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tv   Poslednii shans  RUSSIA1  April 14, 2024 1:00pm-5:01pm MSK

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oh, it’s a masterpiece, but when i walked in, that was all, it was, as they say, youth chicardos, wow, wow, but it was like this, and it was like this, you should come into your corridor now, listen, i in general, i ’m actually in shock, shock, it’s delight, there are so many emotions that i basically can’t describe. these are big changes, by the way, yes, big changes are ruling, great, a masterpiece, a masterpiece, the first emotions, well, i never expected it to be like this, it means you had something here, but here it was just terrible, creepy open the closet, look how beautiful and well organized it is now inside, but
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can i live here, in the closet? yes, thank god, we got rid of the wall, the bed, this creepy closet, thank god, everything, everything is perfect in this regard, in general, dreams come true, now you have a vacuum cleaner, an ironing board living here, it’s you who will be visiting your daughter and granddaughter and iron grandma’s clothes, iron, and what is this, and what is this, i think so. nikolai fedorovich, we are organizing this weekend, yes, the table is one of the most important, if not the most important, because for the people you want to see gather there, it could be your family, friends , it could even be neighbors, but whom you want to see, you can’t do without a table, and it’s very convenient, we lived here for 35 years, they really weren’t going to find out, that we were here... we need to do something,
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we need to do something, wow, that’s great, guys, they went and re-pasted the wallpaper, and then they said, what the hell is this, here our program, big changes, big changes, these are, first of all, the people who surround you and who did all this, so... after that i imagine it all like this, look at our doors, like a valuable wall, dalai fedorovich, maybe behind one of these doors is your designer, natasha sola, come on, come on, beauty , natasha, thank you, thank you, thank you, what a great fellow, just don’t cry, nikolai. i
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’m just delighted that you and we came across such a designer, i really wanted to create such a space that would unite three generations, and i thought for a long time about what style to choose, what color scheme, and i wanted you all felt comfortable in it, so that it would relax you and set you up for a long family life. gatherings, meetings, and, of course, for your cozy evenings, you guessed perfectly, really, thank you, thank you, it seems to me that every family should have such a place, a place where all generations could gather, unite at a common table or just... over
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a cup of tea in a conversation, feel that we are all here, we are all together, such a force, and then return in your life to create in them what great changes, poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts april 14. in the large hall of the conservatory, daniil kramer and valery grokhovsky give a concert on nikolai petrov’s birthday. on the new stage of the vakhtangov theater, the story of sonicha, the premiere production of vladislav nastavshiy based on the prose of marina svyataeva, is played by evgeniy krekzhde, ksenia traister and konstantin beloshapka. premiere at the poetry music theater under the direction of elena kamborbura. steppe king lear. directed by denis sorokotyagin based on the prose of ivan sergei. the moscow
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kremlin museums host the exhibition lovers of the native history pavel karabanov and moscow collectors of the 19th century. books, icons, manuscripts, weapons.
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and other masters, a total of more than 100 works from museum collections in omsk, yekaterinburg, perni and tyumen. rubel will give the idea of ​​​​creating a society, he will name this society. then he would later be a founding member of the union of russian artists, which began their activities in 1903. he will give the union a name, everyone will accept this joyful name, he will welcome freedom. the ideas were that the jury would not exist, everyone artist. will exhibit only those works that he himself considers necessary. vrubel will create the emblem of the unification, this is st. george the victorious on a horse slaying a snake. this is generally a symbol of moscow. and thus vrubel established moscow and the moscow art school as the dominant one in this history. and
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therefore mikhail alexandrovich rubel was of utmost importance for the union of russian artists. tour of the nizhny novgorod theater. kishona. nikolai lugansky plays a marriage contract with a german based on the works of ifraim the baltic house, staged by allashetnikova by the berlin symphony orchestra in the great hall of the berlin philharmonic, works by rachmaninoff and prokofiev will be performed, conducted by stefan deneuve, and sheku kani mason and the royal philharmonic orchestra will perform works by rachmaninov and elgor at the fespelhaus baden-baden. vasily petrenko conducts. the basel art museum is hosting a major retrospective of the american artist. and minimalist dan flavin. in 1963, flavin took a simple fluorescent lamp from a store, placed it at a 45° angle in his studio and declared it a work of art. art, thereby giving birth to an artistic object created from fluorescent lamps. the exhibition in basel
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showcases works created by the artist throughout his creative career. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday has its own rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. bourbon steersman is a product of the stellor group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means
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not thinking about anything. when you are calm and complete. off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anexc. veda vodka, a product of steller group.
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not a story in the clear sky. the road runs off into the distance, the dark forest looks like a fairy tale, but the forest is three miles away, the sun is red high, and it’s still a long way to go, he says to his sister, brother, i want to drink some water, wait, wait, there’s no need to rush, there’s no need for a swampy heart, be patient , let's give birth! and don’t drink from the hoof, there’s there is a blue river in the forest, he didn’t listen to
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his brother and sister, he couldn’t stand to drink the water, and as the saying goes, trouble befell him, and behind the forest on the porch, the red sun sets, the number sparkles. that river has spring water.
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tanya, where are you? here i am, fireworks, maria, hello, vasily, how are we living, and
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in a whisper, vasenka, we’ll eat, drink and continue to live, hang out, that means, and you want to cheer me up, i want, i really don’t mind cheering up such skaters, especially the merchants workers, talk, how many times did you promise to invite them to dances, it’s such an evil fate got us far apart from each other, but just a minute. otherwise i would, oh, how i would dance with you, i believe that love is always right, i can wait for it all my life, well, we will somehow defeat this injustice, here, here, but for now, treat me to something like this , what the drive-thru doesn’t bring to us, right?
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i’m the head of the library, how people grow, and
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the head is already so young, you want to enroll in the library, yes, why not, i want to improve my intellectual, cultural level, you will help me, i will help, thank you. last name labanov patronymic name vasily fetich age 25 years. i haven’t been under trial or investigation, i’m morally stable, so stable, i even want someone to shake you, the address is the krasnozavodsk department, by the way, it’s 5 km from you, but what’s your name, atka, atka , is this katka or something, katka, now it’s clear, oh you, oh you,
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where is katka, here she is, where is the folder? katya, well , it’s easier to come to an agreement with you than with your mother, children, they are like dogs , they immediately sense a good person, but your mother, apparently, is almost dying, listen, maybe she’s missing teeth, well, teeth something to do with it, and despite the fact that you are sitting as if at a wake, if only you smiled once, one of two things comes out, either you don’t have enough teeth, or you don’t yet know that your best reader is standing in front of you, whom you will be proud of for the rest of your life . life, well, we ’ll see about that later, look, everyone takes books from you, and i brought them to you, that’s how much, invoice, well, character, instead of gratitude, insults of mistrust, that’s why
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your husband ran away from you? katya, don’t fall, len ivan, goodbye, goodbye. salute, hello, forward, forward, what are you doing?
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and we, he says, we’ll see, some reader, who? it doesn’t matter, well, what’s new, what do you say, but your father has granted you, you’ll start the baths again, vasya, let’s go to us, but i made variniki, my dad liked it, he asked for more, look for yesterday’s ones, is that good? yesterday's, yeah, it'll do.
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yes, my son doesn’t want to sit with his own father at the same table, but i haven’t accepted the birthday gram in the morning, i think, let him see how i control my misfortune, you don’t control it , it controls you, that’s how the children went , roster? when you grow up, he's old enough for you, you raised them a lot, how many you didn’t grow, well , the blood is native, it should tell, or what kind of blood is there in you, for a long time now instead of blood you’ve only been gurgling with vodka, but come on, come on, come on, pump the right one, start the barrel organ, here woman, woman, you know, women, you judge for yourself
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what incredible... strength you must have to hold on when you are in the dark light, like a piece of glass, that’s what i am now, it’s all the same, balobonish, and why are our leaders they teach that you need to trust a person, that’s the point, well, breathe, i’m not saying anything, but you’re saying something like a drunk, oh, how damned she has eaten into you, you spirit... having looked at you enough, from her, thank you, god, she’s staying away for now, that’s why you drove me out of my home, therefore, what happens,
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what, but the fact that i took the full blow from this infection, and protected my youngest son, my beloved, from it, oh, anya, do you know how many there are? but by god i can’t believe that you’re a tough guy, but you’re saying something that’s not like a human being, like you’re speaking on tv, listen, and you haven’t swallowed this, well, that’s what they’re looking for and they drive and... chaferium, i don’t allow myself to be depressed that they transferred us to this school, here our team of soviet doctors works
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around the clock, now we invite kids to films, oh, cartoons, add, no, thank you, delicious, i went to watch cartoons, come, uh-huh, well... my hostess cooks well, well, be healthy, you won’t get married here, you’ve spoiled her, she’s your feeder, you’re still young vasily, you can’t understand these things when you’re with your wife you live 20 years, you give birth to three children with her, then you close her eyes, how then you suddenly want to get married, this is in the old days, when the peasantry. a man really can’t live without a woman for a week, now what kind of farm do we have, the cows have long been to the side, the gardens are covered with tractors,
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i have wood chopped in the forest, the car is two, when we pull it, well, let’s go to the bathhouse on saturday, and let’s get along, i’m your firewood i’ll pull it, and you ’ll cut what’s mine with friendship, i’ve got that in store too.
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and he’s my husband, and you’d feel sorry for your father, he ’ll feel sorry for us, he’ll feel sorry for us so much that you’ll sweat 100 times, somersaulting with him, well that your ribs have healed or grown new, but my ribs, i can judge, he won’t raise his hand against you, oh, mother, why are you so unrequited to me, thank you, good luck, listen, mother, and aren’t you afraid that if he once again raises his rake at you, then i will do such a thing to him that i will have a direct road to prison, god bless you, vassenka, why are you frightening me, i’m not frightening you,
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lord, lord, i saw one movie, where a zek calls one investigator comrade, he tells him the tambov wolf, you’re comrade, so for me, it’s better that the tambov wolf be my father than this one, but remember, come to your senses, son, it’s a sin about a father, a sin, well... he’s more of a sinner than mine and it’s okay, fathers, again in the bathhouse will start, i recommend that you, allah, look for a new place of work, the premiere is on rtr, we can open our own taxi fleet, there is too much interference, and as for your this alla, she sang along, we will choke, we will spoil, and take your hands away, and that there are too many warning signs, what if something happens to you, i'm scared, too there are many dangerous intersections, trouble, he crashed,
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he is alive, alive, but she can’t stop, your mother can handle it, she is a strong woman, alla taxi, on monday on rtr. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group, they say you need to prepare for a vacation.
