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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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poteshkin, nikolay, hello, who is holding it for what purpose? hello, irina, tractors and other machines are inspected by state technical supervision specialists. such control is necessary primarily to ensure that the machine is in good working order and to prevent accidents while working in the fields. last year, 14 industrial accidents due to broken equipment were registered in the region, so inspectors pay special attention to the condition of the brake system, the presence of wheel chocks and serviceability. thank you very much nikolay, good news to you, we are moving on to salihard, where we celebrated the anniversary of one of the iconic battles in the history of russia, the battle of the ice , my colleague dmitry usov joins us live, dmitry, hello, how was the celebration? hello, irina, the central event was the reconstruction of a fight familiar to every russian from school.
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it was necessary to give away 25 cows, and today such a set costs approximately 25,000 rubles. thank you very much, dmitry, have a good broadcast, then we continue with the residents of moscow and areas. investigators are working on searches, seizures of documents and no operations at timur khaidarov’s plastic surgery clinic to determine the cause of the patient’s death. a modern space with a floating bridge and a bay for boats in moscow will transform the territory of the south port. variations on pointe shoes, basics of classical music. immersion in the image
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the legendary lavrovsky school has a new building, who can study here? iboric saw, rains and winds up to 20 m/s. all this awaits muscovites today. the investigative committee suspended the clinic's activities today surgeon timur khaidarov iq plastic. operatives conducted massive searches in all medical institutions in khaidarov. in order to complete a comprehensive investigation into the criminal case, forensic examinations have been appointed; in view of the identified violations by the management of the clinic, at the initiative of the investigation , the provision of a number of services provided in the clinic of timur khaidarov has been suspended. the operating room has been sealed and the investigation continues. let me remind you that in february
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the famous producer pyotr gavrilov died in the clinic. he wanted to get rid of the excess weight, but got blood poisoning. he was only 35 years old. now the investigation is identifying other victims, but earlier it became known that at least 34 operations in khaidarov’s clinics were performed improperly, that is, they posed a real danger to people’s lives. 30 m above the water, a floating one will appear on the territory of the southern port. embankment, it will consist of several levels, and the highest of them will be made transparent: walking areas will be arranged on the lower tiers, and outdoor swimming pools and floating bathhouses will also appear along the moscow river, and on the side of the kozhukhovsky backwater, a bay for boats and boats will be built, the coastline will be divided into thematic zones, and in total they plan to reconstruct about 2 km of embankments. seven more automobile and pedestrian bridges will appear in the capital. some of them are still in
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the design stage, work is already in full swing at other sites, where the river banks will be connected by new crossings and how much travel time muscovites can save after their opening, artyom kuznetsov found out everything. this area is good in mnemnik, where we are now, on the other side there is filyovsky park, so to get from the mnemnike metro station, which is literally a few meters from us, to these residential buildings or a clinic, the detour navigator offers 30 minutes by car and 50 by public transport. by the way, with the opening of the road bridge, travel time will be reduced by 10 times. the length of the roadway is 230 m, with two lanes in each direction for cars. they didn’t forget about pedestrians, there are two sidewalks, the left one is only for walking, and the right one is also combined with a bicycle path. well, we are waiting for the opening so that we can go even further walk where we used to walk behind the bridge. so we arrive at filili, here we wait for a very long time for this bus, until we go to this clinic, and of course we need a bridge. so walk for 5 minutes. the construction work is over,
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the workers have begun architectural design, wearing white suits and holding a special apparatus in their hands, removing rust and dirt millimeter by millimeter. this process is not quick, but it is mandatory, sandblasting . according to the architects, the spans of the bridge will be painted light gray, and the side parts, together with the pylons, will be painted in bright red. architectural lighting will be installed here both on the supports and on the braces, you see, here is the hole, these holes are small, these holes, yes, that is, there will be about 3,500 lanterns, that is, some small lanterns, small lanterns, and there will be large pressures, illuminated lanterns . the first bridge in moscow was on... complex engineering structures connecting the banks of large and small rivers, and their construction continues. in 2011, 31 road bridges were built in the city across military barriers;
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the design is now in the implementation stages seven more such bridges are under construction. the bridge that will connect the coastal passage shili pikinskaya on... and the shelepikha highway began to be built at the end of last year. it is of course difficult to assess the scale of the future land bridge, but from the height you can clearly see how big it will be, three lanes in one direction, three in the other. workers are now assembling the span and will begin sliding very soon. 315 m, this is the length of the future road bridge. with its opening , the load on the third transport ring will decrease by 8%, and people will travel faster kutuzovsky avenue and shelepikhinsky bridge. generally speaking, the bridge will be beautiful, in addition to the fact that there are arches. they are unusual, they are so, so, let’s say, they will look very good with the collapse, plus they are one more relative to the other with a running start, plus there will be architectural lighting, bridges are also the calling cards of the city, they are photographed, they serve as observation platforms, here they walk and conduct excursions, each bridge, it
