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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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we’ll say goodbye, tomorrow we’ll give up the airwaves to our colleagues, and we’ll see you in our telegram channel, be sure to come and subscribe and have a nice day, goodbye, let’s start, let’s go with a smile. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. hello, on the russia tv channel, in the studio denis polonchukov and most importantly by this hour. russian troops launched massive
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attacks on ukrainian militant targets in kharkov and odessa. our attack aircraft destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. ludolovy from square. in ukraine men they take you to the front straight from the cafe and catch everyone . the us senate approved the allocation of military aid to kiev for $61 billion. biden is expected to sign the document today. investigative actions against the minister of defense timur ivanov. the water level in the ishim river is rising rapidly. and winter returned to krasnoyarsk, the city was covered with snowstorms and frost. and today the st. george’s ribbon campaign starts across the country. it will last until may 9. russian troops are carrying out massive attacks on targets of ukrainian militants. there were
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arrivals in kharkov, there are many in the city enterprises that work for the ukrainian army, several explosions are reported in odessa, as local media write, power has gone out in most parts of the city, russian troops are launching precision strikes on everything related to ukrainian industry working for the ukrainian armed forces. this is a response to the kiev regime's attempts to damage our energy systems. the key to success in a special operation zone is complex work. different techniques. orlan drones help identify enemy targets. they are able to stay in the air for up to 12 hours, practically invisible. on enemy radars. is the data received from arlan needed primarily by our artillery? report by vesti war correspondent eduard ponikov. this unmanned aerial vehicle is called intelligence eyes. the orlan complex can be deployed anywhere in a matter of minutes. they launch it into the sky using a catapult like this. the eagle
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is heading towards the front line, today it is flying deep behind enemy lines in the coal area. the drone transmits information about the positions of ukrainian nationalists to control points. we usually work 24x7, even now, when you talk to me, i have birds in the air. the body of the device is made of composite materials, so ukrainian radars most often cannot detect it. one of the main advantages of orlan is its autonomy. it can remain in the air continuously for up to 12 hours. here. right now the aircraft has returned from yet another combat duty. the drone lands using a parachute. payment immediately, starting maintenance. during reloading , the crews try to act as efficiently as possible quickly because there is a possibility of a retaliatory strike. for everything, about everything, about 15 minutes, no more. all actions are brought to automaticity. soldiers are well aware that enemy reconnaissance drones can fly above them. uav crews never spare shells. right now the calculation has carried out all the necessary procedures.
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the unmanned aerial vehicle is completely ready, right now it has left for its next combat duty. the drone is equipped with modern optics, thermal imagers and cameras with infrared radiation. he can also carry a payload, such as equipment that jams enemy communications. we observe a concentration of the enemy at the designated target, i ask you to work with artillery. all information is transmitted in real time to this control point. there are two operators working here, one controls the eagle. the second looks for potential targets and transmits the coordinates of artillery, depending on the weather, the altitude can reach up to 5.00 m. the autonomy is from 6 to 12 hours, mostly we fly about 2.500, the minimum is 500 m. this mobile the point is also a desired goal for the ukrainian armed forces. well, we are being hunted, as if we always change our base, change fields, just as we are looking for them, so they are looking for us. uav crews 155. marine brigades,
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front, help our units while the pacific fleet is on duty along the entire line to respond to any enemy movements. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. now to the flood situation: emergency evacuation is underway in the obatsky district of the tyumen region. level the water level in the ishim river is growing rapidly. over the past 24 hours he has gained one and a half meters. at this rate , the critical mark may already be exceeded today; there is less than half a meter left to reach it. people are also being taken out of villages in the uporovsky district; peak floods are expected there on the weekend. in the kurgan region , schoolchildren who were transferred to distance learning are returning to their usual routine. the tabola level near the regional capital is gradually falling. during the day , several dozen houses were freed from high water, however more than 5,000 residential buildings are still flooded. active liquidation of the consequences of the flood is now underway in the orenburg region. gas and
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electricity are being reconnected in the region. specialists are restoring roads, drying houses and sanitizing buildings. in total , more than 300,000 cubic meters of water have already been pumped out in the region. and to krasnoyarsk. winter unexpectedly returned, that night the city was covered with snowstorms and frosts, brought by an atmospheric front. as a result, by morning, the streets and roads were covered with a white blanket. on some routes we even had to limit movement. in addition, due to the temperature change, shanks formed. alexander usatenk found out how the city survives the april snowfalls and when to expect better weather. the overnight snowfall was so heavy that it was impossible to see anything further than 100 m. on country routes there are many kilometers of traffic jams, any descent or ascent is a real test that not everyone risks taking; heavy truck drivers stand on the side of the road to wait out the bad weather. traffic on the federal highway was limited; the traffic police recommended
