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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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he couldn’t get on a passenger plane and just sit down, he always immediately got to know the pilots, asked to be allowed to sit at the controls and it was always like that, he and his father had a common ability to completely devote themselves to work and draw inspiration from it, it's very nice in the kremlin, it's very good, when it's quite deserted here, it really is.
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leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. cnop gin - product stellar group.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio
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records: we are here for you! cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group, no need to make an appointment! joke! he will come to the house himself, we are starting! will always help! we will train how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead.
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to be added, dr. myasnikov, on saturday at rtr, well, how can my heir not play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just dissatisfied, anna suits me completely.
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and this is the eldest son of the words with a lot of petty hassle, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers. well, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, the premiere was on saturday on rtr, they shouted at us that our feet were like pancakes, and they were the most affectionate naysayers. there was a cow, then it sounded terribly offensive, now it’s funny, i recalled the beginning of my journey in ballet, famous throughout the world, dancer, prima ballerina of the bolshoi theater, evgenia obraztsova. at the age of 18, evgenia made her debut on the stage of the famous mariinsky theater, immediately in
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the role of juliet. this was the first, and so far the only, case in the history of the mariinsky theater when the main female role was entrusted to such a young artist. today the repertoire includes an exemplary main role. in the most famous ballet productions the success of the most famous stages in the world, including the italian teatro lascala, london's covent garden, the parisian grand tapera, the national ballet of tokyo, the iven opera and the metropolitan opera in america. already for more than 10 years, evgenia obraztsova has been shining on the stage of the bolshoi theater. being filmed, but they carried you in their arms, yes, everything was gorgeous, applause, flowers, shops, but still they consider us some kind of plebeians, they don’t show it outwardly, but they feel their superiority, but their main achievement
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the ballerina considers family and children, her husband, the famous sculptor, andrei kroptsov, one of the co-authors of the rzhev memorial, to a soviet soldier, even in his youth. yes, this, this is an image from a certain ballet, or from swan lake, from swan lake, and andrei did it, i ’m generally shocked by zhen, andrei and i, with your husband, an outstanding sculptor, the reshevsky memorial, standing near moscow, is a great
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monument, there are monuments all over the country, in memory of our battles, heroes, well, nothing like it i have never seen, these are... the most powerful and talented monuments that i knew, well , andrei has done a lot, we have known each other since we were fourteen, and to be honest, i didn’t know that you were husband and wife, you can you imagine, now i’m only answering to myself the question is why there are so many ballerinas in his studio, do you like the way he, well, how he sees you in sculpture, andrey is such... a high-level professional that nothing is impossible for him, and working with some historical characters , working on the theme of the great patriotic war, when faced with the theme of ballet, with this subtle theme, with this
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art, he very quickly grasped the dynamics of the ballerina’s movement, the dynamics of the movement, the flight of this soul. it seems to me that these are, of course, professional qualities, but still not everyone can feel this. i understand correctly that this brought you together, that’s how you got to know each other. we met rather on the basis of a different topic. at first i became interested in andrei’s work, in particular i was interested in seeing evgeniy’s sculpture. how he performed, and we met, he told us in detail, and of course, andrey had a desire to come to the ballet, i invited him, and then the desire arose to try to sculpt a ballerina, and i
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happily posed for him, and thus almost the entire repertoire my, andrey managed done during the time we met before our wedding, i understand correctly that he... it’s not that he loved ballet, he first fell in love with you, then he fell in love with ballet, probably, yes, so, put on an excerpt from the ballet.
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before andrey molded you into a sculpture, you were molded into a ballerina, your parents, despite the fact that you are, well, what is called a dynasty, and from a family of ballet dancers, and this was difficult, both parents are in the profession, both understand perfectly how they can help me with advice, action, instruction on the other. this is a huge criticism, and i probably always it was scary not to live up to their hopes, or
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to do something so bad that they would say: well, how come, we shouldn’t have sent you to ballet, so i felt some kind of special responsibility, remember the moment when you, when this fear moved away, that’s what that moment was when you realized that you wouldn’t let your parents down, probably already closer to the senior year, when i realized that... i had taken some very good position in the class, at that moment i i felt their satisfaction, and, probably, no longer i doubted and was just worried about hearing my mother’s opinion first of all, what she thinks about how i did this or that thing, listen, well, it’s one thing when it just works out, it’s another thing when you become a juliette on one of the main stages of the country , you... are only 18 years old, this is not enough for such a role, and even this is not enough, yes, this is
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very early, well, before me there were no such young juliets in the theater, it was my teacher who told me about this, when they entrusted me with this role, she said, i’m so surprised by this the part is usually entrusted to older ballerinas, despite the fact that juliet’s age is so young, well, let’s get started, but i think it’s too early, can you do everything... do what is needed, but we’ll work, we worked 9 months on this performance before i made my debut, remember, after all these months of work, your first performance, you stand on stage for the first time in the role of juliet, you remember this feeling, of course, excitement, probably many different doubts, many uncertainties, but at the same time the desire to tell my history... despite the success,
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the performance was indeed very successful, but i must say that this is not the result of some spontaneous miracle, it is still the result of a lot of work that was done with my teachers. the most important thing, i think, was the word of the parents, like what they said after the premiere, they were there, my mother was there. happy, she was pleased, well, i think that you are with her, and this happiness would last for a long time, a wonderful, wonderful city, one of the best scenes, not to mention the scenes of the world, why did i go to moscow to this this another, moscow is not st. petersburg at all, i finished the story with the marinsky theater, because i did everything there, that’s all i could at that moment, i did everything, said everything, that’s why...
