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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 16, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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now, if a woman regrets it, she believes that she fell in love. at the same time, the poet found himself in severe disgrace: i could not calmly listen to the henchmen of our enemies. look, go there, enough, you can say that now there is no longer a thaw or frost, but frosts, yes, for such people there will be the most severe frosts. and she always tried to save, and then they ended up together and lived for 46 years. it whistles all night. on the young room, between the kitchen, gasoline,
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cabbage soup, like a bathroom ozonizer, peredelsk nightingale, so long ago we lived with andrey andreevich peredelkin, that this is already an apartment, lilya brik lived on a parallel street, young voznesensky brought zoya to her, as if for approval, why for many is this magnetism mayakovsky’s muse? incomprehensible, but perfectly explained by zoya boguslavskaya, who has written more than one book about such significant meetings. lily brik was some kind of, well, one might roughly say, a barometer, in fact, a peacemaker of what kind of person a person was, her intuition was so strong , lilia yuryevna’s, that she very rarely came to life in people, meetings, and therefore...
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that the commission accepted andrei rublev’s film from tarkovsky 22 times, and boguslavskaya joined because of the director. as a small, lively ballerina , a great love for the big theater began in childhood. andrey voznesensky zoya boguslavskaya and radion shchedrin and moya plesetskaya are friends at home. here at vastanka’s poetry evening a couple can be seen in the hall, shchederin will then play, along with above, by the way, zoya borisovna herself, seventy-six . a thundering taganka with performances based on voznesensky's poems goes to visit kotelniki's andrey and zoya.
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she also believes that a critic, literary, theatrical, must be talented, actors, directors, playwrights, poets, artists, everyone who talks about boguslavsky, for some reason first pronounce zoya, and only then zoya borisovna is corrected. ilya filippov, yuri gonchar, leonid oronchikov, elena fenashina, news. in the capital region , the hunting season for birch sap is in full swing; hundreds of lovers of this natural drink have flocked to the forests, but experts warn that it is still possible to collect it. there is
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a danger of getting a cocktail of chemicals elements. maxim oparin talks about how to get the right juice and what is best to drink with it. the snow has not yet melted in the forest, birch lovers. sap, armed with drills and empty containers, they are already looking for a succulent tree, choosing the right one is not so easy, there must be a lush crown and a minimum of dry branches. the ideal tree for receiving sap should be neither young nor old, there is a folk way to determine this: if you grasp the tree and can take your elbow, then this is the very birch that will give the most delicious, sweetest sap. then place the container and they make a hole where they place a metal tube, and the juice flows down it. we note that it should be a little higher than the level of the tank, yes, we take it, drill it, the sand has already started running, the five-liter bottle is filled overnight, well , as if the water was sweetened a little, yes, that ’s how it is, you can also use
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a dropper, it allows you to make a hole at almost any height and causes less damage to the tree, insert a dropper, the first drops have already begun, after the end of the collection, dendrologists say, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the birch. hole needed be sure to close it up, do not use an ax or a sharp knife, some take machetes and begin to chop the plants, fungal diseases will appear and the plant will slowly but surely dry out, there are legends about the miraculous properties of birch sap, supposedly it rejuvenates, is good for digestion, blood vessels and the heart , birch sap can be an excellent source of strength. doctors are skeptical about such statements, and also ask not to confuse the sap collected from the tree. with canned food from the store, with birch sap due to the fact that spoils, almost always all manufacturers add a preservative, so instead of natural juice it turns out, you know, such sad little water with preservatives, well, juice collected near large enterprises or near roads can be simply dangerous. for the sake of the experiment
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, we collected a small portion of juice literally a few meters from the roadway, as a result, in the sample collected near the road we found a harmful element - selenium, it can be assumed that strong was contained in the fuel as an additive, and accordingly, further it released into the atmosphere with exhaust gases, these gases polluted the soil; all the substances contained there from the soil were absorbed into the mass into the mass of plants growing there. for some, birch sap is a childhood memory, for others it is a symbol of soviet shortages, three-liter jars filled empty store shelves, it’s really not easy to try the drink fresh, it’s only collected... for a few days in april. maxim aparin, anton dubnov, yaroslav faulov, anastasia roif. news. another sign of the coming spring patriarchal ponds, one of the moscow centers of fashionable festivities, became awakened. the roar of cars and loud music do not stop there