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refraining from traveling long distances. and not to rush into changing winter tires to summer ones, and for people to think about replacing wheels - this is not until the average daily temperatures have already established themselves. it snowed in krasnoyarsk for several hours, during which time the city was covered with seven-centimeter snowdrifts. now it’s -6 outside and it feels like winter has just begun, there’s snow all around, and the roads and sidewalks are covered with ice. utility workers had to urgently replace brooms with shovels. in the morning , snow and ice are being actively removed from the city streets. however, residents reacted to this weather with optimism. it’s a bit different to be there, somewhere in the middle of may, most likely, because in may it can still fall on the ninth of may, it can snow there, well, i’m used to winter, you can go fishing in winter and so i
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wasn’t afraid. the culprit of the one-day winter was a cold atmospheric front. according to weather forecasters, further precipitation for krasnoyarsk residents will only come in the form of rain; by the end of the week it will warm up to +15°. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news, krasnoyarsk region. investigative actions are being conducted in relation to the deputy minister defense of timur ivanov. he was detained the day before, as reported by the investigative committee, he is suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. the investigation intends to petition for his arrest; the official faces a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article. of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained, and appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. it is known that his timur ivanov held the post since 2016, in
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the ministry he oversaw the organization of property management, housing and medical support, as well as procurement within the framework of the state defense order. according to the presidential press secretary. how to use information innovation to improve the quality of education? they are talking about this today in pskov, where the terussian forum of digital technologies in education has opened. over the course of 3 days, its participants will enjoy meetings, creative platforms, master classes, and thematic exhibitions. the purpose of the forum is to promote the introduction of new russian. technologies in the field of education, including artificial intelligence. severosetinsk state university has developed a new line of dry rations for special operation fighters. they are useful, have a long shelf life, and take up little space.
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the military personnel have already tried the first batch of soups; now there are plans to produce porridges with dried fruits. alexander kundukhov saw the cooking process. only pilot production by teachers of students of the north ossetian state university, the whole process takes place in one laboratories manually. vegetables are boiled, chopped and dried into... beets, bell peppers and other ingredients are dosed, mixed, all that remains is to add boiling water and you get real rich red borscht, homemade borscht, moderately salted, moderately peppered, a sufficient amount of herbs, generally spices, adjika, dried vegetables , dried cabbage, potatoes, carrots, retain all their beneficial properties and vitamins, the dish needs to sit for just a couple of minutes for all the flavor and aroma to develop, literally minutes and you will see how our products restored have a natural appearance
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and are very tasty, the first small batches of dry borscht have already been sent to the svo zone, the reviews are only positive, we sent them to the svo zone, we have graduates of the department there, we have relatives, friends there, only positive reviews, to whom - the maximum amount of salt is missing, but in general there were no complaints. such a bag does not take up space and weighs almost nothing, but in the end you get a full portion of delicious lean borscht. special additives - jerusalem artichoke, rich inulin, which the body needs, traditional caucasian spices. such rations will be convenient not only for the military, but , for example, for hunters or tourists. today , the laboratory produces up to 150 such portions of borscht per week, this is certainly not enough, now the issue of opening a full-fledged production on the basis of the university is being considered. in addition, a new line of products is in development, including healthy cereals and protein-rich vegetable soups. alexander
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kunduk, khvalan morgoev, uzhikov, stanislav khudiev, news: north ossetia. today by the st. george's ribbon campaign is starting across the country and will last until may 9. representatives of the all-russian movement of victory volunteers will distribute ribbons in popular public places. this is footage from vladivostok. volunteers went to nagorny park, the far eastern capital. everyone was given symbols of victory and information booklets that described in detail the history of the st. george ribbon, the meaning of its colors , and how to attach it to clothing. a riot of colors in crimea: hundreds of tourists travel to the peninsula to see how exotic plants bloom. about this and more immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. cnop gin is a product of stellor group.
