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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 11:30pm-2:05am MSK

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somewhere on the next street, there’s a big shopping center, yeah, let’s run, otherwise they’ll sort it all out without me, masha, masha, what are you drawing there? secret, secret, and you tell me about the uncle who spun the wheel of seryozha’s car, but that’s not a secret? i already told you, well, this... i told him, but didn’t tell me, yes, but i’m offended, we went to the toilet, yes, and i saw how one uncle turned a wheel with such a thing, what did you get the idea from? that he was the one who turned the wheel on seryozha’s uncle’s car, maybe it was a different car, but no, it was that car, there was a little bird under the glass like that, wow! but can i take it for myself, yes
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of course, your name is edik, eduard vladimirovich, well, you can just, edik, edik, okay, edik, something else, well then i’ll go, no, don’t go. what are you doing tonight? wow, we have some kind of program planned, well, yes, we can go for a walk, well, that’s quite a program, yes, and along the way we can, ice cream, cafe, cinema, let’s go. really, well, yes,
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but i need to get myself in order, take a shower, change clothes and you come in an hour, no, no, i’m here, here, i’ll wait, okay, then i’ll try to quickly, yeah, in general, grigorvich took... to record everything so that everything is official, it’s clear, so i didn’t believe that it was vasya, it who do you need to be to do something like this, now he will get the full blow, wow, that face is so bad, i can’t even look at it, crutches, after all, you are going to run away from...
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me on your own two feet, on four, if you count your legs and crutches, i won’t let you in, why do you need me, i’m not very mobile, i don’t bring money into the house, you’re going to drink bitters, and i i like it, and in general, i’m quick, do you agree, to marry me, to live happily with me for a long time, to take care of me, to treat me all my life, to praise me, and so that you and i, sergei evgenievich, die on the same day, yes or not? well, no, or
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yes? oh yeah, really? green!
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great! spinning, spinning, blue ball, spinning, spinning, over your head, spinning, spinning, wants to fall, the gentleman in the tower wants to steal, spinning, spinning, wants to fall, wants to steal the lord, where is the street, where is the house, where is the lord, that i'm in love, this street, this is the house, this is the tower that i am in love,
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this is the street, this is the house, this is the lady that i am in love , this is the street, this is the house, this is the lady that i am in love, this is the street, this is this house, this lady, that i’m in love, tomorrow, well, suddenly something happens to someone, and you forget about the divorce. al didn’t show up, i feel like something happened, what does it all mean, let’s talk, on my command we rush in there, alla taxi,
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we’ll watch the final episodes tomorrow on rtr, kalinan. where time stands still, immerse yourself in subtlety and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum. minister of defense general of the army sergei shaguy today visited the patriots convention and exhibition center to check the implementation of instructions on the development of robotic systems; the head of the ministry of defense was reported on new scientific and technical developments, in particular about a ground-based medical robotic complex. decide to present the line exactly transport robots, you know, maybe we should look at some of these, here we can make folding latches, it’s possible, yes, on a flat city it’s good, you had to go through
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a diesel installation, which is the state of health of the military personnel, the wait for the car is generally incredible, like this one itself the machine should leave for the group in the next few days, start working there is nothing more expensive than human life , so based on this we need such a machine as quickly as possible and as quickly as possible and as much as possible and as cheaply as possible we need today to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front. to do this as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, we can make a roller invoice, that is, we need to think about how to make it cheaper, of course, we need to try it at the front, we need to launch everything, the defense chiefs showed a total of more than thirty promising
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models of weapons from industrial enterprises, among them not only robotic equipment , but also the latest means of communication. shaig was told about the development of a promising wearable complex. automation of artillery control fire. this machine, it works.
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he further removes the executive team from the fire and sends time to guidance, everything works, envy, arrogance, they are pushing zelensky’s associates to new desires, now they dream of concluding a model agreement on the security of the united states and so that it is no worse than israel’s, well, that’s probably what the forbidden had.
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i think it's important to note the fact that we have very different relationships with ukraine and israel because our security partnership with israel goes back decades. we provide them with direct military assistance not just for two years of conflict, but for decades, and we maintain long-term extensive ties between our and the israeli military, which for... decades. israel is a major non-
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nato ally of the united states. ukraine is in a different position because we did not have such an agreement with it several months before this conflict. we are not in a state of armed conflict with russia, which would be required for american aircraft to be in the skies over ukraine, repelling russian attacks. and we are not going to enter into a direct armed conflict with russia. the president.
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hegemony, it turns out, the hegemon doesn’t even have money for a hairdresser, for a comb, for shampoo,
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well, nothing, nothing, they’ll rip out his hair, he’ll come to kiev again, meet with the relatives of those who died through his fault, because it was this bastard who ordered the pack zelensky, but you don’t, no, fight, now he works as a columnist, no one knows where, but what is known, yes, what are the rest, and of course i can’t. not to please, that's how over time, with the loss of positions , a fragmented brain returns, here is mosichuk, the worse it is at the front... the more reasonable it sounds, the further he is from ukraine. the president told a lie. all the missiles that flew towards the triopol tez, plus the suicide bombs that he kept silent about, nothing was shot down. other missiles were shot down in
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a different region, and not in the trypillian teza area. in the trypillya region , the ppo test did not work, i knew this on the same day, i did not raise this issue until there was, well, this interview, when i saw this cynical stars, there is no other way to call them, i decided to tell you, this morning i talked with my friends, assistants, whose friends there, uh, neighbors work in the ppo. it was in that unit of the ppu, and there was a command not to fire charges, they saved, this time, now the second time, here in the complex it is necessary to say, but they saved for what purpose, to protect the casino, the bank, well, that is, there is enough for defense, but
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shells come out, for there is no trypillian, although trypillian was a critical story, well, they now say well, they say, well, the russians destroyed everything that was unprofitable and it’s completely unnecessary, that’s all, all of this is completely unnecessary, vladimirich, regarding boris johnson, you say there’s not enough for shampoo, yes, by the way, right there is the sheet of tras, his successor, this is the funniest one, but she published it now memoirs in which he remembered that the main trouble was when he moved into 10 downing street. after boris johnson, everything was in fleas, that is, he left a bunch, after all, boris johnson has something french, well, you see, yes, but no, as for professor preobrazhensky, you know, there is also symbolism, because in the famous in the classic book, in the film about the heart of a dog, yes, he refers to
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the armor-piercing resolution shown to shvonder on april 12 , 2024, that is. well, 1924, but you see, once every 100 years, an armor-piercing piece of paper is still needed, as for ukraine’s hopes that they will still give it this help, mike johnson spoke today and announced that he would put forward a project on ukraine for the vote this saturday, april 20, also symbolism, yes, yes, the ukrainian nazis decided on hitler’s birthday, therefore, did not assign the number to decree 14? well, i think it’s quite likely that there will be such coincidences, too, but in any case, you understand, for this project, no one has seen it yet, no one knows exactly what the total amount will be, now i think they will announce it, but - nevertheless, yes, there is hope for ukraine, but according to some rumors it’s a little over 40, well, yes, well, they were hoping for 60, but again i say, now we’ll sort out the details
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in the coming hours - hours, i think, but 60, this means that they just threw away the share that was supposed to go to ukraine, no, it’s clear that part time has passed and now he doesn’t need that much, we’re talking about this correctly, after all, it’s not about ukraine, ultimately, about supporting the military-industrial complex of the united states of america, but in ukraine everyone is praying for this, the mayor of kharkov terekhov today the guardian spoke there saying that let...
