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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

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anse scholz assures that beijing agrees to a conference based solely on kiev’s position; it is impossible to resolve any issues without russia, central television quoted the prc chairman as saying. china encourages and supports all efforts to promote a peaceful resolution of the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference recognized by russia and ukraine with equal participation of all parties. china's special representative for affairs also spoke about this. china supports the holding of an international peace conference that must be recognized by both russia and ukraine, at the appropriate time, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peace plans. that is, scholz failed his mission, just like a year and a half ago, and the european commission will not appreciate this. i have already reproached european leaders.
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the advice was given by the head of the people's republic of china, and these are four points. firstly, we must prioritize maintaining peace and stability and refrain from... rather than adding fuel to the fire, thirdly, we must create conditions for restoring peace to refrain from further escalation of tensions. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the global economy and refrain from undermining the stability of global industrial and supply chains. a gradual awareness of this is still happening, while fragmentary more about money in japan, which joined many anti-russian sanctions in the midochet report.
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indicated in the sakhalin-1 and 2 projects for the development of oil and gas in russia, tokyo will still retain its share, the issue of energy security and it cannot exist without russia. alexander balsky nakoshkin, nikolai petrov, lead: beijing bureau. today in copenhagen , fire almost completely destroyed the historic stock exchange building, one of the main attractions of the danish capital. first. during the fire, a fifty- four-meter spire in the shape of the intertwined tails of four dragons collapsed, then, due to the high temperature, the facades that were under reconstruction began to collapse. the column of flame and smoke was visible even from neighboring sweden, which is separated from copenhagen by a strait 7 km wide. from a burning building with random passers-by barely had time to carry out several paintings. in total there was stored about.
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the exchange building was 400 years old, now what remains of it is guarded by the military to prevent attempts to steal the valuables remaining under the rubble. dacha residents are already comparing this fire with the flames that engulfed notre dame de pare exactly 5 years ago. notre dame cathedral burned all night. the fire was extinguished on the morning of april 16, 200. parliament reversed this decision, the cathedral was rebuilt, then the lower house promised to open in december, but many parisians they are already saying that the historical appearance has been lost due to the use of modern materials. the annual precipitation rate for the last 12 hours is the highest. for almost 40 years,
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rainfall has hit dubai. the infrastructure of the largest city in the united arab emirates was not ready for such a test. roads are blocked, dubai airport, the main aviation hub in the middle east, one of the five busiest in the world, has stopped operating. local hotels are extending stays for tourists. about what is happening in dubai at these moments in our report own correspondent in the region, alexander bilibov. this is tough, this is tough, this is a nightmare, it looks like footage from the movie disaster, but this is not a movie, the largest city of the united arab emirates, dubai, today not only found itself at the mercy of the elements in the epicenter of a real storm, which is not at all typical for these places. while the almost kilometer-long spire of the tallest building in the world, the burj khalifa tower on earth, was covered with water, in some places. rose up to
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several meters, no one drove along highways, cars literally floated, many underground parking lots were flooded, as were the first floors of the world's largest shopping center, dubai mall. on the streets, hurricane winds knocked pedestrians off their feet, knocked over billboards, and carried away furniture from the balconies of the upper floors. there are two or three buckets under each window, and of course we were flooded, and sometimes the parking lot also flooded the windows and ceilings. this has never happened in dubai before, all emergency services are working in enhanced mode, schools are closed, other social facilities are not working, the authorities insisted. advises residents and guests of the city not to leave their hotel buildings, because today the city had already received as much rain as what happens here in the entire year - 130 mm, it was scary, especially being on the seventieth floor, when you very clearly and powerfully feel this storm,
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you feel a thunderstorm and the wind was terrible, this it was really scary, the sky was terribly dark, just terribly dark, it was impossible to look. locals say that they have never had anything like this, the work of the largest aviation hub in the middle east , dubai international airport, was paralyzed, on taxi a whole sea of ​​water has spilled over the runways and runways, the airport has stopped receiving and sending planes until weather conditions improve, and aeroflot flights from dubai to moscow are delayed. dubai is a popular destination among russian tourists and many of our... compatriots who are now vacationing there were forced to sit in hotels all day, there was a full flow here up to the ankles, all the hotel employees collected it with towels, cleaning machines, and until now it’s still dripping and you can see that the remains of fabric are spread out everywhere.
