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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 18, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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science, applied science and other fields of study. now , briefly about other events: a multimedia exhibition behind the tape, dedicated to the northern military district, will open tomorrow at the state historical museum on red square. this is the first military art project of this scale in russia. the exhibition features photographs of fighters and videos from the zone.
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in moscow over the past decade, sergei sobyanin reported. and until the end of may , muscovites have the opportunity to visit historical buildings, houses, theaters, a total of 300 objects that are usually closed to visits. about the brightest, anna balan. what a surprise when, between offices and new buildings , you suddenly see such a small one-story house. here, in the current khamovniki district, it was built almost immediately after the fire of 1812 . and now this is it. old wooden
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building in moscow. there is rich stucco on the façade. it is immediately clear that the owner of the house, college adviser gavriil polibin, was a very wealthy man. for the first time after a long restoration, the ancient house opened its doors so that everyone could appreciate the luxurious interiors and see what has been for centuries was hidden from everyone, for example, a painting on the walls and ceiling, it was accidentally discovered during clearing. in this room you can see part of it. wounded and a fairly large space of open wallpaper, the so-called proto-wallpaper, here a large wall was covered with parchment, and the artist painted it by hand, and on the excursion they will tell you about the unique technology of embroidering icons with beads, now the building houses the archangel michael foundation, in general it is very important to be in such historical mansions, after all, it’s a great rarity, there are many historical houses on podsosinsky lane, but this estate was built back in the 15th century and bears...
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three owners at once, chetverikov, malyutin and ilagina, the most mysterious. almost no information has been preserved about her. what is known is that in the 19th century , one of the main literary salons of that time settled within these walls. in 2017, the building was restored, the school of cinema and industry moved here, so no one is allowed into this estate just like that. but now we have such an opportunity. once inside, everyone immediately grabs their cameras, one room is not like the other. a rarity not only for moscow, and even for russia, this is a formal dining room, the fireplace has been here for more than 100 years, a wonderful russian cast iron mouth has been preserved here, the doors are usually closed, but here you can get in, there is something sacred about it , and how many other things we haven’t seen, we don’t know what, perhaps we don’t even know about, closed capital...
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historical shops, restaurants, hotels, for example, in the coming days you can get into beijing, as well as to the famous sundunovskie baths, a full list of objects on the discover moscow portal, you also need to register there,
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i was finished, the apartment would have been taken away, boris sergeevich is opening a one-room apartment on the krylatsky hills with his key, the news that 36 km he no longer owns... it turned out that he allegedly sold the only housing that boris sergeevich got after the exchange in 1995, although he assures that he did not participate in any transactions, he is a lonely pensioner, he has lived as a recluse for many years, that all this forged, and to my apartment, without my knowledge, i didn’t even know, they registered a woman who was 50 years old there from some rostov region, a blatant real estate deception helped solve a case, a flood in the apartment that was flooded. for information about the owner , i contacted the unified state register and extracts and discovered inconsistencies. there was some kind of purchase and sale at first, maybe it’s written like that,
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purchase and sale in june, and then purchase and sale in august, it seemed to us that this was a double sale. it was lucky that the scammers did not manage to sell the apartment three times, otherwise the pensioner i would definitely end up on the street. they sold it once, twice, three times. of course, you can’t return anything, because there are bona fide buyers, that is, those who have already bought on the market. checking the authenticity of all handwriting documents proved that boris sovostin became a victim of fraudsters. the capital's prosecutor's office and police joined the investigation. a criminal case has been initiated on this fact, on the grounds of a crime provided for in part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation, fraud. unidentified persons created a fictitious document on behalf of the pensioner contract for the sale and purchase of his apartment on krylatskaya street. hills, in which they put signatures on his behalf and registered ownership of the residential premises in favor of a third party. in the notarized powers of attorney and receipts for receipt of money , a certain ekaterina vyacheslavovna zhukova is listed. the papers indicate the registration address, the city of ivanovo, private uninhabited house number 13.
