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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

3:45 am
it’s not a bay, where will i find you at such a time as witnesses, the crown won’t fall off your back, i don’t know you at all, we work in different organizations, you’re in the prosecutor’s office, i’m in the investigative committee, girl, who are you? so interesting, i understand, look, zoya, don’t grab me like that, i’m already nervous, oh, oh, nervous, be careful, maybe there’s a bomb in there? yes , i checked and checked, still at the scene of the incident. and in general, don’t talk to me right now , i can actually leave now, but really, let him go, it will be calmer here, well, am i really already, or something, without to inspect the witnesses, let them stand at least for the furniture, but you will answer me for the furniture, look, look, witness, well, petya, write! ready, saber without scabbard, long, blade
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with hilt, 860 mm, yeah, blade, steel, nickel-plated, single-edged, the ephesus has an engraving on the butt in latin letters indicating the year 18006, so this is an antique, so what, no one forbids antiques transport it in your car, but i would check this little knife against the records, petrusha, and... you ask
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the antiques information retrieval system, was it stolen from the hermitage? yes, you definitely need to show it to a specialist, well, how much all this costs, well, be that as it may, it is necessary to establish who laid the bookmark, and most importantly for whom, the task is not for average minds, the main thing is where it was stolen from, and what it was stolen here to... go, otherwise you wouldn’t bother so much with the transfer. well, yes, it is painfully difficult. some are put into the left wheelbarrow under the cover of darkness, others are taken away. conspiracy like terrorists. oh, i'm afraid we'll never know who these secret lovers are. but lovers of these services reread. to order, that means they took it. yes. i wonder where? let's find out. let's find out, mm,
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what an interesting thread, i'd like to hang a wall like this at home, yes, listen, it's so sharp, damask steel, it cuts hair lengthwise, but do you know what damask steel is? bulat is several sheets of steel, forged many times. yes, absolutely true. zoya, be careful with the spark plugs. by the way, this is a french cavalryman's saber. doctor, i take my hat off, how do you know? so, sometimes i count something, and by the way, it’s in very good condition, wow, in good, it’s as rusty as a trough, so what, it’s rusted a little, oh, look, petrushka, what year it was made, and the arms manufactory is 1866, and here, look, there’s the manager’s climate control and... it’s not like that
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-not all the letters are in russian, well, in french, of course, by the way, the shotelro weapons manufactory was founded in 1816 and produced sabers for the french army, so this blade could well have taken part in the franco-prussian war and even more, and not even more clearly it’s written, come on, let’s do it, vadim, ramanovich, we need something do with this crap. how do i know what to do about this? how to establish who they were there for, since we have already been exposed to the car. the car was taken delicately by a tow truck. maybe someone will look for her in the impound lot, who the hell is not joking? do you think they have documents for her? well, on the phone they said that the car was clean, you just need to watch who comes for it. that’s why
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it’s so good to dance if he comes, well, yes, by the way, you struck who will be charged, offend citizen, boss, i knew that even before start of the operation. well, voropaev, albert andreevich, born in the seventy-sixth year, convicted in march under 264, well, drag him here, you need to get excited, get excited, so shvetsov needs to be pulled up, i’m all for it, well , i’m not against it either, so just stand there, go oh, oh well. people's taxi, premiered on rtr, this is a new taxi company, it was opened by alla kopylova, our former director, there will be no people's taxi, you did everything
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in your power, but no, did you forget here, i didn’t ask you where i should be there, you i realized that seryoga crashed, that there was an accident, allah, a taxi. tomorrow on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest. this is a vacation. we know everything about holidays. anex.
3:52 am
titanic luxury collection boudrum titanic delux golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and
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enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your rest. yours rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. let's see, detectives. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. she went into her house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said: “i will.” here the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to spite the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday
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to thursday on rtr, and how many it costs, how much does it cost, it looks like there is an engraving here the name of the owner, and... if this weapon is registered, then its value is amazing, you need to request the department for the preservation of cultural property and carry out an examination, by the way, here is the inventory number, it was stolen, well, most likely, well, they didn’t write it off, so sing, so , just in case, the owner’s name was engraved on the blade, and this is very strange. well, where is the dps, did he get scared, run away, or did the injury not go away? so in trauma. well then, he's gone again, since no one needs him anymore. thank you, tanyma, for what? be healthy.
