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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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everyone says that pomeranians have a huge range, yes, thank you very much, the main thing is that this is realized, finally, ah, i'm going on my first foreign holiday to turkey, and i come back stuck in moscow, because no, not me , not my parents, by the way, we can’t say why i didn’t have a return ticket, what should i do, well, naturally, i call lesha vasiliev, he says, yes, no problem, come to my shalman, on the first day he says, why you sit, hush, let's go and watch the castings, there are girls around, yes, i just came to watch, eh a man comes out into the hall, a tall , respectable man, you can immediately see that the boss says: who dances here professionally, height is not important, well, of course, these are golden words, height is not important and dances, that’s it, i raised my hand, like in school, me they didn’t even check me, they didn’t check me, by the way, you just raised your hand, i just saw you at your desk, this excellent soup bowl who always knows everything, and... i went to work at
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the exhibition, i did a great job, the director of the agency looked on my successes and invited me to sign a contract with the agency, i i signed up for a free visit to the law faculty in my second year, by the will of fate i ended up in the production company where georgy emilievich’s daughter, young helkevich, worked, and we recorded pre-movies there, at some point georgy emilievich saw me, asked to introduce me, and handed me the script in march 2000 in june 2005 , i had my first acting auditions in my life, i was approved and i starred in my first film , and georgiy milich brought me to vladimir vasilyevich nazarov at the national art theater, where they taught me to sing even better. people change, i have changed, perhaps due to the fact that i moved into such uncomfortable conditions for myself, and acquired that yes, acquired that very necessary degree of beatenness in order to awaken.
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there are some other depths in herself, that is, she moved from a prosperous girl to a maturing woman, but what is bigame? so it’s all a cow, a zegula, but for what reason? french? well, in what way? and at that time you didn’t think that maybe you still needed to enroll in the acting department. no, i couldn’t quit law school, because if i i did, but i received a free education, my family didn’t have any money for a commercial education, so the choice was obvious, if the choice was between the faculty of law, which somehow at least a little calms down my parents, and myself, why sin, and the acting department, where there are no guarantees, of course, i chose a winter profession, as...
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in the process of filming the film metro, it also seems to me that such a thing worked, the instinct is the self-preservation of the species, now i’ll explain, we were filming in picture extreme, which required serious physical capabilities, cool water, was in one place, the water is 17°, when you are there for hours in a wetsuit, it’s still stress for the body, it’s a blow to the immune system and so on, he has this feeling , that the body thought: something abnormal is going on, it needs it urgently.
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it’s not what guides you through life, or this is some river along which you float, but what you really like, the fact that it’s yours, the fact that it’s your choice, this is the life, which you wanted to live further, despite the fact that i always felt fate, i had the feeling that after all, i myself was not a mistake, and i was also deciding something, it was like that. yes,
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but where does it come from, medals, no, i don’t know, i always had the feeling that if a... warmth spreads inside me from some activity, every cell of the body is excited, then it’s good, it means i’m going there there , where you need to go, at what moments do you get excited, and at any time, when it was school matinees, i just went crazy with costumes that my mother sewed for me when i won my first beauty contest back in the coma of the republic cinderella 92, i was just dying 92, amazing, we all talked about you and watched. so there are things that i really like, so i didn’t really think about, oh, what will happen next to me - in this acting profession, how are things now? now it seems to me that i’m on
