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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:59pm MSK

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to the end, and what do you tell me to do, sit and wait until they come for me and put me in prison under this terrible article, a bouquet of dust flowers premieres on saturday on rtr, the abnormal heat in moscow is being replaced by abnormal cold, heavy rain, hurricane winds and even snow is closer by the end of the week, well, footage from krasnoyarsk, there is a double rainbow, speech. natural phenomenon and the atmosphere of the real mars due to sand pain, watch the news, bye, on the air of the russia tv channel, big news in the studio ernest motskevichus, hello, the main events of this monday in our release. we see how water easily
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carries away reinforced concrete blocks, the bank and part of the dam collapsed before the eyes of the news correspondent. the situation is difficult in the tomsk region, a colossal body of water is moving towards kurgan, residents are being asked to evacuate, as people are preparing to stop the disaster, where the water is already leaving. resettlement from emergency housing, medical personnel, a new fleet for transporting cargo to the north-south corridor, demographic. questions and, of course, assistance to svo participants. conversation between the president and the heads of the astrakhan and volgograd regions. what are the tasks of the chapter states set on the eve of regional elections. at least nine iranian missiles reached their target, breaking through israeli air defenses. what kind of missiles were these, why is tel aviv slow to answer? what awaits the region in the coming days. the fab strikes the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the village of urozhainae in the zaporozhye region.
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thousands of ukrainian men are storming the consulate in european capitals in order to get documents before the law comes into effect, it was he who diverted the emergency moment-29 from the podium... before the court, on all charges, trump faces the first ever ex-us president to appear 136 years in prison. french trade unions begin olympic strike. complete the water sports center for the games. if they don’t have time,
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they will swim at the rugby stadium. industrial tourism program. why did german chancellor scholf fly to china, why now? an opposition deputy runs up to the majority leader and punches him in the head. what happened in the georgian parliament. and the armed criminal attacked. priest during service in australia in sydney riots. all emergency services in russia are in a state of complete mobilization due to large-scale spring floods. the kremlin reported this today. almost 16,000 houses have already been flooded throughout the country. particular attention is now paid to the kurgan
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region. in 10 hours, the level of the tabol river rose by almost 65 cm and continues to rise. the epicenter of the disaster is located 10 km from the regional center; in the very near future , a colossal volume of melt water can reach the city. authorities are calling on residents of the right bank of kurgan to evacuate. protective dams are being built in dangerous areas, and additional rescue forces have been sent there. in in the tyumen region, in order to prevent flooding, rescuers are blasting ice on the ishim river. the peak of the flood is expected in 2-3 days, and , according to forecasts, it could become a record one. and in buryat, the settlement is threatened by the selenga river. due to the ice jam in the riverbed , several villages have already been drowned. local residents began to leave their homes. iztom region, where a state of emergency was introduced in four villages due to flooding. andrey malanov's report from
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the orenburg region, where the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived again today, is reported by ruslan bikbulatov. that... just collapsed behind me a large piece of shore, this is part of an earthen dam in the area of ​​the communal bridge, we see how water easily carries away reinforced concrete blocks, powerful streams have already washed away the road under the bridge and continue to destroy the earthen dam, there is no threat to the bridge itself, its concrete foundation is deep underground, a waterfall , probably, the water level in the tom river has reached...
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the trucks could not pass the high-capacity ural three-axle vehicle, it was already starting to demolish it, this morning cars are already passing through, and this indicates that the logistics connection with populated areas restored. in the tomsk region , almost 140 houses remain flooded,
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temporary accommodation centers are in constant readiness, more than 80 people have already left dangerous areas, and a state of emergency has been declared in a number of villages due to the flooding of houses. rescuers are monitoring the situation with ice drift around the clock, the forecast is still alarming, despite the fact that in the upper reaches of the tami a drop in the river level is noted, in the next 3 days the water may rise again. andrey malanov, evgeny losinok, vesti tomsk. today they hold hands tightly, although a week ago they barely knew the names.
