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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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dance, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello. this is our program. many combatants, once at the front, experience physical and psychological trauma. the most important thing is not to leave it inside yourself, but to go to people who know how to help, because there is a way out. my husband and i met in 1996, he was then a cadet at the military communications academy, i was a student. we met when i was in my third year in the military schools. here at a disco in
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the lensovet palace of culture, in ninety-nine, we got married, gave birth to three children, when i returned from service, we got married, got married and live together to this day. until the special military operation began, there was not even a thought that there would be any continuation, so to speak, of a military career. i, like all citizens of our country, followed the events in ukraine, in the donbass and wanted to help myself personally, i supported him, i did not throw any hysterics, in any case, did not shed tears, did not persuaded, the fact is that we understand each other without words, so additional explanations would not be necessary, my dear family, we, men, must help our state, protect our homes, families, don’t worry, we will definitely meet, we will continue to live and work. for
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the glory of our homeland, if someone says that he is not afraid, he will tell a lie, when a tank shoots at you with direct fire, bam, part of the wall immediately collapses or the ceiling falls, and you fly off just like a piece of wood, all the people fly away, it’s worse , when you when you return home, you begin to realize what could have happened to you, i began to notice that at some point he pulls away a little, withdraws into himself. i became more irritable, i had such a desire to prove something to someone, and to prove it physically, i saw the way he looked with his eyes, that he was saying, well, here, he says, you have whole trees, that is, that’s all, even if they are good ones, but also stress, that is, a person comes from his own place as if from another planet and learns again to live in a peaceful life, not probably a month passed, and after he returned, he called me and said, what do you think, maybe i should see
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a psychotherapist, i said, of course, if you feel such a need, then you should definitely contact us, we have a wife in our studio svo participant anastasia sarmina, hello anastasia, hello anastasia, please tell us about your husband, vitaly, what he was like before the start of the special military operation, what kind of person, my husband is a person, he is a very strong personality, he is very strong. character, while he is very kind and generous, a real man, a real man, how did you take his decision to go there? i took him for granted, because calmly, yes, because somewhere inside i understood that he could not stay away for long and sooner or later this decision would be made. nastya, was he a volunteer or was he drafted, did he go voluntarily, yes, a volunteer? has he changed somehow? i saw. that after his return he
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changed in his outlook, that it became more difficult for him to somehow adapt, how did this manifest itself? manifested itself, sometimes became detached, sometimes i saw that on the contrary, he couldn’t, didn’t want to be left alone, of course, he tried not to show us, so as not to alarm us once again, but it was noticeable that sometimes some kind of irritation arose, basically in... our feelings, i tried not to shock, but again i understand that he was telling the story anyway, i saw that it was hard for him, that he was experiencing emotions, i was telling something, yes, but most likely i need some kind of help, namely a professional, of course that family support.
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support of family, friends and society and friends, this is important, but it was clear that we needed someone who understood this more. nastya, did you see that he needs help? or was he directly saying that i needed help? it’s just that at some point he himself said that i feel that i probably need it, what do you think? i said, of course, it’s necessary, let the professionals handle it. did your relationship somehow worsen during this period? have not worsened in any way, and i understand that this is largely due to the fact that we did not allow this problem to somehow develop. let's call vitaly and talk with him, vitali, please come in, hello, in our studio... svo member vitaly sarmin, hello, vitaly, hello, tell me, how long did you serve, in what units, by whom? i was in the dobrobolsky unit in the bakhsun direction and carried out combat missions as part of this unit.