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you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where the sun and the sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, cnop gin, the product has become. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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in space or at the table with presidents, there will be a lot to discuss, nuances of big politics that surprise everyone. so why did alenivod never understand that putin called him? the president congratulated you, but the president supplied, yes, the most interesting shots of the week, all of his own, from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we are watching today on rtr. hello, listen to
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the pioneer dawn, take it easy, natalya, there are eggs, what? well, sit down with your friends, vasya, sit down, at the beginning of the school year, but no, i think i’ll go there today, yes you, anime. hello, son, hello, you allow your father to drive up, so, really, into the cabin, vasya, well, thank you, son, i respected that, i respected that, and
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you say, fireworks, hello, hello, you! there is a living soul here, fireworks, i came to see how you are putting out the fire, please, be quiet, and
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what about my daughter. katka is sleeping, uh-huh, there, i’ll go and see where you don’t need to go, i’ll be quiet. well, you came up with an idea, it’s called a mother, so what? leave her at home, there are rats running around behind the grandma’s wall, squeaking and squeaking, you can’t give her anything to the nursery, but she won’t stay in the nursery for anything, i just don’t know what to do with her. then i know it 's great, hello, bon appetit, thank you, come in, come on, come on, come on, olga, eat, eat,
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click, aunt klav, hello, hello, vasily, wow, fresh cabbage. where? yes, my mother went to the area yesterday, come with us, no, thank you, listen, oh, i was still a girl, so on our collective farm before the war , they grew early cabbage and tomatoes too we grew it, and now we bring everything from the city, soon we’ll go for potatoes, and you know why she says that, don’t calm down, they stopped keeping the cow, she doesn’t have enough milk on the state farm, milk is milk, but i don’t understand who i am now yes, what kind of peasant am i without my cattle, and now we are not peasants, we are the working class in the countryside, am i conducting my policy correctly? that’s right, i spoiled you, it ’s politics, that’s what, honey, where else, and they ’re already finishing work, when in the village it was like they had to go to work at 9, sromata, that’s what people are old people, they suffered through the war, after the war, count the back half of their lives
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, they worked for workdays, we over there with the thin one have three hundred rubles together, but everything is not right for her, everything is not according to her, oh well, listen, pash, that i came, i i once saw a thing like this... it's charcoal, well, they keep small children there, i guess, that's for sure, but it's lying on the ceiling, waiting for the second girl to grow up, but what? well, you see, you don’t need it now, maybe you can give it to me for a while, when you need it, yes, come on, daughter, take a walk, drown, and tonya, tonya, what, are you making noise, wake up tanya? okay, where is our playpen? he asks vaska, hey, i won’t be long, lord, he needed a playpen, for whom, don’t be afraid, not for a piglet, what else, he’s my second girl growing up, we’ll soon need it ourselves, so when it’s needed, i’ll give it right away ,
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drown, you need to respect vaska, after all, a friend, so you respect him, but i shouldn’t drink vodka with him, i drank with him once, otherwise no, he’s not a drinker. well, sign, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, oh, hello, hello, oh, look what i got the thing, what i need, and i got you. strength, but i’m not for you, for katka, am i, katya? katya, you see, i found out that you’re too
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proud, pride, of course, is good, but stupidity, well, how long can a child sleep on a shelf, mom, you don’t understand that you can ruin your katya, why yes... you’re in this you really don’t understand, it’s impossible for a person to have something hanging right above his head, here’s the ceiling, why don’t they do it right above his head, because it presses, at least it doesn’t touch, it presses, have you seen what kind of mushrooms they grow up when they find themselves under a twig, at least for katya to grow up like this, uh, she talks to you about hitting nails in the water, okay, like it or not, but i’m beckoning...
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ivan ivanovich, greetings, morning good, vasya, come on, come on, lopovuhaya, salute, comrade adjutant, hello, please, i’m just at the ring.
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cattle, what do you need,
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they are waiting for you to unload the slate, and what do you have to do with it, you need what, but i need you to leave the man alone, and not only today, but forever, what, what, what did you hear, hooves, did you see, wow, well bastard, now look, you are my hare, your hunter, walk, walk, hunter, just don’t come here again, i’ll catch you, i ’ll get even with you, and why are you whispering to him, i was afraid that katya will be scared, she’s sleeping at least what, how much? just now he was crawling there,
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it won’t happen again, if he does, tell me, um, yes, that means now you’ll come, did i even touch you with a finger, well, tell me, did i touch you?
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discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secret. rom kastro is a product of stellor group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything.
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when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cognac monte chococa, a product of the steller group.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details.
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for what? who knows? that’s how i saw her for the first time in the library, well, i brought some books, she’s sitting there looking like herself, not smiling, not laughing, but i think, i won’t be me if i don’t make you laugh right now, you know, and manish, why stop there? , well, you decide for yourself, is it really a good idea to put a child on shelves instead of books, but i ’ll tell you what, tell me, since you’re so worried about someone else’s child. it’s time to start your own, uh-huh, you won’t get married, i can’t forget all my naughty, fidgety little girl, i remembered, i forgot a long time ago, like a bad dream, vasya, no every dream i forget that you are the norm, i’d rather
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sit like this, well, vaska, you give me, you need to show it to the museum, with this driver. then he stood up, now he’s offended, once you’re offended, it means you’re already on the hook, well, yes, definitely on the hook, if you had her, you wouldn’t be offended by her, tell me why you wanted to make her laugh, how do i know, wanted, wanted, then i’ll tell you, tell me, everyone
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is pleased when a woman smiles, because if she doesn’t smile, after 5 minutes she starts barking, i’m telling you for sure, just take my thin one, and that one too insect, i’ll take it for you now, i ’ll show you the insect now, wow, well, how often, now you’ll see, well, okay, sit, yes, let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation, come on, both of you, legs in hands and car, then, it’s not even civilized, come on, you’re a guest from home, it’s cultural to call your wife names in front of a stranger, it’s cultural, why are you all on him then... now i’ll spill the skin with myself to merge them, come on, come on, come on, come on, get out of here, oh, and you say, get married, listen to me,
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i’m mowing, and fireworks, maria, i’ll get there or ditch for the night, but what’s the point of driving, no, if it was on the highway, i wouldn’t let you in, yes, well, be healthy, come on, and don’t let your feet be here anymore, i understand, calmly, calmly, i believe that love is always right, i’m ready to wait for it all my life, i need your words now, like the sun to my flower, i believe that love is always. i 'll wait for you all my life, my words are like the sun
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that shines on me, i believe that love is always right, i'll wait for it all my life, mom! fathers, vasenka, what is this, lord, vasenka, oh, fathers have done something strange, you can’t after drinking, 100 g. so why are you sitting here, go home, i’m coming, mom, oh, oh!
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i went to bed, this time will be enough for me for 2 years, my daughter said, that’s it, why is he, in honor of what, should i go, or take something to the central estate, go, daughter, go on a light footing. look, uncle vitaly is driving, now it will be up to you how much you squeak,
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hurry up, timka, what’s wrong with the car? drowned! hello, aunt anna. oh, what a little guest god gave us, but vasenka and i didn’t remember the copper, and why didn’t vitaly makaroch come see us? will look in, eh? and he complained. sit down, nephew. i'm just a pancake. vaska, where? vasenka, where is he? where? oh, i forgot, he went fishing, so-
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and-so, a long time ago, no, not much, it will be an hour or an hour and a half, but you learned a long time ago, why lie, i say, auntie, dear, the exhaust pipe has not cooled down yet, that’s not good . it’s not good, so it turns out he’s catching a fish in his sleep. forgive me, vitaly makarovich, i didn’t lie to you, your position, who knows what you came with, you expect nothing but trouble from your position, you’re confusing it again, aunt anna, it’s not trouble behind me, ahead of me. and i’m just catching up with her, so why do you think i flew here for you?
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terrible accident on the highway, crippled, and the culprit escaped, it seems that this figure is also a bead, like your little vasily, what are you, vitaly makarovich, my god, what passions, but i told him how many times, i strictly scared him, yes, you’re a scarecrow, you say, well, let him come to me to get his license, and i ’ll do the work with him, i won’t go as he took it, let him bring it this way...
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well, who should go get your license now, me whether? and what? why not? how to plow until there are calluses on your forehead, so help vasya out, and it’s night after midnight, vasya, go, but there’s no one to help vasya out? how is that fair? of course it's unfair, that's it, dad! get out of here! listen, vasily, just start your drone and take it there!
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verka, what do you want, i’ll show you one thing that not a single person in the world has seen, somehow neither you nor i have seen. well, we are the first to look inside, it’s interesting, when i was still a boy, i kept thinking, i’ll heat it up, i’ll find out some secret of the tree, now i’ve grown up, and i know, of course, there is no secret here, but all the same, no, no, let me see, suddenly it smells
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like this... come on, yeah, try this, and this is different, just a little bit, but different, and this , and this too, this? and this one smells like an apple, with your nose you can only smell firewood, look at you, i also found a handsome man, oh-oh-oh, i saw myself in the mirror, i saw.
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verka, are you offended or something? well , what did you think? will the rooster sing a serenade for you now? so he listened to you, he will listen. petya, come on, come on, drink! well done, here you go and you said, and today you are again the same as before, this is when, well, the army reached leningrad, but it became better or worse, you became more like others, and before you made up fairy tales, well, that was the case, i i still remember, i liked it more than all the walks and crows, how they were going to fly to hot countries, but they still couldn’t agree among themselves where to fly
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, who was in charge, yeah, they’d circle around, hang out, why would you, you’re already big, well, you still come up with an idea, okay, let’s see, vasily, oh, you’re not a fool, but i had to report to the boss the engineer, well, he doesn’t call anything to himself, so tomorrow at ten o’clock you’ll come home to the office, verka,
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before you drink and drive, and by the way, i drove off the highway, so what does it matter, i drowned the car, i drowned it, i’m talking about facts, and facts are stubborn things, not for the first time, that for the first time, keep your rights, don’t think that the first
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time went well, thank you, please, you can go, what the hell did you take, but it’s a draw, the negotiations were complete spirit, the parties have clarified each other’s positions, oh, why turn off the tap, zhenya,
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healthy, great, vasya, how right, yes returned. listen, vasya, what? why did you give the library to shamanesh? first of all, i didn’t give it as a gift. and he gave it for a while, and secondly, i just felt sorry for the girl. why doesn't she really sleep on books? disorder. how
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did you beat him for what? yes, i didn’t hit him at all. i accidentally went into the library, and he pressed her there in the corner. do you think it's good? bad bad. she is even afraid to shout, to scare the child. but i put him out. how thin is he? guy and evil, he threatens to catch you, let him catch you, listen, vasya, maybe you’re into her i fell in love, well, get out of here, vasya is alive, i told someone, come on, come on, okay,
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well, katya, let's check the rugs. dry babuklava, i’ll take it off, take it off, take it off, so, help, mom, hold it, oh, oh, mom, are you speckling, the port is dry, bring me a drink, daughter, otherwise i’ll go into the hut, lid.