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becomes like a bright image of the city, and it opens the gate for us, as they say, to the area on the other side, that is, a bridge is something. this particular area becomes an attractive force. they promise to launch traffic on the two bridges under construction next year. artyom kuznetsov, alexey yaldin and maryana pepanyan, lead. the ministry of emergency situations warned of increased wind in the capital. in the stadium driveway, a sharp gust toppled a tree directly onto a car. the driver, who was leaving the parking lot at that moment, was injured. he needed medical help. muscovites were asked not to park near shaky structures, but in addition, rain is expected throughout the day. v at night there is even sleet in the forecast . be careful, people who are weather sensitive need to be careful. barometer readings have rushed down and have now reached abnormally low values. the pressure will be low throughout this week, since moscow will be on the southern
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periphery of the cyclone, well below normal by about 8-10 mm, today on monday even by 12 mm, this is due to the fact that on the night of... monday and a frontal section passed through moscow. it will be damp and rainy until the end of the week, but even in the cloudy capital you can find real spring. sakura blossomed in the apothecary garden. this is a tsakhali cherry variety. the first buds have already appeared on the branches, and soon the tree will turn into a pink cloud. you can find it near the subtropical greenhouse. the lavrovsky chareography school celebrates its housewarming in the year of its thirtieth anniversary; the educational institution has finally found its foundation. own house, previously she had to rent space for lessons and rehearsals, alexandra bystritskaya managed to look into the backstage of the magical ballet world. morning, but already warm rays of the sun spread throughout the ballet class, the artist takes a deep breath, grand peruet.
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children from 10 to 18 years old study here, 6 days a week, the workload is colossal, 46 hours, it seems that young dancers don’t have 24 hours in a day, because somehow they still have time to go to lessons. every librett has the plot of a literary work, when a child in the future is already a ballet dancer, he must feel it, carry it through himself, not everyone can withstand such loads, not every child who comes to ballet school ends up with him, of course, this is a big hard work and not feeling sorry for yourself, my teachers are very strict, sometimes i really feel sorry for them, for which i then scold myself, the world of ballet is full of secret superstitions, for example, you can’t step over the legs of another artist, this is bad. each ballerina ties the laces on her pointe shoes in her own way. crossing pointe shoes is the only thing i can't afford to go out without. this year the school, which bears the name of the legendary artist and bullet master leonid lavrovsky , turns 30 years old. all this time it rented premises, but recently the pupils
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teachers moved to their own building on cheplygina street. there are twice as many rooms for classes and rehearsals. the artists have already gotten used to the new halls. i want to go to the theater, to the theater. they will celebrate in their own home. the area of ​​the new building is 5.00 km2, there are 11 spacious ballet classrooms and nine for lessons, as well as a large concert hall. now this is what the lavrovsky choreographic school looks like. at the very beginning of work back in the nineties, world- famous masters of russian ballet were invited as choreographers. among them there was also mikhail leonidovich lavrovsky. for a long time he remained the artistic director of the school. since 2006, the school has been named after his father, a national artist. ussr, leonid mikhailovich lavrovsky. his 1940 production of romeo and juliet with
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galina ulanova is an undisputed masterpiece. it was under him that the era of triumphant foreign tours of soviet ballet around the world opened. and absolute mutual trust and respect for their students helps teachers achieve real results. when i arrived, i didn’t fire a single teacher. i you know i left everyone, general education, special education, those teachers who worked here from the foundation. so they give us this wave of succession. for the teachers of the choreographic school named after leonid mikhailovich lavrovsky, it is important not only to teach young dancers to develop talent and hard work, but to preserve the traditions of russian classical ballet. alexandra bostritskaya, dmitry shestukhin, anton odarchenko and alena fillatova, vesti. a swindler suspected of a series of robberies of taxi drivers was detained in the moscow region. according to the investigator the attacker and his accomplice called a car. before driving to your destination without threatening the taxi driver with a knife. they demanded to transfer money from his card and took all the cash. after the robbers fled, the driver
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called the police. operatives identified one of them. he is detained. it turned out that this is far from the only case of taxi drivers being deceived. so he asked one of them to top up his bank account with 31,000 rubles. promising to return the money in cash upon arrival. however, after the end of the trip , the attacker got out of the car and disappeared. in addition, the defendant with...
