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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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boxes made of mahogany, look how it was, vladimirovich, let me tell you an achievement, thank you very much and to all your colleagues, back to your place, the work was difficult, i understand that, but it is very important for the country, for the internal stability of the state , especially today, thank you very much, thank you, look, bye. hello, on the russia tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour, allow you to achieve. reported
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to vladimir putin that interference in the presidential elections from me only united russia. i attached this bomb to the bottom of the car. an sbu agent who tried to blow up a member of the ukrainian special services was detained in moscow; he faces life imprisonment. a hurricane firestorm hit the enemy near the border with the belgorod region. the attack helicopters were released. 240 missiles against enemy positions in krasnogorovka, where are the other losses? without adding fuel to the fire, sidinkin put forward four principles for resolving the conflict in ukraine. is this how the kremlin reacted to the words of the head of the people's republic of china? and in the tyumen region an urgent emergency was declared evacuation. high school students are transferred to distance learning. in kurgan. the level of the tabol river rose by more than a meter in one day. residents of the left bank are asked to evacuate immediately. vladimir putin received
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today a certificate of election as president of russia for a new term; less than an hour ago, this document was brought to the kremlin in a special case by the head of the central election commission, ella pomfilova. allow time. thank you very much and to all your colleagues and the team in place. stability of the state, especially today, thank you very much, thank you, pamfilova noted that the turnout was a record in the country's recent history, almost 78%. the elections took place despite numerous attempts by ill-wishers to disrupt the election campaign, the most important thing is how wise our people were.
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we saw all this, this is not only in relation to our border residents, these explosions, killings of people all together, our members of the commission faced the same thing, we created an unprecedentedly transparent, open system, it is very stable, it just shows everyone, but what's really going on, thank you thank you to all your colleagues, urgent evacuation due to floods has been announced in two more districts of the tyumen region; a little earlier ,
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residents of ishim received a message urging them to leave the danger zone. starting tomorrow, all schoolchildren in the city will switch to distance learning. people are accepted at temporary accommodation centers, and pets are ready to be fostered at the municipal shelter. in buryatia, almost 500 areas have already been flooded, and the selenga river is approaching residential buildings. a high alert regime has been introduced in two regions of the republic. in the tomsk region large water entered dozens of houses. rescuers on boats take residents to temporary accommodation centers. the situation is being monitored using drones. a few hours ago, on the border with kazakhstan, there was an overflow of the dam at a private reservoir; a new wave of flood could cover orsk, where emergency restoration work has only recently begun. in kurgan, the level of the tabol river has risen by more than a meter in a day; residents of the left bank are asked to evacuate immediately. our correspondents are monitoring the development of the situation on the ground, from kurgan region, reporting by albert musin from orenburg. over the last few days, the alarm
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siren in kurgan has been sounding almost continuously, every 2 hours the signal is turned on on all city streets. the right bank part of the city, mainly the snt villages in lowlands, is gradually surrounded by water. yesterday we stood there, now the water has reached the street like this. the embankments and beaches along the tobol coast are flooded. a stormy stream of water flows across the tyunin highway, the main, if not the only one on the way to... the affected kitovsky district. however, as a warning not all townspeople are reacting to the evacuation; they hope it will work out. everything will go fine, as long as there is only calm, people don’t panic, but it’s normal, everything, everything will pass, everything will be fine. underwater is the malocheusovsky bridge, leading to several city microdistricts.
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the strength of the current in this place is such that it can easily carry away any car, so now the bridge is completely closed to passage. emergency situations ministry employees urgently go to flooded areas. in gardens, people are educated. who themselves cannot be saved. in the garden settlement behind there are about thirty families permanently living with me now; it is no longer possible to get out of here except by boat. the depth of the water in the central exit is more than one and a half meters, so even in such a suit it can easily flood or be carried away by a strong current. to control the situation , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, again arrived in the kurgan region. he flew around the flooded suburb, and also discussed with governor vadim shumkov the need to continue round-the-clock video monitoring of the situation. what's happening now? here directly along the edge of this created the dam has been built up, let’s say 112 cadets of the ministry of emergency situations of the ivanovo school for barking the dam, below we have about 20, 28 and buses with people, these are our specialists, the weather allows, we constantly raise a quadcopter, including at night with
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a thermal imager, and nine points are constantly monitored by video surveillance . to leave flood zones, more and more temporary accommodation centers are being set up, providing three hot meals a day and showers. the housing of those who evacuated is immediately taken under police protection. albert musin, nikolai starosttin, dmitry komov, elena goleeva, news from the kurgan region. so do you have a registration? yes, ural. only those who live on it can get to the island. the police are strictly monitoring this. instead of the usual minibuses, there are highly cross-country vehicles running here; there is no way to get on another one yet. flights to the microdistrict, cut off from the outside world, leave every few minutes. people don't even have time to gather at the stops. the only roads leading to the residential complex under water can already be distinguished by markings. this is a sure sign that the level of the urals has begun to decline. more a day or two and the water blockade will be lifted, but for now hundreds of those who decided not to leave their apartments remain in their houses. it’s wonderful on the island,
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even though we are cut off from the outside world, but with the help of our neighbors, we are one big happy family here. in those houses from which the water has not yet receded, there is still no light and there are interruptions in the water supply, but this is becoming more and more common. less, the level in the surrounding holiday cottage villages is decreasing, although some of them can still be reached only by water. there’s really nothing to do there, we opened the door, it just popped off its hinges, we barely got her back and took away her documents. people clean up their homes every day, documenting the destruction that the largest flood in recent decades brought to the region, and until the last minute they try to save their property from the households they meet along the way...