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in the past, you couldn’t see the ural from here until the river bed was 2 km away, but these days the water has gotten closer than ever, almost densely up to the nearest residential buildings, ten meters away. as a result, a dam with a length of one and a half kilometers grew, it protected at least a hundred houses, a factory and a kindergarten from water, and in front of incredible unity, the elements
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retreated. general cleaning has already begun in orsk, hundreds of teams are carrying out disinfection, liquidation of the consequences of the flood and assessment work are underway. valuable things have already reached the village of elek, already goes up into the yard, the whole garden is completely floating, the rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations is ahead of the flood, they come to houses where disabled people, elderly people, small children live, help to leave the home before the big water arrives. the water is coming, it will come here too,
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the lights will be turned off, and it will be cold in the house. in ileika, the ministry of emergency situations has been strengthened by rescuers from tatarstan and the samara region. the village expects to be protected by an embankment dam ; construction began 10 days ago. vladimir putin today supported the decision of the governors of astrakhan and volgograd regions to nominate their candidates for the upcoming elections to the heads of regions. during the conversation with igor babushkin and andrei bacharov, the conversation turned to support for the participants in the special operation and their families. so both regions plan to open specialized rehabilitation and recovery centers. in addition, in each region there are already several dozen programs to help our soldiers. about support measures, about the socio-economic development of astrakhan.
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report to you about the participation of astrakhan citizens in a special military operation on one-time payments to svo participants and members of their families from the regional budget have already been allocated 1.5 billion rubles. we have introduced 24 regional measures of social support for such families. in the region, the governor reports, they have solved the problem of defrauded shareholders, some have been waiting for this for 17 years, and have resettled emergency housing ahead of schedule. there are problems in housing and communal services. the water supply system in the historical center of astrakhan is almost completely worn out. in total, we resettled 2,663 people from 167 apartment buildings, received
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additional funds last year, the next stage, you just talked about construction, but according to my data, there is still a slight decrease, the deterioration of networks is 92%, of course, this is very large, it can be a deterrent , i have already issued an order to the deputy prime ministers, they have fallen asleep, i will talk to him again so that he i certainly supported you, this needs to be done completely... it is fulfilling the plan for the national project for safe and high-quality roads, now they are building a northern one and planning an eastern bypass of astrakhan. for water communication, 15 million cubic meters of soil were lifted from the bottom of the volga-caspian canal over 2 years. the shipyard is provided orders for 2 years in advance. you mentioned two free economic zones, lotus and portal, how do you assess the situation there? now it is very important to increase cargo flow -
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to do for the development of astrakhny, astrakhan region in the near future. in the same way, out of desire for success, the president responded to the request of the head of the volgograd region to support his nomination for the next term. he began his report with the svo. today, 35 regional support measures are operating in the region; all those wounded at the front are provided with transport. comrades, start your cars. andrey bucharov himself went from an officer to the head of the region. in the mid-nineties, he, then still komrote, fought terrorism in the north caucasus.
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a wide-format center that will deal with restoration on the one hand, in 5-7 years a full-fledged rehabilitation, support, coordination of medical care will be created, but also employment for our participants in the special military operation, as well as members of their families. last year, 600 km of roads were repaired in the region, and the new volgograd bypass will expand capacity of the north-south corridor. you have a lot. i look at the projects, it’s just that they are so different from different industries, this of course creates confidence in the development of the region’s economy in the medium term, even in the more distant future, but i looked and still the share of emergency housing remains quite high, the second stage of the program will be completed, the established deadlines, the tasks that you set, they will be completed, over the past five years, under the national education project in the region, 302 schools have been put into operation, almost for 2000.
