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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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“hello, vasily, yes, mom, but i won’t be here tonight, so i have things to do, yes, i’m the same, today i’ll be late, but eat, then, okay, mom, let’s eat, i’ll eat, that’s it, bye , citizen, yes, in fact, we ask you to travel with us, on some issue, everything will be explained to you on the spot, okay
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, thank you, danili, so am i detained or something, but no, what are you, god bless you, what a detainee, we just invited you to a conversation, but in this form of an invitation in front of your subordinates, well, can i show them something, “please, take this.” take it, the filming there is of course amateurish, but it seems to me that everything is quite obvious, so what, this is our personal business, well, where did you go after the incident, well, where, where, to the toilet, well, how many times did you try there, when did you return, well..." for about 15-20 minutes it was a long walk there, and
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you were walking through the parking lot, yeah, yeah, yeah, well , maybe something strange, we saw some people, well, there were people there, you know what , let's look at these daddies, you never know, maybe you'll recognize someone, here you go, please, oh my god, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, you don’t understand, i ’ll be leaving right now. i’ll throw it out, and while you watch, watch, don’t get distracted, so, come on, take the bullets to the expert, let them compare the fingers from here with the fingers on the wheel wrench, i understand, i can hold it for 3 hours without presenting it, and an hour has already passed, so blow, well, did you look? well, where are you taking me?
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exactly at the address. exactly at the address. enenaet alexandrovna. it's me. oh my god. and again, good afternoon, yes, yes, hello, yes, it’s wonderful that you escaped, yes, here, in fact, my possessions are there, here, yes, yes, yes, let's go, yes, carefully, just... yes,
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that's it, yes, yes, yes, it's up to you, yeah, i 'll give you a tour, i mean, let's go quietly, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, oh, my god, nothing, nothing, oh my god, you see, i got myself into trouble, nothing, no, go around this, oh, god, thank you,
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i’ll stay, my wife can, well, the results of the computer tomography scans are ready, as was the ct scan, yes, you didn’t know, no,
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monte shococa cognac is a product of the stellar group. callinan belk is a place where time stops. immerse yourself. onities and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum jin snop. a product of the steller group, the titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet - for an unforgettable holiday, i have been waiting for you for eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed
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with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now it is spring is waiting for you in... russia, well, it’s just so good, simply amazing, excellent, only it’s a little jargony here, it ’s like a greenhouse, and there’s such a specific smell, oh, this is my pride. this is what i, one might say, snatched literally from the last hands, yes, the freshest, juiciest, fatty, the finest horse manure, how interesting,
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yes, what do you have there? well, did you recognize anyone? no. maybe another album? listen, i actually know, this is a busy man, i can’t sit here looking at these faces, yes, exactly, well, thank you for your promptness, kindness, well, i didn’t have to sit all day, so, can i go? yes, of course, you can, well, just not home, to
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the cell, citizen kopylov, you were detained on suspicion of causing intentional harm to the life and health of citizen proskorin. vasya, hello, ilya grigorievich, hello, you are probably talking about the victim proskurino, yes, but vasya, kopulov, citizen kopulov has been charged with intentionally causing harm to the life and health of citizen proskurino, article 112 of the krf, 112, punishable by either restriction. i’ll be sentenced to up to 3 years, or forced labor for up to 3 years, or arrest for up to 6 months, this is for you, he’s wonderful, like you,
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what, so what did you want to talk about, i’m an antom karich. come on, dzina, a wonderful, wonderful name, rare nowadays, come on, anton, also, by the way, very rare these days name, and not because we are old, that we are just rare, that’s exactly what i wanted to say, for some reason it came out. so, what are we doing with our taxi fleet? anton,
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just a minute, hello, hello, what happened? has vasya been arrested? hello, hello, daughter, hello, are you at work? yes, at work, why are you calling? i just wanted to hear your voice. me too. i want to tell you, zhen, i love you very, very much. “i love you too, maybe then you’ll sing to me, right now, well, yes, well,
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okay, your favorite, the month is colored with bogryants, the waves are raging near the rocks, let’s go gorgeous. where we can’t cope with the storm, in such crazy
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weather, we can’t trust the waves, you know who i am, i know who you are, zinaidana, vasily. i would spoil a car so that a person would have an accident, he is not capable of this, i know my son, you understand, there are facts, there is evidence that says otherwise. do you really think that we just took him and detained him ? i can see my son today, no, not today, i already allowed him to meet today, with whom? zinadi aleksandrovna,
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hello, what's going on? it’s all because of you, all the evil in our family, it’s only because of you. okay, so be it, but if vasya is not guilty, they will let him go, if you doubt it either. what kind of person are you, i perfectly understand your grief, but i ask you, you don’t need to talk to me in such a tone, and why are you going to him now, to humiliate him, to finish him off, there’s nothing for you to do there, all the best to you, so what? also thinks that
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it’s me, i know that you’re not capable of this, thank god, but i need to know for sure, i mean, you just said yourself that i’m not capable of this, listen, people make mistakes, maybe you’re angry, no in order for sergei to get into an accident, no, but out of spite, but... “i can imagine too well what will happen if you loosen the bolts on the wheel of a car, i can still punch your taxi driver in the face, but what that’s it, i believe you, why, it’s a pity, only the investigator doesn’t care about your opinion, but what are you doing, ilya
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grigorievich, he’s a caring person, i seriously doubt it, okay, that’s it, come on already , you probably have a problem there, you ’re hanging out with me here, vasya, listen, i’ve done everything, that’s it, come on, that’s good already, seriously , come on, security, why are you yelling, well, we ’re done, what?