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the recovery will be gradual and may take several weeks. in the east, in the central part of the region, the peak flood is already behind us, but in the coming days the situation is expected to worsen in the western part of the region downstream of the ural river. the rise of river levels here has already begun. mura zaripov, sergei shelepin, zemfira abzalov. news orenburg region. to carry out quality spring field work, it is necessary to minimize the consequences of floods. this was discussed today at a meeting of the operational headquarters of the ministry of agriculture. the head of the department emphasized that.
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the federal professionalism project will cover all 89 regions of the country by 2026, and the first graduation of young specialists will take place in a few months. a on the prospects for the development of a new format of personnel training at the site of the international exhibition of the russian forum said deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. college programs are becoming more intensive and shorter in duration and are being built jointly with leading enterprises. young people can quickly learn a current working profession and immediately get a job. we expect a post -graduation employment rate of 85%. in the twenty-fourth year there will be the first graduating class of professionals, we understand that the guys
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are in demand, we understand that most likely, if not in the first year, then in the next 2 years we will be able to achieve these indicators. in sochi , a court passed a verdict against a local blogger who starved his own month-old son to death. maxim lyuty promoted a healthy lifestyle. in his opinion people. regardless of age, they may well receive energy directly from the sun. report by alexey logvinov. blogger seroed maxim lyutov was convicted on two counts of intentionally causing grievous harm to the health of a minor and improper performance of educational duties. the final punishment for the fierce will be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 8 years, to be served in a high-security correctional colony with a fine of 100,000 rubles. behind.
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i also ask you not to go into my refrigerator, although it is clear that i eat prison food, i have no other food, i do not have the opportunity to eat the food that i am used to eating, accordingly, i am now in very strict restrictions and decisions. maxim lyutov was sentenced to eight years in a maximum security colony and a fine of 100,000 rubles. the child's mother previously received 2 years of correctional works alexey luganov, nikita yakimov, leading sochi. the main russian television detective celebrates his 50th birthday today, eduard petrov
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has been in legal journalism for 30 of them. for the first time his voice was heard on the radio, it was the summer of ninety-three, and soon the aspiring reporter was noticed on television and invited to the vremichka program. 21 years ago, eduard petrov’s original program was aired on our channel. over all the years of work in the wake of the honest detective , new criminal cases were initiated and departmental inspections were carried out. stories the victims of the crime never left the audience indifferent. eduard petrov's investigation dealt with the most pressing topics: the problems of domestic violence, street teenage gangs, poaching, illegal deforestation, defrauded investors, each time victims of crimes could find real protection in an honest detective. for millions of tv viewers, eduard petrov is a model.
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watch this saturday on the russia 24 tv channel. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program. an sbu agent was detained in moscow . after the commercial, see you, premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss another time, alexander robok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on,
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tomorrow under escort to apartment number twenty, clearly, anna mikhalkova, one of them has been assigned to the police. someone else to the clinic, i’m pushing for you all, he’ll kill or maim, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look, what a beauty, what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s what i won’t accept , angels of the area. from april 22 on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest - it's not thinking about anything. when you are calm and
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completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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we gathered about ten in the first group man, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still there.
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only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, this is the news, we continue to broadcast, russian security forces detained an sbu agent, last week he tried to blow up a former ukrainian employee in moscow intelligence services, which went over to the side of russia, the terrorist turned out to be a citizen of our country, kiev recruited him last fall, the traitor faces a life sentence for treason and terrorism. report by mikhail fedotov. fsb officers snap handcuffs onto the suspect's wrists. according to operatives, the detainee organized an attempt on the life of former
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sbu officer vasily prozarov, who defected to the russian side back in 2014. the suspect admitted guilt and said that he was recruited by the ukrainian special services last year in kiev, where he fled after the start of the special operation. my supervisor told him that the task was assigned personally. the head of the sbu malyuk that i should go to moscow to monitor the toyota prado car. but already in moscow the task changed. i was told to assemble a bomb, my curator helped me with this, using instructions, he explained. i collected at approximately 2:00 am. attached this bomb to the bottom of the car, the surveillance camera footage shows how the suspects perform some manipulations near the suv, then leave, and these shots
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were taken during the day. vasily prozorov goes to the car, opens the driver's door almost an explosion is immediately heard. when the car exploded, he opened it, he didn’t even go in, he opened the car from the whole bottom, and he was thrown back, the car was twisted on both sides. the kiev regime was irritated, the project published an investigation against the current ukrainian government and paid for corruption schemes, the special services were hunting for a former security official, here is the official message of the sbu from 2019.
