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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 13, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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no, another girl, a friend, polina, has disappeared, they study together in college, it’s so difficult to restrain yourself from being overwhelmed by this uncertainty, we will endure it, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let’s try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere, today on rtr. this is news and we continue to release. again about the situation in the special operation zone. over the past 24 hours, 240 ukrainian militants have been killed in the ovdeevsky direction. su-25 attack aircraft also hit enemy positions and attacked unguided aircraft missiles. then the crews released heat traps and returned to their home airfield. in total, in this area, center group fighters hit 400 different ones. targets, and this is combat work in
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the kupinsky direction, here the ukrainian armed forces lost over 200 military personnel in one day; to suppress enemy strongholds, our military uses an 82 mm caliber mortar under the nose. to effectively squeeze out enemy forces, including in shelters, fire adjustments are carried out using drones. in kherson the aerial reconnaissance task area is carried out by drone crews.
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krasnohorivka is covered with all guns, this is how the fifth brigade of our armed forces works, everything is under the control of drones, these are the eyes of any operation, they are put on alert here, in the unmanned aerial vehicles division, some small plastic parts that we need to install, suppose for an antenna or for something else, we print here, that is , repairs on our own, and repairs on our own . prints the necessary parts, but it will not replace human hands and, most importantly, knowledge. if this module is not installed or is not working properly, or is not flashed, the drone simply will not fly. using a soldering iron and a sharpie, drone operators give them a new video transmitter frequency, the enemy cannot calculate it, and the bird becomes invulnerable in the sky. we move to non-standard frequencies, either down the spectrum or up the spectrum, what does this give? this gives an opportunity. and a free
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band without noise created by radio suppression systems. this room has a lot of trophies in a row of enemy birds, who managed to clip their wings - this is especially valuable. the grounded trophy woman yoke, each such device, of course, is carefully studied in order to understand what and how the enemy flies, so this one sat down because the gps control was weak, the operator was simply confused. it also turned out that the vaunted cameras, there really are a lot of them, here. but, for example, at night, completely ineffective. in the next room , drone operators are playing computer games about how to disagree with the fact that they have the best job in the world. after this, when you begin to fully understand how it behaves, you, accordingly, completely merge, so to speak, into one single thing with the drone. you need to fly 100 hours on the simulator, then take an exam. at this point , the bird operator is a single whole, the equipment is completely under human control. so we have an obstacle in this case here.
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let’s say the same trees, we shouldn’t touch anything, you just keep a certain height at a certain speed, when your skills improve, you try to go through it much faster, from computer reality to real work, so yesterday's trainees become aces, the first thing i need in flight is to get my bearings, that is, i have risen to a certain altitude, uh, i begin visual control, in the operator's glasses i see what i see... drone, this same picture on the monitor. look here, in this planting, look above the bushes for paths. the most difficult thing is diving and altitude control. and, height control is performed with an error of 5-10 m. why is this done? in order not to get caught up in the wave of action of the reb. very soon pilots combat work awaits. their footage is a real front-line chronicle. find, transmit, coordinates, destroy. small aircraft work quickly. gloka zaporozhye npp
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has been transferred to the so-called cold shutdown mode. according to representatives of the station, all work was carried out normally and no violations were recorded. the radiation background at the site in the surrounding area is within natural values. thus , now all six blocks of europe's largest nuclear power plants have been transferred to a safe state and do not generate thermal energy. and i will remind you that the station has not generated electricity since september 22nd. this morning, the israeli air force carried out massive strikes on southern lebanon, as reported by the idf press service. the target of the attack was hezbollah's military installations. fighters attacked lebanese territory after fighters of the shiite movement
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launched fifty rockets into israeli territory the day before. some of the shells were intercepted by air defense systems, and the rest fell in the desert. there were no casualties. the israeli army remains in full combat readiness. expecting retribution from tehran for the bombing of the iranian consulate in damascus on april 1. the united states is preparing for a possible attack from iran and has additionally deployed two more destroyers to the middle east. the american aircraft carrier esenhower is also now heading towards the shores of israel. us president joe biden warned iran against attacking israel and said that the islamic republic would not succeed. the sculpture was opened in the planetarium in the capital of brazil and was donated by representatives of the international charitable foundation dialogue of cultures, one world. the ceremony was attended by the first brazilian cosmonaut, marcos pontes, the russian cosmonaut, valery tokarev, as well as the ambassadors of russia, belarus, kazakhstan and
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cuba. the event was timed to coincide with the 63rd anniversary of the first human flight into space. in the kemerovo region today ends between. yuri gagarin folk festival. it was dedicated to the day of cosmonautics and kuzbass residents who were in orbit. among them are the first man in the world to walk into outer space, alexey leonov, as well as twice hero of the soviet union, boris volynov. iss assembly, greetings test cosmonaut alexander grebyonkin handed it over to his fellow countrymen. during the week , festival participants visited various exhibitions, scientific conferences, film screenings and competitions. visitors to the sheregesh ski resort dedicated their season-ending descents to space and astronauts. report by ksenia kleminnaya. go. the closing festival of the mountain meadow season in sheregesh launched straight into space. we don't take it from the planet.
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earthlings, take care of the earth. the first mass descent is dedicated to cosmonautics day. it’s not just the heroes of the occasion on the slope. costumed races, in the program a descent in carnival costumes, they decided to support hundreds of participants and organize mass russian culture events dressed up in leshevo and kikimaru. we are all going to sherigesh, the best
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resort in all russia. there are weddings ahead and the swimsuit descent, which has already become traditional, almost 3.00 riders have registered for the mass races. from all regions of the country. shirigesh, he is a cosmos in itself, he attracts very creative people who are at one with nature, who are ready to share their joy, who are ready to get a little naughty, and we are so happy to be a platform for these people. this season, the resort has already been visited by more than 2 million tourists, and this is only during the winter. in summer there is also something to see in the mountains. this year we plan to extend the eco trail to mount kurgan to the cross. we have already made two. kilometers, as it should be, an eco-trail with signs, with information messages, we have qr codes, after downloading which a real professor will tell you how cedar, for example, is useful, and what kind of tree it is, but the main thing at the resort is the people , they are the ones who create the atmosphere, the festival
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that closes the ski season will last as many as 10 days, each of which is special in its own way; on cosmonautics day, hundreds of tourists lit lanterns and lined up in the shape of a rocket, saying hello to space. ksenia klimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva. vesti, kemerovo region. since the beginning of april , about 200 fishing violators have been identified in 13 days in the astrakhan region. woobles. daily raids are carried out by employees of the federal fisheries agency, they inspect boats and conduct conversations with fishermen. i'll remind you, catching in the regions, both amateur and industrial, is prohibited this year by the ministry of agriculture due to a sharp decline in the population. will continue the topic. maxim akhmetov. the open water fishing season has started in the lower volga, hundreds of tourists. this is one of the popular bases in the kamyzyaksky district. places are reserved here. in a year. cheerful mood, vigorous fishing, according to
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tradition, the best fishing is on the volga, in fact, near the caspian sea itself, now we are moving in this direction and we cannot do it without a professional huntsman. kizan river - one from the largest branches of the volga delta, a place prayed for by fishermen, people also come here for the famous astrakhan roach, however, this year, starting from the sixth. april it is prohibited by law to catch it, for violation of the fine from 2 to 500 rubles on top of 500 rubles for each tail in the cage, it turns out to be expensive, it is better to release it, the roach is caught by releasing it, the new ban is a forced decision, according to scientists, the population of roach, as well as herring blackbacks in the caspian sea have been rapidly declining in recent years, the main reason for the critical decline is...
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permissible size, as well as the total weight of the catch, no more than 10 kg per person.
