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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 2:05am-2:55am MSK

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most likely not only the level, but the consequences, the consequences of those decisions that are made by the military-political ukraine, ukraine and the collective west, correct me if i’m wrong, but in my opinion, the most important thing is not only the achievements of our assaults and guys on the front line, but the destruction of logistics hubs, decision-making centers of the senior command staff making these decisions, but this is called looking at the matter as a whole.
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that is, under the talk about freedom, under the talk about democracy, it actually arose serfdom, in general, if you look at ukrainian publics, the most interesting thing is that the path to sobering up individual characters lies through mathematics, how is that possible? we will owe more than 60 billion, they give us either 13 or 7 in debt, we still have to fight for it, we still have to fight, in this regard, of course, it hits the basic, in general, myth of ukraine, because as in ... it turns out that it’s still
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the other way around, by the way, in this regard, we can say that a certain americanization of the ukrainian system has occurred, i’m just let me remind you that james madison once said that the dignity of the american political system is the complete exclusion of the people from the electoral process, that is, in this regard.
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they will immediately get a kick in the ass will be deported from europe, well, if they are declared to be declared russian spies they will be deported, kulebysh is now negotiating for ukrainians with expired passports to be immediately deported to ukraine, and the cost of deportation will be paid from their first military salary, this is absolutely wonderful idea, the west will pick it up if those ukrainians who will come out there... well, again, okay, the question is up in the air, if we talk about the american one, yes, if we actually talk about the strategy and tactics of the states and britain, then there are actually two strategies and tactics, then the states, on the one hand, have only tactics, it is pre-election, it is catastrophic, yes, that is, this is patching up the nearest holes, that is, the last catastrophe that biden gave birth to, this is about the statement about...
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pro-palestinian protests when he accused protest participants in anti-semitism, yes, that is, such a fork arises, either you support israel unconditionally, or you are an anti-semite of the third. not given, in this regard, given that students began to protest, this is an interesting plot that can be developed, that is, in this regard , the united states can take a step towards europe in 1968 if they let this thing slip from under control, but also with arms supplies, the states are pursuing a very clear goal that the front does not collapse before the election campaign, i would pay attention to britain, to rish sunak’s statement, but it is much more in this regard. strategically, yes, that is , britain says, as we remember, very johnson recently stated and said that the entire hegemony of the west is under threat, that is, if god forbid we lose, and then britain is trying to specifically influence the situation, yes, then there are weapons supplied
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mainly for attacks on russian territory itself and for attacks on the kremsky bridge, that is, no one is hiding this, the second point applications. this is also extremely alarming, this is moldova, yes, that is, what we observed, respectively, at the airport in moldova yesterday, when people were detained and searched for 4-5 hours, creating a disgrace for the whole world, but then you need to understand that the target is also ukraine , first of all, britain is unfreezing the moldovan conflict, the transnistrian conflict, in general, this scenario must also be taken into account, it must also be prepared for, unfortunately. that is, britain in this regard, not having the same resources as the united states the states are trying to act selectively, making efforts where they can actually cause, with a little application, even very, very significant harm, i’m
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wondering why it’s so difficult, why against zelensky, it’s much more effective to sue the human rights court, i’m still silent, silent, please. i want to tell you, in fact, with regard to the cessation of consular services, this is not the arrogance of the zelensky regime, i believe, generally speaking, this is a conspiracy between the zelensky regime and the european union, at least the leaders of european countries, this is a conspiracy between everyone, of course, has their own motivation, but nevertheless, this is a conspiracy, so ukrainians actually have the right, legally, in compliance with the legislation of the european union, to go out there to protest, moreover, why do i think this is a conspiracy?
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protect yourself, yourself, try to protect yourself in the country that was presented to us as an ideal, as the triumph of democracy, freedom, respect for human rights and freedoms, you are there, try to realize all these rights of yours in this country, in the country where we, in fact, are called, yes, under we, we, what is the war around, what is the war around, we convinced the ukrainians that ukraine’s entry into nato... this is security, while ukraine lived without nato, there was no war in ukraine, its attempt to join nato led to what we came to, to war. this time, joining the european union, but it has already been discussed a thousand times, yes, and said a thousand times, everything
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that was written down in the documents as the first step towards joining the european union, from the very first step there was a deception, because that document spelled out all the interests of the european union and...
