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tv   Taini sledstviya-8  RUSSIA1  April 12, 2024 2:05am-3:51am MSK

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the invitations of the greeks, who, by the way , are now very actively exercising their rights in donbass, their message, their signal to their homeland, to greece itself, is already much more redundant, because they are actually warning our greek government that it is crazy to send weapons there, which can kill, including the greek population, which...
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everywhere they answer whose krim is, that they understand what it is, that somehow ukraine should forget about it forever, especially since in ukraine, it probably should be forgotten completely forever support from the united states, that is, they are preparing to surrender directly, as happened many times in the past, that is, with afghanistan quite recently. therefore, i think that these answers are very important here about the latest french project of sending nato troops, i have spoken with few of my european colleagues who understand what the essence of this french project is, yes, that is, there are still a lot of disagreements within nato, in the last poll for...
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good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. collision with wildlife, a vehicle hit an elk, killing both the driver and the animal. on the anniversary of the resumption of tram traffic in besieged leningrad , vityaz leningrad drove through st. petersburg. high technologies on... packaging factories in the leningrad region increase labor productivity. alice space pirates again. a new film was shown by guests from the future in st. petersburg. fire in the krasnogvardeisky district , a seven-year-old girl and her were rescued from a burning apartment five year old brother. eyewitness footage shows house
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number 94 on malookhtinsky avenue. flames shoot out of a window on the fourth floor. there were only two small children in the apartment. luckily they managed to run out onto the balcony. on the back side of the house, rescuers took the girl from a height, a fireman stayed with the boy, he covered the child with a jacket and waited until he could be taken out of the apartment, the children were not injured, very scary, a very huge flame, the smell is still in our apartment, here the neighbors turn out to be an incredibly good family, parents, with children we also know them, i don’t even know how to tell you, we all worry about them, we worked on the spot. a tragic accident a moose provoked a fatal accident on the highway . the accident occurred at night on the 68th kilometer of the st. petersburg-pskov road. the animal suddenly ran out of the forest onto the roadway, where it was hit by
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a car at full speed. the consequences were recorded by eyewitnesses: the impact threw the car into oncoming traffic, then into a ditch, the driver died on the spot, and so did the elk. according to experts, in the spring, sugared ones often suddenly run out onto the road. northwestern the interregional department of rosprirotnadzor urges motorists to exercise extreme caution when driving on roads at night, in unlit areas, as well as in places where there is a sign warning about the possibility of the appearance of wild animals. having seen a moose on the road, the motorist must slow down and let the animal pass; it is impossible to predict how a frightened animal will behave, be careful. high technologies in packaging factories, as in the leningrad region, increase labor productivity, leonid apanasov will tell you. the packaging factory joined the national labor productivity project a year ago; to sum up the first results, experts from the regional government came to the gorely pramzone. the company has increased the volume of orders and is
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one of the five largest suppliers in russia, but this success came at a high price. until recently, all technological chains consisted of machine tools, mainly made in europe, due to... the line had to be rebuilt, all european equipment, to put it mildly, flew out of service - the supplier, if earlier we were on the service of european companies, today we have this service, to put it mildly, it works much worse or does not work. the methods developed within the framework of the national project helped. the company's employees mastered skills they were not used to and began servicing the equipment themselves. only in some of the most difficult situations did they turn to service companies of non-european origin. in addition, a strategic decision was made. from now on , machines are purchased from china and india. yes, these brands are not so well-known, but manufacturers are ready to meet any customer requirements.
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the company's employees themselves call this installation a spaceship. it was created in india and is now in the process of adjustment. basically, this is an intaglio printing machine, its power is just incredible, it... you learned what losses are, how many types there are, and now look around you, what you will see, because it is very important to look at your own enterprise with an open eye, because one of the most important problems that we are struggling with is the eternal
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spell, and we always did this, as an example, one of the workers, immediately after training , came up with how to increase safety when storing ordinary wooden pallets, the cost of innovation is a piece of colored tape, but... in this area the probability of an emergency is sharply reduced, it seems like a trifle, but as they say in the regional government, it is precisely from such little things that the level of production will drop. however, the regional program has quite material incentives. everything that an enterprise invests during the implementation of a national project in the third tier of tenth depreciation group, precisely what gives added value to the machine and equipment can be deducted in direct rubles from income tax. this is an excellent opportunity and they are taking advantage of it. thanks to this, factories purchase new equipment. reduce costs, as experts say, the sales market is expanding almost everywhere. enterprises of the leningrad region participating in the program have production growth of 5% per year, the forty-seventh region is among the twenty leaders of the national project. leonid afanasov, mikhail markov, konstantin nikitin,
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conduct leningrad region. 82 years ago , trams began running again in besieged leningrad; it became a symbol of hope. lening’s feat was honored at the monument to the blockade tram today. after laying flowers, the excursion flight departed for strelna. during the war years, this tram route was cut by the front line. world day of liberation of prisoners of fascist camps. 79 years ago , an international uprising of prisoners tortured in terrible factories broke out in buchenwald. the death was remembered today in st. petersburg. solemn funeral ceremony took place in krasnoye selo. the memorial on
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lenin avenue was installed 15 years ago. veterans, volunteers, representatives of the city government and deputies laid flowers at the monument. the memory of the victims was honored with minutes of silence; there were also young prisoners of concentration camps; there were almost 5 of them in st. petersburg. liberation before the cannonade was already heard, and the camp was decided.
