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tv   Nesmeshnaya lyubov  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 1:05am-2:47am MSK

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on saturday. mikhail, those same friends about whom i told you. i hope they have already accepted my invitation for a boat trip. maxim radugin, excavations are underway up there, and you leave your things here. ekaterina vulichenko. we need to unite now to catch him ourselves and get ours back, i’m ready. sea overseas premiere on saturday at rt. well, i’ll start with the fact that, before proceeding, it’s clear, israel’s supposed reciprocal gift to iran, which was not, now i’ll explain why, because you raise the question, so let’s see what iran does when the americans, the british tried to intervene in some matters, which meant sending surveillance systems and drones. there were multiple
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captures of american ships, british ships, warships, then they took them, which means these people were captured, then they were released after they said something there, what they needed, downed drones, some kind of global known there, something like that, 250 million dollars, when trump promised to start a war, they shot down at all 16.00 meters, bravar 373, yes, and trump screamed and shouted, did nothing, the drone that was planted when in this case i always have a favorite joke that is very popular...
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happened now, which means there was no israeli missile attack on iran, so that no one writes, yes, that means when they say that supposedly, you look at the geography, where our profagan is, this is the center of iran, a little to the south, closer there, there to the persian, a little faster, tabris is generally in the north of iran, two cities where some kind of explosions were supposedly heard, which means those who say that there are some missiles there, they were flying over iraq and they shot them down. according to iraq, this is nonsense gray mare, which means the fact is that israel attacked simultaneously... objects in
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the north-west of syria and on the territory of iraq, which means the location of the hadshabi, something was shot down there, something fell, on the territory of iran, they even were not stopped, so what happened there, and the following happened there: the same thing that happened over a year ago, when they attacked the ispagan drone plant, the tabrian plant there, and so on, that is, this action is with small minidrones that climb 10-15 km when they were launched, this was the creation of an opposition structure inside iran, which has a place to be and which has not been crushed, this is the first organization for the liberation of the iranian united hulk, i will now say in a few words, and also various separatist kurds and balochis, and, by the way, literally in a couple of hours, when the so-called strikes took place... this organization published a cartoon of israeli drones, israeli drones are depicted as carrying pizza, that is, they themselves made fun of it, yes, that is , there was no strike, so this indeed minidrones, by the way, then the minister of foreign affairs of iran confirmed this with a smile, they simulated this strike, now
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let's see if israel could have carried out strikes on their own without the americans, of course yes, they have erichon 2 and erichon 3 , these are missiles that can reach. well, maybe the same number, but how many of them do the iranians have, they only have one line of shahabs , three, shahab 3, shehab 3d, shehab 3b, 600 pieces, 600 pieces, and there are eight more such lines just in case, so that someone understands, yes, that’s why here, as datanyahu said, despite everything, one should not make an emotional decision, but think, so they thought, now... he also gave an interview to cnn, if i’m not mistaken, he was asked, three countries that you consider yours enemy, he said, iran, iran and iran again, iran has become strong, yes, that is, this is all and ended with the understanding that this could turn out to be very painful, because now the israeli press is already writing, and what nothing happened, and
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no one mentions any 99% anymore, everyone writes that it turns out that this is the threshold of this iran's missile attack was a powerful cyber attack on israel's power supply system. after which it means that the national supply systems were turned off there, tel aviv also lost power there, and so on and so on, and secondly, it means that not only were two navatim bases hit, the second the second in the nege desert, but it turns out iranian missiles flew to the nuclear center in the desert the negev, the demon, the so -called, yes, and they hit one object there, yes, so to speak, but at the same time it does not respond, now we are saying something, they singled it out there there is so much money, if everything came from money, then this war would only begin, hamas should surrender here, run away to somewhere far away, yes, all iran, all the proxies also surrender, but this does not happen, it turns out that the money is allocated, the amount of money allocated for armaments does not always play a positive role, there is something to think about, so to speak, yes, look, iran with less money, there is significantly no
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comparison, in fact, over a period of time, well, i’m like 20, actually a little more, created a system strategic deterrence of both israel and the united states, even. by the way, a number of so-called allies, who just yesterday said, we are allies of the united states, do not want to get involved in a war, and israel has shown its inability to solve certain problems in relation to these very same, which means proxies, or in relation to iran, there is what to learn, including learning, excuse me, at the tactical level, like these, excuse me people, as you say sandals, yes, this is the same thing, yes, they manage to counter high-tech armies with minimal penny expenses after. how the army carries large loads, now the minister of the navy spoke in the us congress, said the navy, said, give me money, what’s the matter, but here he says, we spent a billion on firing up missiles and drones, we don’t have missiles in the red sea, give me money, listen,
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they spent a billion, they don’t ask anyone for anything, but it turns out that israel spent at least a billion dollars in a few hours, and also the costs of britain, jordan, that is it cost $3 billion for a few hours for all these figures, here’s the amount of money, that is, we are talking about the rational use of a strategically important point, so for, excuse me, i ’ll say quick things now, what’s important for iran is that in the middle east - for us , the post-soviet space, excuse me for being frank, yes, first of all, they are also not just resisting there, they are counteracting around, creating a security zone in the south, for this they were created...
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to do with the southern caucasus, from where we are being pushed out without ceremony, what to do with central asia, why isn’t a scheme emerging, breaking away from us in central asia by creating logistics through the south caucasus, bypassing us, like this? like now in the caspian sea, where three countries are participating , the exercise in july will be on the shores of the csto, that’s right, no, yes, well, they forgot about us, why are we also a caspian country or not, no one will remember, no, we’ll participate, it means why is it the protection of logistics that will pass us by, we are countering with something, we are doing it somehow, this is a very important question, we need to ask this question, and can look at the experience of iran and its structures, and there is no need for them... so that later they stand in this judgement, does not say: to launch a nuclear strike or not to deliver, or maybe not to deliver
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, and so on, yes, this is very important , essentially now, it means what is happening in the middle east, returning to the middle east, excuse me for being frank, we are talking about the complete military defeat of israel, not only in this clash, now they talk about israel like this, well, yes, okay, then it wouldn't work out with blows, but if we inflict defeat to hamas rafahi, it means we defeated iran, guys, they came up with a good formula.