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i won’t get back for anything, the bets are so crap, well, that’s enough for today, tomorrow will be the day, well, yes, such a little garden will be done in 2 days, other women will laugh at me, they will laugh, well, now they’ll bring it, here it is, but who cares , get it, here's for the library, and...
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well, kolka, we’ll meet again, we’ll fight, vasya, vasya, what are you doing, what’s wrong with you, i’m resting, let me. why, yes, don’t be afraid, it’s good that
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you caught a twig, otherwise it would have been a disaster, but i don’t have the same bowler, i could stand it, come on, oh, lord, oh, you should have, now i ’ll fight every day, you’ll start courting , and i won’t think about it, this is wildness, i just don’t know what it is, it’s all the same to the district police officer. not because he got hit on the head a long time ago. but let me in, i won’t let you in, let me in, you’ll get stuck,
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damn, i’ll buy a new one, let me in, you can go out, let people see, i don’t care about them, and you what, you don’t care what he thinks about me, come out, please, i, len, do this to me, what are you saying, what did i say that was so offensive?
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basya, what are you doing? sitting.
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what are you thinking about, about the most interesting riddle in the world, this is what it is, why one person likes another, but the other doesn’t, of course, the little guy and his family are thinking about it, but still, even if you think about it for a month, even if it’s for a year, you won’t come up with anything. mouse, she doesn’t love you, you need to understand this, and otherwise everything is useless, somehow everything, and so everything, you once said, everything, that the lake is useless, lake, dawn in the sky, dawn, i'm useless
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but i’m not talking about you, yeah, so what’s my point, and what about you? this also needs to be understood, and if you don’t understand, then it turns out that i’m of no use either, alla taxi. alla easily controls not only the car from the base, yeah, good, well, to all taxi companies, guys, hello, consider this my personal request, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, you , thank god,
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are arranging me as a director, having survived the betrayal, alla is ready for a new relationship, please marry me, only the ex... the husband is not ready to leave her path, i feel that you love me, no, i'm a damn taxi driver i love mine, i’m buying a taxi fleet, let me introduce the new director, did you jump, i mean, you got what you wanted, alla taxi, we’ll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect the plants from frost , retain heat, accelerate growth, fruit ripening , extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering
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and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings. or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order the zhitnitsa minigreenhouse at an amazing price. only from 29.95. cnop gin is a product of steller group. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms
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and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. veda vodka, a product of steller group. mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the smackest at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add as needed. amount of filling, press the special lever that's it, you can stick a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the most delicious machine for only 4.90. bourbon starsman, a product of the stelar group. the flamboyant ex-governor
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of the chelyabinsk region and his pasta factory. the investigation seized all assets belonging to the family of mikhail yurevich, who, after a series of corruption scandals, fled abroad, taking a fortune of several billions. our international investigation, we found the notorious politician mikhail yuryevich in london. how he spends his time there and what his defense will say. lawyer mikhail verevich malakhov on monday on rtr. well, how come you weren’t afraid? why be afraid? everything is according to the law. as the lawyer said, so the court condemned. because there is such a law. property is equal. and from the living area, excuse me, move almost.
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yeah, that means you’re a bride again now, what kind of bride am i now with a tail? salute, hello, comrade adjutant, well, what
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do you say, i believe that love is always right, i can wait for it all my life, why do you need your words now, what do you need, well, now are you going to carry this bespectacled one, which bespectacled one? i’ll have my library, but why did they take the girl, she had to get vaccinated, but i thought all three of us were taking pictures, dear readers, a book is a source of knowledge, something for you that you don’t have, but i feel sorry for you, you fool, you carry around all sorts of bespectacled people and you don’t know what’s waiting for you at home, who don’t cry, girl, the rains will come, the soldier will return, you just wait, but what do i mean, now we’re
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each on our own, nothing, and that’s why i say that she’s now chiy is drinking with your mother, but i think i’ll warn you, otherwise our stuttering vasya will get tired out of fear, thank you for warned. come on, verp, go home, hello, welcome fireworks, pasenka, you'll eat later. well,
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thanks for the treat, i’ll go, there’s nothing to do, there’s nothing to do, come in when you have time, thank you, don’t be afraid of the dog, i tied it up, why are you tying it up, or what, she came here herself, out of abundance, after all you won't kick me out. there's nothing to do here.
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firework. lena, oh, vasya, son, and here i decided to get acquainted, maybe we’ll become related, son, sit down and listen to what your mother and i are talking about. is happening, i didn’t tell you before, it’s useful for you too listen, even though my vasily doesn’t drink, the problem is not that the person drinks, now i ’m drinking, so what, this is not an argument, i’m sitting intelligently talking to myself, the main thing is that this is a woman who is smart, she knows, not
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take the man out of the meeting, and in the morning he himself will repent and ask for forgiveness. in the morning here i am, well, like boiled carrots, you want to chew me without teeth, you want to use a spoon, i wiped everything off, okay, okay, finish, help, better unload the wood, now, now, it’s easy for us, uh-huh, master, you in kniboshi, you won’t get lost after him, come on, come on, i'm coming, i'm coming. well, go, why did you come here, who called you? why, the whole village knows, but i don’t, one said vasya’s fiancée, the other, when we get there, we’ll get acquainted, you never know what they’ll come across, and i’m stabbing some firewood, yes, vasya, how much do you charge for the car, what do you care, well, what?
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what, what, that i’m a stranger to you, or something, you understand, but i... my own people are worse than strangers, get out of here, well, oh, son, you haven’t seen grief, you haven’t grumbled, that’s what i’ll tell you, when i’m full lived, in the warmth, go, dad, go, yes, i’ll go, i’ll go. you know, vasya, sometimes i’m afraid of you, why should i be afraid, i ’m afraid to even breathe on you, let the others be careful, vasya, but there are things in the world
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where strength is completely useless, something else is needed. i know, i know, i’m dark, i haven’t read much, but you teach me, that’s how many books you have, i’ll read them all, just what’s the point, well, what ’s the point, and so, hitler, by the way, also read books, and what happened, we can come to an agreement , that books are not needed at all, i didn’t say that, only books are not everything, my husband, here’s yours, he also read more than me, but what of this it turned out, i don’t know, i don’t know you, what happened, we separated, and he writes that he misses me, katya, you see, what a strange thing is happening, i feel it, but if only sasha had been a little stronger, more independent, it would be easier for me to break up with him, but i don’t know,
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hello, vasenka. salute, can i talk to you? well, talk, talk, it means you’re not afraid of me anymore, when i was afraid of you, then i hid in another room and didn’t come out, and you decided that i would just run towards you, right?
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of course i feel guilty before you, but i thought so much time has passed, you’re no longer angry, you were young, stupid, but now you think you’ve grown wiser, that’s what i don’t know, i don’t know, sometimes it seems that you’ve grown wiser, sometimes i think it would be better for me to remain the same, why do you need a new bathhouse, it’s become cramped in the old one, i’ll install a washing machine. the pump for it, well, well, no worse than it would be in the city, which means no worse, better, you don’t miss leningrad, and
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you didn’t come here to miss me, but you missed me, that’s all , that’s it, don’t follow me, nothing will work out for you, our the paths were a long time ago, well, they diverged so much, let’s just talk, i’m really interested in why you returned from leningrad, everyone strives to go to the city, it’s back again, the money is the same, the bosses are bigger, but in general i don’t like it when they hit me in the back of the neck they give a fuck, yes, it’s not bad for the guys in the village now, they’re in cars, we’re just on the farm, it’s not interesting, so what... are you doing in leningrad, a fifth-class plasterer, a fourth-class painter, oh, with a progressive 140-150 i have, yes, and there is also a coven, a coven, so what, interesting, eh,
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vassenka, how can my interest be in plastering? listen, nyur, what do you want from me, what you lost due to your stupidity, i’ve long wanted to come and look at you. i was a little shy and ashamed, but now i’m not ashamed, as soon as i saw you, no matter if we never parted, no matter if these 5 years didn’t happen, of course you have every right to judge me as you want, just know that i love you i love you just as i loved you, don’t cry, girl, the rains will come, the soldier will return, you just wait, let your faithful... friend be far away, love in the world is stronger than separation,
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our brave sergeant major has orders, and i have all this ahead of me, but consider it love. excellent badges that are crowded on the chest. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away, i won’t allow this, you see me for the first time in my life, and you blame me for something i’ve never
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done, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, accept this as fact, i’m a loner, i ’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner. and it will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, a loner, today on rtr,
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we present to you an amazing new product for the season - garden shoes, these are light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day, garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, do not press, do not slip , are very easy to put on, for working in the garden or going on a picnic , while walking the dog or working in the garden, garden shoes are the best solution, garden shoes are made of special... eva material, thanks to which the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless. shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the anatomically shaped breathable insole provides a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order away.
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versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made from genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape - optimal. size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now
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and... order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth, fruit ripening and prolong gardening. season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering with pvc film material, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get
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a quality harvest. call from behind. there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s also very nice to congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph! my baby, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has sons, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life, with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well, maybe be, well, there’s no need anymore, valeria, an amazing song that you created with maxim podeev, maria zahar, for me it was a shup, it just stops the body from lice, find out...
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quietly, katya is sleeping, how much does it cost, out of nowhere, these are vitamins , and vitamins for children are always free. vasya, wait, what is happening? toys, firewood, oranges, that's all money. lena, lenochka. all this is not a burden. this is all. in joy, i would be for you, i
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would do everything for you, i think about you all the time, i fall asleep, i think about it myself, lena, i wake up right away again lena, as soon as i remember about you, right away it’s getting better, i’m dry and i don’t need anything anymore and i don’t need anyone.
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hello, hello, if you're not kidding, uncle kohl, your right, what do you say, um, nothing, uncle kohl, why is your horse smiling? i found out about you, come on.
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sì. come on, why are you, hello, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen you, why are you
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looking at me, rash, vasya, well, when did you see lina, the day before yesterday, yesterday, you obviously knew spaska, but what happened, her husband? i arrived yesterday, i just found out, you just calm down, vasya, he’s somehow like her husband, a legitimate one, vasya, calm down, he’s still her husband, vasya, vasily, then, womanly, then,
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the dog scattered, a big dog for everyone, but don’t be afraid, she’s kind, she’s a kind dog, look, here i am a dog, sasha, get up, come on, come to me, hello, meet me my husband, it’s very nice, sasha, sasha, this is vasya, our great friend, without him katya and i would be completely screwed here, listen, so you’re the driver, come on, go to
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the drop off tomorrow with your things, yes bogatova, yes, vasya, i i almost completed the payment yesterday, today all i have to do is write down my salary in my work book, well, my business won’t last long collect, you know, but we first wanted to go to the concourses for... be careful, a shunting locomotive with wagons will follow the second track from beron, be careful. have a look please. do you want me to write
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to you, but about what? how will you live well with your caulk? there are more freckles than hair, don’t you dare talk about my husband like that, you don’t know him, but he also knew you, but that’s not death yet, vasya. it’s even beneficial for some, if you want to know, you ’ve grown a lot in my eyes, you’ve grown, well, okay, not worry, but i’m not worried, now i’m taking you to the dance, well, that’s right, your beloved is running, in a hurry, as if he doesn’t fall, stop, and where did you dig up such a treasure, vasya, don’t, please, i’m you i ask, do you really want to offend me for forgiveness, i don’t want to, he just growls.