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are you at war with russia? in ukraine, yes, in this regard, by the way, now the conservative newspaper times has attacked its idol
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cameron, for saying this, mind you, and today the columnist boyas, he wrote an article called also it is indicative that the confused biden fears putin more than iran, it’s strange, why, but yes, but the fact is that he did not attack cameron because he did not want to. to fight with russia, but for the fact that he spoke directly about it, he says: during the bluff of everyone, well, everyone is misleading, you still need to maintain this uncertainty, but cameron took it, revealed all his cards, and now it ’s really russia it will be easier to make decisions, uh, as for the lack of faith in ukraine’s victory, and almost everyone has already noted this, those who, in any case, were on the battlefield, traveled there, well... or near the front, now they are already trying not to allow western journalists onto the front line itself, just now the financial times published a report, well, in principle, quite close, there are kilometers
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20 to the front line, from the town of the donetsk people's republic of dimitrov, which for some reason they renamed mirnograd, i don’t know for what reason, but it never bore that name, yes, but mirnograd, mirnograd, yes. here is a report from there where they are directly told, repeating, in fact, the words of zelensky, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, that is, we don’t believe in tomorrow, and zelensky said, yes, we would like to live tomorrow, but what will happen in a year, no one in general knows, they don’t have any plans, but at the same time, everything they beg for weapons, and i liked it, there he interviews in dnepropetrovsk, a financial times correspondent with the so-called mayor of bakhmut, that is, artyomovsk, yes, who is in dnepropetrovsk now. is located, i saw his plans for some beautiful quarter that he will build, yes in artyomovsko, but maybe as a prisoner of war, i don’t know, no, no, he will build just like
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this egg sniffer, he built a bunch of houses in california, well, that post is somewhere nearby, well, this correspondent valensteims asked him, when are you going to arrange it, he says, only putin knows the answer and god, that is, you understand, is on one line. put on one line, well, the latter is in these conditions, when everyone really unanimously tells western journalists, hence the panic articles by politicians and others, that we no longer believe in victory, complete pessimism is present among the ukrainian population, surveys show that the overwhelming majority of men do not want to join the army, under any circumstances, here comes this quarter number 95 uhelyant. where is zelensky’s team, yes, these merry fellows, just having fun at how ukrainians are caught at the borders, how military registration and enlistment offices
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catch them, force them to serve, and you understand, i watched, well, well, they’re disgusting, disgusting, really indeed, it’s pantamimo, there’s no humor there, well, but having fun at the fact that they’re being caught, and the ukrainians, and i’m watching the reaction of the audience hall well, there were a few of them there, it was clear that they were looking at it somehow in bewilderment, but the majority, the majority of the people in the hall were laughing, that is, having fun, they were being shown what these clowns from block 95 had turned their country into, yes, there was more it sounds like, oh, you saw zelensky, yes, that is, in a concentration camp from which none of you are allowed to escape, who is sitting here in their hall and having fun, yes, people, can you imagine, mostly laughing, well, how else? but they chose this power, yes, no, so they themselves laugh, here you go, yes, this is the result, mikhail mikhailovich, president of ukraine vladimir zelensky intends
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to continue the armed struggle until the last drop of blood, the last cartridge and the last ukrainian, but in any case, he says so all the time lately, but meanwhile, here are all the decisions made in the field of strategy all strategic planning must be based on some real resource base. without this, all strategic decisions are nothing more than hot air, that is, the supreme commander in chief, general staff, they must clearly understand that on the fifteenth we will have so many tanks, planes, personnel, guns, ammunition, on the twentieth so many, on the thirtieth so many, only then strategic planning, it becomes some kind of really tangible thing, but in ukraine they believe that some kind of doom of abundance is about to unfold over the country and tanks, guns, ammunition, fuels, lubricants, medical equipment will flow out of it in an endless stream,
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but only... only on this is their hope for continuing further armed struggle based, as for the provision of military assistance by the collective west, well , there is no doubt that sooner or later money will be allocated, this or that weapon and military equipment will arrive, but the whole question is in what volumes it will be supplied by what date, whether the quantity of weapons will allow this, whether these weapons will lead to some kind of change or improvement. the situation at the forefront, based on all previous deliveries, well, somehow there are hopes that here the fateful abundance will really unfold, somehow there are no such special hopes for this by and large, that is, the situation is unlikely to change radically in favor of the armed forces of ukraine, and this will lead to what, since now the russian army practically has the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, imposes
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its will on the enemy. moves forward inexorably, it is quite possible that the further course of hostilities will only lead to further losses of ukrainian territory, to further losses of personnel and equipment, all the more significant losses, which in general could undermine the entire mobilization base of ukraine in the future, that is , the prospects in general are not very good, there is only hope here, well, again, these complainers travel all over the world and do nothing but... they are asking for ammunition, for shells, for guns, who will pay for it in the end, since it won’t pay somehow, just now gardon answered us, the restructuring of the russian economy on a war footing happened simply instantly, they immediately started working there at two in three shifts, they immediately began to produce as much as needed, i ask the question, why during this time the united west could not produce as many weapons as we
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need? zelensky, please take a closer look at the peace initiatives of turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, there are a lot of very sensible things in his peace plan. as for the ten conditions of president zelensky, well, these are either slogans, well, or frankly unrealistic things, because well , how do you expect to impose something on the russian federation at the moment?
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time, if... and not a slight censure, i still don’t understand why we take that sponsors, that one handed over explosives, the second did something else, and there is not only the death penalty, but in fact in the country's highest degree of relations, i believe that we need, as has been said many times, to think about what we should do to protect our territory inland from those weapons that the west supplies in large quantities, now we apparently have already begun to use - aerostatic probes
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for dumping ammunition, well... there was a drone posted there, of course, from nato countries, why wasn’t it shot down, as always, why are we afraid to escalate, if we clearly understand where and what is happening, well , today it flew well in chernigov, as i understand it, that’s where there was one of the control centers, but it should be systemic, it’s strange, when zelensky drives around kharkov, our people are watching him, in general it’s a question of the team, that is, in my opinion everything is already absolutely clear, there should not be a single sbu building, nor one center
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where they are accepted. the decision is then ours it will be much easier to work against troops that are not only demoralized, but also the control center that has been destroyed, but based on what you told me before, i’m just kind of generalizing. experience, absolutely right, absolutely right, these blows must be delivered in the near future, because until the enemy has not suffered significant losses, until his positions of the highest echelons of control are destroyed, until his morale, one might say, is reduced to zero, you still need to apply a series of sensitive defeats, after which negotiations on a possible peace agreement will arise on their own, i know well how they must...
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within ukraine, mobilize , of course, another 500,000 people before voting in america, he will of course declare 500 thousand, boldly, confidently, the west will convince that i am ready to mobilize 500,000 people, give us funding for 500,000 people, give us weapons,
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give us shells, give us, give, give, give and give, this is one idea, the second idea, we discussed this topic, that taken from the body of the law the question of demobilization, i can imagine how... the situation will develop further, of course, it caused indignation in the armed forces of ukraine without any doubt, but here at some point, when everything, in general, has already reached the boiling point , yes, a holy man, zelensky, will come out and say how so, i will initiate that the verkhovna rada speed up the adoption of the law on the demobilization and rotation of soldiers, of course, the ukrainian soldier should have the right, well, somehow this is the story. will develop, why am i like this i say because such a political struggle has already begun around the law on mobilization, yesterday zelensky did not have time to sign it, today poroshenko is already speaking everywhere and saying, we have prepared changes to the law on mobilization, we will
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demand demobilization, we will demand rotation, we will demand additional payments, you remembered yatsenyuk, you understand, against the backdrop of the fact that, well, he holds form forums in kiev, and what’s not on the front line, he’s the right age, well, like on the front line, well, he can’t be, well, you what, well, he shouted head-on, yes, yes, yes, they all shouted, pay attention, from the political sphere that carried out this coup, for some reason i don’t see anyone there, here i’m a topelan, i just wanted about to say this, yes, today, in general, vladimirovich, i almost had a heart attack, when now, now, this is important, about a heart attack from the front of palovich immediately after the advertisement. premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov
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is black, i won’t miss another time, alexander robok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to apartment number twenty, it's clear? anna mikhalkova, did you add one? look, what a beauty, and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from april 22 on rtr, discover a real pearl. but on the coast of bodrum titanic luxury collection
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come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, i have the best husband in the world, and he..." completely trusts him, just like i do, which means you have an ideal marriage on saturday, you’ve been together for 10 years, she still hasn’t even given birth to a child, why do you need such a wife, even an ideal marriage can collapse, why haven’t you told him anything, no, if it’s based on a lie, you’ve spent so much time spend it at work, men like you, you'll be in trouble, i don't want to go home, i'm there... no one is waiting for me, no one needs me, i need you, mikhail, i, damn it, damn it,
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damn it, we're not serious, with this profura, he loves you, lena, he betrayed me, and what right do you, baby, have to destroy someone else’s family, there would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world, an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues without rushing to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently.
