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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the air will warm up to +20. thank you for watching 60 minutes, good bye, bye. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the studio of irin rossius and the main topic for this hour. the military unit of the national guard
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of ukraine yuzhma shimzavod was attacked. geraniums worked, as well as strategic supersonic bombers su-34. the russian army will very soon receive new heavy flamethrower systems, as well as t-80 tanks, modernized taking into account the experience of the northern military district. shaigu personally checked the implementation of the state defense order. we won't be on on period. even those who cannot read will be able to make their choice. parliamentary elections have begun in india, how does voting work and what does the ballot look like? in siberia in the urals, the water level in the rivers is rising, in the flood zone there are rescuers and everything... services
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are working in an oval mode, everything has turned white, as if it were not april, but this is veliky novgorod, winter returned to st. petersburg in mid-april, and where are there any fresh snowdrifts yet? the state of state reserves and the fight against the drug threat. today the focus of the russian security council is operational meeting.
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several speakers, let's start with the first question, the word from dmitriyovich medvedev, please, the military unit of the national guard of ukraine, the yuzhmash plant and the chemical plant came under attack from the russian aerospace forces today, in the dnepropetrovsk region explosions thundered all night and early in the morning. yuzhmash repairs military equipment and produces drones. on pavlogradsky. they produce rocket fuel and have also established repairs to the hailstones from which zelensky’s militants are shelling peaceful cities. another goal today is a road and rail transport hub. dnepropetrovsk. the ukrainian railways confirmed the arrival at two of its facilities; train traffic had to be stopped. also, critical military infrastructure facilities were hit today in krivoy rog, nikolaev and odessa regions. another result is an attack on the decline in power in the power system. this morning, ukraine requested help from europe. and half an hour ago
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, ukrenergo warned that in the evening they would cut off enterprises and businesses from power supplies throughout the country. the russian army will receive new heavy flamethrower systems. their production has already begun in the omsk region. sergei shaigu arrived at the enterprise today. the minister of defense checked the implementation of the state defense order and set new tasks. details from sergei samokha. on the way out. the minister of defense arrived at the enterprise in the omsk region to inspect the implementation of the state defense order for t-80 bvm tanks. these are modern, deeply modernized machines for all weather conditions. conditions, but they also
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needed modifications taking into account the experience of the svo, we supply the machine as standard with an additional protection module, the last time we were here, we looked, that means defense. the minister of defense was also reported that at the present time at the plant, when producing t-80 bvm tanks of a new type, armored vehicles are already on the assembly line equipped with a set of means of camouflage on the cover with a protective visor, when they began this large program for additional protection, but when we were there looking for everything else we searched, we found it all, we did it all, now we need to increase it.
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issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved, once they have been delivered , production of new engines of greater power has begun, after increasing production related enterprises began to produce products with renewed vigor, and modernized engines were installed on new equipment. that in the past they had a task, the plant did this at kadvi, kaluzhsky, that is, kadvi began to work, he did nothing for 30 years, and now, finally, there is a separate production line - these are protective modules that can be modernized.
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on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region , our lancets disabled three self-propelled artillery mounts and two tanks. the equipment was discovered by paratroopers using reconnaissance drones. on in this footage, ukrainian mortar men are trying to camouflage the weapon, but it didn’t work. the blow was lightning fast. and ukrainian drone operators were hiding in this civilian minibus. a second after discovery, they were gone too. shot! the artillerymen of the center group work with mathematical precision, having received the coordinates of the target, they smash the enemy right in his trenches, in these frames the destruction of the ukrainian armed forces infantry. the ministry of defense notes that the morale of zelensky’s militants has weakened significantly. those
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who do not want to die for the regime give up. these three swam across the dnieper, their lives were guaranteed to return to their relatives immediately after the victory of russia. history, we will not make any pauses in hostilities during the negotiations, we indicate our readiness for negotiations not for the sake of a catchphrase, this is true, but conversations with zelensky are pointless for many reasons. the flood is entering an active phase in
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the tyumen region, and it may become the largest in the last 80 years. in just 4 hours, the water level rose by more than half a meter. residents of five villages urgently evacuated due to the danger of flooding in the emergency zone due to a power outage. rescuers are also closely monitoring the rise of the tom river in the tomsk region. there is only 4 cm left to the dangerous mark. in the orenburg region, where more than 15 thousand houses and 22,000 plots are still flooded, the regional parliament began to change laws to support residents who lost their housing due to the flood. we are talking about free provision of land. the vorskys are gradually restoring the water supply that was disrupted by the elements, in the meantime, drinking water is supplied in barrels. today it became known that during the peak of the flood, the local cash register had to be evacuated to the cash center, where
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billions of rubles are stored. employees hermetically packed and removed 17 tons. in the kurgan region, rescuers are constantly checking the condition of embankment dams in... such areas have leaks; on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations , additional equipment is being sent to the region to pump out water. the latest data in the report by albert musin. this is how our home is. the bathhouse is located by the window. tabol in the kurgan region flooded dozens of settlements, more than a hundred snt. in some places , local residents build makeshift dams as best they can. they defend with their own strength and do not allow the water to pass through. despite the difficult situation , people try not to lose their sense of humor. the sea is just a stone's throw from the best hotels. the water in the tobol has risen to almost 10 m. downstream, where the greater water has not yet reached, a preventive evacuation is underway. if a mass evacuation is required, then such a rescue transporter is used. he