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the next batch of humanitarian aid was collected by activists of the volunteer company of st. petersburg for the soldiers of the northern military district in boxes of essential items, medicines, special affordable candles, linen for military personnel, more than 100 kg. one van with humanitarian cargo has already arrived in the liberated territory of the kherson region. parcels from st. petersburg were handed to the fighters of the thirty-third volunteer detachment named after margelov. light rain in places during the day on the property field the air temperature will be 6-8° above zero
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to +9 the air in tifina baksitogorsk will warm up another couple of degrees more, maybe in volkhov, kiryshi and gadchin, not cooler than +7 in vyborg. in st. petersburg it can be windy during the day in the northern capital from 8 to 10° plus sign, at first cloudy and a little rainy, then clear and dry. on saturday night. in the city without rain it’s already about +3 on the thermometers, have a nice day in any weather. 50 paintings of sculptures created during the siege will be sent from the russian museum to nizhny novgorod, the works will complement the exhibition dedicated to the leningrad victory. the largest painting by vladimir sirov, the breakthrough of the blockade, is being prepared for the journey, restorers are strengthening the soil and restoring fragments of the painting. in 1941, paintings from the russian museum were already making their way to gorky, now nizhny novgorod. then. the famous painting was sent for evacuation, the train with our works was already on
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the rails, no one knew where it was going, this was a requirement according to the laws of war, according to the law of secrecy, only when the train started moving, an envelope was opened, where one word was written " bitter". the most striking theme of the upcoming exhibition is the children's museum of the history of st. petersburg, presented... the original diary of tanya savicheva. a leningrad schoolgirl died in evacuation in the gorky region in forty years. again alice space pirates. a new film was shown by guests from the future in st. petersburg. victoria galchinskaya saw everything. the year is 2124, people won the intergalactic war and built that same bright future, but space pirates do not want to admit defeat. they want to go back in time and change.
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a robot, it was created using a neural network and artificial intelligence, for convenience it was printed on a 3d printer, in the film werther speaks to the voices of fyodor bondarchuk. alice is at home and i don’t want to seem alarmist, but she brought a man from school. a question of dialectics according to my data, he is 117 years old. the aliens were created using
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prosthetic makeup. the ideas were taken from a biology textbook, parts of insects, plants and mushrooms, and the image of alice. and to transform yura borisov into glot it took more than four hours every day, all this time the actor had to stand, plastic makeup was applied to the whole body, it led us to the cosmon, so then everything depended only on you, on me, all the actors
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took a special course training, most of the stunts were performed independently, scenes were worked out in the gym, boxes, mats and improvised means replaced scenery. for me, it was very interesting technically how complex and progressive this film was made, i saw such inventions of film technology about the existence that i did not even know and did not suspect that this happens, this is how they are filmed and such devices exist in general. and a bright future was built in a pavilion in moscow. the film was shot in 4 months and we worked on the graphics for over a year. and sound, there is not a single simple scene there, even when we wanted to shoot simple scenes there, we somehow complicated them to make them more complicated, because what they filmed was a very strong team of filmmakers, i now mean everyone there from artists, first of all, to cameramen, artists, and so on. in st. petersburg, the film was presented to the public by the director and the leading actors, for many of them
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this is their debut in big cinema, the first viewers shared their impressions of the film. i liked it better. possible from april 18 in all cinemas in the country. victoria golchinskaya, sergey skripkin and maxim lapin, vesti petersburg. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best. rest
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- is to leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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titanic delux golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. envelop yourself. by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday - your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellec - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you are watching the absolute pitch program. the absolute pitch program introduces you to the most striking phenomena of world musical
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culture, discover unknown facets in the known, rediscover what has been undeservedly forgotten, solve unanswered mysteries , the absolute pitch program will help you with this. opera and ballet, two very different genres, often share the same stage. in musical theaters of the world, in turn, theater lovers are often divided into those who love opera and those who prefer ballet. it is interesting that balletomanes, when they come to a ballet performance, almost never see opera soloists or a choir not singing on stage. this may happen in rare cases as exceptions. the situation is completely different in opera. the ballet genre actively invaded the opera stage and gained its strong position there. very. many composers, when creating opera scores, paid great attention to ballet scenes. it is known, for example, that charlino's opera faust was not a great success until
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the author supplemented it with a huge ballet act. what role do dance scenes play in opera productions? we talked about this with honored artist of russia, yuri yuryevich vetrov. dancing at the opera. france, 18th century, era of louis xiv. court composer lyuli, who created the french national theme. there is a wonderful proverb: to understand the reign of the emperor, it is enough to know that his courtiers are dancing. we know perfectly well that louis xv danced for 20 years on stage, and that, in turn , lyuli knew perfectly well the tastes of the king and his court. that's why. all of mr. luli's operas had dance scenes. what place did dancing occupy in opera? the dances could continue the plot
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of the opera performance and be organic with this performance. the dances could quite briefly retell the plot of the opera. and in the end , the dance could be independent, independent of either the plot of the opera or the opera itself.
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dancing. opera goon, faust, huge stage. balpurgis night. 1949 is wonderful soviet choreographer leonid mikhailovich lavrovsky staged this performance. almost all the stars of the bolshoi theater ballet danced. raisa stryuchkova, olga lepshinskaya, maya plesetskaya, ekaterina maksimova, and of course wonderful partners. alexander lopauria, maris liepa, mikhail lavrovsky.