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the first thing you have to do is pull yourself together, you are strong, i am strong, everyone tells me that, but for some reason it doesn’t make me stronger, what evidence do they have, they say there is evidence, what kind, i don’t know , well, judging by everything, vasily... he doesn’t have an alibi, that’s bad, why did you decide that he doesn’t have an alibi, if he had an iron-clad alibi, he wouldn’t have been arrested, that’s the whole point. in general, why do they suspect your son? because he got into a fight with this one, this whole situation. dean, i'm sorry, are you sure that vasily
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is not to blame? anton, he is my son. “i’m sure that he’s not guilty, and i’m also sure that 100 people probably saw him, but the investigator just didn’t interview anyone, he’s a bastard, but 100 people aren’t needed, for an alibi alone a person is enough." well, what about seryoga, why do the doctors, i don’t know what to say, but don’t be tormented, it’s completely bad. today they’re discharged, why did i scare him, the earrings are no longer in the bag, but that’s okay, i’ve
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got a hospital for him at home i’ll arrange it according to all the rules, i have no doubt about that at all, well, what do the doctors say, well, what are the prognoses, well, in the sense of when he will dance, but i’m afraid he won’t be dancing soon, but the doctor will give all the recommendations, so that’s it we’ll do it, so what’s the statement? well, congratulations, is the car ready yet? i’m not ready to check out, i’ll have to wait, well , of course, it’s hard for me without a car, what are you, i ’ll give you a new one, especially so that you can pick it up so that the stroller fits, there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still very nice, it will congratulate you happy birthday, this is joseph, that's all. a holiday with gifts, and now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these
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endless videos, i need to shoot something, i need to post it, well, maybe i don’t think so we need more, valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim fodey, maria zakhar, for me it was generally a joke, just then the body, find out a second. the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully. but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything
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is inclusive, except your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex bourbon steersman is a product of the stellar group. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. let me imagine a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant details, a feast of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. romca product of stellor group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. so.
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light, i'll call you back. do you remember, at the festival, vasily got into a fight with this taxi driver, who was speeded up. yes, i've heard about it. you haven't heard of this, you are.
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i saw, because after this fight you took him away, you were with him, this is slander, zenaida aleksandrovna, this is a lie, this, this, this is some kind of nonsense, who told you this, so again, after vasily’s clash with this taxi driver, you she took him away right away and was with him the whole time. from the moment i took you away all night until the morning, just in case, until what morning, i didn’t see the fight, you saw it, you saw it, right after the fight took me, to you, for the whole night, yes, with vasily, no, with brad pete, well, of course, with
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vasily. who else could you bring? snezhana, this is his alibi, and you will confirm it. now it is clear? yes, it's clear now. but what, what else? i'm alone. the investigator may not believe it, but he probably understands that we are dating, and are you dating? no, of course not, but this may just be the impression, so we need one more witness to be sure, apparently, this washer is unlikely to turn out to be a giant of thought, who cares, the main thing is that the investigation believes him,
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god forbid. edik, hello, hello, hello, eduard, hello, come here, why, there’s a conversation, but what am i, i didn’t do anything wrong, i’m washing. zinaida alexandrovna has an offer for you, she is the new owner of our taxi fleet, well, you know, of course, but i’m nothing like that, everything is fine, don’t worry, you’ll like it, what will you like?