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do you know ekaterina zhukova from house thirteen? there are no such people. i don’t know who is registered there. they say a lot is written there. to the people. boris sovostin devoted his entire life to underwater scientific expeditions, most of which he himself led, and participated in the search for the legendary amber room. as a diver he explored almost all the seas on the planet. my record is 74 m in the sea of ​​japan. tanks and planes from the great patriotic war, which he raised from the bottom of lakes and swamps, then became unique exhibits of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. and boris sovostin spoke about the search for treasures in a separate program of the travel club.
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this completes our episode, all the news always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website ernest motskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now. let's watch the final episodes of the film allataxi.
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speak, speak, i haven’t listened enough, i have become so obedient for you, a white mare, obstinate, say that i have become, beautiful, beckoned, beckoned, given wings, with a glance, where to fly, speak, speak, yes, goodbye, just you didn’t keep
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your promises, you beckoned, you beckoned, you gave us wings, you showed with your eyes where we need to fly. he gave me something to drink, he gave me water to drink from behind his palm, he said that you wouldn’t touch me, but he forgot!
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good morning, good morning, i thought you were at the dacha, and we decided to get groceries, if you have work, and i see that sergei has finally recovered, he’s ready to play football, if, what are you talking about, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, well, you’re right, the doctor advised me to exercise, but i heard that physical therapy is needed, it’s necessary, that’s all. everything is going according to plans, well, hello to him, goodbye, what a good woman, sergei was lucky, yes, very lucky, he met her right before the turning point, now he doesn’t need a nurse hire, come on, you're an eternal question, just kidding, i like her too, jokes, jokes.
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and good morning, peek-a-boo, good morning, hello tala, oh, ball, hello, how did you end up here, my mother brought me, i came out of the blue, in general, i brought it, everything is as always, why don’t you i said, i would have come right away, i didn’t tell anyone, because you would have come right away, we managed it ourselves, yes, yes, hello, throw us a ball, a ball, you will play football in bed, no, let’s get up, wash up , brush your teeth, go to the table, i’ll have breakfast now to cook, there’s nothing to help you get up, you don’t need to remind me every morning that i’m disabled, i... can handle it, you’re not disabled, you’re my horse, why am i a horse, it’s not me that’s a horse,
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but you’re a plane, let’s fly, but raise your hands that you just brought it without warning, why did you call, ask if it was home, i said, he’ll be here now, seryozha, in my opinion it’s not disrespectful, but, i understand, it’s inconvenient, the apartment is small, the two of us can’t turn around, there’s more mitya, no, well... why did you somehow fit in all of my family? well then there was no option, but now it is. seryozha, this is good, you will see your son more often. dad, can i ride on your little buggy? only at home. well, no, i wanted to go down the hill outside. no, on the street, today i want to walk on crutches. on crutches? yes, just not interesting. very interesting. dad, you know how much you trained at home. now i need to try it outside. what will i do? will you play football? alone, why are you alone with me, you’re on crutches, so i’ll beat you on crutches, you can’t
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beat you, we argue, we argue, allah, break it! vasya, thank you. yes mom, good morning, good, where are you? mom, what kind of question is that? no, well, somehow i’m still worried. how old am i, really, what kind of question is that? vasily, tell me, have you decided
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to change your toothbrush, i told you a long time ago, buy an electric one, i took it with me. sorry, didn't i hear what you did? i took her razor with me too. vasily, are you out of your mind, what kind of bullshit is this, don’t you understand? mom, i can't talk right now, i'll call you back. we slept terribly, but we have a very good reason for this. it's good that you took your toothbrush, razor, and i also ironed your shirt, but we have to go, the bosses are not late, they are delayed, well, the bosses aren’t that big of a deal, well, only i can punish you,