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well, wait, len, he won’t leave without you, your beauty, he growls again. again, and i’ll give him a roll, vasya, have you decided
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to leave me the strength here, you know, i would have left you both here, lena, it’s time, hold it, sasha, you don’t stop here, go, i’ll go now, oh, how trained he is, no, you’re mistaken, that’s the point, we don’t need to train each other, we understand everything ourselves. you could leave like that, that’s why sasha is my husband, and you, you’re very good, vasya, just don’t pay attention, the tenth one is leaving, but everything is right, everything is as it should be, well, goodbye,
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young man, what’s wrong with you, nothing, nothing, nothing.
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son, why don’t you separate us, for christ’s sake, so that we can live out our lives without eating. what are you doing, mom, live as you want, i won’t tell you homewrecker
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tetel, hello, hello, anyurka is at home, no where she is, she went to novospadskoe to visit her sister, for a long time, god knows, it didn’t affect her.
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vasya! wait, i’ll tell you what you want, come back for a second, vasya, well, well, what do you want, you’re in novospaska. what do you care about, nukes? yes, don’t swim there, vasya, don’t, please, i beg you, why are you always getting involved with me, is it your business, that’s mine, mine, come back, vasya, come back, vasya, vasya, well vasenka, i i haven’t
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told you everything yet, go home, damn, damned fool, i i love you, do you hear? "i love you, you're a fool, you're still small, i 'll grow up, i'll grow up,
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regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the perfect tool for digging, clearing soil and cutting for maximum results
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the saw's sharp edges make digging through roots easy, and the incredibly sharp blade tip makes the hammer smith razer tackle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, hoe, and. uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, and bushes. weeds faster than ever without effort. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels struggle with hard, compacted soil, but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted-v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, cuts through the toughest root systems like butter and strips out roots one by one with ease. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why, when
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you can do even the toughest gardening work with a single tool, call order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides, sharpened into a shaped blade, made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel. for handling even the hardest soil without any extra effort, with a soft handle that quadruples the gripping area and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer you can get it at an incredible price of only 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time. bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replace. will hit your budget, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for the fence bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly
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transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, anything you need to do - fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price of only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your country plot.
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good morning, nina vasilievna, oh, good morning, yulechka, i heard the news at katika’s the seventh apartment, the groom showed up, returned from the army, she’s with someone else, uh-huh, excuse me, nina vasilievna, i have no time for that, i have to go to work, i can’t be late, you’re worrying about your beloved’s edges, roman arkadyevich, my supervisor. and this is what they call it now, i don’t know what you mean, i work for him in the clerk’s department, you’re a fool, you can tell fairy tales to others, but i have a good eye, and your relationship with roman arkadyevich is far from formal , as if i don’t know that he smells you once a week, but not scientifically same work, you work there with him at night, don’t be afraid, you’re married, nina vasilievna. “it’s been hopeless for a long time, my girl, my advice to you, since it’s not too late for him,
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you need a normal man, nina vasilyevna, everything suits me, i don’t want to get married, well, you say, you don’t want to get married, any woman needs a woman’s happiness, she needs happiness , i’m happy, maybe happy, my wife is with a man, well..." it’s like a fact, i’m a loner, a loner, you say, um, now you say that, when you fall in love, you can’t order your heart. goodbye nina vasilievna, well, wait and see.
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hello ma. hello, don't you think it's too provocative? oh, mash, for me, everything about you is too provocative, the varnish does not spoil the overall picture, but what, should females attract males with bright plumage? yes, let's discuss this issue after the meeting. okay, roman arkadyevich. hello, roman arkatyevich. marina dmitrievna, when finally, instead of hello, you will say hello, but you are, after all, the face of our department, that’s exactly roman arkadyevich, and if something smart needs to be said, we have it for that yulia nikolaevna, hello, roman arkadyevich, hello, yuli nikolaevna, i
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didn’t notice you, you prepared a list of applicants, yes, of course, i forwarded it. him to the office, yeah, that means put your affairs in order before your vacation and prepare orders for signing and reporting, yes, yes, of course, roman arkadyevich, yes, the face of the department reminds you that you have an exam in 5 minutes, and what are you, you think i don't know this. 215, follow my style, the blonde wants to drive, why is there still no law prohibiting issuing driver's licenses to blondes, i would i also added a clause to this law, especially if
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they are muscovites, but why did i get burned? it was a matter of what happened, we quarreled and separated, well , that’s practically what happened, only now we still have a son, but well, it’s clear, you don’t have to explain, she’s probably still all over your head, hello, let’s go, i’ll show you, this in general on shares, minus 20%, but i don’t need interest, you know, well, how can i tell you, the car is beautiful, it’s not red, by the way, just a minute, let me tell you more, the blonde seems to have a crush on you, i would i wouldn’t miss such a chance in your place, i’m not you,
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i’m not interested in this, is this after your muscovite ditched you? yeah, can you imagine, she said that i was unpromising and left for someone else, well, our car is very good, in fact, maybe we don’t need to treat all muscovites with the same brush, maybe we don’t need to, but i ’m happy with everything in my life , i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, listen, i’m leaving now, but he stayed behind. no need at all, yeah, girl, unfortunately, i see him very rarely, i it seems like you don’t understand anything at all, i ’m like a thorn in the side of my ex, help with something, young man, i need your help, excuse me, i’m busy right now, busy, i wonder what, and this doesn’t concern you, what,
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excuse me, my colleague will be happy to... help you, yes, i will be happy to help you, tell me what your preferences are, what you would like to see in your future car, i need a red car, yulenka, yulenka, listen, i want leave early, i hope you can handle it without me, yes, of course, i can handle it, roman arkadyevich, but i though... remind you that we agreed to have dinner today, yul, i will have dinner with my wife today. but what, yulia, plans often change, you must understand, i am a married man, and take this for granted, and should be grateful that i spend
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a certain number of hours a week visiting your modest apartment and be content with the fact that i can give it to you, yes, of course, i understand, everything suits me, well, that’s nice, dear. “listen, i bought a ring, but now i think it might be better to take a chain, otherwise my wife and i are planning a small anniversary, i wanted her to make a gift, but i wanted to ask you for advice as a woman, so it’s still better, but i don’t know, i don’t wear jewelry, well, yes, i completely forgot. “you’re a simpleton, but i don’t value you for your appearance. sorry for interrupting, roman arkadyevich, i’m probably at the wrong time.
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maria, i don’t understand what you mean. nikolaevna, yes, have a nice holiday. thank you, roman arkadyevich , goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, good evening, roman arkadyevich." julia, it seems to me that you need to change something in your life, but what, you all agreed that is it? unfortunately, yuri, the quality of the steel in the engine of this car does not meet the criteria for the declared power, yeah, so very soon problems with the piston will begin, there are also a number of design flaws in the air intake fuel supply system, the five-speed gearbox. they generally have their own production, therefore they are not very reliable, i would recommend that you choose a car of a different brand as a gift for your son, it’s amazing that for a simple sales consultant you have a very deep
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understanding of the intricacies of mechanical engineering, i i’m amazed, well, actually, i’m a robotics design engineer by training, and i worked for 5 years in a company that produced and developed equipment for approaching. thank you, thank you for the consultation, thank you for your frankness, you know, probably in the near future i will have the opportunity to provide you with a job that matches your knowledge and... well then, if you need my help, call me, yeah, all the best, goodbye , see you, don’t you
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understand that roman is not going to change anything in his life, you left for him graduate school, working. at the department, but in fact an errand girl, the only difference is that you’re no longer a girl, masha, i didn’t quit graduate school, i took time out to decide on the topic of my dissertation, it’s just a novel, how my supervisor cuts everything at the root, of course he cuts everything at the root, because it is beneficial for him to have you at his fingertips, don’t you understand that it is he who lowers your self-esteem, what a bastard, this is necessary, you don’t even hide the fact that you invited your wife to restaurant? did he ever go to a restaurant? invited? no, when was the last time he gave you flowers? well, he didn’t give it to me, but he
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read me poetry, feeds the nightingale with fables, your task is to find a normal man, break up with this, it begins, what begins, you are 25 years old, is old age not tanning? and do you think this problem can be solved in this way? well, of course, that means it’s like this, i take a procession over you, we go to the store, buy you a new wardrobe, i put you in order, and you become a normal person, well , no, my clothes suit me, and that’s my personality, that’s it yours individuality, for men your individuality is a stigma,
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well, trubnikov, when is the deal? well, the client hasn't decided on the model yet? yeah, he’s undecided, you say, your job as a corpse dealer is to help him decide and motivate him to buy. and you what do you do? i'm working on it. no, rubnikov. you're not working, you 're feeding him information. which, on the contrary , distracts him from the purchase, demotivates him, you understand, and you know what he will do, in 5 minutes, leaving here, tell you, he will go to the next salon, where he will professionally they will sell something for which he will shell out money, and he will leave there, satisfied, yes, but nothing, but trubnikov, i understand that... a specialist
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who knows everything about cars, but i need salesmen, they are design engineers, you are fired , and all.
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maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look, what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, soon on rtr. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable experience.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group, they say that you need to prepare for a holiday, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. cognac, monteshchoca. product of steller group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying.
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dreams come true, hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. oldbar cognac, a product of the stellar group. i didn’t know how to say this, i cried, i said, you are adopted by me. songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov's evening show, today on рrt, so, put on your shoes, oh my god, in this robe of yours you look just like a nun.
