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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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goodbye, we started, so, let's, let's, with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so... morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. russian troops attacked
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a concentration of troops of the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction. more than 350 ukrainian militants and armored strongholds were destroyed in the avdiivka sector. the united states will be able to resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of this week. we are talking about atacoms missiles. ukrainians are not manages to integrate into german society. they no longer want to accept refugees from the independent states. the level of the tabol river in the tyumen region rose by 80 cm in one day. the situation is difficult in the ishinsky district. and today marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of the famous philosopher immanuel kant. and we start with the situation in the special operation zone. in the ovdeevsky direction, over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, more than one was destroyed.
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this is the combat work of the crews of the t-90m breakthrough tanks, they supported the actions of the assault groups, another stronghold of the kiev formations have already acquired our cities in the northern sector. a powerful blow was delivered immediately after receiving the exact coordinates of the targets, then the rszz crew quickly left the firing position. the enemy positions were also attacked by su-34 fighters, they fired with unguided aerial bombs with a special planning module, which allows for precise strikes from a safe distance. russian units are acting as a united front, artillery, drones, aviation and of course assault groups. our war
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correspondent is eduard punnigov. south donetsk direction, outskirts of volnavakha. the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye is working here on the front line. in this footage , an assault unit conducts reconnaissance in force. soldiers consistently clear out fortified enemy positions. you see, in the trench, the battle has already begun, now they will throw grenades, you see. one is here, and one is not visible, the group is led by the famous commander saval. in this battle , there are only two attack aircraft on our side, while the enemy has eight soldiers. all the time we try to work in small numbers, when we come in their support workers, their it’s not really visible, they ’re hiding behind the board, my fighters are getting there, and there’s heavy fire. stormtroopers usually work in small groups, move in short bursts, and try to enter from the flanks. the worst thing is that. they always
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have these birds of theirs ready, which are thrown from the air, so we always choose such a trajectory in order to quietly get to their rear, until they understand that it is not them, but us, so to speak, it was already too late, we are starting to clean up, one of the participants in this battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign greek, according to him, we had to work under heavy enemy fire, the greek then received a shrapnel wound in the leg, but still continued to carry out the assigned task, the commander prepares us very well for battle. creates an imitation of a battle, almost the same as what was there, well, in principle, we were already prepared for this. another participant in the battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign zema. movement, ground, inconvenience, because there are craters, boards, sticks everywhere, you stumble, this was the main difficulty, that you don’t have much time to look at your feet. soldiers captured several soldiers were interrogated, fed, that he was really so hungry here, damn it, eat, eat, don’t pay attention. the stormtroopers
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are now recuperating in training camp. assault squads are always in full combat readiness, even during breaks between missions; they conduct training every day, working out a variety of scenarios that can be useful in real combat. soval's group is preparing for the next assault operation. in a couple of days , the soldiers will go to the front line again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead south donetsk direction. and now the situation is with record floods, which by this minute have already flooded over. the flood record from seven years ago has been broken. in the morning, early evacuation was announced in two more villages in the tyumen region. and in kurgan,
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the flood situation is stabilizing. overnight , the tabola level dropped by 6 cm. however, the state of emergency remains under water in the region with more than 200 houses. details from disaster zones from ksenia usultseva and albert musin. the ishim river continues to update its historical maximum. water level is over 10.5 m. a giant stream cuts off the populated areas of the ishim region from communications. this happened with the village of koshkaragai. just a few hours ago we drove through here unhindered in our car, but after some time we can now see enough. it is difficult to get through, the car is literally blown away, the wave rises very high, in kashkaragai itself it is dry, but the water is gradually rising, rescuers, local and specialists from udmurtia, have been working here for several days, helping people evacuate, in the neighboring village of makarova the ministry of emergency situations are also preparing for the flood and local residents
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are pouring bags, placing them in the path of the water, the water is already entering some gardens, people are not waiting, the wolf family took out everything valuable, a lot is left, but there is no time to hesitate, they are evacuating to the temporary detention center. we started preparing everything within a week, there was a lot of things, furniture, furniture was taken there to the cultural center in rovnitsk, well , they helped you, everyone helped, and in general everyone here was great, volunteers, great guys, they helped, after some time they are waiting for water in obad area, they continue to strengthen embankments on the federal highway, now it is organized reverse movement, they notify the population, 2.0 - that means half of our residents may... be hit by the elements, these are 1066 houses, we notified the population about the need to take measures. alexander mor also inspected the protective structures in obadsky; the regional governor paid special attention to the tyumen-omsk highway. it is