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the threshold of, as i call it, some kind of female acting timelessness, i’m not a twenty-five-year-old girl. but for a woman who is approaching the age of forty, i also don’t look very similar in appearance, i am aware of this, and i understand that now the time may already have come or is approaching when it will be difficult with film roles, perhaps the time is coming when you need to reorient yourself. it’s better to say, go back to the theater again, but you’re playing in a play, the mau generation, i’m not much involved in the theater, i don’t yet dare to ask to go somewhere in you play, i do, but it’s rare, it’s not, it’s not constant training,
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this is this, well, i don’t have the theatrical craft in my hands, well, you’re just studying now at perm for an actress, including drama. theater, and studying is not for studying, not in order to someday show the crust to someone, it was mine, in principle you don’t need a crust, but they won’t give you a well-deserved one without a crust, sometimes you need a crust, it sits very deep in you, by the way, this is a well-done remark, but the well-deserved ones, by the way , won’t give you bad marks, this comes from this legal casuistry, and what else is impossible to teach at a state university. diploma, how do i know what i will be good for at 70 years old, like this, i don’t know, i don’t i can be completely confident in how my acting destiny will turn out, whether i will be like alisa brunovna, frenlikh on stage at 70, i don’t know what i will do, maybe
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then what i can do, i will be able to pass on to the younger generation , you are now at a crossroads, it seems to me that this is also a very good dope for... in order to understand yourself, to understand the circumstances, to understand what you want in life. where are you filming now? i finished a children's film in the summer, the era of children's cinema has begun, who did you play in the children's film? picture? mom, mom, yes, the mother of the main character, yes, and that there are such women, my grandmother was about 50 tall, so as not to lie, four, yes, she was such a tiny old lady, yes. she had five children, so to expand on this general line, i could also have so many children, so i stubbornly convey to the masses that even such a little one can be a mother, you are
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amazing, you are fantastically built, i look at you, you think, well, how hard nature tried, okay, so now you have children’s pictures, now that you are preparing for filming, right? again in a children's picture, a children's picture, now who will you play in a children's picture? mom again, mom, yes, well, why should you worry, look, mom, listen, it’s wonderful, i have it now, i have it now, it’s a wonderful time in general, i think your son should be so glad that in children’s films there is a mommy removed you say that you have a stage without time, now it’s coming, i said that the time is approaching, because it hasn’t arrived yet, but i don’t have it, you don’t have this dramatic, this tragic feeling that... goodbye girls to my heroine, yes, finally, my breakthrough into the profession happened without a dream as such, i didn’t have such a thing that i was lying, being fifteen years old, and there repeating my role of juliet, and at night for a long time, now i’m rehearsing juliet, and
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then i’ll have this, this, this, and i go, i have them stacked in stacks, i have from reference points, you know who, who will isabelle and... i’ll do it endlessly i love, this is probably the only actress, ah, looking at the roles of which, i think, i also want, so i khanke. i want, i want my film she, i want my film dangerous relationship, i want a pianist, i want a pianist that she is also subtle, directors, please pay attention to our isabella, katya spitz, let's somehow make it out of her pianist and send her. connections, i dream, i really want to meet in my life the same master
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as georgy emilich was for me, so he came, georgy milevich, gelkevich, yes, i would like a person to come who also said, i there's something about you i see, well, you just said about your desires, you launched them into space, and i really hope that little by little everything will come true with a double boost. curiosity, because it seems to me that curiosity is the engine of progress, curiosity is right, healthy, curiosity is the truth, creativity, and then life in general.
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this is not enough, this is nothing to say, this is nothing to say, on the one hand, on the other hand, of course, such a delicate point, all three of us understand this, for some time now we, our comrades, my colleagues, vadika, colleagues they say, why don’t you invite vernik grisha to the program, well, vadik says, well , listen, i said, this is out of the question, vadik directly says, this is out of the question, because it’s awkward, because well, what are these considerations, as i understand it, yes .