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do you have any title? no, in our unit everyone was a fighter, and there were no ranks as such, i am a reserve officer, graduated from st. petersburg. higher military engineering school of communications, oh, and professional, professional, yes, i’m a career officer, yeah, at the end of my service i was demobilized and worked as an entrepreneur, i went to the northern military district as a volunteer, when it was, it was in october, at the end of october 2022, and i was there for about 7 months, medals for you, huh? for courage, for taking bakhmut, and medals? yes, that’s right, i was awarded the medal of the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree, the medal for the capture of bakhmut, the medal for participation in the bakhmut operation, the medal for the detachment of the lugansk people’s republic, well, the medal
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of the order of merit for the fatherland is cool, yes, well, the state appreciated my work that i did there. vitaly, you give the impression of a very restrained, integral, strong person. and you volunteered, being a businessman, a successful person, why? we are russian people, and we cannot stand aside, then, when such events took place in a neighboring state in ukraine, the rights of russian people were infringed, the language was banned, they asked us, citizens of russia, for help, i could not stand aside, still with. .. in 1914 our family helped volunteers and civilians funds were sent to the residents, financially, after february of the twenty-second year, when the acute phase of the special military operation began, i could not find a place for myself at home when i was, such help seemed
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insufficient to me, i decided that i could use my strength, knowledge, experience be used to help the armed forces. so that the internal state of a person is appropriate, in combat training we were also well prepared for this, special thanks, and this, in principle, helped to soften this psychological blow, did you get this hit? everyone who is
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in the co zone receives a certain amount of psychological stress, and i am no exception, in the story that was shown, you talked about a tank, this is something from your life, as i understand it, right? well, it was close to me, my loved one returned to the trench, there was this thing in our direction there was a mattress factory, and he returned from it after a tank worked on it, and he usually walks calmly, he had such a combed hair, then he came running , his pupils are dilated, his hair stands up like this, and he begins to talk in details of what happened to him, and then it turned out that the tank broke through. close to our positions and the soldiers who were at this mattress factory, they came under fire from a tank, when it goes directly to the vodka it starts shooting, in fact this is one of the most terrible events in the life of every attack aircraft, so i’m telling you now, but
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i’m getting goosebumps because a huge iron machine on tracks comes out, with a gun like this it starts firing at full blast, trying to destroy this object somewhere... you break down, and he wants it there everyone, as if to arrange a mass grave, bury them. the worst thing was for the fighter who, being under fire from a tank, had to gather his will into a fist and take it. go out with a grenade and suppress this tank, because he received an order to work on the tank. personally, i and my group came under mortar fire, that is, when we were in the fortification of a private house in the basement, mortar 120 and 82 were firing at us, and two mortars were firing at us at the same time. mines are one of the most terrible types of weapons, from which a fighter cannot escape in any way, only run somewhere to hide. what were you thinking in... like an ordinary fighter, the task was to survive, but at the same time it was necessary to make
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adjustments, that is, to inform the commanders there and at the communications center about where the flight was coming from, so that they could identify the direction to suppress this point, vitaly, when there is a raid of copters, what should you do? each has different functions, if you are a member of a rap crew, you radio, if you are told that a komikaze drone is flying, someone heard it... you give the command to everyone to take cover, you yourself gather all your will into fist, you take the equipment, go out, practice on this copter and make sure that it doesn’t hit anyone, or if the scout flies in, then you also practice with the equipment and make sure that the enemy cannot fly, and these are elements of electronic warfare, you can land him like from small arms and by radio-electronic means, we shoot him down so that he sits down, our task is to disrupt the enemy’s task. at the same time, do not interfere with the task of our copter pilots. nastya, you are now hearing this story for the first time, despite
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i’m still scared of something i’ve heard not for the first time, and it gives me goosebumps, and everything shrinks inside me. vitaly, did you serve for 7 months? yes, 7 months, 7 months. when did you return ? well, it was mid-june 2023 . do you yourself feel that you have changed a lot? being in the nvo zone, and apparently a person. is being restructured in order to survive, to carry out a combat mission for certain functions, while it is constantly necessary to overcome one’s instinct of self-preservation, which everyone has, and apparently this imposes some consequences on the psyche person, and you decided to see a psychologist in connection with this, yes, you felt that something was wrong with you, and i felt some signs of what is called ptsd, that is... in that i i didn’t