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the new fishing rules in the astrakhan region can be found on these special information stands; it is immediately clear from these sheets that they were installed quite recently, that is, before the start of the fishing season. the ban on commercial and recreational fishing in oly will be lifted for exactly 10 days, from april 20 to april 30. these days in the astrakhan region they are expecting the present... may to june 20 , it is better not to plan fishing in the astrakhan region, for there will be a spawning ban in the region. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, lead the astrakhan region. the russians made the world's first jump from the stratosphere to the north pole. performed from an il-76 aircraft from an altitude of more than 10,000 m, the air temperature
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outside was -55°, but this did not stop pilot cosmonaut mikhail kornienko, alexander lynnik and denis efremov from making a record jump. everything went well, the starters were in free fall for more than 2 minutes and opened their parachutes when they were about kilometer. during the stunt , unique high-altitude equipment developed was also tested. in our country, the record itself was dedicated to russia’s role in the development of the arctic. in moscow, after a major renovation , a multimedia art museum opened today. almost all engineering systems, floors, and roofs have been changed in the building; eight new exhibition projects await visitors, from early photographic experiments of the 19th century to contemporary art. the culmination of the exhibition is a retrospective of the outstanding artist erik bulatov, dedicated to his ninetieth anniversary. do a detailed debriefing
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. rapit's filming shows the mistakes of athletes. excessive nervousness leads to seven false starts. a unique chronicle and film by dziga vertov, who turned life around, forcing you to emerge backwards, and dreaming that people with movie cameras would be everywhere. it came true. now there is more than one photo. as if i was shooting on it on purpose, it was known, well, it is unknown that we would win, but if we won, then this shot should happen in this place. konstantin batinkov and sergey shikhovtsov explore football, and this is a space where there are passions, unity and the noise of the stands. in principle, in this work i seem to follow the tradition of modern art, yes, that is, i am trying to talk about time, but
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through the past, this is a kind of football that will come in the near future, this is like football. they're just football players, they're like androids. real magic, says the curator , showing a ussr magazine setting with photographs of alexander rodchenko. you will understand that first you turn around, you seem to make an upward movement, you rise higher. and then you look down, and the text written by lev kasil, he just describes this descent from heaven to earth, it all ends with the phrase, then earth. masterpieces.
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udkin, maria rudakova and konstantin mirskov. news. people's artist of russia yuri kuklachov, who turned 75 yesterday, suffered a massive heart attack. the anniversary evening of the famous clown was supposed to take place yesterday at vegasitehall in moscow. however, immediately after going on stage , kuklachev felt ill. the relatives called the doctors. yuri dmitrievich was quickly taken to the hospital. now yuri kuklachev is in serious condition. about the main events of the last seven days in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. watch on sunday. big trouble from the urals to siberia. where is the water already falling, and
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where is it still rising? is your home or property expected to flood? and how we help the whole world, a truly long-awaited launch, a new heavy angara rocket, a launch from a new russian cosmodrome, eastern, flight into the future, why the west is baiting kiev into the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, into the territory five drones arrived at the nuclear power plant at once, if the pink wind then spreads radiation throughout europe. and what is magathe silent about again? we are pressing on all fronts. precision missile strikes deep into ukraine against strategic targets. and how ready they are to repel attacks from the sky. automatic release completed. the error is minimal. attacks on
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the crimean bridge strikes on belgorod. help! the murder of daria dugina and vladlin tatarsky. the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin, and now the event in crocus city: what other terrorist attacks did the ukrainian company appear to have financed? with biden jr. burisma and 10 years of war for donbass. we will also demonstrate that our affairs during the great patriotic war there was a battle for every piece of land. who are they, the first defenders of their land, whom mothers are still waiting for home. and we live in novorossiya. and here there will definitely be paradise, news of the week, sunday 20:00, news are following the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us! vodka. veto
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product of stellar group. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. rest you need to look beautiful, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. rom castro is a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection whiskey mankatcher product. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, let’s get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, basin macaroni and cheese. this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust
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100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, today, ner. hello, welcome to our circle. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds.
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sergei vasilyevich stepin, theater and film actor, has played almost 200 different roles during his career, performs on stage leading theaters in moscow. hello, i'm glad to meet you, hello, hello, hello, please take a seat, we are very glad to see you, and this applause is also for you, please introduce me to your cute pet, her name is alice. alice, very nice, what a beauty! how did you get it, tell me? i was involved in a dance studio as a child, many years ago, of course, yes, and i had
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girlfriends there, they were also friends with my mother, yeah, these girlfriends had a cat, that’s just alice, yeah, and we decided to take her, because i've been for a long time i wanted a cat, and my mother, too, well, i’ll continue, in the sense that at first, of course, we wanted to take... a toy, just a toy that would be alive at home, this one, but over time it’s already been a year , there six months later, little by little alice, our beloved cat, began to turn into a member of the family, yeah, although she, of course, now also plays the role of a toy, now, although she is already 3 years old, she does it reluctantly, but she, of course , our girl is capricious, she’s willful, she somehow loves to have some of her wishes come true. and if wishes are not fulfilled, she starts scratching, something, well, let 's say, angry, well, miron knows, because sometimes she even bites him, but in fact
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it gives great pleasure, what were the first days of alice at your house, the first days of alice, she she just sat at home and, well, how she sat, on the contrary, she ran around and looked at everything, didn’t understand where she was, and wanted to go back, she was afraid, yes, she was very afraid, well, we... gave her time to sort of come to her senses, and then she began to make forays, as is usually done, and then she got used to it, she had already become jump on the sofa, on my knees, every time i come from the store with purchases, she greets me, greets me, looks at me, well , you know, this is my profession, but i have to kind of have a little idea of ​​what a person is thinking, and well the same thing happens with a cat, she sits down, greets you and says: so i came, what did you bring? i brought everything i need or something unnecessary, well, let ’s take a look, let’s smell it, i mean i put the bags there, something like that, she climbs in, starts sniffing, looks at me, there’s something i think
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you didn’t buy. i didn’t buy something, then i carry it packages to the kitchen, she looks, well, let's see how you'll lay it out, where it's right or wrong, i start laying it out, a real housewife, absolutely, absolutely, that's for sure, so tell me a little more about alice's breed, something about it it is known that in fact she is a mixed breed, mitis is, in simple terms, a kitten that came from two parents of different breeds, but of course, it is known from which breeds. alice appeared? no, i don't know, it's unknown, this means that you have the absolute right to name any breed to claim that such beauty has appeared, look at the amazing coloring of alice, both white and just fiery red and black, very beautiful, it’s a tricolor, they say it brings happiness to the house, in fact, yes it brings, brings, who she accepts me as the owner of the main house, well, i’m a stricter
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person... yes, that’s probably why she respects me so much, well, i don’t know, she’s probably afraid, or doesn’t respect me, or all three, well, miron is very soft , so he comes running from school , immediately runs to her, immediately starts it there squeeze, you can say, squeeze, so, well, i guess, yes, but the most interesting thing is that of course, uh, all the household burdens that are associated with the cat, they went away, because the cat was taken for. ..
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it happens that i will bring her, yes, well, in fact, i will actually complement you with the fact that when you were sick, you remember, she came to you, lay down with you, but we also talked about how cats they treat, they help to recover and so on, well, they probably did help, well, in fact, sometimes animals, it seems to me, can console much better than people can cope with this, and by the way, it can also be cured, i would really like to introduce you to it. with one pony who often comes to visit even the hospice.
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and his owner anastasia kozyr in our studio.
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well done! hello! hello! please come in, we are very glad to see you. it is impossible to stop smiling when looking at dietrich. welcome! hello! can i say hello to dietrich? of course you can! of course he will be happy, of course, of course, he loves communication! dietrich, hello! i'm empty-handed for now, wait but everything, everything will change, i am delicious, i hold you in my open palm? hold it, hold it, my dear! hello, will you feed dietrich? come on, come on, come on, with your open palms, uh-huh, closer, you are an amazing handsome man, dietrich, what a hairstyle you have, and how pleasant it is to the touch, wow, listen, what a white man, how does he manage to remain so white and beautiful in such bad weather? , but it seems to me that he has an army of gnomes that cleans him, an army of gnomes comes at night when everyone is sleeping, yes, there are situations when the dirt on the street is impossible. and in the evening, when
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they pick him up from a walk and put him in a stall, but he is so dirty, and in the morning he is taken out white, and i don’t know how this happens, not even once , what is he doing now? but he entertains himself, this is his fixed bad habit, a bad habit, and what’s harmful about it, well, in general , this is the most harmless habit, and he got it because as a child he stood around a lot and was bored, and he came up with such entertainment for himself, and a cool habit, not at all harmful, well yes, yes, that’s why they reinforced her when they saw him clapping like that, they treated him, but great, maybe he can kiss me on the cheek like that, no, you can try, dietrich, can you kiss my uncle on the cheek? show me on the cheek with your kisses, say kiss, kiss me, not yet on the cheek, but now kiss me, show me on the cheek, then he will eat me, but no, you have to, you have to point the yummy food right on the cheek,
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look, here, here, here, go, go, here, here, please tell me how you first met horses, and next to me there is a small stable at home, when we walked past this stable, i saw people training, kids training, adults training, and i was wondering how it was, because i really had a lot of sports hobbies, i thought that this is what i can get hooked on , and it so happened that when you got dietrich, i entered the agricultural academy, and there is a stable attached to it, and there students were given the opportunity to look after horses, excuse me, so, and dietrich was given to me, as a student, to look after him, to work, clean, feed occasionally, for for 6 years, my big horses changed, and
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dietrick was always with me, and i fell in love with him so much that when i finished my studies, i couldn’t leave him, and i bought him for myself, in general , what a wonderful noble work he is doing. we looked at it, it’s wonderful, how did it all start and in your opinion, is dietrich capable of empathy, does he feel what he’s doing? it all started with the fact that i observed miniature horses and ponies on social networks in europe and america, this is a fairly common practice among them, they come to nursing homes, some kind of children's homes and make patients happy, and i dreamed of doing the same...