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don’t be afraid, you’re not afraid but... people will think about us , it’s better for them not to know about you and me , yes, but i don’t care for them, no, they’re just waiting for us to wash kostya, but you care, or you don’t want anyone to know about us, but you're not afraid of it, honestly, i don't care, you know, for the first time in my life, i don't care, i'm very pleased that you now i said, i’ll go, mom, what’s wrong? what about you, have you decided to move in with this woman? mom, her name is snezhanna, and even though her name is venera
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milovskaya, it means that because of this woman you betrayed your mother, mom, what are you saying, well... mom, i didn’t deserve this, and i didn’t deserve this attitude to you, and what do you mean, she is more valuable than your own mother, mom, what are you saying, well, really, well, what are you doing, then my move can solve a lot of problems, that’s it, that means that’s how you decided to solve yours problems, don't care mother's problems, mom, well, i also have problems, you thought about it, like this, that means what you're saying, but i don't think you understand what you're saying, mom, like that, yes, okay, ok, say hello to this one of yours, that's it, mom, bye,
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from mom, hello to you, unexpectedly, so, wait, bring it, now, hello, and hello, what kind of boy have we got here? son, mitya, mitya, say hello. hello, hello, son, where was he before? it's a long story. let's go to. seryozha, what about you on crutches with a child? yes, good. you do you really think it’s possible
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to go out and walk with your child in this state? excuse me, but do i have your permission to ask when i should? you can go out for a walk with the child, when you don’t have permission to go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, well, of course, he has a woman, but where did his son come from, where was he before, it’s strange, i’ve never seen him either, because we have him here he’s been renting for a long time, probably, the child lives with his mother, but why didn’t he come to visit then, well, maybe he was deprived of parental rights, but why should he be deprived of his rights, he doesn’t seem to hit, maybe he did earlier drank, or abused, well, did you see the boy, how frightened he is, do you think, right? but you can’t see it, or what?
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well, you’ve been looking for something wrong since the beginning of a new working day, what are you doing? “you know, my former director used to take me to work in his car, the ex, this, this is vorkov, or something, yes, he was married, and i always left earlier and walked alone, and...” he stopped by later after me, you loved him, no, never,
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that’s it, then, you just understand, then let’s go, let’s go. i don’t need anyone, i’m needed, i’m embarrassing there, angels of the area from monday to... discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum titanic lakshery collection bodrum
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exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and will not be surpassed. comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection to the cheerful gin сnop product of stellar group they say you need to prepare for relaxation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where sun and sea, on the first coastline. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. stearsman bourbon is
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a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection, veeto vodka, product of stellar group.
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with the help of songs dedicated to our favorite female and male names, we can confess our love. this is your right, this is your taxi company, close the door. sit down
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, thank you, i will talk now, and you will sit and listen, my son. "a prominent man with great prospects, a cherished, so to speak, goal for any woman, so i i understand that you won’t stop, i haven’t finished yet, my son is too tasty a morsel to refuse him, maybe we’ll call him and ask, we won’t
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invite anyone, “zineida alexandrovna, i don’t understand what you want from me want, i want you to leave my son alone, i also want you to know very precisely your place, it is here, in the personnel department, and not in the bed of the general director." actually, it’s him in my bed, and not me in his, well, like the previous one, yes, director, tell me, what’s wrong with you specialization in inviting directors into your bed, and this is a specialization in russian, you know what it’s called, remind you, you told her everything, that’s not enough for you, i might add. it’s not
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worth it, i’ve had enough, snezhanochka, peek-a-boo, mom, vasily borisovich, i’m leaving, i don’t see the point in continuing to work here, all the best to you, snezhanochka, wait. mom, what 's going on?
