain time, because it gives money back in... your pocket, reparations are also needed, and such a step makes sense, because a lot of black people need money for labor that was
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stolen, and some were even killed, because , you know, eliminating taxes is a very small measure. previous talk of reparations has generated enormous controversy. a poll conducted in 1921 showed that americans opposed paying reparations to african americans by a margin of two to one. and now for your attention the split on the racial issue: 80%. if only they gave me the money and didn’t tell me, when you return after 6 months, you will find that they are back in poverty, wealth
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still depends on the color of your skin. the us government calls it the racial wealth gap, the gap continues to get worse, but once it started, the main reason for this gap between black and white americans is due to the conditions that developed during the civil war. today, 72% of americans own their own home, compared with the same percentage among blacks.
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chicago says it wants to propose that all black chicagoans who own houses should be exempt from taxes. the initiative group wants to hold a referendum, so the issue is already in november. a group of people from boston called for $15 billion in anti -slavery payments. the organizers say that this
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amount is only for a one-time payment, so this money will still not be enough. to compensate for the damage done while blacks were slaves. you and i are transported to the front in direct communication by the legendary war correspondent, war correspondent komsomol member dmitry steshin. dim, hello. right off the bat, it’s called chas vyar. it’s clear that our main expectations are probably now based there, or at least the most approximate, victorious part, maybe right there, during the assault, are there any signs that. the assault soon gained a foothold, did not gain a foothold, there is a lot of contradictory information, what is happening? well, you know, today i talked with my old comrade, a scout, a former scout of the former vostok battalion, well, according to his information, the third assault brigade is the reformed azov, banned in russia, refused to defend the clock and left;
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they performed exactly the same trick in avdeevka. on kaksakhim, in the end, avdeevka kaksakhim was surrendered, well, it seems to me that this is a good sign, as long as i know that there are heavy battles there and there is some kind of line about which we can say for sure, all of ours have reached here, they are standing, not will be shot down, nothing will change, it is impossible to say yet how widespread this phenomenon is, when they refuse to leave, leave their positions, it is clear that all this is happening against the background bill on mobilization, just a couple...
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you know, this is what i saw with my own eyes, there for more than a day, i worked with aerial reconnaissance in the marinsko-kurakhovsky direction, let's just say, i can't say the exact place, yes, we didn’t see a single enemy soldier on the surface during the day, while we dismantled the dugouts without stopping, after all, we set fire to the abandoned bradley, she was abandoned during an unsuccessful offensive,
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the landing force simply refused to get out of this bradley, you see, so she was immobilized. immobilized with the help of two hail rockets, they hit it quite accurately, damaged the transmission, well, just yesterday we burned it to the end, they’re all sitting in holes, if someone moves, then... beyond the range of our small aircraft, let’s say, it’s from 6 km like deep into the front, and the enemy did not show any activity on this section of the front, specifically in this location, for a day, i saw it all in plain sight, well, that also says a lot, well, yes, this section of the front, perhaps somewhere- then, well, it’s probably impossible, yes, but still the initiative is on our side and it’s already enough it’s been a long time since we’ve been active, not them, dima? due to the shell famine, as far as it is appropriate to talk about this, the day before our vgtrk film crew came under fire, the guys themselves survived, the accompanying defense officer died,
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today you came under fire in the kurakhovsky direction, and we are talking about the shell famine, it is definitely present, yes, definitely, the decline was noted a long time ago, since the fall, when events began in the middle east, it became clear. that they will not update either the artillery park, barrel artillery or shells, the guys tracked everything, i checked it, well, just in dozens of sources, well , for example, i saw it myself, yes, yes, artillery fired at us, whatever they call it, but when we approached the positions and for quite a long time, difficult approach, on foot, at the most inconvenient time there is wolfish hour at night, yes, in order to get there more or less safely, they threw two 155 mm shells, the cost of one unit, with undershoot and overshoot, they shot through, routinely shot through road intersections, but this is on my memory, per day, well, maybe according to our position,
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but no more than a dozen of these 155 mm shells arrived, maybe 152 were ours from our artillery systems, i don’t know that seriously, but everyone says that the intensity of artillery fire has decreased significantly, they are compensating. drones, all this talk, yes, that they will receive a million kamikaze drones, this is a necessary measure, they will compensate for the lack of canned artillery with these drones, and in our country, i will say quite responsibly, we have no less fpv drones, maviks with drops , experienced, skilled guys, but for us this is an addition to the existing artillery, missiles, aviation and so on, here, and for them it is ersatz, a replacement with an artillery shell, cannon artillery.
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the state of affairs of the enemy, but of course, the very fact of this hysterical, sporadic mobilization says a lot, today the bill was adopted by thirty votes, essentially a person in the second reading, and also
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quite funny, one could smile upon hearing this statement, the head of the fund, come back alive , one could smile if it weren’t for the war, if it weren’t for the feeling that ukrainians are really becoming fewer and fewer, they are disappearing as a nation.