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understand a lot, there was some kind of loss, apparently there must be an adaptation, because i very often asked nastya how i could put money on a bank card or, for example, i asked some other questions that, in general, from the outside they would probably seem childish, yes, that’s the same. it appeared that i had some kind of aggression, which was not there before, and some kind of feeling , a heightened sense of justice , probably in general, when you wanted not to argue with your opponent, as if with words, but to somehow physically use physical force against him, physical force, they used, no, how - i managed to restrain myself, because i am not alone in this problem, we talked with my bosses and... they told me about their stories, they often ended
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in tears, in violation of some norms of behavior or the law, that is, for example, comrade who came to me, he he said that in this state he damaged five cars there, just standing in the yard at night, that is, he had such an attack of some kind of aggression, i began to analyze the situation, i began to study. question and read the literature there, i advised nastya, she has a medical education, we talked with her, decided that we needed to see a psychotherapist, she was a civilian specialist, she gave me treatment, for some time i felt better, my sleep returned to normal , there was an appetite for, in general, somehow it became calmer, so to speak, i continued to communicate with my comrades who are now still at the front, when i myself went on a business trip to
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nearby regions and crossed paths with soldiers there, i again began to empathize with them, i seem to have these manifestations began to be felt again, returned, yes, i began to study this issue further and found out that, well, it is advisable, as the experts write there, but to turn to a specifically narrow one. a specialist on this issue, who better yet took part in hostilities himself, because after all, he is a civilian specialist, he does not have the experience that the participant has. now quite a lot of fighters are returning, going to the northern military district, returning for one reason or another, and also a large number of civilians in our new territories, they also, in general, experience the same traumas, disorders, also civilians, volunteers who import there
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humanitarian aid, civilians and fighters, they are also generally susceptible to this disorder, therefore... uh, we now need to continue organizing a mass approach to this question, i absolutely agree with you, in general it is very difficult for an ordinary person, it is impossible to imagine what you have experienced during these 7 months on the front line. we have a story from the direction where you served, let's see, hello, baby, hello, dear, how are you, it's probably autumn, the roads are all frozen, and the stars are falling ; the stars fall brightly, in the rays of dawn, you know
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that i’m not going to talk. well, that’s all, my dear, i’m finishing writing, don’t forget voice notes, send, and if they ask what they write about, well, we have since time, but what i don’t say, but there is. if they ask what’s going on, well, why bother, only with us, that the baht are coming, he doesn’t say, in our studio we have esvo member alexey antaykin, hello, hello, hello alexey, you and vitaly
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are a colleague, yes, we served in the same platoon , you and vitaly became friends, probably the word friendship is not applicable there, there is more brotherhood, the life of your friend depends on you, and your life depends on him, that is, friendship is a little different, i went to pick up the ribbon, so they say, on soo, in mid-july twenty -two, and the problem was that the enemy was using a lot of ethereal flying vehicles of any type, and this caused at least inconvenience, so... after vitaly appeared with his crew, with his equipment, i don’t know, he probably didn’t tell, but in general he bought this equipment with his own money, he’s modest, so maybe he didn’t say it, but he bought it with his own money and came to the volunteers and to me personally , no, he didn’t, well, i’m talking about it, and
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i personally, as a squad commander, was lucky that he ended up in my platoon. i had a squad of 400 people, and well, we all sighed, because the sky became clear and we all began to move at least calmly in the daytime , well, carry out tasks, accordingly. what combat missions did you perform? i’m an attack aircraft, a machine gunner, well, my height is quite wide and fast, i grew from a machine gunner to a squad commander, then i was the crew commander of a large-caliber cord machine gun, just artillery spotter. i was an aircraft controller, then i was a squad commander for 3 months, you have an order of courage, even for what? well, so the commanders decided, the state probably did it, well, there was a reason for it, it’s hard to say, we said it like this, before lunch we performed one feat and after lunch two feats, so for what exactly, i