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day or night, the decibels are off the charts, and for some reason restrictions on the entry of cars do not help. what local residents think about this, alexey knor. during the day, the patriarch's ponds are quiet. a cozy area that personifies old moscow with its unique atmosphere, glorified in the works of the classics. the atmosphere changes with the onset of darkness, when the whole city falls asleep, here the main fun begins on the patriarchs. great, russia is alone, such mischievous revelers flock here from all over the capital, random tourists are in shock. what has changed in 10 years? are you going for a walk in the evening? local residents try not to leave their houses in the evening and close their windows tightly. even triple ones. seclopacks do not allow you to rest peacefully at home, you can hear everything, ride on low armor so that you can hear all the special chic revs to the limit, decibels at maximum and always with slipping. everyone who comes here to relax, eat delicious food and have fun
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time, considers it his duty to declare himself and show his prowess. i’m not sleeping, do n’t let the others sleep either. while some people relax to the fullest , others are completely deprived of rest. local residents cannot even dream of peace. even geb inspectors are not shy about foreign cars, patrol officers stop particularly noisy ones, but it’s easier for them to pay a fine than to deny themselves the pleasure of idling, i was deprived of my license for this, when the license is issued, what do you do, i’ll come in a patrick again. the patriarch's houses are located very close there and she still has no solution to and the roadway is almost closely adjacent to residential buildings, then the noise that residents hear can reach 80
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decib, permissible standards in residential premises are 40 decib, on the street 45 decib, entry is prohibited at night and only allowed in with registration, the method is drastic, but at... in the limit, for educational purposes, all means are good, a bottle of kefir, as an instrument of retribution, the girl , in my opinion, bought kefir, in the fight for the right to a comfortable life, not only kefir, but also chicken eggs are used, but the score is still in benefit guests, not residents of the patriarchal. alexey knor, ekaterina cherushova, pavel vitrinsky, egor vozhletsov, mariana peponyan, news! and with this our issue is completed, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. ernest matskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the continuation of the film alla
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taxi. speak, speak, i have not listened enough, i have become so obedient for you, a white mare, i am strangling, say that i have become beautiful, beckoned, lured, given wings, shown
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with a glance, where to fly, say, say, yes, goodbye, you just didn’t keep your promises, i helped, gave you a hand, i gave you a wing, showed with your glance where to fly, gave you something to drink, gave you water and gold, said that you won’t touch, i forgot,
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aunt manano, a new taxi has appeared in the city, the people's taxi, tell me, the people's taxi, just in time the wheel completely broke down, nothing to get through, taxi depot, wheel, sorry, right now there are no free cars, delivery only in half an hour and... sorry , there was an overlay, sandro, everyone market, tell us about a new taxi in the city, a national taxi, we give a discount to regular customers, here is a new taxi, call, order, a new taxi, uh-huh, thank you guys, kuznetsova, who will take it, there is a free car, hello, there are no cars in the region now, what the hell, what’s going on, and i’m... interviewing candidates alone, and clients are complaining to me about you, snezhana, this is impossible, there are no cars, no dispatchers,
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no way, this cloud pbx of yours doesn’t work, they just threw away the money in vain, hung up take the taxi wheel, i'll kill you, sorry, people's taxi! yes, of course you can, kochigarov 17, first entrance, wait, the car will be in
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10 minutes, uh-huh, wait guys, wait, come on, calm, calm, ship 17, first entrance. i understand that everything worked for you, first order, thank you very much, first order, sorry! here’s another case where i had a passenger present it, he dropped his phone in the car, i told him, look, he’s looking, no, look, better, no, in general, he leans down,
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and it’s dark there, so he takes the phone out of his pocket, turns on the flashlight. listen, what about you right now? can you come out? yes, easily! oh, snezhana, our respect to you, and so this is popov, snezhana, you are on time, we need to register a person, and you can wait for us outside the door, please, it’s easy!
