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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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i don’t understand your calmness, i don’t understand, we were called into the office of... so
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the authorities, you understand this and they don’t say why, i’m already having jitters, well why, they’ll throw in some sensational case that has caused a public outcry, why is this, from the fact that ordinary things are sent through the office, horror, hello nikolai petrovich, and this means by your grace we are trampling here in the office of the high authorities, but let’s not be modest in our opinion, hello maryana, colleagues, good afternoon, felix yuryevich, please you. dear colleagues, i think there is no need to introduce felix yuryevich krivitsky, no, no, we all watch tv very well, we know you very well, here is felix, yuryevich, you came to our area and filmed it.
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nikolai petrov about our investigation, that we came on business, well why, i’ll be happy to come to you and make a program about such a charming investigator, well, especially since there will be a reason soon, yes mikhail andreevich, that’s why i’m here, dear colleagues, today gathered everyone. felix yuryevich kindly provided us with materials on which operatives have already begun development. well, whatever i am, let the fighters against organized crime report. well , i know that you are driving, we all know that the fleet of minibus taxis is controlled by a certain authority of the makars, recently the work of municipal transport has improved and minibuses have become unclaimed, the owners are incurring losses, let me tell you the essence of the matter tomorrow. kartsev will give a bribe to a person
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from the administration, we have the opportunity to control this, do we? well, marya sergeevna, to don’t pick on the words, but i want to understand the essence. the point is that felix yuryevich shared information with us, the bribe will be transferred under our control. what will makartsev himself convey? no, of course, specially trained people, we just need an investigator, interrogation, and... as expected, a bribe for what? well, in order for minibuses to become profitable again, you just need to change the schedule of municipal transport, if the interval between buses is not 15 minutes, but an hour and a half, then the people will not go anywhere, they will still pay for minibuses, but is the income from minibuses really more than a bribe, a bribe is 1500 euros, this is pure... i see, okay, then
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come to us, we’ll discuss the details, it’s better to come to us, we’ll immediately discuss and agree on how we’ll record , so just a minute, marya sergeevna, at least don’t forget about your superiors, it’s nothing that i’m here too, but no, marya sergeevna is right, i wanted to entrust this matter to you. it would be very nice if you got involved in the process from the very beginning. may i ask: what? do we owe you for information? after the arrest, felix yuryevich will come to you and make an exclusive report. that's all you owe me. yes. i work for an idea, not for a power, it’s a shame. yeah, well, he works for the idea, i know how he makes money. well, how, how, how, how amkver? collects
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incriminating evidence on someone, and then the grandmothers demand that this crap not be broadcast on the air, how do you know, well, the earth is full of rumors, but no, so little girl, so i sense that this is... nalyuga with he’s playing some of his games with us, the main thing is that he knocked on us on time, well, i’ll drive the car closer, yes, well, you should park it even further, well, i’m here, what have i got to do with it, please tell me why krivitsky ran to knock on you, mashenka, there are pitfalls in every bribe , do we care what interest this magazine has, the main thing is that all the information was confirmed, everything turned out in color if we worked correctly, well, did you fall asleep or something? nikolai petrovich, guys, i ask you, be careful there, otherwise this felix yuryevich will film how we screw everything up. okay, you don't need me, i'm gone. goodbye nikolai petrovich.
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come on, come on, come on. where will the show take place? at the hotel, the guys are already working there, you can go and have a look. i can? yes, sure. oops, let's go, well, well, something like this, yeah. in this design, but if they go to the toilet with money, i’m not responsible for anything, we’ll figure out why they should go to the bathroom, the main thing is the sound, offend, well, it’ll do, it’ll do, but how will you force them to use this particular number removed?
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well, i, mash, we have our little secrets, okay, okay, so, what time is the implementation, middle of the day, ready in the morning, that's right, let's detain both of them, right? naturally, yes, then we release the bribe-giver, and arrest the official, uh-huh, there are no objections, no, no, none, what is the name of the bribe-taker’s position, head of the department, transport services for the population, municipality, perch his last name, that’s it, yes, but to me i need complete data, i would have time to draw up the paper today, and lenya will give you everything, lenya, that means
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valery viktorovich, is it possible? well, did you bring it? is this clean? a little bit at a time, yeah, detective bureau, everyone stay on in their places, i don’t understand, please,
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show me what’s in your pockets, why? you suspect that a bribe has been received, i suggest you voluntarily hand over the subject of the bribe, am i dreaming? understood, take a closer look, please don’t be shy, we’ll have to finish checking you out, uh-huh, some kind of nonsense, what a bribe, i don’t stand up, please, but you sit, you sit, please, in our jacket, please take out your wallet and place the contents on the table.