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honestly don’t know, on the city’s there are no orders at the end. aleksey gave the gifts, and your story is how you got into the svo zone, are you a volunteer? i am a volunteer, yes, in civilian civilian life, what did you do? graduated in 2004 the first university, opened its own organization and was engaged in the maintenance and repair of refrigeration, heating, technological and baking equipment, after the start of svo everything was divided into before and after, and accordingly, i put the company up for sale, sold it, just in time for the summer and... left, you somehow changed internally after everything you experienced, of course, war changes people, there... some secret, so to speak, uh, suitcases or cabinets are opened, from which skeletons appear, and they are not
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always bad, they are also good, that is a person can also open up in a positive way, but nevertheless - when this locker opens and something appears from there, ptsd is laid there, this ptsd, it affects - well, directly, on the brain, on neural connections. brain, and like any psychotrauma, it can subsequently cause serious complications, this applies to the owner of this ptsd, and his loved ones, those around him, i see that you understand the issue so well, okay, did you contact a psychologist, no, i didn’t, but i have the situation is a little different, before svo i studied the issue of psychology, and neurom... i was interested in the work of the brain, this process in general was interesting, it helped you later to release demons professionally, but i
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drove all the demons out of myself, i had an excellent teacher, dmitry rosokhin, yeah, that means yekaterinburg, so after i helped myself with these courses, and no, no, i helped the fighters, although that is secretly, so to speak, but how secretly you can help, like this... a dialogue, not a conversation at all, touching on some subtle topics, which you just can’t say, in friendly conversation over tea there, that is, there were times when we had the opportunity to sit, drink tea and chat, let's see a story about your friend, teacher dmitry rassokhin, i am often asked the question, why did you go to donbass, here you have it , everything was fine with you, here’s your family, there’s an apartment, cars, why do you need to go there, but the thing is... i have this inner conviction that there are no exes, i have a concept built into me, i'm an officer, i couldn't stay away, i'm needed there, i i realized that i could bring a lot of benefit there,
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because well, my level of qualifications allows it, today we have it like this in the military, coffee, coffee in the military, the battle is going on, here’s the arrival, well, that’s how we fight somehow . when i arrived in donbass, i saw how much grief and loss there was, the guys were fighting , post-traumatic syndrome is inevitable, since i am a professional psychologist, i found a group of psychologists there, created an emergency psychological assistance service, more than 2,000 people have already been accepted as patients, like this the results of the service work, that is, the brain will expect that you will now press on your leg, and it will notice that a large komiss has flown into your face.
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ptsd leads to burnout, ptsd leads to depression, ptsd leads to breakdowns and this is not the work that is necessary. next in the program, combat veteran dmitry rossokhin will come to the studio and tell us why he decided to become a psychologist. i can tell you from myself that i’m sitting at home, now that i’m back, i’m drinking coffee, there’s a tank training ground not far from my house, they’re starting to shoot, i i’m sitting in... my mug of coffee is frozen, i’m between two worlds, my brain can’t navigate, because there i have to save a life, but here is home, it’s calm, there’s everything there, and well, i quickly worked with you, then yes, i
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know all the symptoms, everything has been restored to normal perception, i won’t go to jail because i didn’t do anything, i’m an honest person, if you go to jail, i won’t survive it, alla taxi, premiere, today on rtr. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we offer we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. the fence, terrace, gazebo will be renewed in an instant. costly repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photofacing in a way convenient for you,
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despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i still i myself am not a mistake, and i also decide something. grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. two vernik-2, on friday on rtr. bless the mother of your children, pray to god that
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they will fight. labor for the faith of christ, you cannot love me, but they are enemies to you, i will give everything, i will sell, i will buy, he went over to their side, we will show what it means to attack... people without guilt and we will beat them so much that the stains will be carried away. taras bulba, that sym, yours helped you plyah, film by vladimir bortok. on friday, on rtr. thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, the father of four children, volunteered at the front. a year ago, ilya was seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed. now ilya wants to find the soldier who kept him alive, and also to meet the girl camilla, the author. letter he received in the hospital, he keeps this envelope next to his awards. when i read the letter, i just realized that everything was not in vain. malakhov, today on rtr. previously in the program, participant of the special