3:55 am
good evening, marya serge! this is bugrov, yes, vadim, i’m listening, you could come to us now, for a long time, i don’t know how it will work out, but this is very important, oh, okay, i’m leaving. buevich, leave here with your saber, you can’t count on the cell of the eternal docks, i won’t take it under my responsibility, this is the 19th century, well, it’s an interesting thing, where should i put it, put it in my bed, or something, i’m not interested , what are you going to put in your bed, so quickly i took the pen and decorated it, hooligan, what is it, what are you stealing, what is victor? with young blood plays, victor ivanovich, this is a fury, he never
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accepts my wait, but vikter ivanovich, this is an antique, this is the 19th century, the prices are high, they will steal it, am i going to pay, or something, well, with a box, a box of it on the head, and you will get, you will get him to bully, buevich, i’m telling you for the last time, get out of here with your bololaika! what kind of duel are you having here? vinokurov, you're just in time, this guy, he wanted to take my life, so let me at least take responsibility, calm down, i'll personally take you, petro, i need you, why, it's very important, let's go, go away, and help, help me here with your hands, the name of the deceased, do you remember? voropaev, andrey albertovich, what? yes,
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i want to introduce you to someone. let’s meet varopaev, andrey albertovich, born january 1, 1976, deprived of his license for an accident, march 1 of this year, was the last time andrey was driving? that’s how i sat then, now there’s nothing to sit on, the cars are scrap metal. and what? to me now, personality. the guys give up that it’s mr. varopaev with you, he’s the one, yes, it’s me, what happened, so the demand for your person is great now, yes, i, one might say, have legs don’t be sad, i erased it, go follow me, i paid you a courtesy visit, and your mother says that you are in the homicide department, yes, i am in the homicide department, and you are here with us as a result of, yes, finally, we have merged with you into ecstasy, and what happened, mere nonsense, did
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n’t you buy a vehicle the third day, didn’t get anything, what a shame, it’s a pity, they disrupted our development, you’ll answer for that, but i’m kidding, he’s kidding, he’s kidding, hang on!
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well, two different ones? things tragically converged at one point. well, why is it tragic? yes, because there are no ends either here or there. but it's a fact remains an antique fact. and here, there, in your car, in ours, and the name varopaev, and here and there. here. and i’m not afraid to seem annoying, but it seems to me that we need to look for customers. your suggestion. well, the antique department probably has information about collectors through whom the rarity can be obtained. sell, so lazy, speak frankly, where did you get the data about the car? do you want to know
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where the spoons come from? come on, well, in general, we listened to 11 hodnyak, listened to the room, restaurant, restaurant, restaurant, here fits into our unspoken audio recording, such a casual dialogue, the box is lying on... the cache is waiting for the owner, you've got money, cars are bookmarked, as if they were clogged, at exactly 21. and the most interesting thing is that we don’t even know whose people these people will be.