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take a look. yes, maria sergeevna, go upstairs. is everything ok? no, we have problems. okay, i'm coming. good afternoon, shveytsov’s investigative committee, investigative committee, i beg you, i am the head of a department in a municipality, i urgently need to call my head, but there is some kind of provocation here. okay, call the head and call lawyers for the detainees. why, come on, come on, do it, call the head, prosecutors, lawyers, topsails, two words, maybe, yeah, to the
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human rights commission, but did you at least find out where krivitsky got this information from, where, where, he’s his kind - i twisted the muli, well hung on the phone of this transport boss, illegally, well, of course illegally. i listened, wrote, and then blurted out how they agreed on a bribe, but do we really care, only you understand that we can’t legalize this recording, you listened to the recording, listened, there’s not even any doubt, now there’s , you didn’t think that this was a performance and not a wiretap, yes, yes, with their capabilities on television you can imitate any, but what kind of performance, well, in the end they met, met at the appointed time in a hotel, in a hotel, why did they come here for something to drink? in any case, i won’t
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arrest anyone, masha, masha, well, let’s throw them both into a cell for a day, i swear to you, by the morning we’ll fall apart, don’t even think about it, quietly, krivitsky himself, glad to see everyone. well, can we film? no, unfortunately, we have force majeure, there is no subject of a bribe, how not? and so, yes, they discounted 100%. you 'll have to look better. and we searched, rummaged through the whole room. you can’t hide 15.00 euros in your pocket. that can't be true. okay, we ’ll take a picture for now, since we’ve already arrived, just in case happening. maybe you can find it? something, well , record a small synchronized recording, you don’t need to film anything, i told you, we were promised,
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well, if everything went according to plan, but i myself don’t really understand what’s happening, why aren’t you letting us in, no, ok, okay, mikhail andreevich, why don’t your employees keep their words, and don’t let us film, i understand, talk, this is your boss, investigator shvetsova, i’m listening, yes, hello, mikhail andreevich, yeah, but i don’t think there’s anything to shoot here. no, i hear what you say, then please in in writing, yes, i require instructions in
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writing, yes, in writing, i don’t really understand who i’m talking to, i don’t recognize the voice, i don’t know who it was, there are no words, uh-huh, don’t let me in, this as a souvenir for you, as a souvenir, then please, an autograph, okay, ah... to the principled investigator maria
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shvitsova from a humble television worker, uh-huh, thank you, all the best. oh, the vulture has already arrived! hello! so, wait a minute, what's the matter? investigative committee. shveytsova, what the hell is going on here, damn it, they called me, told me some nonsense, what a bribe, what another bribe, he is here, who, the deputy, my perch, here, uh-huh, yes, here,
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he was detained, not yet, so. let me talk to him without witnesses, no, unfortunately, without questions, just a second, okay, i’ll ask everyone into the corridor, okay, citizens, let’s get up and go out, come on, i’ll see you off, yes, come back, please, i don’t know, force a fool to pray to god, he ’ll even break his forehead, well , you can’t trust anyone with anything, they found that you’ve completely
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lost your head from fear, god forbid. didn’t find it, no, well, thank god, give it here, the map, what? credit card, that's why we didn't find a bribe, surprise, surprise, be kind enough to give away what you just received from mr. the person is inviolable. why do you think so? yes, what do you allow yourself? and leave here altogether? if you don’t give us now what mr. okun gave you, listen, i won’t give you anything and i didn’t accept anything from anyone. first, present the sanction for search. yes, what is the sanction? or a court decision? what sanction? what is the court's decision? we have
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the right to search you right now, even without a warrant, since you are hiding objects that are important for... matter, fuck you nipple, which is great, then we will now abuse you in the presence of television, call krivitsky, oh, yes, perhaps , mr. krevitsky, felix yuryevich, it seems that work has appeared for you here, please, once again, hello, anton, are you here, yes, quickly, quickly, anton, you have everything ready, we can do it yet, no, just look, comrade , investigator, citizen.
