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tv   Udivitelnie lyudi  RUSSIA1  April 20, 2024 9:30pm-11:56pm MSK

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well, here you go, i told you, this is yours, this is mine, my ring, my husband gave it to me, yes, yes, wait, this is some kind of mistake, i didn’t take this ring, well, we’ll figure it out, you’ll have to come with us, of course, “hello, no, i won’t go, but because i’m a musician, and not a monkey trained to entertain people like in a circus, and i don’t want to meet him, fuck you, mark, hello, and you?” "where are we going for breakfast? nowhere,
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i mean, rockers, get ready so that in 10 minutes you won’t be here, and why are you so angry in the morning? my head hurts, i repeat, i’m not i understand how this box ended up in my suitcase, i didn’t take it, you gave it to me, right? of course, so vorontsova, you wrote a statement, you’re almost finished, comrade policeman, the servants constantly rob all my friends, well, something needs to be done about this, punished to the fullest extent, listen, there are no my fingerprints on this ring, nor on the box, you can check all this, however, firstly, the box is made of a material on which fingerprints do not remain; you could not pick up the ring. give me a piece of paper
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please, why, i also want to write a statement, what kind of statement, about rape, yeah, this is already interesting, please, who raped you, her husband, andrei danilovich krontsov. but she’s lying, it’s true, that ’s enough, have you written a statement? yes, code, thank you, that’s it, you can be free, we’ll figure it out, well, hello, dear, we have news, what is it, our beautiful nanny wrote a statement against you to the police, yes, as if you had worn her out. i was wondering, what if all
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our friends find out, what if everyone finds out, and where is she, she, she is in the police, and so am i, listen, go home, go home, i ’ll figure it out myself, mother, she’s young, kind of pale , sick, or something, uh, that’s mine. the place is blind, you can’t see my things, she’s not only blind, but she’s also not able, no hello, i can’t tell you about myself, you know, i see a colossal misunderstanding here, and i ’ll explain everything to you now and tell you how it really happened , wait, i... you are here for
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a confrontation, now they will bring citizen rozhova, and we will begin, okay, okay, well, in the meantime, i’ll enter your lawyer’s information into the protocol, sit down, a criminal case has not been opened yet. therefore, i will conduct the interrogation, not the investigator. anna vasilievna, tell me what happened last night? yesterday he invited me to his office, gave me tea with a strange taste, something was definitely mixed in there, i felt bad, and he began to pester me and raped me. lord, i understand that
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my wife caught you in the act of stealing, and in revenge on her you decided to slander me, this is not true. are you offended by me because i fired you? and you fired her for theft? not only, what else? she's a drug addict, look, she even has pupils now expanded, lord, how can you do that? do you have no conscience at all? it’s not for you to talk about conscience, you know, i don’t want her to go to prison, no, after all, she’s a young lady, she has time to come to her senses, repent, go to your own. levnya, i don’t hold a grudge against you, i forgive you for theft, slander, let’s part on good terms, but i can’t forgive you, you still have to, and by the way, i transferred all the money you earned to your
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card, and even with a decent bonus, as far as i understand, you have no proof of the principal, nothing but unfounded there are no particular charges against you yet. we can be free, here take the pass, goodbye, goodbye, saved, why are you just letting the criminal go? understand, i need proof of his guilt. are you ready to take the investigative experiment? are ready to undergo a medical examination, at the trial to tell again how everything happened in detail, tell me, you need it, you need it, for justice, justice, hear me, please hear, the ring was found on
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you, you will get an article, because vrontsov did not withdraw his statement, and clearly did not they will take you away until you drop your charges. do you want some advice? you better withdraw the statement, otherwise you will have a motive to crash. keep in mind, i will go all the way. hey, here, here, have a drink, galyonya, she apparently needs to cry, it’s her first time here, sit down, thank you, i’m sorry i couldn’t restrain myself,
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i’m just having some kind of nightmare, i didn’t even think about it. that people can be so unscrupulous, oh, baby, people aren’t like that yet, this is life, you can’t imagine, he humiliated me, slandered me and now he still says that he forgives me, as if it’s not him, but i’m to blame for him, you speak, speak, you’ll immediately feel better, rich, i didn’t work for him, you know what i’ll tell you, if he offers peace... agree, that’s how it is, agree for everything, the main thing is to be released from here, how will i live after this, he trampled me, the main thing is to live in freedom, here you won’t get justice, there is a prison, since
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he has money, that means connections, but what do you have, i have the truth, my advice to you is, “run away from here while they let you go, no, no, vasya, something’s not right.” i can get through on the phone all day long, i have access, for some reason she, hello, authorized officer captain gribov. tell me, ryzhova, anna vasilievna, who is your relationship? yes, i'm a father, but what about anna? is she alive and well?
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your daughter is in the police, detained on suspicion of theft, you can visit her in the morning, call this number, goodbye, how is that? here's the key for 13, what happened? kolya, please, just don’t worry, okay, don’t get excited. anya was taken to the police, she is accused of theft, well, this is some kind of mistake, what nonsense, we need to go there and figure it out, so we’ll go together, today, yes, i won’t hurt my daughter, and i’ll destroy all the police there, quietly, quietly, and why are you so excited, i told you, this is what -it’s a mistake, we need to wait until the morning to talk to sana, and then decide something, morning, evening is wiser, if you bring the pile, let’s go.
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from monday on rtr, we watch melodramas. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. whiskey mancacher - product of stellor group. kalinan beel is a place
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where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel. belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure behold. lio rezards, we are here for you.
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old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. 40 years ago, the tv series tas is authorized to declare was released on the screens of the country. it is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, also a trianon spy, who was recruited by agents. tru. our program features kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, on monday on rtr. we pressed the operatives, but what, but times are not the same now, and no amount of money will help if she decides to go to end. listen, well, we need to look for some other connections. there are other people, but what do you tell me to do, sit and wait until they come for me and imprison me under this terrible article?
