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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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arranged by the royal horse guards. during a morning training session for an elite unit of the british army, five horses threw off their riders and ran across the city. the police gave chase. it took several hours to catch the frightened horses; two managed to run 10 km. one of the fugitives crashed into a tourist bus, breaking the windshield, and another was seriously injured when he collided with a car. as a result, the horses were caught, they are now receiving help, and there is some damage. today on our channel there is a continuation of the comedy melodrama the angel of the district, the head of the management company alena shotalova, is unraveling a whole tangle of personal problems, at this time the residents of the district are going to remove shatalova from her position. the meeting has already been scheduled, we will find out what they will decide today, new episodes immediately after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay,
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once again, good afternoon, hello, after our last program about the fate of missing children from volgograd and the volgograd region, our editorial office began to receive dozens of calls and letters. this is only a small part of the story of the people who were separated from their families due to the infamous frati hope. the story of natalia zhitnikova from the city of leninsk in the volgograd region became the beginning of an investigation into the disappearance of another 1,260 children. their fates are still unknown, only one thing is clear: they are all, at best, in italy and personally passed through the adoptive mother. nadya came from kaznikovo and even...
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newborns are like that, you know, how long it can take, two, three months, families are still learning they have been looking for each other for years, frati continues his business in perm, does business again with a hint of italy, however, he does not want to remember his dark past, repeats the same words as in court, leave me alone, listen, all the children are healthy, everyone is in italy, they are all registered, they have all grown up, they have already amazed their children, the family of the girl lyuba, who was taken to italy, does not believe in these excuses, especially... the mother olga gabdulina, who in her youth had already dealt with nadezhda fratya. i gave it to her like that, i don’t know, here i am i’m actually surprised that her head didn’t fly off. shmara, it’s you, well, i’m ready to kneel in front of you, i say, please tell me about my daughter. back then, in the pre-trial detention center, it was not possible to extract the truth about the fate of her own daughter from nadezhda frati, but now, 20 years later, olga is determined. i'm not leaving here, i want to know where my child is.
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we will look for your son, they are helping me, and as i learned, one woman even wrote to you, who, let’s say, gave birth at the same time as you, yes, she said that she heard the cry of the child, how they brought him, that her roommate in the ward, she even went and looked at this boy, and the midwives who were working then did not call, did not get unstuck, but i can say that our correspondent, who is here today, that shift, now you will see her confession, she said , that she is dying and wants to tell the whole truth, attention, and you are the only obstetrician-gynecologist left, of those who worked there, i am the only one left, you are the only one left, yes, yeah, i’m so many. in general, you are the only
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person who can somehow, well, tell about this story, because... except for you, no one will tell the truth at all, abortions were performed in the eighth month, in the seventh month, move it, no, it will only be until 12 weeks, i think that if she was born and the child is not it takes 8 years , we don’t do anything, we treat the child with everything , we put holatka, we send everything to volozhsky, and you think that he was most likely sent to volozhsky, i think so, yes. in general, you yourself remember, there were people who came and said that we need a child if we have there were you refuseniks, right? and what did you do? how did you find these children for them, how did you take them away, from whom did you take them? well, who refused? who refused? a woman came and said that i don’t have a child, well, how did
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they come with my husband, this was in ninety-four? yes, you remember the woman who came with her husband who could not have children, right? they said, we would like some kind of child. everything, but i can say that now something i think is something that is experienced absolutely similar is not excluded, is not excluded, perhaps not on such a scale, perhaps in some other way,
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but i know for sure that there are certain prices, because we have encountered this, when people want to adopt, that’s how she says, they come and say, we want. and people who have nothing to do with this, yes, they also announce the amounts at the entrance, there are 3 million rubles, some more, these amounts are announced, then how they will take these children, everyone decides in their own way, this began such an octopus, you know, in order for this not to happen now, that’s what you’re talking about, you need to cover everything that happened in the past, to identify, to understand everything, to make sure that it doesn’t happen now, but our film crew set off just...
