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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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diana, hello, what punishment do those involved in the criminal case face? hello, irina, up to life imprisonment, according to the fsb , the suspects donated money to purchase military equipment that could be used against the russian army. the translations were controlled by ukrainian curators, who also conducted correspondence in closed social network groups. they gave instructions on how to act if law enforcement agencies have questions, they offer. call it help for the children of donbass, they invited them to move to according to him, now two of these philanthropists in quotation marks have already been sent to a pre-trial detention center by court decision, while investigators do not rule out that new defendants may appear in the case. diana, thank you, good news, but we are transported to idmurtia, where today we met children from the belgorod region live from izhevsk. elena lebedeva. elena, hello, how many people did you receive? hello irina,
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300 schoolchildren arrived in izhevsk, the journey took two days, but as the children said, they were not bored, they managed to make friends on the train and take a break from lessons, studies will continue on site in sanatoriums in country camps , classes and teachers are already ready, doctors examined everyone along the way, there were meetings with psychologists, no one needed the help of doctors, it was raining in izhevsk in the morning, but tomorrow they promise sun and warmth and the first... excursions around the capital of the region. thank you, elena, have a good broadcast, and let me remind you that immediately after the big news, don’t miss the final episodes of the allataxi series. next we continue with the residents of moscow and the region. artificial intelligence. for increase
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quality of life moscow and sberbank signed an agreement, what should change and how could this affect everyday processes? illegal arms trafficking in the moscow region , police discovered a huge arsenal in a private house, the owner of the pistols and cartridges was detained. a heavy downpour and a force nine storm will dramatically worsen the weather in the capital region this friday. and katyusha the panda reminded everyone that she was still a bear. moscow and sberbank today signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence, we are talking about joint developments in the implementation of neural networks in the field of healthcare, education and social development. teachers from the capital's colleges are already being trained at school 21. this is a project that will help specialists improve their skills and free up new technologies. marina gromova saw how the classes were going. perhaps these are the most unusual
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classes and the interiors and equipment of the teachers here, in the role of students, learn not from someone else, but from each other. we met for the first time 2 days ago, we are at different places we are very old, so to speak, we have broken ourselves, we communicate well and reach the end of the day. the training system is called peer-to-peer, it is a joint project of the city of sberbank, teachers of the capital's colleges learn to work with neural networks, at a basic, user level, using this technology. many people are familiar with it, but artificial intelligence, if used as a professional tool, requires a more detailed approach. this is an amazing technology that helps you effectively build lessons, write a lesson script, and work out great presentations on content, content. training takes place on the campus of school 21. it trains specialists in the field of information technology. we will move more broadly to help them master working with artificial intelligence, with neural networks, including sber products, of course.
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to a large number of teachers not only in the it field, but in many other industries, because this is a skill that will be useful in any case. since april of this year , teachers of it specialties have been taking advanced training courses. this year's total basics 200 teachers will be trained to work with artificial intelligence. the mayor of moscow and the chairman of the board of sberbank signed an agreement on further cooperation. moscow is also a leader in a number of areas of application of artificial intelligence, digitalization, and education.
