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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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this is not a perfect bill, not the kind we would have written with republican control of the house, senate and white house, but it is the best product possible under the current circumstances to fulfill these really important commitments. the product of johnson’s legislative activity has caused a feeling of disgust among the right wing of the republicans; for the faithful, the speaker is now a stranger among his own gathering a group. to send him into retirement. i 'm working on this issue in the house right now , talking to others members and ask to co-sponsor my motion to remove mike johnson from the position of speaker. additionally, i am pleased to inform you that i have just added another contributor and great arizona patriot, paul gassar. taylor greene was also joined by another like-minded person, thomas messi, but it seems to them that they cannot win the race with an obedient majority. according to the military aid package. it's time
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to stop funding ukraine until president biden initiates peace talks there. i think most of us see that the conflict in ukraine is not developing in the best possible way. trump now, however, has no time for global conflicts; the republican candidate is at war with manhattan justice. despite attempts by trump's lawyers to slow down the case, the liberal judge and prosecutor only. increase the tempo. the trial starts on monday, much earlier than expected, the judge wants us to act as quickly as possible, yes, it's all in his interests, not mine, and this is truly an organized witch hunt. trump has been using the expression witch hunt for a long time and regularly, no one could have imagined that right before the trial in new york, the terrible metaphor about those burned at the stake will take on real shape, and even on live television. we
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are reporting that a shooter entered the park near the courthouse. we just saw a man set himself on fire right in front of the courthouse. right now our cameras are showing a man burning in front of a courthouse in manhattan. we watch as flames erupt around his body and chaos ensues. it all happened in a public garden where trump supporters and opponents gather. random witnesses were the first to come to the rescue, followed by the firefighters arrived, and this was his last post. my name is max azarella, i'm an investigator, and i set myself on fire during the trump trial in manhattan. this extreme act of protest is intended to draw attention to an urgent, important discovery. we are victims of a totalitarian scam; our own government, along with many of its allies, is about to unleash an apocalyptic fascist world coup on us. on the asphalt there were brochures scattered by azzarella called the truthful history of the world.
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make a deal with the hamas group about people demanding that the authorities immediately release the hostages. according to those gathered , it is the netanyahu government that is sabotaging the achievement of agreements. protesters burned garbage. one of the drivers tried to ram the barricade and ran over a woman’s leg. later, firefighters and police arrived, they dispersed the demonstrators and put out the fires. and in the albanian capital tirana, demonstrators threw molotov cocktails at the city administration building. protesters demanded the mayor's resignation. people accuse the official and his entourage of having connections with the mafia. hundreds of millions of euros were stolen from the city budget using fraudulent schemes.
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in the kurgan region, urgent evacuation has been announced in another twenty villages. the flood crest is moving downstream of the tabol river. in kurgan, water is again under threat of flooding houses located near the dam near the kirov bridge. people are urged to immediately leave the dangerous area. rescuers on boats patrol the streets. emergency help was required by one of the local residents who had a heart attack. in the south of kuzbass, after heavy rains in the upper reaches of the tom river, the water level has risen sharply, residents are asking to prepare for a possible evacuation. in the tomsk region, in the flood zone of approximately 350 areas in the ob river, dangerous values ​​were exceeded at several control points. in
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the orenburg region, 37,500 people have already been recognized as affected by the flood, 70 settlements and 45 snt have been flooded. in orsk, rescuers using the complex. squall pumping out water, repair work continue at the water intake. in the tyumen region, where the ishim river has added another half meter in recent hours, additional groups of rescuers from neighboring regions have been sent. current data in the reports of our correspondents, ksenia usoltseva and albert musin. residents of the fruit nursery and shimsky district were urgently evacuated that night. the water came straight to...
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they said there was a second floor, we could sit there, looking at the streets going under water, people couldn’t hold back their tears, well, they looked at everything, the house seemed to be standing, the greenhouses too, and then the video we’ve already posted on vkontakte, we see that our house has already floated, that everything has gone under the water, everything, all the flocks, the bathhouse garden and in general, you see ours, here, here are our sheds, here’s the staff, right, these are our sheds.