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capable of bringing in more than a dozen people and some personal belongings. this machine goes where power and strength are required, that is , it breaks through garbage jams and breaks fences in areas to save people. rescuers are monitoring the situation, including from the air; many drones and helicopters are constantly circling over the mound. the head of the ministry of emergency situations himself works in the city. the peak of the flood is constantly required. control so that the situation does not turn from dangerous into critical. the first payments to flood victims of 10 thousand rubles have also begun in the region. one-time assistance at hand. a commission was created to inspect residential premises for the fact of flooding and the fact of residence, as well as citizens, well, damage to property. it is too early to talk about any more serious compensation. we must wait for the water to recede to assess the damage. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov, elena goleeva, news from the kurgan region. positive changes in healthcare have affected all regions of russia, including new ones. about this in the welcoming speech
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to the participants of the annual final board ministry of health, said vladimir putin. increasing life expectancy and active longevity is a key priority of state policy. medical centers are being built and renovated throughout the country, and domestic medicines and test systems are being developed. russia already produces 80% of the drugs on the list of vitally important drugs. said mikhail mishustin, addressing the participants of the board via video link. on behalf of the president, we launched the modernization of primary care. and the number of visits to such medical institutions annually exceeds 1 billion. there must, of course, be good conditions. over the past 3 years , about 3,500 hospitals, polyclinics, paramedics and obstetric centers and outpatient clinics have been created and reconstructed. now they are being equipped.
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medical services and artificial intelligence technologies. national project new health saving technologies. this is a block of the country's technological sovereignty. we expect that by the year 1930, in at least 10% of cases, medical care will have to be provided using new medical technologies. in russia today they remember the genocide of the germans by their accomplices during the great patriotic war. as part of a federal project without a statute of limitations , patriotic events are being held in different regions in schools, colleges and universities, and interactive lessons have been organized. in the artek camp
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, children from the international children's ceremony on the territory of the krasny concentration camp, where 15 thousand people were brutally tortured during the fascist occupation of crimea, took part in the mourning of crimea. activists of the russian search movement, with the participation of regional heads, published a series of videos in which voiced the facts about the genocide. in volgograd, victory volunteers laid flowers at the monument dedicated to civilians who died during... during the battle of stalingrad, including as a result of barbaric bombings, which killed more than 20,000 people. the main meanings of today's date were discussed in the public chamber. today, the historical truth about the crimes of the nazis is a memory that, indeed, already exists, it is present in our russian society in the person of its youngest representatives. this the news is what will happen next. in our program: elections to the lower house of parliament have begun in india,
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there are almost a billion voters, and winter has returned to st. petersburg, now there is snowfall in the city, -1 feels like -9, where fresh snowdrifts have still appeared, more on that very soon, see you, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, i’m getting old, yes, but you’re like a little agurka among us, you know, i would marry you. angels of the area from monday on rtr, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa
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and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every room is a journey. in coziness and comfort, your rest is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anexc. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes.
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variety of entertainment, golden beach and lazu. lio reorts, we are here for you. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white
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smokey, and i begin, markolievich zakharov comes out, and that was for me , probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets are told, i’m like a man-hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my destiny, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday. on rtr: would you like some tea? i won’t refuse tea, that’s great, on saturday, quietly, please don’t, our wonderful nanny wrote a police report against you, yes, as if you raped her, it’s yours, it’s mine, ring, some kind of mistake, my wife caught herself in the act of theft, and in revenge you decided to slander me, this
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is not true, a bouquet of dust flowers, premiere on saturday at... how many films of which you i starred in 67 67 roles and after that you say i want to study to be an actress, a heart-to-heart talk, my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying when i was fifteen years old, but there i was repeating my role as a juliette, and then i will have this, this, this, a family conversation. i was just surrounded by conversations since childhood, you will continue the dynasty, just like dad, of course, yes, what a subtle moment, katerina shpitsa, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that i was not a failure myself , and
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i’m also deciding something, grigory vernik, at some point i realized that i wouldn’t prove anything to anyone, but i would study. in general, i am very glad that i am your son. two vernik-2, today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. the united states blocked a resolution in the security council to grant palestine the status of a full un member. the document was supported. the united states is ready to turn a blind eye to israel’s crimes against civilians in gaza and not notice
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illegal resettlement activity until the last moment. west jerusalem on the west bank. the goal is to break the will of the palestinians, to force them to unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants and second- class citizens. or maybe completely get rid of them and expel them from their native territory, elections to the lower house of parliament have begun in india, almost a billion people vote, and many live in inaccessible areas, which can only be reached by elephants or, for example, by boats, so the process voting will last until the beginning of june, there are many applicants, but favorite ruling indian people's party, reporting by evgeny davidov.