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very often ballet scenes had a life of their own and were performed as separate ones. numbers in concert programs, for example, walpurgis night was performed in england on other tours, when the question of what
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to do in 1956 was being decided? on tour to london, from there they brought romeo and juliet, giselle, masterpieces of world ballet, along with this they brought a fragment from gounod’s opera faust on alpurgis night, which literally created a sensation to such an extent that this fragment was filmed by cinematographers in england. operas by russian composers, mikhail ivanovich glinka, ivan susanin, polish ball, polones, mazurka, krakowiak in 1945 , the dances of the polish ball were wonderfully
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staged by the soviet on the stage of the bolshoi theater.
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she said very well that everyone comes to my performances when i dance the persian fans, you see, they will love not only ballet, but opera, of course, the stunning image of the persian was created by maya mikhailovna plesetskaya.
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another masterpiece is the polovtsian dances in borodin's opera prince igor. in 1890, these dances were staged by lev ivanov, the author of the second act of the ballet swan lake. these dances were staged by mikhail fokin in russian seasons.
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here are the dances of the khevans, the turks, the persians, the horsemen, all this was on the stage of the big theater, and it was as if he wove an oriental carpet of fantastic beauty from these dances. he told kastyan yaroslavich that dance is not movement for the sake of movement, this movement for the sake of the image, in the dance of kuman and chaga, chaga is
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a slave, and kuman... during the dance he hovers over her like a vulture to grab his prey, when he grabs chaga as prey, he throws her directly to the feet of the khan. i would like to say about the opera by pyotr ilyevich cheikovsky, evgeny anegin, the gremensky ball, and the pearl of this ball, of course, polones, and this is already the realm of the historian of everyday dance.
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there are a lot of dances, and this is a heritage that, of course, must be preserved for the future generation, because this is a base for students, as well as for ballet dancers, and also for young choreographers, albert einstein famously said, dancers are god’s athletes, you can’t argue with that.
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in the second half of the 19th century, the name of the outstanding german pianist and conductor karl klindwart was widely known in europe from his great teacher. farens liszt. klindvard inherited not only his performing style, but also excellent teaching traditions. by the way, for about 15 years he taught a piano class at the moscow conservatory. just like the leaf, clindward was a passionate admirer and promoter of the music of richard wagner. in addition, he expanded the piano repertoire, creating many transcriptions of works by great composers of the past, as well as his contemporaries. in the second half of the 19th century. the name of karl klinwart was well known in musical circles; he was born in 1830 in hanover and showed great talent for music from childhood. in his early youth, karl learned to play the violin and even took lessons from
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the famous virtuoso ludwig spohr, but later decided to become a pianist. he went to weimar to become a student of the great franz liszt. klinward considered his acquaintance with liszt one of... just like liszt, klinward became an enthusiastic admirer and promoter of wagner’s work. it was he who was entrusted by wagner to perform piano transcriptions of his operas. the transcriptions turned out to be impeccable, but
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too technically complex. in a letter to klinwart , wakner noted that an ordinary pianist was unlikely to be able to perform this music. later, klinward created a light version of wagner's operas. clinward did an excellent job with piano transcriptions of symphonic works; his transcription of mozart's requiem enjoyed particular success. in 1868 , klinward accepted nikolai rubenstein's offer to move to russia to teach at the moscow conservatory. the famous critic hermann larouche recalled: klinward, invited to moscow as a professor of piano class, did not gain
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any popularity as a virtuoso. he was a good pianist, but he did not make the slightest impression on the public. his lack of knowledge of french hampered his success in society. language. he was of norwegian origin, although he himself was completely anime-like. clinward was highly respected in musical circles. because of her nordic appearance , she was nicknamed vot. this reserved musician could fly into a rage if anyone spoke without due respect about the music of his idols, liszt and wagner. germand lorosh admitted that we muscovites were all a little afraid of klinwart, but pyotr ilyich was especially afraid of him. tchaikovsky, who was ten years younger than his german counterpart, with respect related to his opinion. karl klinvard played a big role in the fate of chikovsky's first piano concerto. rejected by nikolai rubinstein. having appreciated this
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work, klindworth advised sending the manuscript to maestro bülow, the first wife of liszt’s daughter. it was hans von bülow who became the first performer of cheikovsky's first concerto. karluk to lint cheikovsky dedicated a large piece for piano, he wrote: “i ask you, dear friend, to look through my manuscript very critically and change everything that you consider it necessary." klinward fulfilled the wish with enthusiasm, but this caused concern about the notes of jurgenson's publisher. sanata suffered so much proofreading...
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and there is nothing to say, they are as flawless as a pigeon, tchaikovsky reported to the publisher, this is my first composition printed so that i was completely satisfied, although he is menacing at times boring and unpleasant, he has already eaten the dog in his business. in 1881, shortly... after the death of rubinstein, klinworth left russia.
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he taught in berlin at the private music school he founded, and at the same time continued to create transcriptions and also publish works by bach, beethoven, chapin and other composers under his editorship. karl klinvard created few of his own works. as a composer, mr. clinward performs very rarely, tchaikovsky wrote. this is all the more surprising because this hon. the artist has an undoubted talent as a composer. karl klinward died in 1916 at the age of 85. the devoted wagnarian found his final resting place in bayreuth, the city where many of his opera premieres took place.
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in december 2001, one of the greatest singers of the 20th century, nikolai gyuurov, appeared on the theater stage for the last time, he performed the role of don basilio in rossini's opera. barber. venice gave a standing ovation to the legendary bulgarian singer and outstanding actor. in the same way , geurovo was applauded in his homeland in bulgaria when he made his debut in sofia back in 1955 in the same role. almost half a century of one of the brightest opera careers of the second half of the 20th century has come full circle. between these two triumphs passed an amazing creative life, in which found.
