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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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on friday on rtr. since the beginning of the special operation, the kiev regime has lost half a million military killed and wounded, shaigu said at the defense board. the russian army continues to advance along the entire front line. pervomaiskaya bogdanovka and nova mikhailovka were liberated. all the details are in the news right now, it was 60 minutes, goodbye. on the russia channel, the time of the main news of the day is on the air, big news, in the studio of igor kozhevin. hello. released. pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novomikhailovka. those wishing to send weapons to kiev need to know.
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and the footage of the savdeevsky direction, the shot down german leopard, the gromoz tank is terribly clumsy. we bow our heads in memory of semyon eremin. we will remember him. order of courage to a military commander who died in the northern military district zone. he was. britain promises to become a weapons factory for ukraine. we will put the uk defense industry on a war footing. the british are asked not to ask why? putin must not win for britain's security. this is the price for having russia as our neighbor.
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footage of the rescue operation in yekaterinburg after the two-year-old grandson locked his grandmother on the balcony and left. so, in several areas of the front line at once, our units occupied new positions, inflicting a serious defeat on the enemy.
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from the group covering the state border in the belgorod region, they destroyed the positions and observation posts of terrorist groups in the border region on the territory of ukraine. at the board of the ministry of defense , sergei shaigu estimated the losses of the kiev regime at half a million people. andrey grigoriev will continue. theater of combat actions are moving closer and closer to kiev, in the russian army, although not too extensive, but still daily.
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the zone of control on berdychi and georgievka is being expanded; our high combat potential allows us to constantly exert fire on the enemy and prevent him from holding the line of defense. air superiority over the special military operations zone allows for the support of domestic air defense systems such as the pantsir. capable of simultaneously hitting four targets, from drones to enemy fighters. supplies to the troops. these systems are expected to be doubled in 2024, and the newest ones, which have just been put into service, are expected. the s500 prometheus is a unique installation, during tests it seemed that it could shoot down hypersonic missiles and even objects flying in low-earth orbit in
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space, now we have to test it in combat conditions. this year, the troops will receive the first samples of the new generation s-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications. single-unit long-range missile systems and missile defense systems defense unit-missile systems s-400, s300 v4, beech m3, tor m2u. new generation radar station. in general, in the field of air defense we have up to 82% modern technology. and this, of course, contrasts sharply with what is happening in the ukrainian arsenals, western reporters noted. when the supply of western weapons was reduced to a minimum, the engineers of the ukrainian armed forces had to improvise, they call it cannibalization, to assemble at least one serviceable artillery piece from the remains of many damaged ones. looking forward to new ones supplies, a whole echelon
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of american bradleys are being prepared to be sent to ukraine in the polish town of dzheszew, but this, according to the british independent, is unlikely to be able to stop the russian offensive. there is widespread agreement among the ukrainian military that russia has no intention of waiting for supplies. from the us will resume in full, they believe that they are already seeing confirmation of this: russian forces are increasing attacks in eastern ukraine. and even the next us aid package of $60 billion is unlikely to help ukraine. kyiv will tough weeks in the fight to contain russian advances, despite the passage of long-awaited legislation in washington. threats to russian security come from nato on other fronts. sweden and finland have just joined the alliance. soldiers, more than a thousand armored vehicles, russia is obliged to react somehow. in 2022, the supreme commander-in-chief decided to reorganize the western military district into
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the leningrad and moscow military districts. on march 1, they received all the relevant instructions and began to complete the task. at creation of leningradsky. six american haimarc missiles and four french hammer guided bombs, among the destroyed western equipment was a us-made holk anti-aircraft missile launcher, two american self-propelled guns, one gun and a french cesar installation. well, in the rear we have already started repairing the trophy
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german leopard, one of the latest modifications. alexander katsuba was able to study it together with our soldiers. creaking from the twisted one. armored heavy german tank leopard 2 a5, knocked out at avdeevsky direction shamefully leaves the front line. our soldiers are being taken to the rear for repairs. if we compare it, it means that this sample is with some specific samples of ours, and samples of military equipment, the t-90 is much more convenient both when landing and when leaving the vehicle, in some critical situation, you can leave faster, and save your life . the leopard of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed by the fighters of the center group of troops, as soon as it rolled out to the firing line, first it ran over an anti-tank mine with its right caterpillar, and then several of our attack drones completed the defeat. this is a modified version of the german leopard, reinforced armor and