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they fall into childhood, they have just such, their eyes sparkle that they immediately turn rosy, their hands reach out, let me stroke, let me see, they have an incredible joy, they happily hug him, kiss him, feed him treats, i
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bring him, and even those patients who initially say: oh, no, i’m not interested, i don’t want to, we’re already on our way out, they, no, well, to us too, come to me too, i want to pet you too. and definitely starts petting and feeding will you? no, then they’re like that, no, i’ll feed him, the desire appears right away, do you think dietrich understands what’s happening and how he himself reacts to it? i think he understands, because he understands, nods, agrees, he adapts to each patient, if the patient is more active, he will scratch his hand more actively, there he kissed one patient on the cheek, this is the only one. was for all our trips, and we had 20 trips this year, he liked her so much that he decided to kiss her, and the calmer ones, my dear, as if he understands everything what we are talking about, yes,
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dietrich, you are pretending, you understand everything, you understand everything better than we do, to calmer patients, he is more careful, he will carefully approach, gently scratch his hand with his nose so that they will pay attention to him. attention and he really tries not to breathe, there was a child, very small, brought to him, but if usually in most patients he can pat his lips, or about a pony? well, i really like ponies, i rode them a lot as a child. do ponies like
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to be ridden? what if pony doesn't have health problems, uh, then yes, but i actually served in the kovelite department, i had my own horse. wow, seriously, seriously, right? yes, moreover, i learned to ride it so well that i even overtook the kazakh, what was said about, well , as it were, it’s necessary, that is, completely without hands, like this, i fell several times, that is, the horse did this yes, i do. flew over the head, not a single abrasion, well then you will definitely find a common language with dietrich, maybe he will kiss you, and not me, usually they kiss a horse people, they come up, oh you’re good, like this, do you allow children to ride on the ditorekh? yes, if conditions allow, sometimes i allow you to ride, you allow cats to ride on the detrich, dogs have already ridden it, but cats haven’t...
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so, so, so, so, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, let’s please applaud my guests , all this is incredibly touching, thank you very much for keeping me company today, telling me about your favorite pets, it really makes a very strong impression, miron, for you we have, of course, there is a gift, please, wow, we are kind of hinting to you that a cat is good, it’s weak to have a dog, this is for you, thank you very much for your company, we are very
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happy, please bring gifts to our four-legged friends , thank you very much, extraordinary beauty, m, bon appetit , thank you very much, this is for alice, so that she doesn’t get bored today, this is for you, and thank you very much for what you do, this is really incredibly important, dietrich, i will remember your kiss forever, that's it, my applause guests, we will continue. bye, thank you, i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr. we can open our own sand park. too much interference. as for this alla of yours, i sang along with her, we will strangle her. let's discuss, and keep your hands off. but the fact that? too many warning signs. what if something happens to you, i'm scared, there are too
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many dangerous intersections, trouble, seryoga crashed, he's alive, alive, but she can't stop, your mother can handle it, she's a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic delux golf hotel. where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by
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our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet, the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. good morning my loves.
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all the flowers still live in me fantastic some morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. you killed me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera. in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, that the guests are shouting in unison at the wedding, scene 15, you
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are disfiguring my actress so much, neck to neck, the cossack crashed into the eye, didn’t you? dog behavior specialist, one of the most popular bloggers in russia and the cis who shoot videos on the topic of raising these four-legged
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pets. i am sure that the owners themselves are to blame for dog behavior problems. good afternoon, antoine, hello, good afternoon everyone. very, very much, i beg you, so, antoine, i want to talk to you today about fears, about the fears that dogs experience, because it seems to me that it is precisely these fears that sometimes interfere with our daily life, interfere with our everyday life, my dog, for example, is very afraid of an umbrella, i don’t know for what reason, no one has ever punished her, but every time i open an umbrella, she panics, look, the umbrella - a small object, yes, and it’s not clear to the dog how it suddenly becomes so... big, it’s alarming if the zones are placed in the middle of the room at home, and the dog will walk like that and get used to it, it will never fit there if the zones are placed , and if closed, it will probably be closed calmer, but you can just open it a little , not immediately with a sound, but little by little, so that the dog can see the whole process as it happens, otherwise it’s immediately frightening for him,
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in general, working with a dog’s fears is special, it’s difficult work, yes, there’s fear treats. much longer than, for example, a bad habit, yes, it’s also a bad habit, because fear is a very internal state of the soul, yes, you need to work for a long time, calmly, not to get angry, yes, well, in general, fear is what the animal definitely can't control, he needs help, absolutely right, yes, it matters under what circumstances, how, why fear appeared, of course, you see, in order to solve the problem, you need to understand the reason, when the reason...
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the dawn of strength, well, despite his small size already an adult man, even already at full size and can have such a rather modest character, he can be very loud, active, noisy and even aggressive, just like he was a puppy, well, like all puppies, of course, he loved to play, he was so inquisitive, sociable, but then over the years, like all of us, became sedate, yes, yes, so calm, respectable.
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the buck is afraid, he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, so for us it really is, for me, as a housewife, this is a problem, because in order to
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vacuum it, i need someone to take it, go out for a walk with it, in fact, i could do cleaning, but if he is at home, then there are already difficulties, and if someone else at home is resting, there can be no cleaning at all, you just have to go to the vacuum cleaner. not even yet. how long has this been going on with bucks? bucks, when he appeared, we had a labrador, a fairly old girl, already so experienced with knowledge of life, that when she was nearby, he did not rush to the vacuum cleaner. and when she was gone, that’s exactly what happened here, and here a completely different behavior began, other calls and yes, we also have a cat and... we have rats, and how do they react to a vacuum cleaner? a cat, well, she climbs onto a chair and quite calmly watches how this
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happens, rats? well, he ’s sitting in a cage of rats, he’s afraid of noise, he’s hiding in his house, but there’s no panic there, fear, that’s how he’s vibrating now, yes, it’s there, now please, we can not touch it for a couple of minutes, we’ll see, just don’t touch it, but now she will sit closer to you anyway, i noticed, tell me if this is so. that you don’t even have your own personal space in your own home, but he’s either in your arms or wherever you go from behind, they’re following you, well , it’s not always, but for the most part, yes, he knows how, and well, he chose me as the mistress, because all the travel is with me, the shopping is all with me, please note, you stopped touching, the yeast has passed, i think look for yourself, i looked at him in such a way that i calmed him down, i cheered him up,
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just like at your house, irina, let’s see how we prepared a vacuum cleaner exactly the same, antoan najarian will handle this problem, please bring the vacuum cleaner, and i’ll sit higher, because i’m also a little uncomfortable, i’m not the one holding him.
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hey, are you reprimanding him? yes, i tell him: ugh, you can’t, i say, go to your place, and he? he leaves exactly with the appearance that he left and immediately returns, the second time you say, go away, yes, the third, third, and fourth, that is, for me it happens like this, go to the place, like this, go to the place, that is, this is really what happens, i want you and me to sit down, showing that there is no threat here, there is nothing terrible, it’s just such an object visual, right? which still makes a sound, in general, remember, if you initially accustom it to a vacuum cleaner, you need to teach it in separate details, it’s easier for the dog’s consciousness, mind you,
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the vacuum cleaner is already here with us, but...