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“mom, what did you tell snizhana, the truth, what kind of truth, about who she is, who she is, only i ask you, no, i’m warning you, because i know how you are you can, yes, i can, if a person deserves it, mom, well, well, you’re putting pressure on everyone, well, mom, well, well, you need to stop this, well mom, well, allah, well, allah, mom, well, allah hasn’t left just because of me, what are you, no, well, of course, i behaved like a redneck, well, mom, well, you humiliated her constantly, just where you could, i always told the truth to your friend, now to this snow woman, mom, what did you say snizhana? did you
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know that this snow woman of yours slept with vorokhov and the previous director before you. is it clear now. well, well, you see, you’re all on your own and understood. yes, i, i understood everything. well, she understood and left. we need. a new personnel officer, yes, you need it, you know, mom, you need a new director, i mean a new director, well, i ’m leaving too, i don’t understand, i mean, you’re leaving, literally, i don’t want to work here. “i don’t want
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to see you, i don’t want to owe you, but i don’t want to, but mom for…” information, you know, i knew about vorokhov, snezhnanna told me herself, please, go away, go away, you think, you made it worse for me, did you make it worse for yourself?
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girl, why aren’t you picking up the phone? man, leave me alone, i don’t have time for
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incomprehensible relationships, well, i’m offering you generally quite understandable relationships, i’m fed up with such relationships and in general i don’t have time, i need to look for a new job, so i also need to look for a new job, a new job ? yes, but what happened? is there really no replacement, there are so many coders around, but i only need this one, i wonder, the main one. dispatcher to the director's office, well , there is no chief, so come everyone, yes,
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and hello, you called, you know who i am, yes, you are the owner of a taxi fleet, your son is ours director? well, now i’m in his place, director, this, this, this is no good, but this is a report from which it follows that customers sometimes wait for a car from 40 minutes to an hour and that this is true, it’s clear, that means it’s true, galya quit, she switched to a public taxi, which means that i will never do it again. i haven’t heard about any public taxi, yeah, there aren’t enough taxi drivers either, we didn’t talk about downsizing, but we ’re not talking about downsizing either, she quit, that’s understandable, yeah, you’re now publishing
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an advertisement on the website for a dispatcher vacancy, put mine phone number, but if someone personally wants to bring a new dispatcher... there will be a bonus from me, then i’ll bring my niece tomorrow, don’t worry about your niece, my sister is unemployed, damn it, you remember this brand, she said, that she needs a job, what a bastard, i’m telling you, sit without a job. free, go, work, thank you, goodbye, listen, i explained it to you last week, sister, my god, my god, there are so many new reasons for conversation, well , this time it’s still very nice to congratulate happy birthday to you, this is joseph, a holiday with
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gifts, now this is my talisman, the singer has a son, i somehow can’t fit into this modern life with these endless videos, something needs to be filmed, something needs to be posted, maybe there’s no need anymore, valeria, the amazing song you created with maxim podey, for me it was a shock, just left behind. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when
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you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you! whiskey! catcher is a product of stellar group.
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titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday, monte shococa cognac, a product of stellor group, sunday, it’s so good that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, did you know that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family - it’s you, any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way. from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr, and now,
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let’s break through, i’ll go back to being a truck driver, even so, well, wait, you don’t care to be the director of a taxi company or a truck driver, but just the director of a taxi company, that’s not my thing, but... a truck driver, i’m good, so, will you wait for me from the flight? what’s so funny , well, it’s just that now i’m a truck driver’s girlfriend, it’s a strange feeling, i have to get used to it, no , no, you’re not my girl, that’s how it is, no, well, that is, like you’re my girlfriend, but temporarily, i... want, so that you are my wife, are you
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proposing to me? no, what is it, i can’t make a proposal now, i’m married, but i'm getting a divorce, just about, tomorrow, yes, then i 'll pluck up the courage and call you to marry, well...
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i know, i know, but what's really bad, no, no, let's go, let's go, everything's fine, everything's fine, yes, okay, he's kicking the ball again, where is he, they haven't come up with any other entertainment for the guy, uh-huh, yes, teachers, hurray, it worked out, what is it, what is it, it hurts, what is it, where it hurts, i'll hit myself, it hurts, it hurts, here, man, it’s urgent, yes, i don’t think it’s necessary, it’s like a bruise, you’re a doctor, no, but it seems to me that it’s nothing serious, and if you’re not a doctor, then forgive me, it’s not up to you to decide, you know, if it happens crime, we will definitely take the child to the emergency room, i will repeat my question again, you are a doctor, excuse me, what’s the matter, what’s the matter, but you
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don’t see what’s the matter, don’t, let’s go, it hurts here, let’s go, there’s pain here , look at you, are we going to leave it like this, no, of course, we won’t leave it like that, well, it’s gone, no, what’s wrong with them, i don’t know, they ran, by the way, when i go down in the morning, i won’t catch him , you won’t catch me, come on, zin, hi, hello, anton, yes, listen, i finished my business here, maybe we’ll meet, and the proposal to...