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hostile to hamas and other structures of palestinian governance that are participating in this war, there are not only hamas, hostile clans, it turns out they found one clan, he said no, no, we don’t want power, we don’t need it, but the arab is flying, i say, he told somehow the israeli minister of defense, the states , tells blinken, let the arab countries take over, they say, we don’t need 100 years, which means they are already leaving, because this is in fact... also a lost war, this is based on this logic, yes it turns out, but what did you win there then, by the way, right there from africa, but the americans kicked out one of the countries, yes, niger, niger, thank you, goodbye, they got together, but they’re kicking out, that is, then there is a question, this is what the question is about, when we are not we should not be embarrassed by that money, which, of course, is bad, so to speak, yes, we must develop a strategy, the most important strategy is to protect our interests in the post-soviet space, and not only does it mean, where was the polymal? first of all, now the question is about the south caucasus, the central asia, when they say: we
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’ll figure it out with ukraine and we’ll occupy it, this is what slackers say, i’ll tell you honestly, frankly, if you’re responsible for the south caucasus, you’ll be responsible for it, and don’t wait for your friend to decide something there, and you don’t have to put everything on private ivanov, sergeant petrov, and so on, if you are responsible for the middle, you are responsible for it, you have no personal responsibility, not everything is decided on the battlefield, much is decided differently, the west is showing us how it decides. this drawing of further russia into this a funnel of confrontation, so that attention
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is completely focused only on ukraine and withdraw from other regions, this can be directly seen in the policies of the west, but in principle, yes, saturday became such a significant stage, it’s not just accepting aid there for 61 billion, andrei anatolyevich said there, that 11 billion are allocated for some political operations, i read for us military operations? the united states is in the region, but this is actually recognition of its own, in which region of direct participation, we are talking about this, i did not read about any political, it’s specifically about the military component, especially since let’s look at it, this decision, it has several levels, well , firstly, of course, as they said at the beginning, this is a complete defeat for trump, he tried to steer there, so what. ..
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this is a state of crisis, demoralization, they are already in a state of delight there, everything is with us, look at the statements that come from toltenberg, ursula vonderleen, all this comedy of deliart, as i call them. they all say: democracy has restored unity, us leadership, our hearts, hearts fight in unison. stoltenberg agreed to the point that it is already possible to launch strikes on russian territory, if this is in the interests of military operations, surely this money that is being allocated will lead to the fact that the europeans will most likely allocate
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additional assistance, this is already being announced now, we we see this, that is, this will be the cumulative effect, or what? interestingly, we see a sharply increased role of the military-industrial complex, and in politics in the information business, and i think that the american military-industrial complex, when adopting this decision played perhaps a more key role than some behind-the-scenes negotiations, for sure, i am convinced of this, because look at the information campaign that is going on, semyon arkavich gave a complete realistic analysis of what happened, what they wrote israel showed. a brilliant result of western technology, which is completely superior to the outdated iranian strike on isfahan, which they say: the s-300 failed, they publish about it, they don’t care what happened in reality, they are trying to promote their military establishment in every possible way to discredit russian, for example, at the end of last year, russia moved to third place
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in the supply of military equipment, but it is obvious to everyone that this is because... weapons and military equipment are supplied to the northern military district zone, which is written in the west, which means the world saw the insufficient efficiency of outdated soviet technology, russian, it is inferior to western technology, so they began to buy less, although your footage with a towed leopard and like many other shots, they of course refute this company, but we see that this is a purposeful the information and propaganda line, behind which stands the military-industrial complex, it... has raised its head, and it will invest in this war, it will buy politicians, it will exert pressure, promote its interests, and this is such a fairly significant factor, but money is money, after all, there is ideology, there is understanding, there is culture, no matter how it may seem, perhaps strange in the current circumstances of the abolition of universal
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culture, tomorrow marks the 200th anniversary of immanuel kant, 300. 300 yes to blame 300 yes kanda said that russians are good at mathematics ok, i’m still a humanist, i’m not very good at mathematics, but he was born in 1724, by the way, for more than 4 years he was , by the way, a great russian scientist, but no, he was undoubtedly friendly with russian officers, he even read military architecture and pyrotechnics there according to him , our passport was buried in russia, and he absolutely lived his entire life, and moreover, he is also where the funeral is from time to time.
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physical geography, by the way, he talks about the usefulness of an alliance between russia and china, although he came to the conclusion there in the 18th century, that at that moment it was impossible, but as we see, many ideas turn out to be implemented over time, which previously seemed unrealistic, he also has a lot of nonsense, he is clearly guided by some rumors, conjectures, he retells jokes, but there are very important ones moments that are useful for current politicians, although i ’m not sure that...
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patriotic sentiments, she was considered, well , part of such a western culture, but what else, well, we’ll write criticism of not pure reason, impure reason, yes, he has a lot various works, great works, small treatises, but here is the point that i would still like to dwell on, he writes about the amazing qualities of the russian army, he says: there is an argument about whether russians have a national character, whether it is characteristic of them, says if you want to see. the national character of the russians, look at their army, and he uses some russian words, he has kvass, cabbage soup, and he writes that these are people of the same breed, they... you can see it on their faces, but he saw russian army, he understood what it was, he saw the russian army that took kuniksberg and took
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berlin at that time, and i think that many germans like to see the russian army that berlin takes, they have such a hobby, but it doesn’t change over generations, and kant appreciated this, by the way, and i think that it is appropriate for many western politicians to re-read their great philosophers, whom they have forgotten, because the current generation, it has nothing to do with european politicians, is related to that great europe that created the well-being of the present west, they have no relation there to hegel, to kant, to german classical philosophy, this is something else, this is something produced according to the principle of negative selection, but these here - you can imagine anna lina berbuk reading kant.