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so the old political elite became more active in ukraine. yatsenyuk holds forums, poroshenko fights for military personnel. lyashko became a chaplain with lyashko’s wording on the front became a chaplain. i don’t know, maybe some first ones, the front end or what the front end is on.
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i don’t know what changes have occurred in other parts of his body, but apparently he is absolving sins there in the front. now, the former general has become more active. no one even doubted this, now regarding the draft dodgers, let’s roughly calculate how many people we are talking about, if on average, even in small areas, yes. serve, they have already crossed the line, yes, people who, well, they definitely don’t want to
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, they are already outside the law, they are being persecuted, okay, okay, you persecute them, what will you do with them next, well, the fines are clear, people will pay the fines, no problem, you want them... yes, 31 thousand, there are 31 thousand places in cells left for the whole of ukraine, well, there’s more to be had take into account that there are a lot of people who want to stay there, i think there will be a problem with this, by the way, they once promised to close these old soviet prisons and build new,
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civilized ones, they even planned to build private ones, but one of them has already been built, which. vladimirovich, i’m volodya, i remembered about the ninety-fifth quarter, yes, i really i watched it, but this, well, well, it’s just, well, wretchedness, in fact, it’s, well, it’s even impossible to watch, despite the fact that i have to give a compliment before the thirteenth year, i watched the ninety-fifth with great pleasure quarter, there really was a level of, well, jokes, humor, it was at its best, i don’t know what happened in this team now, but i, well, maybe the writing department there has changed, i don’t know, but...
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prosecutors, police officers , customs officers, border guards, administrations, politicians, deputies and so on, so wait, it’s coming war, you can, well, really lose your maino, tell me, what the hell, some villager who has a hut in the village must go to the front to defend your maino, what will this villager lose there, no one will take away this hut from him, he was like a piece of land, he will work on this piece of land, what should he go for? die last tiktok, we often talked about it here, the anthem uhilyanta, the ukrainians now know what they are doing, now they don’t perform there themselves to this anthem, they just take it and post it. photos of poroshenko with his family, speaker parliament with their families, deputies with their families, and so on. you are talking about the uhilants, here
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you are the uhilants, you are the uhilants, this is a conflict that sooner or later, it will blow up this country anyway, sooner or later this will happen, this cannot continue indefinitely, you understand, this is the level of injustice, the flow of these lies , false patriotism, which everyone talks about on television, it doesn’t matter... but it will tear this country apart, i feel this will happen if they are already talking about something else on ukrainian channels confrontation between the ttc and potential conscripts, already on ukrainian channels they are talking about how they are getting into a physical clash, while there is a physical assault, while there they are sorting things out with fists, but not today, which means tomorrow these people will have access to weapons, they are there and a small cart, if the minister of internal affairs speaks from...
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actually not passing a medical examination, not filling out documents, and so on, that is , it turns out that, in principle, if we were to bring out some kind of collective swindler, then actually, this team should be headed by the president of ukraine himself, while now this document is circulating on the telegram channel, just the other day i came across it several times in different sources, that is , this is not some kind of secret for ukrainian society, they everyone knows perfectly well that this man avoided military service in his youth, yeah. moreover, let’s imagine, if zelensky were called up for military service, well , maybe there would be a lead singer in a roti, military
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ensembles, maybe an amateur performance, maybe would have headed the team of the military kvn, but in any case, it seems to me that zelensky’s fate would have turned out better, that is, he would have become some kind of person, not the president, of course, of ukraine, because in the army in 2 years they would have beaten at least some -that vertical, so to speak, internal control, which he does not currently possess, perhaps he would not have become a severe drug addict.
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here the question is even more different, he says, there are a lot of us like that, so i’m lying with the guys who also didn’t immediately get into the esvo, we went, wrote a statement, called the military registration and enlistment office, he says: wait, we’ll call you back until you’re useful in the telecom, and work there somewhere, continue working, that’s what i’m saying anyway, to the fact that this is a completely different reality, today i sat down with people who say, yes , we wanted to do it ourselves, but we got there later, earlier we had to pile on with this big crowd of ours, push, push, but the system itself. hurried us, now there are people, and people continue to come, and this is very important, the general, deputy commander of the navy, nato, in europe, made
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an absolutely insane statement in guardians, in my opinion, blaming russia and china for the development of underwater technologies, and the fact that a big underwater war is coming, that is , it is now looming in the future, between a united russia and china against the entire collective west. the admiral reminds his colleagues that russia and china have technologies, there are underwater boats, there are uncontrollable deep-sea vehicles, there are even means of actually strategically defeating the enemy, yes, the same poseidon, which everyone is really afraid of, because against this product there is no way at all to defend against it, and yet, these people themselves were the first to provoke that very submarine war that we have been talking about for 2 years now, yes, starting with that, but... the absolutely devastating fact of undermining our northern flows, continuation of this, there is no, no real attempt to at least portray
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the appearance of an investigation, but why, even if you remember how with boeing? we didn’t do anything in response sekorsky thanked everyone publicly yes we didn’t blow up anything we didn’t destroy anything we let them do everything they want, we haven’t done anything yet, they are already shaking, but we haven’t done anything for 2 years. maybe if we immediately answered very harshly, if everything around there was like iran, well, that’s absolutely true, maybe they would have thought 100 times before such articles, we don’t have a single cable, not a single one, nothing we we won’t do anything, why, because we are legalists, so you can say right away, gentlemen of the british, americans, okay, there will be a submarine war, but pro-ukrainian ones will participate in it on our side
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underwater diving groups, let them be against you. we’re talking to you about this topic, it’s good, but americans simply understand that anything is possible. biden said there will be no flows. victoria, the whole world knows who blew it up. putin says so directly and rukalson says, you blew it up. are there any consequences? and the final point, colleagues, this weekend our valiant anti-aircraft gunners, our electronic warfare specialists celebrated their professional holidays, these are the most in demand, although it is difficult in the special zone. operations to reveal the most a necessary branch of the military that is in demand, but still it is our radio-electronic specialists in electronic warfare, our signalers, who are doing the work that the head of state speaks about with great gratitude to these officers and these counter-insurgents, and those 30,000 downed unmanned and manned aerial vehicles in 25 months of svo, which was announced by defense minister sergei shaigu -
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this is a very good indicator. then air defense is fundamentally important now, mikhail mikhailovich and i talk a lot on this topic, but mikhail mikhailovich devoted his whole life to this issues, including his professional holiday, of course, but simply to the fact that now in general there is a rethinking of forces, means, methods, formations, this is a very important moment, we are faced with a completely new type of threats, and here it is necessary to quickly, clearly and strictly carry out, including administrative.