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that's it, let's move on, well, now let's interview the head of the transport department, just put it on the air, just put it on the air, and i'll wipe you off the face of the earth, look, you little bastard, you have an important task tomorrow, they'll sort everything out, just in case something will happen to someone and you will forget about the divorce, alla taxi, final i am married, but i am getting a divorce, just about then, then i will ask you to marry me, i want you to leave my son alone, if the road to fortunately i came to a dead end, i didn’t show up, i feel like something happened, look for detours, what does all this mean, let's talk, alla taxi in the final episode, on
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my command we rush in there, one two, three for... on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. this is a vacation. we know everything about holidays. annex.
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titanic luxury collection, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is. this is exclusivity! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best
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restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can.
4:08 am
so, mash, give us the papers from the table, we’ll drink tea, i’m generally a housekeeper, but no one appreciates it, in 4 minutes the tea will be ready, good tea should steep for 4 minutes, credit cards are all in the name of the head, and if the experts don’t find fingers on them, what? let's do it, with permission, here's your expert in time for tea, well, here on this card are the fingerprints of all three, perch, this possessed head of the administration, and motylev, who conveyed, yes, progress does not stand still, bribes for plastic are transferred by bank transfer, and what is very convenient is inconvenient for the investigation, well, here it is... here are the chapters, i tell you i still need it, but no, no, no, will you have some tea, no, thank you, i still have to write a conclusion, yeah, vitaly kolunov, this is the head
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of the administration, well, yes, the trees are green, they are no longer afraid of anything, cattle, that means it turns out to be a perch just a mediator, yeah, what are we going to do, here you are, marya sergeevna, and i lost you, hello, yes, you’re sitting there, sit, you are not in the area, the phone is not answering, mihalich, why didn’t you tell me, i would have met you. thank you, i'm not lost myself. would you like me to buy you some tea? yes, of course, take off your clothes. so. well, what are our plans? well, since the recipient of the bribe is the head of the administration, we will detain all three. yes. yes, but, as far as i know, they don’t admit to anything. so what, we have a video? which only shows that the plastic card itself was transferred. well and. what does the bribe-giver say, this motylev? yes, lyosha, you screwed up, your boss, volodya makartsev,
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they won’t pat you on the head for this. do you feel sorry for me? of course, i’m a compassionate person. cry, lesh, you’re being rude, but in vain. let's maybe discuss the situation, how can you save face? now, no, i won’t discuss anything with you, my lawyer will come, say hello to the catches, motylev will say, such and such is your testimony, then we’ll discuss it, well, okay, yes, in this situation we have little chance, therefore, i propose a knight move, what can be done if this... representative of the criminal community motylev motylev confesses to the fact of giving them bribes, we release him from liability, as a person who voluntarily declared this, wow.
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i think this is impossible, and in general a voluntary statement can take place before the initiation of a criminal case, but not after. maria sergeevna, let’s not be formalists and pretend that the case has not yet been opened. besides, in the fight against crime, all means are good, right? then explain why we are better than them. so, mash, mash, mash, well, i don’t understand what these performances are for. the fact of transfer of the card has been recorded. i will prove the bribe in a natural way. how? i'll make a request to the bank. who opened the account?
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how much money is on the card, wait, so you don’t even know this yet, if there is any money there, so all this is a pitchfork in the water, and you won’t prove anything, thanks for the tea, it’s worth recognizing that our implementation is with you failed, i don’t think so, marya sergeevna, do you have the courage to at least look reality in the eye, later. don’t forget to apologize when you release all the detainees, and i’m not going to let anyone go, that is, i’m going to arrest the perch, and the head of the administration, meaning, firstly, no court will authorize your arrest, and secondly, this will be an illegal detention, i will still try, don’t even think about it, to immediately release all those detained, understand? “i’m asking, is it clear,
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either you don’t recognize me again, you doubt that i’m your boss, or you need written orders, you fool, masha, is it really possible to do this to your superiors, stopped standing.”
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sit, what have you got? everything’s fine, i ’ve let the whole company down, we’ll see what they do, but uh, i ’ll rush to the bank tomorrow morning, masha gave me a request, so what? maybe will something burn out? well, you eat, eat, eat,
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no. this piece is here, yeah, yeah, okay, you gave the cd on terrorism to izvitsky, just yesterday, felix yuryevich, can i come later tomorrow, my granddaughter has a holiday in the kindergarten, of course, natasha, if we finish today, what do you want, the whole recording . according to the head of administration for a bribe, that’s all, live.