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based on his knowledge of the english language, he thinks, what a funny name, they also criticize kant, can you imagine, they also criticize him, they say, he wrote a treatise on eternal peace, and it says there, they say, he was wrong, kant, there is a dogma of sovereignty, that is, many positions that mrs. lena berbuk.
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it must be understood that the escalation will continue, relying on a diplomatic
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settlement can only lead to the nullification of the results of a special military operation, as was the case, by the way, under kant, when the success of russian weapons in taking berlin and kinexberg was then nullified by peter ii, who surrendered everything this, these are the lessons of history that we must remember, even if our western partners. forgets his history and his philosophy, i agree, very accurately, very accurately, for some reason the west generally believes that we do not see all the tricks when macron, the reason they gave, they gave reasons often, well, yes, when macron declares that the french troops are, by the way, the arrival of the french in odessa is now sitting there, so we will wait for a stream of coffins to return, but they say, we need a truce for the olympics, right there for... throwaway, we are ready to invite the russian delegation to normandy, but just let putin not go, normandy, macron, but he studied there somewhere, then we taught, this whole fuss
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reminds me of, well, just some kind of you little confidante, tell your teacher that she taught you badly, this is his wife, please note, i didn’t say this, aleksandrevich, well, i have such a difficult situation, i would like to just. and it’s not that i come here, i stand here alone and tell something somewhere, there are not even thousands of such people, but millions of them,
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there are a lot of them, and the situation.
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this is a man who was vice-president, vice, not president, he was vice-chairman, he was co-chairman of the social democratic party, he was a superminister in the schrödor government, he, in the end, was then the very man who created today's left party, and this is the same person who actually created a new union of sarah wagegnnykh, that is, this is a person who has certain knowledge, very good knowledge about germany, about the german people, about ... society, he says, well, of course, you can sympathize with scholz, but berbock, she surpasses everything our expectations, of course, in a negative sense, because burbok, as correctly, everyone here says and expresses everything correctly, well, the word sovereignty, it’s not that she doesn’t know it, she won’t be able to pronounce it, she wanted to pronounce it here with an unprecedented attack, said instead presidentless attack, talking about iran's attack
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on israel, well, other than that. in one interview she managed to distort everything she could five times, she distorted everything, everyone laughs at her, but she is the minister of foreign affairs , she conducts her policy, and conducts her policy in this way, well , i’ll give you an example, you said here, that biden won everything against trump, so i’m very afraid that something similar will happen in germany, when burback and the greens win everything today against scholz, who seems to be trying a little change the policy. germany and in general to modify it to understand in which direction he should move, he is trying to say something about this, it’s good here, vadim frantsivich remembered kant, a large group of german intellectuals, really intellectuals, gathered to celebrate kant’s tercentenary, in the last moment it was canceled for them, and one of those who was going there for this
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celebration - we are going, but he, of course, says, koenikberg, we are going to koenikberg in several cars, and i wanted to read my speech there at the central square of koenexburg, i will definitely read it, they are on their way now, i don’t know whether they got there or not, just a few days ago willie wiemer, whom you all know well, called me and said: i don’t understand what happened, i i can’t watch artie, i can’t watch artie, because the last thing i watched
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on the internet was cut off by my provider. now i can’t watch what i watched, but how will i find out what’s going on in the world without this, how will i find out the real situation that, which can then be shifted to something that is happening here, and the alternative party for germany, which, well, is not just called a supporter of conspiracy theories, but has actually been placed in the right corner, right-wing extremists, right-wing radicals, find some reasons every time , in order to present this party as such a fascist party, a nazi...
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he was given the opportunity to go on television, he spoke about the position of the alternative for germany party, this duel was planned for 40 minutes, but it lasted more than an hour, and so after that, when the demand in thuringia turned out... that 40% were ready to vote for the alternative for germany party there. 40%. well, of course, this will not happen throughout germany, but probably, if the elections were held next sunday, not today, next sunday, i think a quarter of the german population would vote for this party, no matter how the current government treats it and no matter how the department for protecting the constitution treats this, which defines this party as the one for which needs to be observed.
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8%. the union of values, which did not exist just a few months ago, now already exists, it is already between three and 5%. and this is a union of values, this is the right, the former right wing of the christian democrats, that is, it is also part of this very party. if we sum it all up, and we look at it all, then of course it will be clear that germany is completely heterogeneous, and germany, i’m not saying that all these parties are russophile, they are, of course, not russophile, they are first and foremost think about... the interests of germany and their society, and this is understandable, but from the point of view of today’s global situation, if we talk about ukraine, about the war, about the middle east, then their position is in many ways close to the one that
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is being considered here, at least at least in this circle, i’m not saying that they will necessarily have to pursue russian or russian interests, no, but these are the people who speak and express the correct position from my point of view, if we roughly calculate what i said, those together 30% of the 85 million german population, then we will get a very large number of people who are absolutely not interested in a war with russia, who are absolutely not interested in the united states of america maintaining its own, continuing to be the hegemon, and are absolutely not interested in...