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it’s clear to understand this, iran, by the way, showed, mind you, we never sent 300, let me remind you that 300 is nothing, just for fun, look how the war began, say, the united states of america against iraq, that is, the first day, yes, how much was released, according to baghdad, no, just according to baghdat, how much was discharged, absolutely on the first day, and 42 days without, when now... the west is screaming, just think about it, it’s like it was iran that sent 300, you know, 300, the americans say: this is not enough, this is not enough, and 200 billion, on the contrary, missiles in one night, a third of the year’s supply, iran did not set the task of unleashing, this is about something else, this is about something that must be understood , what level of threats will be discussed quite soon, what we will encounter, here
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this must be understood, we must understand, also yes , the british are for... now we will hand over new unique means of protection, the engineer is hyperbole , i don’t know, yes, but behind all the humor of this approach, because the laser there is highly dependent on a million factors, but it’s clear that for weapons that do not need to be reloaded , the future, that is, it is clear that now colossal development will take place, of course, there our heroes solve the most complex problems, while how, well, they find out on the battlefield: well, those flaws that otherwise would not isolate, weapons develop when they are used, and after this war there will be an explosion in general, yes there is already an explosion, trench air defense, and at the same time there is a return to the well-forgotten old, yes there are sparks, and the emergence of completely new unique ones, that is, nothing, here humanity always moves forward through war, no matter how sad it is, well, in a month
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the changes will come into force with the updated law of mobilization, signed... zelensky, it is clear that no one will wait for this month, it is clear that they will grab the streets with redoubled force citizens of ukraine, score there until half dead in the regional military registration and enlistment offices there. urban and so on, well, what amazes me is that i had the opportunity to talk there with the guys who work in the verkhovna rada, they say: you know, this is the same platform for life, the deputies who supported this law, they sincerely they think that this particular edition is the most ideal option for the ukrainian population, i say, that’s what they say, that’s what they sincerely think, because it could be worse, i say, i wonder, but how could it be worse? well, they would have shot me right away, that is, no, we started communicate, i say, but it’s worse than banderajugent from the age of 14 or seventy-year-old grandfathers to start grabbing right away like this, they said from 16 to 70 you now
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need to carry a passport, yes, that is, i looked like this, come on, you’re still a strong grandfather, come here with me i had a short contact with a person, i saw an unknown american call, by the way, through one of the instant messengers, well, i told him later... do you really think that we have passed a bad law? i say: no, of course, i say, for your children, who are probably where you are calling from now, this is a good law, you protected your families, your children, just
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like all these television journalists and zelensky propagandists protected, they don’t fall under this law, because you need to go run a marathon, yes, process the brains of ukrainians, there was one guy from the marathon who went, went , yes, but he went on his own initiative, yes, that is, it’s like... he somehow, he didn’t call me, he wrote, he says, here i am, watching the evening with solovyov, i want to see you all dock in kiev, i say, well, i’ll see you soon in kiev, guys, i say, and we’ll see,
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who will sit in the bench and on which bench, and i also want to touch a little more on the topic of the priorities of the united states, both towards israel and ukraine, a lot has been said here, but i’ll add this a little... a humorous topic from my long-time israeli friend, due to his activities, he works with a number of knesset deputies, so we called there today, and he says with this odessa touch: listen, he says, well, we are so upset by the actions of zelensky and his entourage, i say, i mean, upsetting, he says, how can he bet he says that we have our own people running around here in embroidered shirts, their lobby with our israeli lobby in washington.
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interesting, i ask a question, i say, what do you think, will they give it? so he says, you know, he says, even if johnson still doesn’t put him there, although again, i already studied today, they are already threatening him, there are republicans, democrats saying, we won’t let you be removed, that is, something like that there is still a way to put the general option, not only separately, but also put the general one to a vote, but he says, even if johnson doesn’t advance this assistance, she says, well, the americans will find a way to supply ukraine already.
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but why has israel for many years been destroying caravans of weapons, which, according to israel, are coming from the territory of third countries to a third country, not on... intended to strike our territory, we do not destroy them, in the air with missiles, with heavy equipment, the sea, i just really can’t understand why, i really can’t understand why we don’t perceive the extensive power of the nato bloc used against us as legitimate are intact, because you don’t want, russia doesn’t want... to fight with nato, but we are not going
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to fight with nato, we are going to destroy them, these are different things, but nato is at war with us, we are not, we are, well listen, but we will apologize to the family of the deceased drone, but this is not the same thing as they joked at the time when we shot down the ripper, but this is prohibitive, but they use their branch circuit to strike our territory, which means it must be destroyed, why then can you it will be a casus belli then russia, russia, same?
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they say, okay, okay, that’s good, on credit, on credit on saturday we will give you money, he says, yes, i asked you, saturday, no, a jew takes money on credit on saturday, i say that he not a jew, i ’ll tell you, volodya, i won’t be surprised if kuleba becomes a good manager and if they tell him, you wanted a lease, patriots or zarqa, we ’ll give you a lease, i don’t know how it will be, leasing, well i don’t know, you know, they go around, they blackmail, they succeed, well, they return it like they
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did, but for some reason the united states of america, when they took the draft of this agreement, they said, what are you, what are you, what are you, what have you done, you wrote a clause there that if russia attacks us again, we will fit in, that is, the united states of america gives you have guarantees, it’s gone, that’s where it came from, there is, and already johnson, he came, simply voiced that they must fight to the last, the united states of america said: you will fight, look what happened next, because the west, when he said in april, second year, you will fight, and we will be with you stand, for a certain period, the west stood together with ukraine, how many weapons they gave, how much ammunition they gave, 250 billion dollars were simply invested in ukraine, that is, it means that now this pause will end, i don’t, i just, knowing analyzing what happened, i shift it to today, saturday. they will give loans, you
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are absolutely correct, listen, last year we discussed the so-called grain deal, there is no grain deal, no one gave ukraine any guarantees, russia did not sign anything, recently there were negotiations, it turns out that ukraine also said, we don’t sign, the grain is coming from odessa, going, and what goes back to ukraine, well, what is it going, well , the empty ships are coming, no, of course, i’m not, i’m not talking about what’s there just a weapon, but quite reasonably, of course. assume that shells are coming there and so on, they are coming from romania, they are coming from poland in front of everyone, with all the criticism, yes, that is, ukraine is stuffed with weapons, yes, there are not enough, these are tears.
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decided to give 15 million hryvnia or 35 million rubles for each killed. 35 million rub. at first, in ukraine, even people who did not fight at the front, were hit by a shell or something else, gave out money quite quickly, so they collected a certificate and immediately issued 35 million rubles. immediately, but then the money ran out, people realized that somewhere they could start working on something and hoped that the war would end soon. in the fall of twenty-two, this topic was closed in january of twenty-three , this topic comes from a completely different angle, 1/5 is given, and the rest is monthly, 700,000 monthly, i told you yesterday, what i want, where i want to end, you have no idea, vladimir rudolfovich, i am
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looking for an answer to the question of how many people, how many families in ukraine received this material assistance, in the twenty-second year i already have complete information, here are 22 ... it’s not there, it’s not there, of course, because if i know how much they gave the cop, then, of course, i can quickly figure out how many people died, but the question is this, it means that someone came up with one the other day, this is, this is ukraine, you know, even if the family of the victims received a certificate that the person was killed, collects documents, she goes to the military registration and enlistment office, the military registration and enlistment office hands over this military unit, which must confirm,
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kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort at our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the exquisite dishes of the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your... rest your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday, we have gathered in the first group about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they
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carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma. she herself is hungry, but she brings this kurba, shelters, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people, they are not indifferent, support with a word, hello, dear soldier and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what... you are doing, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, how is my heir not playing pranks? on saturday, nannies and i'm just unhappy, anna me completely satisfied, beautiful, smart,
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modest, well, well, don’t, why are you breaking down, quietly, quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me, i forgive you, let ’s part on good terms, scum, for every crime there is one ... punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsov’s child and demand a ransom, this is varonslov’s eldest son with a lot of petty troubles, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of wild flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped, they brought me here, premiere on saturday on rtr. there are so many new ones reasons for conversation, well, this time it’s still
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very nice, it’s to congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph, that’s all, a holiday with gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has sons, i somehow can’t fit into this modern kind of... then life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted. rtr: you have an important matter tomorrow, everything will be divorced, well, suddenly something happens to someone and
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you will forget about the divorce. alla taxi, final episode, i'm married, but i'm getting a divorce, here, here, then i'll ask you to marry me, i want you left my son alone, if the road to happiness came to a dead end, alo did not appear, i feel that something happened, look for a way. driving, what does it all mean, let's talk, alla taxi, final episodes, my team is rushing in there, one, two, three, tomorrow on rtr, vladimir putin today via videoconference, held a meeting with members of the government, the main topic is the introduction of domestic software in economic sectors.