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andrey, excuse me, but why are you so unrestrained, and your wife is still young, everything is not enough for you, to be honest, my wife infuriates me, she doesn’t evoke any desires, she’s fake, she’s somehow unreal, well, she pulled me to the left, with you won’t believe this anna when you hired her before... okay, let’s think of something, i have to go,
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let’s go, i’ll see you off, see you tomorrow, here it is, take it, call your parents, don’t worry about you, mom, mommy, that’s all with me... okay, don’t cry, please, don’t trust anyone, i’m not a thief, no, give dad the phone, it’s on you. yes, daughter, dad, dad, don’t, don’t come, you hear, and koly don’t let him go anywhere, you know how hot-tempered he is, i’m not to blame for anything, soon they’ll definitely sort everything out and let me out, do you hear, daughter , daughter, we are waiting for you, no matter what happens, we will understand everything,
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agree to their conditions, return home. anya, if you don’t withdraw the application, you my parents won't see me for a long time. oh, anka, anka, what are you, yes, it ca n’t be, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, hello, zakhar, i want to go for a walk, i miss my native place, you’re from moscow, you’ll be coming to us for a long time, yes, forever, and that moscow didn’t like it,
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yes, it didn’t like it, how are you doing, here i am. i’m already back, i work in a car service center, now i’ll go to my heart’s content to be a businessman, and not an ordinary slasher, and i also got divorced, it’s a shame, oh well, remember how you cried at my wedding, but i was 16 years old then, and what you loved me, yes you do i was so tired, you almost failed the exam at school, how do you know all this, your brother came to hit me in the face, i said... i’m alone, you’re lonely too, maybe we’ll be together somehow, zakhar, i’ll go , i want to be alone, just don’t be offended, okay, anka,
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we’ll meet, okay, yes, good morning. hello, good morning, anka, monechka, girl, oh, what a joy, why, why didn’t you call, your father would have met you, oh, so come on, why, and so let’s go, oh, my father will arrive now, and kolya too , oh, where is the fret, i brought her a mother for her hooves so that they don’t fester, dad, how you spoiled me, my god, in this moscow, i just didn’t bring a gift, i didn’t buy it, i’m sorry, i was in a hurry to get home, oh well, my girl , my girl, my girl, good my, how i miss you, dear, my dear, how i come home to you, alka is back, dear, dear, we
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won’t let you go anywhere else, let go. well, we got up here, let's go to lunch, sit down with me, thank god, take your suitcase, come on, come on, well, i met you in the car, well, what are you doing, come on, here's anechka, some kvass, cold homemade, mom, where are the salted mushrooms, oh, and i love it, i cooked everything, i forgot to put it on the table, well, no need to mom, i’m already full, thank you, these are yours according to your favorite recipe, look, you’d better sit down yourself eat, you keep busy, you keep busy, and um... remember our old village collapsed and blocked the whole road, well, it’s good that no one was hurt at night, so we have to go cut, girl dad, well, you come back as soon as possible, but i’m like a fly there, bam give me a lift to the station, i need the center, let's go, i 'm going to the center area, buy you some candy favorites, of course, chocolate with nuts,
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i remember, i remember, that’s it, mom, bye, come on, i’m here for herbal tea... this is with oregano, this is a new recipe, try it, no need. an, an, what happened, how did you end up in prison? the owner wore me out, whom i worked for, his wife threw a ring to him and wanted to put
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him in jail, i don’t know how to live, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, i have to live, i have to. we have to resign ourselves to forget, well, you see, there’s nothing left for us, time heals, just don’t tell anyone, okay, not even your father, forgive me, i’ll go, i’ll go for a walk, i’ll breathe. oh, lada, okay, my girl, hi, hi, my good one,
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yes! hello, dear, how did you work today, you’re tired, you probably threw the nanny’s ring, no. i set up everything so that she would write a statement against me in retaliation, but what, how could you think such a thing, if i find out that it’s you, kick yourself, dear, but what
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about the new nanny, look, i’ve picked up a few options, for example, he knows italian, but why do you need a nanny, you don’t work, hang around the shops, discuss me with your girlfriends, or maybe a lover from uel,
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go push, come on, two, three, oh, oh, come on, come on, thank you, well done, my name is misha, anya, mish, this, go smoke,
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said, done, bye, oh, what else happened, vasya , i can’t, my... my heart is breaking, i didn’t promise that i wouldn’t tell you anything, you don’t have the strength anymore,
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you. “she admitted to me that she was in moscow, well , this owner of borontsov, well, he raped her, and then he wanted to put her in prison, what did he do, scum, scum, that’s it, that’s it, i’m not the one who’s going to ram her, kolya!”
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what do you prefer: herring under a fur coat or look at what’s snacking, alexander grigorievich, well, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your hello, hello, after your interview many new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we
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will see, we will show more. the rest, thank you very much, come again, on sunday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group.
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borbon stersman, a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection, veda vodka is a product of the stellar group.
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i would strangle him with my own hands and hide him, but can you really get him, he has all the guards, he needs a sniper rifle, it’s a terrible sin to go for the kill, but what are you proposing? be silent, turn the other cheek, he and his mother will go straight to church and pray, until will punish, but i don’t believe in it and i’m not going to forgive, basya, i even know how to smear this vorontsov, he will crawl on his knees to be asked. mom, can i help you
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with cooking? no, thank you, no need, take a walk, sit back, you've already worked hard, father! he comes, oh, they have so much trouble at work there, they are discussing sanitary felling, but the bosses there want to cut down healthy trees for this business and sell it on the sly, but father is of course against it, mother, and kolya, where, kolya, he went to the pear tree, yes , you told them everything, anya. well, we are family, i asked you, well, i i’ve been together with your father for 30 years, i ’ve never hidden anything from him, and then within
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the family, when you hide something, and if they now decide to take revenge, they’ll screw things up, you know, when something always gets into trouble, i’m now on my own i'm worried, my heart is not in the right place. i don’t know, we’ll pray that our men don’t do anything wrong, i’ll go to the swamp and pick cranberries, you be careful there, i... i’ll tell you again, you can’t do this, i don’t even want to hear anything, dad, you understand , this is the only way to bend damn, there will be no other options, so i said everything, wait, i’m ready to take revenge on him, and you, son, i will never forgive him, but what is
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the child’s fault, but the child will not suffer, and vorontsov will pay in full, and with money, and with your health, let him worry about his offspring, it was you who started something, but nothing, dinner is ready, i told you everything, go, come on, go, sit down with my hands at the table, don’t eat anything for days, you walk around hungry, i started looking at the dots scared, my son saw today as if anya and kolya were going to the forest to pick mushrooms, they dressed in such rags, they were both dirty like piglets, so i was leaving the house, i took clean clothes, i ran after them, i went out, they were gone, they both disappeared, why i don’t know, this is not a good dream, that’s not good , hello everyone, oh, why are you dressed up with flowers, i
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came to get married, you see, i was just missing myself, that you attacked the guests, zakharovka, sit down, sit down, sit down, have lunch with us, what a good groom, smart, there with the head, with the hands, with the motorcycle. where is anya, she went to the swamp to get some cranberries, you eat it, look, this is a pie, it’s hot i just got married, i found a bad time to get married, well, what’s wrong if zakhar is courting her, she’s now, well, let her decide for herself, let me put up the flowers, yeah, eat, eat,
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of course i’m ready, but what, who will her offended? the boss from moscow, he fired him and didn’t pay him, and also wanted to put him in prison, he’s a nit, he’s scum, of course, listen, i don’t know, he needs to be punished like that, that’s it, but how to punish? he's probably there, we're here, well, yeah, we can't do it alone, we need specific guys here, yeah, that's right, listen, what about you?