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huge dimensions. it is they, in fact, that get in the way in a modern war. the gromoz tank is terribly clumsy. the crew abandoned their combat vehicle as soon as the first one thundered. explosion they are given equipment, but they don’t, there is no specific standard for certain samples, that is , there is a lack, maybe experience or some other issues in the plan. training in the use of equipment for its intended purpose, and sixty-five tons the leopard 2a5 is considered the main battle tank of the german armed forces. according to the command of the ukrainian armed forces, these combat vehicles began arriving in ukraine about a year ago. there is very little space in the tank. now i’m going out to the commander’s place, through this hatch our fpv flew into the leopard, which brought him. to a fire here in the turret interior, well, this is
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the barrel, a 120-mm leopard gun, right there is the place of the gunner-operator, you can’t turn around, the tank was evacuated in two stages: first, reconnaissance of the area, then a lightning-fast operation by the soldiers of the repair regiment grouping center for transporting it to the rear. full ammunition of the german leopard, caliber 120 mm is already inferior. for any of our tanks we have 125 mm armor-piercing shells, high-explosive fragmentation shells, cumulative shells, also a set of smoke bombs, 7.62 caliber cartridges for a heavy machine gun, and a set of dry rations. the repairs will take 2-3 days, no more, our experts assure, they will change the tracks and replace the electrical wiring of the tank, after which the group’s command will decide its fate. he was mortally wounded on april 19 for
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courage and dedication in the performance of professional duty, today, by presidential decree, the journalist was awarded the order of courage, posthumously. report by grigory vdovin. for everyone who knew semyon, his personal passing is a very big loss, of course. this is a completely irreparable loss for our entire journalistic community. representatives of most russian media structures came to say goodbye to semyon. this is a kind of professional solidarity. in front of the coffin , there was a journalist’s award, of which there were one more. semyon never spoke about any difficulties of his work. all his considerations concerned primarily the fighters, the army. semyon died making his own. another, truthful, honest report about the struggle for
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the country, the president of russia signed a decree on awarding the order of courage to eremin semyon nikolaevich, for the courage and dedication shown in the performance of his professional duty, we will remember him, but what about his endurance? professional, never looked for adventure, but just did his job, he was the best of us, he was collected, very he told me many times, who knows, they remember him, he always said, i...
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from the divisions of our company at the state television and radio broadcasting company , semyon eremin began his journalistic career in one stavropol region. he covered the conflict in donbass
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as a correspondent for news holding, and here he has already earned great authority in the journalistic environment. semyon talks about clarity, rigor, intelligence, calculation, fearlessness, but fearlessness, he too, he knew how to deal with fear, that is, he explained even these things, how to behave. so you need to get used to danger, he was like that for me a person, well, something like a personal psychotherapist, he had such an inner core, and he had this... confidence that everything was fine, that everything would be fine, he infected those around him, semyon filmed his last story about the unit for combating by enemy drones in the zaporozhye direction near the village of priytnoe. one of the commanders considered it important and necessary to come from the donetsk direction to the farewell ceremony, and with a drone in his hands. they knew each other personally. semyon spent a lot of effort and energy to ensure that in our
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units it became an effective and formidable weapon. what you can now see on my chest. this is his big contribution to this, too, so brother, you will always be in our memory. at one time , a video appeared on social networks in which ukrainian drone operators saw journalists in characteristic blue bulletproof vests with the inscription press, and began to deliberately target them with artillery strikes. this was precisely the film crew of semyon eremin. i just kneel before my parents,
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two daughters, one of whom was born recently, semyon eremin was buried on the alley of journalists, at the troekurovsky cemetery. grigory vdovin, mikhail altarkop, egor dolinsky, lead. in bryansk, fsb officers detained a russian who, on instructions from ukrainian curators, was preparing a terrorist attack. this is operational surveillance footage, inside a black bag, an improvised explosive device that the suspect took from a hiding place. they planned to detonate a bomb in one of the public places in bryansk, detained.