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and a hopeless heart, i am afraid, i am crying, my soul is tired of separation nikolai geurov light appeared on september 13, 1929 in
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the bulgarian resort town of velingrad, in a poor and hungry childhood , the boy’s only joy... was the harmonica, with which he did not part. he was delighted by the sounds of the city brass band, he quickly memorized the melodies, and then hummed them, entertaining the family's guests. nikolai's father panomar in the local church would like to see his son in the choir in kleros, but the boy was not interested in this idea. he dreamed of becoming a musician city ​​orchestra. having independently learned to play the small trumpet. nikolai received the coveted place. his task was simple: the trumpet had to rhythmically produce individual sounds. with the outbreak of the second world war, bulgaria was hit by a wave of brutal repressions. tsar boris ii took a pro-fascist
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position. for the slightest disobedience to the authorities, those who disagreed were beheaded. to intimidate them, they were carried through the streets on long shastas. when nikolai's elder brother joined the partisans, the gyuurov family came under police surveillance and was then sent to concentration camp. after the liberation of bulgaria by soviet troops in 1944, the family was able to return home. nikolai continued his music studies. while studying at the lyceum, he became interested in dramatic theater. the tall, handsome , very artistic young man was entrusted with the main roles.
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a severe test for the artist was serving in the army, where rookie soldiers were often subjected to bullying and humiliation. at gyuurov’s request, he was transferred to officer courses, and this decided his entire future fate. on the courses he created and headed the musical team of 120 people. the dream came true, he became a conductor. to perform at the army review. a group of cadets was preparing an epic cantata. giurov, dissatisfied with the fact that the young handsome performer of the bass part sang loudly, but did not put any meaning into the performance, began to sing his part just as an example, when he suddenly heard from the soloist, why don’t you sing instead of me, you have amazing voice.
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it never occurred to giurov to be a singer, but obeying the request, he performed the part of bass. his comrades gave him a standing ovation. celebrities from all over the country came to the army review, among them was the classic of bulgarian music, composer petka steinov. the performance of the group led by nikolai geurov delighted him, and he predicted a great future for the aspiring singer. he hugged mami and kissed her enchanting eyes like a madman, a blasphemer darker than the night, ustory at the age of 19
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, nikolai entered the sofia conservatory, his teacher was the outstanding singer hristo brymbarov. who at one time studied at italy and generously shared his knowledge in the field of vocal art with his students. for geurov, maestro brembarov became an absolute authority, and he strictly adhered to his advice. he babbled scales to sounds without a word, and secretly envied the students walking along the corridors with sheet music of verdi and wagner in their hands. what will i sing during the exam? he asked in desperation. scales? - answered the imperturbable teacher. after gyuurov’s performance at the final exam, a high commission recommended sending the young singer for an internship in the soviet union. since 1950 for 5 years. nikolai geurov studied at the moscow conservatory. at first, his teacher was the famous singer of the bolshoi theater, alexander baturin. he was convinced
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that his student would become an excellent baretone, and then geurov moved to the class of rosa alberthasina. kolya, you have a hard time hitting high notes,” she said. i think you should sing in a bass voice. nikolai's diploma work in the opera training class was the role of don basilio in the russian opera. having graduated from the conservatory with a gold medal, geurov returned to his native bulgaria, but he
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bright hopes from the capital's stage were quickly dashed by the will of a bureaucrat official; the young singer was included in the corps of the provincial theater for the position of artist of the third category. however, he did not stay there, nikolai geurov’s career was saved by participation in competitions, he was recognized as the best at... his first performance in bologna in the role of mephistopheles was triumphant.
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on his thirtieth birthday, nikolai geurov received a gift; he was offered to perform the role of boris gadunov in musarksky's opera. from such a tempting gift he wisely refused, saying that he was not ready for this difficult role. having agreed to perform in seven performances, but in the role of verlaam, geurov went to moscow. where the great director boris pokrovsky and alexey krevchenya, the brightest performer of the role of varlaam on the stage of the bolshoi theater, fully prepared geurov for the role. preparing to play the role of boris gadunov took 10 long years. at the invitation of herbert von karajan, gyurov performed at the salsburg
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festival. boris is an unusually complex character, ” said the artist. the king dies of remorse conscience. this cause of death is incomprehensible to the modern world. before his death, the opera hero sings continuously for 25 minutes. at the end of such work, i feel that i need to lie down. call an ambulance, heavenly powers, guardians of the eternal throne, with bright wings. i heard chaliapin himself
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in this role, he was phenomenal, but you are better, because chaliapin played boris, and you became boris, admired one of geurov’s fans. nikolay gyuurov’s career developed rapidly, he sang on the best stages of the world in for 37 seasons he performed at the teatro lascala in milan, appeared on the metropolitan stage about a hundred times, he was a welcome guest at the london garden and the vienna state opera, the paris grand opera and the moscow opera. theater his performances on opera stages and concert halls remained forever in the memory
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of art lovers. gyurov amazed the audience not only flawlessly.
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iroz, thank you so much, gyurov’s appearance in the role of king philip in verdi’s opera don carlos on the stage of the kremlin palace of congresses became a sensation.
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giurov's performances are included in the gold fund world opera classics and have become benchmarks. the demanding maestro karayan, who recorded verdi's requiem three times, each time invited gyuurov to perform the bass part.
