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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:56pm MSK

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all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. zelensky said that biden had just called him and again promised to help transfer the weapons he voted for. american congress, zelensky thanked the united states for its leadership. regarding leadership, the pentagon delegation directly now in niger on the issue of the orderly withdrawal of us forces from the african country. is this what american leadership is like now? watch the news, bye. it 's main time on the russia channel. news of the day on the air, big news in
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the studio igor kozhevin, hello, guys, with dulanks, how ours took novomikhailovka, 155, marines, a report by military correspondent eduard punigov, all these western weapons turned out to be useless, against the backdrop of failures, the american congress and the germans are raising the mood in kiev foreign secretary. the hearts of ukraine's two most important supporters, the european-americans, are beating in unison again. the entire european union is now looking for air defense for kiev, but how much is needed? wars by their nature are very unpredictable. it is proposed to seize the money from russia. and this may be regarded as a violation of international law. the ukrainian authorities themselves have gloomy forecasts. western weapons systems are losing.
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examine the car of the president of azerbaijan. details of negotiations from alexander khristenko and pavel zarubin. another connecting thread between countries - the international north-south corridor project. where is the flood in russia moving after the tyumen region, to clear the way for water? and what did the rainy season lead to in china? postponed, postponed, canceled, postponed. will america live to see trump or will he be finished?
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what unites moscow and baku in the present - these are projects in the field of security, economics, international logistics, as well as a common past - was discussed at today's meeting in the kremlin between vladimir putin and ilham aliyev. the president of azerbaijan arrived in russia for the first time since election, but the visit is also timed to coincide with the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal amur mainline, the construction of which his father once supervised. reportage.
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the plane of the azerbaijani leader looked especially impressive against the backdrop of the bright blue moscow sky with clouds, the color scheme was almost completely identical, the flags of the two states were hung at his grandson, ilham aliyev descended along the carpet fixed directly on the ramp and headed to the kremlin. his car, as befits a presidential limousine, of course, also stood out than - my colleague, host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin, immediately noticed. now we have the opportunity to study the car of the president of azerbaijan, the flag of azerbaijan, pay attention to what numbers the car has 0.01. negotiations between top officials in the kremlin representative office, and this is the first meeting of the presidents after their re-election this year. we will have the opportunity to talk about bilateral relations, which are at a high level and are developing. of course, let's talk about the situation from a point of view. provision
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security in the region, there are a lot of issues here, they are very sensitive, we have a material on each of them. regional security issues are constantly on the agenda of our meetings. and we are also pleased with the way they are being resolved, russia is a fundamental country in terms of regional security in the caucasus and wider geography, and from effective interaction between our countries than much. russia has always played an active role in the negotiations on nagorno-karabakh; at the most tense moment in the twentieth year, the parties agreed sent peacekeepers to the conflict zone. now, by agreement of the presidents, putin and aliyev, the peacekeepers are returning home having completed their mission. relations between russia and azerbaijan are of a strategic nature, which is reflected in the economy. trade turnover is growing and has reached $4 billion. joint projects in the agricultural sector, mechanical engineering and logistics. another connecting thread between
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the countries is the project of the international north-south corridor, with a total length of 7,000 km, a significant part of which passes through the territory of russia and azerbaijan. goal to thirtieth.