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so strange, it’s strange, today, when you said that you were leaving, that you would not work as a director, believe me, i felt good, now i’m scared, why, why is it good, or why is it scary, both, good, because i don’t have to think over every word. well , what if you thought that i’m with you because you’re the director, but i’m scared because i don’t know what will happen next, don’t be afraid, i had to
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leave my shift, i didn’t have to. seryozha, we need money, you have an important matter tomorrow, businesslike, i’ll come to court, they’ll sort everything out, what if something will happen to someone, you will be carried away to save this someone, and you will forget about the divorce, i won’t forget, don’t be afraid, until you get divorced, i will be afraid, you... what are we doing, well, well, well , what i what? well, for example, you’re sure that you don’t have any things to do that, well, would prevent you from falling asleep peacefully, well, falling asleep right now, seryozha, no, wait, that, that can wait, it
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doesn’t have to be tomorrow, yeah, well, well, our neighbors, what’s wrong with them, have you noticed any negativity? goes, well, well, he noticed, well, well, out of boredom people are freaking out, how unkind they are, what if they do something, but forget what they can do to us, hello, hello, hello, who are you, we are from the guardianship authorities ... we received a complaint and we would like figure it out, seryozha, now, who’s there? sergey evgenievich, yes, hello, hello, hello, and we from the guardianship authorities
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received a complaint against you, a complaint, yes, that is, someone filed a complaint against me with the guardianship authorities, that’s right, you ratted me out, i’m against no one i didn't complain, yes. allow me alexandrovna, come on in, we found new dispatchers, even three, did i set the task of hiring three dispatchers? no, you know, i was the first to come, and i was the first to bring him, now i joined the queue at night, so my candidate agreed, bonus, you don’t even know, quietly, i personally hired a new dispatcher last night, yours. candidates, please take them to the hr department, a bonus if a specialist recommends hiring them, of course, for a trial period,
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thank you very much, everyone is free, so the hr department snezhana quit, she has been working there since morning the new personnel officer, irina yuryevna, is in her office, there are still questions, no, no, great, thank you very much, you are free, thank you, and a bonus! thank you, nitya, please tell me, do you miss your mom? yes, are you and mom better? forgive me, please, but it seems to me that this is not the right way to pose the question. his dad is sitting next to him. excuse me, who are you, boy? seryozha and i, i mean, sergei evgenevich are going to get married, that is, while you are nobody to the boy, that’s right,
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formally, yes, please let us talk to mitya and sergei evgenevich, ala is good, of course, good, mitya, tell me, has dad ever been angry with you, has he been angry, i’ll still intervene, i can’t do that, everything is simple here, mitya, please tell me, dad hurts you, runs away, dad he’s swearing at you , listen, alla, mitya, daddy ’s swearing at you, no, he’s not swearing, daddy’s beating you, daddy’s beating me, no, of course, i told you, i’m sorry, we simply have to respond to all complaints, yes, okay, we 'll go, excuse me, for god's sake, again, excuse me, can you at least tell me who filed the complaint, no, "we can't tell this, excuse me, these are our neighbors, cherepanova, lena and nikolai, i told you, well, how is our
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wonderful vasily, i’m afraid to stare, but who will jinx you, i guess, although no, i’m not afraid, the light is crap.” for the first time in my life i am confident in a man, what have you, he actually proposed to me, ah, well, finally, i congratulate you, you have achieved it, you will now be the wife of the director of a taxi company, a truck driver, i mean, the wife of a truck driver, he quit, and you’re kind of glad, i’m in seventh heaven, and well, truck drivers also make good money, light, but what does that have to do with it? this, i love him, you know? they file more than ten complaints a year, all about how parents