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come in, sit down, please, have some tea, no, no, under no circumstances, with an elephant, we don’t want tea, we’re on another matter, sit down, listen, listen
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carefully and don’t interrupt. and keep in mind, edward, this conversation should remain only between us. where nothing should come out of this palace, you understand, yeah, good afternoon, so, oh, hello, yes, i can handle it myself, like this, are you sure that you can’t use crutches, i’m not sure, so let’s get some crutches, that ’s it it’s not difficult, the doctor said i need it now. why do you need crutches, do you want to run away from me? no, it’s proskuren, i ’m holding you all right, and that the woman i love carries me in a wheelchair, like a maharaja, all my enemies are in prison,
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vasya is not your enemy, your vasya wanted me kill, he didn’t do it, seryozha, that’s right. so, i saw snezhana and vasily kissing in the car, and i saw it, yes, on a day of holiday, family, love and, what’s her name, fidelity, but why did i see it, no reason, you’re just talking about... eduard, well, you can help us, naturally, this will affect your career growth, your salary will increase, and a one-time bonus, but i understand, okay,
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great, take off this overalls, put on decent clothes, you have one, and we go to the police, the police, the police will give testimony, you said that you understood everything, yes, of course, i understood, yes, police, change clothes, we are waiting in 2 hours at the office, we are going together,
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so come on, so threshold, threshold, seryozh, now, come on, come on, just a little , oops, that’s it, oops, stop, now, here we are at home, this was a quest, we had to rent an apartment on the first floor, it’s time, i’m really hungry, now i’ll cook something. hello, hello, where is this giant of thought? he's probably changing clothes, changing clothes, edik, you changed clothes, changed clothes, comrade,
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got drunk out of fear, and often he he changes clothes, but not really, he was deprived of his license last year due to drunkenness, but since then rarely, but accurately. edik, get up, well, get up, i’m telling you, you’re fired, without severance pay, let’s go, we’ll cope without it, it’s a disaster,
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it’s going to be a sumptuous dinner, potatoes, herring, all that’s missing is laying down some newspaper, what are you talking about in a hurry, and the festive dinner will be in the evening. where's the vodka? is there not enough vodka for this still? what kind of vodka, seryozha, i bought red wine, but can you have a little? i still didn't have enough to have you by the way, i drank myself to death, it’s a good idea, it solves many problems, i understand how hard it is for you now, i’m sorry, hello, hello, edik, is anything urgent? urgently, do you have work? well, you
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know, now we only need drivers, so you don’t have a license, right? well, yes, no rights, edik, well, just be patient, while you work in the wheel, we’ll turn around, then our guys will wash the cars themselves, and where are you? “i’m at my car wash, but it’s temporary, they fired me, this is the new owner of snezhana, so be patient, now don’t be patient, oh my god, they fired me, for what, for drunkenness, conditionally drunkenness, conditionally. in fact , for adherence to principles, now i don’t
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even know what to do, even go to bed and die, by the way, an excellent plan, excellent, edik, hello? alla, don't remember me, dashing, hello, edik, goodbye, edik, edik, disaster. so, calmly, seryozha, well, you heard, we
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were just talking to him, then silence and bam and he died, that seryozha, i ’ll go to edik now, i’ll instantly, i... of course, go, go, you we have an irreplaceable one, unlike me, why are you saying that, and that’s what i’m saying, you open taxi companies, you help everyone, leg broke, replace, feed, edik died, you pull him out of the other world, i’m with you now, right next to you, i’m sorry, i’ll just go to edik’s in an instant, i’ll understand what happened there, and i’ll come back to you, let’s have dinner , of course, you can leave, come back, go out, come in, but i can’t, i can’t even go out and buy crutches, why can’t you, please order it online for yourself with... for crutches, great, i ’ll do that , and i’ll go to ethik, have a good
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trip, bye, all the best, you’re humble, you’ll be mischievous, i’ll deprive you of your millet dinner, bon appetit, thank you, bye. yes
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egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, you’ve become old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us, hello, hello, what’s next, mikhail andrevich , buy flowers, angels of the area from april 22. on рrt.
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product of stellar group. titanic luxury collection boudrum gania. monte chococa is a product of the stellor group. titanic delux hotel, golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is
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a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. how many films have you starred in? 67. 67 roles. and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress. intimate talk. my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such. it wasn’t like i was lying down when i was fifteen, and there i was repeating my role as a zenieta. and then i will have this, this.