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your father invested in the implementation of this huge project, they still play a significant role today, not only for russia, but also for the entire community of independent states, i mean that one way or another many of our partners use this transport artery. in azerbaijan, we very much appreciate the attitude towards the memory of heydar alievich that we see in the russian leadership, as well as among the public. noted heydar aliyevich aliyev actively participated in the implementation of this grandiose project, which was called i remember during the all-union construction project, i contributed to its implementation. it seemed that it was simply impossible to do. 4,300 km through
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impassable hills, centuries-old taiga into permafrost, the fifteen-kilometer severomuya tunnel, the longest in russia, took 26 years, in fact... a labor feat of a mighty country. the siberian land welcomes the envoys of the seventeenth congress to the lcsn. from the very beginning in april 1974, bam was declared a shock all-union komsomol construction site, and young people from all over the country, including azerbaijan, went there. this is how lancet windows appeared in the architecture of the station in buryat angoy, which now bears the name of heydar aliyev and the eastern outlines of the ulkan station in the irkutsk region. putin and aliyev are speaking today in the kremlin with veterans, builders of the great bam, about the history and modern large-scale plans of russia to expand the strategically important highway. alexander khristenko, anton kasimovich, lead. well, now some footage from the kremlin. at these moments, vladimir putin and ilham aliyev
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are holding a meeting with veterans and workers of the railway industry on the occasion fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of construction of the baikal men's highway. as the russian president noted, bam is now one of the key ones. amur mainline, i would like to congratulate the participants in our meeting on the start of construction of the bam, and here, first of all, i would like to say about the veteran in the railway industry, the construction industry, the railway troops, i want to congratulate on this
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your family, friends, colleagues , colleagues, together with you we shared the hardships of victory and... you were now addressing the veterans, everything was there songs around the fires and, but most importantly , hard hard work, today our military announced: the liberation of the settlement of novomikhailovka, it is located 30 km from donetsk and now a direct road to ugledar is opening. it, in turn , is of strategic importance because it is located on a hill. in the area of ​​several other settlements, our units improved the situation along the front line. 2 hours ago , footage of a successful strike on a tv tower in kharkov began to appear in ukrainian sources. they were attached to it. communication systems of the ukrainian air defense, which means the object is already considered military or associated with military
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infrastructure. paratroopers from buryatia occupied a stronghold on the outskirts of chasko yar. an armored group of infantry fighting vehicles and tanks destroyed the firing points, suppressed the mortar positions, and then the fortification was occupied by attack aircraft. during the cleanup, four ukrainian militants decided to lay down their arms and save their lives. also, the strongholds at chasavyar are destroyed by heavy ones. solntsepek system. another one was captured in the artyomovsk direction american m-113 armored personnel carrier, also among the destroyed western equipment is the german marder infantry fighting vehicle and the british galubica. and this is footage of the work of the rcbz unit. near the village of belogorovka, they installed an aerosol curtain to mask the movements of assault teams to defend against drones. as a result, our fighters managed to take several enemy strongholds to approach.
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about how novomikhailovka was liberated, the military correspondent of the news, eduard punigov. center of the regiment novomikhailovka, south. fierce battles in our settlement on the roof of the highest the military managed to completely take control of the building, now the russian tricolor of russia 155th marine brigade followed by a batyr, come on and follow a hero, during the assault the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet worked at the forefront. here is footage of the decisive battle. we have it. the bumblebee went, the enemy positions were only a few meters away, there were
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shell craters everywhere, there was shooting in the trenches, guys in twos, in novomikhailovka the ukrainian fighters were carefully preparing, the village was essentially turned into a large fortified point, the soldiers in the ssu were perfectly aware of terrain, actively used passages between buildings, the settlement was completely engineered... firstly, secondly, due to our pressure, and we adjusted to the enemy. our attack aircraft were subjected to heavy fire. barrel artillery, tanks, kamikaze drones, snipers, the marines had to gnaw out meter by meter, artillery helped break through powerful defensive structures and suppress firing points.
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it's better to give up. all actions of attack aircraft were corrected by aerial reconnaissance, plus fpv drones were actively used, which carried out targeted strikes on trenches and dugouts. during the assault on novomikhailovka, our soldiers took a lot of trophies, the famous jivelins, grenade launchers, machine guns, all kinds of ammunition, but all this western weapons turned out to be useless, the enemy could not hold on to mikhailovka, now all these samples will be handed over to military specialists for further study. this is the so-called brownnu machine gun. round-caliber 12.7 caliber, well, the weapon is very powerful, here are the anti-arab weapons, too, there
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are also swedish weapons, well, we still have the most effective - these are our guys, our heroes , who are not afraid of these weapons, because as i say, the truth is behind us, we are moving forward, we know what we are fighting for, here is another interesting find - phosphorus ammunition, a phosphorus grenade, combustion temperature is 2400°, burns for 45 seconds, yes, it is a prohibited ammunition, but it can burn through a tank, that is, if you throw a tank on the turret, it will fall out of its misery, the detachment commander with the call sign artist is from astrakhan, graduated from the nakhimov school in sevastopol. how it just burned my thigh, then i just felt some kind of wet spot, the doctor looked and put a bandage on me there, then
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continued the task, the capture of novomikhailovka is of strategic importance, its liberation... will allow our armed forces to reach konstantinovka, in the future to encircle the ugledar group apu. the soldiers immediately after the successful assault began to prepare for the next offensive operation. where we are, there is victory. we took novo mikhailovka, we will continue to beat the enemy. victory will be ours. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead south donetsk direction. the west is trying to soften the bitterness of kiev’s defeats. after the lower house of the american congress approved the bill on military assistance to ukraine, even brussels began to celebrate, and although there is still a vote ahead in the american senate, ukrainians and europeans are confident that kiev will receive a lot of weapons. the british times even draws a graphic of what the american 60-odd billion will be used for. but the europeans have so far let us down; at the next summit they did not agree on anything.
