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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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they were better remembered, they simply provided relevant information about what was happening in the country at the front, and at the same time they called for helping the army fight hunger. today on our channel there is a continuation of the comedy melodrama angel of the district, the shatalov family has new problems. unexpectedly, a former troublesome neighbor returned to their large separate apartment. you will find out immediately after the evening news whether the main character will be able to extricate herself from this story. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us. good evening everyone, we continue to monitor the progress of the investigation. the start of a criminal case
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in which a former deputy, businessman from the city of simferopol, oleg shcherbakov, is involved. let me remind you that the ex-official, sitting behind the wheel of his car, caused a massive accident. why are you looking at me like that? in what condition, and what did you do? a fatal accident occurred in simferopol on the night of september 7 at... the intersection of the katsyubinsky intersection. the former deputy's suv flew into the oncoming lane at high speed and rammed two cars. we found out that on the eve of the accident, shcherbakov drank alcohol and walked half naked along the entrance of the house. on september 9 , pyotr lesik, a victim of cherbakova, dies from numerous fractures and rupture of internal organs in intensive care. earlier, his daughter anastasia told us that not...
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on october 11, the court sent former deputy shcherbakov to a pre-trial detention center, although on october 27 the decision was changed, due to poor health, cherbakov was sent under house arrest, which, as we found out, he endlessly violated , walked along the street, hiding behind a hood and... we will look at these videos soon, let me remind you that the first court hearing took place on april 15, shcherbakov’s house arrest is again extended, which he violates again, he attacks our correspondent on the street, all the details are right now in our studio: daughter of the deceased pyotr lesik anastasia. hello nastya, hello andrey, hello studio! so, how
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did the first court hearing go, please tell us how oleg behaved? oleg behaved freely, sat, they only asked him his last name pettiness, they didn’t interrogate me, for some reason they interrogated me for about an hour, they asked a lot of questions, as if i was guilty, there were a lot of questions from his lawyers, you know what kind of injuries sherbakov suffered, i answer, no, why do i need to know this, what kind of punishment was given to him operations, i say, no, i’m not interested, that... the disability group has already been completed in a couple of months, that’s why he’s poor, all miserable, i say, i’m not interested in this, they ask me how i feel, what's wrong with my health, i have a child, i can't get sick, i need something to work and raise a child, well, we know that some of the most expensive lawyers in the city are hired by shcherbakov, let us once again remind those who may have missed the beginning of this story, so a drunk official arranges death.
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then, on the first program, these shots caused a huge resonance, especially since dad anastasy died, our film crew began an investigation into what shcherbakov was doing on the day of the accident, and here are the shots 9 minutes before the accident, we see how shcherbakov comes out of the entrance, moreover, pay attention, half naked, yes, leaves in a car, then... returns,
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rams local fences, he has bottles in his hands, this is clearly not juice, right now, that is, now, as i understand it, everyone wants to imagine that he was not drunk, yes , his lawyers prove that he was not drunk, he refused to be examined on the spot, and that he would have had numerous injuries, he could not breathe a pipe, poor and unfortunate, that is, although we have a law for everyone, if you refused, which means you admitted your guilt, and most importantly, only a few days later, when the former deputy and his mother, on whom it is recorded. the number of businesses in the city realized that correspondents had arrived in the city and were conducting an investigation, he was urgently admitted to the dzhankoy central regional hospital, where you were sergei semeyskoy for the first time meeting oleg,
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who first walked along the corridor, then when he saw that the filming camera quickly transfer to a wheelchair, attention. please, i’m saying, please, we don’t need anything, absolutely, we can talk to you, no, of course, you have a conscience, and so on, when everyone understood that attention to this dzhankoey central district hospital is large, oleg begins to be transferred to
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private clinics, on october 11, the kiev district court of simferopol sends him to a pre-trial detention center, but after 2 weeks he is sent under house arrest. which he violates, thinking that no one sees him, but having received an advertisement in quotes on the russia tv channel, and treating his neighbors terribly, they simply record him almost hourly, and we will show you how he has fun under house arrest, well in the meantime, let's move on to the first meeting, let's see in what condition oleg shcherbakov arrived there. oleg, hello, how are you feeling and we are now passing by the relatives of the deceased, would you like to apologize, who