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the logs brought a boy, when i woke up from a squeak, my roommate told me that they were carrying a boy speaks from gynecology, well , someone had a miscarriage, this boy was heard for quite a long time, well, it was like a kitten meukal, there was an unnatural cry of a child, but just this ward where the children lay after giving birth, in this ward he lay, that did he lie there all night? about 10 maybe a little more in time, i can’t say, but in the morning it was 10:11, there was silence when we went to look, as if they said that he died, he died, the boy died, on the fourteenth, my son’s birthday, i always remember
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this boy, that’s why i responded to natalia’s call, i always remembered this boy, well, some kind of mother, this is grief for a mother, it’s still grief. what date did you give birth? the eighteenth to the nineteenth, from the eighteenth to the nineteenth, and the woman says that it was the fourteenth, she was there until the twentieth, but she maybe i didn’t see and didn’t know, you were in gynecology, and when i was kicked out, he stayed in gynecology, because no one gives birth there, and i heard him screaming, but i must say that.. after our two previous programs, the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered an investigation into the possible abduction of children in the volgograd region, perm region and the koma republic, and let's listen to what
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daria buyanova says, attention, the investigative authorities of the investigative committee of russia in the volgograd region. on behalf of the chairman of the investigative committee is conducting a procedural fact-check. on a federal television channel about the possible abduction of a newborn child. as part of the inspection, investigators interviewed members of the medical staff of the lenin hospital. college staff, where. the applicant, as well as her classmates, were trained. in addition, all the necessary documents have been received from the zaks authorities, which are analyzed by investigators in conjunction with other materials. based on the results of the inspection , a justified procedural decision will be made. so, sash, let us remind you that the last time you went there as a correspondent, the zaksa did not give you an extract. yes, zaks’s boss said that they can only get an extract. bastrykina
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goes to the zak to get a discharge from everyone who was born and died during this period, and let's see how they now react in the local zak of the city of leninsk. attention, i... now i can inspect the magazine, but we work on official requests, the request can be tracked, now, okay, well, there could even be a situation where a woman who had not given birth to a child came to register someone else’s child for herself. but we don’t ask whether she is a mother or not, they bring us a document, certified, signed,
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stamped by the medical institution where these citizens gave birth, we have no information about abortions, about abandonment of children, we have this there is nothing, well, in general , no documents have been preserved in the medical institutions of your city, so the question is, what can help us in this situation? unfortunately, i can’t even give you any advice, i guess i’ll just have to look for witnesses those who knew her at that time... in february-march we have 24 children, these are boys, 15 boys, nine girls, and what will happen next with this data, what kind of check has been carried out, we will check the data of the children, including take genetic samples and conduct examinations, restore kinship, absolutely, that’s it, thank you, so, 15 boys, nine girls, and as i understand, not a single death during this period, and not a single death... confirmed, not recorded, but, by the way, returning to elena forty years old, she told us that
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supposedly few boys were born there during this period while she was there, but as we see, there were quite a lot of boys in february, so here, it seems to me, ilena forty-five doesn’t quite have the information, maybe, or they don’t remember , absolutely, this is a discrepancy between official statistics and what actually happened, i am more than sure that yes, there really were no deaths, and if someone spoke about them, it was specifically so that...
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they immediately asked you, you left, now what we see is the woman reporting that that until the morning there was a child crying, until the morning, i can assume that some things were decided in the morning... it’s not worth it, we continue the search, we now know 15 boys, nine girls, let me remind you
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that after previous programs, the investigative committee also opened check on the case of the italian nadezhda frati, we continue to receive calls, the call center is working, the first letters to the editor came with stories from the volgograd region, the perm region, they are all similar, that fratti separated families and does not... considers the children relatives, natalya nikolaevna vorobyova is looking for her brother, who was taken by nadezhda fratti, today natalya nikolaevna is in our studio, we are meeting her. hello, studio, hello andrey, for more than 30 years i have been looking for my brother, whom citizen frati, well, adopted to italy. it happened so, in the ninety-first year we had four children in the family, my mother, unfortunately, was deprived of parental rights and
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sent to a treatment facility for alcoholism for a year. since i was 17 there, plus they left me to live in the same place where my mothers lived, they took my younger sister grandmother, but she was given custody of only one of yours, only one yes, because there was not one brother, but two brothers, they were twins, due to their age, well, you can’t have three children, yes children, well, they determined the city, the city of volzhsky, volzhsky’s orphanage, right there it seems to happen in... one of these six was my brother, who died, they didn’t even have time to bring him to intensive care, and we have only one left, well, brother, naturally, well, a little bit, here’s my age, i moved, i say what needs