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a little later, when the water recedes, we will gather together in an even larger group with the heads of municipalities and discuss issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing, there are subtle issues, we will definitely return to them. yes, by the way, we quite often harshly criticize the central bank there, and today the words were voiced, i think, just to be absolutely objective, to put not only words of criticism against the central bank, but when they talk about the central bank more than, well, i i wouldn’t say it in a complementary way, but this is said by a person from inside the profession, that is, he understands this undoubtedly much better than i do, but they say words of gratitude and support, this is the head of vtb andrey kostin at... the data fusion 2024 conference, this is what he said about the results of import substitution in the financial
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sector. if we talk about the situation that has developed, then we really...
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but at first maybe these programs were written on our knees, then we began to do it more systematically, but today we have a task, at least for a company with state participation for a complete transition to domestic software and equipment, and this program will be successfully completed, so that as you can see, absolute objectivity
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is guaranteed to you, so come to the representatives of the central bank and i will ask, how are you doing? on this issue and how good you are on other issues, at the same time tell me, share, i think people will be very interested in hearing you directly, and the instigators of conflicts in the west are not going to leave the beaten path. ursula fondeline wants to take control of military spending and industry in europe, directing it toward full-scale militarization. there is only one small a problem, because somehow in europe there is a majority.
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is not going to, in addition to the manic desire for war, the european bureaucrats are also prone to moratorium, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, an opinion that is very important, it can even be printed on toilet paper, that’s how important it is, adopted a resolution calling for the confiscation of russian assets for the restoration of ukraine, and of course, the assembly did not see any violations
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of international law in this, they wrote what norms of international law, we believe, that this is normal. but the west sees in tbilisi a violation of international law, where the parliament adopted the bill on foreign agents in the first reading. i believe that it would be absolutely fair if they showed consistency and then condemned the united states of america for what they have had since stalin’s times this horrendous foreign agents law is in effect. by the way, i don’t understand the law on foreign agents in force in russia, i think it’s time to simply quietly and clearly change it to an article. clear and clear, not fifty-eighth s in parts, it would be too much, we would be beaten, here 275 is just right, betrayal of the motherland, georgia is far from eu membership, and brussels is already trying to dictate to it how to live, mentoring tone, pompousness, groundless moralizing, have long become the favorite style of the west , though it is now unclear what is
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moralizing for them, the presence of a wife or the absence of one, that is, this is what is now understood as morality. that is, what is possible and what is not, imaginary greatness has long been deprived of any value basis, the current ideologies of the united states cannot be called their partners otherwise than spiritual illness. the united states, as they used to say, must repent of its sins, we must repent of our sins, our pride and return to god, that’s what we
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need. but there is no one to tell, they will not understand us. but at the same time, what i like is that there are demoniacs who can be reprimanded, andrei’s close friend clearly showed her demoniacism, no, not kamala haris, but... they shout for a world without weapons, i’ll tell you something, you i’ll tell you, too, be glad that you
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’re not in moscow, you wouldn’t even have time to blink, chvain, and you’d be behind the bars, you’d i didn’t have time to blink, as it would seem in the stuttgart prison, from where the stuttgart prison is in moscow, because you are naive and don’t understand anything, this is what happens in russia, but here. for 25 years she has balls, not you, but her, girl, show us all your balls, if you really were democrats, you would listen, and then we would discuss, but you are too stupid to shut your mouths whistles,
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biden listened carefully, listened, listened, realized that he did not understand what this terrible german old woman was shouting about, and but he basically doesn’t understand anything, so in response to the stories of a scary german old woman, she decided to tell a story about her grandfather having breakfast at the table, that’s where america lost him, my grandfather, who worked at the newspaper, was sitting with my uncle at the kitchen table, with a guy who was david bradon of the pennsylvania press from cranton. do you think i'm joking? no, anyway, he, they
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would come have breakfast at the table and the child would wander around the table where the adults were sitting, but you could, but you could never sit at table no, well, this time he at least told the city without entering, then the city didn’t give him any.
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sorry, i was testifying, i will repeat once again what i just said. this is different from my question. i have seen the president effectively lead his cabinet members and the military. but you won’t say that you have ever seen any violations in this part? the president has no deviations, president, have you ever seen? i don't know how else i should explain, i completely trust the president and reject your characterization. well done!
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walking consciously, yes, then he works as president, well, somehow i’m a little worried about america, but i, taking the matter into a serious manner, i’ll tell you this, that i’m still waiting for him to announce that he was from a family of african slaves , i think that well, this is about well, logically, he was already everyone, yes, he was already mexicans, well, he was everyone, all that remains is to announce that in fact they are for...
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who are going to cut our money, this this is not the organization where we had a crowd of deputies rushing here, and yes, when only here went up, by the way, to vladimir solovyov’s studio, so carefully, then, well , let’s say, the question was raised less carefully, what are we doing there, there was just hysteria, which means there was a loud cry that we were standing up for something there promoting positivity.
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there is no value agenda here, and there is no need to invent one, i read here marya, dredges, in fact, he was once considered a fairly respectable, decent political figure, the man writes that there are problems in the world, believe it or not, there are problems in the world, the man woke up yes, that means there are problems in the world, everything happens because of the competition of large states,
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look. geopolitical world, this is happening out of fanaticism, well, what kind of competition? this is not a competition, what is happening in general, actually, a struggle between good and evil, beautiful, a struggle... for, at least, yes, probably distorted, probably incorrect, interpreted, but certain moral values ​​opposed absolute evil, the absolute destruction of all moral foundations, religions, faith, not just the denial of faith, but as it happens in ukrainian, i think italy
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once had a ban on christianity. the problem of the west is that the west is striving for an absolute monopoly, and here i want to say one such serious thing, sometimes we joke and not very much...