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creative friendship connected nikolai gyuurov with russian musicians. he did a lot to introduce western audiences to the works of soviet composer tihan khrennikov, including them in concert programs.
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with the outstanding italian diva mirella freni. for many years, the legendary artists performed together on opera stages around the world. in 2002, by invitation.
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the voice is a phenomenal instrument, the greatest gift from god; using it to create music and images created by great composers is a great happiness. now let us bow to the rulers of russia. to call the peoplera z
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gasty dar rocky. our program has come to an end, it’s a pity, but we have to say goodbye. gennady yanin was with you, see you later.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum. news time on the culture tv channel, in the studio of yegor bedulya, hello, the consequences of the big water, the main shrine of the orenburg region in general, the tabinsk icon.
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the priests rescued ancient book icons from the artist’s collection from the flooded church in vorsk. a combination of details unique to russian art. exhibition garden of eden. space secrets. and one gets the feeling that the astronaut is saying goodbye in weightlessness. we'll tell you. what film tricks can be used to make documentaries and romantic ballets. corsair staged by the tatar opera and ballet theater on big screens. as a result of the flood in orsk , churches were flooded, including the pokrovsky prayer house. it was impossible to get inside but at the first opportunity the priests began to save the church saints.
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exclusive video, we are in the altar, we were able to get in, unlock the door, go into the altar, the saddest thing here, of course, is a depressing sight, even a slight decrease in the water level made it possible for the dvomorsky priests to make a dangerous journey to the flooded pokrovsky prayer house and save the most valuable icons of the book . the main shrine of the orenburg region in general, the tobyn icon, this particular icon is remarkable. that from her many miracles happened, this icon was presented to orsk in the forty-second year at the opening of a prayer house here at the beginning of prayer life, it was presented by the famous metropolitan of chkalovsky at that time, manuel lemishevsky. it was not possible to save church valuables in a timely manner due to the rapid flooding of the pokrovsky prayer house. it is located in the historical part of orsk, which was the first to be attacked by the ural waters due to a dam break. ours is very flooded...
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the icons taken out of the flood zone are awaiting restoration, after which they will be returned to pokrovsky prayer house. vyacheslav kampa, leopold efemenko, sergey abramov, orenburg region, culture news. the russian garden exhibition opens at the zaryady park museum. the paintings of ivan glazunov are complemented by russian antiquities from the artist’s personal collection. yulia strukova got acquainted with the images of an ever-blooming garden.
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future restorers, artists and sculptors in the so-called singing club together with folklorists open an exhibition of south russian cossack songs from the kursk province at the glazunov academy. study the features of ancient music, which can also be heard in films created under the impression of an expedition to the russian north. ivan glozunov first traveled alone, then with his wife, then with children, every year since 1991. my journey has begun. what is needed there, you need some kind of feeling that you are there too, then grobar went, vereshchagin went, belibin went, everyone went, everyone was looking for some kind of thing, some kind of wooden russia, some kind of something... something so primordial, objects found in abandoned villages where huge families used to live, then there were no one needs it, today it is a museum rarity; a mica window from the 16th century was brought from the vologda region, possibly part of a rich estate. fan complexes of different
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regions, kokoshniks, this is what the nurse of the moscow province wore, i would generally wear a russian suit all the time, because i simply grew together with it, it seems to me that i look very good in it, beautifully, always feminine, i look amazing, i i put on a sundress, a kokoshnik, i don’t have any discomfort at all, i’m always just ready to walk in it, exist, eat, sleep, walk, the whole gluzunov family has been working hard for many years. studies russian art in all its manifestations and details, things that four children once played with at home are now artistic images with new meanings for them and for the students of the academy. meanwhile, ivan glazunov continues to return our cultural values ​​to our homeland. this kakoshnik, once from the dowry of a merchant’s daughter, ended up in the archives of the film director nemov, it was sold at auction. ivan just saw him, among the...
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the restorers began work on the facades of the donskoy monastery. from a height of fifty meters, you can clearly see the large cathedral, restored last year. the dome of the bell tower will be covered in the same shade with gold leaf. now it is covered with copper. on the facade of the bell tower, restorers are repairing the brickwork. the old destroyed brick is replaced with a new one, but not a simple one, but a special one, a restoration one. latest renovation. took place in soviet times, somewhere in the eighties, and naturally, it was carried out, probably, using the chemical method, so there were a lot of cement inserts, very there are many replacements for the lost white stone brickwork, well, that is, we are now restoring it all, this year
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work begins on the most problematic area of ​​the architectural ensemble of the donskoy monastery, these are three towers located along the southern wall , with sections of the fortress wall between the towers. he was only allowed
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to bless the believers silently from the height of the monastery wall. it is planned to restore the cell and open it to the public by 2025, when it will be celebrated. american who performed a spacewalk to question the authenticity this film, offers cinematographer and inventor leonid kanavalov, especially for our program at the state film fund, he recreated the installation on a scale of 1:20, which could be used for filming this chronicle, long
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before man flew into space, filmmakers learned to create the illusion of weightlessness in the pavilion, film 1951 royal wedding the secret of this trick is that the camera is rigidly attached to the floor of the room, the decoration itself rotates 360°. one of the most famous shots from the film a space odyssey, this is when the stewardess walks in a circle upside down, then eventually turns around, the turning scenery is also removed. the illusion that the astronaut is not in the background.