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to be done in order for me to pick him up, how old was he when he was ninety-three. since i come regularly, i come again for my boy, they tell me: go to the manager, i go to the manager, she tells me: the boy was kidnapped, i say, how can a little boy from an orphanage be kidnapped? she says: well, something like this happened, and i say: okay, let's look, let's go to the police, there are five children from her, she says, no, don't be upset, they're looking for your statement. no one will accept you anyway, okay, we’ll come in a few days, again, where is our darling, we found a new explanation, don’t worry, but some family there in the police liked him so much, they would like him, and i say, wait, so i’m preparing the whole package of documents, it’s just kind of surreal, well, really sur, they knew what you were cooking, he is our home boy, home boy, grandma
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is crying, this is a tragedy, she took pity on us to raise. who was just sitting in the hallway, when my boy was already 28 years old, when i realized that, well, i already understood that i was fighting for nowhere, but i still insisted, but so you understand, after a few years, i don’t know how many, 5-10, honestly yes, but i come to volzhskoye reno again, and what
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do you think, i see who was the chief doctor of this orphanage, this is the head. but the city of volzhsky, that is, she did not suffer anything for the tragedy, that one child died, it’s their fault too, sorry, and four were poisoned by mushrooms from her, but she was in charge, no, well, it’s clear that it was the mafia, everything was bought everyone was covering for each other there at that time, so that you understand, i kept on me all the time they returned krasnooktyabrskoye to the district, this is the place of residence where they were from.
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in court cases, my grandmother asked for guardianship, the case was considered, but in the absence of the fact itself...
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follow the information, now how old should your brother be again? 37 years old, 37 years old, but i want to say that you say, did you still have some kind of childhood photograph of him? unfortunately, no, and excuse me for asking, i know that now is not the easiest time for you either and that this saturday. i was coming from here from this program, i’ll fly to store mom, can you imagine, and another tragedy in the karma of nadezhda fratti, people who
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have been waiting for years to be reunited with children from this one , it’s hard to even call her a woman, let us now make an advertisement immediately after this continuation of our investigation into the case of nadezhda fratti, the revelation of eyewitnesses from children's camp, where? the children disappeared, as well as the confrontation, 25 years later, one of the mothers got to perm, what will she say to the hope of frate, don’t switch, look how gorgeous the fat tail is, let me heat your jar, premiere on rtr, i came, showed up, they’ll ruin everything, don’t you dare say that, i’ll take out a loan, buy a room from ivan and not for 400, but for 800, but for what? don’t worry, everything is arranged for you, listen, give me one person, angels of the area, what, where are we going? yes,
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rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal bright life photo facade for a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create the unique look of your suburban area. borbon stersman is a product of steller group. stellar group.
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hello again, my child was stolen. continuation of our international investigation. natalya vorobyova from volgograd is looking for her brother nikolai, who is now supposedly 37 years old and who became a victim of nadezhda fratti’s adoption machine. for those who have just turned on their tvs, during the 7 years of her, in quotes, noble activity, an italian woman
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smuggled false documents. 1260 children abroad, the public was in horror, when it became obvious that children were selected according to the individual wishes of the customer, healthy children were especially valued, the price for which amounted to tens of thousands of dollars, then in russian hospitals in the nineties they were listed as sick, arkady mamontov then conducted his investigation, that’s what he said , in the international adoption system, four-year-old lena sharova... belongs to the first category, she is healthy, does not suffer from mental retardation, which means she is worth at least 40 thousand dollars on the market. there is even a forum in italy such children who want to find their loved ones in russia. here are just some of the publications. hello, i was born in the ussr in the city of sovetsky in april 1988. this was stated on the birth certificate. in
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1994, i was adopted from volgograd by... france and after that i ended up in tuscany. hi, i was also adopted in russia and nadia fratti took care of me. hi all. i am a twenty year old girl, adopted in volgograd, russia, about one year old. i was born on may 28, 1995 . and my real name is daninkova olga sergeevna. i know that i am the fifth child. and it is unknown whether my older brothers or sisters, about whom i have no information, are in italy. hello, my name is lyubov, i was also adopted in 1993 in volgograd , they issued false documents for me, it was nadya frati. and there are dozens of such messages, as you understand, we found an eyewitness who saw with his own eyes how the nadezhda fratiya hands over children to foreign adoptive parents, all this happened in broad daylight in a children's camp. let's find out the details of what the person said. which
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called us after the broadcast of the program, hello again, victor, yes, yes, my name is alexander, good health, yes, tell us, you contacted us for the program, after the release of the program, yes, i listened to it yesterday , well, what can you tell in general, that’s what, i worked in olmed from 1994 to 2000 for 6 years, well, as our watchman, here’s nadezhda fratya, she brought foreign couples, so they rented, they always rented a suite, luxury, luxury .