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cicadas, where you have the main role, you are rehearsing at the nabronnaya theater, in the performances of pygmalion, the main role, you are rehearsing now with konstantin gomololov, a performance without guilt, guilty, where you have a very interesting role, and how proudly dad, he pronounces it like it’s nice for dad to list these stories, but this is absolute,
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get it, listen, i thought, how do you press the pedal, if your legs are not working, that some one is not talkative today, let's see what you are listening to there, you know, for me it’s very important,
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what wonderful partners you have kenre and yura borisov and sergei gilev and ksenia kutepova, it’s an absolute acting thrill when you get on the set and... you look around and you just start, studying happens, not at a desk, not at school , not in a studio school, but you look, you understand how it works profession, despite the fact that i have a relative, one, he is also an actor, yes, i know him, you know, yeah, yes, but for me it was actually a huge surprise when i got to
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film the centaur, for example, i saw how yura borisov is working on the role and how he behaves on set is simply amazing to me. everything is at home, when we talked to you, you never expressed any special thoughts about the fact that you want to engage in the acting profession, it seems to me, on the contrary, you ran away from this thought, when there were any questions about this, you were even offended these questions, i remember that when i was probably six years old, i auditioned for a film, i don’t remember what kind of film it was, there was a scene and they gave me this... this text and some woman, an actress, sat i couldn’t understand why i now have to tell my mother who she is, i generally want to sleep, play, walk, but i have to sit and they want something from me, and i still didn’t understand that these were auditions, but with on the other hand, there was music with tears, with hysterics, i don’t want to practice, i don’t want
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to go near the piano, but i really loved it when you played cavalry, right? kobalevsky, me do you remember how it was at home, in the kitchen, at some point you just ran in, which means you really liked the way you played, well, you had a piano lesson, and at home, with the teacher at home, i remember how you ran out to the kitchen in tears, i don’t remember how old you were, i don’t know, maybe 9 years old, maybe 10, you had these huge tears rolling down your cheeks, you said, i don’t... i hate this music, i don’t want to do this, i can’t, i told you, you remember this, i told you, you can break your head now a refrigerator, a closet, or whatever, you’ll be doing music, and i just remember how , like a miracle, your tears dried up, you got up and went to study, i remember this whole
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situation in detail, just like an excerpt from a movie, like as if i looked at it from the outside, i didn’t just cry, i... maybe it was wrong to put pressure on you, if you had been there then, my mother would have told me okay, don’t, i would hardly have mastered the guitar, i would hardly i felt, i still felt the music, the movement, the way i feel it, the rhythm, i want to say thank you for that i graduated from this music school with your
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light hand, i was just with... i just realized that i was interested in this, and but in order to understand this, i went to preparatory courses, studiohut, but then i didn’t go to them for that to enroll, and i went to them in order to understand, understand myself, and my desires, i just remember how we studied with my grandfather, i was just lucky, i
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then heard this huge number of people whom he taught from great actors, studimhat school, studimhat school what... is this i was happy to study with him, but i naturally thought of it as going now with my grandfather at home to read poetry, learn something, tell it in front of him, he filmed me on video and showed it to me, i had to understand something about myself, i you didn’t understand anything, and your grandfather also told you that you can only be an actor if you can’t live without it, these words irritated you, you didn’t understand what he was telling you at all. why did you argue with him, it was very important to me, i understood, i do it now, i i understand that this was a completely meaningless argument, but it was important for me to explain to him that no, not only me, this could be one of the options, well... and it seemed to me that i was reading everything with a phenomenal genius, he convinced me in the opposite way, and i remember how in one of these classes dad came, first dad, and then