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from the side of the helmet and the camera rotates along with the background, it creates the feeling that the astronaut is spinning in zero gravity. let's test this hypothesis using newsreels and rotate the background in white's creep, so it becomes noticeable that the actor is hanging feet first. the cable on which the astronate was attached. all compare newsreel footage, not on the left and its reconstruction in installation for combined shooting. the purpose
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of this experiment is not to debunk another myth, to clearly demonstrate how the footage of a historical event that flew around the world, the harbinger of the apollo mission, could be realized with the help of film tricks. stanislav anisimov, maria andreeva, alexander lyuchenko, culture news. the film-play "karsar" is being released widely. the production of the tatar opera and ballet theater, transferred to the screen, became a continuation of the theater in cinema project. elena varoshilova saw the film version of the ballet. pirates and pirate girls floating among the spectators with pistols and daggers. the fake coins sparkle like real pirates and set the tone for the evening; they are the main characters of the corsair ballet.
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for the soloists of the ballet company of tatarstan, everything is new, one of the best cinema halls in moscow, attention from the press and spectators, they willingly pose for photographs, they do not hide that they are happy. to see their corsair in the cinema in a new format for them, now we are popularizing ballet in cinema, this is very, very important, not only for the theater, but it seems to me, as for the whole country, so that people start appreciate and love ballet more. oleg ivenko dances parturabali, the image is courageous and brutal, intersects with the real character whom the dancer played in the film by ralph feinz, noria in the white crow. this, as you know, is rudolf nureyev’s continuation of dancing the role of rabali. certain angles when you see on the screen now that i really look a lot like him there. the main roles in the ballet le corsaire
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were performed by the brazilian couple, amanda gomez and wagner carvalho, winners of the bolshoi ballet project. graduates of the bolshoi theater school in brazil have been living and dancing in russia for 10 years. the bright, temperamental amanda has tried on the image of midora since her studies. it turned out that i had to dance to act in a ballet. this is not just a struggle, but there is also love in
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this story, yes, this struggle occurs at the expense, at the expense of the woman, at the expense of medora, who was loved in her, and these are very romantic performances, very strong, screenings will be held in 56 cities of russia, ballets will be seen in big and small cities where there are no ballet theaters. elena varoshilova, alexander sadolsky, cultural news. that's our the issue is completed, all the best, see you.
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and maria sergeevna, good morning, you are at the prosecutor’s office, can i give you a ride? thank you, i don’t need lawyers to give me a lift, but what’s criminal here, maybe i like you as a woman, maybe i don’t, but i... i’m telling the truth, you are irresistible as always, and, by the way, by the right of a beautiful woman they could have been a little stupider, it would
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have suited you, you found out my home address to say this, god forbid, i... on the case, i have a petition in the iskanderov case, the case is in court, go there, in court, it’s a pity, it’s a pity , yes, i wanted hint at some pleasant surprises, but if, of course, you get into the difficult situation of my client, for example, change his preventive measure, it’s a waste of time, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, you have absolutely... no sense of humor, maria sergeevna. okay, don’t be angry, maybe i ’ll be lucky with women with a sense of humor and not so smart. in a court? well, who knows, who knows. we will come to you again with a bouquet of flowers, with my client.
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hello kohl, how are you? admitted today, what are you talking about, uh-huh, i didn’t know that your case was sent to court, sent and considered already, and today they will condemn you, okay, listen, but what i didn’t say before, i wouldn’t have said it, we would have found some decent lawyer, but what? and where did i get the money for a lawyer, they gave me some girl there, she was babbling something, and,
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please, well, old lady, come on, go, support the prosecution. just don’t be embarrassed, by the way, the case against your smelyakov is being heard today. what is this, according to the district police officer, or what? yes. so, it turns out he can be convicted? well, i hope so. gosha. it turns out that we are all following the article. but you don't fake other people's documentation. who am i not faking. what do you mean, this is all i do from morning to night. and how? but our life is like this, by the way, the bosses swear, there are no witnesses. so we slap fake certificates. i’m asking you, maybe, how... can you at least put the brakes on, well, i feel sorry for the guy, listen, everything will be fine with him, well, they’ll give him a suspended sentence, what do you mean, he’s an employee, by the way, even if there’s a fine, that’s it just as if they threw him out onto the street, but no one will throw him out, just as they won’t throw him out, they promised, promised, office space, they won’t let you, he worked in the police, where he will go, as a loader, well, i ask you, well, chat with the prosecutor there, well, maybe you’ll drop
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the charges, i think everything has already been decided, for now... viktor ivanovich, is there really nothing that can be done? , really, well, i feel sorry for this smelyakov, well, he didn’t do anything like that, well, he forged a couple of materials, signed for the applicants, of course i understand that you are friends with the police, viktor ivanich, well, what does this have to do with it, well, don’t learn bad things they have, well, what is this, what kind of conversation is this, official. so that you they began to suspect corruption, why am i not releasing him from responsibility, no, because, because there are legal grounds for that means everything, that means there are no options, that means insist on conviction, that’s it, or whatever