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we believe that we need to introduce additional support measures here, we are considering them, vladimirovich, we understand what we need to do, the work is really big, a lot has been done, but you are all set to go. as they say, and i certainly wish you good luck, well, of course, you need to work with people, directly in dialogue with residents, to determine priorities for the near future. the governor sent his proposals for the development of military-patriotic education to moscow, and also asked for help with the repair of bridges. the president promised to support both. alexey button on the lundovskaya arena tretyakova. news. almost a thousand servicemen were lost in the ssu per day in the northern military district zone. according to the russian ministry of defense, the enemy suffered the most significant losses - 420 nationalists - in the donetsk
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direction. there, russian fighters occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on three brigs. armed forces of ukraine in the areas of belogorovka, novy and krasnogorovka. in the kupinsky and south donetsk directions, our troops improved the position along the front line. actively working along the entire front line aviation, under the attack , su-34 fighter-bombers destroyed enemy command posts and manpower with air bombs with a correction module. in this video, factories hit ukrainian armed forces positions near the village of urozhaynoye in the zaporozhye region. and these are attacks by gliding bombs on targets of ukrainian formations in the kurakhov area. in the vicinity of chasoy yar, ukrainian positions are attacked with missiles by mi-28 and k-52 attack helicopters. during the day, our military personnel destroyed 270 enemy drones in their zone. the targets of militant attacks include civilian objects. about the fight against attack
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drones in the kherson region, a report by vesti military correspondent leonid muravyov. he just woke up, everything was already lying on him, you know, it’s suddenly so creepy, glass was broken, brickwork collapsed everywhere, pieces of slate were scattered, the blast wave after the apu strike was felt by all the residents of the small village of razdolnoye, such destruction was caused by just one rocket, they hit with precision in an apartment building. this apartment is on the fourth, top floor, as a result of a direct hit on the roof, it collapsed along with the ceiling, it’s everywhere now. broken bricks mixed with personal belongings and broken furniture. the explosion was so strong that glazing was damaged even in houses located within a radius of more than 100 m. the impact occurred around noon, many residents of the house were at work, children were at school. during the shelling, one person was killed, four civilians received various fragmentation injuries. razdolnaya was included in kiev’s war crimes report for the first time.
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using nato weapons and the latest drones, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is increasingly strikes. in settlements located much further than the fifteen-kilometer zone along the dnieper. this arrival of fragments cut everything here. this is the village of velikie kapani. kamikaze drones strike the busiest places. market, shops, gas stations. using drones, ukrainian soldiers remotely mine roads. here are the marines of the black sea fleet destroying a discovered anti-tank mine on the spot. at night, she was brought and dropped by baba ega, a powerful drone capable of lifting cargo. tens of kilograms, you can imagine that not only can a terrible thing happen to passenger vehicles, but also to armored vehicles after such an explosion, so it is necessary to detect such mines in time to prevent the loss of personnel. when there are not enough mines, ukrainian drones sow the roads on the left bank of the dnieper with miniezhs, welded reinforcement cuts
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the wheels, immobilized vehicles, even civilian ones, are finished off with kamikaze drones. they are very dangerous, they do not fly alone, they fly with a scout, it turns out that they have found the target, they just take it and dive. military personnel of the dnepr group learned effectively fight ukrainian drones, some of them, after a forced landing, are repaired right on the front line, in workshops like these. every day, the marines of the northern fleet alone transfer 10 kamikaze drones to the unit. the need arose after the first one. we have the first test flights, that is, these are the first breakdowns, they need to be eliminated, and then trophy birds appeared, as if we are already looking at what our enemy is using, somehow we are re-educating them, we are already placing them in our system, that is, ukrainian drones are flying - and then flying back, captured drones are sinking boats with
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ukrainian landing forces, it seems that the ukrainian armed forces command is driving soldiers to probably death, the enemy is using quite... cannibalistic methods of reconnaissance, in fact, they reveal our firing positions by fishing live bait, they send a boat with a landing party almost every few hours, this boat with a landing party is naturally hit, at this time all enemy reconnaissance means are trying to figure out the firing positions. most of the boats carrying ukrainian troops are destroyed still on the way, if a year ago the confrontation on the dnieper was entirely artillery duels, now for the most part. drone war, the one who flies higher wins and hits more powerfully. leonid muravyov and andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. the legendary pilot has passed away. tester, hero of russia, anatoly kvochur, he flew the latest domestic aircraft into the sky, he himself invented aerobatic maneuvers and set 11 world records, but his name is known