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try on this, this, what are you really saying? do you think that you can go somewhere in this, not only can you, but you have to, where, on the panel, rely on me, you don’t know anything, to increase your self-esteem, finally take off these glasses, well, it’s impossible, scary grandfather’s glasses , where did you get them anyway,
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hello, veche, come in, come in, dad has come, sanka, great, hello olga ivanovna, how touching, i’ll cry now, sash, go, ask the nanny to help collect your things, i should talk to dad, okay, run, dad, i'm here now, okay, son, i'm listening, i'm glad let me tell you that this is your last visit here, you are moving, we are moving, where may i ask? “of course you can, my future husband and i will live in london, the plane is in 2 weeks, and sasha? well, sasha , of course, will come with me, will study at a closed private school, there he will receive a good education. mom, i don’t want to leave
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to this school, i want to stay here with daddy. sunny, we’ve already discussed all this, right? now run, don’t annoy mom.” well listen, vika, don't you it seems that before making such a decision, it was necessary to ask sasha’s opinion, and it would also be nice to know his father’s opinion, sasha is 6 years old, so he cannot make a decision himself, i don’t consider your decision an authority, because you are a loser, vika, you can call me whatever you want, but this should not affect the child, i don’t understand what the problem is at all, in my opinion you should be happy that your child will receive an elite education, which you cannot give him, vika, little sasha . boy, he needs mom and dad, love and warmth, and not education in a boarding school, where he will be alone among strangers who, moreover, speak a foreign language, then, vika, you know very well that i cannot afford to fly to london every weekend, you can talk to him on skype, the parents of all the children who
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study there do so, well, mom, tell him, listen, young man, my daughter’s decision is not discussed, the tickets have been bought and they are flying away, i understand, uh-huh, san, san, san, you're getting ready to go for a walk, what happened, i don't want to go to this school, i want to stay here with you, i don’t want that either, son, but your mom thinks differently, why do you need to ask her, mom,
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well, because she’s your mom, and you’re my dad, go tell me that you you don’t want to give me away, he’ll never find you, so what, a walk for real, for real, your mom is canceling us, okay? you and i urgently need to find another apartment, let's go,
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tell me, how long will you be here? well, okay, hello, nina vasilievna, where is this? dressed up like that, is it really a date, what kind of date are you, i’m going to a cafe with masha
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you see, she says, this helps to increase my self-esteem, but i’m not happy myself, well then, okay, it won’t hurt you, listen, you’ve seen your new neighbors, you’ve seen them, a single man, with a child, this is such a rarity, yes, if i worked in my specialty. helping such families would be my job, well, i don’t know how you would help them, but the fact that they don’t have enough housewife, that’s for sure, nina vasilievna, you’re on your own again, i told you, that doesn’t interest me, well, well, we’ll see how it goes, i guess, let’s go here, everything’s fine. relax, let's get out of here, everyone is looking at us,
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it's wonderful, masha, i feel like an idiot in these clothes, they visually characterize me as an approachable and frivolous girl, don't be stupid, you look great, where are we sitting here so we can all you saw it, don’t turn around, there’s a man staring at you.
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stop, please, well, wait, well , stop, girls, well, i would like to apologize for my friend, well, actually, well, i drank too much, little guy, well, it happens to someone, well , excuse me, well, i got you confused, mistook you for girls of easy virtue, now my self esteem it’s just going off scale, thank you, i’ve had enough, well, how can it be, marey, are you really going to just leave and not leave at least your phone number, why should i leave it, write 181518? yes, seryoga, thanks again for
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the apartment, no, it’s normal, yes, yes, it’s okay, we’ll put things in order, rearrange the furniture, yeah, come on, bye, sanechka, let’s be more careful, don’t destroy everything here ahead of time, that’s right call your mom so she doesn’t think that something happened to you, she will find me and send me to this school, son, don’t worry, she will will never find you, i promise you, everything will be fine, you will stay with me, and your mother will leave, and you will go to the most ordinary, normal school, now, hello, vic, hello, just don’t tell me that you’re late, nanny in 15 minutes comes, by the way, she has an hourly fee, vic, you can let the nanny go, very funny, i have a massage in an hour, who
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do you think will sit with sasha, i will, what vic, don’t worry, sasha will stay with me, and don’t look for us, he’s in a safe place, have you screwed up the pipe workers, i’ll find you, they’ll put you in prison for kidnapping a child. damn, mom, mom, oh, what happened? pavel stole sasha, he ’s keeping him, he knows where, i don’t know, johnny just comes through, calm down, calm down, we’ll figure something out, dad, what are we going to do here, what are we going to do, what are we going to play, what are we going to play, all my cars we stayed at home with mom, and the new
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railway too, and to hell with them, we ’ll play one very interesting game. what game? just imagine that we are sailing on a large ship on the ocean, and the ship with sails? of course, with sails, with masts, suddenly a storm begins, there is an uninhabited island ahead. and suddenly our ship crashes into rubble against the rocks, but you and i manage to escape. wow, great! what does uninhabited mean? this means that there is no one else on it except you and me. what will we eat there on this island? if there is no one there either.
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what, are you hungry? well, yes. uh-huh, so, oh, yes , yes, ah, well, we, we will order pizza and lemonade, who will bring them to us, if there is no one on the island, the courier will bring them, but... something to do, my son was stolen from me , and she is the screensaver, now, mom, mom, well, it’s necessary feeds the fish, i'm calling the police, calm down, don't worry, there's still 2 weeks before you leave, mom, only 2 weeks, only 2 weeks,
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no, i'll definitely call the police, let them sort it out, no need for any police , listen, your johnny. just stand there and he won't want any hype around his name, you understand? i understand, but what should i do? calm down and wait. i’m sure that pavel will very quickly play enough with sasha and return him to you himself. mom, you talk like you know my ex-husband better than i do. my girl, i know men as irradiated. believe me, your pavel has no idea what it is. raise a child, i'm sure he'll come running very soon and just beg you to take him back, yeah, what should i tell johnny? well, tell me that sasha is with me, that you wanted to see your grandmother. well, nonsense, mom, you never took him in, but your johnny doesn’t know about it.
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so why didn’t alenivod understand that putin called him? the president congratulated you, but the president congratulated you, the most interesting shots all our weeks from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look at rtr today. do you want
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twice as much yield? it will be the best solution for you. the greenhouse is a granary, it will protect the plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth , fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60x60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to due to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully placed even in the most... accessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , the plants. receive reliable protection from insect pests, choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a high-quality harvest, call and order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95.
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we present to you an amazing new product for the season. garden shoes. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, and are very easy to put on. for working in the garden or going to the... when walking the dog or doing gardening, gardening shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the breathable insole anatomical shape ensures a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. it will keep you stylish. even in the garden or garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. we present
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to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag made in patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion. work, a visit, a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and keep your purse tidy. stylish design, two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather
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for only 1995. would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea, that’s great. on saturday. quiet, please don't. our wonderful nanny filed a police report against you. yes, it's like you raped her. this is yours, this is mine. i have been waiting for you for eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring! warm, sunny, bright, exhibition russia blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for
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spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, oh, it’s so early, and i... was in a frenzy, oh, nina vasilievna, i’m tired of this masquerade, that’s it, no more cafes, so young , you talk about how my aunt, an old maid, died like that, well, you know, nina vasilievna, i decided so, if it’s not fate for me to meet a person who will appreciate me , with all my shortcomings, well, so be it, well, who is it that puts this nonsense into your head, like a psychologist. holog, shoemaker without boots, where are you going, i'm in the tenth, go, uh-huh, oh, by the way, to
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your neighbor, listen, you should take a closer look at him, nina vasilyevna, why should i take a closer look at him, you know, well, professionally point of view, yeah. hello, uh-huh, yes, yes, thank you, all the best, excuse me, you live here, yes, as i understand it, yes, hello, my name is julia, hello, julia, i’m your new neighbor, pavel, i hope, julia, i won’t have any problems because of you, you won’t have problems because of me, you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want you warn immediately. “i won’t allow this, i have a small child, you know, what about you , pavel, you know, pavel, this is
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impudence, you’re seeing me for the first time in my life, and reproach me for something i’ve never done, like you are not ashamed, you yourself, that yourself, by the way, because of you i walked up the stairs today, i sympathize with you in such and such heels, next time you better wait for the elevator, goodbye, hurray, set , friday, shoot, they’re shooting at us too, and... knock down the mess, hurray, friday, we won, we captured the ship, friday, we’re with you well done, it’s time for us to refresh ourselves, and for this we have pirate pizza, pizza, i’m already
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tired of pizza. and what do you want? i want a cutlet with potatoes, mashed potatoes, like the nanny cooked, porridge for tomorrow, but with the cutlets, i do n’t think we can cope without a nanny, although you will still need a nanny, why cook porridge, you know, son, i have work you need to look, but i can’t leave you alone at home, and i’m going to work with you, and i... i’ll help you, okay, go, get ready, assistant, let’s go to the store, come on, dad, you’ll be there soon, now, son, wait, hello, hello, and you are our neighbor, yes, my name is yulia, and who are you, i am friday, and
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my dad is benzon, we are going to get ourselves food, i saw your food, pizza and soda, and do you even know that it is harmful for children, dad says that sometimes it is possible, but where is your mother? mom wasn’t there when dad and i got into a shipwreck, she was on another ship, i gave you the bike, hello, hello, san, you and i agreed not to... talk to strangers, dad, we met, this is yulia, she's ours neighbor, mr. robinson, i want to tell you that your friday is in one sock, yes, yeah, but i like it better, but this is wrong, hello, masha, hello, yuli,
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tell me, do you have your own children? no, when they appear, you’ll dress them the way you like, well, heels, a miniskirt, bright lipstick, sanya, let’s go, dad, i want to go to the toilet, what didn’t you say before, but you didn’t want to before, okay, let’s go , sorry. listen, mash, such a nice neighbor, is he married? no, not married, so what? and why? how do i know why? this is a single father. moved yesterday, neighbors. i told you, the ones that made me walk up the stairs in heels.