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patriot anti-aircraft missile systems can transfer only to germany, and even then only one battery. other european countries, greece, the netherlands, poland, romania, spain and sweden, also have patriot systems, but officials say it is difficult for countries to part with patriots because they are an integral part of national defense. as it turns out, even with the promised supplies , the europeans are having big problems. berlin initially planned to send 400 armored vehicles to kiev, then reduced the numbers to 200, then to 100 vehicles, the start of deliveries. carried from january to june. what lengths do europeans go to in order to to save face in such a situation? in the report by evgeny rishetnev. judging by the persistence with which the leaders of the eu and nato are trying to push this primitive idea into the minds of voters, things are really bad with further support for kiev. it is necessary to convince that russia is preparing to attack europe.
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first of all, we need to make sure that military supplies go to ukraine to help the country. who fights for our freedom and safety. i will advocate that we provide many more millions of euros, because what is most important now is to strengthen it military system to prevent russia from advancing and moving closer to europe. that is, the european bourgeoisie should think something like this: it’s better to let the ukrainians fight than we do. the nato secretary general says exactly the same thing: we need to calm down and then cheer up. yes, kiev is stuffed with military advisers, but not with soldiers yet. there are no plans for nato combat forces to be present in ukraine, but of course a number of nato countries have uniformed men in their embassies in kiev who provide advice. we must remember the supply of weapons to ukraine for the united states and nato is not charity, but an investment in one's own safety. the same narrative is being pushed in the united states. it’s strange that
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they haven’t started installing dragon teeth in lyaska yet. unlike the germans, we still have common borders with the americans. the hearts of ukraine's two most important supporters - european americans - are beating in unison again. this is important not only for ukraine, but also for ensuring peace in europe. this is the german foreign minister about the approval by the american congress of 60 billion for kiev. poetic, but there is a suspicion that this is only remission, cardiac threshold is incurable. the head of the european committee in the bundestag, anton hofreiter, is confident that an attack of arrhythmia will happen soon and the weapons will be pumped out.
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100 patri batteries, according to secretary general nato stoltenberg, there are much less than 100 of them in europe, they will still have to be given, it was decided that the eastern flank of poland and romania needs them more, let the southern flank give it. greece and spain, the leaders of the two countries whose armed forces have more than a dozen patriot systems, as well as other systems such as the s-300, have been told that their needs are not the same
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great as the needs of ukraine. in greece , thousands of people rally near the ministry of national defense. people are against the military plans of the us, nato and the eu. quote: give money to healthcare, education, and not to nato headquarters. returning to the patriots. according to the financial times, ukraine now has three such systems, one supplied by the united states and two from germany, meaning the russian missiles have reached their targets. tabloit build obtained a secret bundeswehr document, from which it follows that germany failed with obligations to supply ukraine with 400 mrep wheeled armored vehicles. the supply of armored vehicles was expected to amount to 315 million euros in batches of 20 pieces from january to october. protection
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, 100 german mine-resistant vehicles will now be delivered in march only from june 2024, this is probably due to the fact that ffg itself is not a manufacturing supplier of lng to germany, but if we talk about the entire european union, in the first 2 months of this year moscow has become one of main ones. suppliers of liquefied gas to the countries of the association, only the states exported more. the largest france, the netherlands and spain purchased the shipments from moscow for a total amount of 4.5 billion euros. now brussels is preparing a ban on lng supplies from russia; the eu's losses in this case could amount to up to 19% of all imports. tema has long been negotiating with washington about the deployment of american nuclear weapons in poland. president duda said that the country is already ready for this. evgeny reshitnev and... lvova. news. set a historical maximum and slowly began to decline. the unstable water level in the ishim river today allowed us to talk about
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that the peak of the flood near the city of the same name in the tyumen region has passed, but the flood is moving further. a few floors up is ksenia usoltseva's. this is what some settlements in the ishim region look like from the air now. more like an island. we're heading out to the boats now. to the village of sinitsina, there is simply no other way to get there, but as we are told, the journey can take about 30 minutes, it all depends, of course, on the current. with provisions and full landing it took twice as long to get there, in the village itself calmly, those who are looking at the house, there is still some kind of anxiety, of course, yes, because if the house breaks through all this, around the clock the hydraulic structure built after the 2017 flood is patrolled by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, at a distance of the entire dam... if water is oozing somewhere, we push it in this way, which means that somewhere the wash is going through the dam, so we promptly send equipment here, send it, and compact it more tightly so that