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treat their children badly, excuse me, they have nothing better to do, well , it’s not that simple, can i go watch cartoons, of course, you know where tablet, yes, of course. you see, they once lost their son, he was only 5 years old, a late child, he was sick, no, his car fell asleep right before their eyes, a nightmare, which means now they, yes, they protect other children, so i understood , they blame themselves for the death of their son, that they didn’t they noticed, well, yes, well... before nikolai ivanovich worked with children, ran all sorts of clubs, chess, crafts, well, in general he is a jack of all trades, when his son died, he went to some
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company like a husband for an hour, he couldn’t . children, it’s terrible, all this, i’m sorry, but i need to go, this is really very important, i’m sorry, this is really a very important matter, a divorce, don’t worry about the neighbors, we’ll talk to him, well, in any case, we’ll try. salary tomorrow, yes, yes, that's it, goodbye, oh my god, oh my god, oh, what fate, hello, but no i can’t get through by phone, i think, let me come in
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or something, i’ll see how you are here, anton, well, excuse me. i'm sorry, but you see, i 'm completely buried in something, which i already see, in all its glory, in all its weapons, well, well, how, how could it be otherwise, there's no other way, you see, yesterday i sat here until night , oh, i actually shoveled so much stuff, just wow, you should have taken care of yourself, or something, oh, why should i take care of myself? no one is waiting for me at home anyway, my son is with my mistress, my grandson is with my grandfather, my grandfather is not my husband, for whom should i take care of myself, for me, for example, anton, excuse me, but you and i are no longer at
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that age, but do you understand me? i don’t understand, sitting in front of me is a beautiful, smart, and full of energy woman, who or are you talking about my age now? no, what are you, no, no, we still have you, wow, wow, i still have to look up to you, look up to you, so that i... since you’re on a bike, no, let’s go for a walk, we’re business people the sausages also need to rest a little somehow, anton, i’m sorry, but i can’t, well , i can’t, look how much there is to do, well, look, i don’t even have time to go home, let’s do it
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another time, okay, then i’ll wait for yours call. yeah, you haven’t made peace with your son? no, why does he need me? he now has a new hobby, he even, what even? even today he didn’t call, although he got a divorce today, it’s going on right now, maybe he’s already... divorced, well , call yourself, well, congratulations on the divorce, that’s, well, forgive me, and you forgive me. well, are you
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happy? yes, very much, and you? look, me too, but we had a lot of good things, right? yes, of course, listen, it will happen again, you and i have yurga, the best, you and i are parents, this is forever, but in general, you know, when there is someone to take care of, it seems to make sense, so what, meaning? well , yes, when there is no one to care about, then life loses its meaning, vasya, you are a genius, well, yes, why, yes, because people need to help, well , that’s right, i ran, come on, next weekend with yurika, you, seriously , deal.
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hello, this is alla, kapylova, alla, remember, are you visiting us today? came about mitya proskureno, no, everything is fine, i’m just talking about our neighbors the cherepanovs, you know, i had one thought, how can you help them, could you please drive to one place now, zina, that means i won’t wait for your... call, i’ll call you myself, i’ll bother you, i’ll bully you
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, let’s go, let’s take a walk, let’s go, take a walk , i'll dance you out, okay. still, vasya, call me, you worked with this, it’s not there yet, so let’s take the pen. call, call, son, yes egorova,
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i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, i’m getting old, yes, but you’re such a little girl, you know, i’d marry you, hello. from monday on rtr, they say i need to rest you need to be able to prepare, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest... you need to, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know
10:20 pm
everything about holidays. relax. anexc. cognac, old barrel, product of stellar group. titanic luxury collection сnop gin product of stellar group.


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