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it’s so diverse, it’s really with one side is beautiful, there is also the other side of the coin, where there are some, well, let’s say, not the brightest, kind sides and... i wanted to keep the light of art all the time, so that art would not just seem beautiful and bring goodness, so that it it really was like that , so i just tried not to notice, if something not very unpleasant happened nearby, remember sergei fillin, what happened, yes, you know him well, yes, of course, of course, we worked together, sergei
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yuryevich was my supervisor, artistic director at the moment when... this happened, yes, it was truly one of the most unpleasant incidents, which in my life, and for all of us, it just didn’t fit into my head, how could it be that people are so, well, beautiful, which gives beauty to everyone, and there are so many, so many terrible things, yes, it was really out of the ordinary coming out, a terrifying event, my mother was of course worried, and i remember a funny incident, she called her friend, shared and said:
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dating andrei decided to propose to me, and of course, it was a surprise for me, i didn’t know, there was anigin ballet, and andrei i planned to go on stage after the performance to propose to me, let’s listen to andrei himself, how he remembers it, your husband, i
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, of course, felt the whole performance on pins and needles, because it was very scary. after the performance, after the curtain closed, my legs themselves carried me there towards the wings, i was lucky, they somehow easily let me through, but then everything went according to the classics, he got down on his knee and proposed to marry me, in my opinion my wife did not understand what i wanted from her at first. i didn’t expect this so much that when he opened the box in front of me and there was a ring there and he said: please become my wife, i couldn’t even believe that this was all happening in reality now, i began to close it, and he said at that moment i thought that you were closing it and refusing me, but in reality i was just very confused, it seems to me more emotional and brighter
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was only. and another day when you became a mother, and moreover, a mother of twins, this is happiness in twins, now your girl is about the age when you were just starting to become a ballerina, and the successor of the dynasty, as they have the makings, desires, talents, abilities, they have abilities, but it’s too early to talk about desire, i can’t say yet that they really... want to be ballerinas, time will tell, but they definitely have abilities, how old were they when you returned to the stage? i returned 2 months after giving birth, it was a concert, the load was not so great, it was a small , grandiose performance, so i managed,
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it really happened after 2 months, tell me, is it true that all these fears, i will lose the role, will take my place, that this is all an absolute mirage, an absolute mirage, it seems to me, firstly, there were other times, if we talk about masters such as maya plesetskaya, galina ulanova, there were other times and life dictated its own rules, perhaps they were subject to these rules, but today’s time, it definitely has the don't deny yourself happiness motherhood. this is the most important thing, but there are still stages where, and it is not clear whether you and we will return... someday or not, these are the world stages where you performed in your time, a lot, today at the time of this attempt to cancel
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russian culture, how do you feel this cancellation? but i feel it, because we really stopped going on tour, i really want to believe that this will certainly pass, but really , for the last two, three years, i don’t remember that i traveled. anywhere further than my country, no, we really are, in some way looks like your heroine from the film, a frenchman, such a job happened to her in your life, please put it on, well, here we are, you are so delighted, but i don’t like to feel like a poor relative. but they carried you there in their arms, yes, everything was gorgeous, applause, flowers, shops, yes, but still
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they consider us some kind of plebeians, they don’t show it outwardly, but they feel their superiority, in which, i’m not worse i think, in the end, i’m on stage, and they’re in the hall, just like that. put into the mouth of your heroine, simply prophetically, that’s how it is, because i too i noticed this when i came abroad, i know what she’s talking about, if the crazy authorities of today’s france don’t send socialist troops into ukraine, as they promise, then, well , just after that there will be nothing left of paris, if they if they don’t do it, then all that will be left of paris is a grenade of the pen for...
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the premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss next time, alexander ropok, comradely, take off the handcuffs.
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angels from april 22 on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it if ask, then with confidence. the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many will be 7 and 8, 7 and 8, how many will it be, who
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is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, i have the best husband in the world, and he completely trusts me , just like i did to him, it means you have a perfect marriage on saturday. you ’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why don’t you give him anything...


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