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it's generally uncomfortable in heels. are you really a colorful couple, but what do you know about them? yes, i don’t know anything about them, the boy is dressed strangely, the dachshund, as i understand it, doesn’t matter, i have an idea, masha, i’ve had enough of your brilliant ideas, i ’m not interested in this boor as a man, that’s what i can’t discuss with you arrangement of personal life, i’ve been doing this for a long time... i realized that’s not what i’m talking about, an excellent topic for a dissertation, single father, i, of course, in i don’t understand this, but i learned something while working at the faculty of social communications. mash, you won’t believe it now, i was thinking about the same thing, but i really don’t know anything about this family, so let’s turn to the eternal source of news and worldly wisdom. come on, let's go. well, why do you need this
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bike, it’s for kids, but i like it, hello, my name is pavel, i recently moved in with you, yeah, i don’t know vasilyevna. “it’s very nice, nina vasilievna, i have a request to ask you, you probably know everyone here, the fact is that sasha needs a nanny for summer, at least until he goes to school, it’s too late for you to come to your senses, the same pensioners have gone to their dachas, yes, i know, but you yourself understand, moving is all that, and you know, and i’ll help you in any way i can, i’ll write an advertisement, thank you great, you're always welcome, san, let's go!" let's go, let's go, hello, hello, hello, you know, we wanted to ask you something about pavel,
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yurinka, by the way, our pavel is looking for a nanny for his son for the whole summer, so towards the catcher and the animal runs, here is a ready-made nanny, get a job with them, work, you still have a vacation, i don’t know, but i'm not sure. moreover, i promised my mother to go to the dacha, strawberries just came up, uh-huh, oh, this is her dacha, berry after berry, jar after jar, you are at the dacha every year, yul, masha says your business, you are a teacher by profession , well, not really, i’m a social psychologist-educator, and this doesn’t make much difference, as for me, the main thing is that you have an approach to people, the only thing is that you don’t say that you’re a muscovite. under no pretext, why else? well, because his wife was a muscovite and left him. how do you know who told you, he? well people they say, i don’t know, i doubt whether
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i should get involved in this, aren’t you interested, i would figure it out, put everything in order, but it’s very interesting, masha, very interesting, well, how... you don’t understand, roman says that i’m not suited for this profession, well, it’s true , i’m not a psychologist, i don’t know, oh your novel, at the same time you’ll find out whether you’re right or wrong, whether you’re capable of something, or if it’s all in vain, dad , you definitely know how to cook cutlets, well , san, to be honest, no, but i looked on the internet, it seems like nothing complicated. especially you're helping me, dad, and are you sure that you 're doing everything right, i didn't have cutlets, they were round, san, you know, the shape isn't the main thing in cutlets, why is there smoke coming out of the frying pan,
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ouch, ouch, ew, yes, san , along the way, the cook is a traitor. listen, maybe it’s pizza again, but pizza is still pizza. what do you think, just come straight home without calling? well, of course, you’ll ring the doorbell and say that you want to earn extra money, that you’re a teacher. i won't go, maybe, please. the pizza was delivered too quickly,
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hello, pavel, i’m listening, nina vasilyevna said, do you need a nanny? yes, it is necessary, but not you, that’s why it’s interesting, you don’t know me at all, you saw me once in your life. believe me, this was enough for me to get an idea about you. you know what? and i also formed an idea about you. you feed your child fast food, you do not monitor his appearance. so, wait, who exactly are you to talk to me like that? and i, in fact, am a certified social psychologist-educator. mm, let me ask, julia, where do you work? i work at the department, in institute, clerk. that is , you don’t have any work experience in your specialty, you have a little, you did an internship, and you, of course, are a muscovite, no, i’m not a muscovite, i
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rent an apartment here just like you, yulia, and you know how to cook cutlets, i can make cutlets, dad, i like it, well... as you understand, i have to agree. okay, come tomorrow at 9 o'clock, i'll be there exactly at 90. goodbye, goodbye. well, well, well, well, well, you see how well everything turned out, just don’t forget that this is an experiment, the family is defective, he the boy lacks female attention, so nothing personal, so that the child does not get used to it, as sasha pushkin said, be strict and fair, and makarenko said: “teach everyone, but teach in different ways.” hello, yes, valera, i ’m listening to you. “but it’s not very convenient for me, yes, i ’ll call you back later, uh-huh, uh-huh, bye, who is it, it’s
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valera, he called me to the sauna, why to the sauna, who do you take me for, i’ll freeze him for one day, and tomorrow i’ll go with him to the restaurant, crazy, san, from today you and i will play one very interesting game what game, you and i will be... scouts who keep a terrible secret, what? well, what did i steal you from your mom? ok, dad, i’ll be silent like a fish, i don’t want my mom to find me, that’s good, that’s it, come on, go to bed, good night, thank you, bye.
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and i thought it was masha who had returned, yulia alexandrovna, i came to discuss with you an extracurricular activity during your vacation, and you can relax, the guard is aware of our relationship with you, and the neighbors don’t care, i don’t understand whether we will stand here or you me you’ll let me into the house, but you had other plans, but my wife and child went to the dacha, i’m completely free. it was you
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who arranged everything, yes, not only did your career deprive me, you decided to finish me off, alla taxi, premiere on monday on rtr, we are watching melodramas. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredible the sharp end of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. hammer smith razer. will cope with any difficulties in your garden. now you
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can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith raiser is the ideal all-purpose shovel for your garden. regular shovels do not cope well with hard compacted soil. but the razer shovel, with its unique inverted v-shaped design, has razor-sharp teeth and carbon steel blade allows you to cut through the toughest root system like butter and easily tear off the roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools. but why, if you can do even the toughest garden work with just one tool. call to order a universal shovel. hammer smith razer features razor-sharp
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edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade made from carbon steel for the toughest shovel to handle even the toughest soils effortlessly, with a soft handle that quadruples your gripping area, only if you call now, the incredible hammer smith razer will be yours at an incredible price of just 49.95, but... . hurry, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time. mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, will not fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be fast and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and that’s it. you can make a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes. take advantage of this incredible offer. call to order the machine
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the most relish for only 4.95. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. ready the system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. take advantage of this incredible offer. call to order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. we have tried to come to an agreement more than once, but he remains the most honest detective. eduard petrov. 50 i had to change my place of residence, because family is the most important thing, they can suffer only because i do my job, our every visit is perceived with alarm by the local authorities, i say: listen, we just came to relax, boris kotchepnikov’s program life and fate on tuesday on rtr.
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rom, rom, wake up, uh-huh, come on, come on, get up. what time is it 80 already ? why have you gone crazy? rom, i have to go to work. yul, what kind of work? are you on vacation? i got a job as a nanny, temporarily. for what? because
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i'm going back to graduate school this year. you have been returning to graduate school for 3 years. i told you what you need. find a topic for a dissertation, to return, i found the topic and object of research, what i found, i found everything, look, let's get up, yeah, the phenomenon of a single father in modern russia, do you think this topic has no prospects? listen, what difference does it make what i think, for you my opinion is not important, you decided everything yourself, please don’t be offended, bon appetit, but how can you be offended by this, as they say, no matter what the child enjoys, it’s okay, i will wait patiently until you have played enough with science, realize
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that your claims to intelligence are worthless, realize your lack of talent, that is... “you don’t believe in me at all, yulinka, you’re one of those women who are nothing of themselves, and flourish only next to real men, and this man is me, only next to me you are in place, so if you decide to return, i will show nobility and take you back, even though you i’m not worthy of this.” “it would be better if you make sure that the coffee is decaffeinated, i ’ve told you this so many times,
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good morning, pavel, hello, sasha, at exactly 9, as promised, come in, thank you, sasha had breakfast, yes, we warmed up the pizza, by the way, there's still some left, do you want it? no thanks, i i’ll sit down, yes, of course, so, pavel, what is sasha’s routine, routine, yes, when does he have lunch, sleep, a walk, lessons? julia, what lessons, he’s only going to first grade in september, that is , you don’t do your homework, sasha, yes, but what are you doing? i play robinson friday with my dad, that is , there is no regime, no, i don’t need it, i’m already an adult, right dad? of course, son, so, and i can see what’s in your refrigerator, please, let’s defrost it,
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pavel, today we will eat only the right foods, on the top shelf there are yoghurts, on... average gastronomy, and it’s only cheese, and we love sausage, yes, but sausage, sasha, it’s harmful, just like soda, by the way, we’ll drink milk, juices, mineral water, eat vegetables and fruits that should be on the lower shelves, that’s all should be available and in its place, but you can ask why, how , why, because it’s right, and you’re always so right, yes, and as i understand it, in life. are you ok? no, not everything. and why
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does it matter? that's what i'm talking about. order is certainly good, but it doesn’t benefit anyone yet. made me happy. well, what do you propose? leave everything as it is, raise a child in a mess? no, i propose to adhere to the principle of reasonable sufficiency. i will listen to your arguments, you, accordingly, to mine, well, okay, let’s try, that’s great, here are your keys, yeah, and i ask, if this doesn’t bother you, please buy some useful and correct products in refrigerator, uh-huh, good, but unfortunately i have to go to work, sanya, high five, are you leaving already? yes, san. well, it's time to get to work. bye-bye.
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bye, dad. so, well, sasha, you and i have a lot to do today, what kind of things to do? very important. you and i will start putting things in order, starting with your room. all things should be in their place so that they are easy to find. clothes in the closet. on the shelves, toys in drawers, so show me where your toys are? i don't have any toys, how is this? ok, books, clothes, everything drowned when dad and i got into a shipwreck. sasha, when was this shipwreck? the day before tomorrow, that is, the day before yesterday, well, yes. clearly, there is a crisis now, and we half of our employees were fired, and
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we don’t plan to recruit new ones yet, why did you leave your last job, i was laid off too, good employees are not laid off, may i ask the reason for your dismissal, they didn’t tell me it, thank you for your time, goodbye , goodbye. bon appetit. thank you. hello. hello, pavel. are you so early? hello. yes, they let me go early. and i see that you have already gotten used to it. vampire mountain. i wanted to talk to you. yes, sure. sorry, i'm on my way now. yes, yes, mash. well, how much, how much, why do you need so much money? i understand, okay, okay, pavel,
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you don’t need me anymore today, in principle, no, but you yourself wanted to talk, yes, but there was an urgent matter, let’s put it off until tomorrow. come on, thank you, see you tomorrow, bye, sasha, goodbye, bye, goodbye, well, delicious, yummy, let's go, goodbye, yes, nothing, we'll pay the bill, we'll pay, now my friend will come and we'll pay for everything, i told you, wait, here it is... hello, i’ll pay for everything, oh, yulechka, thank you for helping me out, i’ll get
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paid, i’ll give you everything right away, listen, it’s such a shame in general, i’m bigger. not with your foot, just a second, hold on and bring some water, maybe you can still explain to me what happened, come on lera, he invited me here, ate, drank, then someone called him and he left, in general he made me look like a fool, it’s good that there were no consequences, i hope that in the future you will be more careful so as not to become a victim of a swindler, yul, stop, i’m already sick of it, so tell me how yours went first day at work, yes, your water, thank you, thank you. this is not a single father, this is some kind of monster, no, well, can you imagine, the child has no books, no toys, clothes, things, food, he only has pizza boxes and a pair of dirty socks, and a playstation, you understand , what does this mean, he is raising a spartan, no, this is not funny, it means
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that he combines two models of education, liberal. and authoritarian, wait, you can explain it in normal human language, both of these models of upbringing are very dangerous for a child and are completely incompatible. in an authoritarian family, children grow up with low levels of happiness, self-esteem and competence, and in liberals, all this is added to a complete inability to self-control. and what are you going to do about it? of course, convincing pavel to change the approach to an optimal, authoritative model is when parents. they set an example for children as it should be, while at the same time they do not go too far in control. wow, a task, you have already developed a strategy, of course, but first you need to accustom pavel to order, and this seemed like a completely impossible task, it feels like the nanny is needed not only by the child, but also by his father. their home is in chaos, he is completely incapable of raising
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a child, but you are right, material. dissertation unique, well, good morning, hello, pavel, i wanted to ask you a few questions, yes, i wanted to yesterday, but it didn’t work out, wait, but i wanted to ask why there are no things necessary for sasha in the apartment, no clothes, no books , no toys, but he has everything, just in another apartment, that is, they didn’t have time to transfer, well, you can say so, listen, what kind of stupid interrogations early in the morning, let's go, yeah, well, i know, sasha, why don't you eat, you yourself asked for porridge, it's tasteless, well, what do you mean tasteless, i did everything according to the instructions, but the taste is kind of strange, pavel, she it's burnt, didn't you stir it when you cooked it? listen, the instructions don’t say that it had to be stirred, you know what, weren’t you the one who said that
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you can’t follow the rules all the time, you need to adhere to the principle of reasonable dosage. but i didn’t mean cooking porridge, you women always complicate everything, i wonder when it’s me managed to fall into the category of your women, but that’s not what i meant, listen, i’m late, please deal with sasha, goodbye, goodbye, come on! of course we’ll have porridge, but first we’ll put some water on. sasha, i don’t remember where you lived before, you went to kindergarten. hmm, how come you don’t remember this? dad says when our ship got caught in a storm, i hit my head on a rock, so i don't remember anything. okay, do you remember your name? no, but robindoun
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calls me friday. that we will read robinson and play robinsonade. read, well, if you want, read i’ll be there, and you and i will go to the park, find a place on a desert island, build a hut , a real hut, of course, real, wow, how cool, of course, sashenka, do you know where to build a hut, no, but you know , of course, i know, it needs to be built on the eastern side, where the ground is not wet and there is no
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anthill, but do you know how to determine where to sow? where is south? no, do you know? i know, look, here’s a tree, moss grows on it on one side, which means this side is north, you know, and the other side is south. premiere so stop alexander pankratov black next time i won’t miss alexandroky
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, the violators will take off tomorrow under escort in apartment number twenty, clearly anna mikhalkova has assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, are they dipping for you all, or will they kill you? maybe fyodor lavrov, well , look, what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, soon on rtr.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. rum. castro, a product
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of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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titanic luxury collection, i said, i want a white cat, here you come and you’re good, he likes to grab a quiver there, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved... pets, where you are flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, provocation
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is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed , then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism is a parallel agenda, the conversation will continue in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform watch, first podcasts. which we are looking at, please, i am interested in your candidacy, pavel, i think we can make you an offer only if you provide recommendations from your previous place of work, i understand, thank you, i will definitely provide them to you, good evening,
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dobry, where is sasha ? sleeping, sleeping, uh-huh, how did you do it? we had a busy day, i underestimated you. pavel, i wanted to ask you to quickly pick up the things from the old apartment, otherwise it’s high time to wash them. i'm afraid it's not possible now, the owner of the apartment has left. well, then you will have to buy the necessary things, but if you are busy, can i go with him to the auto shop? it's okay, we 'll go ourselves. okay, make a list. necessary things, why, so as not to forget anything, and i won’t forget anything anyway, yes, okay, so, what is sasha’s height, well, he’s growing very quickly, shoe size, everything is clear with you, pavel, you’re not only not you know what your son wears, don't even argue with me, you don't even know him.