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based on historical experience and knowledge, i understand well that, unfortunately, it is not those who are against who determine the supply of taurus, who determine the fate
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of nato soldiers marching across the land of ukraine, if german friends want russian soldiers in once again i didn’t come to berlin,
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don’t be our enemies. who talks about the need to inflict a strategic defeat on russia? how many germans died from russian weapons attacks on german territory? zero? and how many russians died from the fact that shots were fired across russian territory, in particular from pantsihaus 2000, in particular from leopards, it doesn’t seem to me that the position here is exactly the same as i think you understand my position, now advertising, after i’ll continue it, doctor in the middle of the night. nose, hello, hello, how's your husband?
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you will do something, i will get divorced, angels of the region from monday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we will talk about all issues, slowly, place nuclear weapons, i have already demanded, return the nuclear organ to me , how... things are going on at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles coming, and we have one olesa there, the second tank has flown off, ukropsky, the hero of russia will be in kind, we all today, including myself, to the end, what is he the image of victory for you, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky?
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come visit me, and it’s inconvenient, i’m a widow, i’m not a date, your name is irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, i’m completely out of my mind, veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from, mom, what have you done , the whole village is discussing how you kiss around the streets, and go on visits, lyubov konstantinova, and what’s wrong, well, you fell in love, anna. at the stake, mom, what are you doing, but dad did everything for you, everyone
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thinks so, he didn’t have time to keep his husband ran to a party, why on a party, let's get married, how will we get married, elsa's land, on friday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don't go to the doctor when... we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit everything. body, two
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decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources, take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she he’s digging under you, valera, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, saying that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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the american edition of the new york times asked: is there a place for tanks in the war of the 20th century? they are worried that their abrams in their zone become targets for our drones and burn perfectly. during my next trip to the front, i talked to an amazing man, he was the first commander to be mobilized. there was a special military operation, so he took it and went, and i think that this cannot be stopped, so i spoke with him, with his guys, and it became clear that in the conditions of a modern conflict one cannot do without tanks or coptors, in every type of weapon there is a place for application, let's watch a film about
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legendary formations and an absolutely amazing commander, and then return to the studio. now we are going to the position of the t-90 tank, which is operating from a closed firing position against the enemy. i want to say tanka szopa now tankers have learned to shoot like precision weapons better than artillery, oh handsome guys, where is siper from orenburg kazan, that is, life was so structured that it gathered you
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all in avdeevka, you have been working together for a long time, more than a year, already mobilized for more than a year, no way, commander of a tank company, that is, are you even bigger? started exactly when i graduated on april 28, 2023, that is , very young, exactly, how old? 23, handsome, obama, 25, 31, that is, you command everything here, that is, you teach young people how guys, combatants, we’ve been in the war for what, 8 months, it’s scary, no way, no, with fear, fear, it’s normal, it’s not normal when you start to lose it, but how does this happen for you, it means you’ve prepared a position, there’s a starting point the area in which we move out early in the morning, here we wait for the command to move, we also have positions from which we shoot, we prepare with
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it, report, ready, us, our uav operator is in charge, we shoot, he corrects us , so we hit every target, how many stars have you already... stars filled, how many targets have you i’ve already hit more than twenty palendazhes, there were tank duels, just like direct fire, when the enemy’s armored vehicles, we roll out two or three tanks and start firing at them, the enemy’s armored vehicles mostly move out, a tank and two armored vehicles, that is, you’ve already worked against such people, that's right, they were amazing.
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the conditions of tactical camouflage here make it possible to hide the command post, everything here is underground, more than 500 km have been dug, the battle is controlled from here, in all divisions throughout his many decades of service he was not a tank driver, he only commanded a tank division, i was a reconnaissance officer, i served in various positions in motorized rifle units, i was a tanker, i was a division commander for the first time, i heard on the contrary, but i never ended up like that? ulyanovsk tank, no, well then, well, okay, no, well, then everything is by education, tanks in this war went through the most different stages of comprehension, understanding of the need, development of new tactics when some kind of combat is going on actions, the process is
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mental, scientific, it goes much faster and the technology that is on weapons - it makes no difference, tanks, planes, aviation, what a soldier needs and what he needs to win on the battlefield. the whole country is working for this, well, the whole state, of course, tactics change depending on new weapons, could you imagine at the beginning of the war that the main thing the tanks will do is with additional stages, well, here i want to disagree with you a little, let’s have fun, that means my tanks are working, they can work, they’re working, they’re going out on direct fire, how do you cope, the most important thing is to find him on this is the fpv antidote. but it seems to exist, even despite the fact that there may be some means of combat, they are not always destroyed either, we get them, they are destroyed, we have begun to use them comprehensively, this is aerosol camouflage, and tactical. camouflage of electronic warfare equipment, fire weapons, shotguns, uh, a shotgun -
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this is the last thing a soldier has who will ride on a tank or infantry fighting vehicle as a landing party, shoot down this shotgun, and it is better to make sure that this drone does not take off, i agree , that's why it's organized observation, reconnaissance and preliminary fire engagement of those places where the enemy operators are from. yes, absolutely right, with my means or the means of the regiments there, well , mostly it’s artillery, how many years have you been fighting, one and a half years, no, it’s here, and all your life, all your life, establishing constitutional order in the azerbaijani ussr, that is, this is the first karabakh conflict , no, these are still the sumgayet events, the baku events, this is the year eighty-nine. the first, yes, a lieutenant, a lieutenant, and then two chechens, syria, both chechens, yes, well,
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probably all the conflicts in the post-soviet space, you can’t name a republic, i served in the army for a long time, a lot, for the last 9 years, well, before the start of a joint special operation, before mobilization i was in the reserve, 9 years, retired from the post of brigade commander, in any case the army didn’t give up on me, if anyone is offended, at that time, they all gave positive characteristics at the level of both the command and the commander of the district troops, so it turns out that you are the first division commander to be mobilized, it turns out like this, that means we are at the control point, everything is displayed on video, now in real life...