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you, and the three of you sat down on the sofa, and i, that means, in front of you is anton pavlovich chekhov, fat and thin, at the nikolaevskaya railway station roads, memorized intonations that i learned by repeating after my grandfather, because i didn’t understand what it meant to lead, the main thing was at the end. that, in short, i didn’t understand, and i repeated after my grandfather, memorized it, didn’t understand why he sometimes told me, this is wrong, because those were his intonations, uh, what a horror, yes, yes, and i remember that i i read this story entirely to the end, and vatik said, i really like it, got up and left, and the two of you were left arguing about... what an actor is, how to read, and i defended it, you told me one thing, i left my grandfather’s point sight, he spoke with such eyes, and he said
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at some point, this is how you think, stand up, stand up, show how come on, how do you think, and you get up and say, well, i think it should be like this, and how so in such an easy manner, grandfather with with red eyes he said, so you think so, then i don’t know why you borrow? this profession, you can do it at all, this is a profession, if this, if you are offering to reprimand me like that, yes, with dad they completely forgot about grisha, we were arguing with him, and he was standing at us, looking, which means he was here and there, he believed in me one person in our family, this is varick, this is me, immediately unconditionally, that’s for sure, yes, i have such an offer for you, if you don’t mind, we really have already told this story, that once i suggested that you bang your head against the wall, but still you will stay for, practice the piano, you really have signs of injury on your head, today i suggest you take off this hat
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and stay without it, well, that’s how i am, i’m growing my hair out, because i’m currently filming a series about the olympics, evgeniy stychkin’s about the olympics 80, yes, evgeniy stychkin is in the main roles, i say proudly, when you graduated from the studio school. the course director evgeny pisarev studied, you were invited by konstantin yuryevich bogomolov, not just invited, literally a few months after you were enrolled in the theater troupe, you played one of the main roles in the play mantis for every wise man, it was in the theater of the nation, your dad, in order to play one of the main roles in the play, served in the theater for, i don’t even know how many years, but in this sense you have such a - well, very it was an encouraging, so to speak, start in the profession. good evening, my dears, i
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congratulate roskuritsa on its tenth anniversary, i myself love kulitsa very much, and today i will perform my latest hit for you, but there is a special note here, the fact is that the author of wonderful poems, the head of the roskuritsa corporation, nil mamaev, applause, friends! it’s incredible how both the talent of a businessman and a creative personality coexist in one person, so let’s once again welcome nil tinoseevich, the russian chicken taker, and we wish our where to stay with energetic laughter and roosters, you call me plush, probably because i’m good, so cheerful and fluffy.
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offer some kind of your understanding or vision in solving certain acting problems in one... or another role, you resist, you say that this is not it, this is not so, and we have even agreed with you several times , don’t go into professional territory, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, but it’s good, despite the quarrels that really happen in our country only, probably, only because of this, that’s all the same thing happens with every quarrel. conclusion and often i take something for myself, simply because i am sure that it is connected, if you and i were not related and you just
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came up to me and said: listen, guy, how are you? name? i would say grisha, you would say grisha, it seems to me that this, this, this, i would, i think that i would accept it much easier. you still subconsciously, and even consciously, want to separate yourself from me as much as possible, there is such a thing, it’s true, but i often hear, in fact, how much you look like dad stage. i don’t have it, i recently talked about this with someone, i don’t have the feeling that i need to prove something to someone, i had it, but i don’t have the feeling that oh so, i ’ll do it now everything so that they stop associating me with you, no, i’m actually very glad that i’m your son, i’m generally very proud of you and proud of you, but not on the stage, yes,
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well on the stage too, but no, i’m more likely talking about that , that at some point i realized that i wouldn’t prove anything to anyone, but i would do business, you’ve matured a lot, again again i returned to what i love, that’s good, what do you want to talk about when you go to college and immerse yourself in creativity. you will understand that besides him there is nothing in the world, it requires the whole person, you will understand me, that i must understand, i love you, we always love you, you know, they tell you that you look like me, yes, and i look at you stage and in general i see another person, so... i walked into