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“we will not find an internal reserve in order to carry out a normal rotation of those who are now fighting at least at the level of brigades to withdraw to the rear for several months, not to mention the rotation and demobilization of those who have been fighting for 25 years
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in the slave system, ukraine, by ordering dollars to pay victims in america, is discussing how many millions of america is destroying its population. of course, you and i are against the slave system, against the feudal system, and there are fewer and fewer supporters of capitalism. but let's say it straight, let's say it straight out, the united states is actually profiting from this war anyway, the united states is using the ukrainian people as much as possible as cannon fodder in the war against our country, they have resources, even the economy, unlike the ukrainian one, is growing, but the ukrainian economy is simply destroyed and it is generally unclear how the country can exist, yes even after the overthrow of the nazi regime, but... if you take
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the mobilization law that they adopted, well, look, it’s a very terrible law, firstly, the entire male population from 18 to 60 years old, in fact, is, will already be to be under surveillance, you can do anything with them, they become virtually powerless, the second component, ran away from the war, everything, consular services, passports, come like meat in the forest, third, disabled, not disabled, you can be drafted, we understand that , taking into account the entire system that exists in ukraine, there, in fact, a person is really disabled or bought this certificate, no one will look, you need cannon fodder, confiscation - that means vehicles too, that is , in fact, the law is very terrible, on the other hand, you said it right, it could be there is another option, but i am sure that the next stage will be the tougher option, because they are simply chopping off the tail in parts, now they are adopting another...
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it will fall, this is such a tragedy, a big threat, the option is that they will start at 18 years old because it is obvious, that means , if this is mobilized, if the nazi regime does not happen, then ukrainian society does not believe in victory, there is no impulse, as they spoke at the first stage about protecting the sovereignty of their country, which means... they understand that all steps have become completely wrong, running away they reason: i’m not involved, i’m on the sidelines, yes, that is, unbelief is a serious problem, and of course, i’ve drawn parallels here more than once, obviously with hitler’s germany, forty -four, forty-fifth years, also by force, it’s already closer there to teenagers and so on and so forth, that is, this is the tendency, but this is still a certain impotence , first of all, of the ukrainian authorities and the united states, by the way, here is a statement
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by deputy secretary of state kurt campbell about what they say is to advance russia at the front is not the sovereign capabilities and actions of russia, but they say that it is china and the dprk that is actually a participant in the conflict, in general, complete rubbish, arrogance, on the other hand , weakness, that is, what the west did, supplied hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons, including the united states , yes, the russian army.
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the united states should be put in its place in this regard, so you started the report and the program with this very story, we really need to congratulate everyone on the launch of our heavy angara a5 rocket. this is really serious events, especially in anticipation of tomorrow's cosmonautics day. 63 years ago yuri alekseevich gagarin arrived. into space this year, by the way, they turned 90 years old, and truly the greatest industry, there were also many issues of restrictions related to the western policy towards the soviet union, but...
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not arrogance on the part of the united states, this is really weakness, they record the progress, they see it, they have nowhere to go, but they refuse to talk about it, declaring that this is not the success of russia, but the success of the dprk, the dprk of the country you destroyed, china is a success, china’s success is
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our advancement in the war, well, really, slowly, look, a statement.
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there are successes, but i refuse to accept them, well, it should be noted that chinese drones are actively used on both sides, in fact they are in the majority, respectively, in a number of segments, so it’s like china in this case is kind of like two for two, by the way, are bought in different ways and very often not on the chinese market, so this is kind of a question about what the chips say, which about taiwan are, as it were, used for or against different countries, they are simply used because they can be easily supplied from china to ukraine, as they are official to the russian federation, they are prohibited there.
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carries out sanctions in a number of areas, so it cannot be said that china officially supports various areas technologically, on the contrary, now there are secondary sanctions, some restrictions are occurring, but the question is that, of course, being behind technological solutions, it is also obvious that, as it were, the transition to modern technological solutions is a solution, the idea, as for the angara, respectively, the angara is a wonderful launch, so the question is that, of course, a heavy rocket is disposable - this is a good prospect, especially now, taking into account the replenishment of groups, but... in the future, of course, it will be necessary to rely on reusable missiles - rockets, respectively, this is a very important component, because it very seriously reduces the cost of launching, as would allow for more efficient use of the resource, especially taking into account the fact that, apparently, it may be limited, it is necessary to make return blocks, like spacex type, that is, to the question of what the next one will be, apparently, taking into account the fact that the east
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exists, this is, in fact, a reusable component, this will seriously increase the efficiency in this segment, absolutely, that’s how automation is in principle, as for the situation with there are several here. aspects as much as possible to go through the floods, respectively, 40 billion is a fairly large amount, in fact, last year, accordingly , 400 million additional funds were allocated to combat floods at the beginning of this quarter, in this quarter it is 140 million, that is, you need to understand that, respectively, 40 billion - this is approximately a little more than half of the entire national ecology program, which we have completed this year, so it seems that the people who are behind this, somehow it makes sense for them to present a number of claims of an economic nature, if only because how would accordingly, preparation for floods is a very serious problem now all over the world.