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the staff of the supreme court, and the entire judiciary that operates today, it was formed precisely with the participation of vyacheslav mikhailovich, this is a community, a judicial community of professionals who are ready
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and have the opportunity to perform all the tasks assigned to the judicial system well. thanks a lot. during the conversation, the head of state especially noted the experience of podnosova, who at one time dealt with criminal and economic cases, and for the last 4 years was the deputy chairman of the supreme court. well, today vladimir putin presented state awards to railway workers, including those who were among the first went to lay the bam. a solemn ceremony dedicated to the half-century anniversary of the construction took place in the kremlin. a highway that stretches across half of it. the country today is one of the main transport arteries of the planet, in the coming years its capacity will increase several times, report by olga armyakova, just like 50 years ago, they meet in the state kremlin palace, then future builders, now veterans of bama, who received the first buns on 17 komsomol on bam, but they didn’t yet
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know which one, either chassis or iron, but then we figured it out, to conquer the siberian taiga, the first detachment of... about 700 volunteers set off straight from the kremlin, and here today they are accepting congratulations from the president. half a century ago, the construction of a unique transport route, the legendary baikal-amur mainline, began. the idea itself, of course, inspired by both the romance of creation and the enthusiasm of the young, inspired almost the entire country at that time. and they composed poems, just like you and me. people, they left to build the legendary highway, choosing for themselves the fate of pioneers. the starting point of the grandiose infrastructure project was the seventeenth congress
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of the komsomol on april 23, 1974, then bam was declared a shock komsomol construction site, we met there, fell in love, these are our wives, we met at obami, we met, arrived in the same year, met, got married, gave birth to two sons. well, in the hall are those who built the legendary highway, those who continue the development of bama and the trans-siberian railway, the most important direction for the country - the eastern railway range . we will pay special attention to improving the quality of life of people in populated areas points tied to bam, including on the basis of well-developed master plans, will receive long-term development of the capital's reference point bam, tynda and sero-baikalsk. we have a lot of debt to the people here. and, of course, further development. both will serve to increase the export transit capabilities of russia, as the most important link in the eurasian transport system. i am sure that we will definitely
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implement all our plans, we will do it for the benefit of russia and our people. bam is one of the largest construction projects in the country, which gave impetus to the development of eastern siberia and the far east. they built the track of courage, and so they called the legendary one, in severe frosts and unbearable heat, where no man had gone before. here. a chronicle of those days in person, in order to lay a highway almost 400 km long, it was necessary to overcome seven mountain ranges from the town of taishet in the irkutsk region to the port in the tatar strait, the soviet harbor. it took 10 years to lay the bam, but construction was finally completed only at the beginning of the 21st century, now the bam is experiencing a rebirth, it is necessary not only to embroider narrow areas, the task is now much larger, for everything.
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almost all those awarded whispered in my ear: i serve russia, thank you for your service. now bam is really being revived, a second track with parallel tunnels and bridges is being built, only in the last 2 years the second eight-kilometer baikal tunnel has been commissioned at the eastern transport site, and road and railway bridges have been built across the amur to china. in the near future , another half a trillion rubles will be invested in the expansion of bama. this. highway to the future of russia. olga armyakova, oleg makarov, ivan zamorin, victor kazakov, andrey baraukhin and alexandra terpugova. news. temperature swings in early spring.