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you know the lout, well, as i know, he tormented the car when he was working in the pear store, just for a second, take me, well, you don’t have to mess with him, he’s all over his head from ice cream, listen, i’m here, as promised, why? let’s go to a restaurant, they opened it in grushovka, it’s a taste of the east, they say nothing, they don’t want something, but don’t rush, think, i ’ll come right here, they’ll be waiting for you for 7 hours, you know what, but let’s go, just don’t in a restaurant in a movie. but i don’t promise you anything,
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okay, i still haven’t figured out how to live on, ah, movie, we agreed, yes, listen, but it’s bad - this is the name or she was driving, no, his name is russian, he is our kid from kirov, that means she was driving. he was involved in sports even before, a kickboxer, maybe you won’t get up, something like that, they, yes, they’re like, let’s go, rude, here’s a kid, our kid from mosin, he has business with you, come on, come on. why did one freak offend my sister, and
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what does that have to do with me, the man is rich, vorontsov, he has a lot of money, business in moscow, in short, we need to kidnap varontsov’s child, demand a ransom, i’ll think through everything, my country worked in his brain, we we know everything to the varontsov family, about the house, the goings-on, everything is known, and there are photographs, kidnapping a child, what’s your name? listen, kolya, go home, khamrai, wait, we’ll return the child later, he’ll pay, it’s a rich man, the farm is a conservation, look, i’ll see, well, i told you, it’s good that he didn’t break your nose, let’s go, i also want your sister i need to take you to the cinema, let's go . what is this? well, he
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won’t calm down, andryusha, but he’s screaming again, he slept with the nanny before, well, maybe he just missed her, you yourself threw him into the nanny’s arms, well, he forgot you, andryusha, you’re a good father, but don’t you really have a desire to somehow communicate with your son, and i’m a good father, but i’m not tired right now. i’m tired, i’m tired, i haven’t slept for two nights, and during the day without a break either, i even cook by myself, why did you forbid the maid to help me with my son, and why are you yelling at me, my mother raised the three of us, without any maids , i still had time to get to work, but you are of royal blood, you yourself wanted this child or just to marry me, i... but i
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liked the film, some strange film, yes i feel sorry for the negative hero even more than the positive one, well, everything is like in life, i’m cold, let me warm you up, no, he’s a freak in life, you know, in life it’s just not always clear who your friend is, who your enemy is, in life it’s such a thing that listen, what are we talking about the cinema, i said, i had to go to a restaurant, i want... you on sunday to the most expensive restaurant in moscow, you know, oh well, what do you want, you want to go to paris, anka, maybe a nurkin coat for winter, and zakhar, i want to go home, so, wait, your crown, your carriage subject, sit down, anka, the main thing is, don’t be discouraged. hold on tight, hide behind the glass so that the wind doesn’t blow you away,
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little one, i forgot, what’s your name? nikolai, my name is, so this is the case, nikolai, i struck. varantsova, it’s the right thing, good one, to hide the hostage from you, to protect it, but everything has already been thought out, jesus, what does it have to do with it. the dog won’t find it, we have endless forests, well , take care of yourself, kolyan, be in touch, we’ll cross that out, i won’t go here either, why need
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a photographer, we need more photos for your posters, take something from my old ones photographs of the carriage. i'm tired of your whims, mark, are you nervous or something before the tour? yes, i’m just sick of everything, i ’m really looking forward to these tours, only on stage can i truly feel alive, okay, okay, let’s not be nervous, see you until wednesday, don’t turn off your cell phone, yes, i’m on my way, i’m on my way, listen, take it, can you help change the wheel,
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that the tires are deflating, please help, like a brother, we’ll quickly transfer it now. what the hell, this is a prank, it’s cruel, little guy, it’s you, get up, no, that’s enough already, i give up, admit it yourself, oh, why did they take the phone, don’t turn it off, my producer doesn’t like it when i’m out of access. hey, i need some help, okay? and what happened? nothing happened, why should it happen right away? help me clean it up! why did anyone decide to live there? just right for you, let's go faster, come on! hey, who are you, where are you taking me? we've been driving for several hours already! i don’t know who you have, you got
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shell-shocked degenerates! for kidnapping you already have time for beatings! nobody needs me. angels of the area from monday on рrt. rest is to leave yourself at peace, rest is not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely switched off. rest
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is rest. we know everything about holidays. rum castro, a product of the stellar group. kalinan bellek, a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel. kalinon belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. mancar whiskey, a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a celebration of exquisite tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and... lio rizards, we are here for you! cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny. bright, the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. well,
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did you clean up? oh, kohl, i forgot to ask, what is the crib for? so, they will be with the child. tenants? yes. did you at least warn that there are mosquitoes and ticks in the forest? they'll figure it out on their own, no. small. you’ve already finished, now i ’ll wipe everything off this window. the cars have arrived, it’s them, damn it, sit here, don’t want to go anywhere, i realized who they brought, it’s a child, but everything’s fine, it’s varonslov’s eldest son with a minor , there’s a lot of hassle, but... oh, stop it immediately, otherwise
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i’ll shoot , put your face down, put your face down, please, you bring these people here, then i’ll explain everything, i’ll go home, are you freaks, you couldn’t tie him up properly, you were drinking again, drag him to the barn, tie him up properly so he doesn’t get untied, your woman, sister "i'm for her i want to take revenge, she won’t go to the cops, i guarantee she was just scared when your people beat the hostage, the girl is a girl with a gun, that means, until my people fight with vorontsov, your task is to protect the hostage, remember, you are the one who ordered the kidnapping , i remember how much i will receive, what my percentage is, then we’ll talk,
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what are you going to do with it? do you even understand, these bandits, they’ll kill him now and then they’ll put you in jail, that’s it, i ’m calling the police, but they’ll only put you in prison if you call the police, and if not, then that’s it it’ll work out, and we’ll punish the bastard and earn money, but he’s not going to get the hostage out anyway, clearly, you decided to demand svorantsov’s ransom, yes, you call this revenge for me, yes, but what, but what, this is called a crime for the purpose of profit , kolya? quietly, let's go, leave through the pantry, go to the village, there is no guy in sight, they are drunken youngsters, whatever they want and not