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there are plans to develop a model that, based on big data, will determine the risks of heart attacks and strokes, and also a search engine, here the future is being created right now , which will help navigate patients’ electronic medical records. marina gromova, evgeniy
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oreshnikov, ignatiy sokolov and margarita zusik, news. the capital's traffic police will check that users of scooters and bicycles comply with traffic rules. the raid will take place from friday to sunday; it is due to the fact that lovers of personal mobility devices often do not comply with traffic rules; the moscow city duma made a proposal to increase responsibility for riding electric scooters and bicycles. we propose the following changes to the kaap: the first is to introduce a new subject of responsibility, the person using for movement of personal mobility devices, provide for fines for leaving the scene of an accident, use. a bill has already been submitted to the state duma to introduce new fines for users of personal mobility devices; their amount can
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reach 3,000 rubles. heavy downpours will hit the capital region closer to night; according to forecasters, up to half a month's worth of rain will fall until friday morning. precipitation norms, and tomorrow the rainfall will not be replaced by a real storm; wind gusts can break trees, tear off roofs and advertising structures. tatiana antonova is already in our studio with the details, tatyana, are you already scared of such forecasts? irina, yes, it’s alarming, so tomorrow there is a yellow level of weather danger, wind with gusts of 20 meters per second or more, these are indicators that can cause destruction, extreme caution to all residents of the region. well, here we go. the balkan cyclone brought such sad changes to the region. southern cyclones are very generous with precipitation, so there will be noticeable downpours everywhere, and tomorrow there will also be a stormy, and very warm, wind. in koshir, in in kolomna on friday it will be up to 15 degrees celsius, in other areas it will be a couple of degrees lower. in moscow
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next night + 7-9, thunderstorms, especially strong after midnight, dangerous winds tomorrow day and up to +15. on saturday night in megapolis it is only 0.5, we cannot rule out rain. with snow, day without precipitation and +12. on sunday , clouds will roll in again, rain will sprinkle on thermometers at +15°. irina, it will become calmer over the weekend, but for now we are preparing for bad weather. yes, thank you very much, tatyana antonova. ah, terrible weather. we continue. in the capital over the past 10 years they have led to about 2,000 cultural heritage sites. this work is ongoing. in the kolomenskoye museum-reserve , restoration of one of the first stone-tent churches in russia, a church, is underway. ascension of the lord. the architectural monument is now hidden behind scaffolding, but darya okuneva managed to look behind the fence. on the steep bank of moscow, she seemed to be wrapped in a muff. the winds became the main reason for the next restoration of the oldest church of the kolomna ascension of the lord.
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the white stone decor literally blows the stars out of the façade. amount of work to be done huge. this church, at the time of its construction, was the tallest in russia, that is, it has height. the present time of a twenty-story building, that is, we have an altitude mark along the cross of 62 m. the white stone is carefully cleaned with steam, treated to remove mold fungus, the old brickwork is repaired, leaks and the consequences of the previous unsuccessful restoration are eliminated, when the walls were simply coated with mortar and the masonry was imitated. we remove the plaster from the brick; the connection between the plaster and the brick is broken. they started under the cage, will gradually rise higher and... higher restoration work is a unique chance to closely examine the decoration of the temple, the finest carvings on white stone, and this is the 16th century. according to legend, vasily ii, who became a father only at 50, founded the temple in gratitude for the birth of the long-awaited first-born ivan the terrible, for
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whom kolomenskoye also always had special meaning. sergei izenshtein in his painting made the church of the ascension a symbol of that era. 1565, the year of the creation of a stronghold of royal power , was condemned. the temple has witnessed many historical events. invasion of devlet-gerey, the tented church survived during the nekanian reform, when other churches were rebuilt in the greek style; the cross -domed ancient walls saw a copper rebellion against tsar alexei mikhailovich. in 1662 , he was praying just in the church of the ascension, went out onto the porch, and in front of him was a crowd of moscow people. the tsar did not have a large number of guards at that time, so the tsar could not simply order, disperse the crowd. and he started talking to people. promise them that everything will be fixed. true to its name, the church seems to rise above the moscow river.
