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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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simpler than with civilians, they said it must be, an order is an order, i want to say thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, because guys, you endure all these difficult experiences on your feet and experience them for our sake, in fact for our homeland, victory will be ours , this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour. just in the last few hours, the tobol river has already flooded by another half a meter in kurgan.
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so, the fsb today announced the arrest of the second person involved in the case of blowing up the car of former ukrainian security service officer vasily prozurovo. the suspect turned out to be a citizen of russia and moldova; it was he who brought components for an explosive device to moscow. according to the department, they were disguised as manicure tools and care products. hair, to deliver the cargo to the capital of the sbu , a resident of warsaw was used as an intermediary, who handed over the parcel to a private transport company; in lithuania, she received the cargo from poland from representative of her company, cargo that was supposed to be delivered to moscow, on april 7 , the sender of the cargo contacted me, uh, asked when she could... pick up the cargo, and if
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it was possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo. prozorov’s car was blown up on april 12 in the north of moscow. a former sbu officer and consistent critic of the kiev regime, he decided to defect to russia back in 2014 after the maidan in order to fight the illegally elected government. shortly before the assassination attempt , he stated that in the attack on crocus city hall there is a ukrainian trace, and the terrorists’ actions resemble tactics. russian troops in the special operation zone destroyed ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces and the rdk terrorist formations, the ministry of defense reports. in the morning, several missile attacks were carried out on ukrainian military infrastructure facilities in the odessa region and krivoy rog. in chernigov, three rockets hit a hotel building. it was officially closed in february
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2002 and, according to ukrainian telegram channels, the building housed military. a video of the first minutes after arrival is published by the local police, in the footage they provide first aid to people in camouflage, filmed from the spot, in the windows of what is supposedly a civilian hotel, bunk iron beds are visible. in the special operation zone, russian paratroopers killed an experienced ukrainian sniper. it took our shooters five days to track him down. during the duel , the ukrainian armed forces sniper was
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from the line of combat contact, they hit the enemy with direct fire, fire, usually the first shot is a sighting shot, the gunner slightly adjusts the coordinates, the next the projectile flies exactly to the target, fire, objective control means confirm that it has hit the enemy’s stronghold, the crew turns the vehicle around at maximum speed and returns to the place of permanent deployment, the soldiers immediately hide the tank in the forest. fpv drones pose the greatest danger to tankers; kamikaze drones reach speeds of over 120 km/h. to protect the hull from such birds, the crews weld additional protection on top, the so-called barbecues, there were some arrivals, they worked on
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do you have an answer? yes, they worked on us, 120, they also worked on savushki, well, they fell nearby, there were arrivals while we were working - and so , accordingly, most of the drones swoop in, we leave for a smoke break and we also look for a new position again in order to fully work out the target. a mechanic with the call sign gera came here from chita. 5 years ago he signed a contract, he was in a special operation from the first days, he was seriously injured, but again returned to the front line. so, fragmentation, mortar, was wounded, head, back, also spent a whole year recovering after treatment, now back i came here, but why did you decide? so this is my duty, since i am a contract soldier, i still have to protect my loved ones, the commander of this crew is also an experienced tanker, during his military service in the army he worked on the same t-72, so i didn’t even have to retrain, there were arrivals, it turns out next to the car,
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cut by shrapnel, but it’s not dangerous for the car, the tower also flew off to the side, it wasn’t scary, no, it’s not scary, but here , as everyone says, it’s not scary to drive in, it’s scary to leave, because we don’t know, that we can catch up from behind. buryat tank crews of the thirty-seventh brigade make combat trips every day, seven days a week, helping assault troops punch holes in enemy defenses. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. more than 400 rescuers and 1,500 pieces of equipment are currently fighting spring floods in the kurgan region. water level only in the tabol river today. has grown by more than half a meter and is already approaching critical levels, the most difficult situation is now in the belozersky district, in kurgan it is flooded the right bank part of the city, the water is on the first floor. in the tyumen region , 35 settlements have already been flooded. the level of the ishim river exceeded critical values ​​by almost a meter,
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this is a historical maximum. the head of the russian ministry of construction, rek faizulin, who, on instructions from the president, is assessing the flood situation, visited the tomsk region today. level. volume has decreased over the past 24 hours, however, residents from dangerous areas still remain in temporary accommodation centers. and the situation in the orenburg region, murat zaripov, and from the kurgan region, report albert musina. today, traffic jams in orenburg are much less, the water is receding, freeing up previously closed streets and highways for traffic. in those courtyards and neighborhoods where it was impossible to get through, equipment is working. the worst thing is that the ural river is already behind us, retreating from orenburg, albeit slowly, but returning to its usual course. in orsk, where the decline in water levels began earlier, normal life is also gradually returning to normal. volunteers from many regions of russia are still working there,
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they are sorting humanitarian aid, people are still in need of basic necessities and are delivering food, water and supplies to the homes of those affected by the flood. our team has experience in general areas passed. training in the field of safe life activities, in extinguishing forest landscape fires, that is, our guys are trained, scientific, in a great mood, ready to help. due to the flood in the region, there is a risk of an outbreak of intestinal infections; tap water should not be consumed without boiling, and it is better to use only bottled water. to stabilize sanitary given the situation, it was decided to begin mass vaccination of the population against hepatitis a; vaccination will be launched in clinics, of course, in temporary accommodation centers. but the peak of the flood has not yet passed throughout the entire region; the level of the urals in the village of ilek has been rising for several days. previously , there was already a small embankment at this place, which in previous years protected it from floods, now it was decided to strengthen it, increase it by several
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meters, otherwise this entire microdistrict would already be in water. a water tank was laid on top of the embankment a dam, it adds another one and a half meters of height to the structure, now it is the most protected. especially over there to the side of barkhan, where they fortified it with stones, that’s where the people will suffer. a reinforced group of rescuers from several regions of the country continues to work in the region. a vigil has been organized in potentially dangerous areas; stabilization of the situation throughout the region is expected in the next few days. murat zaripov, vasily peredkov, sergey. shelepin and zemfir abzalov. news: orenburg region.