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for years we sat and talked about ninya, what it is, how it works, we talked about the fact that these are snowy winters, this is an additional load, respectively, the water supply system, that this is a feature, it is connected with climate cycles, china understood this, for example , accordingly, they also have the highest floods now, for example, the same thing for the guangdong police since 1998, the highest flood since the beginning of april, so they took it, accordingly, as it were began to resolve this issue, understanding what it might be connected with, so i warn you that it will still be hot, as if it would be a blow to the hydra, but already in terms of production, that is... 1400 drones, that’s
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enough a lot, in fact, for the first time, and at least their use very seriously would allow these issues to be mitigated by these risks, thank god that part of these funds will be paid, as i understand it, under insurance, under insurance, apparently, but somehow the question seems to be related to costs, as if to work with the environmental component, this is a very important aspect, because this is a very big problem, we all went through this, before that we had a situation with the caucasus, once everything... clean up the rivers there was a situation with this, also now money is being allocated, that is effective utilization of state funds is a very important aspect, as for international ones, so a decision will be made, apparently, i remind you that now there is a rotation of heads of the constituent entities of the russian federation, apparently, the second one is very important moment - this is the international component, and indeed the international influences what is happening now, from the middle east to everything else, why the middle east is important, we had a national security council, which met on tuesday in the united states, on the issue of iran, because that on monday they spoke with iran, iran warned of what it could carry out. fire impact, including on us facilities, they discussed all this there on tuesday,
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and accordingly on wednesday, signals began to be sent accordingly, as it were, have just stated that they are ready to abandon this strike if the un security council condemns israel’s actions, this is very interesting officially publicly, i remind you that the united states before biden officially said that he would not support actions against israel accordingly, that is, not concerning gas, therefore, accordingly, from this point of view, as if he wants to lose his election campaign and lose his... as if just an age electorate, then how could he, in principle, do this, but this it’s unlikely at all, that’s why from this point of view, of course, these are very big risks that are now flowing in comparison with this, as it were, military actions in the territories that are happening now, as it were, and very large additional ones will be required there. investment, petritis is already going there, where are they going, they are going here now in fact, they are going along the syrian perimeter, they went to iraq, they went to israel, they will need very large volumes there in fact, the problem with this is very serious, this is very... scholz
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is going to china, an official visit, accordingly, he is going to discuss issues related to the economy, with sanctions, with everything else, respectively, against the backdrop of biden, as it were, which, as it were, is reaching an agreement with okus, is going to include there as well , by the way, as if japan and many other wonderful countries, that’s where the issue with vietnam is being resolved, but... speaking of which, i doubt that this will be possible to do, specifically with vietnam, that's why the problem is as follows: china is now trying to come to an agreement with various partners, and the same germany, which is considered its main enemy, by the way, if someone is not in the know, as if on the external perimeter for the territory, accordingly, the european union is considered precisely china, the enemy, in extreme cases it was positioned as an extreme case , now scholt will go there now in order to look for financing, because this is the most important sales market, in addition, next week the united states will most likely impose sanctions on respect, but in the key they will be discussed in the technological sectors of china, perhaps sanctions will be discussed to limit wind generation and solar energy, which is now coming from china, this is the funniest thing,
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you know, who provides a significant part of the environment in the modern world, these are these modern technologies, renewable sources energy, china is the main manufacturer of solar panels, and they have imposed restrictions on the supply of these products to the united states, you know what they are doing, they supply them through vietnam, through taiwan, through which whatever, that is, roughly speaking, not paradoxically, china is now pushing the environmental agenda more than the entire administration put together, and moreover, it is being prevented from doing this now, now it is... the american general electric, respectively siems, a manufacturer of wind generators, and accordingly, we still have a danish company, well, little things, but big billions will win from this, that is , the question is that when the issue is decided in money, everyone is on the principles of environmental character, well, it’s not so important, let’s put it this way, because from an environmental point of view, of course, it made sense to support a country that is, at a minimum, the largest manufacturer of electric vehicles and the largest manufacturer of solar panels in the world, and we would now have these cheap solar the panels are all flooding.
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china, he is much even more important, perhaps, than blinkin, he conducts all these negotiations, she doesn’t just go there, she conducts all these negotiations there, she uses storytelling modes, she prevents all this at once she also didn’t say much, soon today maunin, the official representative of china,
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said don’t meddle in our affairs, we will continue to be friends with russia, well, this is a reaction, by the way, they discussed the russian federation there, but that is, so-so. well, i went, i didn’t go, we’ll find out next week, if they introduce restrictions on china, then this will indicate that it’s not fundamentally important to them, here they have their main opponent, the opponent for november, the next election cycle, so he, he doesn't here, here he is over there, that’s why the wonderful, amazing biden, after all, is not about iraq, for generations we fought shoulder to shoulder with the japanese, for generations, look, a few days after my inauguration. more than 3 years ago i received a large beautiful red and blue envelope, which was covered in stamps, and there were many letters from an elementary school teacher in japan, written by her students, she teaches children who stutter, i also stuttered as a child, she wanted me to know that when she told her students what i had as a child had the same problem, the children smile and say: we are the same, yes, we are the same, japan
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and the united states, we may be separated by distance, but generation after generation we fight together, we are alone in... so you are the one who is confused you’re knocking me down so that when i’m with you, i won’t understand me anymore, don’t touch my daughter, on saturday, i’ll soon be 18 and i’ll live the way i want, pauline has disappeared, left home, doesn’t answer calls, and are you sure that you know your daughter well, well, what
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see me for the first time in my life, and you blame me for something i’ve never done, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, accept this as fact, i i’m a loner, i’m happy with everything in my life, i...