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choice for an unforgettable holiday. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. rom castro is a product of stellor group. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we really need to. and forewarned means forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family must be examined,
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the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. i'll steal you and take you away. go travel. and when we discover some new land, i will name it after you. elsa's land. elsa's land. on friday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about all the issues, they are in no hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i would already demand the return of nuclear weapons. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders
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act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from the equipment, and we have only alyosha there. make yourself a millionaire on saturday, mikhail, those same ones the friends i’m telling you about, i hope they have already accepted my invitation to a boat trip, maxim radugin, excavations are underway up there, and you leave your things here, ekaterina vulichenko, we now need to unite to catch him ourselves and return what’s mine, i’m ready, sea ​​overseas premiere on
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saturday on rtr. look at the news, we are continuing to release news of the last minutes: one person died, 13 more were injured as a result of an accident in the ryazan region, the accident reportedly occurred on the 300th kilometer of the federal highway r-22 caspian, they collided in a truck and a regular bus, which was traveling from zastrohana to moscow. according to preliminary information, the bus driver died in the hospital. the crew of su-25 attack aircraft successfully worked in the special operation zone. they defeated the positions of ukrainian militants in the southern donetsk direction. unguided missiles struck strongholds where ukrainian armed forces personnel were hiding. and in the kupinsky sector, the fortifications, firing positions and manpower of the enemy were struck by crews of msta self-propelled howitzers. chronicle
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of a special operation by alexei baranov. these blows msta as howitzers. strikes continuously, fire on enemy positions is carried out by the artillery of the central military district, where 360 ​​identified enemy targets, including sixteen strong points, were defeated, nine counterattacks of assault groups were repelled, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 360 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 155mm howitzer m-777. during active operations , the group’s units improved the situation along the front line, thwarted attempts by the enemy to strengthen forward positions in the areas of urozhainy, novodonetsk, staromaisky, chervony and ugulyai fields, bomber aircraft strikes, artillery fire, heavy flamethrower systems hit strong points and places where manpower and equipment accumulated, these
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strikes were from tens of kilometers away. a unit of the central military district attacks the front line. alexey baranov, news. against the backdrop of failures in the ssu, ukrainian military commissars are seizing everyone. these are shots from uzhgorod. men in military uniforms leave the cafe with police officers. the authors of the video claim that employees of the shopping center continue to catch people, and local military commissars have already been nicknamed ludolov. let me remind you that in mid-april, vladimir zelensky signed a scandalous law on tightening mobilization; the main part of its provisions will come into force in may. the document says that the summons is considered delivered if the conscript has not even seen it, which means that it is now completely legal to catch reservists on the streets. the us senate approved a bill on military assistance
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to ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as on the confiscation of frozen russian assets. president of the u.s.a. reported that today will sign a document according to which they will spend over $60 billion to support the zelensky regime. according to joe biden, the states plan to send the first batch of weapons to ukraine this week. from usa. report by dmitry melnikov. having passed without delay the house of representatives of the law on military assistance to ukraine in the senate, it noticeably slowed down. but after six months of delays, the twelve-hour debate no longer seems long.
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set the us strategy in ukraine, but six months of delays changed a lot on the battlefield, and the public, including the congressmen themselves, learned during this time that kiev had a real chance for peace, but the west then swore to give weapons and ordered war. the agreement was signed 18 months ago, and what happened to it? the biden administration pushed zelensky to scrap the peace agreement and launch a failed counteroffensive.
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they forgot about the deception about the southern border and millions of illegal immigrants on the capitalist hill, although until recently this was an indispensable condition for the allocation of money to kiev. not long ago , republicans made a promise to themselves to the american people, before we send another dollar, another dime, another nickel, another penny to ukraine. "we will make sure that our own house is in order, that our own country is secure, that our own border is secure, yet, a few months later, we are preparing to send almost $100 billion to foreign countries, while as the security of our own homeland weakens, house republicans have broken their promise. betrayed the american people. 79 for, 18 against. the foreign aid package is sent out of the senate.