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i thought it wouldn’t hurt you to know, you don’t have to rush here, i already called petka, yeah, whatever you want, that’s it. for now, well, she should be taken to the hospital, her blood pressure is 180 to 140, severe shock, there are no injuries on her, the blood of that man, you can talk to her, try, i
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’ll call the dispatcher back, hello, hello, dispatch, natal, natal, who was it, do you know him? we haven’t seen him before, well, at least we remember him, no, i remember, my eyes are cold, i’m going to die, i’ll never forget, we’re taking him to mariinskaya, we’ll get there on our own, we won’t get there on our own, we need a stretcher, well, just lie down a little longer, dimochka, that’s it, don’t
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wait for me, are you sure, sure, bye, bye, uh, masha, it was good while you were on vacation, it was quiet, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, unpleasant, a very high-profile murder, well, there is a version, so what versions, this is revenge for professional activities, well, yes, most likely, now we will be tormented in looking for the customer, he did such high-profile things, many heads rolled... him, and so did mikhail andreevich , so the fact of the matter is that the customer is in our pocket, the witness has given evidence, that’s it, the prosecutor’s office, so, come on, come on, let’s go into more detail, it turns out, hello, marya
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sergeevna, hello, hello, petya. hello, marya sergeevna, why are you examining witnesses without a doctor? yes here there’s nowhere to turn around, you see, sit down, there’s a criminologist who can barely fit in, a doctor has been called, he’s on his way, he’s stuck in a traffic jam at the foundry, we’ll find witnesses later, well, well, well, well, well, well, everything is clear to me personally, vinokurov has already gone to detain the head of the administration , that is , everything is clear to you, yes, yeah, the head of the administration ordered it for me. he threatened krivitsky even during the day, as i was told. sing, can you imagine how long it takes to order a murder? well, what should you order there? everything is fast there, there are no bureaucrats, then maybe they had been planning to kill him for a long time,
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we were getting ready, then he called, gave the go-ahead, that’s it, the materials were confiscated, what materials, well , video recordings, who cares. for what? we need to do a search in his apartment, maybe we’ll find something we need, marsergeevna, he’s the victim, why search the victim’s place, at least to understand the motive, come on margeevna, why all this, with a motive, it’s clear, and in general the case is practically solved, indeed, you are an adult boy with us, what am i teaching you here, marya sergeevna, i don’t understand you,
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and why does she allow herself, and also me primo, yes, yes, yes, the character of our star is still the same, this is not the place or time to show character, i myself wanted to offer it to her. take the bribe case from her, but i thought she would resist, so that’s good, everything worked out, yes, let’s go, vitaly, they came to you, who, hello, the head of... the homicide department, major vinokurov, vitaly petrovich, come with us , and what
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is it? krivitsky was killed, you killed him, that means, well, for the repose of his soul, let me hug you, my dear. you brought it to me, well, let's go.
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but still i would like to know, here he is appeared or not? well, of course, he showed up, but how could it be otherwise, i still would like to know for sure oksana, well, we are registering visitors in the departments, now we’ll find out, i’ll be very grateful to you, and kolya, i have a person here from the police, orb, korablev , my last name, excuse me from or'. please see if we had a client yesterday who
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interests you, and it says, here is kolunov, vitaly petrovich, yeah, kolunov, vitaly petrovich, yeah, it wasn’t, neither yesterday, nor the day before yesterday, it wasn’t like that at all, okay, thank you, no, it wasn’t like that, that’s how it happens, just put it on the air, just put it on the air, and i’ll wipe you off the face of the earth. look, oppressor, everything, yes, well, in principle, yes, no, well, the operational record is big, but here is a direct threat, well, in case the report goes on television, and kriviysky has not yet aired his material , when the program was supposed to air, in a week, in a week, uh-huh, that means they wanted to prevent the report from appearing on air, they took away one recording in particular, well, yes, uh-huh, the witness is still in the hospital, well, yes, hypertensive crisis . at least security they installed, but offend, viktor ivanovich,
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they set up security, classified everything as it should be, everything is thank god, and what about the bribe, yes, oh, viktor ivanovich, hello, can i, i’m from the bank, sorry, i’m late, here it is a certificate about the flow of funds to the account, which means that yesterday a card was issued in the name of this very kolunov, and 1,500 euros were transferred, from which account, who is the owner, right? now, now, now, now, here you go, motylev alexander sergeevich, and in turn he listed maka, so they are children, or what, are they like that so they decided to cover their tracks, listen, who would have dealt with this card if we hadn’t grabbed him yesterday, well, he would have pulled the hill and spent his money there, calmly, you don’t even need to declare the card, you know, it’s more than a bribe evidence than for murder, so, viktor ivanovich, the main thing for us is to arrest him, that’s all, these white -collar criminals, they are... all rotten through and through, he won’t last a day, we will ruin him from