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managed to obtain information in advance about the plans of the kiev regime, as a result of the landing operation, the entire force was destroyed, one of the militants, a soldier of the 73rd naval center of special operations forces, evgeniy gorin, was captured. during interrogation, he spoke in detail about how ukrainian terrorists were trained in great britain by british instructors. at the same time, the information given to ukrainian militants was irrelevant. fire.
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in the black sea, that is, london was directly involved in the preparation of terrorist attacks, directed against the security of russia, fsb personnel, look at the interrogation footage. the federal security service of the russian federation, together with the ministry of defense of the russian federation, stopped the landing
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of sabotage special forces groups of the armed forces of ukraine on the tendra spit of the kherson region, planned by the british special services. the operation was the result of the implementation of proactive information received by the russian fsb about the plans of the special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces of their british curators. during the clash, the ukrainian armed forces landing was destroyed, and a citizen of ukraine, senior soldier of the 73rd naval center of special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, evgeniy borisovich gorin, was captured. after taking the oath, two or three days later, we were loaded onto buses and taken towards the polish border. having crossed the polish border, we were loaded into...
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the storm deposit of the black sea in order to seize technical means of flight support, unmanned aerial vehicles of the armed forces of the russian federation. according to gorin, during the assault on msp-17, the equipment the british were interested in was ukrainian was not detected by the saboteurs; the communications station located on the platform was blown up. now let's get acquainted with the flotor, who was assigned to us, initially this well was with us...
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the department said that the attack was accurate. the work of the ukrainian military-industrial complex has been disrupted , and the supply of fuel to the formation of the sssu has been difficult. explosions actually thundered throughout ukraine; kharkov was the first to plunge into darkness, where at least 16 arrivals were recorded, in particular, tpp5 was disabled. in the lviv region, two underground mines were affected gas storage facilities in stryi. in addition to ukrainian gas, european gas reserves were also stored there. blue fuel, russian missiles and uavs hit targets in the kiev region, the trypillian tez was destroyed. in this regard, it is important to understand that in kiev, the zelensky regime has built the densest air defense system, but even this, as powerful flights show, is more like a colander, which means that the ukrainian armed forces have practically zero anti-aircraft missiles, just all of them. the station
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is burning, continuing to explode, it’s just brutal, there was just another arrival, i’m just doing the best, the first seconds after russian missiles hitting the trypillian thermal power plant, open flames and black clouds of smoke, a burning building can be seen from every high-rise building opposite. the glass of the central building is broken, the turbine hall is completely engulfed in fire, generator transformers throughout the region are exploding in separate flashes, fans are being prepared... the energy hub of the kiev region, located 35 km south of the capital, its power was enough to provide energy to 57% of the region, and also supplies to cherkasy and zhytomyr regions.
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energy centers confirm crushing blow according to the heart of ukrainian energy, all power units are disabled, 100% of the generation of the entire kiev region is destroyed. neighboring regions will provide light to the capital, as reported by mirror of the week , to protect the trypillian tesa from attacks by russian uavs. 249 million dollars were spent, but the station was not designed for strikes by x-101 strategic missiles, the enterprise became large-scale , and there was a large-scale fire in the turbine workshop. is now putting out the fire, let me remind you that this is one of the largest power plants in ukraine, let me remind you that that in august last year the energy center stated that, i quote, the physical protection of critical elements of test facilities from falling missile debris, indirect uav attacks and
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other damage is carried out by installing artificial protective structures around them, so 100% of the work has already been completed at trypilska tes. zelensky was in lithuania during the morning strikes, discussing with... such footage of new strikes shows that the russian aerospace forces are consistently, regularly and quite accurately hitting almost all energy infrastructure facilities, except nuclear power plants. this topic is emphasized separately; missile strikes are definitely not being carried out on ukrainian nuclear power plants. and this is footage from kharkov after today’s massive strike. there is practically no electricity in the city; four missiles arrived at once at the last surviving tets-3 station. four missiles hit our tets-3, the last tets that was alive. the lion's share
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of russian missiles were delivered to targets in western ukraine. in chervonograd - this is the lviv region. they came under attack. mechanization of the armed forces of ukraine and local energy substation. in the rivne region, the 1448th central artillery base was hit. gas storage facility number two in the city of strey was destroyed by hypersonic daggers. to monitor the trajectory of russian missiles in poland, f-16 fighters are again being raised. please note that polish and allied aircraft operate in the airspace, which may lead to increased noise levels, especially in the south-eastern part of the country. tonight there is intense activity by long-range aviation of the russian
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federation associated with missile attacks on objects located on the territory of ukraine. a military expert from the german beltriopka reports that kiev has run out of all anti-aircraft missiles for the eriste patriots and other western air defense systems. tek is the largest energy company in ukraine. since the beginning of hostilities, there have been 170 strikes on thermal power plants. repairs will take years. most energy facilities will definitely not be restored in the foreseeable future. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to oil and gas industry and energy facilities in russia, tonight armed the forces of the russian federation launched a massive strike against fuel facilities with long-range, air- and sea-based precision weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles. energy complex of ukraine, the objectives of the strike were achieved, all objects were hit, as a result, the work of ukrainian military industry enterprises was disrupted, the transfer of reserves to regional combat operations was disrupted, and the supply of fuel to units and military units of the armed forces of ukraine was hampered. but the russian group in ukraine
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increased from 360,000 people to 470 thousand, said the commander-in-chief of nato allied forces europe, kovol. at a hearing in the us congress, kovole also said that...