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a word to anyone, do you understand? that's it, go, come on, go, i say, go, kolyan, where are you going, here, go, here i am, the castle. hang it on the barn, eat something there, organize it, okay, we we’ll spend the night here, okay, hey, glasses, what else is this, good afternoon, this orantsev, i’ve got a strange problem, i can’t do this without a lawyer... i can’t do that, so tell her that i’m at home and waiting for her, yeah , what nonsense,
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who needs you, mark? kolya, kolya kidnapped varontsov’s son and wants to demand a ransom. the eldest son, i told him, don’t, like he kidnapped him, alone, not alone, he got involved with the bandits, in his grandfather’s lodge, they, a whole house of drunken, stupid freaks, what to do, you just need to call the police, that's it, what a zina the police, if they put the first one in jail, oh my god, what a disaster, well, now i’m still a hostage, we’re all accomplices now. come on, let's all go there together, try to persuade
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the bandits to leave. this idea and free the hostage, dad, vasya, well, you just have to take it and go, it’s useless, the first place he ’ll go, that’s right, to the police, he’s also marontsov’s son, and he has connections, and he’s also a bastard, he wanted you to jail for nothing, but for my son, he's jailing us all, wait, your son's name is jelen, but this is the eldest, mark, hearing for the first time what you have eldest son, yes, i haven’t seen him for more than 20 years, haven’t talked to him, i got divorced, left, he grew up without me, but how did they find out about him, even if i didn’t know, and i’ve been working with you for 15 years,
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and i’m new i gave an interview to one journalist, talked about business, she asked: about the family, but i was stupid and blurted out that i have an eldest son, mark varantsov, a famous musician, i decided to brag , an old fool, i just came across it on the internet somehow accidentally came across his poster, i remembered everything, in general such things, i just liked that he left my last name, i i even wanted to write to him once, to meet him and communicate there, but i couldn’t get around to it, and you have his contacts, no, only social networks. therefore, dasha, i ask you, be a friend, put all matters aside, find out what he’s like he, it’s not like he really was kidnapped, okay, i ’ll find out everything, that’s right, well, i hope it’s a joke, i hope she gave the ulirian woman some motherwort to
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her father, you should get some, no. “mom, we need to act, they really can put us in prison now as accomplices, anya, what can we do, eh? we need to free the hostage and ask him don’t go to the police, you’re crazy, you forgot who his father is, he’ll grind us into torment, korontsov’s scum, well, his son is here, why should we go there, anya, guards, a crowd of drunken men, you don’t i have to take such a risk, i can’t let him out of a hostage, we’ll wait, we’ll, we’ll pray and wait, we have nothing else left, okay, mom, go to sleep, get yourself a drop of bottle, don’t even think about leaving the house, do you hear, i’m forbidding you, you me i understand,
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i understand, i understand, i’m already asleep, good night, lord, forgive my soul, krishna, so what? behind.
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and the waters are quiet, quiet. something is bothering me, i need to have
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a mobile phone, call the police and a taxi, far from moscow, far? there's a taxi on the street, what's your name? anya, what about you? mark, let’s go quietly, carefully, come on!
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somehow the city is not visible. “we’re more often, we ’re not lost, we’ll arrive soon, keep quiet, be quiet,
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that’s it, we’ve arrived, where did you bring me, where is the city, me”? you need to go to the hospital and go home, but don’t worry, i’ll take you to the center tomorrow, we’ll spend the night here, hold on, let’s go, let’s go to the house, the bandits won’t come here around the swamp. eh, brother, don’t sleep, you’re on duty, don’t sleep yourself,
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got it, tell me where else it hurts, yes, everything hurts, both the body and the head, but it’s tolerable, don’t worry about my hand anymore. and you’re a doctor, well, almost, my mother is a nurse, and i’m actually a biologist, if it weren’t for you, these people would probably beat me because of the cold, and they’ve become attached to me, so you can lift a finger, yeah, the hematoma is big, of course, but nothing will heal, i need to go to the hospital, oh, how tender, is this the left hand? are you a livsha? no, i’m a musician, a violinist, my left hand is more important to me than my right, these scumbags everyone will answer, i need to get to the city,
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tomorrow take me to the police, i ’ll give you money in gratitude, i don’t need your money, my girl, everyone needs money, you can earn money, by the way, in other ways. “so, i’ll take you to the city tomorrow, but you promise me to go to the police, why on earth, my brother will freeze to death in the kidnapping, so these from the frost are your family, well , now it’s clear why you took me to the swamp brought, and not to the city, now i’m your hostage, no, i won’t remain silent, the criminals should go to jail, but this is your father criminal"? and you’re no better, money, money, i hate you all, and i’m not happy with your family either, i won’t remain silent, i’ll go to the police, fuck you, don’t sit here in the swamp
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, i understand, blackmail from you won’t achieve anything for me, okay, where else have you gone? lada, okay, stupid mare
10:33 pm
they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is. included, except for the head, we know about the rest. and that's it, relax anexc - cognac. product of stellar group.
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cnop gin is a product of stellor group.
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you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, sunday, on rtr, that you you’re doing, why put a guard there, why are you growling, some water, better give me something to drink, drink from a bucket. like a horse, a goat, like that, where is the hostage, the hamrai will damn us, what are you chasing, where is the hostage for... the second
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hostage, how he opened the lock, where did he go, yuzhkinkut, did you miss the hostages, prison, it’s all your fault, i understand, darling, yes, we have a small problem here, and you’re already approaching, my dear, what are you doing, my,
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all the arrows fell on me, i didn’t understand, come on, zakhar, come on, come on, come on, what on tell me what i asked, then i’ll explain everything, everything, in fact, everyone should have guarded him, not just me, are you in charge, did you let the hostage go, i knew it like that? in general, it’s possible that he’s a magician or something, what kind of circus is going on here, pray to god that there’s at least one rotten board in the barn, what is this, i’m not
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i said i didn't check when i could. i thought there would be a baby, but you brought this one out of the blue, but the hostage turned out to be no ordinary one, i don’t know whether he’s a magician or not, but somehow he got loose in your car, here too, yes, i tell you what he said, to guard the hostage, and you, say that he crawled through this gap, come here, come on, kolyan, show how he did it, well, crawl through there yourself, huh? was it you who helped him escape, or your sister? if you don’t return the hostage by the evening and he gets to the police, you’ll take all the blame on yourself, we’re not here
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it was, you won’t do it, i’ll kill you first, and then your family, touch my family, i... who’s going to drink an elk into the car, comb the whole area , go far, he couldn’t go all the way to the beaten forest , but why are the freaks up?