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rear, well, if you think so, then it is so , but where are you, you need this same thing, you have two candidates, so the priest needs to be formalized, i’ll go and help the dispatchers, so to speak, cover the rear, and you ’re doing a great interview without me, yes, i can do that, great, people's taxi, right? of course, the bus station, where will we go? musina, we're only around the city for now, but we'll make an exception for you, wait for the car, white number 181. yep. let's go without rehearsal, i 'll take it, come on, hello, yes, what, i'm on my way, what
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happened? i’m not feeling well with my mother, the neighbors found me, they called an ambulance, i’m with you, why, well, where are you driving in such a state, you’re normal, i ’m with you, let’s go, so mommy, now there will be tea, how are you, okay, what? they were alarmed, well, why, the neighbor called, said, you’re lying down, well, he grabbed it, the pressure jumped, well, maybe we should go to the hospital after all, and no, which hospital, i won’t go, i’ll rest at home, he overpaid people, dear , sorry for bothering you, what are you doing, what is it for now, this medicine was prescribed for you, yes, why are you silent, i’m going to go get it now, buy it, al, you can make some tea, yes, yes, of course, no need, dear, so what , so stop, you can’t, one thing, i ’ll immediately, al, pour some tea, okay, i’m just
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like that, tatyana vasilievna, what’s bad, no? no, he cried. why? there is nothing. tatyana vasilievna, what? yes, everything is fine, everything is fine, nothing good? i ’ll call kiri now, let him come back, don’t, kiri, don’t, and don’t tell him that i stole the money from me. all the savings, everything, what happened, lord, how, who, when, kirkin, my friend, vadik, we studied in the same class, kirkizhe’s birthday, he was fond of the guitar, electric guitar as a child, he ran to the club,
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there wasn’t one of his own, i consulted with vadik, we decided to give him such a guitar. and you gave all the money, he didn’t disappear with it, he disappeared, he doesn’t answer the phone, so maybe something happened to him, he’s a player, a batik, an addict, while he was working, he lost his salary, from work, he borrowed money here. “no way, kiri, no way, he ’ll find this vadik without the police and kill him, you know him, and then you’ll be in prison
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because of a scoundrel, of course he won’t kill him, and the address where this vadik lives, you know, i was already at his place, he’s not there, the neighbors said that 3 days didn’t show up, smernovka’s sister lives, yulia, maybe he ’s hiding there, smernovka’s sister yulia, uh-huh, i realized what he looks like, this water guy, yes, there he is, photographs on the wall. mom, this is just some kind of endless trand,
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half of them are some crazy people, goodbye, mom, i’ll call you back, snezhana, yes, ah, where are you going, how to go home, work day is over, i just wanted to show you the list of drivers. tomorrow morning i ’ll start with them, goodbye, goodbye, make noise! where can we find it now, you are a bit early, so we would have found vadka, what do you need him for,
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and we are about work, we were advised to contact him, but he doesn’t pick up the phone, and his phone is broken, i called him, called him, but he showed up himself, and what kind of job is it, a driver, we have a new taxi fleet, and well, well, it’s a big deal. i would like to find him as soon as possible, he is a very good driver, a good driver, it’s clear, but now quickly tell me what vadka did something, i mean, don’t take me for a fool, they rushed there to offer patka a job, but again they lost, no, but what kind of punishment, but i swore, i tied it all up, lord, for what, and most importantly, whom, tatyana. ring, ring,
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why did he come to see you, to borrow a car, there’s no mother’s ring, he got an old one from his great-grandmother, he rubbed it, then he spoke to me with his teeth. yul, do you know where he can be found? i don’t know, but he won’t be able to sell the car without documents? what car? is this the red one? she. our report from the annual meeting of entrepreneurs of our city. in a warm, informal atmosphere, businessmen gathered to discuss the future of entrepreneurship in our region. and i would like to ask a few. questions to urbanes anton karlovich, the owner of the only taxi fleet, the irreplaceable wheel of our city. anton karlovich, please tell me, what do you think is most important for
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the residents of our city? well, i think the most important thing for the residents of our city is healthy and tasty food. that's it for us all. mom, what fate? well? i couldn’t leave one of my chickens, as i said, i took a vacation, super mom, listen, thank you, so what, how are things, they hired people, well, people are a loud word, but i just talked to a few people, why are you i was doing this, and it’s like her, snezhana, where did she go, well, she decided to help the control room there, in general, she decided, no, well, i mean, i didn’t mind, so to speak, vasily, again, what again, i was chasing a new skirt , mom, well,
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don’t you understand? that discipline should it starts with you, you want to be respected, behave appropriately so that a mosquito doesn’t hurt your nose, mom, i’m behaving as i should, i’m behaving, i didn’t even think about it and not even once, why are you hurting me? all the time, well, i give you wings, mom, what did you tell me, stop being long-winded, so that i need to conform, so that i myself, don’t bother me, said i’ll hire people, i’ll hire them, but how... it’s my business now, which is good, come on, come on, let 's look at the result, let's see, about this snowman of yours, if you want to mess with her, fire her, i'll sort it out, and sort it out.