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the british, they don’t count the number of deaths, they absolutely don’t care about that,
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but what does this give to the political in the event of success, tactical success of ukraine, on any single, even a small area gives them the opportunity to switch to some other agenda, you see, now the situation for the west is very uncomfortable, now the situation has developed in such a way that russia absolutely calmly, consistently, i must tell you, says that we ready for negotiations. they look and say, so wait, what is this? well, you yourself, you yourself want to prolong this war, so what are your claims
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against russia? they say: we, we are ready, yes, but you take into account the realities that have developed, but you don’t want to do this, which means you want the war to continue. i have absolutely no illusions, i believe that today there is no reason to believe that there will be no negotiation process or attempt to resolve this before the elections in the united states of america conflict? i believe that this will continue until at least the mid-20s. why, why look at them at all? yes, i don’t encourage you to look at someone, i say
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what goals they set, in fact, maybe, but maybe we can say what goals we set? that’s it, we formulated these goals back in december, twenty-one, just to fuck them all up, why even pay attention to them, that’s it, enough of this already, we need to understand, the most brutal warrior is a civil warrior, that’s understandable, here on the other side people don’t understand anything, they think it’s ours weakness. it means showing what our strengths are, extremely harshly, giving the opportunity to peaceful people to leave, of course, demolishing all the bridges, infrastructure, yes, yes, we understand that there are nuclear power plants , you can’t touch them, but that’s what will ensure their existence , you can touch with might and main, everything, if you want decommunization, you will get it in full, in this situation.
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there must be the most severe revenge, the principle is very simple, as in diplomacy, but in the same way,
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there must be a symmetrical response, absolutely, they blew up our infrastructure, they don’t know who, and we don’t know who is now going to blow them all up to hell, there are absolutely no objections to this, absolutely, that is, it seems to me that this is enough, by the way, to feel sorry, we need to feel sorry for the residents of donbass, we need to feel sorry for the residents zaporozhye, crimea, kherson region, belgorod, belgorod. you should feel sorry for them in rostov, and these, who for 8 years applauded the murder of the inhabitants of donbass, who giggled and laughed when the guys were burning in odessa, who...
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they want that guy to go for them, die, ensure their victory, and they will to vote, yes, you know, victory is like that, but it ’s not quite like that, we like it, but we don’t like it, they fit like that, so well , this is like the first step, let them, let them think about it, you also ask me, i really i don’t understand, now in russia there are many people with ukrainian passports, who, why aren’t they on the front line, why aren’t they fighting here now, i don’t want to talk about you, i know what you did.
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money, military labor, they chatter, telling us how we should live and how we should it’s right to save them from the fact that they brought up and raised you, half of them occupied even greater positions, everyone needs to pay more attention to what he says, what he calls for and in general to look at yourself, look at yourself, it helps you a lot, well, at least , i agree, i’ll tell you more, many of them sit and wait, they say, we’re a professional.
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let me remind you that under ukraine the crimean tatar language was not an official language, but under russia it became. at the beginning of the program you said the word homeless, that is, people who fled to their time with ukraine, the rich, the not so rich, have now really in some sense become homeless, or are about to become homeless, that is, this is another division of ukrainians into some layers, yes, because those people were not
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undefined, but someone is a citizen of ukraine, residence is visible. something else, now they were forced to make a choice, there are two choices, in fact, for those who have several, the first choice for those who live in the european union is to smear, because in ukraine, if there is any problem, for money it can be solved, for some reason i have persistent the belief that people who want to hit the jackpot, again whitewash those who live in the european union, have artificially created this problem, but it is impossible to legally obtain from the consulate that ...
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they can do something, the last question , on what topic, i’m very quick, who, that is, here, now, one, yes, who, who is a hero in ukraine now, oh, there are no heroes in ukraine, that’s all,
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see you tomorrow, yes. petersburg, a group of cashers were detained; according to investigators, they made money from social payments. carte blanche urban defender, the constitutional court changed the order of protection of historical structures during legal disputes. military greetings accompanied by the thunder of orchestras, the first rehearsal of the victory parade takes place on the palace square. where is macedonian? buried it, the russian geographical society showed the most mysterious map of siberia. we cashed out 120 million
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social rubles. in st. petersburg , alleged fraudsters who made money from maternal and land capital were restrained. the search activities were carried out by two regional departments at once, the fsb department and main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. also operatives from dagestan, according to the investigation . a native of this republic developed a scheme for the theft of social payments. through two proxies living in dagestan, she looked for women living in this region with three or more children. then four accomplices provided fictitious registration of families in st. petersburg. from mothers with many children , attackers received access keys to the government services portal.