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in usa there is a jaeger brigade, well, they are also serious guys, of course they are already the same, but serious, we have spoiled their nerves now, before that there were fifty the third brigade, it was brought to the point of reorganization, it left, there are not enough of them left, they have some kind of tanks , which means that the tanks in my direction are mainly t-64 t-64 of our type, well, modernized, respectively, from the neighbor on the right. the appearance is noted, i have bmp and bradley, and marder, everything is as it should be, what causes
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trouble the most is from their technology, from their technology, but by and large, there’s nothing supernatural, there’s nothing like that, the subordination of the head of unmanned aircraft to unmanned aircraft, he has a lot of them now, wait, i’m probably, i’m probably , i hear something wrong, how many, the usual phrase there is nothing, there are a million enemies, we have... what is happening? tell me, in terms of personnel, how many officers, soldiers, sergeants do you have on staff who belong to your department? directly according to the personnel staff 922 people, wow, 64 officers, the rest are sergeants, powerful, but they have something to fight with, so exactly, what do they have now?
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we are organized here. well done, he does 3d modeling, develops various parts of any volume, any format. now i’m developing it and restoring it. well, you see here the fastenings are broken, all of them are broken now, that’s all.
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yes, i would even like to thank the ukrainian army for the supply of drones, thank you very much, keep working, we walked around with nazi flags, with symbols, now they say what we have, well, they have something like there is no such thing and so on, they also literally brought it the other day, now where is it, the guys also shot it down, that is, this is a fact, that’s it. there are also drones more than once with similar symbols development development, the most important thing is that it is safe, when you tighten the ring, it goes off with a starting explosion, it goes off with us, that is, with a special handle, it falls out already, that is, without this fuse, yeah, and of course it already works in the air and explodes upon impact, there’s a fairly necessary terzharka here,
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because here the plastic shrinks and so on. here they are literally printed, then our comrades process them, assemble them, solder the boards, insert them, how many per day do you have them, well, they work around the clock, that is, one coil is enough for about 15 zaniks from one, that is, they work for me 12 pieces, i am printing them, we are faced with the task of increasing the flight range of unmanned aerial vehicles. e with the help of technical literature for the rise of universities, which dates back to the period of the ussr across reception and transmitting devices we manufacture receiving and transmitting devices for different frequencies, frequencies, how far can you swing it, how far do you fly? well, now they are manufactured, but for now, that
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is, in the near future, we are sending these copies to...
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it wasn’t the soldering iron in his hands that was great, no, that is , first he stormed or what, what was the supply regiment doing, where was he wounded, the iron leg, well established, yes, well, alive, the most important thing, alive whole, we need to work, this is what we are doing here now, at least it saves lives, helps once again, this is a good deed, awards, well, valor in... this is a layout of the area, here we organize interaction before certain actions, the same layouts, but a little smaller, respectively, they are in the regiments, there they organize interaction up to the driver, the commander of the assault group, that is, we achieve that so that, like
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every soldier, he knows his maneuver, that is , the military looks at the map in... absolutely and sees the war differently always three-dimensionally absolutely absolutely always the heights are low, of course, you need to understand if there is a dominant height here, if... i’m here i will send my tanks and will not cover this right flank with something; i will not have these tanks, well , since you have tanks, this means that you take into account how the officer corps is now, the officer corps is now studying, let’s say the junior level, a lot is assigned uh. military personnel who have higher education, are appointed to primary positions, assigned officer ranks, well , they already have to learn in combat, well, the overall level of education and
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life experience is high, yes, one can say so, yes this is there is, well, i want to say, even if not everyone has it, but a very large significant percentage has motivation, well, i have an assistant: the head of kabla, uh, in civilian life he was the director of a club in the village, but he has a higher education, that’s it he was an ordinary director of the club, everything else, now that ’s how many will come, he and a lieutenant, but in the village it’s, well, great, right, they have motivation even in this regard, that he comes, he went to the front to the soldiers , six months passed there, a year, it doesn’t matter, he came, and how is it for parents? but for neighbors in the village, how is this, and if he also has a military award, everything, what percentage of awarded divisions, and practically everything and more than once, is deserved, yes, in this regard, i, my
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personal opinion, if a person does not deserve it, i won’t introduce him, if he deserves it, he will be presented with a state award, the vordans have the chest, that’s enough. which is the most expensive, but truly for courage, this is still for, this is still ninety, transnistria, in short, ninety- third, in my opinion, or ninety-four, i wish you good health, hunter, that’s right, its did you bring it? yes, i worked with it at home, i worked at home, yes, i brought this one back from vacation, what did i pick up, what do you use, shot, buckshot, small
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shot, that is, light shot, yes, that’s right, it’s different, i immediately prepared it, and what do you want? goes in better, fine-grained, buckshot, here 's tutai, uh-huh, more chances to hit, i've already knocked down a couple of them - last week i shot down a couple of them with fwid, well done, and it's not enough for you that they only posted two, no, well, we still have a few shooters there , we have three shooters, well , it’s just that the army is now supplying boars, we maybe you got a choice, or you and your assistant, i’m more comfortable with this, if i quickly throw off the machine gun, but the machine gun is with my back, if i quickly changed something, well , by the way, that’s right, if the men are hunters, which is what they’re used to, then that’s it work.