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far beyond the borders of our country not only due to the highest professionalism. it was he who, risking his life, once prevented a tragedy at the lebourg air show. tomorrow anatoly kvocher would have turned 72 years old. about how we will remember him. mikhail fedotov. the su-27 fighter takes off from the runway within a few seconds and performs an aerobatics bell when the plane, after a sharp climb to altitude, literally hangs in the sky and begins to stall. at the helm was the honored test pilot, hero of russia anatoly kvochur, who came up with this aerial maneuver. after landing he did something discusses with the team. and this is footage from max near moscow. a demonstration flight on a su-27 fighter freezes above the clouds. the flight went well, we completed part of the complex. and then a separate element that
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we think still needs to be worked on. and he worked, testing the entire line of modern combat aircraft that flew and are still flying in our troops. 90 different fighters, almost 5,000 flight hours, 11 world records. another legendary pilot, victor, remembers his friend and colleague. with the hero of the russian federation, honored pilots, with a man who flew on all types of aircraft, well... testers have since mastered almost all aircraft of the su and mik brands, the first to take off and land on the deck
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of an aircraft carrier at night. it was impossible not to admire his aerobatics, it was a polished, beautiful complex of aerobatics at extreme overloads, it was simply very cool to watch. in 1989, at the air show in lebourg, anatoly quacher took the mig-20 away from the podium with spectators. whose one engine failed, in a split second he managed to direct the plane to an empty piece of the airfield, he himself ejected when only a few meters remained before the collision with the ground. there were such pretty crazy ideas that it would be possible to fly there somehow on one engine, well, later, when i recovered, i tried it, it’s impossible. in the nineties , anatoly kvocher made an ultra-long flight to australia on an su-27.
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secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev called on all parties to show restraint in order to prevent an escalation of the conflict in the middle east. today he held telephone conversations with his
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israeli counterpart tzachi hanegbi. as it was emphasized during the conversation, russia stands for resolving the disagreement exclusively through political and diplomatic means. meanwhile, israeli prime minister netanyahu instructed the army to propose targets in iran, hitting which would send a clear message. that it could be a facility in tehran or a cyber attack. tel aviv's goal is to cause damage without provoking a large-scale war. the israeli army has announced a training exercise on the border with lebanon for tomorrow. about about what other steps the israeli government may decide to take after the night attack by iran. our columnist, alexander khristenko. the principle of strategic uncertainty, which western countries love to use in relations, has reached its apogee in the middle east. iran's largest-ever drone attack on israel, which was a response to the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, israel's war cabinet met again this afternoon to decide how to respond.
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sources report that at... at a three-hour options for action were discussed at the meeting. quote: varying intensities, including painful ones. the whole world froze in anticipation: will this israeli response become a prologue to a full-scale war? the incident is inexhaustible, faced with the iranian threat, we will build a regional coalition and exact a price from tehran at the right time and in the right way. iran, in turn, is satisfied with the retaliation operation called true promise and warns.
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many times we don't want to see a war with iran, we don't want this conflict to expand worsened further. when biden spoke to netanyahu on saturday evening, he first congratulated him on his incredible military achievement. western intelligence claims that out of more than one and a half hundred drones and dozens of missiles, the vast majority were neutralized. in turn, iranian media report that all hypersonic missiles launched by tehran overcame
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anti-aircraft systems. iranians, in this sense it is a draw. the us is telling israel: take your winnings and stop there, the rest of the world is saying the same thing, but it doesn't look like netanyahu will do that. israeli society is demanding a tough response for the first time since the iranian revolution of 79. israel was attacked directly from iranian territory. at the same time, there are reportedly no victims of major destruction on the ground; the involvement of the american, british and french air forces played a significant role in this. as the wall street journal writes, such support is not at all guaranteed if israel itself goes on the attack. whether israel and its supporters will be able to repeat this result in a full-scale war remains an open question is israel's ability to defend itself without outside help.