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today, the passing of april surprised tomsk. the bus pushed the car and we didn’t go any further. collisions on the skolskaya road became widespread and the city was stuck in ten-point traffic jams. due to the snowstorm, wind and ice, the cars could not even move . and braking on summer tires only aggravated the situation, i want to go home, not everything today we reached our destination in tatarstan on time, a hurricane hit the republic, wind gusts reached 24 m/s, and hail in some places exceeded the size of table tennis balls. the storm hit zelenodolsk and buinsk the hardest, there is destruction there, roofs of houses and garages were demolished , trees were knocked down and more than ten cars were damaged.
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in the obbat district, like this one, for example, this village of efimovo, and if previously a modest calm river, but with a loud name, flowed under this bridge, babylon, now on in its place is a sea of ​​water. the village with the telling name vodolazova was left without a message from posusha; the road was washed away before our eyes. we were driving to vodolazovo, our relatives were there, and then we saw that the road was washed, now we’ll turn around and go home. those with limited mobility were evacuated in advance, but there
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were still people there. police officers from the ministry of emergency situations remained and went on duty. tatyana gertseva, the head of the settlement, remembers the 2017 flood very well, how she helped with the delivery of food then. here we are bringing bread, tiles, butter to the guys, there is milk, our guys, employees, will not what to need, need. while the message is by rowing boat, the distance is short, but the current is strong. we help load supplies. tell me how it is there? now life is settled, do you have everything, everything is there, it’s warm, you’ve brought sleeping bags, you ’ve been on duty there for how many days already, well, for a day, it turns out , you just took over, yes, how much is still unclear, yes, they said, for three, then maybe i’ll change , evacuation in the region continues, people in flooded areas are strongly recommended to leave their homes and move to temporary temporary accommodation centers, as almost the entire population has left
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in the villages of nalimovo and shimsky district , according to information from the opertyzhsky department of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, an assault warning was announced from april 24 to april 26 due to the rise in water level in the ishim river to dangerous levels. 60 cm.
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nine temporary accommodation points have been deployed in the obad region. 100% evacuation is carried out in four settlements in the region. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, vesti tyumen. well, china has the highest red warning today due to heavy rainfall, announced in zhenzhen. in the city on the border with hong kong is at an extremely high risk of flash floods. in total , about 110.00 people have already been evacuated from the most affected areas of guangdong province, almost more.
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600 billion rubles. another 75 will be sent to regions with the lowest birth rates. all regions will receive assistance with the construction of sports complexes and renovation of schools. those nearby, of course, have their own development programs. with a special operation zone in the belgorod region, for example, a special economic zone will appear, the president was asked about this on a direct line from shebekin. let's send this russian entity more than 2 billion rubles, primarily to people who have lost their housing, employees of small medium-sized enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, industrial companies will also receive funds for reconstruction, modernization, and what is very important for retaining workers. i ask that people and businesses receive these resources quickly and without delay. the budget has all these billions only because it turned out to be stronger than the sanctions. state treasury revenues for the first quarter of this year increased by half compared to
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previous, and gdp growth by the end of 2024 promises to be 3%. consumer activity is a consequence of rising incomes of the population. in the twenty-fourth year, cash income will increase by 5.3%. in real terms, unemployment will remain at no higher than 3%. in terms of inflation, we expect a slowdown to 5.1% by the end of the year. let me remind you that at the end of last year the inflation rate was 7.4%. that is, there is a decline. the cabinet of ministers predicts a target of 4% next year. currently, all key areas are actively growing: industry, construction, transport, tourism, trade by almost 8%. in real terms, that is , adjusted for inflation, in the budgets of the next years, exports are growing faster than imports, hence another source of income. it is important to take into account the necessary funding for national projects, for government