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what determines an illiterate person from a good commander, what is the difference between a competent commander and a great commander? well, a great commander must have a gift, foresight, so he must lead, and well, i don’t know who the dad is there. god, i don’t know who chooses this business, but if all these qualities there are people there on a subcutaneous basis, on a genetic basis, and he then develops them in the course of his service, starting there from the commander of the divorce and ending there, well
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, to whomever he rises, he improves himself, then yes, in computer science there, all these innovations, but i understand that maybe this is not entirely clear to me, because i have a different school, everything else. but i understand that if i don’t do this, if i don’t understand it, i won’t use it, and give me anything, so i have to do this, i i don't even know how much. there is a decibel and everything else, but i then asked that it was found, you explain to me, so that i can then collect it all, all my means in a pile and use it correctly, judging by the way it flies from that side, they feel shell hunger or there is a shortage of something else, which means there is a shortage of shells; if before they shot at everything that moved, now they don’t, now they pick them up, shoot them, well, they work competently. but such a quantity is not
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observed, and even six months ago they had much more, how many how long a tank lives in battle now, you can calculate not the average, but the general arithmetic, take the time, all the tanks, divide by the losses by the remaining ones, everything else, no, again, one tank, crew, not a tank, crew. there are tankers who have been fighting since the first day, have gained experience, and everything seems to be fine, i say, it all depends on, i don’t divide by average, so this, well, i think it’s not entirely correct, the survivability of the tank, it allows to survive the crew and complete the combat mission, you can at least come up with a tank with vertical take-off and it won’t it will work, but i have the resulting upgraded one.
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psychologically, physically, no matter what you give, nothing will work. we are in the village of avdeevka, we carried out combat missions on the western outskirts of the village, destroyed the enemy in the forest belt, during the execution of the task, we liberated about 3 km of territory from the enemy, athlete. well, i do a little work, in my free time, with my hands, so exactly what i do, barbells, squats, bench presses, powerlifting, so exactly what i’ve achieved, candidate i was a master of sports at one time, handsome, i’m still supporting him, i’ve been in the regime for a long time, 150 maximum result, a promising regiment commander, recently appointed, yes, of course, he can, if you need to lift a tank, maybe, maybe, but he, i want to say one more thing that's why the head works.
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that means they liberated 3 square kilometers, and this also means you are from thin from thin and advanced from avdeevka so exactly 12 km, well, how exhausted is the nazi resistance? sometimes it gets so fierce that the enemy doesn’t move away for days, until we create the preconditions for a semi-circle, the environment only comes out after that, but in any case, sometimes it runs right away, because they can’t dig like in avdievka... so far they haven’t succeeded, but that’s right, why are you rewarding the crew? during the execution of a combat mission of an offensive nature, they moved out from the initial area for the offensive, took out the assault group, during the advance they dismantled a shelter in the forest belt, destroyed up to five manpower, later, after dismounting the personnel in the forest belt, they noticed a tank in a neighboring forest belt, as a result of the ensuing battle at...
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t-80 bv marriage and heroism shown in battles with the nazis, by decree of the president of the russian federation, you were awarded orders to the crew. so i congratulate everyone on state awards, the first award, it’s so true, it’s clear, it’s clear why they failed two at once, they’ve been waiting for the award for so long, i think we need to be on the safe side, the crew is a fighting family, i look at them, tank crews, they, the tank is on fire ,
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they don’t abandon it, they extinguish it to the last, evacuate it, as i say, the struggle for survivability ship, so we are fighting for the survivability of the tank, well done, they never abandon each other, they help. guys, success to you in the future, here 's to the speedy completion of the joint military operation of our victory and we'll meet at home , have you been working with such a crew for a long time? well, yes, it’s been quite a while, that is , we’ve worked together just fine, we already understand each other, who noticed the tank? i noticed and the mechanic, we understood that ours couldn’t be there, they decided to shoot, did he shoot first or you? no, we, he didn’t even have time to react. of course, that is, you are with him the first one was taken down, yes, exactly where they hit it, under the tower, but that is, there is no option, yes, that is, the tower flew away, no, it just burned out, burned out, well, that is, the ammunition began to explode, yes, that is, it was not empty, if not, bradley
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began to leave, we noticed her, noticed, we noticed bradley when we began to roll back, that is, bradley did not try to enter the battle, no, she immediately began to retreat, so we hit her... and released the clouds , turned around and went to the original area, that is, you covered yourself with smoke and left, and where did you get the bullshit from one, no, from one, the second in charge was already in the infantry, but everything depended on you, they can think whatever they want about themselves, but the mechanic still takes everyone out, brings everything in, everything is on it, a very big task of the crew of everything, of course, everyone important. you’ve been serving for a long time, the second year has already started, that is, mobilized, no, volunteers, volunteers, exactly where from, buryatia, chelyabinsk, krasnoyarsk, we met here, yes, of course, here at the training ground, the crew is selected, that’s who decides who
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ends up , no one decides here, we kind of we communicate with the personnel, who, how, well, who comes closer, yes, how, how will the commander react to this? when you find a common language with people, you already understand perfectly well, well , you decide, of course, but why did you go to the cobra volunteers? yes, i looked at her somehow, i think they’re coming, i think i’m a redhead or something , i’ll sit, i’ll also go and help as best i can, family, of course, family, child, my wife said politely, my wife and i sat and talked, as it were, of course, i was against it, but in the end i agreed. as without this , how much more money is there in the army than i earned in citizen? well, comparable to also less, no
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, more, of course, i had enough money for a civilian, my needs are not so great, that is, just, well, yes, just help, but you didn’t finish off my grandfather, we will finish off. i also have doubts that i have a family, children , i worked, well, as if i had enough money, i also went, there are a lot of friends, comrades, nephews here, but why will i be on the sidelines, i also decided, well, i’ve been in the army since 2008, with a contract, yes, i have there are breaks, there was a break before mine, well then i realized, well, this break, mine began, i i just volunteered everything. here the 239th regiment was advancing, here of course, it was timid for two weeks, very serious, they advanced from house to house, there was special artillery, but very close, only a shooting battle, and how many