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, you refuse the accusation, well then... under what kind of sauce, may i ask? viktor ivanovich, hello, hello, come in, yes, well, go to court and yes, okay, you know the saying. the law does not require the impossible from anyone, go ahead, so what? how are you? viktor ivanovich, i come to you with a request, my iskanderov case has gone to court, oh, marya sergeevna, well, that's it, you're busy, you're busy, well, sit down, relax, you want a chill, well , sit down, sit down, well, really, nikolaevich, hello, hello, you'll be walking for a long time, but today the verdict is already, but don’t worry, if anything happens, we’ll give you a job
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as a security guard, it’s even better, thank you, and most importantly, you’re sorry. the judge is new, no one knows her, so if only we could put in a word for you, come on, yes, thank you, thank you, nikolaevich, are you armed, okay, okay, come on in already... anatoli nadarovich, today is the verdict on smeryakov , but we have no one knows, but what do you care? eh, volodya, how many years have you been in the mintour, but haven’t learned how to lipstick properly, well, here you are, no, it’s better to retype, uh-huh, all of you. by the way, i had to sit down with the braves with the socks of the defendants for this very reason, i didn’t want to violate the deadlines and signed the decree retroactively, otherwise i don’t know, i just need to kill it on the nose, if
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you’re lying, then don’t get caught, and you’ve got yourself a fool, that’s it, i don’t want to hear about him anymore, who forced him to lie, what do you want to say, i forced him, but he himself it’s not... it’s necessary, he’s painfully smart, don’t you think that he set me up, we wanted to give him a place to live, i signed a submission to the administration, they say, he’s a holy man, the best district policeman, lives in a barracks, give him an apartment for christ’s sake, i was humiliated there at the housing commission. and she dug me a document from the court, your best district police officer, it turns out, is a criminal, and you lied to us, just like that, and
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now it’s unknown when they’ll give us another apartment, understand? does the lawyer have everything? yes, your honor. defendant, you have the last word. what do you you’re shaking your head at me here, how should i understand you? your honor, my confidant, refuses the last word. and i don’t need translators here. your principal, what? swallowed his tongue. defendant, are you refusing your last word? yes, i refuse. very good. the court retires to the deliberation room
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to pronounce a verdict. the verdict will be handed down in an hour. i ask everyone to stand up. natalya alekseevna, you can stay. thank you, i will sit with nikolai nikolaevich in the corridor. olga vladimirovna, why are you so upset? don't you worry, see the world they will judge him wisely. i feel sorry for him, i feel sorry for him, he committed fraud. the victims approached him, he falsified their statements, you remember the victim mikhailevich? yes, i remember, such a decent guy, that’s it, a man was robbed in front or
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hit on the head, and this district police officer wrote on his behalf that he allegedly fell from his own height, that’s how you come to the police, they will write there that they want, you haven’t asked enough yet, you really should have asked for imprisonment, there are also sanctions of up to 2 years. nikolai nikolaevich, don’t upset me like that, you won’t be imprisoned, the prosecutor asked for six months of probation, this is nonsense, yes, but i understand that you will have to quit, police, you will no longer be able to work, but this is not fatal, yes, well, nikolai nikolaevich, well, buck up, natalya alekseevna, thank you, you go, don’t wait for the verdict, well, whatever, i’ll wait. i also want to hear the verdict, then we need to discuss the cassation with you, okay, just
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call me, or better yet, i’ll call you myself, i recommend that you, allah, look for a new place of work, the premiere on rtr, “we can open your own taxi fleet, there is too much interference, and as for your this alla, she sang along, we will choke, we will discuss, and take your hands off, otherwise what? ". there are too many warning signs, what if something happens to you, i’m scared, too many dangerous intersections, trouble, seryoga crashed, he’s alive, alive, but she can’t stop, your mother can handle it, she’s a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday on rtr. discover a real pearl on
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you. i would like to support him, i’m going to court in the armory today, today for smelyakov, the verdict, you have to listen, you can think about something else, i
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saw him, there’s no sign on his face. well i know, let me do it with you, let's go, by car, what kind of car should we take these two steps here? please get up, go get the prosecutor, hello, hello, can you tell me where the case is being heard, what kind of case, well, according to our district police officer smelyakov, this is the eighth hall, the judge. uh-huh, come in, it’s okay, come in, come in, i didn’t buy the weapon, who did, you gave completely different testimony to the inheritance, you are making a motion to have it read out, quietly, quietly, we really haven’t read out the testimony of the defendant bogdanov yet,
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please excuse me , you'll go to announcement of the court, let the interrogation be announced without me, okay, please excuse me, the court sentenced nikolai nikolaevich smelyakov to find guilty and assign him a punishment, ouch! olya! horror! what a sleepy home! where is the prosecutor? she’s in the third courtroom in the process, she’s alive, call an ambulance, milyutin, yes, it’s kurochkin, i’m in court here, there’s an emergency, i need an investigative team and an ambulance, well, quickly, i said, that’s it, you fool, in general, that’s it, viktor
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ivanovich , it’s a disgusting thing, the mafia, i did everything i could, but you understand, that’s it. depends on the state association, so what will it be? proposals, no proposals, request, viktor ivanovich, well, well, support the prosecution against iskanderov, well, this is a big matter, i remember this, in one volume, 15 witnesses, we have to sit for a month, who will remain in the shop, well, of course, in general , yana didn’t count anymore, will some girl just go? let’s do this, let’s do this, i’ll mark iskanderov there when the case is assigned, then we’ll return to this conversation, okay, thank you, sorry for taking up time, viktor ivanovich, oh, yes, there’s an emergency in our court, that the judge was shot , well, well