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so, until this happens, i can wash the things, tomorrow i’m going to the store, i’m also going with you, this is not discussed, goodbye, see you dates.
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i don’t even understand how a child managed without basic things, was it really impossible to do this before, just go to the store, is it really so difficult, thank you for the boat, but you’re welcome, son, play, well, now i’m calm, now sasha i finally have everything i need for the summer, because of your stupid precision, i spent the whole day shopping around the store instead of doing business, you know what, pavel, if only you were more responsible about your parental responsibilities, you knew him... so
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wait, what are you trying to say that i’m an irresponsible father? i didn’t say this, pavel, but parental responsibilities include not only games, the child also needs to be dressed, fed, taught, in the end, you know what, julia, with all due respect to you, but you, sasha, are not a mother, let’s i’ll help, it’s not hard, so where is his mother, why isn’t she... raising the child, it’s a long story, and i don’t want to talk about it, let me still take the things home , mind my own business, while you take a walk with sasha, okay, dad, wait, we have drawings and map, what drawings, i drew them myself, now we can build a hut, can you help us? okay, anyway, i’m already late,
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of course, i’ll help, let’s go, well , i bought everything i need for the picnic, this is what, is this a shish kebab, are you crazy, pavel, shish kebab is a very unhealthy food, excuse me here i don’t agree with you, skewers and meat are man’s best friends in nature. and i see it’s not the first time you’ve built a hut, yes, i know every tree in this forest, but what do you mean in childhood? in my city there was a forest similar to this one, and we spent a lot of time there with friends spent, built huts, and robinson cruise was my reference book, i dreamed that i would grow up and roam the seas, but let me continue for you, you grew up, the wings of your dreams
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were scorched by the fire of reality, and then you realized that nothing shines for you in your city , no, why i just dreamed of realizing myself, of becoming successful. there is still a tsunami, i wonder what? well, you and i are both lonely and losers, you know, this is too much, dad, and i collected brushwood, great, son, we will need this brushwood for making a fire, for our kebab, after all, kebab, pavel, i already
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told you, kebab is a very unhealthy food, especially for a child, this is unacceptable, i already told you that you sasha is not a mother, just a nanny, so... it’s up to me to decide, when should i treat my child with junk food, when not, great, then without me, be rude to her, yes, well, yes, okay, let’s leave her the meat, maybe she’ll go away, so, hold the skewer, we’ll be on... it’s you, let me come in , please, i want to apologize for being rude to you in
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the forest, let me use your kitchen, kitchen? well, please, just don’t come in for a while and don’t peek. yes, listen, how do you live like this? you just have a disgusting perfect order. but i don’t understand how you can live in a mess. my apartment is not a mess, but an artistic mess. artistic, but your lair is not an anderthal. what do you understand in spartan conditions? well, yes, you understand. so you... do you live alone? for what purpose are you interested? well, i should know who i trust with my child. yes, one, and that suits me very well. stop it, we're
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we understand that this is not so. what do you think? well, every one. “a woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there is an exception, for example, you are a loner, well, i am a man, and you are a woman, and that a man has the right to loneliness, but a woman does not, a man in his loneliness is self-sufficient, but a woman is unhappy , that is, according to you." unhappy, isn't it? you know what, take your kebab to leave, well, it turns out, i was rude again, sorry, but try the kebab anyway, i still
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took it for you from the very forest, goodbye. excellent barbecue, don’t eat it in vain, for your health, oh, mash, you know, i was thinking, i should watch this family in an informal setting, hmm, ah... it seems to me that it’s not about your research, you just have a genuine interest in pavel. yes, well, what are you talking about, i don’t have anything personal towards pavel, i just noticed that his inability to take care of sasha... is not at all due to negligence, to a lack of skills,
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can you imagine, it feels like they have recently lived together , and in general there are a lot of strange things, no one calls him, i don’t i saw him use the phone sometime, then he doesn’t meet with friends, he spends all his free time with his son for some reason, with me, well, this is not normal, but this can be explained by the fact that he is a good family man. and you know, i noticed that you began to talk about him differently and spend more time with him, nothing like that, it’s just that i, as a future social teacher, am simply obliged to support any initiatives that contribute to the formation of responsible fatherhood, and this is rare, look , don't fall in love, keep your distance and control the situation, steering wheels, steering wheels! what, but there are positive aspects to this story:
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first of all, you don’t remember roman anymore? listen, yes, it's true. and secondly, you no longer doubt your suitability. oh, i ate too much. good morning, hello, hello, friday, at, hello, yul, well, sasha, oh, football from the very morning, so, well, sasha, let's see dad off and do a little exercise, yes, where are you hitting, and i'm today you don’t need to go anywhere, you don’t need to go to work, no, you don’t need to, you know what, pavel, if you have a day off, if they could have warned me, i wouldn’t have come. san, sit here for now. i don’t have
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a day off today, and i don’t have work either. but i decided to stay at home because all my previous attempts to find a new job were unsuccessful. the bastard made sure i was blacklisted. listen, pavel, before blaming others for your failures, maybe you should understand yourself. why were you fired? yulia, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m not an ideal father,
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i’ve already noticed this, but i’m ready to correct the situation and listen to your advice if they will be objective and help me in my upbringing, sasha, so i decided to spend today with you so that you show me my mistakes, you are now sincerely saying, absolutely, well, who beats like that, yoshkin? oh, why are you rushing around like a tigorica in a cage, but i can’t take it anymore, mom, this trubnikov continues to ruin my life even after i left him, johnny has already begun to be interested in sasha’s long absence. and i just don’t know what to tell him anymore, what reason to come up with, why he can’t see him, i already have all the reasons
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called, perhaps, impossible, listen, in this situation the most important thing is to behave confidently, no matter what you say or come up with, because this is the only way you can control the situation, mom only has one week left, what if during this time pasha it won’t show up, what will i do then, how long could you stand sasha when you were alone with him, hm? 10 minutes at most, i’m sure pavel will come back soon, he doesn’t have any strength left, give him a little more time, uh-huh, san, have you washed your hands? no, well so quick to wash? what? have i done something
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wrong again? of course you had to go yourself. and wash your hands, show the boy an example, but what difference does it make if the effect is the same, the effect is not the same at all, in the first case you show a positive example, and in the second you order, in my opinion, you ’re just picking on me, because you hate men, but it seems to me that you hate women, that’s not true, so, wait, we switched to you, you started it first? oh, okay, let's finish this discussion, have you washed it? well yes, here you go bon appetit, bon appetit, thank you, thank you, i have designs on you, me too, the premiere on rtr, what can i do to make you
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forgive me, well, well, if you want, i’ll kneel down, but i can see right through her, but she’s lying she lies to you, and so... a special photo facade for the fence - a bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. anything you need to do - fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the
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bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. it's light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout. garden shoes have a shape that is comfortable for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, are very easy to put on, for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or working in the garden, garden shoes are the best solution, garden shoes are made of special ultra-light eva material , thanks to which the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless. the shock-absorbing high sole saves your feet
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from getting wet if you get into a puddle, and the breathable anatomically shaped insole provides comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for... rainy and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. quick, easy and effective interior transformation at an affordable price is a reality. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it you... not only in a matter of minutes update but decorate your usual interior, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning. the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned . the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room,
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kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, but... dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red. two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. call now to order a magnificent century carpet from only 1495. hurry, this is a limited offer. there are so many new things to talk about. well, this time it’s still very nice. this is to congratulate you on your birthday. oh, this is joseph, a holiday with gifts, and now this is my talisman, the singer’s son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well, maybe, well, there’s no need anymore.