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to keep it on the edge, the italian architect petra annibali strengthened the foundation with stone blocks, like an artificial rock, and also managed to combine pointed arches characteristic of european gothic with ornaments and kokoshniks typical of old russian architecture. an amazing interweaving of architectural styles, it was partly why the temple was included in everyone’s list. restoring without harming is the main task now facing everyone who works on the project. residents of the capital are already waiting for the restoration to be completed, which is scheduled for next year, so that after the poet chichebabin he repeats everything that the soul dreamed of hearing, the splash of the well resulted in an exclamation of how beautiful the church in kolomenskoye is. dari okuneva pavel vitrinsky, news. a large weapons warehouse was discovered by police in the isren city district. the arsenal was stored. in a private home, these are pistols and carbines, as well as hundreds of ammunition. ballistic examination
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showed that these are sporting and hunting cartridges for a makarov pistol from techkin, suitable for shooting. policemen discovered and seized three items structurally similar to tt pistols and a carbine, 277 rounds of various calibers, three magazines, firearms parts, 105 bullets, more than 8,000 cartridges and igniter caps. as well as various containers with a bulk substance similar to gunpowder. the owner of the weapon was given a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave, a criminal case was opened under the article on illegal trafficking in weapons and ammunition. today the premiere of the play tartyuv will take place at the mossovet theater. the production centers on the famous story of deception, hypocrisy, but the director placed the accents so that familiar characters were revealed from an unexpected side, and the actions were transferred to our time. this way the audience will be able to discover completely new meanings in the classical work;
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oksana maksimova attended the dress rehearsal. from the very beginning , the audience is immersed in an amazing atmosphere, the entire hall is shrouded in haze, in the center there is a carpet, completely covered with golden confetti. the meaning of the brilliant scenery is revealed from the very first seconds of the artists' appearance. rumbles music, not like malyerov, a wide scope of fun, this is the beginning. four centuries ago, today his heroes are not dressed in lush dresses and camisoles, the satirical lightness of the play itself has also disappeared, the situation when a man, an adult, even i would say a very adult man, marries a young girl and finds himself in a very difficult situation for himself , which he somehow has to resolve, for me it is such a tragic, very tragic story, such a tragic farce. the comedy was written in verse; translation into prose was rare, but that was what was preferred for production, only in this way, according to the director,
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was it possible to reveal the deep drama of new plot twists. thanks to maliere for writing a great work, thanks to our director, who made us walk through the labyrinths of this work looking for some isms, and it was very interesting for me. in this production, the characters have a heavy psychological burden, an unequal marriage, jealousy, all my happiness is now in your hands.
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a performance of reasoning, a performance-experiment, in which the classics are reworked, but preserved main idea. the person he was, only what is around him changes, and what remains inside is essentially human, it is always in a person, regardless of the circumstances, the time, we always have it, so this is probably this is how it attracts the viewer. love affairs and the pursuit of wealth on the chamber stage of the mossovet theater today. oksana maksimova, vladislav dubtsov, ignatiy sokolov, ilika dzhevakhishvili, news. the capital is accepting applications for participation in the show moscow tourist routes competition. anyone can do it. it’s free, there are no age restrictions, you just need to develop and offer an original excursion on one of five topics: history, culture, sports, ecology, transport , submit an application on the ruspas-business portal. you need to indicate your contact information, route names, duration, main points and locations along the entire route. now we
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are seeing high interest in the competition from the townspeople, among the participants are both children and more people. older age. the competition is open to people who are passionate about history of the city, who study this history through knowledge of attractions and environmental features of the area. the competition created routes not only for visitors, but routes for muscovites, for residents of those same districts who, by the way, then voted for the best route. muscovites themselves will decide how interesting the routes will be. you will be able to vote. online on the active citizen portal, following the results of the competition, five winners will receive diplomas and memorable gifts from the moscow tourism committee. cute panda katyusha injured a zoo employee, we will tell you more about everything after the advertisement, wait. they say you need
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to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops, immerse. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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you have an important matter tomorrow, everything will be sorted out, what if it happens to someone else? anything and you will forget about the divorce. alla taxi, final episode, i’m married, but i’m getting a divorce, just about then, then i’ll ask you to marry me, i want you to leave my son alone, if the road to happiness has reached a dead end, hello didn’t show up, i feel that something happened, look for a detour, what does it all mean, let's talk, alla taxi, final episodes. on my command we burst in there, one, two, three, today on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very it’s hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down