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according to weather forecasters, the hurricane over dubai will last for several more hours, however, tomorrow there will be no trace left of the rampant nature; on wednesday it is +26 sunny in dubai. alexander. exciting, vibrant investigative journalism, current topical issues, and the fight against shady business. in his program , eduard was the first in russian journalism
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to apply the principle of work of professional investigative teams, for which he received departmental and state awards more than once. millions of viewers are waiting for his reports and are afraid of lawbreakers. today is edward's work. elena erofeeva, alexey petrov are the entire team of the duty unit, which he has headed for 18 years. watch the new investigation of eduard petrov this saturday on the russia 24 tv channel. from the federal part of the news we move on to the regional one. seconds are preparing to go on air with the main news of their regions, now we have the opportunity to find out what news viewers outside the moscow metropolis will see. state television and radio broadcasting company donetsk is in touch with us, where vladislav dolgiy is broadcasting today. in the cities of donbass, a large-scale construction. vladislav, good evening, tell me,
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what is ready? yes, arnest recently opened a prenatal center in the capital of the republic, where the first twins were born the other day. two boys, ilya and oleg, appeared at the resident’s house. the medical facility was built on behalf of the president in the rear area of ​​donetsk. the old building of the maternity hospital was constantly under fire from ukraine, and births had to take place in the basement. now it is a modern six-story clinic with 140 beds, equipped with the most advanced equipment. in donetsk obstetricians have already successfully attended 11 births at the new perinatal center. thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast, we will have time to connect the state television and radio broadcasting company pskov. tatyana borisova is already in the studio, the next stage of restoration of the ensemble of the skovo-pechersky monastery has begun. tatyana, good evening, what work is ahead? good evening, ernest, the fortress walls and towers of the monastery are already in
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scaffolding, the work is large-scale, communications are being carried out to almost all the buildings of the monastery. special attention to the church of the forty martyrs of sebaste. temple built after the napoleonic war. it burned down twice, was rebuilt, now the foundation and walls are being put in order, just like 200 years ago, today masons do manual work, the wooden ceiling and flight of stairs have been recreated in the tent of the izborsk tower. on the tower of the upper bars they began to restore the watch hut, the almost forty-meter tower is a unique observation deck from where you can see all the monuments of the pechora monastery? thank you tatyana, so we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region, i'll see you in a few seconds. podmoskovny. the prosecutor's office took control of the investigation into the attack by the vesti film crew, which was working on a report on
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the development of the coastal zone of the sinichka river. today, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. let me remind you that the security guards of the construction site beat our cameraman correspondent and broke the equipment. in the krasnogorsk village of maryana itself, that night an unknown person in a car rammed two parked activists’ cars, one of which contained a local resident. meanwhile, with... in connection with the illegal development of the water protection zone, the investigative committee began to investigate a criminal case for violation of environmental protection rules. hundreds of investors of the mentor company are seeking an investigation into a scam worth half a billion rubles. they were defrauded of gigantic sums for the purchase and refurbishment of real estate in moscow, and were promised multimillion-dollar profits. about what the business scheme eventually turned into, dmitry blinnikov. stanislav lost 2.5 million rubles. claims he was deceived money. of course, this is definitely a scam. and hundreds more people complain about
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st. petersburg businessman vadim varentsov and the company mentor spb. they persuaded people to invest profitably in real estate. that is, we are talking about a cooperative where shareholders brought their money. they were then used to buy empty premises in cities, or entire publications were converted into hotels, hostels, multi-storey buildings, they were planned to be rented out or sold, and the income was to be divided between investors. shareholders say they never received dividends, but they invested a huge amount for everyone. 30 million, i know there are shareholders, in total there are 500 shareholders. now they regret that they trusted the businessman, he assured that you can make good money on real estate by spending 2,200 and will receive a profit of 26 million rubles in 2 years. tatyana invested almost one and a half million rubles and became a participant in a project in moscow city, where they wanted to build a hotel in the oka tower. we bought, as far as i understand, a large apartment, divided it into small studios and
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implemented it all as a mini-hotel one with five rooms, apartments, yes, anton invested as much as 4 million in another project, with the money of shareholders they bought this whole building, it was supposed to be an apartment building, they had to restore it, get documents for apartments for individual ones and just sell it all, but having collected money from people, the company mentor st. petersburg... is unknown, but judging by the videos on social networks, he is quite satisfied with life. the victims are preparing to write statements to law enforcement agencies, hoping that
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a case will be opened against the businessman, and they will be able to return at least part of your money. dmitry blinikov, andrey yurchuk, vladislav dubtsov, pavel letnikov, news. a new season of improvement has started in the capital today. about 700 streets and more than one and a half thousand courtyards will be put in order, roads, sidewalks and lawns will be updated, stops and streetlights will be replaced, and places for walking and recreation will be created near residential areas. work has already begun on houses on butlerova street in konkovo, sergei sabyanin visited there today. about 2,500 objects are parks, squares, moscow courtyards and of course streets. this year we are changing our approach to landscaping. streets, we will make them more comprehensive, so that not only in the city center, but in all areas of moscow, they look decent. celebrates its centenary today. literary and theater critic, playwright, writer, essayist, author of large-scale
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cultural projects, public figure, muse of andrei voznesensky, she studied at gitis, taught at columbia university, communicated with the brightest figures in the history of the 20th century, liliya brik, may plesetskaya, marc chagall , julio cortazar, vladimir vysotsky. now zoya borisovna is writing a new book, and today i came to the opening of a large-scale exhibition, always zoya, an exhibition novel, that’s what she said. near the center of voznesensky, on a large horde , the name oza is written in large letters, aka zoya boguslavskaya, zoya borisovna, hello! this is an exhibition, a journey through her books, through her meetings, her life with the great poet, through her century, as through a literary work, a living poem by oz. you know, zoya, now there’s no chatter, our paths diverge, we should just go straight ahead.


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