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met a certain sergei kudinov, he convinced her to interrupt any communication with relatives and volunteered to look after
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the lonely woman himself, he gained her confidence, and became friends, then, and she told her that she had dacha in monina, he said, let me live in it, and for this i will renovate the house, then after some time he said, let’s better sell and buy a ready-made house, but since... one plot is not enough to to buy a good house, you also have an apartment that you rent out, let's sell this apartment, and then kudinov's son dmitry appeared and invited ella petrovna to buy another apartment from her, he simply slipped her a sales contract, and after some time he told her to write a receipt, by hand, that she allegedly received 8,200 rubles, she wrote it all, but she didn’t have any money... well, the misadventures
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didn’t end there, having lost two apartments, ella petrovna moved into the house of her late husband, which she inherited, literally on the street she met a certain nargiza korenkova. she says: how will you live now, who with you, you are completely helpless, let me look after you. i realized that all this time she had been mercilessly deceived; it was already too late. contact the police immediately, with any offers to take care of you, in exchange for your housing, contact those relatives that you have, contact the district police, contact the police, contact the prosecutor's office, do not remain silent, because if you are
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promised mountains of gold, which do not always turn out to be golden, but just turn out to be broken troughs. now relatives. the new building of school 1474 opened today in the khovrin area, everything is detailed immediately after the advertisement, wait, they say, we need to prepare for rest, we need to rest. you need to be able to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, kalinon belek is
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a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true reality. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, i was put down, they lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we have
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then there was a famine, here comes the grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this cereal to the drive and says: baby: feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, support in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr alla taxi in previous episodes you it’s easy for alla to tax something drives not only the car pine yeah good, well, hello to all taxi companies, guys, but consider this my personal request, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary, thank god you
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’re getting me a job as a director, having survived the betrayal, alla is ready for... a new relationship, please come out , for me, only my ex-husband is not ready to get out of her way, i feel that you love me, no, i, damn it, love my taxi driver, i’m buying a taxi fleet, let me introduce the new director, have you jumped, i mean, got what i wanted hello taxi. we are watching the continuation today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. important information for drivers. today , part of the kaluga highway towards the region was blocked; the restriction applies only at night. at this time, you cannot drive along the section of the road from the village of mamri to the exit from the alternate. the restrictions will last until april 20.
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this is due to construction work; motorists are advised to plan detour routes in advance. in the basmanny district , unique gas lamps were put in order as part of spring general cleaning. the only ones in capital, they are installed in mruzovsky lane and serve them. mosgaz specialists, after the winter, cleaned all the lampshades from soot, checked the quality of the glow and carried out maintenance on the burners and automatic systems. the atmospheric combustion lantern periodically collects dust on the surface, which must be removed. also replacing track caps, these track caps are the main element that generates light. these lanterns are an exact copy of those... that were installed in the capital in the 19th century, the lamps operate automatically, with the onset of dusk, they light up, with dawn they go out. classrooms, transformers,
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lecture halls, our own it training ground, modern laboratories. a school for five thousand places was opened in khovrin. pupils of the tenth and eleventh grades have already started classes there. what are their impressions of the new space and how the educational process is organized. maxim aparin will tell you everything. large, bright, but at the same time. very cozy, new school 1474 in khovarino was immediately liked by all the students; they also appreciated the style of the interior decoration looks like a university school, i'm going to enter the higher school of economics, and this school is very large, there is a lot of glass, space, i feel quite comfortable here, i think that this will help me adapt better to the new university, when we moved from our old building into this new building, we felt a sense of freedom, to separate junior and senior schoolchildren, now future applicants have their own building. on 9.00 square meters, in addition to the usual offices, there is a laboratory and research complex, it-training ground where children can
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improve in 3d modeling and work technology, information center and media library. i really like the media space, so we decided that the media space, we will not conduct lessons there, we will give the children the opportunity to be active. the school is open until 9 pm here. center of attraction. schools and the main pride of the architects is the atrium, something like an assembly hall, but the door here will always be open and not only during events. during breaks you can chat, prepare for a lesson or charge a gadget. the atrium can be a lecture hall, a concert hall and even a theater stage. tomorrow they will begin summing up the results of the school theater festival. the scene here is almost professional, there are real backstage scenes and there is even an artistic stage. work began in january twenty-one, the schools were built according to an individual project. it was necessary to embody the ideas of the school, the ideas of moscow, to create for children exactly such multifunctional spaces
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in a small, insignificant area. today the mayor of the capital visited the new school. i congratulate you on your new strength, we are trying to make sure that our new schools are spacious and bright, because our feelings in life largely depend on the kind of memories that schools create. life, everything that happens to us during our school years is remembered for a very long time. the school is connected to the old building by a passage in which a winter garden will be created, which will open in the near future. maxim abarin, alexander kucherovsky, markokov, lead. today the sovremennik theater museum opened in moscow. its space is divided into two zones. the first section is devoted to the period from 1956 to 70, when the corpse was in charge.
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the opening is timed to coincide with the birthday of a contemporary; guests will be able to see unique documents, photographs, posters and programs for performances. in our program today, we talk about the artists who volunteered to go to the northern military district zone; they preferred service in payouts, the risky work of artillerymen and military corrobors, to filming. more on this at 15:00. the next episode of federal news will air at 16:00. all news always.


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