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military operation vitaly sarmin told what he had to face during the battle. one of the most terrible events in the life of every stormtrooper, i ’m telling you now, and i’m getting goosebumps because a huge iron machine on tracks comes out with a gun like this and starts firing full blast, trying to destroy this object where you’re hiding , and he wants to arrange a mass grave for everyone there, bury them, in our studio there is a combat participant, a participant in the siberian federal district, the head of the emergency psychological assistance service, dmitry rossokhin, hello, hello, hello, sanych is behind me, sanych, yes, how did you decide to connect your life with the military path? served in the airborne troops, came, didn’t find myself much, somehow in peaceful life you went to serve in the special forces, which means you served for a certain time in the special forces,
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then left, went into business, you took part in hostilities, but for me this is no longer the first military operations in which i took part, i served in nagorno- karabakh, which means... then i left, took up civilian life, peaceful life, at first these were private security companies, then there were other enterprises, i became the head of quite large ones, when you returned to civilian life, ptsd somehow affected you, after the first service i worried about it for a long time, then after serving in the special forces i also worried about it for a long time, you went through all this, yes, yes, it is possible that this led me later to psychology, when i... was unable to understand my own problems on my own, i went to get a professional education, psychological, i went to study it for myself, but then i got so carried away, immersed, i became interested, i already started teaching for the third year, first there with one
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professor, then at another institute, then i created my own institute, started teaching at my institute, then i was invited to the wurf, to he taught at the pedagogical university, he taught there for... law enforcement agencies, when he had already developed certain psychological courses and methods, we created a neurophysiological laboratory to study how psychology influences neurophysiology when you experienced ptsd, yes, you didn’t ask for help, because the man can handle it on his own, i can handle it on my own, should i ask for help, should i seek help, but if a person has a toothache, he can endure it, right? it can be tolerated for a very long time, the consequences can be very dire, here it’s about the same story, that is, ptsd has a generalization, that is, if you give a metaphor, then it’s a bunch of grapes, only it’s the other way around, that is, there’s one event and then it sticks to it, sticks to it, sticks to it sometime
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this bunch of grapes may break off, what are the symptoms? symptomatology, which means that the first is considered to be a return to traumatic events, that is, firstly, he remembers it in the first person, that is, he is directly immersed again. re-lives this event and again experiences stress again in this event and sometimes cannot get out of it, any symptoms of symptoms already become a lot, well, let’s say some kind of construction site that reminds - a destroyed house there, well, that is, some - perhaps some something sharp clapping, there, well, i can tell you from myself that i’m sitting at home, now that i’m back, drinking coffee. near my house they start shooting at a tank training ground, i ’m sitting here, my coffee mug is hanging like that, i’m between two worlds, my brain can’t orient myself, because there i have to save a life, but here is home, a calm place there, everything,
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and well i quickly worked with you, that is, i know all the symptoms, everything restored normal perception, but nevertheless , no matter what kind of professional person was there, he couldn’t do it do it, you still have to do it, so if you have a question, should you do it? an explosion of an event, the perception of some event that exceeds these adaptive abilities of the psyche, that is, the psyche says: i ’m not controlling you here, uh-huh, reflexes are already controlling you, you stop controlling, in general , controlling yourself, in general, conscious activity turns off, it often happens , that in this state people can rush to run away somewhere, cotton can fall there, and it happens that you also have to work with your relatives, definitely, there’s such a thing, well secondary... traumatization - this is about what you say, is it necessary to work with those who
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work with psychologists who work, of course, it is necessary, we need to work with ourselves, help each other, that is, this is a kind of prevention of retraumatization, so, this is how the behavior of a person suffering from this syndrome is reflected on those around him, well , imagine the feeling of a person - when everything is calm, nothing happens, he is in everyday life, and inside him , just physiologically, it’s as if... a towel like this twisted, yeah, he doesn't understand that happens, he begins to think, analyze, everything is fine, he begins to be afraid of this state, am i not normal or something, i’m a man, i understand everything, that is , everything is tied to stress, to fear, then fear gives rise to aggression, and a man he doesn’t want to, he says, but that everything is fine with me, that i ’m getting ready, he’s gritting his teeth to such an extent that his teeth are crumbling, because they restrain through anger, overcoming fear, they taught this. to do there, that is , fear sets in, a hormonal cocktail is released,