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a leash, because now he will run away. ira, do you have a leash with you? not with me no. okay, i have it. what a coincidence, this leash is always with me, you can, you can. come to me, come to me. after all, immediately take it into your hands. well, such a leash, of course, wait, like this. just put it on your neck, like this. we didn’t put them on, we only walked with a harness. therefore,
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there may be such a double fear here. and... now you can stand up, well, just stand straight, look, in one hand i have this mop, yes, well, from a vacuum cleaner, the leash does not allow him to run away, that is, you understand, i barked, hid and gave a ride, it won’t work here , just because we hold the leash, you know, we teach him that there is no need to react, for example, you see, he won’t be able to run away from me now, he’s looking at you again, like, what do you say, see? like this, there is no barking, there is nothing, but it should be noted that the buck is much calmer when, when this happens, just understand, irina, this is a slightly lengthy process, yes, it is necessary, i generally advise you to leave this part in the room so that it is visual he constantly saw that yeah, it’s there, so what, so he got used to it, antoine, but sooner or later he’ll have to turn on the vacuum cleaner and it starts going wild, we'll do it.
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this will be forgiven, that's it, i can do something bad, hide, now you, dear ones, hold it with your finger like this, you see, i held it with your finger, just, you can invite him here, yes, come to me when you vacuum, on don’t look at him, don’t look at him, what do you say?
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let's applaud antoine, sit down for a while, irina, and of course, a question for you, how happy are you, yes, let's see how it will be in the space where he is. you can invite him, he wants from here because you see, i’ll step on our friend, i’ll say, go, don’t worry, here’s your hostess, don’t worry, antoine, thank you very much, this is phenomenal as always and makes a huge impression, this applause is for you, and a buck for your dedication, for your fortitude , of course, there is a gift, thank you very much for coming to us, irina. for you, thank you, for a long life of a quiet stay at home in the company of a vacuum cleaner. antoine, see you soon, very glad to meet you, applause for my guests, we will continue, i don’t know what to do, we must
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calm down, if something happens to lyubushka, i won’t survive, today i feel like he stole his daughter himself. and holds her by the cord, this cannot be, stay away from him, anna mikolysh, alexander nikitin, you are hiding something, don’t confuse me, valera, i have to think about everything, this concerns lyuba, nadya, i need to know, weeping willow, premiere today on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum.
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sunday, you will be only mine, and you will not go anywhere. and blame me for something i never did, oh, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, accept it it’s a fact, i’m a loner,
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i’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, a great topic for a dissertation, a single father, you... need a nanny, yes, is needed, but not you, if you don’t need anything, it doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions, if you don’t need anyone, it doesn’t mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, i’m a loner, in sunday on... you don’t need
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to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we ’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how to refresh? a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, today on rtr.
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we talk a lot and often in the program about breeds of cats and dogs, but today i would like touch on the topic of mitis. mitis are children, parents of different breeds, in the case of people, for example, descendants of representatives of different races. by the way, it is customary to say about such people that they are unusually beautiful, smart and talented. about cats, for example, i’ve never heard anything like this, but just look how handsome they are, they’re all mestizos, pay attention to the screen,
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aw, what a cruel thing! my guest is a magnificent cat, mitis, but his owner believes that his breed is unique, they call it bagdasarovskaya. please meet mikhail, sergei bogdasara and their cat, milos. mikhail bagdasarov, soviet russian theater and film actor.
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about 12 years ago, my student son, another son anton jr., was given this wonderful kitten by his classmates, right without asking, right without asking, yes, but what the hell, they are young, they can give it without asking, they can take it away, but they didn’t take it , and that’s the vote.. .that this is a female kitten , well, that means we decided that this female kitten needs to be limited in contacts with the opposite sex, so i called a veterinarian i know and says that this is the situation, he says yes, it’s not a problem at all, let’s bring it, we ’ll do everything okay. i mean, i brought
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a cat, a kitten, they injected it where needed, so i left, i left, on my way, suddenly my friend calls me and says, you know what the thing is, we found out that it’s not a cat, a cat, but a little cat, yeah, so the plans change, yes, plans change, so you need to do what is supposed to be done, what is supposed to be done, but on the contrary, yes, but on the contrary, yes...
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but he is still reaching out to the public now, reaching somewhere to the side, he is curious to inspect all this, while we were now sitting in the dressing room, he periodically looked out.
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this is a love for sandwiches, balanced, by the way, he loves sausage, he loves avocados, i’ll honestly say that he loves sausage,
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like in the joke, he loves to look at it, he loves to grab it with his claws, it’s like this on the plate here, here is a small loaf of sausage. and milos, grabbing the rope, tries to pull it towards him, that’s all, then it doesn’t work, and he starts gnawing, trying to chew this sausage, that’s all, but several times we tell him they offered it, but eat it, it doesn’t want to, there’s something wrong with this sausage, i want to offer you another video, another bagdasar habit. i understand that milos is watching tv thoughtfully, with a very thoughtful look. what kind of
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tv shows, dare i say it, does milos prefer? in this case, he watched me read poetry, wonderful, i hope that he will also include his own program in the circle of friends now at noon, on saturday. on the rossiya tv channel , he watched it, during covid times, when we were all sitting at home, which means he was very he loved, we have paintings hanging on the walls, and he really loved, he climbed onto the chest of drawers, sat and looked at the technique of painting this painting for a long, long time, and if we talk a little more seriously about milos’ breed, you understand what breeds are mixed in him, well when he... appeared, he looked more like meikun, but how? i said so, well, he was just such a rather large kitten, he had such tufts on his ears, at some point we were absolutely sure that there was
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something mixed in there, something maincoon, but to be honest, he hasn't grown that much since then, but... now we're guessing there's a little bit of norwegian forest in him. in order to figure out what breeds, here you could take a walk through the biography. milosha, we invited an expert, philinologist, zoopsychologist and our friend elena klyusovets. now, with her help, we’ll figure it out. please, meet elena. elena klyusovets, certified felenologist and zoopsychologist. she has completed a course in dog and cat behavior at the university of edinburgh. diploma in second higher education as an animal psychologist with honors, international academy of competences and professional retraining. hello, hello, nice to meet you, hello, you look great, thank you, first of all, introduce me, please, hello, this is
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our handsome man, milos, we are trying to figure out who milos’s parents are, how can we understand? look, mestizos are animals that receive. from pairs of two purebred animals, either one is purebred and the other, well, he ran past on the street , but one is definitely a purebred, yes, but one definitely must be, yes, one definitely must be a purebred, but when a kitten is born from of such a pair, he more often takes on the characteristics of both one parent and the other, which is interesting, if we have a friend on the street, like that, yes, then most often the kitten will be like him, yeah, well, strong. genes, you know, all that, so a kitten like this becomes a more simplified form and we see less of a certain breed in this pet, so sometimes it’s difficult for us to understand who the mother was playing with, so... if both of our comrades are purebred and mom and dad, then the kitten will take both breeds, but
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let’s say this, again in a simplified form, so it will be difficult for us to find in this kitten, as you say, you saw the maykun by the tassels, but on the other hand , some other breeds also have tassels, and again you see norway in him, because well, you most likely see this one dense fur, a gorgeous tail, the handsome guy doesn’t show us his tail, apparently he’s very afraid, but... many people, i know, are a little dismissive of mitis, whether this is fair or not,
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or is it still possible to say about these animals that they like people, mestizos, often talented, especially beautiful, well, you can draw some parallels, what is the cat’s talent, in principle, i’m interested, a sense of humor, for example, milos has a sense of humor, what else is his talent, well, in fact , philinologists also work with smetis, yes? and sometimes the work is very serious, look, for example, i have such a task, i have a breed, but i don’t know, for example, siamese, yes, there is a siamese, we all know how white he is, with a dark muzzle, paws and everything else, so i, as an owl expert, want so that i have a chocolate-colored siamese, i want everything, yes, what are we planting, yes, what do i need to do, to this friend i need to find that beauty who will be with this. color, for example, not even in this breed, i cross, i get some kittens
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with just this, let’s say, color, but there is a nuance, it won’t work out like this once, let’s say, that is, as a philinologist i need to consolidate this color, so that it is passed on from generation to generation, in this regard there is real work going on, only later we we can already see such a variety of colors of different breeds, for example, the same british, you know, basically, if i say, here’s a briton, you all imagine. but in fact, if we look at the british, there are a huge number of colors, there is chocolate, and cinnamon, and black, and god, even this siamese color, but in order to get all this, it was necessary to do this with the help of metis, i i would really like to consolidate this baghdasar breed, how can we do this, thank you very much. he would too i would like, yes, well, to fix it, but the doctor did all the work that he should, cut