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are you to ask such questions, press representative of the russia tv channel, tell me, you are now under house arrest, do i understand correctly? once again, that is, at this meeting, without meeting you, he did not apologize anywhere. no, he didn’t apologize anything, we met in the hall, i walked past, no, when they gave him the floor, he also showed up, but didn’t say anything to me, and how should he apologize to you, if immediately after the accident, his relatives tried to get in touch with you, as directly with the second victim, and
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you refused to contact them, at the moment a fuss was raised, the whole country was raised against him, how the way he should have behaved, now he would bring you fame, not only meet you, he could write a corresponding appeal and send it by mail, he could stand up in the courtroom, when questions were asked during interrogation to say, i apologize, they wouldn’t have stopped him, you can always apologize if you want, nikolai korenev, another
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victim in that accident due to the fault of ex-deputy oleg shcherbakov, you had a confrontation on february 1, he apologized to you, yes it was february 1st. firstly, he came in cheerfully, cheerful, he had a bracelet on his right leg, he peeled off lawyer yulia’s hand, and he sat down. opposite me, i specifically agreed to sit opposite him in order to look into his eyes, his eyes ran, but not in my direction, as they say, i never saw, well, as they say, i didn’t hear any regret, no apology, none of this happened, and he also claimed that we collided on a double solid, and he was sober, although, although there is a video recording from my video recorder, by the way, thanks to the investigators... they saved this recording, it is clear that it has not disappeared anywhere, here is the recording of my video recorder, where
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you can clearly see how he crosses the double solid line and hits me, the point of impact was a meter 10 cm from the double continuous line in my lane , this has already been proven, they say that at this meeting, which was closed, they called a huge number of new witnesses, do they confirm this version of your dvr or do they now...
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all the witnesses, really witnesses, there were many eyewitnesses, everyone came, everyone, every single one came, one, one young man, well i was late, but he arrived anyway, he dropped all his work, he came because he understood that everything could fall apart because of him, in the end, an hour later they let all the witnesses into the courtroom, they support me because i have blood pressure jumps, and they say, well, the judge says that the witnesses will be questioned later, on the first of the thirteenth, remember, five people each. the first five people on the thirteenth, the second five people on the twenty-fourth for a minute on the twenty-second for a minute in may in the hope
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that someone won’t come to disrupt everything in may, that is, well, essentially logical, they are trying to delay it all or bribe or bribe, well, it’s just not normal, if there’s a witness , why did we all come, we would question the witness, i’m not going anywhere, for every every meeting i will come all the way, and you were directly in the courtroom, and for what reason was the court hearing postponed, now it was already april 15th , right? the first hearing was held in the criminal case of oleg sherbakov, who caused a fatal accident
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in september 2023. the first to come here was the victim anastasia lesyak, who lost her father in that terrible accident. gradually , other persons involved in this high-profile case began to come here, among them were witnesses to the tragedy, as well as ambulance workers, who were the first to arrive at the scene of the accident. her husband came to support anastasia. oleg sherbakov’s own aunt and even a former employee, but his parents never came to support their son; shcherbakov himself was taken by car by employees of the federal penitentiary service. the meeting was held in open mode, but despite the accredited press, at the request of the defense, video recording was prohibited. the first word was given to anastasia lesek, where she, with tears in her eyes , relived that terrible day of losing her father. asked for the maximum possible punishment for the accused. oleg sherbakov was next given the floor; he partially admitted his guilt, denying only that he was
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intoxicated that day. after hearing from the state prosecutor, the court decided to postpone the interview of witnesses to may 13 and 22, and shcherbakova’s house arrest was extended for 6 months. after the meeting, almost on the run, we still managed to talk with the accused, who refused official comments, but still gave some explanations. oleg, tell me what happened in court now, comment on the situation for us, as i understand it.