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by supplying billions of dollars worth of heavy weapons, including atacoms missiles, washington absolves itself of responsibility for all future defeats of kiev, but the lost time must somehow be justified, so senate republican leader mccon found the last one. the demonization of ukraine began with tucker carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where he should have been from the very beginning, precisely at the interview with vladimir putin. he has a huge audience. which convinced many rank-and-file republicans that supporting ukraine was a mistake. mcconnell also blamed trump for the delay in aid, who now has no time for ukraine. in
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criminal court in new york in the case of his relationship with porn star stormy daniels, trump was threatened with months in prison for violating the court's non-disclosure order. even posts on social networks are prohibited; keeping your mouth shut is a special punishment for a presidential candidate in the midst of an election campaign. "i'm not allowed to defend myself yet other people are allowed to speak everything they want about me is very, very unfair, as for closing schools, it’s biden’s fault and, by the way, in the trial only biden is to blame, you know, it’s all biden, just in case anyone has any concerns - questions, meanwhile , biden himself is trying to pretend to be cheerful during his election tour and defends the rights of american women to abortions from trump. it was donald trump who took away the freedoms of women in america, it is we who will restore rights for american women. a few minutes after completion vote in the senate, the white house rushed
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to release a statement from president biden. already today, joe biden has promised to return to the white house to sign bills on military assistance to america's allies, after which he is expected to make a special address to the nation. perhaps biden will also announce a strategy then. we had to look for new approaches to use these funds to support ukraine. we have provided several stages. the first one was implemented in february. we established rules for central securities depositories
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securities that generate income from assets. they had to identify blocked assets and account for them separately. we expect that this mechanism will allow us to receive about 3 billion euros per year. from a legal point of view, we have established that these incomes do not belong to russia, since they are not considered sovereign assets. i'm talking specifically about income, and not about assets in general. a striking example of the fact that the economic interests of the west are stronger than the political agenda. came from canada today. there the authorities backed down and allowed airbus use russian. titanium for the production of aircraft, and this despite the fact that just a couple of months ago they loudly declared that they had imposed formidable sanctions on metal from our country, allegedly for the connections of the world's largest titanium production company with the russian military-industrial complex, but they did not adhere to principled positions for long, exactly until otava realized that the restrictions would only hit the local aircraft industry. the largest protest against austerity policies took place in argentina
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. financing of public universities. according to activists, in some establishments there is barely enough money to pay for electricity. a powerful sandstorm from the sahara covered several countries at once. in the mediterranean region. footage from the streets of athens is more reminiscent of martian landscapes. the sky turned amber. residents are advised to wait out the bad weather at home; the level of air pollution exceeds permissible standards. an orange veil also covered libya. residents complain of poor health. dry air mixed with sand warmed up to almost 40°. suspended due to dust cyclone work at benghazi airport. government offices and schools also closed. but in
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crimea there is now a real riot of different shades of colors, spring flowering is in full swing there, to see not only familiar but also exotic plants, hundreds of tourists have already flocked to the peninsula, yana churbataya saw the landscapes of incredible beauty of crimea. a gentle waltz symphony orchestra in the most spring scenery , wisteria blossomed in large clusters. the queen of the flower season in the nikitsky botanical garden, because to see a blooming wisteria at the end of april is a real miracle, in general in crimea, on the southern coast of crimea it blooms almost all year round, something will bloom, but of course spring is the peak of flowering,
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this spring is not typical. exotic plants, a small corner of japan near the black sea coast, sakura has blossomed, it is now at the very peak of its flowering. there are so many fans of the delicate pink flowers that you have to wait in line. sakura's beauty is attractive and fleeting. it blooms only a few days a year. crimeans and tourists are offered not only to see one of symbols of the land of the rising sun, but also to touch it... and excursions where you can immerse yourself in japanese culture, and a tea ceremony, where you can also try tea, both chinese and japanese, we even have a russian ceremony with a 19th century samovar , in addition, these are master classes in origami, and this is the onson fonts in the open air, it smells very tasty, in fact, this is the first time i have seen such an alley, huge, hundreds of meters along the road bright lilac bushes are blooming, a favorite place
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for family and professional photo we prepared in order to get beautiful shots, in a beautiful place you need to fit in, so a beautiful dress, beautiful makeup, hairstyle, everything was observed, i think that it is necessary and necessary to go to crimea for a photo shoot, not only for the sake of relaxation, but also for the sake of a photo shoot, and they come, and a lot of people come from the mainland, we prepare the route in advance, we have compiled a map of blooms for guests of crimea, which is available on the website of the ministry of resorts and tourism of the republic, now traveling has become even easier. and they made a separate project, which they supported almost everything. hotel and sanatorium, giving special prices for this period, which in crimea, well, crimea is always beautiful, but this period in crimea is absolutely incredible. now peonies and tulips, of hundreds of different varieties, are in all their glory, and soon the fields will be painted in multi-colored carpets, poppies, daisies and , of course, lavender will bloom. yana shcherbaty and andrey tirentev, lead crimea. all news is always available on the media platform, check it out. we have everything by this time, denis palanchakov was with you,
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see you.


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