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institutions, a criminal case has been initiated, the perpetrators face up to 6 years in prison, alexander bastrykin became interested in the situation in the village of telman, three dozen houses there are buried in infrequencies, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia gave instructions to initiate and investigate a criminal case. the news has already told of a communal nightmare: due to worn-out communications , sewage flows into the basements of houses , and due to constant dampness , foundations are destroyed. there is mold in the apartments and an unbearable smell. basements are not their area of ​​responsibility. the constitutional court has made a decision that will protect potential monuments until they are acquired their legal status. the reason was the fate of the toksovo railway station. it was demolished during the trial. ilya karelin, more details. victory in the constitutional court for. almost five years of work. all this
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time, the region fought for the wooden building of the railway station in toksovo to be recognized as an object of cultural heritage and taken under protection. in addition to being centuries old , the building, according to the city defender, also claimed this status because it was built in the northern art nouveau style. and it just became toksovo landmark. a threat loomed over it when the owner of russian railways decided to rebuild the station. petersburg news told about this. unfortunately, due to the peculiarities of the legislation, the court was unable to apply the measure. protection, he refused us, and accordingly, on april 24 the station was demolished, so, well, then we continued to participate in the process anyway. city defenders captured the process of dismantling the station in detail, but then the regional court annulled the refusal of the regional committee for culture to recognize the station building as a monument. the destroyed object has a protective status. at this time
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, a vaguely similar building was built on the site of the demolished pavilion. it was official. reconstruction was carried out, the number of storeys, height dimensions, location and shape of windows changed. the new building of the toksovo station, it would be hard to call it ugly. the building certainly has an aesthetic architectural image, but it has a very indirect relationship to the historical complex, as city defenders and experts rightly note. call it the building cannot be recreated as the original station. city defenders with this whole story turned to...
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thus, in the near future changes will be made to the procedure for administrative proceedings for city defenders throughout russia, this is a real carte blanche, because similar cases, like with the toksovsky station, have happened before, according to representatives of the movement living city, the decision of the constitutional court may determine the future of many historical buildings in st. petersburg. until now there was no the possibility of obtaining interim measures for them, that is, having received a lawsuit in court, the developer will receive nothing.
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the first drill rehearsal for the victory parade is still without equipment. today , several thousand military personnel and cadets came to the palace square. everyone was lined up in a parade square, as it would be may 9th. we rehearsed marching in formation, interacting with brass bands, and military greetings. there were also young army members and students of naval and land schools at the palace. according to tradition, they will be trusted to open the passage columns in front of the stands. many cadets will participate in the victory parade for the first time. tribute to the ancestors. the decision was made for security reasons,
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we will see the rest of the events on may 9 in st. petersburg. about the cash payment in honor of victory day, it will range from 5 to 10 thousand rubles depending on the preferential category; in may , 230,000 people, front-line soldiers, blockade survivors and children of war will receive it. in the zaporizhzhya direction,
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today the institute of experimental medicine transferred two cars to the northern military district zone: domestically produced minibuses, cross-country ability, the car is not new, but with minimal mileage, the cars will be sent to the airborne troops unit, according to the soldiers, they need exactly... these, they will work exactly in the thick of things, because i repeat once again, cars all-wheel drive with a high seating position, they can drive quite far and almost everywhere, accordingly , they will not stand in the rear in the deep, but will work on the front line, according to the current rules for the transfer of vehicles from enterprises to the zone they are engaged in regional executive committees of the popular front, only they have the right to take a car. on balance and transfer them to the active army, at the same time we send parcels to soldiers, at the first opportunity we always transfer those cargoes that citizens of st. petersburg bring, now in these cars we will put, let’s say, heat guns