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him off, you’re afraid, how we fix it, we can’t fix it now, we need a girl, he’s a hooligan, no, he’s a hooligan, that is, he boy, he seems to have everything in him really, because sometimes it’s like this, he doesn’t allow this with me, and his wife passes by, he’s sitting there on some seat, yes, she’s just passing by, he is so, at, so, fuck, so, once, a bully, yes, yes, yes, a real man. melen, there are some breeds that are you sure you shouldn't interbreed? yes, unfortunately, there is such a thing, there are quite a lot of them, by the way, there are a lot of them, the breeds are of the indigenous type, which means that the breed simply arose from itself, well, that is, the cats lived on the street, saw that they were the same, plus or minus, and named it such a breed, these are aboriginal, well, for example, maykuns, the same ones, this is an aboriginal breed, these are cats that lived like this, and there selection took place with the help of nature, that is. who is weak, who has some mutations, everything else, it was all eliminated. eat breeds that were bred, for example, on
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the basis of mutations, these include, for example, our sphinxes, or the scots, whose ears are curved, a mutation, we ourselves understand that there is some kind of gene that is a little broken, that’s what the problem is mestizos, if we cross two breeds with mutations in a kitten, then we will get a kitten that will have two of them, yes, and this is a very dangerous good thing. and this is very dangerous, either the kitten is born with, let’s say, some kind of abnormality, deformity, or it initially dies, say, in the womb to your mother, everything is complicated, thank you very much, well, if you have questions about the care of your wonderful pet, ask, because it’s almost time for us to say goodbye, where to hide the sausage, asks mikhail, this is the last question, probably yes , what sausage to give him, what not to give him, i still recommend the one that is... only for cats, which you can only buy in pet stores, why is the sausage that comes from
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our table dangerous for them, there are a lot of spices and salt there, this is all very, but not useful for this. sniffs, sniffs, everything else, but you also asked whether they are smart or not, they are talented, definitely, well, in that case, we have prepared a special gift for milish, which he will surely like, and you will be able to eat your sausage, and he will eat his own, please bring gifts for my guests sausage, so this is a gift for milish, bon appetit and many years to come, thank you very much for stopping by to visit us, you can look at the request with him, you can take it directly , and this is all for you, elena thank you very much, i will definitely see you again, please, applause for my guests, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, once we meet, even if your pet is a mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros, the main thing is that you
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love it, and all breeds are worthy of love, without exception, and no breed, see you next week too, all the best for now. so don’t eat my hand, it’s a pony, but he didn’t want to kiss me, he got used to it, he just realized that it’s possible now, i really liked you too, thank you very much, i have... resentment towards you, i also premiered on rtr , well, what should i do to make you she forgave me, well, well, if you want, i’ll kneel down, and i see right through her, but she’s lying, and she’s lying to you, and to this taxi driver, but she chose me, it’s obvious, i’m seriously starting to think that you doubt it, so here i am i decided everything with mine, allah taxi, on monday at rtr.
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax anex cognac old barrel product steller group, indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden
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beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world.
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so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. caught trump. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or deer? see what's up? alexander grigorievich, well, hello, let me in, there are no forces that could hold her back, this is impressive, yours, hello, hello, partisanship, after your interview. new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching , listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more the rest, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr.
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today we protect ourselves from blood clots. is a blood clot good or bad? it depends where and when. you began to die of bleeding out of the blue. let's say, what causes blood clots? is it important to know whether thrombosis is provoked? why the hell are you drinking this bloody thing? after all, this is how to quit smoking correctly? how to quit smoking correctly? gradually cut this habit or take a hammer and break everything like this. when you understand this, you will understand: yes, this is not clear. the receptors in the brain want nicotine, and what are you smoking, just to show off a cigarette in your hands, a raw food diet, for whom it is useful, and
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for whom it will only harm, but the sweat does not smell , the hair does not get greasy, and libido drops, you lack iron, you there are not enough amino acids, are you worried about your soul or more, hello, i am doctor mesnyakov and you are in my clinic on the belarusian channel russia. here in this travel bag, as always, are the topics of today’s programs, we’ll talk about how to quit smoking correctly, and the benefits of a raw food diet against, what else do we have, and these are blood clots, where does it come from, why so often and how to protect yourself from blood clots that can kill you, so what? we're starting, so let's go, it will be educational, it will be interesting. so, the section, how to quit
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smoking correctly? well, let's do this, smoking, tobacco, is the only product that kills half of its consumers, cancer, heart attack, and so on and so forth, this is undoubtedly, many people understand this, they want to quit, but how... so, probably rule number one: remember that smoking is a chronic disease that occurs
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with relapses, but when you remember this, you will have a different understanding. so, smoking is a chronic disease with relapses. such 97%, i have to quit again and again, failure should not discourage you, i can’t, like marktven, think about quitting smoking, it’s so easy, i’ve done it 100 times. so, if you can, if you are lucky, these 3%, seven, you can quit like that, great, in principle. yes, as they say , end of story, this is the end, so you quit and you live, although if you are a chronic smoker, things won’t get better for you right away, because
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for another 2 years you will be at risk for heart disease, heart attack, and so on, and for 5 years you will be at risk for lung cancer, and after 5 years the risks will decrease, but they will still remain at two times higher than those who never... smoked, so what would i advise you, once i was also young, a student, i smoked, i fell into this 3%, i quit just like that, but then my dad said, smoke only when you really want to, when we smoke, so we took it in the morning, drank coffee, what we don’t even want to take the first cigarette, get this pleasure or what? this is the thing, they drink, start smoking, drinking, and so on, risk factors include being in a smoking environment, being in a car, by the way,
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why are packs now so naively written, beware of drawing there, it’s cancer, and so on, there’s bleeding ulcers, dead babies, well , because they are trying to make smoking unattractive, the hardest thing is that at work they went out onto the stairs, and you tried to smoke, everyone was standing, smoking, and you were like this... your hands there’s nowhere to go, it’s a habit, it’s not just a desire for nicotine, it’s actually a simple conclusion from here: make your environment free... this attractiveness, so that in addition to the craving for nicotine, you also remove this desire, conditioned by circumstances, to get a cigarette, you should not communicate with smoking people, in any case , stand like this on the stairs with them, you should not have any cigarettes, no packs, no lighters, nothing in your home, your house should be smoke-free, there is always a question: how to quit, in general, really... doctor, when
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a patient comes to you with any habit, you need to ask, do you smoke, he is obliged to ask, he says: yes, yes or no, no, and if yes, well, the doctor, you know, tsygel, tsygel, ailya, there’s no time, but in theory you need to ask if you want to quit smoking, the doctor can say, okay, let’s slowly reduce the number of cigarettes, from your two to one and a half packs we’ll reduce it to five, four cigarettes a day , so we reduce, reduce, reduce, only when it’s already quite i’m stuck, i’m sorry,
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do you need these basic things, or do you still need help to quit smoking, it’s quite paradoxical about this to quit smoking, because when you smoke, what does your body want, your nicotine receptors in the brain want nicotine, but you with this nicotine... and with this fireworks of pleasure you get these combustion products, this smell, which contains more than a thousand carcinogens, including some formaldehydes, gasoline pores, and so on and so forth, and the most dangerous thing is this directly these combustion products these combustion microparticles that cause microtrauma to your respiratory tree, bronchial tree and...
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you must understand that if you take these patches and all kinds of nicotine-containing medicinal substances for a month, if this does not help, we already stop, and then you have to fight using other methods, it ’s interesting that among 15% of smokers, their nicotine receptors seem to be muted, they don’t get pleasure from nicotine, that is , it turns out that almost every fifth person smokes without getting pleasure from it, it’s just a habit, those 80-85%, they, they, they have fun, but you smoke just to show off with a cigarette in your hands, and then you can’t quit, why? because you are not a pleasure, but you are used to it, you are slaves of habit, so there are two ways, the first is medication, when they give you either medicine, the doctor gives you antidepressants, various ones, there are special medications available in russia, including
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those that shine. intermittent with relapses, you must quit, quit quitting, it’s possible, it’s necessary, it’s a matter of your ability to live, so who am i, this trembling creature? or i have rights, let’s move on, well, now it’s time to answer the questions, what have we got here, hello, my name is tatyana, i live in
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the city of stronino, vladimir region, i’m 57 years old, several years ago i was diagnosed with hypertension, although i didn’t feel it at all, i searched for a long time for the cause of this, in order to treat the cause, and not the symptoms, but i didn’t succeed, there can be many reasons, including excess weight, and mennopause, my cervical collar area was very clogged when i was treated ultrasound, it turned out that i have hypermobility of the fourth and sixth vertebrae, i want to help myself a little, in addition to drugs and massage the actual collar area, but i am scared by various messages that with hypertension i need to be more careful with massage, especially since i have there is a small thrombus in the vessels of the left eye, can i do a neck massage?