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the studio, i was just surprised that this person came in, some new person for me, a person unfamiliar to me, a serious person, here this is the person who, who, who grows in you more and more, this new unknown to me, unfamiliar person, whom i watch with such interest, in whom i recognize something that grisha did not know about you at all, for a few more years i definitely don’t see myself back, so far i’ve cautiously begun to try to find an opportunity not to be myself in the project in the series stychkin’s cicadas you play such a major, a completely major guy, and a schoolboy, but at the same time with a very vulnerable soul. well, tell me how stychkin works? i don't know how to tell this, this this can only be shown, this. you are sitting at
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5:40 in the morning like this, dying in makeup and just thinking why is all this suddenly heard on the walkie-talkie, good morning, this means stychkin has arrived on the set , it begins, so friends, everyone, let's come here, let's go, why are we waiting for you, who, come on and it all happens in this mode, it’s wildly energizing, it’s very comfortable, it creates something around itself, just this one
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, are you waiting for me? i’m not waiting for anyone, mom, i live as i live, with the father you left me with, i didn’t leave you, you’re an adult a person should understand this, i don’t owe you anything, i don’t owe anyone anything, i don’t want to understand anything, i hate you all so much, i sleep and see, when i find a job, i can get out of here, even as a janitor, even by courier, whatever, just so as not to see you, my darling, the theater is - for you, first
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of all, kostandin yuryevich bogomolov, here , as i understand it, there is a completely different method of work, absolutely, absolutely, how absolutely amazing tenderness, care, some kind of... it's warm. yes, because you can’t tell from it, that he is a very very nice, very kind, very open person, i’m afraid of him, he’s really one of the few people, i’ll say this, i ’m not shy about it, he’s really one of the few people with whom i get lost when i start talking, i i don’t know why, i understand that you can talk to him about everything, and he understands everything and... knows everything, maybe just because there is a feeling that he knows everything, the funny thing is that, the funny thing is, before i got there, i just recently remembered it, before i got to the theater, i while i was studying, i starred in the first season
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of sederanok, i starred in the first season of sederanki, and you starred in the first season of sederanki, and you starred in the second, second series, in my opinion, we all went through the content in the third, and he also filmed the first season, i got to the site. with konstantin at that time, then i got into the theater and now the rules have changed, the rules of relationships have completely changed, well, if you’re not joking, then it’s understandable to...
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to be honest, after all, growth, a prosperous family, yes, that’s it it was easy for you, no problem you didn’t have any special difficulties, so
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you didn’t have any such difficult life experiences when ktudiemhat, that’s where growing up began, which could... probably started earlier, if i didn’t have all the good living conditions, really, really greenhouse , yes, and you felt this difference with the guys, well , i had different classmates, i had guys from very prosperous families, and some from completely disadvantaged ones, no matter how trite it may sound, it was just a new experience, a new experience of life in general basically what it turns out to be. my friend may be close, very close, but he is completely different material, but i feel it now, and sometimes i get scared when make-up artists or casting directors, or those who have already
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encountered you in work, partners tell me , actors, producers, directors, you know, krisha is such a good guy, such an amazingly good person, there’s a... such a complicated life, there are so many angles in it, and you really grew up with the feeling that this is how everything is, everything is in love, in care, warmth, in... i 'll tell you, it's not like i formulated it, but now, when we started talking about it, i
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understand that my worldview has developed in such a way that the shortest path to achieving a goal, no matter how it sounds, is the path of kindness. and this, too, all comes precisely from the fact that since childhood we have had such a relationship, i have seen this, i know it, just with people with whom i have tension. relationships and conflicts, it is unlikely that they call you and say: oh, your son is so angry, so unpleasant, you would hardly be happy if they told you this, so i hear your complaint, this is not complaint, he’s just saying, in short, this means that - don’t worry, i’m very angry, it seems to me that this is a great point for our conversation, i congratulate you on your role in the play dunno, where you...