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like a whole hour in court, why am i saying this, this is not an investigation, this is a trial, the victim, why, for a whole hour do you have a defender, you have yours, but why did he sit there, then he was silent, why did he express, he sat and was silent, and the defense lawyer did not put forward a demand in court that if shcherbakov violates the regime of detention, that is , house arrest, he has a bracelet, he cannot go outside his home, yes there is such a thing, after advertising we will have a full one.
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can you move around under house arrest? house arrest is issued by an investigator, and it clearly describes what he can do, the investigators stipulate that walks around the house are necessary, for example, that is , the territory is designated, yes, this is allowed, and if he determined that this is possible, the court and the prosecutor’s office agreed with him, then he can, well, now the court is choosing measures, it’s another matter, i’m not talking about the measure of attendance, i’m talking about the fact that... whoever makes the decision agrees to the court and he makes this decision, that is, the court can allow visits to your mistress in the apartment, class, no, no, no, no, i guess, no, well, just after the advertisement we will see how a mistress from ukraine comes to him with a dog, goes to his home, which means that in the criminal procedure code, in the criminal procedure code, in my opinion,
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article 107, it is directly indicated, indicate persons who do not have access, how... hello, dad, hello, mom, i came to you again, yesterday was the first meeting, nothing was decided, everything was extended again, when is it
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all over, daddy, they read it out yesterday what injuries did you have? i'm just in such shock how you survived another day, daddy, you i held on because i asked you, yesterday i was going to court along the road, along the boulevard where this accident occurred, i can’t drive there, i keep remembering it, i feel bad. yes, again, house arrest for six months until september, he will live, enjoy, he has parents, they help him, he lives, now he has a disability of the second group, the state will still have enough money for him, he’s all sick, someone actually asks me, how is
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my health, what’s wrong with me, where’s the justice, dad? now a short advertisement awaits us, immediately after that we will see how under oleg cherbakov spends his time under house arrest, why after the trial he attacked our correspondent sergei semeysky with his fists, all the details in a few minutes. they say the hit was an suv, it was expensive, only he immediately disappeared, and this is chaos, you’ll go to the zone, why don’t we excuse you again,
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they’ve already detained him, no, it’s unlikely to work, leonov’s nephew, the regional prosecutor, sergei lenov, you know him, yours my nephew hit a motorcycle with my son in an suv, make an appointment in due course, you don’t have to pretend that you don’t recognize me, love will overcome. everything from april 29 on rtr old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. do you want twice as much harvest? the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth, fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and... care, we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses, 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for
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growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse granary will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of film. pvc plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a zhitnitsa mini-greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. gin cnop. product of steller group. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but repairs or replacements will hit the budget hard. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence. bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo. they will be updated in an instant without
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expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination occurs. it is enough to rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence at a special price, from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of steller group. please, i'm familiar.
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i all give up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, in sunday on rtr, once again, good afternoon to everyone who just joined us, a drunk official caused a fatal... road accident, whether he pays off or not, we continue to monitor the progress of this high-profile criminal case in simferopol, let me remind you that the road accident took place on
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the night of september 7 at the intersection of the kotsyubinsky intersection. the suv was driven by businessman and ex-detacht oleg shcherbakov. our program found out that before causing the accident, the former official , half naked and staggering, walked along the entrance and even broke a bottle, presumably containing cognac. pyotr lesik died as a result of an accident; his daughter was in our studio today; shcherbakov never apologized to his family. on april 15 , a court hearing was held to extend the house arrest. let's listen to what oleg cherbakov said immediately after the court hearing. attention. oleg, tell me, are you happy with how the meeting went now? comment on a couple of points for us. you have been under house arrest all this time, but they say that you seem to be walking somewhere outside the house, look, i had six operations, what about can i tell you, am i lying or what?