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what connects the east and west of the country. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. in kurgan the most popular, from here you can see the flooded right bank and here , every day, under the howl of sirens, people watch changes in water level. tobol has dropped below 10 m. this is now the main news in all kurgan public pages. people hope that the peak of the flood has passed. despite the first good forecasts, the threat of flooding remains. experts monitor the condition of the dump around the clock, and citizens are preparing supplies of sandbags in case of breakthroughs. that's when here yesterday. 100 people began to leak water until 2 am or 12 am they are here about 100 people, where these women worked, helped along the front, installing additional fences, indeed now we have rallied not only look how many students, show business stars,
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natives of kurgan are sending words of support to their fellow countrymen who are in trouble, i want to support everyone who is forced to be evicted from their homes, i hope that no one gets hurt, i wish this for you, my parents live too now in kurgan. rescuers, police and volunteers continue to patrol the flooded areas of the regional center on boats, provide assistance to local residents and save animals. we saved more than 100 dogs and a huge number of cats. i'm begging you please find the owners, take your animals. we are very grateful to the rescuers and the ministry of emergency situations, you guys are like that, you are doing a great job, thank you very much, you are protecting us. we are very scared, but we believe that we will survive everything and everything will be fine. however , the water level will drop below the level of a dangerous phenomenon no earlier than in a couple of weeks, and the tobol, according to forecasts, will finally return to its native channel only by mid-may. albert musin, tsarildyev, gennady lugunov, elena goleeva. news from the kurgan region.
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now about the rescue operation in the magadan region, in gertner bay more than twenty fishermen found themselves on a broken ice floe. everything happened suddenly. as a result. labor and its significance for the life of society, this is what is talked about in these moments in class when talking about important things. schoolchildren are told about different areas of the labor market and are introduced to the activities of student fighters. they were the ones who became the guests of the classes. student teams worked on the construction of the vostochny cosmodrome and the creation of a unique fast neutron reactor brest in seversk. and among tomsk and novosibirsk high school students also have those who have already tried their hand at work teams. they contain teenagers from 14 years old and for many this is an opportunity to find their first job. the conversation was timed to coincide with labor day,
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which will be celebrated in the country on may 1. today marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of the famous philosopher immanuel kant. an international congress is opening in kaliningrad in honor of one of the most famous natives of the city. scientists from a dozen and a half countries came to it. about kant's paradoxes, the legends that surround his name to this day, how they preserve his memory, reportage. the pencil portrait of twenty-seven-year-old kant is one of a kind. in the 18th century there was no photography yet, and practically no other images of the future great thinker at a young age have survived. here is the medal given to kant by the students on his sixtieth birthday, which they cast with their own funds. the renovated museum of the ancient cathedral has collected about 200 rare exhibits telling about the personality of the philosopher. during the seven years' war, when russian troops entered könecksberg, here in in the cathedral, all residents of the city
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took an oath of allegiance to the russian empress, the most famous city resident emmanuel kant also swore allegiance to elizabeth petrovna, he remained a subject of the russian empire until the end of his days. kaliningrad cantovet valentin balonovsky wrote a book: kant is simple, although it was difficult to understand the philosopher, he never left his native city, and at the same time he could embrace the whole world with his mind. he was first of all respected throughout the world for his geographical discoveries, that is, a person who essentially invents such a subject as physical geography, which discovered the mystery of the origin of trade winds and monsoons, was able to penetrate the mysteries of the universe, and kanti had many legends, one of them said that his daily lunch meal lasted several hours and took place among friends, he talks about this interactive composition lunch at kant's, where guests talked about various world news, but not about philosophy, of course, cod with potatoes,
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emmanuel kant loved cod very much, in the window there was a camisole tailored to the figure of the thinker, he was short in stature, only 157 cm, they said that he was a dandy and wore suits in the latest fashion, students called him the elegant master, kant said this, it’s really better to be a fool according to fashion than a fool according to me, scientists came to kaliningrad for the three hundredth anniversary of emmanuel kant. from 15 countries at the international congress, in addition to classical philosophy, they will also discuss the problems of the development of artificial intelligence and neural networks. marina naumova, evgeny bikish, alexander naumov, ivan kireev, lead kaliningrad. the us may resume military operations by the end of this week supplies for ukraine. we are talking about atakons missiles. about this and more immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. cnop gin
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tuxedo. and i begin. zakharov, and that was for me, it’s probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets are told, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov. on sunday at prt. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy, you and your husband go to the seaside, on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem can be cured