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emergency situations ministry employees are strengthening dams throughout the city around the clock without rest. small leaks appear here and there, but they are promptly plugged, leaving not a single loophole. the most difficult situation the day before was in the western region, where the flood reached the private residential sector. people are preparing to evacuate. we are afraid, we are afraid, of course, it’s very, very
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scary. i folded everything, folded everything, put it down. to avoid serious consequences, emergencies ministry specialists had to urgently build a combined dam. the bulk dam embankment appeared here urgently as soon as possible. deadlines, as soon as it became clear that the high water was not going to recede , it was approaching multi-storey buildings with all its might. the water level in tobol at night was 1.13 cm, in some areas the record of the ninety- fourth year was broken. well, there were about 15 centimeters left, but this hut was tilted on its side and was being carried away by the current. in completely flooded in parts of the city, police and rescuers patrol the streets. the evacuation of those who did not have time to leave on land continues. consequence this year. less than in ninety-four, thanks to preventive measures for evacuation and bank protection, everything is wonderful, we will save the city of kurgan. in different parts of the city, they are now stockpiling sandbags in order to quickly close possible breakthroughs. i just want to help, realizing that
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everything can be flooded and many will suffer. fortunately, you no longer have to work on water distillations. according to the latest data, the increase in the level the water in kurgan stopped. the city reached the peak of the flood. albert musin, maxa soper geldeev, gennady lugunov, elena goleeva. news from the kurgan region. the latest developments made by non -physical-technical and radio-technical measurements were inspected today by the vice. these are unique domestic developments that are used in various fields, the key and most popular oscilloscopes in the russian economy, instruments that are widely used in laboratories, research centers, workshops and services, as well as wattmeters for determining the power of electric current or electromagnetic field. see an authentic 15th century crusader sword, make a wish. rest 2024. about
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new tourist routes, anastasia sokhovskaya. marazulya is a medieval dance that is speeding up and getting more and more fun, a round dance with jumping and clapping in the courtyard of the oldest castle in belarus, where you can see an authentic crusader sword in the towers. petersburg and pskov, but they come even from vladivostok, so that within the walls, which are 700 years old, they feel the closest to us in eastern european spirit of the middle ages, some even tourists make wishes near our castle walls and... believe that, of course, they will come true. we are very happy to have guests, especially when
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the flow increases, when there are holidays in russia. the land of castles, this group has five more stops ahead from the belarusian versailles, the sapega palace to the pearl of the rodiwills, the ceremonial nesvezh; tourists are increasingly choosing non-standard routes in the far corners of the country. last year, 103,000 tourists visited litsky castle, which is exactly equal to the population of the entire city. lida. not only the capital, minsk, regional centers, but also the region are becoming popular. and we have something to show our neighbors at the exhibition space smolensk region, nizhny novgorod, futuristic domes , skate frames, alluring karelia, 16 regions of russia are already connected to belarus by air, but we would like twice as many. the other day, for example, they are launching a direct flight to dagestan, tourist clusters are planning border areas so that we can visit each other even more often . general history, patriotic tourism,
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as on the stalin line, educational, environmental, business, gastronomic russians are getting into the taste of traniki, here are pancakes with meat and mushrooms, dumplings, zeppelins, krombabulya, which is very popular among tourists, birch sap, and these routes are only in helmets, an excursion to the existing production, conveyor number one, where in just... a day they can assemble a dump truck with a carrying capacity of 30 to 90 tons, a construction set for adults who rejoice here like children. see with your own eyes how famous belarusian giants are created and to touch them during the season, they even ride on them, but of course the star of all excursions, a 450-ton giant, the entire frame in the photo can only be taken up by its wheel, a car the size of a house is always shocking, of course, especially when you are next to a meter-tall child in a wheel.
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and traffic jams are the result of a sharp change in weather in the krasnoyarsk territory; after abnormal heat , the region was covered with april snowfall. everyone , be careful, hololet, you need to drive very carefully, very carefully. many motorists have already changed their tires to summer ones. several serious accidents occurred on country roads. there was a traffic jam in the area where two heavy trucks collided. in st. petersburg, road services have been placed on high alert. snow depth in the city. amounted to 11 cm in the region up to 18. wet snow is expected again during the day.
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the weather is forecast to improve only tomorrow. not only in museums and libraries, but in antarctica, cafes and even in the forest. today, a worldwide educational campaign is taking place - a total dictation, which will unite six continents, 44 countries, covering 19 time zones. this year you can check yourself online, as well as the event itself.
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5 years ago, i wanted to know how much more literate i had become, i would not even like to test my literacy, but to see friends, acquaintances whom we see at all events. the organizers' task is to interest the participants; the audience is growing every year. my grandmother kept diaries all her life, from early childhood to
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old age. tomsk has been declared the capital of total dictation this year. here's the text. read by the author, prose writer, essayist, editor and journalist, anna matveeva. not written off the most picky about the world. dictation with limitless possibilities in yekaterinburg, in a specialized library for the blind and visually impaired, participants wrote works using braille. this year, total dictation is being held for the twentieth time; 43 countries are taking part in the most competent event. interest only grows every year. last year, more than half a million people tested their knowledge. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, ksenia kolchino, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news. about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week from dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev.
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look at sunday. dense strikes throughout the entire depth of ukrainian territory. and how in the lugansk region, near the front line, they are already building a peaceful life with all their might. the explorers came across the ancient bed of the angarakan river. 50 years of construction of the century. the siberian land welcomes the first all-union komsomol shock detachment. congress, komsomol members went to the impenetrable taiga, where ukrainian saboteurs tried to blow up bam and what the local signature cocktail is made of, the northern lights, salaam alaikum. sergei zenin set off along the road of life to the south of afghanistan. those who say that afghanistan is under siege are greatly mistaken. journalists from russia
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have not been here for 35 years, where was our sunflower oil discovered there and how... maxim kiselev, unknown, what is the secret of local cheese? the laganaki plateau is the brightest part of the thirty, where the legendary thirty, the main tourist route of the ussr, passes, and what secrets does the unique cave temple keep? news of the week, sunday,
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20:00! event, do not switch, veda vodka, product of the stellar group, callinen belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, open. for yourself true perfection, making dreams come true, a hotel where life is... castra rum is a product of the stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. squad ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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taste it, oh, it's amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it's mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india , they say, done right.
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to destroy someone else’s family, there would be something to destroy, it’s you, the world, an honest thing, really, an ideal marriage, mom, today on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours that was together, whatever you have left, they have gone against god. russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from
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monday to friday on rtr. hello, hello, dear friends, welcome to our parade of humor. you know, lena, lately doctors have been talking a lot about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle,
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so i decided to sit less and began to move more, right? no, no, lenochka, he began to lie down more. by the way, corinne, let's talk today about a healthy lifestyle, that is, about everything that has a beneficial effect on... our health, well, there’s diet, sports, healthy sleep, rest, rest, that’s also very suitable here, and of course, the most important thing, money, karen, what does money have to do with it , well, what kind of rest can there be without money, exactly, i agree, len, but i have one proposal for you, come on, let’s start a healthy lifestyle right now, and rest a little, and in the meantime, a funny artist, karen, will perform for the sake of health, oh, on stage, healthy sergei drobatenko , we meet!


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