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russian artillery is constantly working. in these images, vks pilots deliver powerful attacks on ukrainian fortifications. the input is controlled vacuum bombs with a universal planning module. when the ammunition hits the target, it sprays an aerosol, the flammable mixture penetrates into the openings of the building and bunkers, after which the suspension explodes. burning everything from the inside.
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in this video the cover unit the russian state border is destroyed by a temporary deployment point and an ammunition depot in the village of libtsy, kharkov region. the czech rszzo, the vampires with which the ukrainian armed forces attacked belgorod, were also hit there. and this is a consequence of the arrival of a one and a half ton thermoboric bomb across the territory of the pramzone in krasnohorivka, which ukrainian formations turned into a powerful fortified fortification.
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another american humvee armored car was destroyed, the car is literally being torn apart. we see that quite a lot of armored vehicles are approaching krasnogorsk and ukrainians cannot do anything, they are constantly trying to stop them. they shoot at them with everything they have, the russians are advancing in a huge mass, there are even more of them than we thought, look, as many as seven combat vehicles in one frame. it must be said that while all the battles that were fought inside the cities themselves, ukraine was completely losing. more and more ukrainians are beginning to understand that their country is moving in the wrong direction. this is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the ukrainian center for economic and political research. decisions of the supreme they don’t trust the rada and... 54%
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of residents probably don’t trust them. the epic story of mobilization in the odessa region was told by the former midfielder of the ukrainian football club ingulets, and now a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, who is waiting for dembel, nikolai stitsenko was on his way to sign a contract with a new club, but did not reach the stadium just a kilometer on the street. he was caught by tcc employees. the military commissar demanded a bribe of four pickup trucks worth $20,000 each. the football player didn’t have any money, so he went straight from the military registration and enlistment office to the trenches. ukraine should prepare for mobilization women, reports the british tams. ukraine needs to abandon the old-fashioned mentality towards women and switch to the israeli policy of recruiting women into the army, said oksana grigorieva, adviser on gender issues to the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces. our constitution says that every ukrainian is obliged to protect. homeland, so it would be right for women to serve too,” she said.
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the state border service of ukraine published new footage of the detention of colonists. seven planned to escape from mobilization to moldova human. for instructions on how to escape from the country, everyone paid 800 hryvnia, almost 3,000 dollars, and this is the chernivtsi region. tck employees beat up a local resident who refused to show his documents. hit , he loses consciousness, the situation in ukraine has stabilized, zelensky claims in his address to the participants of the delphic economic forum. we are at war , the enemy is serious, but let's be realists and not pessimists. let's be realistic. the situation has now stabilized as soon as we will have weapons and concrete political steps by our partners, we will break putin’s back. the ukrainian conflict
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has turned into a war of attrition in which russia has overwhelming superiority, writes the german. according to the publication , the situation worsened sharply after the russian army acquired modernized high-explosive bombs. the armed forces of ukraine are expecting a hot summer. if we don't continue to support ukraine, it will run out of artillery shells and missiles for its air defense systems in fairly short order. based on your military experience, and this is more than 37 years, i can say that if one side can shoot, the other side cannot shoot back, then...
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they are going on in the middle east, between palestine and the terrorist wars along with the wars that israel, and accordingly, despite the fact that the nwo is underway, we can clearly see that the worsening relations between iran and israel now make everything, like the situation as a whole, in the global world, that the terrorist threat is very serious, by all logic.