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unite so unite in touch? okay? hi, hi, well, let's feed you, you might
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think we have something, we have something, in general, change clothes, i'm waiting for you. yes, yeah, it’s generally believed that eating at night is suicide, dim, living in general is harmful, that’s also true, that’s why i’m so harmful, i, well, yes, okay, that’s why i love you, this is a punishment for my sins, that i love you, dim, you really me... well, yes, well , for real, well, i swear by my homeland, then please answer me , honestly, yes, who is not inspected at customs, are you kidding me, why, well, it’s really
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important to me, i need to know now, but i won’t be able to switch off, but... well, okay, okay, let’s think about it, come on, and you know very well who is not being inspected, the president and his family are not being inspected, come on, stop it, well thank god, the president is above suspicion, well , deputies are not inspected, members of parliament, uh-huh, it’s warmer, and judges are not inspected provided that they perform their official duties abroad, i categorically reject the judges, why? well, because? “it’s unlikely that they travel abroad so often in connection with official duties, no, it must be someone who is more mobile, who often travels back and forth, politicians, politicians, politicians, politicians, so, of course,
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they will kill me right away or first they’ll hit you on the head, well, you ’ll protect me, really, but i’m ready for you. protect now, hello, is it possible, come in, hello, hello, good morning, nikolai petrovich, is it possible? good, bad luck, i thought at some point a decent deal fell on you, the identity of the corpse has not been established, there is an inventory number for the saber, i called the antique department, they gave me the coordinates, there is one serious collector, your eyes
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are red, i didn’t get enough sleep, there was nothing to sleep on in my office, i somehow sat down on the chairs, i needed a sofa. drag it there, you didn’t go home today, so i have an old saber in in the office, the save doesn’t fit, it’s scary to leave her alone, there are no bars on the windows, the lock is flimsy, it’s clear, so everyone is ready, yes, let’s start with the sad thing, with the end of the case. buevich, you can turn around as you want, but you have two things to do this month, so i’ll give birth to them, or what? so, at least don’t be smart about denik and in general, the fact that you are running is not a master’s business, the investigator must sit. i mean sit in the office, and the operatives have to pull up the defendants for him, of course, but i’m like
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marya sergeevna, petya, well, start getting your bearings already, if you look up to marya sergeevna, you won’t make a career for yourself, i’m sorry, marya sergeevna, it’s nothing personal, i ’m raising a young field, but you’re right, nikolai petrovich, here, now, distiller will come, so don’t hesitate, grab him. puzzle me right away, uh-huh, by the way, here he is, let me go, come on in, come on, report what you have regarding yesterday’s incident, first, the driver’s identity has not yet been determined, but we know that, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t affect qualifications in any way influences, yes, yes, okay, second, the answer came via saber, yes, by the way, petro, i haven’t even seen this saber, is that okay? you let me drag it, i ’ll look at it, i’ll drag it, i’ll drag it, no, you run right now and drag it, let me continue, the saber is really a museum
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exhibit from the boryatinsky museum, where is it, in the leningrad region, it’s listed in the collections there, that ’s good, so we’ll quickly push this thing into the area, unless of course our petya clicks his beak, then we’ll quickly push some pieces of paper into the area, wait. and what do they have on file, what was stolen except the saber, when the case was opened, what case? well, what, stealing a saber? what theft, guys? well, volodya, stop joking, sabers? yes, there was no theft, oh my god, but was there a saber? well, it was, as i say, there were no reports of theft, the saber is still in the museum, just like that! there’s a saber here, and a saber there,
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it’s a mess, which means there was no statement about the theft of the saber, that’s the point, there are two options: either the theft was not discovered in the museum, or the employees themselves stole it, yes, yes, yes, thank you , i’m waiting for a call, pete, the orb has a piece of your case, that’s all. is drawn to an organized group, it’s time unite, for starters, you don’t want to go to the museum, to the region, but it’ll take half a day to get there, petya, okay, okay, i’ll go, i need to run in as a criminologist, vanya dug up something there, come on, let’s go to the traffic police, yes, uh-huh, yes, and then what to do, i have no doubt about his identity, it’s a traffic police inspector, yes, but he calls me, but he doesn’t call me, but he calls me, come on. well, take off your clothes,
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look, look, wow, how did you do that? elementary, watson, photographing in oblique light, super, but what does this inscription mean? well, probably the name...
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you can ask, i’m interested in the events of the franco-prussian war, you probably have some exhibits, do you see our estate museum, yeah, the main memorial to field marshal boryatinsky is in kursk, yeah, compare with us. not a rich exhibition, but by chance you don’t have a french cavalryman’s saber, a saber from the frango-prussian war, yes, perhaps such an exhibit is in the collections, yeah.
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but the fact is that, as you can see, we don’t have much space, and some of the exhibits are not on display, but we are changing the exhibition, the last time it was a year ago, yeah, why are you interested in the saber, and i just collect weapons, weapons, well, yes, young man, but this is a state museum, not a market? and excuse me, uh-huh.