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oh, call your daughter, she’s sleeping, she’s all right, i’m nikolai’s friend. “i need to talk to her, everyone is sleeping, everything is safe, if i find out that it was she who released the hostage, blame yourself, listen , she’s sleeping, and don’t involve her in your story, get out of my house before i
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call police, bring me a gun, i ’ll just see if she’s at home or not, i don’t i’ll let you in!” anka, listen, i must say that you spent the night with me, do you hear, you didn’t spend the night, i fell out of your head, it was kolyan’s idea, he ’ll explain to you later why, stand, you spent the night with your fiance, hamrai, leave her alone , they have love, love, love, you say, yes, well, well, yes, the hostage was released, why did you do this, why, he is not guilty of anything, since he is
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varantsov’s son, he will hand me over to the police and they will put me in prison. , you understand this, you took him to the city, but i didn’t do anything, i just opened the gatehouse and untied him. hit? put your hands down, we've almost succeeded, but now what to do? thank you sis, i let you down, i helped, yes, well done, at least go and tie the horse, come on, thank you, listen, why are you yelling at my fiancee? she set me up, she set everyone up, you fool! an, do you agree, or what? anka, huh? zakhar, get out of here, okay?
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anechka, have you already spent the night with zakharu? where were you? i helped the hostage escape, so where is he? i don’t know, i just untied him and opened the door. will he go to the police now? no way, mom. why are you even involved in all this? fit in? dad, everything i did, i did. well, now they’re definitely going to jail kolka? i don’t know, maybe i should run somewhere, i need to hide, or what? what should i do, vasya? pour me 100 g. vasya, well , you have a heart, well... you wash pokarantsov,
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hurry up and be stingy, at the same time we’ll find out whether his son called him or not, go ahead, we need to send someone to grushovka on the road that comes from the forest, without i’ll sort you out, if you run without thinking, i ’ll get your lies out of the ground. and i won’t take all the blame, i haven’t forgotten, i haven’t forgotten, i’m going to, why should i, and if you don’t translate,
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the face is sick, the heart is sick, here’s all this, when i called, there is no hostage either in grushovka or in the neighboring villages, they can’t find him in the forest, god forbid he drowned in a swamp, where did you get this from, we have so many in the swamp every year people are drowning, the swamps are treacherous, but he doesn’t know the forest, he got lost and drowned, otherwise they would have found him... why would he climb into the swamp, mom, he ’s not a fool, but he’s a city guy, he didn’t see the swamp, there’s no danger understands, and then no one gets into the quagmire outwardly, everyone ends up by accident, especially the inexperienced ones, it’s better if you didn’t let him out, don’t leave the house, why is this, ah, what are you up to, and you should say thank you that the bandit didn’t touch you in the morning, he won’t sit for the second time, ah, ah, well, you didn’t you are going to go into the forest for a hostage, look for him, if god forbid he drowned, but it’s not your fault.
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come on, come on, my dear, faster, eh!
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mark, mark, where have you gone? mark! mark! mark!
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hey! help! hey, help! mark! anya! anya! i'm here! hold on! why the hell did you end up in the swamp? i warned you! i'm going hunting for food! hungry since yesterday! the road to i was looking for the city! good boy! right away, like, you can’t handle it alone, i’m heavy, if we can’t handle it, i’ll call an assistant, he stayed at the house, chewing grass, i’m cool, damn it, sparkling, you, have you ever climbed a tightrope, wrap the rope around yourself, yes, just a second, so, ah, ah, wait,
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my arm hurts, now, come on, let's rest and try again, okay, come on, come on, if it doesn't work out, i'll run after the horse, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't go, don't go, i can, i can, just don't go, come on, come on, here, yet, get up, mark, do you hear, get up, let's go,
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we'll catch a cold, wow, this is adrenaline, let's go, let's go. just don’t leave me anymore, okay, let’s look at your behavior, let’s go, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, it’s a premiere, you’ve become old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber to us. you know, i would marry you, well, you’re with us, hello, hello, well, what next, mikhail andreevich, holy buyer, angels of the region from monday on rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone... alone.
10:52 pm
rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant! details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose? you are the homeland of the soldiers, whom you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on
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a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program , life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, here is the next message. we'll cut off your son's fingers if you don't pay the ransom before evening. damn, what did you find out? i found out mark's address, but konchesh says he's not at home spent the night, left yesterday morning and never showed up again. no, well, everything is clear, it’s true. he was definitely kidnapped. write to them that without proof they will not receive the money. let them let me talk to my son. and what’s the point of this conversation, i don’t know his voice. and i only saw him in photographs on the internet. and the last time we live was when he was 3 years old, even if they kill him. it’s useless to invite me to identify the body, okay, let him send a photo, i have a specialist who will recognize the photomontage and even do a portrait examination, that’s
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good, i agreed with the producer marco about meeting, he will be waiting for you this afternoon, it’s good that this letter also came from a nigerian ip address, which means it’s useless to look for clues, darontsov asks for a photo of his son as proof that he is with us, which means the son is still in the forest, his nightmare and i’ll tell you , that we set the conditions here, i understood, i didn’t understand, what and why are you clinking glasses to me, i myself know that the photos and videos should have been canceled immediately, the elk, that he came here to sleep, thought to eat something. “you can’t flounder in a swamp, otherwise one leg will get stuck faster than the other, and you need to take a stick with you, a long one, with a hook
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at the end, i’ll never go into the swamp again, uh-huh, i understand, now, if you don’t listen to me right away, go, i’ll water you, you’re like my chemistry teacher, so strict, why is it in chemistry, but chemistry at school was bad for me, and the teacher was like, you won’t get sick, oh, what is this, that i ’m about to pour a bucket on your head, you guy, and i’m really a teacher, geography, biology. i also know chemistry, i’m a jack of all trades,
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let’s change clothes, cool clothes. svetorok, of course, where in the dump did you dig it up, actually these are my brother’s clothes, it’s just old and has been lying here for a long time, and there’s even some kind of romance in it, as if you were going on a hike, only it smelled like a fire, or maybe laundry soap, yeah, you don’t like it, oh well... please, go in wet, but in a branded one, i like everything, i just said so, thank you, let's go change the bandage,
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what a good life.
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delight, it’s true, no worse than in moscow restaurants, i’ll take you there, yeah, you get to moscow first, stop looking at me, well, you can look at me too, i don’t mind. there's something about you what gives a passionate nature? what? you definitely have a high libido, believe me, i know a lot about it. come on, come on, turn towards the light , well, turn your head towards the light, yes, uh-huh, like this, now, like this, you know what, that's enough, i
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see you're full, can i clean up? no, i just started, so don’t get distracted, don’t be offended, it’s just a compliment, anh, how long are you going to feed me, maybe you’ll take me to the city, promise me to go to the police? “you saved my life twice, i am now your debtor forever, we agreed, yes, mother, how good it is that you came, where
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anya, she’s nowhere to be found.” she climbed out the window and there’s no horse, she galloped off somewhere, where she galloped off, i’m afraid they’ll look for the hostage, you know, i foolishly said that he could drown in the swamps, since they couldn’t find him , graze, graze, or maybe we ’ll get in the car and go into the forest to look for her, but where will you find her in our endless forests, maybe she went to her grandfather’s house, and i went there, the bandits settled there , kolya said they won’t leave there until they find it...