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why do they need sick little babies, that they have good medicine, that they have them there will be cured, there were literally one or two such cases, when the children did not want to go, and there were about 12-15 children there, the girl did not want to go at all without her brother to go to italy, well, they persuaded them that nadi persuaded them there , the italians persuaded, but you asked, where do they take so many children? that’s what they said, that’s how to explain, who is a little russian, more or less said that they have great benefits, well, for high-income families, the frati made money here from children, and they took the family there and already made money on them. well, the americans had the same thing. sash, i understand that this is the perm region, right? yes, it is 100 km from the city of perm, and the man worked in the suburbs, it turns out, not far from perm itself. yes, and let us remind you that, after all, if in the volgograd region a criminal case was opened against nadezhda fraite, then in the perm region there were no criminal cases in the komi region, yes, there were also hundreds, hundreds of children from there. pervsky territory - 352, komi republic - 320. in general.
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which you had with nadezhda frati, attention, well, i’m ready to stand in front of you knees, i say, please tell me about my daughter, tell me for god’s sake, i say, this is how it is in your spirit, tell me, living and non-living, she says, she lays down the cross and says, she is alive, and also she repeated it five times, anfisa and sonya are gone, i don’t know anything about boys, she says, yours is alive, then you couldn’t stand it and started it, i gave it to her, i don’t know, i’m actually surprised how her head isn’t flew away, she is so short, this is frati, i am 84 meters, and
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even though i was thin at that time, i really thought her head would fly away, so you they went with the invasion... it’s just like tearing everything into pieces, you know, and he’s correct, he’s such a good guy, so egor is the cameraman, yes, as if i’m just that’s it, i feel like i’m already having a nervous breakdown she’s coming, right here , really, i’m thinking, now i
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’ll hit her again, i’ll ruin everything for people, that’s what i think, if i don’t restrain myself now, then the journalist will suffer first of all, but the question, the main question, where is your love , let's look at the confrontation. olga and madame frattya after 25 years. attention. after release our program, mother lyuba varopakhi expressed a desire to come and talk with nadezhda frati. and so we arrived in the city of perm. as we can see, the sign with the name of her office is no longer there. but now we will see if frati is at his workplace. “hello, nadezhda fedorovna, why did you come, i invited you, so, wait, i’ll call a lawyer now and we’ll talk, nastya, you’ll find out, well, tell me about mine, daughter, well, remember
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2001 in the septic tank, you said that you love my living, i ask you, like a mother, be person, you said that my child is alive, what you said is so, you understand, please, from the office, a lawyer will come and we ’ll talk, i’m without a lawyer, you know, i’m the mother of this child, nikolai, coming, a whole group came here but, you remember this woman, but no, of course, well, you sat in the same pre-trial detention center with her, but i don’t remember her, i just don’t remember, and you don’t remember our fight in the septic tanks either, in the ribs, you see, she came up with it no longer, darling, don’t, don’t play a fool on me, don’t, well, you run away right away, why because
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apparently it’s not the first time, yes i remember it, please, well, you did it, well, let’s go to this embassy together, i’ll personally pay at my expense, go to italy, together with you, signorita, frati, what are you doing? or, well , let's continue, at least one address in italy where you can contact, yes, let's stop, and who are you, i'm okay for now. tell me, what was your goal in general? we can’t decide, i’m talking to a person, you’re bothering me, why? you are not ashamed of what you did, why are you? ask a question, because she sent the children to italy, so who sent them? i’m not ready to communicate with you, you
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calm down, first of all, you are very, you are very excited, let’s turn off the camera, well, as we are journalists, we must record everything, nadezhda fedorovna, i suggest you move further now, they have no right to detain you . “hello, are you still working, well , this is another person who doesn’t care about this woman’s past at all, so let me go on camera, i suggest you leave, because they don’t want you here, i understand, so and nadezhda fedorovna is a believer and a person, yeah, she prays to god in the morning, but she hangs out with devils, notice how she comes on her own.