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the dam does not wash out and break. nikita iganov recently became steel an asphalt road, it connected sinitsin and another settlement of timonov, now there are also flooded houses there, but the decision was made to dig up the road to make way for the water, which now, as we see... is very actively moving forward, we are returning to large land, on the shore, volunteers brought food and food to give to the residents of sinitsin and the ministry of emergency situations, we prepared the second for them, and we prepared less for them, in the neighboring regions rescue operations are gradually giving way to eliminating the consequences. the day before they delivered to orenburg shkval pumping and hose complex, which drains basements around the clock. apartment buildings streets, in orsk there is now a shortage of drinking and technical water for everyday needs. and in the category of address. the damage
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is being assessed in buryatia, where after the blasting works in the village, the flood waters have receded, but winter has returned to the road towards irkutsk. the highway is snowy and drivers are urged to keep their distance. a similar situation exists today in several areas of transbaikalia and the amur region. who doesn’t believe that we have snow, just look at us, we have several the ongoing rampant nature has already caused severe destruction; the sijiang and beijian rivers overflowing their banks are flooding one settlement after another, so high, according to meteorologists, the water level has not risen here for half a century. in the largest city of guangdong province in the entire chinese south , guangjuu, where 18 million people live, the local reservoir is overflowing.
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a strike on the last hamas stronghold in the gaza strip, the city of rafah, as all street journal writes, the attack is planned within 2-3 weeks, but before that israel intends it would take up to 6 weeks to evacuate about a million civilians to another city in the south of the sector, while tel aviv refused a large-scale attack on iran under pressure from the western allies. with the latest news from the middle east, our correspondents, sergey pashkov and alexander bilivov. israeli settler couple. driving the day before along the road of north-eastern aramaly, the administrative center of palestine, i saw a flag of autonomy on a rocky hill, my husband went to tear it off, annoying the settlers, a symbol of standing, a growing wave of terror on the western bank, shelling in the north near the lebanese border, but to these fronts, on which the security forces and the idf have been operating since october last year, the most dangerous front, the iranian one, was almost added. iranian weapons differ from the weapons
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that... hamas produced in the gas strip in terms of power, accuracy and destructive effect tens of times, this is the ballistic missile shot down on april 14, today the main topic for the analytical army departments of the idf. what happened once can happen again. considering that the fact that our pilots worked very professionally and the fact that the air defense system, which has been developed for years, understanding that there was such a threat from iran, we were able to repel this attack very effectively. obviously, a major regional war is off the agenda, but a global confrontation with the islamic republic, the israeli defense minister has arrived, if there is no war with iran, then the war with the lebanese shiite group hezbollah is obviously on the agenda, the air duel with militants has not stopped since the past october, population of a number of northern cities israeli pine tree in evacuation. we are increasing the readiness of our forces with an emphasis on
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attack. hostages still remaining in the gaza strip. unless the head of the oman army intelligence general staff , aharon khaliwa, submitted his resignation today. the case is rather unique; prime minister benjamin netanyahu continues to lead military operations without intending to leave his post. however, by allocating money for weapons for the israeli army, joe biden made it clear that he would impose sanctions against the israeli military, the nitzah judah battalion, recruited from representatives of the orthodox jewish communities. battalion soldiers are suspected of violating the rules of war in cases of cruelty to civilians. this is an unprecedented event for bilateral relations. obviously,
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us support for israel is ending. unconditional: rafah, the southernmost city of the sector, which is located on the border with egypt, was under another bombing by the sahal air force. according to the palestinian ministry of health, since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict in october last year, all gases as a result of israeli strikes have already more than 34 thousand people died, most of them had nothing to do with hamas. this list was supplemented by at least 180 people whose bodies were discovered at the site of a mass grave on the territory of the nasser hospital in... the destruction of an israeli radar station and a reconnaissance drone that was circling over the south of lebanon. this, in turn, suggests that israel is actively conducting reconnaissance, perhaps preparing for more serious military operations against its northern neighbors. as for peaceful negotiations on the issue of hostage exchange between israel and hamas, they are already, in fact, in a state of freezing, now they are also in danger of collapse, all to blame, according to one of them, to egypt, qatar,
