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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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it’s been a long time since we remembered the literary parodist alexander ivanov. i still remember one of his skits by heart. as parodists usually do, he took a fragment of a poem by vladimir gordeychev, where the following lines sounded: on a spring day, so bitter, i was granted happiness.
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“the high sky was belling, and two more lines, like a green oak tree, i stood next to my grandfather for a year, like this, and now it’s a parody: the seedy pond was frog, the accordion gurgled at the gate, people got drunk in the village in the morning, people were partying until dark. the puddle was grunting with bristly disgust, the herd was wiping out the servants, the shepherd was bending over with foul language, the cows were already staggering in fear, i was sitting on a loafing loot, and the elements were bawling after them, my native deaf man was blinking at me blinkingly... grandfather, he muttered well
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in a gundo-like manner about the gap-toothed toothless mouth , only it’s very infused, but it couldn’t be otherwise, and i’ll tell you that it could very well be that sometimes literary games are started on our stage, for example, my stupid dictionary has now turned into a literary game. options that appear in various newspapers. kamasutra, kamaz unloaded in the morning. zapadlo, a ufo arriving from the west. exterminator, hungry husband at the open refrigerator. schmuck, too young oligarch. parnukha bath.
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russian roulette, our woman behind the wheel, samasad, brightly confessional, lie down with bones, a top model makes a career, stay in girls, spend the night in a women's hostel. completely fat-free ballerina, mint, a woman fell out of a crowded bus,
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an ambassador, he was sent, and he is an ambassador, to take his soul away, to accompany his mother-in-law to the station. chief, man with primary education, a sadist, a kindergarten worker, an atm, a conversation between a banker and a homeless person, mother's tiberyak, a lover in the refrigerator, sausages, a fan of nikola baskov, but he speaks.
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a chicken that had smallpox in childhood (ryaba), narrow hips, a basin, a platypus on the payroll, an orderly, a house above tverskaya where public people gather, the duma. the next variation is what the poet wanted to say with this line: a golden chain on the dupet. an accurate portrait of the new russian, love is still possible, a conclusion from a sex therapist, unworn flowers, a bouquet from her husband march 9, the next variation, it is built on
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associations, no longer on colombours, it is the most dear to me, and it seems to me that this is already some kind of artistic version, unmarried. a blank cartridge, and you want it, and it’s injected, and your mother doesn’t tell you, the life of a drug addict, a bad female figure, an unequal triangle, an eye for an eye, severe squint, smog, it finally worked out, a petition for a tight door at the entrance to the subway. ruble, inexpensive woman, sausages in dough, father-in-law ate too many sausages, the victim
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never found a toilet in the city, not sparing his stomach ours, our tourists at the buffet. titi -miti, mitya’s favorite toys, you can see how at different times people decipher, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, the rooster is stuttering, wow, damn it, well, damn it, here, damn it, maslenitsa, zaporozhets crashed into the back of the neck, cha- cha-cha, one and a half bottles of chacha, velishi, new girls on the beach, monkey,
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man march 8, nobles. radiance, having the convenience of the yard, and there are words that need to be dismembered.
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marijuana, marie married juanna, eg, e is a bad letter, a dish, a person of easy virtue, carrion, a bad skater. lyuba expensive, lyuba knows her worth. punch, playboy magazine, published in mordovia. zimbabwe is a wintering place for women, without a hitch izodorenki, not a man. the seats are not so distant, the first 10
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rows of the stalls, there was a wet place left, the audience laughed too much, a ridiculous humorous concert for more than 3 hours, this is about us.
4:13 pm
regular shovels don't do the job well in the garden, introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the perfect tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results with sharp edges. saws make it very easy dig the roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels don't cope well with hard, compacted soil, but the
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razers shovel, with its unique inverted fan-shaped the design, which includes razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily remove roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why if you... call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade made of carbon steel , making it the strongest shovel for working even with the hardest soil without any extra effort, with a soft handle that quadruples the grip area and... only if you call now, the incredible hammer smith razer will be yours for an incredible price, for only
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4995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and is available in within a short time. do you want twice as much yield? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. the ripening of fruits will accelerate the growth and prolong the gardening season; the presence of windows with zippers will ensure. access for watering care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on a growing terrace. gardens or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of mini-greenhouses made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your
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mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a mini-greenhouse zhitnitsa , you will be surprised. you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, fence, terrace, gazebo, instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade bright life, suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at
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a special price. just from 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for yours. suburban area, your mother, and aortic neurosm hearts, you need an operation, here's the money for your mother's treatment, thank you, look at the weekend, this is lisa, my dearest friend, true friendship is worth a lot, who are you chatting with, wow, hello, lisa, this is philip, nice to meet you, and love more.