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we’ll wait, but we’ll wait as long as we need, as long as we need to, ah, well do you know why they kidnapped me, they brought me here, they wanted to demand ransom from your father, from your father, but i don’t even remember him, he abandoned my mother and me when i was 3 years old, he won’t pay anything, did you screw with the hostage? “anh, well, you’re a smart, educated girl, why do you live here among this freezing trash, who are you calling this trash, your friends, relatives, they don’t want to work, you’re looking for freebies, freebies, but my father works as a forester all his life, but mother is a nurse in the center, brother, but it’s just difficult
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to find a normal job in the village, because..." the province was ruined, scoundrels and tricksters like your dad, well, you know him, you don’t know him, and someone who has no goal in life can’t find a job, and that’s not for you to judge, of course, there are fewer opportunities in the provinces, i in general, you know that don’t you dare tell me anything about my family, that’s what your brother wants, to get rich at someone else’s expense, anya, if i don’t heal my hand and can’t play, i’ll personally strangle your brother, i don’t need the police for this, at the same time everyone... friends, i have nothing but music.
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an, forgive me, sometimes i get carried away, an, well, don’t leave me, the wolves will devour me here, forgive me, i’m a cretin, i’m so tired of you, huh? okay, i’ll take you to grushovka, this is our paradise center, you take your things, leave them here, anya, when i get to moscow, i’ll send you a gift, i want to be grateful, while this is not very successful for you. why are you even helping me? your relatives, friends, they won’t be angry, you went against them, they feel sorry for you,
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are you satisfied with this answer? - i’m actually because of my brother, he’s facing prison for kidnapping, but it’s his... choice, mark, you don’t know him at all, he’s actually very good, kind, he was just mistaken, in general it’s all because of me, but if you don’t go to the police, then everything will be fine, you promised me, i keep my word, uh, violinist, you know how to shoot, i’m actually at a shooting range, like this... i once won a bear, and anyway, who is the man here, man, this is my grandfather’s gun, he was a forester , a family heirloom, well, something like that, we don’t
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trust it to strangers, to be honest, i didn’t know that mata had a father, yes, in fact, everyone has fathers, he more than once... your son is a famous musician, for 5 years we have been on tour with him and sold out everywhere, and by the way, he is even more famous abroad than here, i am very pleased to hear this about my son, after all,
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could you help me meet him, preferably today, but he has mobile access for days, i don’t know where he is now, did he disappear, why, let it be simple. turned it off, this happens to him often, actually no, but maybe you have the phone number of his friends, some girlfriends, why do you need it, something happened, no, just, well, i’ll tell mark to come, just tell me to call me on this number as soon as it appears, just right away, okay, yes, yes, okay, thank you, yeah. closed footage of how not only russian, but also world politics is being done, now they are speaking in
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putin’s words, but how many times already, this is exactly what i warned about, there have been such cases, torture yourself to swallow dust, putin’s forecasts, and now? china is our traditional partner, who today determine the life of the planet, tell me who your friend is, and i will tell you who you are, and also about sanctions 10 years ago, but it will be mutual damage, and now, this is putin’s price jump, in the new episode of our program the answer to the question, well, that’s how it will be, where does he get all this from? moscow, the kremlin, putin, we watch on sunday on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation,
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you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. titanic luxury collection gin сnop product
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steller group hotel tiitanic delux golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. i think i'll take you away. let's go travel. and when we discover some new land, i will name it after you. elsa's land. elsa's land. on friday on rtr. there are a lot of cranberries and lingonberries here.
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that you won’t get there even in a week, there’s a forest for
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100 km, what the heck, how long do we have to hang around here, i’m already lost, but really, i’m local, i know every bump here, so what are we going to do? if we find a hostage, we’ll drag him with us, the main thing is to find him, the hamrai promised a prize, wait, what kind of bird is this, look at him, he’s a damn tourist. well, it smells like pine and you can breathe easily,
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of course, this is not moscow for you, the leaves trembled, the maples swayed, dust flew from golden branches, the winds rustled, i gasped. green the dried feather grass whispered in an echo, well, not bad, i can still sing, kiss, it seems the voice.
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it seemed, but we need to talk more quietly and get to the regional center as quickly as possible. wait, he, no, but i told you that he got out on his own, erased helps with this, let’s go, the fraer is stomping after me, and i like vladny, mom! take the horse and gallop away from here, i won’t leave you alone, let’s get out of here, quickly, where did you go, stand, who did i tell you to stand, fatty, this is not a cook for you, mark, hurry up, shoot, otherwise he’ll run away, back, not be careful .
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drop the knife and get out of here, otherwise i'll kill you, i'm not kidding, grab your friend, see you later, are you okay? yeah, hold on, we're leaving quickly, it's still a long way to the paradise center, it's a long walk, you lost your horse, we need to run back to the house, we're running, no one will poke around through the swamps, we'll
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think about what to do next, where is this creature hiding the hostage, what? i don’t understand, they saw your daughter with him in the forest, god, why are you drizzling, creature, speak, i swear to you, i don’t know, i ask you not to kill, i’m firing you, please, just don’t touch anya, i’m you i beg you, tell your husband that if you don’t return the hostage, you will owe me 20 million. hello, vasya, vasya, come quickly, please, vasya.