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this is standing behind the counter with a dishwasher payment, okay, whatever, it’s yours, my friend, so,
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another one to the clinic, i’ll push you all for you, they’ll kill you or hurt you, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look at how beautiful it is, eh what a woman, and where others give up, their wings grow, so, i won’t accept this, the angels of the region, on april 22 on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except
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heads, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. сnop gin is a product of stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection bourbon stirsman product of stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury, collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise revealed in titanic klassheriction bodrum. thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, father of four children, volunteered at the front. a year ago, ilya was
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seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed. now ilya wants to find the soldier who kept him alive, and also to meet the girl camilla, the author of the letter he received in the hospital. this envelope is... next to my awards, when i read the letter, i just realized that everything was not in vain. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr.
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seryozha, have you just arrived? orders were flooded that you worked all night? yeah, i was wandering around the whole city, in general, a nightmare, goodbye! well, what have you got, i’ll get on the line now, normal, i sorted everything out at night, i’m still alone, listen, you can ask ours to find one machine, i can, which one, to whom, why,
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i personally need this, but we need to make sure that no one knew what i needed, and the main thing is that kiri didn’t know, i’ll tell you later what the matter is. for god's sake, what kind of car is that? so, hello, i don’t really know how to say this, this is the case, in general, my friend thinks that she the husband cheats, tells her that he is going to one place, someone saw his car in a completely different place, he made a mistake, man, and what will she do with him when she catches him, in general... if someone sees a red car, number ulyana 574, olga khariton 136, please tell me, not for the service, for friendship, my friend can’t find a place for herself, original, are you the morality police
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or something, maybe we should open a detective agency, but well, to hell with it, it’s difficult for you, what is it possible that a person is suffering, who are you doing what, huh? now, even if you don’t want to, you’ll check the license plates of all red cars, so and the calculation, consider it all, has programmed us, let’s do it, dear, yes, that’s it, until we get in touch, yeah.
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he’s the owner’s son, she bought herself a taxi fleet and installed it, but he’s not a problem at all, you know, in general, so what now, i’m going to quit, but what are you doing, where are you going? i already have five job offers, and i just cast the bait yesterday, you know? i 'll call you back. hello, snezhanna. hello, vasily borisovich, i wanted to talk about yesterday’s incident. yes, i also have something to tell you about yesterday's incident. excuse me. well, i am this, i am this, i was wrong, what am i doing here, i
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’ve been without weeks, and you’ve been around for a long time, well, well, of course, i should have listened to your opinion, even so, yes, you help me, please, figure it out, well, in general, what’s going on here, of course, thank you, thank you, yes. well, where, where so much, kiri, tell me, mom, well, this is from the heart, tatyana vasilievna, from the heart, mom, you better allya tell me what the doctor told you, well, he said that all the indicators are normal, and you can gradually back to normal life, great, congratulations, thanks, so maybe we'll have a birthday then. let’s note, and mom, the doctor said we need
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positive emotions, it’s okay, anyway, we’ve already bought almost everything for the table, yes, yes, we ’ll help with the cooking, yes, then i’ll quickly rush for some fuel so as not to bother tomorrow, yes, mom, you still need to dial a vadika, otherwise i’ll forget, i haven’t seen him for 100 years, i haven’t found him. we didn’t find it, sorry, but we’re looking and taxi drivers are helping, the main thing is we know what kind of car he’s driving now, semyonich, iryukha decided to check after all, he called, but he called, he says, modestly let’s sit, well, that’s right, of course, that’s right, mom feels better, she’ll help with the cooking.