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that the guys need, camouflage ones networks that are constantly woven in our office, and camouflage helmets, representatives of the popular front always include letters and drawings from st. petersburg residents in their parcels children, the cars are expected to reach the front line in a few days. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, in the studio leonid petrov. the day will pass almost without rain, and the thermometer columns will not show anything new. on wednesday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the hydras of the center of st. petersburg, on april 24 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings. temperature. air during the day in the rook field will be 5-7° above zero up to +8 it may warm up in tikhnie and bakhsyatogorsk, in volkhov about plus six, 7° with a plus sign, weather forecasters also promise in kirishi and gadchin, not cooler than +4 in the diocese. in st. petersburg
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during the day there will be no significant precipitation, moderate wind, mostly cloudy and up to +8 on the thermometer. on thursday night it will also be dry and no colder than plus one. have a nice day, whatever the weather. at the st. petersburg headquarters of the russian geographical society, a masterpiece of the pre-petrine school of russian cartography was presented. zhana skvartsova for more details. any masterpiece would envy such attention. in in the cartographic giaconda, everyone sees their own. icon of rus', history of discoveries and conquests. the drawing of siberia from the chinese borders in the 18th century was made by the chronicler semyon remizov, as they would now say, the owner. encyclopedic knowledge, but contrary to the european cartographic traditions of that time, the orientation here is not north, but south. why did peter like to examine those who returned from europe, instead of studying navigation there, they sat in
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taverns, because they returned and could not understand anything, the south is above, the north is below, no the usual scale and mathematical projections, meridians and parallels are replaced by the river network and land roads, but it was from copies of this drawing in the soviet... when all large-scale maps were distorted for safety reasons, tourist kayakers were guided. on this map you can navigate by rivers. if we look at the river network, it is the most reliable here. we start from the arctic ocean and then move, for example, along the abi. in principle, its contour follows the modern contour of abi. here's an engraving for comparison peteroshenko: the south and north are in place, colorful potatoes, but historians and ethnographers have nowhere to roam here. european cartographer.
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he left the bell, there is a mysterious mangazeya on the map, the polar city has fallen into decay. when the royal decree introduced a ban on the export of furs by sea, perhaps those cities that are indicated here no longer exist, and it is precisely on this map, focusing on it, that ... ethnographic and archaeological expeditions are now being organized and literally, like three people, they are digging up the indicated cities, expeditions continue, well, volume i have to be honest, it’s not big, because after all, we are a public organization, of course , what we do is usually a startup. key events of this year were announced at a meeting of the media club of the russian geographical society. sunken ships will be explored in the lapruz strait, and vitamins will be collected from the bottom of lake kamchatka. they want to fly a military plane, on the land of joseph's france
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they will open a scientific laboratory and count polar bears, in the valley of the kings - this is the republic of tva, under the lens of the eternal world, scientists hope to find the heritage of skiv nobility, there are long-standing connections between the geographical society and the hermitars, they are fundamental to the geographical society - this is research, so to speak, pioneers, and then they bring, are selected and rather lie here for the evening, then go to the museum, sometimes then return. the permanent exhibition of the hermitage, the remizov map was 60 years old, it is still in good condition, but such a long exposure did not do any good: cracks crawled across the canvas, the colors faded, once the dirty green was blue, and the yellow shimmered with gold, whether to restore the previous color will be decided by the restorers, literally centimeter by centimeter, looking, maybe with a microscope, maybe with a magnifying glass, and if somewhere there are, say,
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all the secrets of the mysterious drawings. at the same time as the restoration , the st. petersburg headquarters will continue to study how to work with unique exhibits. there is no such collection of cartographic publications anywhere else in the world. for example, the most expensive russian book is byzantine enamels. all masterpieces here are carefully protected from mold fungus. u you have a glow. now we just approached this card with these hands and blowholes. yes, in just an hour, three dozen people seriously interfered with the microclimate of this room. such a date is still stressful for the cartographic giaconda, so no more excursions; the masterpiece will await restoration in twilight and pleasant coolness. zhanna skvartsova, mikhail markov, andrey tarasov and maxim lapin. news: petersburg. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best.
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hello, hello, dear friends, dear tv viewers, in this program people usually talk about themselves, about their lives, and i, as a person striving for moderation, to be honest, began to treat these issues more carefully, and am trying to live my life especially not to demonstrate publicly, but i promise to be frank and... talk the truth and nothing but the truth, let's begin.