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programs and directions that were outlined by the president in the message, so that people receive the necessary support, social measures must all be taken into account, and the economy and industry would continue to develop, only in specific articles.. . trillions of rubles have been allocated for this development, and the foundation for the six-year plan is already being laid. alexey konop, alina gomzikova and diana fitisova, host. special operations veterans injured in combat should be eligible to receive a free manual vehicle . chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin discussed new support measures today with the head of the defenders of the fatherland fund , anna tseveleva. deputies have already adopted more than 100 relevant laws and this work is necessary. you see that there are gaps in legislation, of course, it is very important that you make proposals to us, identify those
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problems that require solutions, of course, we will do everything to ensure that our legislation is more adapted to solving those problems. that you are engaged in, we propose to simply give us the opportunity to make a car as a technical means of rehabilitation and it will be issued exclusively for medical reasons, when no other possibilities will allow a person to be socialized. the cancellation of the march of the immortal regiment in russia is not will prevent our country from adequately celebrating victory day this year. this was announced today at the central headquarters of the movement of the same name. the organizers noted that this decision was made for... security reasons; other formats have been prepared in return, in particular we are talking about online broadcasts on the official website of the project and various media platforms in cities. from the first to the 12th of may it is offered on cars such as
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public transport, as well as on cars that are involved, for example in housing and communal services, cars that are involved, well, even in ambulances, any vehicles, place portraits of both... family members and those heroes of the great patriotic war, home front comrades who are known, in fact, in a particular region. the headquarters emphasized that official requests for holding a full-time immortal regiment have been sent to local authorities in sixty countries, and in more than 100 states commemorative events will be held in various formats, for example, on the territories of russian embassies and consulates, where special applications are submitted not required. well, the young europeans now look at history completely differently, for whose liberation from fascism hundreds of thousands of our soldiers and officers gave their lives. the cabinet of ministers of latvia today unanimously decided to abandon russian as a second foreign language in schools in 1926; in bulgaria
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they resumed the demolition of a monument to the soviet army. ahead of victory day, chief architect sophie ordered a return to dismantling after the highest administrative court overturned the lower court's decision. a few months ago the decision to dismantle the monument. was declared illegal, but by that time the bronze figures had already been cut into pieces and transported to a temporary storage warehouse. tezi choir calmly from the day. from today we can calmly.
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one of those who called for massive attacks on yugoslavia was then congressman biden. the strike was later called a war crime by an international human rights organization. from belgrade, daria grigorova. at night, at exactly 2:6 minutes , people gather in front of the serbian radio and television building relatives, friends and colleagues of those who died from a nato air strike on april 23 , 1999. at the monument with the simple question of why candles are lit every year in honor of
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the sixteen victims, american politicians called them and other victims of the bombing of yugoslavia collateral damage. when the first bomb fell on the television center building, the night news was broadcast, and this moment was caught on video. the tv presenter miraculously managed to escape; those who were on duty with him that night died. technicians, operators, editors, makeup artists, security guards. another 16 people were seriously injured. the bodies of the victims were pulled out from under the ruins of the exploded facility for several days. and 25 years after the bombing , everything in the old rts building remained virtually untouched. two temahawk missiles hit the studio complex, where people were occupied around the clock. the missiles hit the so-called master technical center, from where the signal was sent to all transmitters. news studio number one is just 20 meters away. the blow was like this.
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another building was damaged in serbia, this is the russian church of the holy trinity, it is located very close, here literally 150 m. the altar was destroyed, glass was broken, the roof was damaged, the ceiling fresco was irretrievably lost, the icon painter zor endabich was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy, the explosion was so powerful that we were also inside the temple...