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rajasthan is a state in the north-west of india, one of the first to take up the chosen relay, people come with whole families, try to vote early before the heat sets in, during the day the temperature here exceeds 40°. polling stations are open even in the most remote settlements, this is the territory of an ordinary rural school in the state of rajasthan, people first register, receive a voter id, then go inside, a queue forms here, and everyone is already inside. the voter receives a special mark with indelible paint on his finger so that he cannot vote twice, then goes to the voting booth. and here’s another interesting point:
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the standard ballot paper in india also looks very colorful, it’s not a piece of paper with the names of candidates or parties printed, here it’s an impressive electronic device, somewhat reminiscent of a large intercom, next to the names of the parties there are recognizable symbols: plants , animals, objects everyday life, it so happened historically that even... the press could vote, it will be the longest general vote, and this, as the local vote claims, in the world. experts have the greatest chance on june 1, and then the count will be given to the pharatiya janata party, led by
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prime minister narendra mode. in recent months, he has been actively traveling around the country, communicating with voters. the ruling party is opposed by a motley alliance of opposition forces; mode, of course, expects to retain a majority of seats in the lower house of parliament. evgeniy davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from india. the exchange of attacks between israel and iran has ended. this is reported today by the middle eastern and western media, citing sources in tel aviv and tehran. as confirmation , journalists cite the fact that the iranian president did not even mention the attack on the city of isfahan during his speech today. at night , the air defense system went off at the air force base there. several drones were shot down. tehran reported that there was no missile strike, and footage from the military base was released at dawn.
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the online political school school is becoming stronger, we have held it for the third time, winter and summer last year, and winter now - there are more and more participants, the selection is getting tougher, the discussions are becoming more interesting and deeper, so today we can say that this a successful project, this is a project with a continuation. today in moscow there is a congress of the "new people" party, the leaders of the association summed up the results of the presidential campaign and identified "
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world champions in taekwang from south korea. starts at 21:30. residents of several regions our country was surprised by the weather today. after the spring warming, heavy snow began to fall in the northern urals. april 19. snowfall. spring,
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where are you? in the sverdlovsk region, the streets turned white before our eyes, the traffic police warns about poor visibility on the highways, posts have already been posted there and inspectors are on duty. veliky novgorod , along with the snow, a cold snap came, a strong wind, the cyclone captured the tver, pskov and leningrad regions in st. petersburg, according to forecasters, the height of the snow cover could reach up to 8 cm. northwestern regions it's covered with snow, but in the center after the night showers it's still calm, the sun even came out. forecasters. they warn about dangerous gusts of wind in the evening, a cold atmospheric front will pass through the region, how the air temperature will change over the weekend, whether to expect snow in the center, we’ll check with tatyana antonova, tatyana, but i wouldn’t like winter, to be honest, and there won’t be any , it will get noticeably colder here, at nights in the region it will be 0.5, rain and sleet are possible at night, but during the day the temperature will take a course to rise, irino by monday in the center up to +20. well,
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our s... the weather argues with the calendar. in arkuta in naryanmar, nights are below twenty, and during the day -10. snow. the north-west today is under the influence of the arctic, but tomorrow the snow will give way to rain, the temperature will rise slightly, in pskov in kaliningrad it will be +7. the weather in the center will gradually improve, the wind is still quite dense, tomorrow, but not as dangerous as today, in the afternoon 10:15 with short rains. in chernozem up to 18, in the middle volga - up to 22. in the kuban the sun will appear again in krasnodar. the heat will return to 30, in sochi it will be 22, but in crimea there is a stormy wind due to another cyclone, rain with thunderstorms. in st. petersburg on saturday afternoon only +2, sleet, in moscow 0 +2, at night, possible precipitation, tomorrow afternoon 11:13, short rain, wind still noticeable. on sunday, it will finally warm up on monday in the capital to 18. and we with gifts, where did all this come from, you’re retired,
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the vtb rate for pensioners is retired. a new project, this is a vessel that can deepen the bottom of canal rivers in order to increase their shipping profitability, as you can see , dmitry dubrovsky is coming out of the studio for direct communication, hello, what is special about this model, what’s new in it? hello, irina, this will be the first ship built entirely using domestic technologies, using russian components. the dredger will be able to operate at depths of up to 10 m, with a productivity of up to 2,000 km/h. the developers say that the dutch analogue was taken as a basis, but the creators improved the characteristics due to the location of the pump and the availability of replaceable equipment. in 2 years , the shipbuilders will build six such dredgers.
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they will work throughout the country. yes, thank you, dmitry, good news for you, we are moving to ulan ud. today they washed the largest statue in the region, it is called mother of buryatia, and the first one greets tourists arriving by air. victoria gmyzina joins us live. victoria, hello, how did the work go? hello, irina, the symbol and face of the republic of mother buryatia is installed on a mountain, the height of the monument is 16 m. over the course of a year, the pedestal was covered with a thick layer of dust, the workers needed several tens of liters of a special detergent that would not harm bronze base of the sculpture. first, the monument was thoroughly soaped, and then the foam was washed off with water. now mother.


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