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that you were seen somewhere in the city in dzhankoy? i was in the hospital - i had surgery under general anesthesia four times during this month and a half for something related to colostomy , to say that somewhere in such a state a person can physically walk does not have common sense, but please show me again, show me again, so that people can see that this is all, and i still have a lot of operations ahead, so... i don’t want to give comments to people who are deceiving, let them they look at the real diagnosis, everything else is better, i’m sorry, we’ll continue to look, well, you want to apologize to the victim, i partially admit my guilt with the victim, i think that we will, we will, we will communicate somehow, due to the fact that at first it was not possible to communicate, i was away for 14 days
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. plans to do this, but with regards to, say, this program, it really calls for a very large public opinion, but in this situation, taking into account the fact that now all opinion is exclusively directed against shcherbakov, and even if the court or investigative body sees some mitigating circumstances, this is no longer possible, because everything will be interpreted as saying that everyone was bought, everything was assessed incorrectly, if it weren’t for andrei with his
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transfer, i would have been in jail prison i ’m telling you seriously, i would already be sitting, okay, let’s see, igor, tell me, you ’re a specialist, look, we see, he comes out, barely walks, yes, he’s holding his side, andrey, can i just comment, as a doctor, these are his wounds, the so-called i’ll go back to the original, to the original, firstly, what happened to his car, how much it was damaged, we saw the cars of the victims, yours who died, and what was damaged with him, well, he also has an engine in the front, not only... only the engine is two andrey, according to pictures from these wounds, this is a colostomy bag, that’s what it’s called, which, of course, is a severe abdominal injury, intestinal rupture, liver rupture here, but right away, i have so many doubts, firstly, for the first 3 days it i wasn’t in the hospital, it’s a fresh injury, first of all, i we went through so many of these operations, it was an intra-cabin injury, i actually thought he
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flew into the windshield. that the chest or stomach injured the steering column or flew downhill in such a way as to be injured, he must have been a shock patient, but he wasn’t even in the hospital for 3 days, where did all this come from, where was he for 3 days, no one has any idea, and we we see right after the accident, there was a plot here, it goes on completely calmly, no, of course, there is blood loss, pain shock, i repeat once again, the person cannot walk at all, i even die, the main thing is, and you understand, the neighbors are filming everything, it’s just... oleg and his mother think that money can buy everything, but cameras are a telling thing. look. so, november thirtieth, oleg is under house arrest, 17:03, his mistress anastasia comes with a dog and a child, in this state he takes the girl in his arms. tell me how, when everything is torn, and as you say, everything hurts, he carries her in his arms. here andrey, i also have big doubts, i
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don’t think so. that this is aggravation, they made an effective incision, sutured and hung up the caopter, this, of course, aggravates it condition, of course, he is a disabled person of the second group, firstly, yes, but why is this in the first hours, this is extremely rare, somewhere the next day it ruptures, yes, a cyst, yes, an additional rupture of the liver occurs there, the intestines will become overtonic, again, and then he went through four operations and was in bed for about 2 weeks, but that was in the first hours, right? he was gone for three days, we got acquainted with the case, you saw some medical documents, but no one has any medical documents, he is carrying 12 kilograms in his arms, at least 12 8-year-old girls, i say, 15 kilograms, what kind of patient is this, well, how is it, then on february 16, the time is 16:52, he comes out of the entrance with his mother, anna ivanna , pulls a hood over his forehead, hides from the cameras,
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yes, so as not to be seen, if we are talking about yard, he goes outside the yard, goes for a walk, and gets into a bmw x7 car, he can’t hold on to his right side, march 17, someone is carrying shcherbakov... he gets out of the car with a package, we see, yes, he’s carrying a package , walks into the entrance, 4 days before the trial, oleg returns with a package, that’s the same thing, you know, something sounds delicious, but where did you get these records, who provided them, and we have to count where they were provided from, it’s just that it’s clearly not the camera that is installed on the house, the neighbors took photographs, but where is the reliability that this is exactly the year twenty-four, that this is not last year, but that’s the date? it’s written, look, the camera was filming, this is written in the twenty-third year, november 30 , twenty-third, of course, why isn’t it filmed on other days, precisely on those days when it’s convenient to show that he directly, other days, why do we need other