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kirya, i ran, i have an urgent matter there, okay, quiet, mom is sleeping, hello. get up, they found a car, what kind of car,
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what kind of car is this van in, on larina street, i’m going there now, don’t you dare go there alone, there ’s suliko there, i’m already leaving.
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lost. lost, hungry, hungry, let's go, let's eat in a cafe, let's go, the ring is like
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the ring of his great-grandmother, whom he stole from his sister. where do you think he would take it? to lombard? he was like that, he brought a ring, but we didn’t agree on the price, he was kind of nervous, yes, that’s right, you don’t know where he might be now, do you think i asked him, or did he report, but no, of course, just, what if? he was so eager to pawn this ring that yesterday after closing he was eager to steal it, early this morning, or what? yes, no, no, yes, something like that, something like that, you go through other cups, we have a lot of them, now, but the fact is that there are a lot, okay,
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let's go, sorry, thank you, but that would be worth it , well, yes... let's eat, i don't want anything anymore, why should we run around all the cups now, oh, suliko, well, the useful guy rolled around everywhere, disappeared, as if it wasn’t fate, so maybe now someone will tell me what ’s really going on, what about you, vadik? classmate kiri, you know, i heard, he was in the car, he stole money from kiri’s mother, what are you doing, completely, i beg you, please, no one, tatyana vasilievna is worried, she’s doing the wrong thing, what she’s worried about, yes, i ’ll meet him, i’ll sew him up , okay, that’s it, i don’t have any more strength, seryozha, explain everything to him, i’ll go
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have a snack and then work, let me i’ll work, go home, rest, seryuga, i need to do something, but what should i do? iri , don’t say anything yet, we’ll see, let’s go, you better look at this piece of paper, what is it, what are these competitors, that’s what it is, kurbanus probably knew, that’s why the taxi company sold it, snow, come see me for a minute. snezhana? snezhana. why didn't you fire her? no. and why? valuable employee. hello alexandrovna. do you know what this is? what kind of
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public taxi is this, who owns it? yes, of course, this is a new taxi company. it was opened by alla kopylova, our former director. i can go, otherwise a new candidate is already waiting for me. go, kapilova. how is my heir not playing pranks? on saturday. no, and i’m just dissatisfied, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, modest, get out, don’t, why are you breaking down, quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive
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you, levetul, let’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment, she offended my sister. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you. calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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we know everything about vacation. anex. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts, we are here for you. rum, castro, product of steller group. hotel titanic delux golf belleg, where every moment is. this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes
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from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. how many films have you starred in? 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress, a heart-to-heart conversation, my
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breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying when i was fifteen, and there i was repeating my role of juliet , and then i’ll have this, this, this is a family conversation, i’ve just been surrounded by conversations since childhood, so you’ll to continue the dynasty, like dad, of course, yes, such a delicate moment, katerina is screwing, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself, and i was also deciding something, grigory vernik , at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business, i’m generally very glad that i’m your son, two vernik-2 on friday on... rtr: passed, thank you, if i’m not people,
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bring everyone back, you’ll forget about me, just why are you there, all i needed was just to be with you, to talk, i played along, wait, you tell me, you are vadik, yes, what’s the matter, do we know each other? in person, no, in absentia, yes. sorry, i'm in a hurry. listen, after you robbed your school friend’s mother, two ambulances came to her and she charged me. i honestly won’t tell kiri anything, and your sister yulyu didn’t report you to the police either, after you stole the ring, vatik, you’re