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turkey and russia. were guarantor countries of the un. of course, the us will also participate, but the israeli country always objects, so we put the demands for guarantor countries first. that the west is at least. it seems that they have not believed for a long time that it will somehow have a positive impact on the resolution of the palestinian-israeli conflict in the region. protests today in istanbul they met german president steinmeier, who arrived in the republic with the first in 10 years of the republic, the issue of confrontation with the kurds and the terrorist workers ' party of kurdistan, recognized in the country, remains, and now, it seems, in ankorea they decided to close it once and for all. turkish troops plan to launch a ground operation against the pkk after erdogan's visit to iraq today. turkish media writes. president erdogan said: "we are going to close the circle that will secure our iraqi border." according to local sources during the turkish war in the middle east. protests against israel
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in support of the palestinians have spread to leading american universities. students carrying palestinian flags set up tents on campus lawns and demanded that the administration abandon scientific collaborations with israeli companies. at columbia university, which is located smack in the middle of new york, tensions have reached high and professors have had their passes revoked. i am a professor at columbia university, i have the right to enter the campus and be there for as long as i want. i want, but you let in those who support hamas, but don’t let me in. mit has student employees. accuses the administration of receiving $11 million from the israeli ministry of defense since 2015, and 45 people have already been detained. in the arctic and antarctic in space there is an eternal world
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of heat in the air and in the water, sensors, satellites and measuring instruments of roshydromet study the most complex natural phenomena in order to warn in time about a hurricane, storm and sudden changes in temperature and thereby save for the state.
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chustin talks about job prospects for the next few years. the president set the task of uniting the donetsk, lugansk people's republic, kherson and zaporozhye regions into a common legal, economic, educational and scientific space.
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a roshydromet department has already been created there; it is necessary to equip them with the necessary equipment and train employees. roshydromet helps warn the country about dangerous natural phenomena; they synthesize nanoparticles with their help. they give you microchips, and here they are they are testing, and this is the cutting edge of science, innovative developments, well, for example, this chip, which is being analyzed right now, will be used in cameras, the sensitivity of which is higher than devices available on the market, and this is a completely domestic development, from the laboratory to production at mipt the path short, this is the heart of the future large festekh plant at the institute, and this would be impossible without the construction of a modern campus of the institute with sites for...
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will appear in the park of space explorers in the saratov region. in public chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin took part in the hearings on the further development of the project. in his opinion, emphasis should be placed on educational functions. “we are obliged to do everything on our part in order to preserve the memory of the first cosmonaut, the younger generation showed interest, which is why, as part of the implementation of the project for the development of the park of space patrons of the second stage, it was proposed to make it educational. today, on the 154th anniversary of lenin’s birth, red square communists gathered." party leaders, members of the central and moscow city
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committees in the communist party of the russian federation, state duma deputies and public representatives did everything to ensure that factories and factories began to operate , transport, that he provided free education and medical care to every person, that he already during the civil war opened more than 40 institutes, including the institute that allowed us to create nuclear weapons and the brain institute, cars... equipment for the oil and gas industry, laptops and thousands of other things made doctor roberta frantsev. familiar motifs: tashkent, foreign industry, central asia, this is already a tradition, the exhibition opens access to a market that is well known to russian manufacturers and whose potential is far from being exhausted. this is the sixth time we have come here for the exhibition, there is great interest, that is, due to the great development of uzbekistan as a whole here. fairly good scale,
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the exhibition has all the flagships of russian industry, the best machines and new materials, modern transport and information technology, favorable the environment for the emergence of more and more joint projects is provided by the growing mutual interest of moscow and tashkent. development institutions and support instruments are being created, both from uzbekistan and from russia, and we see further developments. chicken of kbekistan, but as i already said today, delivery to the central asian market, well, to the far abroad. russia’s trade turnover with uzbekistan this year exceeded $10 billion for the first time, and the volume of investments totaled 20 billion. behind these statistics are thousands of contracts, tens of thousands of jobs. we are all participating in transformation of our region into a single trade and investment transport and communications platform, starting with cars.