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my sister is a stupid stupid chicken, she set me up, well, i’ll find them, i’ll kill kosyamelyan, please give me time until the morning,
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just don’t touch me, please, is this my condition, condition? and who are you to set conditions for me? do you need the hostage to come back? yes, i promise, do you promise? yes, oh, for some reason i don’t believe you, kolya, damn it, you promised me a lot of everything, in st. petersburg, don’t take your eyes off him, and you sit and think about where she is
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forest, can this scraper be overcome, hamrai, we are wasting time, beard, elk on the way out. look at your eyes, you're kind of muddy, and i really... love it when people make a sucker out of me, i met with producer marik, it looks like it's true that my son was kidnapped, i've already ordered the ransom money from the bank, yes, yes, 20, yeah, this is what you would do in my place, tell me, and stop telling me tricky words, i know what kidnapping is, but this is my son, andrey, i’ll call you back, what’s the ransom, who was kidnapped? it’s not good to eavesdrop, you might call the police, don’t, andryush, tell me then
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that’s all for me, i’m afraid that you have enemies, and what if something happens to lenya, nothing threatens us, don’t worry, okay, i ’ll tell you everything, just keep in mind no calls to the police and don’t tell anyone anything , this is very serious, okay. wow, what a great fellow you are, and i picked some mushrooms, we’ll cook dinner, and i found us dessert for dinner, look, don’t tell me you ate this, well, yes, i ate a couple, i left the rest for you, cranberries, these are wolfberries bast, you ate from poisonous berries, that's the city's paw, but where did it come from? i know how this cranberry grows, i ’ve only seen it in powdered sugar, okay, i won’t die from two or three berries, just don’t
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eat anything in the forest anymore, okay, actually i like new sensations, here we are once we were on tour in the east, i ate fried grasshoppers and scorpions, your stomach will hurt, you will have such new sensations, wow, running through the bushes? i have to save him, this is my son, if i don’t do this, who am i then, how will i look my partners in the eyes after this, no one knows your son, they will find out if he god forbid they kill him, there will be a terrible fuss, he is a famous musician, musicians are all kuku, or maybe... maybe he was stoned and came up with this kidnapping himself? i don't understand how you can fall for these stupid things? these are not stupid things, it’s true, he really
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was kidnapped, while we’re chatting now, maybe they cut off his fingers? oh, don’t scare me now with these horror stories at night, you better look at the situation soberly, this is a lot of money, you constantly tell me about saving, i don’t even have a phone you want to buy a new one, but here you are simply ready to throw these 20 million down the drain. and if i suddenly get kidnapped, will you also only think about money? darling, what are you talking about, i will do everything possible to save you, go to sleep, andrey, go away!
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quiet evening, slowly melting. where there are pine trees, swamps and mosses, it’s good to speak poems to the sunset over a dying fire, i also really love the smell of a fire, yes, i haven’t looked forward to dinner so impatiently for a long time, but if it weren’t for you, i would have died 100 times already swamps, would have eaten too much... poisonous berries or from hunger died, anna, royal name, you were named
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after the queen, no, of course, in honor of your grandmother, however, i don’t remember her well, she died very early, you grew up in these places, well, yes, here in the village, basically daddy’s daughter, since childhood, he took me with him to the forest, taught me to shoot, i know the forest very well, that’s why i became a teacher because... since my brother was always disappearing somewhere with the boys, he’s generally so hot-tempered, reckless, but he very kind, really, but i don’t even know who you were named after, i don’t even know who
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more to ask, mother is not alive, only father. i somehow found him on social networks, thought i’d see him, did i do something wrong, what happened? nothing, watch your dinner, i 'll be right back. that’s how mariana showed up as the second heir to my head, and most importantly, he hasn’t communicated with him for 20 years, but he doesn’t mind the money for him, but for my alyonechka, he doesn’t even want to hire a nanny, i’m the only one stressing about what to do -now, tell all the newspapers about the kidnapping, they will kill him, who? ksyukh, don’t be
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stupid, this son, the hostages are being killed. when instead of a ransom, relatives turn to the police or the press, what do you mean, my husband will immediately kick me out of the house, or even worse, strangle me, everything is fine, bye, just wait, i brought spoons, but, frankly speaking, i would have done it with my hands i’ve eaten, well, i think it’ll be ready in another two minutes. “you’ve probably never eaten porridge with mushrooms, i haven’t, i’m dreaming of trying it, jamaican aki, i was in geography at school, when i taught geography, i learned so much about different countries, but i haven’t been anywhere yet, you know, i’m halfway around the world i've been around, but i've never seen so many swamps anywhere, freeze, you have a bug on you
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head, now i. i’ll take it away, otherwise he’ll fall by the collar, so move over, what’s wrong, just sit there, what do you have here, a village of old believers, and in your moscow there are no standards of decency left at all, but why complicate things, we’re good together, maybe even better.
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you've become old, yes, but you're such a sweetheart with us, you know, i'd marry you, well, you 're here, hello, hello, whatever, mikhail andreevich, holy buyer, angels of the area from monday on rtr, rest! it's leaving yourself alone. rest is something not to think about when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. bourbon
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shearsman. product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. you 're looking at 100 to one. what is the task of opening the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a rant, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be
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7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer then with humor , i chop oak, not pluck. problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, kolya is not available, anya too, hello, hello, lady, at home, i’m
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worried, i can’t get through all day, they saw her with a hostage, they either spent the night in the regional center or in the forest, it’s like, but is she going to spend the night in the forest with some guy? and you go, pick her up and bring her home, i also found a jealous fiancé, and i’ll go, zakhar, zakharushka, zakharushka, don’t get angry, calm down, you better help, you’re with your father in the morning go to the house in the swamps, we think she’s there, so why wait for the morning, we have to go now, the bandits won’t come into the swamp, if she’s there, then she’s safe, we’ll wait until the morning, what will she be there with her together until the morning? everything will be fine, go to bed, zakhar, vasya, what are you doing, your heart, or something, come on, come on, go to bed, go to bed, then i’ll come in the morning,
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come on, yeah, early, anya, an! an, forgive me, i was wrong, if i ever have a daughter, i would like
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her to be raised the same way as you, and to behave with dignity. you said you didn't do you remember your father, and would you like to communicate with him? no, just look him in the eyes. after the divorce, he never showed up, didn’t even help. and when i grew up, i found out that he not only abandoned my mother and me, but also left her his debts. “at that time he was a loser, he took out loans for business all the time, he went broke
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for as long as he can remember, his mother worked two or three jobs in order to somehow pay off his debts, all her health was ruined because of him, she was sick for six months. and then i died very young. i’ll make a bed for you in the attic.