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on the floor and said to a passer-by: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there. danetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, bless the mother of your children, pray to god that they fight bravely for the faith of christ, you you can’t love me, but i’m your enemy, i’ll give, sell, buy everything. went to their side, we will show what it means to attack innocent people, and we will beat them in such a way that the stains will be carried away, taras bulba, what about this, your dances helped you, a film by vladimir bortok, on friday on rtr, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not lend our memory and do not refuse from our own words,
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we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, this is news, we continue the release in the moscow region , the reason is clear. dense black smoke was billowing several kilometers from the scene of the emergency. the fire was contained at about 11 o'clock in the afternoon. there were no reports of casualties. the vidnovsk city prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the incident, as well as the progress and results of the pre-investigation check carried out on this fact. the fire extinguishing continues; traffic is difficult on kosher highway in the area of ​​the emergency. katyusha the panda injured a zoo employee today. the director of the zoo reported this. according to her,
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this happened during the game. katyusha scratched the worker's hand and stomach. despite the fact that pandas eat mainly plant foods, they are still predators and can harm a person. like other bears, they have strong jaws, sharp teeth and large claws, so katyusha is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. in moscow, 350 guide dogs have been trained to help passengers with limited mobility on the metro. the animals easily navigate the subway, are not afraid of large numbers of people, and even know how to retrieve fallen things. artyom kuznetsov met the furry patrol. ksenia and her labrador larson are together always and everywhere. the girl's vision began to deteriorate several years ago. at first i managed on my own, i went with with a cane, after an accident, she decided to get a guide dog. after the incident in the subway, when i fell on the rails, they pushed me, i already saw much worse than before, after that i realized that a dog
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is necessary, firstly, he does not bring me to the edge, and secondly, even if we're standing pretty close to the edge, he's standing in front of me like this. larson, her eyes help you climb the steps, get around obstacles, you see, he walked around you so that you stayed on his side so that i wouldn’t crash into you. guide dogs also help find and pick up a fallen object, i dropped the lock, but he’s already watching himself, he’s already running on his own, he yes, that is, he understands, this is his task too, it’s not enough for a dog to just know the commands, stand next to him, sit, lie down, he must to understand and feel a person, the task is not easy and requires concentration from the animal, if you see a guide dog on the street, under no circumstances should you call it or ask to pet it, for a blind person it is... a navigator, the animal sits behind the road so that there is no traffic ahead no obstacles, and any harmless word on your part can cause harm to its owner, but for example, no,
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the dog was distracted, there could be a hole, a hummock, a step or a pillar ahead. larson is already 3 years old, he was able to become a guide only a year and a half ago, animals begin to be trained at one and a half months, puppies are taught to contact people, react to objects, not be distracted by extraneous noise, they are transported for 8-10 months. from the nursery to the training unit, and there training takes place for , well, until the dog is one and a half to two years old years old, these puppies from the nurseries of the bathing area near moscow are making their debut in the metro today, training in the capital’s subway is mandatory for guide dogs, they are taught to guide blind passengers through the doors of the vestibule to the escalators, move along the platforms, enter train cars, this is a special harness behind which a blind man is holding on and his dog is leading him... to point out obstacles , landmarks, directions of routes. she has been training puppies in the metro every week for 10 years, during which time 350 four-legged dogs have been certified,
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this year , another 50 animals will undergo special training. by the way, not all breeds are suitable for the role of guides, only four breeds: labrador, golden retriever, german and east european shepherds. can she already be a guide for a year? it’s still too early for her, i ’ll say this, because yes, she’s still small, she’s still a puppy. water dogs also need to be trained, their assistants are unusual pets, any visually impaired person of the first group over 18 years old can get a guide, for this you need to submit an application to social insurance fund. artyom kuznetsov, maxim gavrilets, anatoly ignatov and pavel letnikov, lead. today on the program is our story of two women who became a support for their men. heroin husbands were seriously injured, fighting in a special operation zone. how women managed to return their husbands to a full life, watch at 15:00. you were aware, the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we will see you all by that time.


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