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the first period we they couldn’t even serve here. it was really very scary. at that time , the church of the russian orthodox church shared the fate of the belgrade residents who were under the so -called humanitarian bombing. the renovation of the church has not yet been completed, this in the fall, the church of the holy trinity was celebrated. its centenary, work to restore the church from the impact of a nato bomb is planned to be completed by september. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau, from belgrade. us secretary of state blinken begins his visit to china with accusations of massive human rights violations against beijing. he expressed the standard set of complaints right before departure. however, as is customary in the united states, there are very specific economic interests behind political statements. americans they are dissatisfied with beijing’s industrial activity,
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which they are unable to resist, and the prc, judging by today’s comments by the chinese foreign ministry, is the true price of blinken’s statement. the united states is fully aware that the united states is maliciously seeking to contain china and is using intimidation to achieve more advantageous competitive positions for itself, according to chinese diplomats quoted by western agencies. well, another goal of the state department is to drive a wedge in relations between china and russia. chinese banks that work with our country threaten to cut off blinken from the world financial system, and even the american press call these threats an instrument of financial coercion. cooperation between russian and chinese intelligence services became one of the main topics of today's negotiations between secretary of the council of russia nikolai patrushev and member of the politburo of the chinese party chenwenqing. during the conversation, patrushev especially noted bilateral ties between moscow and beijing. further strengthening of the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction
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with the prc is a priority of russian foreign policy. russia's china partnership is a modern example of interaction between major powers. world is built on the principles of mutual respect and equality, deep trust, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. the russian budget will receive 375 billion rubles, thanks to the fact that sberbank, a controlling stake owned by the state, this year will allocate half of its annual profit to pay dividends, the fact that it has reached one and a half trillion and has become a record in history, the head of sberbank german gref. answering questions from a journalist. he also noted that sber bought the gorno-altaisk airport. the air harbor will undergo a complete reconstruction, including receiving a runway extended by 500 m, and its capacity will increase 10 times to one and a half million passengers per year. in general, the demand for russian tourism will only
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grow, and we will make this airport international, because all the nearby countries and... china and the cis countries, everyone is inviting, i think that they will be happy to use the services of opportunities in altai, including ours mountain resort. what will be the collateral? effective cooperation with the countries of the asian regions not only in the field of tourism, now most clearly demonstrated by the pace of construction of the pacific railway. in the khavarovsky territory, builders today have approached the 400 km mark, and this is already more than half of the new transport artery... which will connect the yakut fields and ports of the sea of ​​okhotsk. report by elizaveta yurova. the spans of the bridge over the small jelon river glow like a bright spot among the hills and centuries-old pines. readiness is close to 90%. first private a project of similar scale in russia. yakutia, khabarovsk region. a new logistics branch
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of the country is being built here. the train with materials leaves from the zero picket. this is the starting point of the road from mysamorsk. where the port of elgo is being built for the shipment of coal. mineral deposits are linked to the shores of the sea of ​​okhotsk. construction is taking place on both sides of the elgen deposit and the future offshore coal terminal. 400 km of railway have already been laid. the areas are different, both in climate and in relief. permafrost replaced by a windy coast. the impenetrable taiga turns into a swamp. still, the distance is colossal. the length of the line is 531 km with all the infrastructure, stations and...
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it’s easier to bite into solid rock and lay an iron branch. on a national scale, this is a historical matter, the potential of the coal deposit is enormous, but the road, for example, to the port of vanino is about 2.0 km. a cost-effective export channel to the asian market is needed. tjd is almost in a straight line. in the future, the road's carrying capacity will be 50 million tons per year. can be compared this project with projects such as the baikal-amur mainline, one might even say. siberian railway. participation in this project is, one might say, a touch of history, because the project is truly unique. the first test train is planned to be sent in september. full delivery is scheduled for 2026. elizaveta yurova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. incredible footage
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was filmed today in yekaterinburg, where an employee of a management company took a mortal risk to save a pensioner who was on the a two-year-old grandson accidentally locked it. brother, just be careful. in order to open the doors and not scare the child, the engineer decided to arm himself with one screwdriver, despite the height of the eleventh. climb from one balcony to another without insurance. in the end, everything ended safely on time. at this point, the child had only just gotten to his grandmother’s pills. right after us are two new episodes of the series angels of the area. the heroine anna mikhalkova is again dealing with a whole bunch of unexpected problems. her family's apartment suddenly turns into a communal apartment, when the neighbor returns to the next room with his daughter. her son, trying to earn extra money, gets involved in a dubious adventure, and alena herself faces dismissal and even trial. we are following the twists and turns of the plot today on the russia channel immediately after the big news. well
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, while we are still on the air, here is what will happen next in our program. the ukrainian loss is so terrible that britain is putting the defense industry on a war footing. there are powerful anti-israeli student protests around the world. rwanda, according to london, is so safe country that migrants should be sent there. incredibly successful tour in tokyo of the soloists of the st. petersburg house of music under the direction of sergei roldugin. in an emergency in the moscow region, a hero of russia was beaten for objecting to an illegal construction project. and shots of a shower for indian elephants at a car wash in vladikavkaz. i haven’t been home for 20 years, i can give people a holiday. i! premiere on rtr, so he showed up, vadik, what should i do? i have this idea here, maybe you
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can buy my room? so, take 400 everything, or there will be 800, or gulya will live here, of course, we'll keep thinking. angels of the area. today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to rix. with premium magavish suuts & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a
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1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about. a hotel for unforgettable experiences rixos sharmashaya is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. rixos. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your enjoyment. enjoy
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a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. we gathered in the first group about.