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so climb in and settle down in luxury. is it five stars or four? yes, these are 100 stars, you’ll see them in the sky, really, so, this is a warm blanket for you, yeah, a fike instead of a pillow, let’s lie down, and i’m down there, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, well , look how much space there is, the two of us can lie down here, i promise i won’t... i won’t pester you,
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i’ll lie quieter than a corpse, oh well, it’s warmer together, after all, i won’t pester you. but only if you don’t provoke me, don’t wait, good night, oh, kolyan, thanks for stopping by, look what i found, this is a map of the forest, and for hunters who sometimes rent a lodge, it’s a good map. i
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even figured out almost everything, but i didn’t understand something, i need help, this is a swamp, right? these are the houses, this is the house in the swamp, you didn’t say anything about it, isn’t this where your sister hides the stapler, khamra, i showed you all the places where they could be, all but not all, because they are not there, this means that maybe you didn’t show everything, or even the wrong ones, tomorrow morning you’ll take us here, because we
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need to find anya and get her out of all this, you need to call the police, they have to go, but to find these bandits, what are you saying, the police will run through the forest looking for them, yeah, even amon will rush you, they should capture you, they will put you in full custody as a defendant, and there vorontsov with his connections will come along and take revenge on us for our son, no, we have to do it ourselves. get out of
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this whole story, vasya, quietly, vasya, vasya, vasya, vasya, listen, look at me, hear, look at me, heart, yes, now, now i ’ll bring you non-triglyceline, lord, now, now, quietly, quietly, now i'll bring it, rise, tramps! come on, get up, wounded, let's go to the swamp, don't be a lout, we'll drown, i'll go to them, when will the money be there? vorontsov promised to pay the ransom, but he needs proof, we’ll send him a photo of his son, we’ll get the money. hamrai, guys, you ’re right, it’s better not to go into the swamp without a guide, so kolyan will take us. yeah,
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he’ll lead us into a swamp and won’t get him out, the prison says, don’t fuss, brother, i agreed with him, we won’t touch his sister. and take you out, run to the car, uncle, vasya, let's go, sugar, it's good that you came, my husband is there a heart attack, he’s lying in bed, i won’t let him go anywhere, i don’t know the roads in the swamp, anya herself knows, only two paths from the house in the swamp, one, well, this one is on our side, you still remember the old oak tree there, well, the quarterly one pillar the guardhouse, yes, and the other one is at the elk feeder on the western side, i beg you, please, rush there, okay, if you meet her, then she ’ll be grabbed home, drag her, just drag her straight away, please, okay , don’t worry, aunt, i’ll take the car faster, yes, of course, now get yourself the keys, hamrai, did you
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promise not to touch your sister? and you said that the old woman burned out, wait, kolyan, wait, it’s empty, there’s no one here, and these aren’t ours. krepacha pabrekushka, yes, he had some kind of lace or chain on his hand, kolyan, i’ll kill you, come on, come on, i’ll
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get out of here myself, pray to god that i leave your sister alive, after all that she i did it, how else can you get out of the swamp? go around the edge of the swamp to the highway, and we will return to the house, you need to study the map properly, get up, be quiet. car, the same zakha, the kid from maryan, i know him,
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great, zakhar, storoda, and you’re not the one we are... and you’d better be with us when we find your bride, otherwise we’ll deprive you of the right of the first night, you what? you need a hostage , take a hostage, don’t touch anka, okay, help us find them, take your trouble, what ideas, let me find them myself, and
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i’ll tell you about the hostage, yeah, in the forest without communication, let me know, seriously, no you're full, we won't touch your bride. you better pray that the first one doesn’t find it, so okay, yes, from the house on the swamps there are two paths, one leads through the guardhouse, yeah, kolyan already saw us there, no, we ’ll go west and wait for anya near the moose feeder, the second path leads there, if they’re there, they’re already heading towards the highway, let’s go, i i know, well done, zhenya, you can do it whenever you want. i need to rest, i’m not tired, it’s better not to waste time, but i’m tired, i’ll look at your hand at the same time, we didn’t have time in the morning, come here.
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grab your carbine and fix it here. zakhar, where are you from? anka, i’m looking for you, i’m here to eat, and who is this? this is zakhar, my old friend, let's move away, everything is fine, come here, what just happened? anka, how long can you wander through the woods, your parents are waiting for you at home, let's go home, oh! don’t touch him, what are you doing, where are you, you fool, stop, let me
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go, let’s leave, they won’t touch you, so you take it out of me, uh, come on, get up, come on, come on, come on, let’s record a video, come on, ask your daddy to give you a ransom, just ask for pity, me, here you are. idiots, i don’t have a father, you have the wrong door, morons, yeah, okay, but there are photos, anya, what a bird looked, anya, anya, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, let go, anya, stop, stop, let her go, that’s it, we’re going home, leave me, you bastard, i don’t want to go with you, out of here, what are you saying, you said you’d let anya go, so what? you didn’t take it, but now that’s it, you
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missed your chance, what are you saying, she’s my fiancée, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, your side was ours, but they’re worried, you’ll stay alive and healthy, so we can kill you, i won’t find you you are nowhere in the swamps, i understand, let's get out of here, let's go, touch me, let's go, i said, you're a comment below, we'll go, you're our local, let's find me, the gate, come on, "get away from me, take your paws, don't, don't tell anyone that i helped you, take your ass off, come on, come on , stop it, stop it, legs, hold it,
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beard, where are you going, come on let's agree peacefully, drop the gun, give me the meths, i know you have them, i 'll rip these guts out now and no bandages will help, i'll shoot you right now, drop the gun, i have nothing to lose, i'll bleed out in this damn forest, i'll bleed to death. no one will look, give me a riot, i’m not a murderer, don’t let it go, you’re a rapist and scum, i ’ll give you a first aid kit, you’ll let us leave,
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agreed, here you go! let's go, please, we need to hurry, yes, i understand everything, the main thing is that this is a real photo, and not some kind of montage, thank you very much, dear, i found such a wonderful dress. i want you to look too, i’d better look here, look, look, but you didn’t believe it, well, this is
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a photomontage, this is not a photomontage, this is a real photo, i checked everything, he was really kidnapped, i will pay a ransom, 20 million, yes, this is my son, i will save him, your son is lenechka, and we are your family, and not some stray son, listen, he won’t even say thank you to you, you don't even know him at all. but this is no longer your business. on sunday.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday at our resorts, elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lioreza. we are here for you! discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the eternal world
11:52 pm
elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. opens in titanic luckshery collection bodrum sunday, it’s so good that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any problem can be solved decide, either that child or our children, it won’t be any other way, from heaven to earth, on sunday, on rtr an, do you want a funny story? when i graduated from the conservatory, i played in the orchestra at the philharmonic, then one day our conductor, you decided make me laugh, do you really think this is appropriate, sorry. mark,
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okay, give me your story. an, i’m sorry that i can’t always protect you, i’m in good shape, however, i even go to the gym, sometimes, i need to do it more often, of course. but i still won’t turn out to be rambo, yes, you are not rambo, but you are very brave, i would even say desperate,
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porontsov has been kidnapped, they are demanding a huge ransom from him, right. hello, maryana, well, i did it, yes, go to my page, there’s a post about a musician, well, the main thing is that my husband doesn’t see it, but don’t worry, in an hour delete the post and say that it has nothing to do with it, the info has already flown, you can’t find the ends on social networks, where we are going, to where they can’t find us,
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towards the railway station, this path is really twice as long, longer than to the highway, well, nothing, we'll cut it down, uncle misha's farm is on the outskirts of the forest, that's right, i completely forgot about it, that's where we can rest, but the bandits know about this farm, don't you think, it's unlikely, among the locals they only have borodin and my brother, and besides how will they guess that we went exactly there, the forest is huge, there are many paths, good you wouldn’t have guessed, yes, the road is long, we’ll get there in the evening... we’ll only get there with breaks, well, uncle misha will drive you to the station in his lada for the evening train, you ’ll go with me and bring me back.


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