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an amazing person, no one wishes you harm, even those you robbed, to spend their money on the game, everything was wrong, kirya had been sick of this guitar since childhood, i found it on buy and sell website, this particular model, suitable... everything is fine, but in another city, and the seller said that we urgently need money, so we won’t wait, well, i fell for it, i mean, you transferred the money to him in advance, well yes, well, he, he sent me a confirmation of delivery, look, i even printed out the receipt, but then it turned out to be a classic scam, i wait and wait, there is nothing, i call this guy, i write nothing, well, in short. he threw a bastard, why didn’t you tell tatyana vasilievna everything who would believe me, i
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’ve been playing for so long, it’s like a brand on me. to the police why didn't say? i went to the police, yes i went, they immediately told me this stack of absolutely identical cases, he said, there is no chance, neither to find nor to prove, nothing is impossible, why did you steal the ring? well, well, well, to return the lamp, to buy a new guitar, to make it in time for a birthday, that’s the main thing, why didn’t you tell your sister right away, so i ’m telling you, no one has faith, what are you, my sister wouldn’t give me the money, well, i thought that... i was addicted, i sat at night, played, i didn’t eat , i started playing, you don’t understand, i really was nothing, i dragged everything out of the house, kiri only believed in me, i gave him my word that never again, but you don’t believe me either, that i don’t see, or what, what are we going to do? “yes,
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it’s not a big deal for you to go on about kirina ’s mother, my larisa ivanovna recommended a doctor to me, but there was a doctor there, one doctor is good, but two are better, listen, it’s not the doctor at all, what’s the matter, i can’t i gave my word secretly, well, i gave it, okay, i’ll say, finish it, van, but you didn’t give it to anyone, not even
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larisa ivanovna, what did you do? you lent him money, he’ll pay it back. allah, i believe him. seryozha, he immediately found a store on the internet, well, a musical one, he went all the way to voronezh to a musical instrument store in order to have time, do you think, for me to call tatyana vasilievna before tomorrow, or just go to her right away. there is no need to go anywhere and call, why? listen, i love you very much, you are the best, but sometimes you are like a little child, they don’t lie, as long as it’s just words, no money, he didn’t return any ring, didn’t give him a guitar, you’re going to call a sick woman, reassure her, you right, let it be better tomorrow there will be a surprise, it’s smoky, you need to trust people, all this happened because he
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was afraid that they wouldn’t believe him, i completely agree with you, but let’s do it this way... trust, but check, i’ll go to work, go, just not at night , kiri is waiting for us tomorrow, and yes, seryozha, tomorrow you will see that i was right, i will be very happy.
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the fact that kiri was left without a job and was stressed, stressed, yes, but not because of kiri, what because of what, just to no one, i understand, van, don’t you know me well, in short, guys, what are you whispering here? , thank you, dear, please use our national taxi, by all means, semyonich,
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hello. another order? who told you? egorov syrupy? it's clear. are you waiting for someone else? no, just you. what is this? a gift for kira, don’t
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go empty-handed. yeah, look how beautiful it is. he will be happy. wow, not bad. yes. do you think he deceived me, this vadik? al, i want you not to be too upset if this vadik doesn’t come. his phone is turned off. there are different reasons. or maybe i'm wrong, and he really will show up with a guitar, like santa claus. what if he doesn’t show up? and if he doesn’t show up, then no one except you and me in the second round will be upset. nobody knows. eh, ivan, i wish i could tell you something again. you might think that you are. kept it closed, you were also asked to keep quiet, but it’s none of your business, but that’s enough, guys, that’s enough, it’s right that we know everything, we can’t leave it like that, of course we can’t, well, we know who’s to blame, and
10:19 pm
most importantly, what should i do, but catch this vadik, shake the soul out of him, but where can you catch him now, he’s already caught a cold from age, i i know where he lives, but okay, he’s a fool, why should he sit at home, where i can catch him at any moment, don’t tell him, what if he thinks of giving in to the run? he’ll already be back home for his things, yeah, yeah, listen, you’re right, semyonich, we need to set up an ambush, that’s right, yes, we’ll take turns on duty until we catch the bastard,
10:20 pm
“at least let me cut some bread, no, no, mom, i’ll do it myself .” , like this since childhood, myself, myself, syrup, mother, but vadik didn’t call, no, yes, for some reason i can’t get through to him.”


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