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a retaliatory strike on iranian soil could lead to... far more destructive retaliation, but no response at all, or too little a response, could also undermine deterrence. the attack involving missiles and drones became the topic of an urgent meeting of the un security council, where the parties to the conflict blamed each other, the west unanimously supported israel, some arab countries, and iran. russia called on all parties to show restraint, while permanent representative vasily nebenzya called the current aggravation a direct consequence of the west’s reluctance to condemn israeli strikes on diplomatic targets.
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today we are going to do everything we can to prevent the situation from escalating, so we are going to try to convince israel that we should not respond by escalating, but rather by isolating iran. the consequences threaten to undermine not only global security, but also global energy markets. despite tough sanctions, iran has increased oil sales over the past 2 years by more than 20%, to 3.5 million barrels per day, representing just over 3% of global supply. in anticipation of iranian strikes
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on friday, oil mark. brand jumped from 90 to 92 dollars per barrel, but then, when it became clear that there would be no sudden attack, it returned to its previous values ​​and has now even dropped a little lower; overall, over the year, oil prices have risen by 16... that is, the risk premium is already included in the price, however, according to city group forecasts, a barrel of $100 is still possible, the price will directly depend on israel’s response. one senior intelligence official said to me that iran, before the attack on israel , essentially gave the united states time to raise more air defenses, and this was a clear signal that iran does not want a big escalation that would force israel to respond in such a way that they would become embroiled with the united states. on the other side.
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the onset of which most countries are now trying to prevent. alexander khristenko, maria egorova, alexey mashchikov, news! the west's different reactions to conflicts in the middle east in ukraine have cost europe dearly. this. josep borel admitted today at a conference on regional security in paris. according to the head of european diplomacy, the arab world, asia and latin america have already drawn dangerous conclusions about the double standards of brussels' policy, which failed to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and tens of thousands of victims in the gas sector. emmanuel macron took it upon himself to explain why the conflict in ukraine is different. at first, and then he admitted that he had relations with russian and israeli athletes.
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it turns out scholz came to make peace, because last year germany adopted its first ever strategy on china, which indicated that china poses a serious threat to german interests, he’s scary. mania and the famous german automobile industry, chinese electric cars, which are rapidly conquering world markets, which is why the germans are forced to reduce their own automobile production ; last year , 40% fewer cars came off german assembly lines, all because germany simply overslept the turn towards
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electric vehicles, pointing out that this could trigger a trade war and threaten jobs in germany. in general, the task is difficult, to promote interests german companies, but so as not to go beyond the european union, which aims to reduce dependence on china, and apparently... so as not to provoke beijing once again, scholz did not take with him the head of the foreign ministry, annalena berbak, the frau minister is known for her harsh statements addressed to the prc and personally by the russian chairman, whom she even accused of collaborating with moscow to help russia achieve its aggressive goals, which is why europe and countries around the world provide support to ukraine. scholz already said all this in beijing in 2022, but the chinese leader is had no effect. china is staying away from the conflict, it was allowed. which considers it possible only through negotiations and taking into account security guarantees for everyone. alexander baalsky nakoshkin, nikolai petrov, news, beijing bureau. and roman golovchenko. the main task of the government of russia and belarus now is to ensure clear and
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prompt implementation of the decisions made by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. and there are already concrete results. so, at the end of last year, our countries achieved a record trade turnover of over 4 trillion rubles. about this. the decisions of today's negotiations in the white house are given special importance at the highest level. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko met in the kremlin last week, then the belarusian leader said, quote: the prime minister needs to draw a path. the task of governments is to ensure strict implementation of all agreements reached. together, moscow and minsk are developing the space sector. mikhail mishustin congratulated on the historical event, the flight of the first female cosmonaut and the objects that took part in this launch pad belarusian builders. these achievements symbolize what i would say
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is an unprecedented level of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of high technology and science. in belarus, 40% of electricity is now generated by the most high-tech, youngest and safest nuclear power plant in europe, beloes. it was built by rosatom, and the second reactor was launched in november. two blocks provide 40%, quiet environment. there was no fire impact, no impact from unmanned aerial vehicles, causes.