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didn’t survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy, go with your husband to the sea on saturday. i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht, the sea, the sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a husband romance, forget what hotel she’s in, i
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want to save our family, he came with her, make me jealous today, what’s going on with you and my wife, your marriage is bursting at the seams, overseas sea premiere, well, our life can’t be that simple fall apart, no need to think about it, on saturday on rtr, on the air. and we continue to release. ukraine will not be able to regain crimea and donbass even with a new aid package from the states. the new york times writes about this, citing the opinion of senators who, in the coming days, will most likely approve the allocation of money to kiev, understanding this means that it won’t change anything globally. the new aid package won't even allow ukraine to stop russia's advance. american military production currently cannot keep pace with russian weapons production. the war
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simply matters more to russia than to... the west and russia devotes more resources to it. therefore, kiev is taking desperate measures. the ministry of defense of ukraine ordered the cessation of all consular activities abroad for men of military age. there is an unprecedented influx in ukrainian foreign consulates citizens, but men from 18 to 60 are not even issued ready-made international passports. the only available service for men of military age is to obtain documents to return to ukraine, where they will be immediately sent to the front. in short, marvel, guys, in general, look, guys, they already tried to kick us out, but our fellows, they blocked the booths so that no one could come in to submit documents while potential conscripts were being expelled from poland, it is in warsaw today that the british prime minister is discussing with his polish colleague tusk and nato secretary general stoltenberg new arms supplies for ukraine. the head of the government of the united kingdom announced that
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he was putting the defense industry into war mode. report by denis davidov. the british prime minister is trying to return attention to the ukrainian topic, journalists will say about the negotiations in warsaw, the picture speaks for itself, they meet at a military base, sunok , along with the polish prime minister tusk and nato secretary general stoltenberg, went out for 3 minutes to spin around the tanks that were specially adjusted to this was a terrible thing. today at on the plane, the prime minister told us that the changing world is more dangerous than ever. since the cold war, he has been calling on european allies to increase funding for ukraine. it is proposed to emulate the uk, it allocates an unprecedented tranche for the purchase of weapons, half a billion in pounds, more than 600 million in dollars. in the package that the sun is transferring to ukraine 400 vehicles, 60 boats, 2.0 missiles, including long-range stormshadow, another 4 million rounds of ammunition will be supplied, so they
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invest in security. if we don't support ukraine now, there will be costs much higher. we will put the uk's defense industry on a war footing. one of the main lessons of the war in ukraine is that we need deeper stockpiles of ammunition, and industry must be able to replenish them more quickly. britain's defense spending is increasing, they will invest in the army like no one else in europe, 2.5% of gdp instead of the current two and a half, that is, to...