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people were holding this street, here, that means they changed , well, in total, up to 30 people at a time. it would seem that it was quite a bit, yes, but for us here, too , it won’t be more than thirty, the whole war is broken up into such small fragments, yes, ours were sitting here, and he was hammering on them here, that is, ours were sitting in the basement, and this one the tank hammered at them, and the basement survived, the most interesting thing is that people remained alive, yes, people remained alive, they then burned it , you look from above, yes, everything seems to be destroyed, just like that you are going, no, defend, defend, here on the left side. for about three days, well, this is just our entrance from the forest, and here for three days there was a felling here, it changed hands several times, this is exactly this house, right here. here they had a checkpoint stronghold, it also
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passed from the hands of the wolves two or three times, well, here they had machine gunners, snipers, one the machine gunner of one group took fire for himself, distracted this checkpoint, well, let's call it that, the group walked around the guard, and the guard was using a grenade launcher right there, there is a window right there, he went right there then, that is, the grenade launcher hit here, right, right? they came in from this side, they approached, from this side the assault group established a foothold about 100-150 meters away, a shooting battle began, they came up, well, they drove right into point blank range from here and here, then they jumped in, i was just working here with two commanders of assault groups, call sign cross, this is the 239th regiment and asiat, here a cross was walking on the ground, and there was another group alone. the group walked through a pipe and came out somewhere there, there was a cross, yes, the cross went
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like this, the asian was just destroying this one , he came in from the back, but they remember the video when the 239th regiment puts a flag on the administration, this is exactly here, this is this reconnaissance group, yes. at what point did you understand that the army, that you would go to serve in the army, and as long as i can remember, i always wanted to be someone, some kind of military man, well, as a child , a sailor, there, there’s someone, someone, someone... then, well , what’s in the military is always slorov’s school, no, dad didn’t let me in, he said, will you have time to put on your boots? what rank did your father reach? midshipman, the chief foreman of the ship was, grandfather ivan
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mikhailovich, this is my worthy historical figure, he was the deputy commander of the cavalry regiment in the first cavalry, and semyon mikhailovich was personally acquainted with kliment efremovich forshilov, but he did not see the first world war, the first no, in the seventeenth, yes, the reds came, yes, yes, that is, he was not immediately in the reds due to his age, yes, well, he is nine years old. why did he stay in the army, because in some the moment it already seemed, well, i like it, i like it, but at the same time there must be colossal inner confidence and motivation, yes, yes, that is, that is why you cannot fight if you do not believe that your cause is just, you will not win, you will not win.
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that's all, see you tomorrow. listen, there will be another performance tonight, let's go. wait, are you serious, nadya, you said that you didn’t like bears. no, dad, on the contrary, really liked it. and why do you go a second time? not just for this sake, what kind of stupidity is that? once is enough enough, no one will go anywhere anymore. come on, admit it, why do you want to go a second time? maybe because... maybe i really want to see the clown again, well, this looks like the truth, well, how i
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performed, as always, excellent, well, excellent, which one do you like better, this one, this one, this one, well that's it, dad will buy it, well, yes, it looks like a clown, one to one, by the way, i have...
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nastya, everything is fine there, yes, mom, yes, let's wash our hands and have lunch, okay, okay, hello, natasha, hi, it’s okay, i’m going to feed nastya, but what’s wrong with my voice and mood? disgusting, i don’t know, everything just infuriates me. no, there are no special reasons. natasha, come on later, otherwise i need to continue fulfilling my maternal duties. okay, go ahead. nastya, here you go, how many times can i call you? nastya, nastya,
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she was a good girl, she always said hello. what do you mean was? do you even think what you are saying, what you are talking about, calm down, it will be found, nastya, why are you throwing yourself at people, listen, don’t reassure me, better go and find your daughter, here she is, nastya, god, nastya, where have you been, where were you, in the circus, in the circus, she was in the circus, that's it, let's go home, we'll sort it out there, yes, and you're punished, yurochka, calm down, everything's fine, nothing happened, sorry, before you start a riot, it's better watch the child. yes, please forgive me, once again, that’s it, lights out, i’ve found you, girl , it looks like it’s turning out very nicely, i like it, nastya, but you understand that you
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were rightly punished, and for what, i didn’t take your money, what does money have to do with it? you acted irresponsibly, sometimes you have to think not only about my desires, but about me and my mother, we almost went crazy, you still wouldn’t have taken me to the circus, i had to, i had to see him, who, the clown, yes, you won’t understand, why, i understand, no, you and mom don’t understand, okay, well, if you want to share, i’m ready to listen, okay? yeah, i ’ll think about it, dad, dad, yes, nastyuzh, and if i’m punished, then i won’t even have a birthday, and we’ll look at your behavior, okay, dad,
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i love you, i love you too. ira, ira, are you all right? and what? well, lately it’s been kind of sad, whether? i wonder why i should have fun? why should you be sad? sash, i'm actually trying
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to meditate. can i come with you too? “do what you want, nastya, nastya, what happened, you fell, but no, no, no, i ’m fine, everything’s fine, what’s good is that you did it here, well, i wanted to be like a clown in the circus, but the bucket jumped out of me, because you have to think with your head before you pull off such tricks, oh well, nothing happened, nothing happened, but she almost crashed, she doesn’t sleep, she has school tomorrow, come on, go wash up and be in bed in 5 minutes, ira, why are you swearing, well , she liked the clown, she imitates him, that’s normal, that’s normal, what do you mean you didn’t crash because of some idiotic clown, mom, mom, he’s not an idiot, nastya, one more
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word, you ’ll never go to the circus again, so ira, nastya, nastya, mom doesn’t swear, she was just very scared, and you can understand her, yes, i know, excuse me, i won’t do this again, that’s it, i’m sorry! oh, sasha, sasha, that’s it, please, don’t, so, like this, never do it, let’s go wash up, nastenka, happy birthday to you, i wish all your dreams come true. thank you, grandpa, you will come to my holiday, for sure, nastya, well, finish, we'll be late now, okay, grandpa, i missed you, i miss
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you too, okay, we need to get ready, congratulations again, kiss, run, uh-huh, nastya, wait, why did you put on this dress, i don’t understand, i hung another one for you, it’s hanging in... the room, on a hanger, in a visible place, mom, i thought this dress would look more beautiful on me, let’s do this, while you are 10 years old, i will decide what is beautiful and what is not, okay, you have 3 minutes to change clothes, otherwise i will cancel everything, and you still need to comb your hair, ira, why are you doing this, it’s her birthday , let him wear whatever he wants, come on, you won’t blow my mind now either, or together bring me to my white knees, no one is blowing your mind, so let him go, then he’ll change his clothes, you also change your tie,
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energetically, well, if of course if you don’t want to lose your family, great, find a lover so as not to lose your family, yes, yes, well, don’t rush, think about my words, yes, i ’m not even going to think about this nonsense, okay, that’s it, let’s go, attention, and now the main point... what kind of birthday, what kind of cake, surprise cake?