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in the sense that we must clearly understand that while we are talking about the need to save the international law that was actually a product of the cold war, it appeared precisely then as a complex system, but does not operate, and the space that is covered by their new international law is situational, because in each specific case they come to the country, they say, yes , the rules for you are: here the rules are different for you, because we need titanium there, and so on and so forth, we want it that way, just look at how the space of this international right, maybe we need
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to look at our approaches somehow differently, we don’t need to save a withered tree, we need to grow our own, if you, well, well, well, we’re some kind of people here, probably not very people who can trust in the field of international law, well, look at americans, on our wonderful partners, what path, hiding behind a rant about values, about rules, what path have they taken in creating the international law on which they actually want to build a new globalization, after we are defeated, here you want a question, remains only to defeat us, yes, but here , of course, they have some doubts. very beautiful, in general it seems to me that for some reason we have shackled ourselves, we are fighting by and large , despite the fact that one hand is tied to the leg, but we are always afraid to escalate, besides, to understand why we are afraid, well, as
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andrey will say, what are you saying, why, let’s better go straight there, let’s better go straight here, we come up with our own restrictions, we watch how the whole world gradually starts to fight a little bit, little by little. with nuclear weapons, everything was limited to this anecdote, that oh well, that is, israel does not have this, but if necessary, it will not use it , and north korea, now, for example, it suddenly turned out that yes, they told us that sovezuon's decision is not
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mandatory decisions, and this is what was recommended, it was also said, here it’s just on the wire regarding the east, then why we take sanctions against north korea seriously is surprising. why are we doing this then, it’s unclear, well, it’s just real, we know who blew up the nord streams, what did we do in response? and we can go to the international court, well, of course, to the court, well, we went, we went, yes, we were invited to the landing in normandy, and it should be noted, but i think that it is necessary to land there, of course, yes, that is, it is necessary completely there is building a reconstruction, to disembark, at the same time taking into account that paris just sucks. yes, we need to annex paris and clean the city, even at the olympics they can’t hold a swim for triathletes, the water is so dirty, that’s not enough, if necessary, we’ll find it with constrictions. we have brilliant specialists in islam, so
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we won’t have any problems with the parisians, our arab people know it well, dmitry, you’re an arab, it’s fine, for translators paris will do, it’s fine, it’ll be just right to talk to the locals, you can ask you a question, yes how many films have you made, i’m getting confused now, well, quite a lot, but in 10, right? box office, big, good, different at the time when i was filming, there were no box office yet, that is, this, this is only one aspect of your activity, and your homeland suddenly noticed, and i want to congratulate you, you, yes, you, you don’t they gave you the people's artist of russia, you weren't given the honored artist of russia, you were given the honored cultural worker, yes, what a whimsical choice, this ministry is a notorious figure, yes, this is the ministry of culture, but it decided so, no, i don’t know, well... the ministry of culture also decided so, one of the brightest modern directors, from
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a clearly expressed patriotic position, who fell under all possible sanctions, which is one of the goals of the ukrainian regime, then finally, suddenly thank you very much, the authorities noticed over many years and gave an honored cultural figure, and a fine fellow, it’s inconvenient, well , inconvenient, inconvenient,
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you know, great fears settle in my body when you look at these zimmerman fines, you know, what’s the horror, in the twenty-first year in december vladimir vladimorovich putin put forward, someone called it an ultimatum, someone called it a proposal that, guys, somehow, well, reality has changed a little, let’s go back a little and live peacefully. together, laughed in our faces, what
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happened happened and what is happening now, that is, in my opinion, there was a return to a normal event inherent in human nature called war, we can call it a special military operation, we call it that , because at one time an onocentric system was invented, where condemnation of any war and so on, like there is a world government, everything would be fine, but in the ninety-first year, one of the main members of the world government refused to be a member of the world government, this whole system went downhill. the question is different: these december proposals, well, now with god’s help, with the help of our heroes, country, military leaders, we will achieve, i am absolutely sure of this, victory will be the reichstack on which the banner will... flutter, develop, victory, in this i will flutter the carcass
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zelensky and the banner of victory will develop, the banner of victory will develop, but can you explain to me, here are all specialists, americanists, this is your profession, with whom to conclude these most wonderful communiqués, agreements with whom with these. we just love india, we don’t like sunok, yes, that means concluding an agreement with them,
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i don’t know, it takes a lot of courage, because who are they, who do they represent who. america is americanists here, that’s it, andrei, that’s it, they’re having thieves’ fights there, well, purely thieves, here or there who’s going to jail, or who they’ll end up, you know, somewhere before they get there, i have a question for you, an americanist, an americanist, are you talking about hair dryers or are you basically bastardizing, this
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is a really serious question, i agree , he says, this is alzheimer’s brother, our shame.
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and how do we imagine an agreement with whom, who is that party? forgive me, i was thinking about telling the story or not, but i will say, during the time he, one very respected person, who was the chief rabbi of russia, told him, listen, we come another chief rabbi of russia, write a statement that you are no longer the chief rovina of russia, he says who to write to, well, you can treat it any way you like, but maybe dima is right and in general this is the call of the time. neither the institutions of today can be considered as something eternal, unshakable, there is no need to say, it seems to me that this is a mistake, that it is the building around which, maybe it is necessary to conclude some kind of agreement between russia and china, well, maybe a couple of other
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countries that have joined this one that is independent, and why should we at all, and we decide how we live, no, that’s the concept itself. to conclude an agreement is from past, what am i talking about, that is, this is from the design that he actually killed, something else he came up with, yes, which trump actually killed, well, yes, he did it with saransk, because after that it became clear that everything, then there is no continuity, there is no meaning, that is, no one even respects the illusion, and if this is not there, that’s it, and so international law has always been ridiculous, because there were no mechanisms for its implementation, the question is different, how not, then, what is victory, i i want this i no, no, no, no, well, raise the banner over kiev or over lisbon, no, and our military base is there, who should negotiate or who should you
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negotiate with, well then we need to get to the bottom, wait a minute, with whom we agreed, came there at the gates of constantinople , nailed the shield, said everything there. came, nailed the cheat and didn’t leave, just don’t forget, it’s constantinople there, henriy and i agree, the question is different, i imagine, they’re showing our program now, dear vladimir says how to take saregrad again, says how to take saregrad again you will, the question is not canceled, but seriously, with whom to conclude what is, victory is peace on our terms. that’s right, the world concludes, with whom great rome made treaties, taking away those who dared to challenge its power with anyone, capitulation, that’s it, and you don’t even need to sign it, who to capitulate, ukraine, well , that’s it, that’s us not ukraine, ukraine doesn’t play any role at all, that is , we passed that, moved on, well, no, well, because
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how, but if we don’t believe them, if we understand that if they are given the opportunity, they they will be deceived anyway, so the only thing is the presence of strength. this means that the expeditionary force is standing, but this time without leaving, it pays for everything spent in french eateries, they leave, vorontsov, they leave.
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also did not let zhukov’s troops through afghanistan, iraq, iran and turkey, no, from an atomic bomb, the plan was clear, but he also did not do it, why because there was no force, because there were no atomic weapons, so they needed in iran to say yes, then the next question is what to do with the fact that they they are not afraid, we talk about this here all the time, but they have lost the habit of fear, well, we had them here. must understand, i agree, must understand, i will be painful and careful, as was said, in a classic soviet film, advertising, tayagor, i paint my nails, i have every right, era has become old, yes, but you are like a cucumber to us, you know, i would marry you, well, you’re with us, hello, hello, how
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next, mikhail andrevich, buyer of flowers, angels of the district from april 22 on rtr, how many films have you starred in, 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to teach. the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that after all, i myself was not a failure,
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and i was also deciding something. grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i would not prove anything to anyone, but i would do business, i’m generally very glad that i am your son. vernik 2 on friday on rtr, bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ. you can’t love me, we are your enemies, i’ll give everything, sell, buy, he went over to their side, we’ll show what it’s like to attack innocent people, and we will beat them so much that the stains will be carried away, taras bulba, that your films of vladimir bortok helped you on friday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air. 60 minutes 60 minutes tomorrow on rdr provocation is treacherous
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behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why don't you reef, continuation of the conversation in new issues our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, you talked a lot about... european countries and about the european union, and dmitry gennadievich and tigrach also spoke in great detail about personalities these figures on their
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unpredictability. in fact, if you now look at what is happening in europe, then in parallel there are several unconnected worlds that are developing according to their own logic and moving in completely different directions. on the one hand, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is adopting a very loud resolution. at the same time, who will implement it and how is completely unclear, because russian assets are not under the jurisdiction of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, in essence this resolution boils down to the fact that it calls on national... states to make efforts, something, but nevertheless, here is a little pr, i think, for not very much money, because the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe is one of the most corrupt structures in the history of mankind, and very cheap, and i, well, what it is, yes, i assume that some of the money there received from the americans or from the europeans was paid to their own lobbying organizations,
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which they said, now we’ll pass such a resolution that the whole... the whole world will lose their appetite, everyone will go crazy from what they’ve done, but it’s of no use, because it won’t be implemented, the deputy head of the european commission speaks from another country and says that the situation is generally catastrophic, because they are now forced to spend three to four times more on energy resources than china and the united states, which makes the economy and industry of the european union completely uncompetitive, and he considered that, in principle, if... . take the overpayment that goes to energy resources, take all the subsidies that the european union and countries spend to compensate their own citizens for these huge heating expenses for other things, then the amount comes out to about 1 trillion euros a year, that’s you. you can, this is a crazy amount, just not huge, and of course it could be used for completely different purposes that
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would be more in line with the interests of their citizens, but... this will not be done, and here the question immediately arises: how there may be two parallel realities, in one of which, well, it is quite obvious that there is some kind of minority minority group that makes decisions that go absolutely against the will of the majority of the population, because i doubt that today the average the germans, italians or french want to die for a trillion euros to be spent on all this nonsense, which...