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big water is already in kurgan. the depth of tabola within the city, 9 m, continues to increase. the water has already come close to the bridge on kirova street, but there are still two meters left before the overflow, and 4 meters to the edge of the large dam. gardens and residential villages on the right bank were the first to be hit. you can only get to them by boat, with windows up to the water and a store with the symbolic name tobol. here's the store. which we are driving, it’s generally bad to go further there, the left bank is still holding, but the dangerous mark has already been overcome, here for now only the embankment and city beaches are under water, some of the city roads running through the lowlands are also at the mercy of the elements, we decided to stay here, now they have fenced off a place for us in the forest, we will build there, well, this is a pen, goats, birds, some refuse to leave , they say, there is not much water yet, if water comes, we will have to get out. no, you can’t stay, they said, there will be water, you have to get everything out in 2 days, in a week.
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there is an emergency evacuation of cows in the glinkas, it will definitely be impossible to do this by water, so the herd is driven while it is dry. the local police are working in enhanced mode, and more and more evacuated settlements are being taken under protection. special technical devices are used here that make it possible to examine from the air territories abandoned by local residents, as well as means. to identify the suppression of anti-floating acts, including theft of property from flooded houses. new temporary temporary accommodation centers are constantly opening, most of them near evacuated settlements, but in the safe zone, where water will definitely not reach under current forecasts. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov, elina goleeva. news from the kurgan region. the federation council today unanimously appointed irina podnosova as chairman of the supreme court. the competition for the position was announced at the end of february. the supreme
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court, having headed the panel on economic disputes, in the federation council called for paying special attention to the work of courts in new regions, we need to be more active, they are already full-fledged subjects of the federation, but there is a transition period, of course. it takes time, but it needs to be active move so that the judicial system and justice are fully operational there. today soffet approved a law banning the transfer of housing and communal services debts to collectors, and in general , disputes about housing and communal services, according to irina podnosova, one of the main topics when citizens appeal to the supreme court. the new chairman spoke about other problems that require special attention. of these cases , 13 million are cases arising from credit legal relations, this is
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a very serious and now problematic topic, because as the chairman of the judicial panel on economic disputes, i know that the results of consideration of such cases sometimes become a reason for declaring citizens consumer bankrupt, in zhukovsky today they said goodbye to the hero of russia anatoly kvocher, he was one of the top ten. his skill and aerobatics were admired in dozens of countries around the world. in 1989, he accomplished a real feat in lebourg, taking a mig-29 away from the stands, the engine of which had been hit by a bird. anatoly kvochera passed away on april 15, the day before his seventy-second birthday. traditionally. pilot carried out a fighter flyover.
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anatoly kvocher was buried with full military honors this afternoon at the memorial cemetery in mytishche. well, next in our issue is a new military apparatus. robots to be sent to a special operation zone; a year and a half's worth of sediment in just two days in the united arab emirates; and bellicose rhetoric at the eu summit, which opened in brussels. all this in a couple of minutes. wait, vasya has been arrested. premiere on rtr. vasily would not damage the car so that a person would have an accident. there are facts, there is evidence. if you he had an iron-clad alibi, he would not have been arrested. we were together all day long. do you think it's me too? i know that you
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are not capable of this. i believe you. allah, taxi. today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. this is a vacation. we know everything about holidays. anex. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation.