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my god, what vulgarity! you might want to consult me ​​first before ordering this clown! ira, it was a surprise! i understand that this is a surprise, but still , you should have discussed it with me first. enough to sort things out? i hope you won't ruin nastya's birthday? which means i’m ruining everything, well, dad, thank you!
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now this key is yours, it is magical. he will open any door, the main thing is to believe, wishes are not like that, they come true, let’s blow out the candle now, look how naska likes it,
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you almost managed not to spoil your daughter’s holiday, dad, stop it, i’ll go to nastya. sasha, i was wrong, forgive me, please don’t be angry, everything is fine, well, you really organized such an amazing holiday, you tolerate me with my quirks, you are the best, i’m sorry, what’s in the envelope? this is the clown's fee, yes, hello, hello, yes, yes, i'm listening to you, please forgive me, you're the clown, yes, we didn't recognize you, no, well, thank you great, everything was just wonderful, oh,
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you... thank you very much, i tried very hard, yes, my daughter is absolutely delighted with you, you know, she even ran away from home once just to look at you, yes, i know, your husband told me when he asked me to perform for his birthday, it’s clear, well, you wouldn’t want to run away, i’ll run away, well, yes, to you, you’re making jokes. “you know, yes, sometimes you really want to run away, although no, i’m also joking, well, forgive me, forgive me, these are just fantasies, clowns also fantasize sometimes, but if you suddenly want to go for a walk, you need some company, i’ll be happy to make one for you, here you go, this is my business card, take it, take it, thank you, but would you
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leave your phone number?” “8917 544 39 42 goodbye, see you later, so what? ” , i saw everything, great guy, just what you need, stop it, he gave me a business card, he flirted, my god, he’s cute, so, did you like him? holiday, yes, very much, especially dad’s gift, when the clown appeared, oh my god, this clown again, i don’t know, it looks like our daughter fell in love, well, even if so, this very good, of course, okay, let 's get ready, let's go home, dad, can i see you for a second, please, i don't understand, you have secrets from me, there are no secrets, okay, let's not be long, dad, look how
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handsome the key was given by the clown, yes, very handsome, well, what were you talking secretly about today with nastya in the cafe, about nothing, but you were right, our daughter fell in love, yes, yeah, tired, oh, very... and i have an offer for you. sasha, let’s not today, really, i’m falling off my feet. and i'm talking about tomorrow evening. i have already agreed with natasha, and she will take nastya. and you and i will have a romantic evening in a restaurant. is it true? yes. how amazing. thank you,
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dear. premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov is black, i won’t miss next time, alexander ropok. take off the handcuffs, tomorrow under escort to apartment number 20, okay? anna mikhalkova, assigned one to the police, another. for all of you, maybe fyodor lavrov will kill or beat you up, look how beautiful it is! what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that means i this is not direct, the angels of the region, from
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monday on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to relax... be able to, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except for our heads, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday in sleorres. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here this is all. to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there are questions about how everything is running, wow , i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking one.
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look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look, there you go look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose you're home, soldier, who are you? you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make today, and russia comes and the city lives,
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boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. aunt natasha, you remember that i have to go to art school today.
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and oh, here i am, they shouldn’t have come, i was just about to leave, i just don’t like it when people are late, forgive me, for god’s sake, i’ll make amends, where will we go, where do you like to go, to the circus, just kidding, just kidding, good one. it’s creepy, but we’re not going to the circus, there’s an excellent restaurant nearby called shepito, come on, come on, hey, hey, where are you going with your hands, hands, this is a penalty, i accidentally, of course, by chance, hello, hello, mommy, hello , look at the beautiful clown i drew, do you like it, yes, very beautiful, well done, wait, i don’t understand why she’s not in bed yet? nastya, sasha, can’t you
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deliver the child on time if i’m late? ira, it’s still early, isn’t it early? dad, you promised that we would, well, play football until the score is tied, well, of course, we’ll play, and then we’ll go to bed. yeah, i’ll just put the drawing, well, what happened, maybe we won’t talk. sasha, please don't pester me now, okay. dad, we're playing, dad, we're playing, yes, of course, let's play, let's go, it's 1:0, i'm leading to two, okay, you're already approaching, now i'll come out and meet you, hello, sit here, wait, dad, do you think he'll like my
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drawing? i’m sure, but you, you ’re upset because of your mom, what makes you think that? dad, well, i see everything, that you and mom often quarrel, i ’m not little anymore, well, yes, you’re already very grown up, you’re 10 years old, actually i’m over ten, well, yes, exactly, let’s talk about it later let's talk about this. and you want it too, who has the balls, this is his door, yes, yes, yes, wait, wait, well, first you need to knock.
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nastya. later


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