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show, and i’ll get on with business, i’m actually very glad that i’m your son. two vernik-2 on friday on rtr. sunday, how good it is that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family -
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that’s how vasily and vasily borisovich have a relationship. “i’m very happy for you, and we were together all day, the whole holiday, just the whole day, well, yes, yes, they are having an affair, they are not home-wreckers at all, like two parrots, alexandrovna, i didn’t ask you this question, excuse me, so, we spent the whole day together with vasya, with vasily borisovich, and then i was very tired and asked him to take me home, so, well, then, then we went to the parking lot, got into the car and drove off, well,
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what time was it, i... i don’t remember, but because we got carried away, so what are you doing? and what are you so interested in? well, ilya grigorievich, how are you interested in what? is it a young thing? yes, did you get carried away in the car or in the park too? everywhere, in the car, in the park. so, here's the paper for you. here is the pen, so, go into the corridor, there table, sit down, explain everything in detail, everything, everything. you, yes, yes, we are just doing everything in detail, everything in detail, lord, why, lord,
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grandfather, do you hear, open, yes, now. so what are
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you, what are you doing, i thought you died, chigalli, well, you call me, say that you are dying, and then you don’t answer the phone, but that’s it, i’m alive, go home. no, what happened, why were you fired, why did you get drunk, what does it matter, that’s it, for now, no, not yet, the deprivation of your license ended 2 months ago, when are you going to take your license again, but never, i, i i’ll never drive again, why is that? but i have machine phobia, what do you have?
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well, it’s like when i sit behind the wheel, my hands are all shaky, nervous, something, so, of course, let ’s go. where we look at your nervousness, i won’t leave you behind, behind the wheel, no, edik, go behind the wheel, aren’t you awake, wash up, why, i say, wash up, no, so what, don’t. “i myself, go ahead, get into the car, get behind the wheel,
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start it, no, edik, start it, i can’t.” why are you fooling me? i have no courage. what's missing? courage. was there before? was. i'm i say it's something nervous. i probably need a doctor. you do not have? no. edik, you don’t need a doctor, you need an instructor who will help you pass your exams. not needed, needed, not needed. yes, i passed these exams, i passed, in the sense of the yoke, let's go, let's go,
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your rights. yes, my license, yes, but i still can’t drive, edik, please tell me what happened?
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you won’t fall behind anyway, i turn away, oh, now we’ll go, but only you are driving, you, okay. find out, the wheel key is yours, i have the same one in my car, wait, do you want to say that the wheel is with this, yes, with this, with this,
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the examination confirmed this, the examination also confirmed that... this key has your fingerprints on it, and i’m wondering how you can explain this, how do i know, wait, i just remembered, when i got into the car, my trunk was open, that’s right, i even have this witness, snezhana ivanova, yes, but how do you know? do you live here? no, come on, sit down, what does that
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mean? oh, i envy you... after all, she knows that she’s taking risks, she goes anyway, and in what detail she wrote about your hobbies to each other, yes, you know, this is love, this is love, well, really, except for snezhana dmitrievna, no one can confirm these testimonies. maybe, but at the judge they, of course, can help you, yes, if you have a good lawyer, but it’s true that snezhana dmitrievna herself can be charged with giving false testimony,
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nothing of the sort. i had a neighbor, bags, rented an apartment opposite mine, probably it all started with him, he ordered a computer for himself, the courier had already left, we bought a bottle, began to wash it, he was from patvia, otliza. she's at the same time every day
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it’s time for testing, but what does the kulya have to do with it, we drank the kolka with him, and he’s old yeast, i see, he’s sleeping, he’s already ready, then she arrives, the courier. when i saw her, it’s just like in the movies, like this, i look at her like an idiot, i smile, she says something, but i don’t bae, in general, to the fullest, she gives me pieces of paper so that i sign, i sign, she smiles and leaves, that means she’s gone, and i stand there like a pillar and think, what should i do now,
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why did i let her go, she’s the only one in the whole world? edik, i am, of course, very much for you. i’m glad, this is all wonderful, but i don’t understand why you can’t drive, listen further, she. damn, he snatches it out, i don’t give it to him , in order to defend himself, it turns out
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he snatches out this laptop, but i don’t give it to him, well, in the end he snatched it out, then the laptop flies out the window, for some reason, out the window, right, next?