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you can’t do it if you have hypertension, for god’s sake, do it, anything, even erotic, is possible, but not the cervical collar area. cervical collar area - it should be taboo, you should not allow chiropractors of all osteopaths to touch their necks. for 100,000 manipulations on the neck - this is international data, and there are certified manipulators, but we have different ones, for 100,000 manipulations, there is one death, that's it. it’s not always obvious, it’s not like he’s breaking his neck, yes, he can break his neck, and this happens right away, but there is a tear in the blood vessels, the formation of blood clots in the neck, what do you see there, some kind of hypermobility on ultrasound, this is nonsense , what you say is not your fault, they
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told you so, and if you misunderstood, it’s still the fault of the doctors who tell you something about the hypermobility of some vertebrae, you will now do a neck massage, you will die because you have a dissection of the carotid artery and that’s all. i tell everyone, you have hypertension, take pills, limit salt, lose weight, but try to change your life, not like you go to the doctor, get a massage, come on, live differently, then you will live longer, further, good afternoon , alexander leonidovich, i decided to write down a question for you without delay, yeah, you recently talked about benefits of chicory, and i walked 5 minutes back to the shelves where there is chicory, there is all kinds of it, and dry, hard, sublimated, i was lost, which one to choose, are they all healthy, you know how they ask me which doctor turn, i always say, to
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the good, yes, there is a lot of chicory, the main thing is not chicory, we are not drinking a drink called chicory and the wrong taste, but we must take chicory, which contains what is main in it, the main thing in it is inulin, its there should be... look, there is only one starting substance, chicory, now we need to bring it to consumer, so that it is in jars, so that you take it and so that this inulin remains there, and this is achieved somewhat. here i have parsley or something, uh-huh, parsley, here are different
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methods, let’s imagine that this is chicory, especially chicory - it’s still grass, only blue, and i need to dry it, grind it and serve it to you, here’s one of the methods, we heat it up, from it, so to speak, all the liquid, the water will boil away, from this we will then make a drink, how much inulin is left there, how much is left, and how much maybe not... maybe 3% is left, yes, you need 30, because it’s essentially burned, the other method is exactly the opposite, here you heat, dry, and here you freeze -50, but they
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freeze it in chambers, it becomes frozen, you see the difference, then it is dried in a vacuum without any heating , a powder is formed, and an even more advanced one... well, it’s the same, everything is the same, only there is something called soft sublimation drying, this is already a perfect technology, sublimation is quite very, well on expensive equipment and which retains 100% all the benefits of chicory, while the taste and beneficial substances are all preserved, by the way, i introduced natsykore to everyone around me, i taught them all how to identify it by granules. the right chicory, now i ’ll also show you what’s convenient, really,
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you don’t even need to read the label, you can see which one, this one or that one, it’s clear, it’s very easy to identify, as you can see, here are these flat plates. edges, and not lumpy and loose, as here, what i want to say is that you don’t want coffee, because something well, maybe you don’t need caffeine, you’re tired of tea, it’s a great alternative, why? because there are anti-inflammatory effects, there are a lot of positive properties. it just has a specific taste, pleasant, good, tasty, in general,
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chicory has always been an element of a healthy diet, so drink the right chicory and it will be tasty for you and preserve your health, hello, my name is semyonova tatyana, i am from simphepol, now it has become very fashionable to replace regular sugar with artificially produced sweeteners, its... a threat to our health and are there any delayed side effects that may appear in the future, especially in children’s bodies, thank you, well, what can i tell you, you are absolutely right, please remember a simple thing again... or else , that there is some benefit, sweeteners are harmful,
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sweeteners cause cancer, sweeteners are cursed today, even the world health organization, which is distributing an information letter where it writes that sweeteners, without exception, are all harmful, what are you, to unfortunately, they are deeply right, we have been deprived of choice, so i don’t eat sweeteners, but i chew chewing gum that contains them... and this is wrong, and i think that the start, so to speak, well, in any case, the ideological campaign to eradicate sweeteners has begun, moreover, the fact that this provokes oncology was known 30 years ago, then saccharin was withdrawn, then it seems like it was returned back. and today we see that the curve of cardiovascular
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diseases, diabetes, obesity is growing, on the contrary, this is not for treating diabetes, it provokes more diabetes, of course, provokes oncology, sweeteners should not be in our lives today, i think i explained it to you quite clearly and categorically. well, that’s it, we ’re done with the questions, we have a physical training break, let’s go to the branch, pull ourselves up, and if you want to review us, then remember that this is a platform , an application or a website,, then, raw food diet, for who does it benefit, and who does it harm? how do we protect ourselves from blood clots? what can be done to reduce the risk of death? and today we'll talk about raw food diet, but the sweat doesn’t smell, the hair doesn’t get greasy, yes... bida is falling, you don’t have enough iron, you don’t have enough amino acids,
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you want to kind of pay off with a raw food diet, why do you need to put some kind of theory behind everything, are you worried about your soul or more about the body, the most pressing topic of thrombosis. thromboembolism is a blood clot good or bad? it depends on where and when, and keeping the system in balance is incredibly important; out of the blue you start dying from bleeding. let's say, what causes blood clots? and back along the vein against the center of gravity, the farthest the heart is in the right place, so it rolls, rolls, reaches the veins, rolls again, hits the right side of the heart, allataxi.
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that you love me, no, i, damn it, love my taxi driver, i’m buying a taxi fleet, my husband is not ready to get out of her way, i feel, let me introduce the new director, did you jump, i mean, got what you wanted, allah taxi, we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. are regular shovels not doing a good job in the garden? introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the perfect tool for digging, clearing soil and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to
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the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels are bad handles hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and blade. carbon steel allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily pluck the roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why bother when you can do even the toughest gardening jobs with
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just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith shovel razer with razor sharp. its toughest shovel to handle even the hardest soil effortlessly, with a soft handle that quadruples the gripping area, only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will be yours for an incredible price for just 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and for a short time, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore nature, dear mother, it’s simply incredible beauty, you already understand what
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the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here.
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more expensive, oh god, how insidious you are, you came, you saw, you conquered, i loved you like hell, and you, how long have you been planning to meet? put your things down, i have to check them, this is yours, no, i didn’t take it and i don’t know how it ended up in my things, i’ll also tell you they threw half a lemon of jewelry, dear friend, today on rtr, just me for all of you teach, spring is the time when not only nature awakens, but the soul sings.