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hello, sergey gennadievich, many can remember that their life was changed by a meeting with some person, a book they read, someone’s film, but what influenced you, your idea of ​​life, love, happiness? well, it seems to me that in general everything that happens to us changes us, everything we see affects us quite strongly, so we need to be very careful, especially in the modern world, about what you look at, of course, it shapes a person ...all as he, so to speak, moves towards the finale of his life, and of course, childhood is always of great importance, remembering this childhood, i can say that somehow life did not send me any serious tests, i was born and raised in a magnificent
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heavenly place called isintuki, in the very heart of this resort area in a house in the style... a small evening there, maybe from the age of four i was already sitting in the front row watching a movie, or i was watching it from the first row, or i was watching it from a movie booth, because i knew everyone, everyone knew me and it was very interesting to me watch from a movie booth, because all this is the magic of projectors, film, how it all is,
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but i never thought that i would do it, to be honest, i have always strived for real art. to painting, graphics, to the history of art, although cinema was present in life all the time, for example, well, imagine, kisa vorobyaninov is standing at a city hospital, at some kind of lion, and so to speak, asking for money for food, if he leaves gradually, then look around, and if you still go away, here’s a film group, and if you go further, i’m standing there, twelve years old , watching how this scene is being filmed, but one way or another it’s paradise. i still have to leave, probably at the age of 15 i left for leningrad and entered art school, in general, this determined my entire future life, because the practice of fine arts is my strong point, that is , it so happened that for me there are no special secrets
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in composition, in dynamics, in rhythm, in color, and knowledge. of course, world art is also, in general , a serious advantage, for me, to be honest, i was always more interested in talking with a large number of people, but the artistic life is very closed, i studied art for god knows how many years, i can draw anything from any angle, because when we studied at the syrovos school we were required to do 60 sketches a week and we, without... of course, drew on each other’s trolleybuses, in the zoo, and whatever we did to get these 60 sketches, they were first considered upside down, and if they weren’t there in the sixties, they didn’t even look at it, it was a tough school, but my hand, now it remembers it all, and i can draw anything i want, but
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it’s impossible to engage in serious art, betraying it by going into cinema, art does not forgive these things. either you paint 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, or excuse me, nothing will work out for you, the artistic environment, it is good in some way, but, but i didn’t get used to it. i treat cinema as painting, that is, i try to work with images, i try to work with artistic images, the understanding of which to me. took place over a long period of studying art, because i believe that it is in art, mainly in the visual arts , that the truth is hidden, that is, all my films, they consist of a certain chain of artistic images, which should evoke
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certain emotions, thoughts in the viewer, how -then the conclusion should not occur through verbal, not through a message to him. the union of his ideology began to burn out, began to slide into such despondency, on the other hand, an alternative counterculture began to mature in it. if i'm also suspicious i treat rock and roll like cinema, but in the case of russian rock,
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such strange metamorphoses seem to take place here, because everything that comes to us from the outside most often harms us, and russia, it doesn’t just need not in any recipes from the outside, she always, so to speak, shapes everything on her own.
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everyone tried, but somehow it turned out that through some garages, in general, i immediately got there to the most important ones, the appearance was very bright, and i remember that firstly, when i was studying at the sirov school, here's some more a young man, had already graduated from it, then tsoi entered the first year, and i remember him, that is, i saw him first from this entire rock and roll party, when he appeared, then i say that...
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tsoi as a heroic personality, although in life he was a rather modest person , frankly speaking, quiet, but from time to time a second voice came out of him, the one who was the main one in him, and he composed these songs, they provided a way forward, without any obstacles, it was necessary to break down all the doors, our footprints were waiting on the streets, gloves in our pockets they whisper and... he pointed out this path, the path forward, the heroic one. grebenchukov, of course, said that all meanings should be sought in
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crystal spaces, you need to look up, that’s where they all hover, you just need to read them. kuryokhin said that all these meanings are inside a person, in his microcosm, in the depths of his silent knowledge, in the very lake that splashes inside, these three directions were revealed. in general they worked quite well, they were completely different, they had different cultural contexts, they had different fates, they had different educations, so there was value in this, they did not adore each other, they conflicted with each other, kuryokhin criticized gremenshchikov very much, he stoically endured, because kuryokhin was a person in whose presence everything was different.


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