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accordingly, it is precisely because of this that the special military operation is being delayed, and if a special military operation is delayed, given that we are now advancing, uh, terrorists have many opportunities, tactical, strategic, to acquire weapons, including heavy equipment, and
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to divert special services from their main task from the point of view of the fight against international terrorism , accordingly, the middle east is also included. everyone here understands perfectly well who is bothered by this whole middle eastern history, who is experiencing great difficulties, losing people, tens of thousands of dead palestinians, respectively, and many other wars that were organized by washington in the middle east in the last 2-3 decades, they understand perfectly well that they have no way out . america continues to make statements that it is still necessary to minimize its military. attack on israel, this is a statement in words, but in practice we now see online, we know we are observing that they supply israel with their planes, which have the ability to help israel, israeli aviation to refuel right in the air,
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accordingly, this is preparation for a strike against iran on the territory of iran, which will lead to very... people who clearly understand that it is washington that will detonate the situation in the middle east, if iran enters into this conflict, this is the same conflict that will seriously affect us is bringing us closer to a full-scale, very big war, a very big war, in connection with this, accordingly, russia today is very carefully, very carefully and... with an analytical approach, it determines strategy and tactics together with its partners, for example in brix, in general
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friendly countries, constant monitoring of washington’s actions is carried out today not only by the russian federation, by everyone who sees that in fact america can bring forward a big conflict that will affect dozens of countries, including arab countries, and not only arab, european too, so, of course, terrorist... using in one case israel, in another case the kiev regime, as it was before, we also remember, the terrorist threat today, it is very serious for the united states, and this could become the subject of discussion in all these forums that european countries and... the active west are planning month after month, so there comes a point when the united states may find itself in such
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a weak zone and especially before the elections in november, taking into account the whole situation, what i just talked about, taking into account the middle east, and i think that we are preparing for some kind of diplomatic attack on the united states, from some of its partners, the united states itself. podikiran, just another statement. tehran representatives said they are ready to abandon their strike on israel if the un security council condemns israel’s actions, to which pentagon chief lloyd austin stated, firstly, that they see no signs of genocide in the gas sector, including, and do not plan to condemn anyone, at least publicly , although all of biden’s rhetoric the day before seemed to indicate that he would demand israel to join, but they officially said no, no.
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easily, i looked at the life of taxi drivers from the inside, honestly, it’s not sugar, really, or something, you were appointed director, if only you were a few years old 20 older, would marry, marry me, i ’m not divorced, well enough, well, well, how much can i repent, well, we’re a family, let’s do it again, allah taxi, today on the mouth. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go
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on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. i do not know what to do. we must calm down. and if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive. on saturday. out of the feeling that he himself kidnapped his daughter and kept her locked up. this can't be true. stay away from him. anna miklysh, alexander nikitin. you 're hiding something? what? don't confuse me, valera, i i have to think it over. this concerns lyuba. nadya, i need to know. ibushka is crying. premiere on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with
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new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand. we are making three different functional zones out of this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, on cosmonautics day, the signal is gone, stanso does not respond to any commands, why we’re drinking, i’m flying to
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baikanor tomorrow, they can’t cope without me, you’re a write-off. star team, it’s dangerous, volodya, slow down, enter, take away, what happened, the glove was punctured, lights, talk to me, i ’m talking to you, the story of a real feat, they used almost all the oxygen, already no one will return home, a film that has reached unprecedented heights. i heard, you need to open the hatch, the shuttle docked, there is nothing, it seemed to you, let it go, fireworks on april 7, 12 on rtr, so, first of all, special operations the russian army destroyed 1,266 rszzz vehicles, as well as almost
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9,000 field guns... and the kiev one, which was not capable of firing the regime will lose, this is a direct statement from the commander-in-chief of nato forces in europe, the american general kavol. the ukrainians are saving their ammunition in anticipation of supplies running out, and they are rationing their use. now russia has an artillery advantage of 5:1, so the russians are firing five times as many
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artillery rounds at the ukrainians as the ukrainians are capable of firing at them, and this ratio will rise to 10 to one within a few weeks. we're not even talking about months, and we're not talking hypothetically. if we don't continue to support ukraine, ukraine will run out.
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try to answer this question via direct communication, first deputy general director of the rostec state corporation, we now have a unique opportunity for the state corporation, which provides 90% weapons. our group in the zone of a special military operation. vladimir vladimirovich artikov. vladimir vladimirovich, it’s easy to remember. hello. good evening. let's try to figure it out. we very often discuss in our studio, how is this possible? well, in fact, we are alone, firstly, there are many of them, but we are faster, better and of higher quality. how we achieved this. but there is another very important nuance. as for the tanks, it’s probably clear here. artillery is also understandable, but there are components, for example, chips, microelectronics, areas where we traditionally we used imports, imports were cut off, that
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’s how we survive, tell us, thank you, well, it’s a very good question, it’s like that for us today, i would say so, it’s very important , very delicate, sensitive, you were right about the ammunition for... tanks and so on, in all, strictly speaking, types of weapons, we have grown significantly, but this is due to the fact that, of course, we mobilized labor collectives to the maximum, we recruited last year, or rather, more than 70 thousand specialists for our enterprise, today we we have more than 660 thousand people working at our enterprises, these are only direct specialists in the field of defense industry, of course we have surpassed our opponents abroad in...