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by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d. you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a holiday romance, forget it, i’m not like the hotel she’s in, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lenya jealous, what do you have with my wife, your marriage is bursting at the seams, sea overseas premiere, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, don’t think about it, on saturday on rtr . where is your homeland, my brother, and whose are you? homeland, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make, and russia comes and the city lives,
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program boris korchevnikov, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtf. you watch the news, we continue the release. in the donetsk direction, powerful strikes were carried out by crews of d-20 howitzers on strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. shot! the firing range of these guns at fully charged, over 17 km when fully charged, and the rate of introduction of fire is up to five rounds per minute. our hurricanes became one of the most formidable and effective weapons in battles with the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of the rocket launcher systems struck a blow to the concentration of manpower of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction. over the past 24 hours , about 50 ukrainian militants were killed in this area. meanwhile, at
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the rehabilitation center at the kirov military medical academy, the participants in the special operation were awarded 37. state awards, orders of courage, medals for courage, for bravery and suvorov. the servicemen were also given housing documents. those who, after being wounded , decided to continue serving in new positions, military registration and enlistment offices or military units of the ministry of defense, will be provided with housing in selected regions. the us may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of this week, which will include attack missiles. this was stated by the head of the us senate intelligence committee. mark warner, who says he wants to send long-range missiles to ukrainian militants, prescribes a bill to allocate $61 billion to the zelensky regime. the document is expected to be considered in the senate tomorrow and, if approved , will be presented to president joe biden for signature. the vote in the american congress has already been welcomed by nato secretary general en stoltenberg. according to him, the united states is not yet late in pumping
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ukraine with weapons. it's not too late, but the delay has had real consequences. russia has had much more ammunition for months. the ukrainians lack artillery shells at a ratio of 1:5 and even 1:10. the us package will help them shoot down russian missiles, hold the front line and carry out deep strikes against russian military targets. meanwhile, the german bundestag expressed concern that the package of military assistance to kiev from the united states may be the last, as the newspaper writes. tager spiegel, deputies intend to increase pressure on chancellor olaf scholz so that he agrees to transfer a new batch of weapons to ukraine, including taurus missiles. at the same time. germany no longer wants to accept ukrainian refugees, who are now actively leaving their native country on the eve of total mobilization. as
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reichard sager reported to the german district association, ukrainians could not be integrated into german society; the official recommended that they move to poland and that they should not come to europe at all. us president joe biden may lose the support of muslims in the upcoming elections, according to the tv channel. nbc this will happen if biden signs the bill on military aid to tel aviv and thereby cause even greater anger among those americans who speak out in defense of the residents of the gas sector. meanwhile, the israeli military inflicted new strikes on rafah, more than twenty civilians were killed there. israeli prime minister netanyahu said that in the coming days the army will increase pressure on the militants. sergei poshkov and alexander belibov report on the situation in the middle east. iranian weapons. differs tenfold in power, accuracy and destructive effect from the weapons that hamas produced in the gaza strip , this ballistic missile, shot down
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over the dead sea, carried a stock of explosives weighing 450 kg. results of a direct iranian attack on israeli territory, in the hundreds drones and missiles on the night of april 14, today the main topic for analytical army departments is that what happened once can happen again, given the fact that our pilots worked very professionally and that the air defense system, which has been developed over the years, understands that there is such a threat from iran, we were able to repel this attack very effectively. israel promised to respond; on friday night, local media reported that an air force base in iran was attacked from the air. israel has not officially claimed responsibility for raid, but there is talk of an inevitable and powerful military response to tehran. political circles of the country have ceased. obviously, a major regional war is off the agenda, but the global confrontation with the islamic
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republic remains. iran is a long-time enemy of israel. the iranian authorities, the iranian regime constantly declares that their goal is the destruction of israel. therefore , israel, in strategic terms, has long been thoroughly prepared to protest and confront iran, both at distant and near borders. check northern, near borders. the israeli defense minister arrived at the border with lebanon. if there is no war with iran, then a war with the lebanese shiite group hezbollah is obviously on the agenda. the air duel with militants has not stopped since last october. the population of a number of northern israeli cities has been evacuated since the fall. we are increasing the readiness of our forces with a focus on offensive operations. the fight against iranian expansion does not stop for a minute. she is walking at this moment.