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alone, and we go to the table, and the section “ there is time.” and today we will talk about raw food diet. so, the lord created animals that eat everything raw, they eat the sacrifice raw, they eat grass, and so on and so forth, for them it’s normal, natural, probably for them... culinary processed food, so to speak, is not so good and it’s suitable, here’s a person,
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look, people’s opinions are on the cards, which means the journalist became a raw foodist for a month, how the body has changed and how much weight he managed to lose, so he writes, on the forums he writes that raw foodists will lose... their hair was like that, but mind you, nothing like that will happen to you, and long-term raw food diets are not for the weak, you have to endure walking, fatigue, hair loss, acne, and if your diet does not include cabbage or seeds, which contain calcium , there may be problems with teeth, but the sweat doesn’t smell, the hair doesn’t get greasy, and my libido drops, i can admire the beauty of a woman, but there’s no such passion as before, my thoughts are clear, i’m becoming kinder and calmer, why am i... on a raw food diet 2 years, too much energy, freedom from pans, detox, raw food , in fact, our natural diet
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is programmed by nature itself, it’s like feeding lovers bread in a zoo, they wither, get sick and even die, nature is a smart thing, it doesn’t do everything in vain, so this is my next question, animals, yes, but people, and god created in his own image, and you are sure that... “you and animals are of the same blood, we are too different from animals, i don’t even take into account the presence of a soul there, but these physiological characteristics of us they put a completely different biological species on nothing not similar, yes, the largest animal that is similar, and we can even transplant its organs into a person, this is a pig, the fact is that this mistake is the leading ideological mistake, that god created us to eat raw, it is already wrong when a person from
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a monkey he became a man, the first thing he did, yes, there was a fire on which he didn’t warm up, first of all he began to cook food, this time, i’m not against raw vegetables, fruits, for god’s sake, they are a must must be. and there should be nuts, the point is well, i don’t care what you eat, yes, as long as it’s good for you, when you eat raw foods, and people eat raw meat, okay, raw fish, but we eat raw sushi, or maybe carpacci from something, well, why not, i myself sometimes eat with pleasure, but this should not be an exclusive way of eating, oddly enough, a lot of vitamins are not absorbed in their raw form. after all, meat and meat products contain not only vitamins b, and iron, and chromium, and so on, which are absorbed only
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in the form of meat, fish products, eggs, and so on further, you will not eat them raw, in general , raw foodism is, in any case, a variety of veganism, they, by definition, do not eat meat products, milk, eggs, that is, these are people who eat fruits and vegetables only exclusively in their raw form, then there are all the disadvantages... there is directness, you lack iron, you lack amino acids, you lack vitamin b-12, you lack chromium, you lack calcium, all vegans who are... must replenish all this in the pharmacy, but by eating raw materials you also neutralize many advantages vegetarianism, there are advantages, it is a very strict diet, as the journalist wrote here, the sweat does not smell, but this is a great achievement, and swan drops, there is no desire, well, that’s right,
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why are these unnecessary problems, this is not only. will not consider that he is an animal there and a cow, which eats everything raw, we are different and the lord god did not create for us like a cow, and we don’t know why, but we definitely need not the food that they have, but all in case we are smarter than them, yes, not always, of course, and not all, but sometimes, why do we want i don’t know how to do something with some one-sided things like that, i don’t know, by the way, vegetarianism
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is not a way of eating. vegetarianism is a way of thinking, it’s a philosophy, they don’t do it for their health, you know what the main principle of vegetarianism is, the main thing in vegetarianism is not to eat meat, the main thing in vegetarianism is not to eat people, you get the idea, it’s not giving up meat, this is a renunciation of aggression towards people, this is a whole philosophical movement, buddhism and so on, but in the raw, it’s all about your soul... calm down or hotel more, if it’s from the body, then it suffers, there should be a balanced diet, exercise, everything should be there, libedo should be there, you can eat vegetables, fruits, well, you need something, that’s why not, well, in general, i tell you he said his opinion, and you decide, let's move on, so,
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as a current topic, we have the most pressing topic of thrombosis,
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people will die, they are dying now, but covid received this informational eye, it did a lot of bad things, but not covid, but say, people who took advantage of this topic, but one of the terrible consequences, he drew your attention to thrombosis, you heard that there are thromboses, you
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heard that it is necessary... hundreds of thousands of people, they die like this, you cannot prevent it, no, you can, but you don’t do it as it should , as needed. i will say, but you began to fight them, you took it, and you are actively disrupting this system of balance, you began to fight blood clots, with medications, aspirins, blood thinners
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, you get them, the unrighteous inject yourself, you began to die from bleeding out of the blue, you end your life literally suicide: you buy bleeding drugs from nurses because you have suffered from covid, you inject yourself, every doctor in practice knows one, two or three cases when people are admitted with fatal bleeding, brain damage, severe gastrointestinal bleeding. what i am calling for, forget about the existence of blood clots and... about blood-liquifying agents, if you cannot forget about simply blood-liquifying agents, this is the very thing when a lot of knowledge leads to a lot of sorrows, what you
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can do, but you must understand that there are risk factors for blood clots, because this thrombus formation system, it can be over-activated in some people, maybe, maybe it’s... genetically determined, maybe that this anti-coagulant system, natural, prothrombin c, prothrombin c, so further, mutations, the so -called leiden factor and so on, it can be genetically weakened, then there is a tendency to form blood clots, here it is important to either identify these people, or they should know, let’s say, what provokes blood clots, and a trivial situation: where do they form most often? a heart attack is also a blood clot, and a stroke is also a blood clot, but this is already an advanced age, these are already risk factors, high cholesterol, high sugar, physical
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inactivity, here are young people, look at the leg, when a person stands, there is still blood here the heart starts, goes through the artery, and back through the vein against the center. you are sick, you have been at home for 3 days with the flu, immobility is a risk factor for the formation of a blood clot in the deep veins of the leg, the formation of a blood clot is not a problem at all, for the leg no way, well, a blood clot, there’s a huge blood supply,
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there’s no way, especially since it’s a blood clot in a vein, not in an artery, the blood flows in the vein, the leg swells, it hurts, that’s rule number one. you know, like in the song, it’s not grief if your leg hurts, but if it’s swollen, just one, here ’s your leg, so that the volume is plus 1 cm, and if there’s still pain, and if you still remember that you stood in the ... traffic jams on the ring for 4 hours, then this is already a symptom, what is the problem, this tromp has formed there, it is loose, it will fall off and roll, only here it will roll
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down, and there it rolls up, but there is only one path, it can’t turn, so it rolls, rolls, rolls to the veins, again along... gets into the right side of the heart, from the right atrium to the right ventricle, further into lungs and clogs the branches of the lung, if they are small, you will survive, if they are large, you will die, they can save you, they can, but it’s unlikely, because there is a massive trambolism in the lungs, you need to get medical help very quickly with very high-tech means, so if you got sick alone leg, your first action is to go to the doctor, do an ultrasound, if thrombosis of the deep wings is confirmed, the superficial ones are not related to this system, the superficial ones will not go into the lungs, it’s the deep ones, here... here you
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should be given anti-clotting drugs, first inject, and then on an outpatient basis, for how long, for how long, i’ll tell you now, but first we’ll go and tighten up, because a physical training break, by the way, physical activity is one of the most important elements in the prevention of blood clots.
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patients often go to russia for treatment. let's talk about this in the section for soul and body. your leg is swollen and deep vein thrombosis has been diagnosed, you need to start. it’s important to know that thrombosis is provoked, it’s over, it’s gone, gone, gone, because if we haven’t found the enemy, it means he’s sitting somewhere. we assume that some factors are missing. what the hell are you drinking, franze? after all, this section should probably be called truly some incomprehensible soul of the russian patient, have you ever thought why we have such medicine, ours will exhaust his whole soul, but he won’t do it anyway , he’ll do it his own way, prientgen cures, what research methods cure, who else believes so much in a magic pill, after that you can be immobilized, that the guests shout in unison at the wedding, scene 15, you i'm so
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disfigured by the actress, the little one in the little one, the cossack crashed into the eye, my son, she, well, it still hurts, humor, humor, humor, premiere today on rtr, we present to you... these are light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a shape that is comfortable for the foot, it does not press, does not slip, is very easy to put on, for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or working in the garden, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of a special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing high sole saves the day. from getting wet if you get into a puddle,
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and the breathable anatomically shaped insole provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to its modern design, garden shoes fits perfectly into any wardrobe, with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. i'm tired of your old one. if you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence - a bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo, in instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this. ready-made solution, photo facade
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bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal photo facade for fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95 , just choose a suitable design create the unique appearance of your suburban area, so are you confusing it? don’t touch my daughter, today i’ll soon be 18 and i ’ll live the way i want. damn, i’m missing, i left home, they’re not answering calls, and you’re sure that you know your daughter well, well, now what to do, everything will be fine, if you suddenly need my help, call at any time, dad, i’m scared, lyuba, you, no,
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another girl has disappeared, your friend polina, they were having a blast together in college, it’s so hard to restrain yourself not to leave with noise from this uncertainty, we... hold on, nothing brings us together like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping willow, premiere today on rtr, those who want to be in the know, watch the news of the week, program for advanced, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia one, we are moving on, we talked about the fact that if your leg is swollen and thrombosis of the deep vertibia is diagnosed, you should start hemorrhagic drugs not for
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treatment of a blood clot, and to prevent a shot into the lungs, often fatal, this is where it matters. you have this thrombosis, it doesn’t matter, in the leg, or it has already shot out the lung, thromboembolism in the pulmonary artery, it is important to know whether thrombosis, thromboembolism is provoked or not... provoked, what does provoked mean? plane flew for 4 hours, car, traffic jam, hospitalization, bed rest, operations.
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especially on bones, traumatological, and so on and so forth, infectious diseases, taking medications, hormones, provoked or not, if provoked, okay, we know, the plane arrived, it’s over, it’s passed, passed, passed.