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valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim podeev, it was a total shock for me. having driven away, i got to know the second by hello, the one when i hit, the same... the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i can’t express what an alarming time it was for me... these 15 months, i slept poorly, every i saw the night,
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hello, good evening, this is pavel trubnikov, did you call me? and pavel, good evening, this is yuri, remember, you helped my son buy a car at the car dealership, yes, yes, of course, yuri, i will help you i remember, so, i’m calling you with a business proposal, i’m interested, i’ll probably need your knowledge as a design engineer, i’ll be glad to meet you when the interview, yes, i can, and send me the address and text message. okay, thank you, yes, see you,
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why did you come, to see you. roman arkadyevich, go to hell and look for a place among the students, and yulia, yulia, what are those words? tell me,
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is everything okay with you or what? it is not my intention to report to you. oh, from which ax did we switch to you? i didn't understand you have someone or are you waiting for someone? sorry, what 's going on? young man, everything is fine, you go, please. eh, yulia, me. i wanted to tell you to come early tomorrow, okay, everything is fine, yeah, but here it is , here you go, here are the answers to all my questions, roman, stop, pavel, my neighbor, i’m the nanny of his son sasha, what, yulia, babysitter, i ’ll explain everything to him, so, no need to explain anything to me, please tell me, when did you start babysitting this neighbor, don’t insult anyone, what do you know, stop, leave here, both of you, yulia, do you hear, neighbor,
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you should get out of here, and look for another nanny for your baby, well, firstly, yulia is a wonderful nanny, and she suits me, and secondly, i’m not leaving here anywhere, i live here, so i have a lot of time. oh, if i could explain to you what’s what, well, explain, call you the elevator, i’ll go up the stairs, neighbor.
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good morning, are you leaving already? yes, an important job interview, i hope you’ll be lucky today, i wanted to tell you about it yesterday, but you were receiving guests, by the way. well, what difference does it make, this person is no longer in my life, and if i'm not mistaken, yesterday we switched to you, and yes, sorry, i forgot. julia, i want porridge, and dad also wants porridge, uh-huh, porridge, there will be porridge for you, well, i have to go, dad, good luck, good luck, pasha, bye-bye, dad, bye, bye, bye. well, friday, what can you see on
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the horizon? i see robinson, dad, where are you? hello friday, hello robinson, i call and call, no one answers. how can he not answer? oh, i forgot my phone at home. how was your meeting? successful. now i have a job where i won’t have to lie. what kind of work, well, if not a secret? no, it's not a secret. offered to head one very promising project, i will work as a design engineer by profession, congratulations, thank you, palondra, i see pirates, they are approaching, wow, well, recruitment, friday, let's catch up, but as already said, only in a year and 3
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month i saw the savages again. which i ’ll tell you about soon, pasha, i think he’s sleeping, well, i’ll go, or maybe we’ll have dinner together, otherwise after this we’ll have worked up an appetite, right? i don’t promise, but i have no doubt about it, i’m waiting for an answer, i i agree, in half an hour?
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and what, something is wrong, yes, no, everything is fine, it’s just unusual without glasses, please, thank you, thank you. delicious, i told you, but you didn’t yes, i already forgot that i believed in such junk food, well, yes, pasha, i want to confess something to you, i knew it, you’re a secret agent,
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no, i’m serious. “i got a job with you, not because of the money, i was intrigued, and what prompted you to endure the antics of a smug boor and a hooligan boy for a whole week, scientific interest, you are the topic of my dissertation, i uh, well, not you personally, but how you single father. i’m very flattered, well, i hope i lived up to your expectations, well, yes, more than, but can i still ask a question, of course, now that you have admitted your insidious plan, you can ask me any questions, i feel like a guinea pig, tell me, i still don’t understand how you and sasha corrected themselves, well, before i came into your
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family, i’m sorry. you are completely unsuited to life with a child, you are right, it is so, and my answer will be much simpler than it seems, and i am a sunday dad, and i became a single father just a week ago, i didn’t understand, i stole a child, i stole it from you, i mean... are you kidding? no, i'm serious, i stole it from my mother, she and i are divorced. “i’m not going to become an accomplice to the crime, wait, i ’ll explain everything to you, everything is not as you imagine, what i know is quite enough not to have anything
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to do with you, yulia, yulia, wait, that means you she just got up and left, and even if you don’t, you’ll always have time to go to the police, why traumatize the child’s psyche, especially since it’s clear that he loves his father. what about you. do you offer? well, i suggest finding sasha’s mother,
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and let pavel deal with her himself. how to find sasha's mother? pavel definitely won’t give me her address. ottya, sasha trubnikov, sasha trubnikov. “well, i found an address tag in my jacket when i was washing and it says mom victoria, i think you should talk to pavel about this, i have nothing to talk to him about, i’m sure i’m doing the right thing.” yes, yes, that's right,
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hello, hello, please tell me, are you sasha's mother? yes, i really need to talk to you, what's going on. is that i know where your child is, mom, hello, hello, can you imagine, he says, he knows where my son is, so why is he frozen at the door, the neighbors scared everyone away, come in, since you came, well, tell me how they found us, and , i was washing sasha’s jacket and found a piece of paper with the address, i’m his nanny. nanny, we know such nannies, they come in large numbers, at the first opportunity they jump into bed in order to somehow get hooked up in moscow, but you misunderstood me, yes, that’s how we understood you, vika, give me money, an interesting
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turn of events, i don’t understand, i i think dozens that's enough. uh-huh girl, 10,000 is enough for you that i need your money? how are they not needed? why did you come then? i came to return the child to the mother. girl, i don’t believe in these noble deeds. or maybe you just have a crush on pavel, and the child is yours? well, in that case, me? look, i, i don't really care what you think of me? i regret that i told you the address, and in general i understand why pavel didn’t want... to live with both of you, so, everything is clear with this one, vika, let’s get ready before she gets ahead of us, let's go, call me with you, across the river from
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bank to other, what voices you have, so real, natural, bravo, it's always good to go with you. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the perfect tool for digging, clearing and cutting. ensuring maximum results.
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the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. hammer smith razer. the ideal all-purpose shovel for your garden. regular shovels do not cope well with hard, compacted soil. but the razer shovel , with its unique inverted v design featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, cuts through the toughest root systems like butter and strips roots with ease. in sequence. you can easily spend hundreds of euros on special shovels, saws. poles and other tools, but why, if
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you can do even the toughest gardening work with one single tool, call and order a universal hammer smith razer shovel with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened v-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even with the hardest soil without extra effort, with soft... four times and only if you call now which increases the grip area into an incredible hammersmith razer will get you at an incredible price for only 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and available for a short time. if you want twice as much harvest, the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect the plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth and ripening of fruits and... extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide
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quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is stable. corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. select your mini-greenhouse size and get quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. they'll kill me. why are you provoking him? i wanted to help the guy, she
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’s digging for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s going to hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on website, dad, when will yulia come? julia no longer will come. why? did you guys quarrel? no, but where did you get the idea? it’s just that julia’s circumstances have changed. julia has arrived, julia has arrived. sanya, wait, we agreed that only adults open the door. hello, didn't wait, mom. what are you
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doing here? i came to pick up my child. did you mean our child? no, my child. either you forgot that, by court decision, the child remains with me, or maybe for me, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, vika, i understand. sashka, he could have at least pretended to be happy with his mother. look what you've done, you've set it up him against me, he is now afraid of me, congratulations. because you treat him like a toy, not like a child. that's right, to my child. and he will do what i say. so what have you become? let's go home, dad, dad, dad, well, you promised me, son, i'm sorry, i can't do anything, you need to go with mom, dad, well, well, you promised, well, sasha, let's go, quietly, that's it, tomorrow we're leaving for london, you'll study at this school until you graduate, by that time you 'll forget about dad, right, oh, here comes the nanny, tell me thank you to the girl for coming to me before i went to the police. let her pass,
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press the first one, that means you told her. i’m sorry, i didn’t know, well, let me go, sasha, let’s go, well, i don’t want to ruin everyone’s life around me, i don’t want to, you think, and be quiet there, hello, right? oh, yes, that’s it, the issue is resolved, sasha, all i have to do is get him off to this school, and i’ll live my pleasure, well, okay, yes, yes, mom, then i’ll call you, bye, sasha, that’s it.
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now you know everything, i hope you no longer consider me a monster. pasha, forgive me, i i really wanted the best, as they say, with good intentions, you were so obsessed with your desire to do the right thing that you didn’t even listen. me, yes, i made a terrible mistake, but i really want to correct it, let me talk to vika, it’s too late, yulia, she won’t even listen to you, where is sasha? i don’t understand, stop your stupid
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jokes, where is my child, vika, he left with you, my god, he probably ran away, what does that mean? well, i put him in the car for a minute and was literally distracted, for a minute? well maybe two, i had a very important one a telephone conversation so important that you forgot about the child, so stop, parents, stopped sorting things out, we need to look for sasha, my god, he was probably stolen, if you stop being hysterical, we will definitely find him, nina vasilievna, you haven’t seen sasha , of course i saw it, she was crazy, first she took him away, and then came without him, why are you talking to me like that,
4:52 pm
“i lost sasha, well, he ran away from me, son, sash, sash, sanya, sanya, sashenka, sanya , sash, sasha, are you here, sanya, sash, oh, ugh, thank god, is mom with you, sanya, mom’s not there? come out. lord, how did you scare us? promise me you won't do that again, okay? i promise, where's mom? she is gone? no, san, she didn’t leave. she's waiting for you at home. i won't go with her, i'll stay with you. san, i
4:53 pm
’ll explain everything to you now. sasha, thank god, he was found, that’s it, go to mom, i won’t go, you ’re bad, sasha, please, there’s no time, come with me, let’s go, i, i’ll run away from school, i want to stay with dad, sorry, hold him, san, let's agree, hi, johnny, hello, darly. how are you? glad to hear you to. well, i thought it would be better if you come without the kid. in this case, would have more time for just the two of us. what do you think about this? maybe you're right, it will be better. yeah, okay.
4:54 pm
bye. sasha, please forgive me, i really thought it would be better for you. “ it’s not easy for me to make such a decision, but i’m going to london one day, sasha, let him stay with you, you’re serious, absolutely, i’ll come to you once a month every day, call on skype, you promise, i promise.” i love you, son, and i love you too, take care of him, pipe workers,
4:55 pm
thank you, good luck to you, let's go san. oh, well, thank god, he’s alive and well. mother knows. yes, now sasha will live with me, iika and i agreed on everything. well, okay. or maybe something will work out.
4:56 pm
i hope during this time you realized that not all muscovites are the same, high five, let's go, let's go, san.
4:57 pm
oh, yulia, are you on vacation? yes, roman arkadyevich, i, i came to pick up my things, i ’m quitting, yeah, i’ve finally decided, i’ve decided, i’ll go back to graduate school, i have the material for my dissertation. now there is, and being single is not so bad, yulia
4:58 pm
nikolaevna, we will really miss you and marina, you see, and i’m telling you, you need to write a dissertation, i’m sorry, i admit that i was wrong about the muscovite. did you come to say this? of course, i could say that you are the girl
4:59 pm
who restored my faith in love and relationships, well then i could say that thanks to you, i believed in myself, understood what i want and... and i’m even ready recognize that perfect order is not always needed.
5:00 pm
hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly o'clock: hundreds of drone missiles, iran launched a massive attack on israel. russia calls for restraint. increased.


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