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yes, a person has tension, and he still needs anger in order to do what you should, being in such tension for long enough, a person wants to relax, we have a story about how you work with one of your patients, let 's see, one day he came and said that i was leaving to defend my homeland, i was very worried, but you... in his, i realized that the decision had been made, and he would do as he would do when the moments were given, and he could get in touch, you know, he’s a cheerful person, everything’s fine, when i return, i don’t i recognized my son, he was simply withdrawn into himself, even if you ask him something, i see that he doesn’t hear, he’s thinking about something of his own, psychologically my child was very stressed. i found out that this was ptsd a little later, when i started communicating with
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dmitry, with a psychologist, i had dreams, once i had a dream that a shrapnel was flying into my head, i was bitten straight to the point of bleeding, you communicate with people, they just don’t understand, but you, you don’t understand them, then yes, the realization comes, after talking with dmitry, that people are not to blame for this, because that they weren’t there, they didn’t see, and so on, good afternoon, dmitry, greetings. maxim, as a state, it’s better, maxim, but now you can relax, relax directly, well, inside, not even physically anymore, psychologically relax, so you can just go away and sit there for an hour, not think about anything, well, that’s not the case for now, unfortunately , it doesn’t work, regarding this exercise, what we worked on regarding sounds, by the way, works very well, i was imagining this moment when the tank was working on us, direct fire there, and the most difficult thing for me was when... to do everything, it’s unusual, so to speak, but
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nevertheless, even if not the first time, but then it turned out, after classes, you really enjoy life somehow, yes, you remember that , what happened there, because you really can’t forget it, but you already remember it differently. dmitry, you worked with this person, what is his state now, in what state did he come to you, it means he came with symptoms of ptsd after, what is his name, maxim? this means that after our work i gave him a number of techniques, which he mastered, that is, not all methods work, but he told me right away, that ’s how much you worked with maxim, and we had two, two meetings, two meetings, and the results, and the results, his symptoms went away, the most important thing was that he let go the body, the psyche will then catch up with the body, that is, if a person does not have this tension, he is relaxed, he is breathing, the body feels safe, the thought process has already been built and we seem to...
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even before it hits him? do you want to see him, yes, he came to us, he is here, now will come in, maxim, please come in, good afternoon, everyone. hello, in our studio we have a member of the svo, maxim shutarev, good afternoon, hello, how are you feeling, it has become easier, psychologically, yes, of course, there are no such acute reactions, so to speak, as there were at first, after returning, well, there are no more
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dreams , yes, such nightmares that i had, well, i woke up periodically, had some dreams, it went away, and... a reaction to sounds, namely fireworks, the clapping of some loud cars, well, at first it was real, well, something, something is wrong, we need to move somewhere, well, you already communicate normally with people, working with dmitry, but we understood together and i, including, after he explained to me that this the problem is with me, i don’t look at life that way, i brought anxiety from there, well, maybe even aggression, so to speak, but he said that he had personal experience that he also went through, yes, of course, he told me, that’s me and i was captivated by the fact that the person, we communicated in the same language, that the person speaks about what he understands, and i understood him, what he was talking about, so you understand each other, and people who are very far from this, who are not at all immersed in this topic, sometimes say, oh well, these
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are all ladies’ ideas, why are you showing off here, have encountered such , well , this in particular poured out yes at first, when some people say: oh well, what’s there, now i just understand to such people the uselessness of an explanation, well, some kind, if a person wants to understand, he will understand, it personally helped me, and i i want to convey to the guys who are returning, who, unfortunately, we probably all understand that there is a stereotype that if you go to a psychologist, it means something is wrong, yes, yes, in fact this is not so, but all this can be solved, and the main thing is to accept it and work. dmitry is doing a great job, he is trying to bring this help to everyone in need, let's look at the story, when it started , at first there was confusion, of course, and then the understanding came that the wounded were coming, this is where we should definitely participate.