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that, that, of course, he was shooting from there, so don’t look for strangers. it’s good that there was no one else in the hall, but someone could have been in the line of fire. damn, how did it come to my mind to arm him today, when he was going to the verdict, i would strangle the duty officer with my own hands. and what does the duty officer have to do with it? no one removed smelyakov from his post, he worked as he worked, anyway, they warmed up the snake, okay, at least they didn’t have time to give him an apartment,
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chairman? here, hello, tamara stepanovna, lord, finally, marya sergeevna, what should we do, we have such a nightmare, how is she alive, thank god, but horror, horror, three wounds, one in the head, i’ve been working here for 20 years, this has never happened before, let’s figure it out, yeah, tamara stepanovna, but how did it happen, how do i know, the pain began , we all ran away, that's it. well, it’s terrible, in general, well , well, get up, well, let’s see, let’s go have a look, zoya, i’m going to court, if anything happens,
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tell me, okay, the main thing is that the journalists don’t sniff out, otherwise they’ll swoop in like a kitten, and what are your thoughts? interesting, editor, good afternoon, tell me, is staroseltsev at work, no, no, no, no need to call him, just tell him to urgently go to the central district court, well, what difference does it make who, well-wisher,
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oh, hello, manyunya, hello, well, guys, you give me, i haven’t gone to one like this yet, it’s all happened, nothing like this has happened yet was. “ol, how all this happened, i don’t know, i wasn’t there, and thank god i wasn’t, there weren’t enough bullets to hit her yet, which means it’s unclear how everything happened, which means it’s unclear, just the same, it’s clear how god's day, the scoundrel came to court with a pistol, dealt with the judge, we are initiating 295 an attack on the life of the judge, and this is about, the negligence of the head of the ruvd, the deputy in service, and this one, where he is a bailiff. "who lowered him with a pistol, i ask you, but now heads will roll, they will fly, nikolai petrovich, who sent smelyakov’s case to the court? by the way, who? i , so it’s all your fault. so, so, shvitsova, you speak up, don’t start talking, what does it have to do with me, well, you
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didn’t remove him from his post, so, you’re free, you’re free, that means i’m here myself i’m looking at everything, okay, i’m just wondering how you’ll inspect the office, in particular the safe, because according to the law on the status of judges, this is, why should i inspect the office, why, maybe you could also offer to search the judge’s house, but it would be nice, it’s so free, and there’s no need to pretend to be a great detective here... there is no need for any searches, especially inspections, everything is clear here, like 3 kopecks, so you take a witness, go, interrogate, go, okay, but it seems to me that everything is not so clear here, go, go, and there it is, uh , i want to go home, so, well, let’s go, oh, tamara stepanovna, eh...
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“tamara stepanovna, that’s what i thought, let's get out of harm's way, we 'll seal the deliberation room, but you won't inspect it, no, no, i'm not interested in anything there, let's seal the safe, and then the deliberation room." but the lawyer clearly has nothing to do with it, there is
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nothing obvious, especially in a criminal case, but here everything is already clear, oh, kovin, yes, look, she’s alive, she’s alive, victor, tamara, what are you doing, oh my god, hello, you it seems like now you don’t go to an incident, we go, we go. the breath sang, i got scared, well, thank god, i let go, well, let’s go, tell me, love, enough to confuse people, why did filonov suddenly decide to work himself, fillon, why shouldn’t he work, he ’ll look at the work in half an hour, order three examinations and drop the case after the death of the person involved, and then he’ll yell that there’s more i worked for everyone, listen, what? did sofilonov himself investigate the smelyakov case? what is there
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to investigate after 2 days of work? i would never send such a case to court. wait, what would you do? i would stop, due to active repentance, the law allows it. maybe perhaps both were alive, and he was the judge. brahinday, the judge is still alive. volodya, three wounds, one in the head, these are jokes. okay, he drove me away from the scene. where to go, well , go to ruvd, to ruvd, well, yes, what should i do there, all the witnesses are here, well, interrogate the duty officer, he armed smelyakov this morning, and i’ll send the rest to you to the rvd, the bailiff, olga, the secretary, well okay, and you, and it looks like i’ll have to go to smelyakova’s wife, let me know what happened, maybe pop some vodka, oops, it looks like... i’ve arrived, dim,
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phew, and you, why have you come? that's why i came because for an hour on tv they have been talking about the shooting in court, answer me, why is your phone not answering, when will this end, why is your phone not answering, everything is fine, really, thank god everything is fine, but i have no more strength to endure this, no, wait, you’re so worried about me, of course, i’m worried because i’m your husband, and you’re my wife, because i’m a human being, he’s jealous, why is he jealous? he’s jealous of success,
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he’s jealous of success, no one notices him point-blank, everyone is jumping around, tv is about to come on... it’s coming, he needs it show off in front of the camera, you know, that ’s all, it doesn’t change my words, of course, goodbye, uh-huh, thank you, come on, yes, yes, we’ve arrived, yes, now we’re showing off with the guys, uh-huh, come on, what is this judge what is it like? yakushkina, i don’t know this yakushkina,
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what she even looks like, what she looks like, but wait, now. what, yes, this is a heroine, or something, a celebrity, on a regional scale, yeah, what kind of person, i can’t tell you, she recently moved from our region, a judge’s reputation, well, they say that she’s in region dealt with the most serious matters, yeah, mafia, corruption, they say the hand is heavy, tough, incorruptible, well, that’s right, they kill such people either... not corruptible or completely corrupt. listen, victor, how are we going to continue to work if judges are already killing, so why don’t you care if you’re not people, if they’re killing everyone? well, of course, there are different judges, but i apologize, this has never happened before. yes, well, just, well, you remember, about 20 years ago in the city, a
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police officer shot himself right in the courtroom. shot?


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