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“i want, do you think we won’t win,
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or what? why are you so afraid? i’m okay i wasn’t afraid, she can explain her position without my questions? of course, let her explain, i won’t ask anyone any questions, i can, with your permission, decide with her, yes , of course, let’s check my word, come on, tomorrow at 6:00 it will suit you here, tomorrow.
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yes, i want to say right away that i’m not that kind. naive, but i didn’t say that i wanted to do an interview, i said that not a single question of mine would be asked, let nadezhda fedorovna say what she considers important, at least tell olga what to do with the question, at least where to start us? investigation your scheme tra let's, let's see what happened the next day 18, did the lady keep her word, attention, hello, yes, tell me, where is nadezhda fedorovna? this means that we once again confirm that we are ready to conduct interviews now if we conclude an agreement with you, what about interviews using video and audio recording, well, i have no rights to any contracts. include, because i am a representative of the tv channel, and the contract must be defended by a lawyer,
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i am not against photo-video recording, as i understand it, yes, it is already being done, nadezhda fedorovna is in her office, no, she is here nearby, but i want to point out to you right away that there is one fundamental point, this is point nine, in the ninth point, based on the contract, i do not have the right to conduct an interview with nadezhda fedorovna, that is, you deceived us, i will now i repeat that we are ready if you sign this. who can tell me who will then interview olga or the cameraman? i believe that there are people, journalists in the company who can come here for an interview, that is , we need to send a person from moscow, another journalist, it is necessary, it is not necessary, but you can simply show us to confirm that you did not deceive us that nadezhda fedorovna is really here in this building, but why do you think that in this building, i said in terms of reach that when is it natural for us? there was an agreement with you yesterday, we had an agreement for
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an interview, an agreement on what exactly you would interview, we did not have such an agreement, who should have interviewed then, maybe any other journalist, you will not be given an interview, you understand , i understand everything perfectly well, goodbye, quirky old ear, that’s what he wants... laws that would prevent us from interviewing him, olga will confirm, with a lot of mistakes, as i understand it, saying, look how they distort sasha’s surname in different places on one page, we were joined by vladislava vladimirova, a journalist who investigated the fratte case in
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1999, hello, good evening, hello, studio, hello, andrey, as i understand it, your first article has been published. and really made such a big splash in the newspaper argumenty i fakty, what happened to the second article, tell me, that you were preparing? i had an interesting story, it started exactly 25 years ago, but it turns out that i was kind of the first, and the story is interesting because it started with anonymous call, that is , a woman called the editorial office and said that she had very interesting documents that would also be of interest to our newspaper. i discussed it with the editor-in-chief and general director oleg belozerov, and he said: “dig, this is interesting, so, that means we didn’t have a meeting, but the messenger brought a folder with documents a day or two later, but i want to say, it was of course a bomb, the most important thing is that there was a pastille, that’s the
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arkobalin association, and although she says that she translator, but she was actually the coordinator, there..." all the receipts, receipts, to whom she gave money, she just didn’t give money to anyone, well, so, how can i say, behind her back, she took receipts from all the officials , well, apparently, for children, for different services there, that is, we can still say that in the late nineties in volgograd there was a whole mafia around frati, which managed to subjugate the directors of orphanages, doctors, guardianship authorities, yes, that means , in this folder there were copies of tickets for... a plane to italy by all families, that is, here these officials whom i later interviewed, which means i went into the offices of all the officials who dealt with adoption issues, i asked there how you are, what are you doing, that is, they thought that it was either an advertisement or some kind of feature material about
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this signorita, they showed me color photographs, that there we were on vacation with our family, here my child is swimming, so i say, and what is this... here is an interview with high-ranking officials, and you know, how interesting, here we are we were waiting with oleg belozerov, well, because we were like there were conspirators, that is, we had some kind of cell that we had to, we had to dig all this out, because, as you can imagine, there was no reaction, neither the prosecutor’s office nor the law enforcement agencies,
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but of course something like this happened to me, that is they started to scare me, this was before it was published... there were calls for the second article , and they threatened me, they threatened my family, i had facial paralysis on one side, then, that means, the second article came out, i don’t remember now at what interval, but no longer there were no threats, i think that's all oleg vladimirovich got it because when i asked him, maybe it was not by chance that he died in a terrorist attack on that plane, i don’t know, i won’t say, thank you. thank you very much for the very comprehensive information, which means that our investigation was a social movement of the mother of the planet, when we began to look at who arkabalno onlas is? arkobalno onlass is an international network for the sale of children, i will say it as it is, it is an international organization that
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has its own all over the globe representative offices and branches, we addressed a huge number of requests, receiving information from italian sites. the cost of our child today is 17 thousand euros, trade continues, we have this organization in our country, directly arcabaleno onlus, three representative offices in moscow, now yes, at the moment, then, two additional italian ones under a different name, one spanish and two german, you understand that child trafficking continues when we wrote on... i also wanted to add, sorry, important things, which means they they changed their names, according to the law, the name had to remain russian, but the surname was natural, the adoptive parents.