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days, what difference does it make, how they saw it, they took it off, so, friends, that means i remind you, yes, we saw the condition of oleg shcherbakov, yes, we really sympathize and wish him health, if four operations and the calibre receiver is real... it has a place to be, but in front of you is the correspondent of our program, sergei semeisko, sergei, a striker in the ismailovsky les football club, plays football, yes, and sergei after the court hearing, i’m telling you correctly, well, the next day, yes, the next day came to find out how oleg sherbakov feels, does he feel like he’s violating house arrest, that’s right, they wanted to check, that is, everyone says there are cameras in the hood, you can’t see a person, we just wanted to check, we stood there... waited for a while, so let’s see, what physical shape are oleg shcherbakov and his poodle in, attention,
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oleg, oleg, wait a second, oleg. oleg, why are you running so fast, here we could barely get out, oleg, wait, oleg, wait, wait, oleg, wait, you are very vigorous for a disabled person, oleg, wait, oleg,
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why are you violating the terms of house arrest, oleg, wait, i’m going to the hospital, run faster than me. oleg, leave me, please, go to the hospital, no, you were walking the dog, you ran faster than me, you have a disability, as far as i understand, oleg, please explain why you are violating the terms of house arrest, you said , that it’s hard for you to walk, no, seriously, they said that it’s hard for you to walk, how can it be that people saw you, oleg, you’re getting further and further from home, although to remind you that you’re from before
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you can’t leave the apartment, i’m going to the hospital, but we’ll see you off. it was very in vain, oleg, why did you hit me in the face, i didn’t hit you, everything was filmed on camera, oleg, we’ll be running for a long time. we are doing a good sprint with you, i haven’t run with disabled people yet, but it’s hard for you, ah, ah, it’s shooting,
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ah, oleg, what happened, well, here a person is violating the terms of house arrest, huh? oleg, i ’ll tell you that i play sports, but i’ve never had such a run as you ran away from me. so you comment somehow, i’m in i’m going to the hospital, are you walking on the lawn with your dog, what kind of dog, you were walking the dog, i ’m going to the hospital, where is your bracelet, by the way, i wanted to ask, for some reason i don’t see any bracelet on your leg, but where else can he stand, please show me, he’s looking at you, and who are you, the journalist to whom you spoke to his face? what did you say to your face that how
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could you be seen somewhere? oleg, well, you got caught on all the cameras here, there are a lot of cameras above you, above your heads, why get caught like that, i have the right to go to the hospital, no, you can go out, of course, but tell me, anastasia lives with you, by phone, who is anastasia, your girlfriend, what are you doing? we just had a sprint supposedly with a disabled person, if i’m not mistaken, of the second group, oleg cherbakov, so i want to say that we won, unfortunately oleg didn’t want to answer the questions, you saw the rest yourself, andrey, you can, tell me, how can this be, believe me, in my entire life, as they say, having worked for decades, i’m now sitting in confusion, who went to such an operation, this...
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two programs on the russia tv channel, everyone understands what close attention is paid to this person, but they are not afraid to sign, stage, write anything at all, len, what does the call center say? a resident wrote to us, we already talked today about shcherbakov’s neighbors who help us in our investigations, one of the residents of this yard wrote that he treated the poodle very piggishly, this one, with whom he was walking, because... . that he abandoned him, that is, when he ran from seryozha, he abandoned the dog unattended, and
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the dog was almost hit by a car, thank god that the taxi driver almost pulled the dog out from under the wheels, and as we see, in the end the dog was waiting for him at the entrance, now she is safe, that is, he treats everyone, animals , to people, they don’t give a damn, you give a good hint that if your lawyer really filed for cruelty to animals, you know, and for another five months, so you ran after him.