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the heels and also hand over the performer to the top. hello, hello, viktor ivanovich, yes, i would still risk signing a petition for arrest, we have enough evidence regarding a bribe, and it will be easier to work on a murder if the customer is in jail. oh-ho, i don’t know, i don’t know, but i myself don’t like bribe-takers. where is shvetsova? nowhere, her business was taken away, now everything i have is a bribe and murder. and what are you unhappy with? no, i just need to digest it, well, get ready, lunov’s petition. we agree to support him,
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if you allow it, vitaly petrovich, stop twitching. okay, everything will be fine, please stand up, please sit down, kolunov, you can sit down, that’s understandable, but i wouldn’t want to, don’t talk too much, i didn’t kill anyone, it’s monstrous. provocation, i was framed, kolunov, you will be given the floor, but there is order, word, before you know it, you’ll be going to prison, i know your order, thank god, if you don’t calm down, i’ll remove you from the courtroom, we will listen to the petition without you, where are you going,
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leave it, citizen, we are having a closed meeting, who are you, please come out, or i will now call the bailiff, i killed krivitsky, shot him yesterday, the gun is at my house, premiere. so stop alexander pankratov black, next time i won’t miss, alexander robok, take off the handcuffs, tomorrow under escort to apartment number 20, clearly, anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’ll work for you all myself, he’ll kill
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or hurt, maybe , fyodor lavrov, look how beautiful it is! woman, where others give up, they grow wings, that means, i won’t accept this, the angels of the region, from april 22 on rtr, they say, we need to prepare for rest, we need to rest. you need to rest beautifully, but rest it is necessary, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex.
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there are so many new reasons for conversation, well, this time also... very nice, this will congratulate you on your birthday, this is joseph, my pop, a holiday with gifts, and now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow i can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos,
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something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, well, maybe, well, there’s no need anymore, valeria, amazing song that you created with maxim podeev. sinners, why? hello, lenya korablev, how is this why? they left us, do you understand, to the mercy of fate? not at all, you now have to follow.
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like this, why? what difference does it make, are there really no other investigators in the area? no, but why is there, but you stood at the origins, well , it’s not offensive, no, i’m not offended, but you are euphoric, they proved a bribe, yes, they proved murder, everyone was arrested, well, everyone, not all, but we hope many, but what you actually don’t like it, marya sergeevna, i don’t like everything, so what’s that? mash, in my opinion, you are not you're right, your case was taken away from you and you're angry. volodya, don’t you think that you happily
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grabbed onto the version that lies on the surface. and yes, don’t you think that if you dig too hard, you can even get to the metro, but it seems to me that you will be very surprised when everything doesn’t go the way you want. yes, hello, ship, what, how was it released? yes, i'm flying. marya sergeevna. well , okay, yes, what are you saying, i’ll be right there, you knew that this is it, irina alexandrovna, dear, thank
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you, how you arranged this, my dear, that arranged, well, this confession, it’s you, no, fire me, i don’t do such things, here are the terraces, but where did he come from, i don’t know, from friends? take an interest, ask, oh, mr. makartsev, it’s right there, well, hello, well, great, kirensanovna, what about the fee, everything is fine, yes, thank you, everything is fine, everything is fine, i’m going to the board, i still have work to do , that means you are resting today, tomorrow i am waiting for you at my place, and we will discuss the line. protection, you know what, you’re going on vacation since yesterday, see you, irina
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aleksandrovna, and to celebrate, we’ll go now, let's eat like a human being, i have business, excuse me, such lawyers are worth their weight in gold, they work miracles, and most importantly, everything is legal, well, you won’t undermine it. “i don’t mind spending any money on her, wait, wait, what is this, vova makartsev, in person, that’s right, look how insolent the ass is, on the street, in the middle of the day, the authorities are kissing crime, and what they should be afraid of is not prohibited by law, yes, you’re right, you know, yesterday our defendant said that krivitsky was digging under him and wanted his own man in his place.” plant well, well, well, wait. for whom did krivitsky try? well, logic dictates, for the sake of competitor vova makartsev. who's ready
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for vova?


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