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connect to solutions that are important for the russian state tasks, because for russia this is only a plus, this means 3-4 million additional workers, engineering personnel, there is no need to spend money on new capacities, all our competencies, we are ready for different types, and for transporting both passengers and cargo, therefore we are embarking on such deep cooperation in the field of aircraft construction on the basis of... mutual benefit and equal use of technologies, and, very importantly, common production capacities. belarus, which does not have its own access to the sea, now uses for its exports the capabilities of nineteen russian ports, instead of the baltic ones, and are preparing to take part in construction. people's artist of russia olga volkova. she is called the queen of the episode, bright, organic, sharp-tongued. olga vladimirovna’s calling card has become light tragicomic roles, behind each of which there is a great deal of hard work. talent, the actress celebrates her anniversary with new projects in
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cinema and theater. during a break between rehearsals , she talked with our correspondent anastasia litvinova. olga volkova as always charming, she has practically none now, and never had one before. well, it’s impossible for me to work, it makes you feel very bad, because, well, in the profession, especially in the theater, there is excess energy. and when you’re sitting at home, everything comes pouring in, you play a play, you feel good, she has more than 200 roles in films, and many are very small, but so bright and precise, like shooting with the eyes of a bat, and i remember everything, she is a master with incredible experience, you have to catch her every word, i learned a lot from her, she is mischievous, she sharp-tongued, she... is one delightful actress. olga volkova was one of
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eldar ryazanov’s favorite actresses; she played the waitress violetta in a train station for two. very nice. violet. and the director wrote the role of the homeless katya ivanova in the promised heaven especially for volkova. so how? she was born in leningrad into a theatrical family, but at the same time she never thought about the acting profession. mom, who was not successful as an actress, saw in me what no one saw.
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he made a test and confirmed me on my birthday, you will find out from what, from which ingredients sometimes create rudders. the hall, as always, is full of relatives, friends, fans, seas of flowers, and of course, applause. anastasia letvinova, elena fenoshina, lead. after the news, the continuation of the alla taxi series, where the main character finds herself in a new whirlpool of events. the taxi fleet suddenly takes over.
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in order. the clinic of timur khaidarov, where the patient died, was partially closed. we checked, what does this mean? well, we see, indeed, the lights are on in the offices, patients are being received. what's going on inside. the restoration took too long to complete our program. i got an injection and am now on painkillers. what alexander karpov’s group discovered. i recommend that you, alla, look for a new place of work. premiere on rtr, we can open our own taxi fleet, there is too much interference, it’s not scary, there are too many dangerous intersections. trouble, he crashed, he’s alive, he’s alive, but
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she can’t stop, your mom can handle it, she’s a strong woman. alla taxi today on rtr, turn it off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest, annex kalinon belek is a place where time... stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into
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a fairy tale, allow yourself first class... please, introduction and roll call, no problem, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories
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were told, i was cheeky in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting. with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr, sunday, how good it is that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you you know each other, you knew that your father had a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but
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any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday. on rtr: you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i’ll go on vacation for you to any resort in the country, men are excited by something completely different, she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty kick into an empty goal, that was the most powerful effect the impact of art on a person, a parade of humor. premiere on saturday on rtr. large broadcast live, we continue. release. zelensky instructed to slow down the issuance and exchange of passports for zarabitchans to all who left the country before the new law
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on mobilization came into force. ukrainian media write about this. already, thousands of ukrainians are literally fighting in lines at foreign missions in an attempt to have time to change documents. and inside ukraine, prices for assistance in crossing the border have risen sharply. guides now require 10 thousand dollars per person. about how kiev wants to use tightening mobilization for... it was possible to recapture the men; the law on mobilization adopted by the verkhovna rada caused panic abroad, where millions of ukrainian refugees live. according to the new rules, all men
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of military age, no matter what part of the world they are in, are required to report to the military registration and enlistment office at their place of registration in ukraine. otherwise, they will be denied consular services, for example, renewal of an internal or international passport. this is what the prague passport service looks like. and while the law has not yet come into force, the crowd ukrainians are being stormed.