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simply no one votes for them, they are positioned as bureaucrats who make an apparatus bureaucratic career that has absolutely nothing to do with gaining trust from the population, this is done through completely different technologies, but it is inevitable, so you showed orbán, so a phrase passed by, and it actually seems extremely interesting to me, he says: we have this here
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a group of technocrats who themselves proclaimed some projects.
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they are all approximately in this vein, we need more unity, we need to integrate more in order to resist, but naturally there is no content there, but we see ... that this figure, he was appointed prime minister in italy, then now again he is applying to move to a position in the european commission, and we see that both his speeches and speeches, all
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that are now being heard by representatives of the european commission, are everyone has one thesis behind them, under different ones they are trying to persuade their own populations , their own political elite, that there should be more europe, that is, the european union, that’s the state. either less, or even better, so that they don’t exist, every time they start saying: our internal competition is killing us, we must be more united in order to resist, we are talking about the following: guys, please, you stop engaging in this nonsense, like elections in your countries, and then you chose orban, he gets in the way, now in slovakia what is happening is very underestimated, although it seems to me that fitz and pilligrini are even more promising than orban, because they have a very clear vision of how to build. possible agenda for negotiations there in the future and this also needs to be paid attention to, how do they deal with these kinds of leaders? since they have an absolutely monopolized position in the media among
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opinion leaders and other things, any a person who takes a step to the left or a step to the right from the mainstream of this liberal-globalist agenda is either called a crazy communist or a psychopathic fascist, there are no other options, because these are liberals, they... the ideology of modernity, there are only three of them: liberalism , communism, fascism, they take advantage of it, they, as soon as a person begins to disagree with any word they utter, if he just doesn’t like something related, that you don’t pay extra to the population, we have bad working conditions there, what does he say, look at this communist, what is this, go back to the soviet union, if someone says, well, we have some traditions, that you bring these people here, they will now capture us there for, he says , what a fascist scoundrel, look, put him all there immediately. they take advantage of this, which means that as for our country, we call there hungary, slovakia, a number of other states that may yet show themselves in the near future, it would be the greatest
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provincialism on our part to sit and wait, interesting, but what will happen in europe, they will somehow get there or find the strength to work with us, this is not the behavior of a great power, great powers do not behave this way, this is some kind of regional small country, maybe sit and think, this is what will happen to me tomorrow, and how will this country build relationships, somehow the americans don’t behave like that, the british don’t behave like that, they have already climbed into a space that has been directly part of our state for 300 years, thanks activities absolutely incomprehensible to me, which means political figures of the late eighties, early nineties, these territories broke away from our country and today the british... the americans have become so entrenched in the south caucasus in central asia that, in general, i think a lot of work remains to be done in order to prevent them from realizing their absolutely terrifying plans for russia with catastrophic
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consequences, they were able to go there, although they had not been there for 300 years at all, it was generally part of the territory of russia, our attitude is that well, this is europe, it is so united, we need either from them close, or we need to perceive them as something unified.
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that they will have to introduce sanctions against russia on their own, then such a simple loophole arises, here one country imposes a veto, some country x, and we say to this country: well done, here’s gas for you there at a completely different price, we’re like that for you more subsidies, something else, neighboring countries with this state are starting to think, why the hell does our leadership extend these sanctions every year, if the neighbors haven’t extended them, their citizens are now paying less for electricity, they pay less for heat, for other things, if we don’t do this... they will have a wonderful trump card in their hands, it will sound like this: it’s not us, it’s the european union, the fact that the european union is themselves , no one is interested, they go and vote themselves at meetings of the european union.
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they return to their citizens, they say: look at what the europeans are doing, what can you do, a common agenda, there’s something else there, we need to drive a small wedge into this unity so that a crack appears, as soon as a crack appears, it without us it will reach the end, destroy this structure, and any person who will again tell you these fairy tales about how we are the first country that should be interested in having a european union, because there is a european union, we are not with europe we are at war, but before there was no european union, look. on artificial grounds, with a crazy ideology, absolutely zero accountability to the population, and a willingness to mobilize all possible financial resources to fight us, this is your european union, if...
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a strong hand at the helm, i consider myself a wartime speaker, i mean that literally, i knew it when i picked up the gavel, i didn't expect it to be easy. former speaker newt gingrich wrote on a social network a couple of days ago that the current moment in time is probably the most difficult that a us speaker has faced in the entire history of the country, and now we are going through it. according to him, this may be comparable to a civil war, or maybe worse. well, this speaker is really leading the country to war, moreover to a war with russia, because...
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well, we could have declared war on america earlier, because we all know very well about the nord stream, that the three lines were most likely done by the americans, they don’t really hide it, but at the same time they don’t admit it, and they everyone understands perfectly well that their top leadership set such a political task, it was set at the level of our american president, with assets here is also not very interesting for them, we have 4 and a half there.
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americans did not need a european army, until they need it, there won’t be a european army, now they seem to have the idea that they need this european army, because they will pull theirs from europe, from europe, from the middle east , please, he entered this into the red sea, the german, god forgive me, the destroyer geson, he could even fire machine guns, a frigate, well, a destroyer he is considered in principle of this class. maybe a frigate, in
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any case, came in, transfer this, push this unnecessary balance, so the united states acts very clearly, but for them, for them ursulov is...
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everyone controls his own part, despite the fact that everyone else is disarming, there are more there than small arms, the armies cannot have any aviation, no tanks, he himself the world, even geographically, the most powerful police force, the soviet union, is surrounded by two other policemen, this is china, in the east in the west great britain, well, probably the signing there was a little of that china that surrounded, which at first yes... chinkaishi should chinkaishi , that was small, no, chinkaishi had to be responsible for himself and the nearest one there, southeast asia, that’s all, he didn’t need to be responsible for anything else, the british were responsible for the rest, we, by the way, are next to us for all this and roosevelt gave us eastern europe,
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no matter what the americans say, he just gave it to us, in fact, but we took it, or rather, he didn’t resist, but what chances did he have, but that’s the point that he had no chance, and the army.
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court, yeah, sort it out, not some kind international, this is extraterritoriality - this is what the americans want to preserve, this is their legislation, what we want, and what the same chinese want, they say, why, strictly speaking, is this way, let’s do something different, the united states, which doesn’t like trump, before the obamas, even bush didn’t like the system they built the wto, because it was gradually gobbled up by the chinese. now they are not satisfied with this trading system, they are satisfied with the imf, where all votes are distributed according to quotas, therefore, the more quotas, the more votes, and the americans have the largest quota, but according to a different principle, there is a meeting of trade ministers, this principle
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does not suit them now, that’s it, then we will rebuild the wto, the chinese say, why should we rebuild, this is a good organization, sidzenping said this in november eighteenth year. we will defend it, we will develop this right, the united states is rejecting this, so we must first win, that’s who wins, and victory is what, in my opinion, victory is what if the united states goes to its island, v your own hemisphere, well, actually, actually on your own island, that is, that is, if, if this is the concept that trump proposed, and a person who grew up, strictly speaking, in the era...
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yes, in the middle east, one of the american representatives, the state department, i don’t know, the pentagon, i remembered that israel, actually. this is the main non-nato ally, legislative, of course, the fact that they have 17 agreements, no, they say completely differently, that’s what they said, miller said that, like, we don’t help ukraine, because it’s not ukraine, what they’re saying now is that these are completely different conflicts, because the united states doesn’t have bases there, everything else is in ukraine, in israel there, or rather around israel.