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i can’t, i’m going to sit behind the wheel, this whole situation is in front of my eyes, i’m disgusted with myself, press the pedal, my leg is shaking, well, we’ll wait for who, lisa, she runs for a long time, 43 minutes, yes, first around the lake, in the park , past the site and home, but why should we wait for her? well like mine the heir is not fooling around on saturday, the nannies and i
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are just dissatisfied, anna suits me completely, she’s beautiful, smart, shy, no need, why are you breaking down, quietly, he invited me. office, uh-huh, raped, i forgive you for slander, let's part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap varantsov's child and demand ransom, this is vorontsov's eldest son, there is a lot of hassle with petty things, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, you do you know why i was kidnapped? they brought the prime minister here on saturday at rtr, they say
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you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. cnop gin is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you. steersman bourbon is a stellar product group. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on...
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“if they put you in prison, i won’t survive it, i understand that you’re the only one i have, you’re the only one i have in the whole world, mom, mom, mom, mom, what are you saying, mom, well mom, hey, well, you hear, well, i’m not
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allowed to hug, move away from each other, fuck you, that’s it, hello, hello, hello, eh we are callie, oh, i didn’t even recognize her middle name, alla is not at home, and you, you are at the dumpling competition, maria and maria, yes, it’s us, we baked a perok, we’d like to. thank you, i
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just started a new life, all thanks to alli, and you are her husband? yeah, what is the pie with, this pie is, of course, something with something, with blueberries. sergey, i am so grateful to your wife, she really pulled me out. yes, she can do that. so i’ll leave her this piece of the pie. uncle, does your leg hurt? it hurts, that is , no, it doesn’t hurt anymore, but it hurt, it’s just you can’t walk yet, why does your leg hurt, and i had an accident, what a horror you are, well, what a horror, the main thing is that i’m alive, but they fixed me, now they’re fixing the car, it’s been badly damaged, and i’ll show you, like this , and i ’ll show you, yes i... wait, but i didn’t even see
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how my car was being repaired, but i saw, mash, yes, when you could see it, you’re my miracle in feathers, when aunt nastya took me to the toilet , but you couldn’t, because you were making dumplings, wait, wait, that is, you saw how someone was fixing my car when my mother was at... a competition, yes, how he was fixing it, like that thing where he turned the wheel, just like this car, just like this one, you have such a funny little thing hanging under the glass, i remember it when aunt alla was driving it with my mother, but tell me, bunny, this uncle was fixing it, no, not him, i'm not a bunny, i'm a squirrel, okay, squirrel,
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look, please, well, he's probably yes, no, and you have nuts, i'll be a squirrel, no nuts, unfortunately, but i'll give you now i’ll show photos, and you tell me when he appears, okay, no, no, no, here, yes, seryozha, listen, here i have it the two marias, who are from the thief competition, you remember, well, of course, so one maria saw how... uh, well, in general, she saw the man who tampered with my car, what do you mean, and it’s not vasya, so i knew , who is this priest, well, there are people, seryozh, urgently
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call grigoryich, you have his number, yes, yes, don’t make noise, i’ll do everything, what? what did you want to talk to her about, here she is, go, no, go, i said, i can’t, girl, i’m sorry, are you lisa, yes, we know each other, no, my name is alla, you have a few minutes to talk, yes, let's go and sit on the bench there. come on, lisa, are you a courier? no, i worked, but such a story came out there, and why are you asking? oh, the thing is that , when you were working, one person
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made a mistake, man, it was just a misunderstanding, excuse me, it’s me... well, i guessed it, and then someone told me five times i translated, translated, and translated 20 thousand, yes, someone, now this someone came why,
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it’s necessary to apologize. no, it's time to go, you don't know, there's an anniversary store somewhere there is? on the next street, there’s a big shopping center, yeah, i ran, otherwise they’ll sort it all out without me, little masha, masha, what are you drawing there? secret, secret? and you ’ll tell me about the uncle who spun the wheel of seryozha’s uncle’s car, but that’s not a secret, is it? i already told you. well, you told him that, but you didn’t tell me? yes, but i'm offended. we went to the toilet. so. and i
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saw how one uncle turned a wheel with such a thing. well, where did you get the idea that he was the one turning the wheel of seryozha’s uncle’s car? maybe it was a different car, but no, it's that one there was a car, there under the glass, it was like this, wow!


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