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together with the ministry of defense, we did not prepare for such events that happened to us, but nevertheless less we, as they say, the freight train must be on a siding, we have been working on this, as for the issue of the electronic component base, yes, there really are problems, but we are solving them, we are solving them thanks to our partners, including abroad, we are developing the . i’ll say this, i won’t go into details, production is starting up here, well, i’ll give you new lines of chips that need to be used in high-precision systems, which we are actively supplying today to the armed
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forces of the russian federation, not only is this issue being resolved, but nevertheless we we are solving this problem. vladimir vladimirovich, you did not now specify the names of the states, this is because we proceed from the fact that sanctions and these new lines will be immediately introduced. according to microchips, this is again an import, this one is secret, semi-mysterious, or is it our production, from what can be said out loud, you just tell us this, yes, we can say out loud that we produce some of it ourselves, and this is already a significant part, and we, of course, import some from believe me, i won’t dwell on specific suppliers now, but they help us. the minister of defense gave the order to increase the production of precision-guided ammunition, has anything been achieved here, is there any progress? yes, we assumed in advance that this would need to be done, so we, well, first of all, for components, we have our own warehouse stocks, which give us the opportunity to expand. quantity and
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, of course, quality of weapons systems of high-precision complexes, well, you can talk a lot about them, you know perfectly well how kenzhal works for us, how iskander works for us, in addition, we have now begun to produce guided aerial bombs, which was not the case before , and this gives such significant success on the line of contact with our enemy, they have simply begun to fear us when our aviation equipment rises to the sky begins to work with such complexes,
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bombs of this quality in large quantities, but they were not in demand, because they were still primitive in nature, in fact, they were dropped and flew to where they were flying, today these are controlled complexes, thanks to joint work with the tactical corporation missile weapons, we applied their missile control methods to our large line of fab aerial bombs, which today works very effectively, works very accurately. and this is of course a great success, except moreover, thanks to joint interaction with the ministry of defense, we were quickly able to introduce this into production, we reduced, significantly reduced the testing time for these weapons, now we see how they work effectively on the line of contact with our enemy, also returning to sanctions, it is clear that the maximum sanctioned by the state, but we are faster, better and most importantly cheaper, we turn out to be smarter than the americans. our
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specialists are more cunning than american ones, our engineers have come up with something, that’s also a question: our current military production, is it rather based on soviet developments, or is it mostly modern, is there a percentage here, what's what? well , of course, of course, of course, we built on the groundwork that was made back in soviet times; many of the groundwork were not simply implemented. taking into account the factors that today influence the development of technology and application in production, in addition, technology, we began to apply new solutions, including the use of these solutions for the creation of new weapons systems, everyone acts this way, in fact, the whole world, there is penetration of technology, of course, someone someone something...
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captured equipment brought us some benefit, something was dismantled somewhere, we were able to borrow something somewhere, so to speak, if there is a specific example, maybe, where was it useful for us? yes, this is a good question, we are very actively interacting with our military, who are delivering to us military equipment from the contact line, of course, our designers they are actively engaged in this, dismantling armored vehicles. and light armored vehicles have
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vulnerable points, well, today, for example, we can clearly determine that the new tanks that are being delivered today, which means to the other side, are destroyed by our ammunition quite effectively, we have always been frightened that american equipment, which means german equipment, is very strong, powerful, almost practically invulnerable, but these are just fairy tales and fiction, understanding that we can use ours...
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so our pes system is very mature today, it practically works without failures and with almost 100% success, success, in addition, we must understand that our aviation systems that operate in the sky today, yes, they can clearly hit these
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f-16s, because they understand that this machine is not modern, that it is quite from the past, our complexes, for example the su-57, su-34, are machines that... work very effectively, and i believe that our pilots will cope even if they interact with the enemy in heaven with these cars. this concerns air defense systems in including threats against the f-16. in addition, we are now actively working to protect our infrastructure facilities on the territory of the russian federation, this is primarily, as we understand, in the event of the destruction of oil refineries, warehouse complexes, and so on. here. in addition, of course, the other side begins to destroy civilian objects, which in itself is unacceptable, here we also begin to work and carry out protective measures as much as possible in cooperation with local authorities, we have a complex of electronic warfare radios that
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effectively work against almost all types of drones of all types of controlled aircraft already in use. we just need to increase their production, we are doing this now, i recently just held a meeting on this subject with our designers and manufacturers, the task was set to quickly increase their productivity, including their capacity to interact with the destruction of these unmanned aerial vehicles. vladimir vladimirovich, and another important question: yesterday it came from rostec the statement that the capabilities and resources of our military-industrial complex are practically inexhaustible, we have enough strength, this is not... were we too hopeful and did we calculate the likelihood that nato would transfer its economy to a war footing, as they promise to all their alliances, then we too let's do it? well, you know, there are prerequisites for this, and we are sure that with