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our task here is not only to make things easier, improve, cure, but teach the person himself. this needs to be done again a little, as they explained, to go through it, leave it there, with dmitry sanovich, well, we call him dmitry, dima, we have known each other for a long time, he formed the first group of fighters, the first group arrived, and
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there were these big backpacks, she says , and we thought that we would live in the forest on some kind of electrical power supply, so we took tents from... we took sleeping bags, took pots, they took everything, we were greeted here like family, thanks to dr. volkova, we feel like at home, very sincerely, all this is very professional, the results are noticeable, well, in our studio there is a neurologist, irina volkova, hello, irina, hello, irina, just a question, how much do your services cost in this clinic, for fighters we have everything for free, just everything, i'm not even talking about the fact that we have free treatment. we ourselves buy tickets to come to us and leave us, and then we, while we have them, we organize, in addition to treatment, we organize leisure time, we have many artists, many famous artists, and we also give everyone a large package of warm clothes before discharge, that is, that’s why everything is free, no one pays a penny of money,
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you have some kind of rehabilitation plan, of course, it’s mandatory, on the day of arrival, we first feed them, it’s delicious , hot, plentiful, then a shower, then we check in, we start looking, we have 12 doctors in the clinic and we, well, half of them definitely see on the first day, and we outline a rehabilitation program for everyone, that is , they are all different, we don’t have the same patients, we are all different, the fighters are coming severe, we have a comprehensive approach, that is, in addition to medication and medical treatment, and we definitely have physical rehabilitation, a neuropsychologist, a psychotherapist, physical therapy, which means we have all the electrical stimulation, that is, everything that is necessary, absolutely everything is there, at the same time how many people can stay? we have 35 beds, we generally have 30 beds, but we made 35, we have had 232 fighters for the ogo to date. well, since april '22, we do everything ourselves, we just have a company like-minded people, we have people who
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responded simply, four people, you basically need money or medicine or equipment, we need everything, we really need support, of course, but how do we have, for example, one person who gives us once a six months brings in bed linen, it would seem a trifle, but it’s necessary, like expenses, food, and medicine, in general, dear tv viewers, if you want. call our program’s phone number and say whatever you want, we’ll refuse; later in the program, which of our comrades will come to dmitry’s studio rossokhin, hello, dear, hello, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, premiere.
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holiday with gifts, and now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well maybe, well, there’s no need anymore, valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim podeev, maria zakhar, for me it’s a total shock, it was just then that i found out.
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hello for a second, the same one when it hit me, the same one, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, well, like mine the heir doesn’t play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just dissatisfied, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, shy, take it away. for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, the child must be kidnapped. varantsov will demand a ransom,
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this is vorontsov’s eldest son. there is a lot of petty trouble, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dusty flowers, you know why they kidnapped me, brought me here, premiere on saturday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today on rt. previously in program, dmitry rosokhin and his colleagues told what post-traumatic stress disorder is and what help they provide to svo participants. the man doesn’t want to, he says: what, everything is fine with me, what am i doing? i'll get it together, he clenches his teeth to such an extent that his teeth
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are crumbling, because they hold back through anger, overcoming fear, they... they learned to do it there, for fighters we have everything for free, just everything, i don't even say that we have free treatment, we buy tickets ourselves us to come and leave us, and then while we are staying with us, we organize, in addition to treatment, we organize leisure time, many artists come to us, many famous artists, and we also give everyone a large package of warm clothes before discharge. dmitry, in addition to psychological help, you also help the front, yes, yes, from the very beginning. special military operation, we, a group of businessmen, got together and started helping, collecting money, sending it there, uh, then, when i had already gone there, there were my units, to which we delivered, well special equipment, today alexey and i have organized a fund, a fund for participants and veterans of the northern military district, former fighters, they listen to their own, yes, this is this military family,
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e.g. it has a great psychological significance, you know what i wanted to ask, how many people a day can you accommodate? well, eight, but the emergency psychological assistance service is not just me, initially i worked, then i recruited six specialists, these are girls, women from the dpr, psychologists, girls work tirelessly under shelling in...
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hello, on behalf of myself and the guys in my unit, i want to convey a huge hello to you. we are still in the zone of a special military operation. we continue to carry out combat, specially assigned tasks, but i think you yourself know everything about us, i am very glad that i met you, i remember how you came to our unit, brought everything you needed, helped with everything you could, i remember moments when you helped people, our mutual acquaintances, helped civilians, and then found yourself under heavy mortar fire shelling, i remember maybe i told you that after the war i would like to have peace? what a comrade, may god grant you health, all the best, and as we usually say, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. dmitry, do you recognize this man?