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i resisted, no money will help if she decides to go to the end, but what should i do, sit and wait until they come for me and put me in prison under this terrible article, they had a bouquet of flowers, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, they say
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i need to prepare for a vacation . you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where the sun and sea are, on the first shore, where everything is included, except the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
4:14 am
are you on the phone? come on, hello, marya sergeevna, good morning, this is timur and his team, you shouldn’t accidentally go buy bread, if so, then send the money, i’m right here. korablev, you’re standing by the door, otherwise where is it? well, come in. what? dim, please open it, it’s a ship, nothing, nothing. hello, hello, please come in, rest,
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come in, crash. please, yes, thank you, yeah, come in, come in, don’t be shy, i’m sorry, i don’t, so what, seriously, i’m coming in, oh, what’s wrong, well , i’m uncomfortable, i’ll have breakfast with us, i ’m just for a few minutes, it’s just not awkward, like, lord, my god, cook porridge, no, no, no, i seriously, thank you, i won’t bother you, yes, what are you doing, no, please, i’m doing it now, well, thank you, you ruined our raspberries, in what sense? i just have a couple of little things, well, a pipette, i went to the museum yesterday, why? with us, why didn’t you agree? so what's wrong? sour cream, right? yes, yes, please, that regional these people have been keeping the museum on a hook for a long time, tomorrow they were going to drag the curator to the zugunder, well, there is an interrogation, a search, everything is as it should be, and you are here with your cultural program? yes, but i'm sorry, please, we didn't know that... well, okay,
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i forgive you for the first time, so be it. in general, the ice has broken, tomorrow at 14:00 the event begins, at 10:00 i will pick up petrusha.
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the patrol car noticed, there was no signal coming to the security console, obviously a specialist was working, it was probably glass. i cut out the perimeter, didn’t hit the alarm, we immediately posted they put it out, damn, well, zoya, hello, great, it’s for the sabers and they climbed, if it weren’t okay, i don’t have anything valuable anymore, okay , okay, okay, wait here for now. and the safe is closed, the main thing is intact, come here,
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why is your property, this, no, i need the dog here, yeah, lenya, the ship, why, anatoly nadarovich, the dog, give it here, here, that’s right, oh, stand under windows, come on, the door is solid, i won’t break, good, you’re right. i don’t like dogs,
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yes, yeah, well, i took the whole set with me, you never know what i need, i’ll stand. hold on, is everything ready? oh, sorry,
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yes, i saw this dude somewhere, right? well, let’s call the group, hello, melusin, yes, let’s gather the group, how can you help, thank you, no need, here’s a businessman who’s come along, nothing but problems, marya sergeevna, about regional events, maybe you can go, but like me...
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it’s a pity, marya sergeevna, i have my whole life ahead of me, i want peace of mind until retirement , but you don’t mind, i need to work on my nerve cells, petechka, i’m still far from retirement, it won’t be boring working on it, you won’t get bored here, that’s what i have to do with this hole now do, you'll see, because of this matter , some other nasty thing will happen. you think, sure, okay.
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look what you found? oh, so that's how i know this man. i knew it, this was still not enough. yes, petya, it looks like you ’re free on monday, hello, happy day off, you both are going, well, yes, sit down, yes, i understand, i understand, vadim romanovich, yes, hello, i’ll call you back, so what? my condolences, well, here vinokurov will tell you, hello,
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kozlov, the antique department of the main office, what happened to my little man, the brave ones died, oh, you can take a look, let's go, here. yes, he had connections with me for about five years, well , he dealt, of course, with museum exhibits, but what did he do there compared to what he gave us, remember, he was a smart guy when the canvas left the russian museum, but how, how well, yes, but what kind of disclosure did you get, no more? chocolate for the protection of public order, take it higher, really for
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services to the fatherland, otherwise we are doing state business, so thanks to him, i highlighted it, otherwise the picture would have gone through customs, because they called from the kremlin, yes, yes, i feel sorry for the man, listen, yes, you give us this, give us versions, yeah, but which versions, antiques? here are all the versions, okay, okay, i understood everything, okay, don’t worry, everything will be fine, okay, i’m busy right now, let me call you back in the evening, okay, come on, masha, can i talk to you for a minute, yeah, listen, what? this is petka, there is no face on him, so not...
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the price of the goods, so, so, that means the saber had to be transported across the border by a person whose luggage was not accessible, yeah, the courier who was carrying the saber was shot by a traffic cop, so, got up boiling, well... 100% got into petka’s office. this means that the saber is worth a decent amount, in today’s times, even for 100.00 euros, no one will worry about that, understand? let's go. oh, i've arrived, look, these faces again, hello, how tired of you you are, huh? 414 at shakiya.