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for example, the rule on the confiscation of vehicles, especially explained in the relevant committee, radovys needs suvs, or on the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for evaders. those who swam across the tisa river made the dream of thousands of ukrainian men come true, no matter how hard the authorities try to stigmatize these people, but i don’t want to kill anyone. it never became abusive; videos of a rather humorous nature are proliferating on social networks. only the patron's dog was taken to the front, like, as far as i know, and the rest of the dogs, as it turns out, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle right now, on the ground, in the wind and under the water, the stinks will be known to you everywhere, give a message, and the ukrainian government is again in a state of dazha vu, again dreaming...
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to arm itself with military devices from iv century bc, writes forbes. the army of alexander the great used it against the persian cavalry, and in so against russian wheeled vehicles. ukrainian drones litter the roads with four-pronged metal weapons designed in such a way that no matter which direction they fell, one shift is always directed upward. this weapon is called caltrop, the article clarifies that it was used by both the romans and the german nazis during the second world war, they dropped them from the air into...
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by the second attempt, the ruling party changed the term agent of foreign influence to an organization pursuing the interests of a foreign power, but the basic provisions remain the same. in the usa, a similar law has been in force for almost 90 years. however, both washington and brussels support the opposition's demands. the georgian dream emphasizes that the law will help achieve transparency in the work of thousands
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of ngos and media outlets that currently operate in the country, receiving more than 20% of the funding. donald trump is currently on trial in new york. the forty-fifth president of the united states has been charged with 34 charges and faces a total of 136 years in prison. all american media are following the progress of the ongoing process. leading tv channels broadcast what is happening live . there has never been anything like this in us history. there are 200 days until the elections and the stakes have been raised to the limit, or rather, to the limit. o whether it will be possible to knock trump out of the race and what significance today’s precedent may have for the entire political system of the country, from new york, our us correspondent, valentin bogdanov. from trump tower to the court in manhattan, through the efforts of liberal new york prosecutors , this is now a familiar path for the forty-fifth president of the united states, but today the whole of america is overcoming
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it as if for the first time in trump’s motorcade. never before in history has a former head.
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42 questions. the prosecutor will be interested in how people feel about donald trump. there will be asking if they went to his rallies, if they worked for him. trump's lawyers will ask whether these people have opposed trump in the past. trump's legal team, by the way, tried to get a delay until the last minute; in other criminal trials, they succeeded, but here all
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appeals were rejected. the show must take place. what we're talking about is a court show. it's a six-week media extravaganza in the media capital of the world. the likelihood of selecting a biased jury is very high. this is a big problem. what about the jury? daughter judge juan merchin, for example, worked as digital content director for biden's vice president, kamela hariz. one of the sponsors of the election campaign of prosecutor alvin breg was soros, so for trump voters he became a victim even before... the start of the process. when i walk into this courtroom, i will know that the love of 200 million americans will be with me. the 34 charges brought against trump should bring confusion to their ranks, especially the ranks of the female part of the swing electorate. all of them revolve around topics that are understandable to the common man. treason, its concealment, bribery. at the center is the $130 thousand that the billionaire
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paid for silence to a former porn actress. the us president calls the accusation a witch hunt, but daniels is ready to repeat his testimony under oath. also expected in court is former playboy model karen mcdougal, who from the national inquirer, in the form of a veiled
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fee, also kept silent about the alleged affair, allegedly received another 150 from trump . the publisher, david pecker, is also among the witnesses, but most of all, to settle scores with former boss dreams of trump lawyer michael cowen, with whom. due to trump’s age, he is 77, the punishment, if any, will be rather conditional, but even in the worst case scenario, that is, behind bars, he, as a former president of the united states, is still entitled to protection from the secret service, and
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he can also be elected in america, even from the camera. this trial will not have significant political consequences, although many are counting on it; people are looking at it as a reality show. you can at least combine all four different cases into one. it's bad that trump will be in court 3 days a week and will not be able to campaign, but this has been going on for over a year and his ratings have never decreased due to prosecution. it’s not a fact that trump will even attend his youngest son’s graduation; as for the political situation, options are possible.


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