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today on rtr. conversation between friends. yesterday i solved three letters in krasfort, a person who is obliged to give everything he earns to another person, receiving food in return. who is this? slave. i also thought that i was a slave, but the wife said the husband. a... writes to the editor: your crossfords degrade my humanity dignity, because of them i feel like a complete idiot, yes - the wife says to her husband, you ’re very pale today, you look bad, tired, probably, you got a difficult cross-fort
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at work, yes, well, stop, we’re out of paper, come on let's smoke daddy's newspaper. let's have a glass, let's light a newspaper, dad will come, but there's nothing to read, oops, what's written here, guess the crossword and win a thousand rubles, wow, 1.00 won't hurt us, but how do they guess them, well, the words are encrypted in the cells, here, for example, vertically, blood-sucking insect five letters, beaver, walks, well, a beaver is not an insect, an insect, you saw what notches it makes, it’s logical, let there be a beaver, so, now horizontally, that the guests shout in unison at the wedding, six cells, the first letter is yo, stop, where
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is yo from, well the beaver was vertical, that this is a wedding with a fight, the fight at weddings is powerful, write it in all six lashes, and you turn out to be smart, if it goes on like this, 1.0 rubles is ours, and the artiodactyl animal gives wool, five letters, the first b , if five letters begin with b, it’s not a couple, but porn, hoofed yes, but it says here that it gives wool, maybe it’s a beaver again, where does it get its wool from, it lives in water, it should have scales. to be, well, it ’s clearly said here, it’s an even-toed ungulate, which means only a couple of hooves, the rest is scales, but why does it
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need hooves in the water to kill fish, it’s logical, let there be another beaver, the queen of great britain, the fourth and third pensioner. stump z, it doesn’t work out, here is z5, listen, maybe not the queen, but the queen, eureka, the queen, then z is in its place, tarzanika, it fits exactly, a thousand rubles is ours, a harmful small rodent, guess what, a beaver again. you are chasing, beaver, a large, useful rodent, and here is a harmful small one, this is a mouse, mouse has three letters, here are four,
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listen, w is a wide letter, maybe it should be written in two cells, you are chasing, all letters are equal in front of the alphabet, maybe rat, rat. five letters eureka means rat, who is a rat, hahl, rats, hahal, rats, muskrat, rats are the rat's legal husband, residents of ganduras, 10 letters, exactly how do you know, but i have half the entrance of these residents, by the way, does not
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fit, here is the first letter and estonians, estonians are seven letters, and here there are 10, you better count, estonians four letters, that means beaver, it’s logical, think about it, beavers have occupied the crossword, there are miracles, there
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’s a goblin wandering around, dots sitting on the branches, you ’re wondering how a dot can sit on the branches, boklan, dots, you have to guess, here are seven letters, the last four alkas . why? what is she doing on the branches? how does it catch jackdaws? then there's a laugh in general, the one who practices boxing, the first two letters are bo, the last yo, he practices boxing, what a crazy animal, no, don't get distracted,
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the last word remains, a waterfowl with he builds huts with a shovel-shaped tail, which is real, it’s written there, yes, he builds huts with a shovel-shaped tail, well, yes, ah... well, that’s 300%, guest worker, you’re driving, there are only four cells, how can i put your guest worker in them, like with comfort? how can i fit in one cage, well, how can i get stoned, but listen, cormorant, maybe let’s quit smoking, otherwise we’ll be sticking to the huts all our lives? let's live
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like beavers in water, the aphorist boris krutier has this advice to look at... with murky eyes, laugh until you cry. even it is impossible to imagine how many conflicts have been resolved thanks to a joke. humor can sometimes resolve many difficult situations, and sometimes it even happens that humor appears at a moment when it is not expected at all. i ’ll now read to you documentary remarks from film directors on the set where the battle scenes were filmed. the director and cameraman
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are sitting far away, so the director is forced to shout into a megaphone in order to organize the shooting the way he sees it. so, he shouts, partisans, separate the nurse from you, the horses, take the carts, take them, quickly, i see someone’s leg waving at me, legs, legs, legs, gone, gone, who ’s out of frame, out. “corpses of partisans, come to me, i’ll tell you something!” the cars were loaded, the partisans walked on the water, the corpses lay down, the horse, if you hear me, shout, yes, shout, if you see me , operator, don’t shoot, officer, before the car runs over you, don’t get up, lie down, woman with
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once again, get ready, there’s a motor, the camera started, wait, i’m stuck, another driver, back to the original, attention, motor, yes, the camera has started, yes, yes, no, no, i agree, scene 15 2 dear, you are ruining my actress like that, this is impossible after what nature has done, so everyone, get ready, non-animator, yes, the camera
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is on... wait, what an idiot, forest frame, and this is our producer, vyacheslav igorevich, where are you taking our decorations, to the market, to the workshop, work, comrade, work, yeah, igorich, buddy, that means my beloved, my beloved, you lust, you understand, yes, yes, believe me, believe me, my friend, so, attention, engine, there is, camera started, stage, four, kalima, what, igor lavenovich.


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