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of course, of course, who is this, this is shilka, shilka, uh-huh, call sign, yes, this is a volunteer, in general, with a very difficult combat, heroic fate, i cannot tell now, because the person is still fulfilling his combat missions. yes, yes, he is here today, he came to you, from the front line, yes, let's meet him, shilka, please come in, dmitry alexandrovich, i didn’t believe it, hello, dear, hello, hello brother, hello, very glad to see you, thank you. dmitry is glad, that’s not the right word, i’m straight up, i didn’t believe that this was possible, well, of course i’m very glad to see, i consider him my comrade in arms, this is a person who
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directly took part in operations with us, went on missions with us , about ptsd, by the way, i’d like to know if you ’ve ever experienced this condition, i’m wow, this is from the summer. second year, during all this time, of course, i myself feel that i have become a completely different person, i began to have a different attitude towards life, i have lost a lot of guys, my loved ones, as if i live with this, even my family as -we had a conversation, he said that i just want to go back, take some kind of pill after our victory and forget all this, maybe this is what is manifesting itself, but at the moment i am not relaxing. i know that i need to go through this whole difficult path, somewhere in my soul i pray, i believe that i must finish my work, low bow from all of us, thank you, another friend of yours
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will come to the studio now, ian gagin, adviser to the head of the dpr, ian, please come in, good afternoon, good, hello, hello, how did the officer pass the hot spots, what helps you personally cope with what we are talking about today, and have you personally experienced such states yourself? if we talk about ptsd, it is present in any specialist in any case, this applies not only to mobilized people, it applies not only to volunteers, because these are people... more often in total, living his civilian life, war somehow came into this life, it is simply expressed differently, for some it is more vivid, for others it may not be expressed at all,
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when he is already at home after dismissal , this may reveal itself, i think that i also have some kind of expression for the tsr of the syndrome itself, i just haven’t observed it yet, so, but in any case, be that as it may, everyone is worried , it all affects everyone, this includes the death of comrades, these are injuries, well, let’s just say what even if we weren’t strong, we will continue to go on the attack at night for a long, long time all our lives, please give advice to the relatives of people who returned from there, what to pay attention to and how to talk correctly with a loved one in order to encourage him to ask for help, the first thing must... be an understanding that these are two different worlds, you need to understand your loved ones and relatives, that well, you won’t understand, you can only love and worry as for a loved one, as for a loved one, as for a loved one, even if
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there is no opportunity, i don’t know, i still have desires something there, contact a psychologist, this is silence, silence, peace, just leave the person behind and let him lie down, just lie down, so i can give... general recommendations that can be applied, that is, the first thing is dissociated perception , that is, when we perceive not from our eyes, but disassociate. well, the third from the third person, the story from the third person, not me, but him, when we retell it, also remove the colors, remove all the paints, make it black and white, you’re watching a film about yourself, but this is already not you, it’s you, the younger one, that is, it happened back there a long time ago in your history, and you sit, look, now the emotions about the fact that he is there, well, that is, you , the younger one, were worried there, they there will be others, the physiological reactions will be different,
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for a person, as a statesman, the second question is, in general, the state, how should it support now, especially after the victory , such people who are engaged in psychological assistance, i would like to say that such people are like volunteers and those who do something from the heart are, well let's say this... it's very important, it's like
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the salt of the russian soil, because what he does is very important for both civilians and for the state, it somehow helps, the state helps, but in fact i think that here it is necessary to offer this help, because none of us, well, healthy men who believe that we need to save face, will ever admit to ourselves that something is wrong, but in any case we must offer to explain in detail that it yes, but how do you oblige a person to come to see me, he doesn’t want, let’s say, well, he doesn’t want, when we work... in hospitals , sometimes we don’t even ask, and the second thing is explanatory work, that is, the person says no, well, they just tell him what your dream is like, i have nightmares, let’s work with this, yes, but this problem exists that the guys say: “no, no, no, we ourselves, ourselves, so here is the question, once again, when i come there, i say, there is pain, there is, that’s it, do this, i, i don’t even ask, you want it, you don’t want it, you don’t need it, there is pain, there is pain, we are working, that’s it, i put on a robe, under the robe there is a uniform, with the military in this regard..." simpler than with
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civilians, they said it, it is necessary, an order is an order, i want to say thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, because guys, you endure all these difficult experiences on your feet and experience them for our sake, in fact for our homeland, victory will be ours, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you on the russia channel in the studio, evgeniy rashkov, hello , the main thing for this hour. by half a meter in just the last few hours, the tobol river has already flooded in kurgan.


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