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competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. from monday to friday on rtr. maybe it's my first time, happy, happy, happy, resurrection. for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage. mom, dad, i adore you. hello, hi, i'm your real mom. maybe. let's meet, a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will dare to take, you if you don’t refuse to do a
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dna test, the result has arrived, we’ll explain it to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr. we're on the air big news. we are continuing production. and once again we will return to the kremlin, where at these moments vladimir putin and ilham aliyev are holding a meeting with veterans and workers railway industry on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction of the baikal amur mainline. the russian president spoke about the north-south project, which will connect the baltic and the persian gulf, and, like bam, will have a significant impact on logistics within the continent. we invite all interested states to participate in this project. we hope that it will definitely make use of the best,
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time-tested traditions of friendship and mutual assistance among the builders of bam, people of various nationalities united by a common goal. co his. on the other hand, we are ready to offer our partners access to the fast-growing markets of the asia-pacific region; for this, on the basis of advanced technologies, we intend to implement plans for the accelerated modernization of bama and transib for the development of the entire eastern railway range. on the territory of azerbaijan, a railway connecting the azerbaijan-russian border with the border of azerbaijan and iran exists, but there is a need.
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the difference was essentially recognizing that the condition for the new package was general mobilization. kyiv is driving young people to the front, depriving the country a whole generation. alexey konopko will continue. less than a day had passed since the approval of the new american aid package, ozelensky was already appearing on television. instead of gratitude, the result was mostly complaints about israel, which still receives more help; the president’s only consolation is that the deaths of ukrainians have been paid for again. there is no need for the us army anymore.
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decide to undergo a medical examination, he has a child with a disability and an elderly grandmother to support, that is, a shell-shocked person should not have ended up in the army at all,
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now they are calling up the dead, a sports journalist last weekend, artyom frankov was ordered to report to the obolon military registration and enlistment office, and he died in the fall at the age of 53, others die while escaping, according to ukrainian pravda , 22 bodies have already been caught from the tisza river bordering romania, who were unable to swim across it, if the porushnik gets caught, when they are detained. cybersecurity department the head of the sbu, ilya vityuk, was at the center of the investigations. vityuk owns real estate of hundreds of thousands of euros. also , ukrainians will clearly not be able to successfully spend money on congress.
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at home, which in kyiv, of course, would be preferred to hide, so now they are forced to promise failure for billions, and new failures, and this is a problem at the front, there are problems at the front, but they did not appear today, this is the system. this, of course, is of little concern to american arms manufacturers; for them, the more losses, the more orders, but it is possible that the mobilization deal in exchange for dollars
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was more complex; on voting day , the ends of the northern streams went even deeper into the water, and disappeared roman chervinsky, to whom the american and german press diligently attributed the authorship of the terrorist attack, the colonel was detained on a completely different charge, and now he was lost in a pre-trial detention center, the court was closed from everyone, and completely illegal documents began to be falsified.
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tomorrow the senate will support the decision of the house of representatives. however, there are a few rebels in the upper house of congress, like jaydee vance of zagayo, who recently published a devastating column for kiev entitled calculations on ukraine are not adding up, or his colleague from utah, mike lee. the $95 billion bill won't necessarily pass. the senate only needs
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41 votes to block it. there are 49 republicans in the senate, more than enough.
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throughout the country and it is absolutely clear that he is working for the democrats, conveying the agenda of the biden administration, well, is he alone? about half of the republican faction quite liked the sauce from the populist lobbying that was seasoned with the toxic law, but some democrats were completely delighted lost the power of meaningful speech, most of this money is an investment in america, we will produce weapons that the iranians are using it for...
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after the bill is signed by biden , the white house will be required to present a plan for a general strategy for kiev, but nothing seems to have been born in washington other than fighting to the last ukrainian, that is, no one is truly in zelensky anymore believes, and, as the financial times explains, even in kiev itself. an influx of weapons, especially much-needed artillery shells and air defense ammunition, will help slow russia's advance, but it will not stop it. him, told the financial times, one senior ukrainian official on condition of anonymity. ukrainians have no illusions that american aid will help the country survive until the end of the war. in the worst case scenario, according to democrats, this means living up to trump in order to prevent his return to the white house, against the republicans and unleashing a leapfrog of criminal cases. i want to say that these are all
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trials organized by biden.
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