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so there’s nothing, there’s thrombosis, that’s the problem, because if we haven’t found the enemy, and these are enemies, it means he’s sitting somewhere, nothing just happens, and since he’s sitting, we have to defend ourselves from him, we we don’t know who he is, we can assume, and if the thrombosis is still repeated, then... when we give on an ongoing basis and we interfere with this system, we assume that there is a lack of some factors that prevent clotting, we either we find, but we can't
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change anything, so it's all the same stays with you, it's your genetics, or we don't find it, but we interfere with this, and this is already a problem, now you need to do blood tests. now you need to think about interventions when you go to the dentist, now you have to look to see if you have blood in your urine, in your stool, if you are bleeding, you already have a different life, but there is nothing to do, you have to do it, i i’ll tell you a case that i actually had yesterday, one of my friends, you know him, by the way, he was on our programs, doctor. he has a pretty heavy one heart disease, he once again ended up in the hospital, now he came out, he says: i was prescribed three blood-curing drugs, one
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that counteracts coagulation factors, aspirin clopidogrel, these act on platelets, he had stenocardia, then i went out for this intervention. three drugs, two are clear, the third, they all act on one point, his question is, should i take it, it won’t kill me. and i tell him, you know what, now you are in an acute period, the doctors prescribed it for you, and if you don’t take them, you have a chance of just relapses death, you will simply die if you don’t take it, but you also have a colossal chance of bleeding, and now you and i have to choose what’s best for us, we are now trying to stop all medications, you will die from thrombosis, or you will now get a hemorrhage in brain and you will also die, chances are.
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a person whose life depends on you and why parle francais drink these bloody things, it’s scary, i come to people, they drink bloody things, because doctors also prescribe, after covid, doctors shouldn’t do that, but after covid like after any infectious disease, blood clots, embolisms, thrombosis increase, but who needs it and it is excluded that if you are in a hospital, they will give you blood-forming drugs, but why do they give you blood-forming drugs as a way out, there are people, yes, who need to be given... a way out no question, a small percentage, how is it for everyone? and then these corpses with cerebral hemorrhage at
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the age of 30, in general, i think in this case it’s better for you not to know anything about blood clots, not about hemorrhagic therapy, because you will be healthier, you do nothing to prevent these to avoid blood clots, i’m not saying anything, there are compression garments during flights, something else, nothing physical activity, you don’t move, you sit. you eat sweets and so on and do nothing, but scared, you start killing yourself with anticoagulants, coagulants, this is when a lot of knowledge leads to a lot of sorrows, okay, we move on, so, a section for the soul and body, you know , i once wrote a book, there was a chapter about a patient through the eyes of a doctor, probably this section should be called: truly some incomprehensible soul of the russian patient, we are very different as
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patients from others, from everyone, from africans, asians, americans, europeans, we especially, you haven’t thought why we have such medicine, you haven’t thought why emigrants leaving for developed countries where it would seem that there is... to see a doctor back in russia, they cannot accept that medical care, they cannot perceive that ideology of medicine, ugh, will they be cured there, i go to my doctor in voronezh, to my gynecologist in voronezh, but because we are special and that’s why we have the medicine which resonates in your hearts, this semi-mystical, semi-shamanic, with holding the hand, with treatment there with the urine of a young pig and so on, we are waiting for it, we want it, you have it, you
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want an mri ultrasound, you will get it. so, we, we, and i’m the same, initially don’t believe in doctors. in our case, this is combined on the contrary, sometimes with pathological trust in doctors, neighbors, pharmacists, and so on. we perceive a doctor. on the one hand, here he wants me a pill, which they understand, on the other hand, if he somehow touched the strings of the soul, you will believe him and eat from his hands everything that he will not give you, you lack critical thinking in relation to doctors and medicine, this is especially noticeable when working abroad, when a russian-speaking patient enters america, starts calling alexander, come here, here again this russian, what is he saying there? and i’m trying to slow down, because maybe
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someone else will be pulled, or the translator will come up first, why? well, because this thing doesn’t deal with a russian-speaking patient in america, you’re used to it, you work there both at a service station and clutch we change it, the ball joints still fit, the ignition, well, yes, the ignition needs to be adjusted, everything needs to be adjusted, she will ask, what is this, why, and which ones, but do i need it? why is that, and what will happen to me from this? these are cross questions, well, they ’ll just finish off the american doctor, he’s not used to it, he said he left, that’s it, the order, the doctor said to the morgue, which means the morgue is ours... it will exhaust his whole soul, but he still won’t do it, he does it his way, he will still get out of the stash some kind of pill that he brought 15 years ago, from somewhere in maikop, yellowed, will drink it, and says, these doctors don’t understand anything, why did you come? our patient, i firmly believe, this brings into conflict, by the way,
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with africans, that x-rays heal, that research methods cure. in africa they said, doctor, give me an x-ray, i said, no, he left sadly, he believed that if he stood under the machine, he would be enlightened, this was a medical procedure, but he sincerely believed, and where are we, try it, you don’t give our patient an mri, if he has a back and headache pain, you won’t give it, he’ll write a complaint, it won’t help, he will go and do it for money, he will feel better, which is interesting. i made an mri easier for him, he seemed to do a procedure or a ct scan, so the principle that we have kat and x-rays do not treat, we can never explain to our patient, he does not understand that this can be harmful, that we will receive information, with which then we won’t know what to do, you know, as you know less, you sleep better, in medicine, oddly enough, this happens quite often,
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you know, it’s also paradoxical, our patient loves medical examinations. so believes in a magic pill, we believe that we are 40 years old, 50 years old, we sit on our butt straight, we grow it so long, we don’t move, we eat cakes, sausage, dumplings, we smoke, then over these 40 years you are young , your body resisted, it could do something, it starts to give in, you experience musculoskeletal pain, headaches,
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it’s hard for you to walk, yes, you have a huge belly, and you say, give it to me... not understanding the risks of anesthesiology, not understanding the risks of surgery itself, with any operation there is a fatality rate, so we know the cloud, we insert a catheter, we destroy it there an area that gives pathological signals,
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causing arrhythmia, but the procedure itself is safe, yes, but death is possible in almost 1%. in this case, yes, 1% is small, it sounds small, and this is out of 101 people, and any surgical operation, the most primitive , carries with it risks, we, like no one else, do not believe in vaccination, well, in fact , the anti-vaccination movement, it may not have come out of russia, but it has filled all our shores and has spilled over and is now in europe and...
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what we save most of all, pussy and mouth, we are ready to go, we are ready to pay, for anything we somehow already know the rest here, but guess what, i won’t do it, but
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i need it, i need it, and so on, well, in general, then we’ll somehow tell you about the peculiarities of soviet doctors, so that we , well , not soviet, russian, so that you don’t feel offended that i’m only talking about patients, so well, our time is up, dr. mesnyakov was with you. i wish you to live in good health until our next meeting, when they ask me, doctor, what do you keep saying to live until our next meetings, but because not everyone will make it, those who are watching today, such is life, but you and i will make it, i’m sure of that, that’s it, goodbye. her name became synonymous with cruelty, deceit and immorality, but even her enemies
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recognized the intelligence, courage and brilliant diplomatic abilities of one of the most brilliant women in world history. what difference does it make whether she said one life or a thousand lives when it comes to saving france? 505 years ago, on april 13, 1519, catherine medich was born. the last representative the eldest branch of the famous medici family, wife of king henry ii of france, one of the most influential figures in the history of her country during the wars between catholics and huguenots. after the death of her husband, she was regency for 15 years; her three sons francis ii, charles x and henry ii were kings of france. and daughter margaret was married to the protestant leader henry of navarre, the future king henry iv. the general public of catherine de medici, like her entire era, is known primarily from the novels of dumas, queen margot, countess of demonsero and 45. 120 years ago,
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on april 13, 1904, at the very beginning of the russo-japanese war, the battleship petropavlovsk was blown up by a japanese mine in port arthur bay. about 700 people died, including the commander of the russian pacific fleet, vice admiral stepan makarov, and an artist. vereshchagin was constantly present during all military campaigns in which russia participated. already during his lifetime he was recognized as the most outstanding battle painter. during military campaigns, he not only painted, but also personally participated in battles, for which he was awarded the order of st. george, the highest military award in russia. her unique talent manifested itself at the age of 4, when she first entered the circus arena with her father yuri. people's artist of the ussr, writer, academician of the russian
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academy of natural sciences, famous trainer natalya durova, was born 90 years ago, on april 13, 1934, exactly 80 years ago, on april 13, 1944, of the heraldic council under the president of the russian federation, state heraldmaster of russia for... . hermitage museum, georgy vadimovich says, this is not a place of work, the hermitage is a way of life, when it is
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a way of life, accordingly, everything is interesting here, everything is good, in general, it means a special state of mind. today is april 13, 2024 . the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitpel, hello, the village of pervomaiskoe, avdeevskoe direction, has been liberated. the industrial zone in belogorovka is already under the control of the southern group of troops, load up!


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