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grandfather said when we were sitting somewhere in
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the kitchen, he said, you know, you can engage in this profession only if you cannot live without it, then you didn’t even really understand what this meant, what this phrase meant, now, what do you think about it? i, this is very difficult and provocative of you, but i, i now... okay, i'll say this, i don't now i imagine my life in something different, i didn’t get quite the same impression as my grandfather, as he said, i got the impression that you can’t do something you don’t enjoy. i think that this is correct and applicable only
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to me, this thought is mine, but i get incredible pleasure from this profession, even from the most difficult, difficult situations, and i don’t know that i would do anything else, what now, if they will tell me that you can choose whatever you want. i probably won’t change anything, but i, grisha, want you to say that i am very glad that you, just like in childhood, i told you, i like the way you read, that now you justify my trust, and that everything is developing like this, in your profession, on the rise, so be it , thank you, son, thank you for this conversation, for taking the time to come to our studio. i’ve never been so nervous anywhere, yes,
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as i am now, yes, i’m happy to be your relative and learn from you, wow, how nice, grishulya, why were you silent earlier. kalinon belek - a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true
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excellence, turning your dreams into reality. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting
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adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance. comfort gone, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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what are you looking for there? i just can’t understand what he’s doing there? some strange guy, i’ve been watching him for about five minutes, he loaded sand into the boat, and now he’s pouring it to the shore, but he’s some kind of sick man, you never know in this country he’s an idiot, why did we start mooring, no? there are stops here, uh, sailor, what kind of pier is this? shankurk, now we’ll buy fish from seryoga, but what kind of fish? and yet, oh, let's go, yes!
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hello, hello, i'm from the ship, from the ship. yeah, some guy at the pier told me that i could rent a room from you can you, what kind of guy? yes, this middle-aged guy in a vest, selling caviar? seryoga, well, you can rent a room, no? do you have a passport?
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yeah, now. kovalev andrey vladimirovich. the city of moscow is registered, well, i’m roman savich, and this is for reliability, come on, tenant,
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help! misha, eat, aunt ice, i'm tired of porridge for lunch for the second day in a row, listen, you know, yesterday they gutted the fish all day, i didn't have time to do anything, maybe you can eat the figurines, well, no, i can't see her anymore, listen , well, the father of the pier will return, then let's go properly, the borshchmin will be in time, maybe while the worm is eaten with porridge? don’t eat the sky on the internet, your boarding school, aunt people, when i already finished school, i’m tired of studying, what are you, you’re an excellent student, when you graduate from school, you’ll go to astrakhon, to college,
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you’ll come to us on a boat, yeah , you’ll come on it, he comes to us twice a season, only for caviar, and you buy your own ship, you’ll ride me along the volga, okay, we have to hurry, sergei will come soon, well , he showed you everything, now pay money for month ahead and live yourself. you buy yourself free, you eat your vitamins, yes, vitamins are good, but i don’t know how to swim, city people, oh, you don’t know how to swim, yes, well , that’s okay, at least you’ll splash around in a sinner, but what about your houses? not many, only two live here. sergey and i are here, dying out, you died
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already 40 years ago, i saw a bell tower in the middle of the river, flooded, yes, i saw it, this was our village, a large village, but then when they began to expand the river, it was flooded, whom the city... here we are, but everyone died, the only ones left are seryoga and his wife, and what a wind has brought you to us, i’m an archaeologist, i’m writing a dissertation on the golden horde, and yeah, i know, i just saw it on tv, where these guys are collecting dinosaur bones, well, that they are also dinosaurs, no, no, wait, you saw pleontologists, and i’m an archaeologist, well, digging the earth? i'm looking for shards, all sorts of things, shards, why do you need it, i have it behind the barn, you know how many shards i have scattered, that's
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right, just imagine 600 years ago, the same grandfather lived in his village, yes, threw the shards behind the barn, and now i go, dig, find, well, i describe his life, how he lived, tell me, in egypt you dug up madelil, in egypt it didn’t work, but we had a little bit. it's not good to dig a grave. oh, come on, what kind of graves are there, so many years have passed, this is a cultural layer, not a grave, it’s still not good, well, i won’t bother you, of course, remember something, science, what kind of science , i won’t refuse.
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hello, hello, can you tell me how i can find roman savich, who? uncle romku, so they would immediately say, he has been busy with his church since the very morning. are you the same newcomer? which one is the one from the ship, my husband told me, so you are the wife of that aborigine who sells fish on the shore, right? actually his name is sergei, you, lyudmila, andrey, well, you can buy fish, no? well, when your husband returns from fishing, buy it, you go to the church, grandpa should be there.


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