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experiments, all this to make life at the dacha simpler, easier, and most importantly, more economical. malakhov, soon on the russia channel. i found myself a millionaire. on saturday. mikhail, those same
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friends i told you about. i hope they have already accepted my invitation for a boat trip. maxim radugin, excavations are underway up there, and you leave your things here. ekaterina vulichenko. we need to unite now to catch him ourselves and return him. mine, i'm ready. sea overseas premiere on saturday on rts. rum castro, a product of stellor group. bored of your old fence? you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or replacements will hit your budget hard. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rtl. once again, good afternoon, my child was stolen. we continue the international investigation, a former crane operator and... sperm, and now signora fratti, nadezhda fratti sent 1260
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children from russia abroad in the nineties, you see the map, volgograd. his business, for the first time could cost his life, according to rumors, the faction kept the whole of volgograd in fear and allegedly even had connections with the mafia, this is what arkady mamontov, who shot a film about italian godmother, let me remind you that during filming in italy, arkady’s car was even damaged. they had very large,
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informal connections with the entire power component of volgograd. region with the authorities of the volgograd region, we sit here and say, we must fight, we must do this, we must do that, but it’s surprising to me that a journalist came to frati, and not the investigative committee in handcuffs, it’s surprising to me, it’s surprising to me that in the 21st century a person says : i live in perm, you won’t do anything for me, why? because frati is a psychologist, no, because she’s brazen, no, because the system works that way, you know, ordinary people fight, fight. and they get strokes, you know, and people say, we can easily solve all this with money, god grant that the criminals are punished, god grant that our system still restores the institution of the family, so that this doesn’t happen, i really hope that everything - times are changing, russia is becoming different, this will not happen again, lena, what about our call center, good evening, well
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, as we already said today, there are a lot of calls and messages across... the geography is growing literally before our eyes, so right now i want to say that we have connections italy, the city of crimona, elena regoni is closely following our investigation of the very first episode, because she, too, was taken from russia to italy as a child, ended up in a foster family, participated this is exactly nadezhda frati, please show me this, the girl looked like then, this is how she looks now, she is in direct contact with us now, elena, hello, are you on the air?
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also mom and dad, so there are some facts, besides the fact that you lived in volgograd and were adopted in the kirov orphanage, you know some of your surname before you became
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a regoni, and elena is your real name, or your italian parents changed their names, because we heard here that many people used this practice, changing the name of the child when he... that's why they gave me this name elena, which i like. so, once again, elena vladimirovna, kaynova, kaynova, kaynova, elena vladimirovna kaynova, now we
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see your birth certificate elena vladimirovna kaynova, born june 1, 1991 year, place of birth volgograd, russia, is looking for his brothers and sisters. she was the fifth in the family, if this is what the girl looked like, please show me the photo again, like this - she looked like when she was adopted, if you know something, if you remember something, no, well, that’s according to - in a good way, in a good way, a-ah, this is such a cool thing, the fact that you made the program, why, because, all these children from italy came out and began... to write that we are from volgograd and this would be it would be cool if this were systematized, and on some website, so that everyone who is in italy could in america, who is that same child who knows about himself that i am from volgograd,
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could write, give his information and parents could go to this site and look, they would post their photos and so on, there you can also find your children. well, i think that once again, friends, i want to show you a photo. little lena, if you suddenly know anything about the fate of her brothers and sisters, her parents, please call our editorial office, we are continuing our investigation, thanks to sasha for the excellent work, if you have something to tell about madame frati, we hope for our viewers in perm in a coma, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.
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