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dyuzh, i’ll just give you one small example, in the production of ammunition, at the beginning of our conversation you asked this question, how much have we grown, in some positions we have. ..increased production ammunition 50 times, 50, in soviet times, in soviet times , much less ammunition was made than we do today, but we must understand that the soviet union was a huge country, it had a large amount of production capacity and human resources, which allowed produce the maximum amount of ammunition, today we have basically surpassed these indicators in a number of positions, we must understand that this is russia, that this is not the soviet union, that... naturally we have less human potential, naturally we have less production sites, but nevertheless we have exceeded these indicators, and this suggests that we will continue to develop this business very actively, and i am sure that no matter what, no matter how western countries are, there
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are more than 50 of them there, now, among other things, they have begun to counteract us, helping our enemy, we understand this, we know their capabilities and power and nevertheless we are confident that... our capabilities will exceed their capabilities, thank you very much, may god grant us complete success great country and your state corporation, i’ll say again that rostec provides 90% of our army with weapons, which right now is fighting in the special operation zone. vladimir artikov, first deputy general director of the rostec state corporation. we'll be back in a minute. thank you. my god, we could crash, everything will be fine, after the inyaz of the flight attendants,
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it just so happened, i suggest you work as a translator for me, i agree, you have to frame it, someone stole the money and transferred it to fake accounts, don’t you believe me? i can’t see the light at all. the stewardess is in friday on rtr. mega sale system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer. call and order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9. mega sale machine for dumplings and the most delicious dumplings at the lowest price
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provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe, with them you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. quick, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with him you are not only in a matter of minutes you can update and decorate your usual interior, but forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned . the carpet is magnificent. an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb
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the smallest detail, two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design, two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call now to order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1990. five. and again we will see, we will show more than the rest. hello. moscow, kremlin, putin, every sunday on rtr. premiere. okay, stop. next time i won’t miss alexander robok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow
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under escort to apartment number twenty, okay? anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, she is packing for you all, she will kill or beat you up, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look, what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others have... soon at rtr, on cosmonautics day, the fate of the legendary crew of solute 7, the fate of vladimir dzhenibekov and viktor sovenykh, it became quiet in the cockpit, a minute and a half remains before
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the collision with the station, before this there was definitely no manual belay in space. attacks on ukraine’s energy infrastructure are a response to ukrainian attacks on russian oil refineries. and in general , the question really arises: what kind of answer did kiev expect to receive when systematically these attacks began according to russian factories to be completed. in fact, the question is not so rhetorical, why? because
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it can be assumed that ukraine was counting on causing economic damage to russia. federation, because let me remind you that, in general, economic sanctions should officially deprive the russian budget of income so that, accordingly, the russian budget cannot finance the production of weapons, which we just talked about, but in fact the tax system in russia is structured in such a way that the russian budget is nothing at all does not lose from these stories, because the main taxes are taken from oil production, in this regard, if instead of exporting... gasoline we export crude oil, the budget receives the same amount of money, absolutely, in this regard there is no damage, maybe ukraine expected that there would not be enough diesel or, as we say, diesel fuel for russian military equipment, but it is also strange, because half of our diesel is exported, in this regard, it is absolutely obvious that with such a scheme we will always
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have diesel for domestic consumption, especially in situation of correct alignment of priorities, it turns out that... russia, unfortunately, is quickly recovering, unfortunately, unfortunately, but by the way, these attacks had one more consequence, which kiev may not have thought about, but nevertheless in in our world, everything is quite interconnected, i mean that the western press wrote about this, that these attacks could have become one of
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the factors in the rise in world oil prices, and bloomberg wrote about this, now of course... i understand that later it was added geopolitics, the actual expectation of an iranian response, what is it about? we also talked today, but the price for the brand remains at $90, and the price for urals is lower, we still give discounts, but also by $15, they probably also read it on bloomberg, because there was such an article , everyone is discussing bloomberg, well, i can tell you these numbers without bloomberg, because we also count them, but bloomberg admitted that russian oil is indeed trading above the ceiling, well, actually. this is also the result of such stupid actions, but for 15 dollars, the ceiling is 60, we are 75, good ceiling, we'll be back, everything we drink, i'm flying to baikanor tomorrow, you're kidding,
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they can't cope without me, on cosmonautics day, you 'll take it with you into space, they're ready to step into the unknown, there's no degrammatization, but there's ice all around, only the chosen ones fate is testing you, take us away, we’ll crash, only one boldly conquers space, you have little oxygen, only one can be returned to earth, come back. you came here to die, but i want to live on earth, film by klim shipenko, dad, hello, will you be back soon? salute 7. april 12 on rtr. regular shovels are bad
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tomorrow is cosmonautics day and pride, of course, in our country. today, for the first time , the first heavy rocket developed in modern russia was launched from the vostochny cosmodrome. hangar, again, look, bye. on the russia channel , it’s time for the main news of the day, big news is on the air, igor kozhevin is in the studio, hello, the situation is different, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, governors and ministers report to putin about the flood situation. already now we need to think about.


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