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immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance. and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god,
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went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression produces, russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr, sunday, it's so good that i have you, your husband's girlfriend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family - it’s you, any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way. from heaven to earth, sunday on rtr, thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, father of four children, went to the front as a volunteer, a year ago ilya was seriously wounded and spent several months on sick leave bed, now ilya wants to find the soldier
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who kept him alive, and also to meet the girl camilla, the author of the letter, you can see how russian military personnel are seated in trucks, after which a convoy of equipment, accompanied by military police , is sent to load the railway, the personnel are placed in... during their mission, russian peacekeepers, including at the cost of their lives, completed their main task: the warring parties ceased fire.
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all this time, the peacekeepers also provided medical assistance to the local population, delivered humanitarian supplies and carried out mine clearance work. the ministry of defense will simplify the procedure for accepting new weapons systems as much as possible; we are talking about developments that have already been tested in real combat in a special operation zone.
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vehicles for special forces, the minister of defense personally checks the qualities of this new lightly armored vehicle: light and protected special vehicles developed for the russian army are intended not only for transporting personal composition, but are also equipped with machine guns, which means they can support the actions of assault groups on the line of combat contact. and this is multi-purpose. robotic-technical complex for fire support, protection of objects and evacuation of the wounded from the front line. after inspecting the vehicle in action, the minister of defense ordered that it be equipped with additional
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machine guns so that it could also be used by assault units. if we take it and make it like an assault force, we need to insert a machine gun here, then our assault troops, so to speak, will be this secured. this fire support complex is already being supplied to the unit. those operating on the line of combat contact also demonstrated new small-sized dry rations to sergei shaig. this is for a day, well, it turns out that this is for a week, rations for 2-3 days with ammunition, the backpack weighs 9 kg. and this is a multifunctional sleeping module and washing complex developed taking into account the wishes of military personnel, which is designed for long-term work in field conditions. the minister of defense, completing the inspection, instructed to simplify the admission procedure as much as possible perspective. equipment into service, provided, of course, that it has been tested in the combat zone. news.
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there are already more than 20 thousand positions in the register of domestic software, head of government mikhail mishustin announced this in an address to participants in the international conference "data fusion". according to the federal digital technology project, over 5 years more than a thousand projects have received state support, 800 of them are startups. whose total profit amounted to 10 billion rubles. the head of state set the task of achieving dependence on foreign software . to accelerate the replacement of foreign digital products, including engineering software, with russian analogues , we have launched special competence centers. industry leaders, developers and governments are working together to ensure our businesses have the technology they want. switch to domestic technology the new national project data economy helps to support it developments; the cabinet of ministers will allocate grants, subsidies and preferential
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loans for 130 billion rubles. special attention the development of artificial intelligence, including in the provision of public services, the most important task in the banking sector is the organization of international payments without reference to western systems. directly in the national project we... included such indicators as the transition of up to 80% of enterprises to the use of russian software; we expect that the growth rate of investments in domestic solutions will grow twice as high as the rate of economic growth. our country, it does not live behind the iron curtain, and our economy is open, we cannot go back to the old ways. maybe we already realized that this won't work. here is the current system, in which 70% of payments are in dollars, american banks, american authorities, or rather, it’s not about the banks, can easily cut off entire countries
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from payments, this will no longer work. it is imperative to create new systems, we need to encourage our friends at the political level, i think that this year, russia’s chairmanship in brix is ​​a good time to promote these initiatives, two planes took off from dubai airport an hour ago aeroflot, which were supposed to depart the day before, three more flights arrived from moscow, hundreds of tourists, including from russia, were stuck at the air hub.
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saudi arabia in the sultanate of oman, 18 people, including 10 schoolchildren, died as a result of heavy rain. the authorities reported this. a summit with an emphasis on iran, as the western press today calls a meeting of european union leaders, which is discussing two conflicts at once. and as politics writes, the middle east is much more relevant than ukraine. moreover, according to the same foreign publications, the reflection of the night attack on idf targets was bypassed.
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the risk of new epidemics around the world remains very high, and africa especially needs to accelerate the expansion of medical and technological capacity to protect people. vladimir putin wrote about this today in a welcoming telegram on the occasion of the opening in uganda of the first russian-african conference on the fight against infectious diseases. the president emphasized that moscow is ready for active cooperation in this area of ​​healthcare. and our program. provides for the supply of ten mobile laboratories, training of more than 350 specialists and conducting a series of scientific studies. the main task of our cooperation is to create the african countries’ own capacity to prevent and respond to epidemics. russia does nothing other than help our colleagues and citizens of friendly countries on the african continent. in the next few days
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, conference participants. exchange professional best practices, experience in preventing and responding to outbreaks infections. the event itself was the implementation of initiatives put forward following the results of the second russia-africa summit, which took place last year in st. petersburg. the president of kazakhstan warned his compatriots about the inadmissibility of russophobia. kassym jomar takayev called for a wise approach to the language issue and to show tolerance. such a statement.
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