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he is the culprit, anastasia lost her father, a loved one, why is he still not in prison, why? so, pay attention, it means that when the fourth minute of this run with a disabled person of the second group is already underway, seryozhe says to him: you are disabled, then he understands that he needs to play a disabled person, he grabs it, says that he was going to the ambulance, yes , and let's see what happened after that, when shcherbakov runs in. his entrance, out of emotion,
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slaps his fingers and 10 minutes pass, we see that an ambulance has arrived, but this is not just an ambulance, a clinic, we are not we will voice it, but this is a private clinic, why couldn’t you call a regular ambulance, regular doctors, when you needed emergency... hospitalization, hello, can i ask a question, and who did you come to for the patient, well, he’s a walker, a walker, in which apartment, he should go down. and what time did you receive the call there, 5-7 minutes yes, but they didn’t tell you the reason for the call, transportation, just transportation, private clinic, that’s it, i understand you, thank you, in fact, that’s what needed to be proven, well then we’re waiting for the patient, who is now
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must go down, we will see in what form he will move after the race, please explain why you called an unusual ambulance? here - from a private clinic, because i was treated, where i was operated on in simasko, i’m going to simashka, i have some friends there or what, as they are friends, this is a republican hospital, as friends, the best zhansk hospital, but to unfortunately, i was operated on more than five times there, which is what you are complaining about now, that’s the reason you called an ambulance, i’m very the colostomy is bleeding, yeah, it was just yesterday. today she started bleeding even more, yeah, that is, well, this is before the race, yes, as i understand it, you say, you were planning, yes, but literally 5 minutes ago, not 5 minutes ago, i went out to wait for her car to leave in an ambulance, since i can’t do it any other way, what to change seats, that’s it, well, you
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don’t know what drugs they’re injecting him with, what does the drugs have to do with it, look with me, friends, seryozha is chasing the car, what’s going to happen now , and something else will happen. yes, sergey is smart, oleg, you recovered so quickly, but he’s already being discharged, that’s not a fact for you either, he’s already being discharged, it’s not a fact for you, well, they examined him, but why go through when there is no problem, if not, he said, he got relief after the race, since he’s being discharged , where the problem is, i’m at peace, now we’re filming, we’re on the way out, there’s security, they must have a permit. the head physician, i say, i just arrived at the emergency room, you are asking a person who is trivializing his functional duties, can i now explain to a respected lawyer what is happening, so you say there, that he felt bad, the ambulance arrived, during the race he claimed that he was going
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to the clinic first, yes, then he said, i was waiting, when we were already running up to the house, that i was waiting for the ambulance, that i had already called a long time ago, the call came that’s when... he already went up to his home, they confirmed it, but he didn’t suspect that you would accompany him, and the most interesting thing is that when we weren’t allowed into the clinic territory, then we walked through and he didn’t expect to see us, he was already leaving there, and we just met him on the way, what a there’s a problem there, he didn’t expect to see you all the time, and you run after him all the time, and the fact that when you ran after him, you insulted him, shouted to him, “disabled man, why don’t you take care of him, no one is scolding him?”
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investigations for 7 years, nadezhda fratti, under the guise of adoption, sent orphans for export, 1,260 children ended up abroad, she is healthy, does not suffer from mental retardation, which means she is worth at least 40 thousand dollars on the market. our program features a confrontation between the injured mother and nadezhda fratya, as well as the revelation
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of a witness who is still afraid for her life. they threatened me and my family. malakhov, soon on the russia channel. i haven’t been home for 20 years, i can throw a party for people, i’m premiering on rtr, so he showed up, vadik, what should i do, i have this idea, maybe you ’ll buy my room, so, take 400 of everything, or 800 will be, or a ghoul will live here, of course, we will think, angels of the area, of course. today on rtr, rom castro is a product. stellar group. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but repairs or replacements will hit the budget hard. we bring to your attention
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the stellar group old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount. place nuclear weapons. i'm already trashed, give me back the nuclear weapons. how are things at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, reliably, the equipment, and we have olesa, the second, a hero of russia b we are all with you, we will go to the end, what is the image of victory for you?