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hello. milyutin, do you remember everything, tell me, there were other thefts, glass was cut out of a window from the roof on a rope, glass, glass, glass, there was something, wait, glass, there was, volodya, our apartment department seemed to even have someone... then he grabbed some youngster, well it’s clear that a youngster needs a boy to climb through the window, that’s right, they always signed up youngsters for such jobs, such skinny boys, listen, i was wrong, they grabbed another one with car glass. and the rope, the kid fell off the roof from the rope, the rope was dangling there, give me his information, hello, fyodor mikhailovich, where are you,
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let's get to the prosecutor's office, a job has appeared, uh-huh. come on, that's it, uh-huh, thank you, come on, well, deaf, one joy, there are gloves, there will be something to tie, if only there was someone to tie, the ships will be here in 15 minutes, petka is going to the area. i'm afraid that petka isn't going anywhere anymore, that's all? that’s it, he quarreled with the world, was offended by everyone, and went to filo’s case to rewrite it. and who will they write it to? is there a lot of choice? i, doblyaev. but, to be honest, i’m tired, i was on duty yesterday. so, most likely belyaev will go. well, that changes things. i’ll go to
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fillon and have a fight. why? belyaev is an excellent candidate. he worked in the region. he knows everyone there, it will be easier for him. but i'm still here with the slaughter. i'll figure it out, i object in what sense do you know something about belyaev? no, everything is fine with the old man, well, i have my own reasons, what are they? i need belyaev to stay in the city. why? mash, but if belyaev goes there, he might hang out there, which means he’ll have to gain a foothold, everything will go smoothly, then this is already a business trip. so what's the problem? nina fedorovna will also move out then. so what? well, who will sit with vaska, if? go somewhere, no, she actually helps us so much, volodya, are you an owner, yes, i am an owner, it’s good for you to reason, that's it, that's it, i'll go, i'll quarrel, wait, you 'd better look for the steeplejack who got in on buevich, you better teach lugansk to digest,
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go, uh-huh, hi, hi, well, who 's going to my place? paint a long road to the outback, yeah, i don’t know yet, but i want to congratulate you, you can open a museum in your victim’s house, there are a lot of things with an inventory number there, well, it’s not much of an undercover job, i wouldn’t be surprised if all these inventory numbers from the boryatinsky estate, here's the list, dear, you can check it when are you going to interrogate your guardian, poke-poke-poke? casket in saw orc one thing, so who will accompany me to the region, now i find out, they tried to negotiate with him more than once, but he remains the most honest detective, eduard petrov is 50, i had to change my place of residence, because family is the most important thing, they can
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only suffer because i do my job; our every visit is perceived with alarm by the locals. excellence, making dreams come true, kalinon hotel belek, where life turns into fairy tale
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titanic! discover a real gem on the coast of bodrum titanic luxery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic. collection bodrum watching love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look,
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you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time two, three times, sign , look, look, maybe we can go to me? let's just watch a movie, well, remember your youth? i remembered, most importantly, i worked as a children's opera, sang songs, well, that's what got me wanted? yeah, it would be nice to feel sorry for you, but i felt sorry for you, but in essence, but in essence, these freaks naturally worked in a gang, well, then, when the siplys broke, the siplys are varnakov? yes, yurochka varnakov, orphan, two of them was. the eldest in the family, by the way, had already died at the age of 12 in a drunken fight, and well, yes, a good
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boy, by the way, the older gopniks were afraid of him, and here, i’m already afraid of him too.
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just like that, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six and seven, seven bottles sucked, that's the person's health, baby, come on, come on, get up, get up. get up, get up, get up, quietly, quietly, everyone, quietly, calmly, and it’s you, fyodor mikhailovich, tell me, zhorik, what don’t you leave for the morning, it wasn’t enough, of course, i just didn’t know that you were the only one working with since yurka, the hoarse one, was strongly asked for what he was ordered to take, a box with a saber. the man put it in the closet, i saw it through the window, then i climbed in there, and it wasn’t there, it’s clear, listen, who signed your saber, who?
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you know, this guy lives on the seashore.


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