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for the israeli army in washington is increasingly demonstrating dissatisfaction. the joe biden administration has made it clear that it will impose sanctions against the israeli military, the netzchach judah battalion, recruited from representatives of the orthodox jewish communities. the battalion's soldiers are suspected of violating the rules of war and of cruelty to civilians. obviously, us support for israel is no longer unconditional. alexander ivanyok, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. after a short relative calm, israeli troops again intensified military operations in
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the gaza strip. massive air strike the southernmost city of the palestinian enclave of rafah on the border with egypt was hit, where, as a result of the bombing, one of the shells completely destroyed an apartment building. these children were sleeping, what did they do, what was their fault? pregnant women at home, children sleeping, aunties? for 80 years now, what this woman has done, she has launched rockets. according to the palestinian ministry of health , at least 22 people were killed as a result of this attack, many of them children. clearing the rubble at the attack site continued throughout the night. of course, the house was residential. approximately 30-40 people live in this house. yesterday, five dead were taken out. now we work hard since the morning. we managed to recover seven more dead. since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict in october last year in the sector. more than 34 thousand people have already died in gaza as a result of israeli strikes, and most of them had nothing to do with hamas. in hanyunyunis, near the nasser hospital, a mass
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grave was discovered from... at night a bulldozer drove near our house, it was abnormal, and we felt that it crashed into the house, every times when the army enters the camp, i'm afraid, in the nurshams refugee camp, as a result of one of these raids, according to local sources, 14 people were killed, several dozen more were arrested by israeli security forces on charges of links to the hamas movement. local residents complain that soldiers come to their homes every night looking for those who may sympathize with the militants. we have no light or water since the camp was stormed; the electricity was cut off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat. we've run out of bread and milk. the level of tension on the israeli border is not decreasing either. here, in response to the shelling of southern lebanon, the ashite-lebanese hazbal faction responds with targeted strikes on
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the position. israeli troops located in the border strip. meanwhile, israel does not seem to have abandoned plans for a large-scale offensive in the south of the enclave. the day before , the head of the general staff of the tsakhal announced that they had approved plans to continue the war in the southern direction. this is indirectly confirmed by the renewed airstrikes on rafah, and then that israeli troops are now massing armored vehicles and artillery to the southern borders of the enclave. as for the peace negotiations issue? exchange of hostages between israel and hamas, then they are, in fact, in a state of freezing, and are now also in danger of collapse, all to blame, according to one of the hamas members, is the position of the israeli leadership, which in practice does not strive to reach an agreement, that leads to new obstacles in the negotiation process. alexandrov, dmitry sharbakov and aleftina sorokina, lead the middle east. the most populated region of china, guangdong province was in the grip of severe
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flooding due to powerful prolonged flooding.
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the husband and son are also responsible for high levels of health and order in their areas, only the influential mother is constantly dissatisfied with them. in general, both of them got a great job, i assigned one to the police, the other to wipe his pants at the clinic for 3 kopecks, i work for you all myself. class! the family of guardian angels of the area will have to solve completely different problems, everyday and not so, get into strange and funny stories from the fifth floor by the toilet port, it’s a pity that i didn’t get there. i won't miss it next time. grateful residents do not remain in debt and also closely monitor order in the shatalov family. look , you're getting there, what are you going to do? on stepan's tezhinya. and i will treat you until you die. alena’s endless to-do list will include conflicts with her bosses and her own son, a midlife crisis and even a love triangle. oh, at least i’ll hold on to your legs. let me go! yes, hold on, i can barely
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stand anyway, but how can i... hold the woman of my dreams by the legs, and of course, it won’t be possible without the acute housing problem, wonderful neighbors who suddenly appear after 20 years, you’ll have to endure it, you know that you don’t want it in a good way, it will be in a bad way, it’s clear, are you crazy or something, both of you, will the shatalovs have enough angelic patience and love to restore order not only in the area, but in their home? a whole star squad, anna mikhalkova, fyodor lavrov, alexander pankratov, black, anatoly, is responsible for the sparkling humor and subtle lyrics in the series. i just want the viewer to like it, so that people they smiled so that people somewhere might be sad with them, i would be very pleased with that. a heartwarming story, on a communal scale, about the completely boring everyday life of the angelovrai district, the premiere episode is already tonight on the rossiya tv channel. ekaterina frolova and olga sukhorukova. news.
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and by this time we have everything. see you.


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