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only the usa. secretary general stoltenberg believes that with trump's arrival in the white house , the states will not leave the alliance. appease him it will be possible to regularly pay membership dues to the nato treasury. but the examples of london and washington are not contagious for everyone. not the richest members of the eu could help ukraine, if not with money, then with weapons, but no. greece does not want to send its patriot complexes, and a number of european countries
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are against the supply of air defense systems. among those patriots keep to themselves is poland, where they cite the russian threat as an excuse. their myth about the far-reaching plans of the kremlin, which will not stop in ukraine, is good. we as a government have a responsibility to protect our own. citizens and their territory. i appreciate those who understand our special situation. in poland, one exercise replaces another or several take place simultaneously. they practice attacks from the east in such a way that soldiers die at the hands of their own. this time, during live -fire exercises, they did not save the corporal from spain; he died on the spot, that is. at the training ground. a spanish soldier died in poland during nato maneuvers. forty-three-year-old corporal, the father of two daughters, a native of ecuador, entered service in 2004. condolences during
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negotiations had to be expressed to the nato secretary general. this is not the first death in poland since the beginning of the year. in march , three soldiers died within days of each other. the tragedies had no effect on the intensity of the exercises. the alliance continues to prepare.
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britain is going to send illegal migrants to rwanda. the long-suffering bill finally passed through parliament. the british press is traveling around, depicting sunok at the controls of a toy airplane at the parking meter for half a billion. and european.
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they all dreamed of getting to britain, to their the inflatable boat was filled with about 100 people, men, one woman and a seven-year-old girl. this group of migrants was luckier, they were intercepted in the english channel by british border guards and taken to the english port of duvar, but such people are not at all welcome here. a few hours earlier, the british parliament removed the last obstacles to the approval of a new law on the deportation of illegal immigrants to rwanda. prime minister sunok triumphantly announced that the first aircraft. we are ready, plans have been developed and will be implemented no matter what happens. we won't allow anyone foreign court to block this decision.
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not everything is so simple: the agreement with rwanda was signed under boris johnson 2 years ago, but got bogged down in litigation. the uk supreme court simply banned such deportation in november last year. then the government came up with the idea of ​​legally declaring rwanda. a country safe for sending migrants there, so that no one could object; the statements of british parliamentarians reeked of something colonial. a dangerous country that again proves its ability to offer asylum seekers and a chance to build a new life. the government claims that they are engaged in a noble cause, they are saving migrants from risky journeys, warning them in advance that they have no reason to sail here. among those who are trying to get to england at any cost are refugees from afghanistan, from where great britain and the united states ingloriously left. how do you feel about the possibility of being sent to rwanda? this is unfair,
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especially for those who came from afghanistan. but the conservatives ruling the country need ratings and support voters who demand a solution to the problem of illegal migration. i would be skeptical that this will be some kind of magic wand that will allow the conservatives to turn things around before the next election. for the vast majority of people , health and economic problems are much more important. critics call such deportation of migrants immoral, and there is a separate question about the cost. over the 2 years that the rwandan project has existed, it has become truly golden for the british treasury. the national audit rates it at half a billion pounds sterling, despite the fact that so far not a single migrant has been sent to rwanda. the british home office claims that a list of the first 150 people to be deported has already been prepared. it is estimated that sending each of them to... the government faces huge
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expenses, considering that in the last 2 years alone, almost 76 thousand illegal migrants entered britain through the lomanche. budget expenses were slightly reduced due to the fact that more than 17 thousand of them have already applied with running. those remaining under the control of the authorities, in the event of an attempt to deport them, have the right to apply to the european court of human rights to file various appeals. right-wing radicals today scuffled with police in central london, where they gathered to celebrate the day of st. george, the patron saint of england. anti-immigrant slogans are usually heard in such a crowd, but apparently, the law giving the green light for the deportation of illegal immigrants to rwanda did not become a holiday gift for these people. alexander khabarov, ilya mordyukov, lead london. criminal ex-president trump's trial is taking on new ones.
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allies and the presence of two opponents in the november election, trump and biden, risks turning into disaster. and it’s also trump’s turn.


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