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once again, good afternoon, a drunken official caused a fatal accident, will he pay off or not, we continue to conduct our investigation, monitor the progress... not an arrest, he caught cherbakov walking with a poodle, let me remind you that cherbakov has a second disability group, and , when sergei decided
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to talk to the ex-deputy, he not only ran away, threw the dog, but attacked the correspondent, just as deputies break the law and drive drunk, flaunting their connections, thinking that they can do anything, we let's continue our conversation, i want to present in our... in our city, few people have anything good to say about him, to your editorial office, when you were still there, an anonymous letter was received about cherbakov's affairs, and complaints about
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him were also received from... voters that they are engaged in their immediate responsibilities, pays more attention to business, in our country, by the way, my colleagues called him a children's deputy, that is, he was more involved in pr, gathered several children, photographed them with him on the playground, and that's what i was going for the front page, our newspaper, of course, it was not free, so, well, now we see footage of how local residents came to shcherbakov’s office with posters, hello, but turn around, come out, come out. i wanted to tell you the following, comrades, here is your organization, who pays you money, there will be facts, i am ready to communicate that you received medals, and the people who worked ask him what the protocol number is, a negative type and a narcissist, this understandable, but this is not a reason to make him guilty, i don’t
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envy his lawyers, because after that this transmission. i give you a 100% guarantee that a check will begin on his disability, who issued the documents, his bracelet is the main question, i’ll explain the bracelet, he couldn’t take it off, most likely sergei, this bracelet was not visible, i give you a guarantee that he is completely violating how no matter what the decree is written there, it cannot be that he went shopping.
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on november 19 in the city of borovichi, look at these shots. then thirty-six-year-old igor koposov found himself under the wheels of an suv, who fell into a coma and lay in bed for a long time.
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intensive care unit, today alena kopusova, the victim’s wife. together with igor, who barely survived, came to our studio, hello, hello, how are you feeling, of course, you can’t look at this without horror, well, at the moment my health is much better than then, let’s continue life as we lived before before, it’s still andri, just like before, it won’t be like that anymore, you know, only the surgery has already been done, well, he doesn’t have that kind of health anymore, so i’ll remind you that after. car accident, our colleagues from the program the duty department interviewed dmitry mamedov, let me remind you that he had previously even been imprisoned for the fact that a group of people killed a taxi driver, this is how he behaved, attention, when he saw the television camera, the accused first tried to cover his face with a hood, but then changed his mind and pretended , which buttons up a sports jacket
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in order to look decent on the screen. first of all, mamedov announced that he himself had suffered. well, everyone shows shcherbakov his stomach, and mamedov his injuries, but they told me that you have vision problems, yes igor, i have the right one eye, yes, partial atrophy of the optic nerve, but this is after a skull injury, yes, yes, well , it turns out that way for me, i don’t know, it was pressed into the asphalt with the right side, in order to somehow smooth out the situation, mamedov translated
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some things for you when igor was discharged from the hospital, our lawyer handed over the money. money in parts, in total they transferred 195,000, then through his lawyer he said that they would no longer help, because they believed that it would not help dima in any way. seryozha, but, as i understand it, you are following this whole story, you even interviewed your father mamedov, oleg oskarovich. let's see what he had to say. the case, as the investigative committee says, that the case is generally coming to an end, in my opinion, has already been handed over to dmitry. and dmitry must answer for what he did, but not to the same extent as the investigative committee puts forward, because the investigative committee ascribes to the article
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such that he premeditatedly thought that he did it and stipulates that he came up with everything in advance, then i jumped into the car and went there to crush someone, i do not deny that dmitry committed the right to... there’s 3 million for him, well, dmitry, why don’t they pay attention to the fact that these people, excuse me, a drunken group, came out and stood on the road, they didn’t stand on the sidewalk and dmitry didn’t drive into
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dmitry, he was driving in his own lane, on his own road , driving like there it turned out that this was a different matter, it’s really a consequence, the investigation is here, you see how uninteresting it is that they were standing on the road, well, okay, they were standing on the road, but he turned around and went back, as i still understand. behind him, but he should have seen that the man was lying, he it’s confusing, i’m not i don’t listen, even the question now is no longer about what happened on november 19 at 1:25 a.m., the question is about responsibility , punishment, so that any citizens of the country understand, you are the grandson of a judge, a former deputy, your mother can buy half of sevastopol and hand out bribes, yes, that responsibility will come sooner or later, right?
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about the situation with oleg shcherbakov, friends, if you also have something to tell, and you see him violating house arrest, call, write to our editor, that ’s all for today, take care of yourself, your loved ones, until dates. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, live on your
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favorite program 60 minutes about the most important special issue we have urgent news: half a million people, these are the irretrievable losses in the ssu, since the beginning of the special operation, that is, half a million killed and wounded , terrible numbers.


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