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prozarov decided to trade his conscience and military oath, having found worthy buyers in the russian fsb, but this monster must remember the fate of judas is only a matter of time. and this is essentially a direct threat of reprisals because prozorov first supported the separation of donbass from ukraine, and then the region’s entry into russia. from the country. mikhail fedotov, news. the russian military thwarted an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to strengthen its positions in the southern donetsk sector of the northern military district. the total
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losses of kiev per day are 1,160 military personnel. militants and equipment were destroyed by air strikes, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems. these shots show the result of the work of six combat helicopters at once. during a massive raid, they fired 240 missiles to enemy positions. in the kharkov region, the deployment points are high. were lit by iskanders, two crews of ukrainian baba iga drones were immediately hit by our lancets, in these frames a missile accurately hit one of the private residential buildings where the militants were holed up, wow, great, a c grade, this one is hot, so the clearing of already liberated territories is underway on the ovdeevsky sector of the front, a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was discovered during aerial reconnaissance, and the nato equipment dugouts in iisu are being destroyed by our drones...
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mobilization bill. according to this document, hundreds should be drafted into the army immediately after the verkhovna rada accepted thousands of people. the speed with which the petition became popular proves that there are no more people left willing to die for the interests of the zelensky regime in ukraine. those who signed the call essentially protested against it. hunts for men that ukrainian military commissars launched on the streets of towns and villages. the leader of the prc today said that beijing stands for holding a peace
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conference that will be recognized. both moscow and kyiv. at a meeting with german chancellor scholz, sidinpin proposed the basic principles for overcoming the ukrainian crisis. first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to restoring peace and stability, and not to pursuing selfish interests. at the same time , all parties must refrain from further aggravating tensions and not adding fuel to the fire. the kremlin called china's approach to the ukrainian settlement issue constructive and balanced. abnormal heat is spreading to the south of the country in rostov-on-don and krasnodar. the air will warm up tomorrow 30-32°. in the resort of sochi it is up to 27, but weather forecasters specify that such a high temperature will only last until friday, then it will become sharply colder. but residents of the center cannot count on any special warmth. tatyana antonova, as you can see, is already in our studio with the details. tatyana, well, obviously
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we won’t sunbathe? irina, obviously. because there won’t be any miraculous warming, we ’re not expecting it, but we’re waiting for rain, next night , and especially noticeable rain will come on thursday, so we’re getting ready. well, in general, on the weather in the european territory of the country is striking in its contrasts. it’s real winter in the north, in naryan-mar -1, in arkhangelsk -5, and all this during the day, and even with wet snow. wet snow, as well as frosts, will come in the coming days to the leningrad region, karelia, and well, in the center. so far there are rains, tomorrow they will be local, short-term, mostly 10-15°c. as you can see, the heat reaches the chernozem region and the banks of the volga from the south, so in voronezh and samara it will be 22:24 tomorrow. well, the south looks really hot on our map krasnodar +32 to 30 in the rostov, volgograd regions, in stavropol, this is all in april. on the banks of the niva in st. petersburg , meanwhile, it is +4 and sleet, in moscow it is 10°.
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my colleague svetlana valeeva comes out. svetlana, hello, the test took place under extreme conditions, how did the equipment perform? hello, irina, according to the exercise scenario, the scouts came under enemy fire. a support team in powerful all-terrain vehicles arrived to help within a few minutes. thanks to special tires, a powerful engine and a unique frame design, the equipment drove through where heavy
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tanks get stuck. according to test participants. baikal all-terrain vehicles, they coped with the task, the vehicles are produced in irkutsk, it is assumed that they will be supplied for the needs of the army. svetlana, thank you, good news for you, we are moving to the sverdlovsk region, where a special project on vocational guidance for preschoolers has been launched, elena beloborodova is live from yekaterinburg. elena, hello, what do they teach kids? irina, hello. children are taught to manual labor. an improvised studio appeared in one of the kindergartens in yekaterinburg. girls 5-6 years old learn to sew toys and napkins. for work, special non-traumatic equipment is used. meanwhile, the boys are studying carpentry. from a set of blanks they assemble a house model. as confident educators, kids not only learn about professions, but also gain skills that will definitely be useful in life.
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thank you elena. and good ones to you too. news, and let me remind you that immediately after big news there is no skip the continuation of the allataxi series, then we continue with residents of the moscow region. eska opened a criminal case after a daring attack on a news crew.


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