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the united states has very different agreements with israel, and they have very different agreements, starting from the exchange of intelligence agreements up to, in my opinion, the provision of missile defense and air defense of israel, so they have no legal relations with ukraine at all, but these legal relationship. they can calmly completely break it off, but as with anyone, because, because what is the point in legal relations if they are all torn apart, and there are no sanctions for this, no, you understand what the matter is, if the united states establishes the law, yes, establishes an agreement with you, you are obliged to fulfill it, and the united states will look, why am i obliged to comply with it, if you signed the usa, if the country signed, but the usa does not comply, although it signed,
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here you go, against russia, now this is europe, they have brought it in, maybe in 10 years there will be something there will happen, some new generation in europe, although i don’t believe in it, it that's what they did wrong, comrades american workers, take power into your own hands, drive away the filthy power of the imperialists and their political accomplices, in america there are people who, i would say so, travakhishino. analytical people whom i respect, well, for example, thomas graham, yes, he recently gave an interview, he said,
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listen, what is the essence of the ukrainian conflict, there are two things, the first is the question of territorial concessions that ukraine must make , second - the question of russian guarantees, all of this could be discussed agree, it was impossible to agree, about everything, no, if, if they had fulfilled, they could not fulfill december 15th under any circumstances, but why couldn’t they, i’ll explain why, because the plan failed, we had to at the beginning of 2000 years had already disappeared when putin came to power and the talk was about whether russia would fall apart or not, and in how many months russia would fall apart. anything that goes against this goes against the basic plans. the basic plans were in the conditions of the upcoming cyclical.
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which, by the way, would have been done if then georgia worked, and ukraine in the eighth year, if they had joined nato, then everything would have been decided, since we behaved in a way they did not expect after the three-day there, well, 08 08 08, it was clear that they they set the task of our destruction, for them it was crimea that was important, crimea destroyed russia’s presence in the black sea, crimea nullified the possibility of any of our work in the mediterranean sea. because he turned syria into nothing, we have our bases, volodya, the fact
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is that the americans are globalists, they could not crumble russia without crumbling china at the same time, the fact is that there were just two, two principles, the collapse of russia in 1999, in my opinion there was an article in affairs, a world without russia, yes, there was, yes, russia, russia, which, russia, the dog that doesn’t bark, listen, the beginning, the beginning is putin’s. we, in principle, in principle, russia is part of that world, the post-bipolar world, why is it not taken into account, then they didn’t hear him, or didn’t want to hear him, wait, the question was that in ninety-nine, or rather in in the nineties the americans had, clinton had a certain strategy, we sit down in moscow and steer,
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just like the soviet union ruled these outskirts, we don’t need, in the 2000s it was...
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to carry out market reforms, then market reforms in china will lead to a weakening of the power of the ccp, that experience will be repeated, who was in china, china showed it for the first time in 1995, when there were maneuvers around team spirit around taiwan, when the chinese leadership clearly stated, we will not give taiwan the opportunity to declare independence, we do not have the strength, but we are almost copper basins, that for them, china was not interesting; they dealt with it.
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americans fully used the triangle theory, there we committed a great stupidity, a certain gorbachev, mikhail sergeevich, who came and gave a degenerate speech in china, he came to china with a degenerate speech, gave a speech at the university, this is much more important for the chinese than a speech in vladivostok , he came to their territory and gave a degenerate
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speech there, that was the problem, he could give a million degenerate speeches in russia than everything... was doing, but when you say it in china, and it leads to certain consequences, which we all know well, then this is no longer a random thing for the chinese, so here you need to clearly understand that america has been throughout several centuries of its existence always acts not in parallel, but sequentially, these are their methods, they are always afraid to step too broadly, an akionic power cannot act sequentially, well, i’m sorry, but it acted like that, well, it didn’t act like that, they dismantled spain separately, then got involved in europe, each time they sort it out one by one: america is a country that is built on the basic principles of, excuse me, protestantism, protestantism implies moderation,
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which is why they do not follow the path of missionary work everywhere, they strike gradually, linearly. germany declared war on america, and not america declared war on germany, even here it was not like you americanists, that this was an advertisement. you have an important matter tomorrow, everything will be sorted out, well, suddenly
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something happens to someone, and you will forget about the divorce. alla taxi in the final episode, i'm married, but i have divorce, that's it, then i'll ask you to marry me, i want you to leave my son alone, if the road to happiness has reached a dead end, don't appear. something happened, look for ways around it, what does all this mean, let's talk, alla taxi, final episodes, on my command we rush in there, one two, three, tomorrow on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, we’ve been warned, which means
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the whole family needs to be examined. the most important one takes two decades, so information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea. that is great. on saturday. quiet, please don't. our wonderful nanny. i wrote a statement against you to the police, yes, as if you raped her, here is yours, this is my ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught you in the act of theft, and in revenge for her you decided
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to slander me, this is not true, a bouquet of dust flowers, premiere on saturday on rtr, how much films you starred in, 67, 67 roles, and after that you say, i want to study to be an actress, heart-to-heart talk, my breakthrough into the profession happened in... without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying , being fifteen years old, and there i repeat my role of juliet, and then i will have this, this, this is a family conversation, i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, yes, such a subtle moment , katerina shpitsa, despite what i always felt fate, i had a feeling... that after all, i myself was not a mistake and i was also deciding something. i realized that i wouldn’t prove anything to anyone, but i
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would get down to business. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. on friday at rt. well, it seems to me that we are talking about the same thing.
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conflict with china is a fairly popular topic, even among the american electorate, where more than 80% of americans have a negative attitude towards china, both republicans and democrats, that is, if there is still some kind of discussion on russia, there is almost complete consensus on china, that's it, how about it confronting russia at the same time, in 2022, as we know, the biden administration presented its national security strategy, where it also said that russia is such a seven-minute threat for us, china is a longer-term global threat, we need. .. to work out a strategy to destabilize russia, then we will somehow develop a toolkit, we will use it against china, but of course, they moved quite quickly, especially against the backdrop of all the problems on
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the ukrainian front, but now... trump, but they will try to somehow remember that same kissinger, come up with it again and invent it there, implement that same kissinger maneuver in reverse, try to somehow come to an agreement with us in order to remove some things from here. directed against china, another thing is that i think that of course it won’t work, but we will quite possibly see some attempts in this direction, but again, as if the strategic impasse in which the united states finds itself, it is extremely unlikely that from they will be able to get out of it, even if the administration changes, well, coming back to current events, and indeed today the same bill was presented in the house of representatives on the allocation of tranches to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. and even
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humanitarian assistance to the gas sector, but speaker mike johnson, although he stayed there for several months, in the end they worked well with him, and as we see, he already represents about everything that the democrats adopted in the senate, well, it’s true, as if in individual separate tranches in the lower house, and despite the fact that, by the way, he himself voted against the whole twenty-third year ukrainian trenches, but when they had already made him speaker, he began to slowly move around in the air, i think that the right people explained what needs to be accepted in what form, right? as we can see, no reduction or spending happened, although the republicans there proposed not to spend 60 billion on ukraine, but 48 billion, they proposed to completely exclude this very aid to the palestinian autonomy, but it will also be included, though apparently in a separate tranche, and voting on all this, but will be held on april 20, saturday, that is, legislators will remain for one day congress, although they should have already left for vacation, but
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on the nineteenth, but on the twentieth they remain. in my opinion, this is due to the fact that immediately after the vote, go on vacation for 2 weeks, during which time the emotions within the republican caucus, the republican conference should subside a little, yes, because as we see now, the right wing of the republicans is very dissatisfied. this betrayal of one's own.
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of course, they won’t have time to do this this week, that’s why they will vote by tranches, and well, as for, for example, humanitarian aid to the gas sector, i think they may not even be accepted, but as for the main tranches for ukraine for israel, they will most likely be approved by the lower house, but then, i really don’t it’s quite clear how they will try to push all this through in the senate on the same day, but if you try hard, it’s possible, but if they still don’t have time technically and procedurally, then it will remain there until april 29 to april 30, that is, it will be transferred to may, but it’s quite possible, that... right now, before the end of this week, this will happen, but we should not be frightened, of course, by the figure of 60 billion dollars, although it is quite large, but still, out of these 60 billion, as we know, yes, 30 billion are transferred to the pentagon to replenish everything that it has already spent in ukraine, because the pentagon currently has a cash gap of approximately 10 billion, that is, all this needs to be replenished, approximately 14 billion are already new tranches for ukraine, and there are 7- 8 billion additionally
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possible. u.s.a.


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