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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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and according to the law, the famous astrakhan roach can only be caught for 10 days, from april 20 to 30. the amendments were introduced due to the reduction in the number of this fish in the caspian sea. there is, there is, there is, here she is, a beauty, in clouds, local, now you can’t cast a spell. that's it, now it will definitely be caught, now for sure. vobla enters rivers to spawn in huge schools, so there are problems with biting. it’s caught from morning to evening, fishing turns into a game of chance, you catch it, but you have to stop in time, because you understand that you can’t catch it all, really. one more condition forces fishing enthusiasts to stop: the norm for catching roach per person, according to the rules, is no more than 10 kg. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, news, astrakhan region, we have everything by this time, denis polanchakov was with you, see you.
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we will reduce the price especially for you, the dreamalina sleep pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, you know it, whether? this is my husband, why, he knows that you are in this hotel and came here to have fun, so the sea overseas premiere is on saturday. on rtr: we are meeting on such a beautiful date of yours, you are 70 years old, happy birthday, dmitry kitelev is celebrating his anniversary, it would seem that dad is a general, but i never used it, it never even occurred to me, one day he was called to school, i he behaved terribly and studied poorly, he went there in his uniform from work, and then he says: how your chemical engineer talked to me, marshalled me. not so
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talk, i worked on the radio for 10 years, then i came to astankino, i had to work on camera, my teacher, eduard mikhailovich sogolaev, refused, you will feel free when you can straighten your hair on camera, what kind of hair is there, i have lead hands, i say, do something, this was my debut, and what about the hair, you learned to fix it, there’s nothing left to fix, at least i can afford a gesture, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on the mouth. well, of course, i'm bad, you're all good, white, fluffy, angels of the area, bye you were winding up a sniffling fist here, uncle, if everything was sorted out, i asked you not to interfere, alena, i’m just confused, and even angels have the right to make mistakes, there are no empty rooms here, everything is privatized, elina nikolaevna, mikhaila andreevich, peony, will smell everything, make peace right away, in short, just like that, kolya, turn it on. the return line
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so that they stay away from it and on all sides. well, transportation, let's go do good deeds? area angels, final episode! today on rtr. our synchronized swimming was immediately cut off from participation in the olympic games. international olympic committee, like... us punished for our many years of victories, the legendary coach of the russian synchronized swimming team, tatyana pokrovskaya, recently said , in fact, it is still unknown who punished whom, we also have our own intelligence, but how could we do without it, we are women, yes, some
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countries they say that there are clearly not enough russians, since tatyana pokrovskaya took this position in 1998, russia has won all the gold...
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now what excited me in your words is that nikolaevna said that character is also very important, i can't imagine this could, well, this is important, it turns out, i, of course, immediately remembered you in that image in which even the whole country recognized you, you begin to think that the strict one is very strong and steely, is it true, or was it an image, and you know, it seems to me that this character, in principle , was forged in training over the years, competitions after competitions, but because to go through all this and endure it - and reach the finals and
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the main goal, it’s not easy, in fact, and it ’s worth a lot. tatyana nikolaevna accepts all characters. the goal is one: each of this character to bring to the gold medal. yes, we have all the women who work in my team, they are all, one might say, sincere women. well, on the water, there’s probably only one monster, it’s pokrovskaya, there are no other monsters, but no other team has the same results as the russian one, and you know how different tatyana nikolaevna’s character is, and what mine is, tatyana nikolaevna i’m alone at work, this is very interesting, in life i’m a mug, no, i’m not talking about that. but have you
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ever had the opportunity to be a mother in a real maternal sense, when your students come with, well, maybe even with some pain, anxiety, with some very, very personal, not at all sports problems, oh, we worry as a whole coaching staff, we worry as mothers, oh ... why did she choose such a husband, and it wasn’t like that, and that’s all, we worry about everything, like all mothers, of course, we worry, and grooms, i remember irina winner told me that her girls brought grooms for her to even meet , and you had this, i’m incurious when i i kept complaining about the fact that they don’t work so much, there’s no personal life, the olympics are ending, weddings are coming, you know? it means there is a personal life, well, why should i pry into my personal life, they already work a lot,
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we always work at the base, they always have one day off when they go home, they know that if you spent it like that, you’ll have a blast , as they say, it will be very difficult for you to train, it’s water, it’s all about walking upside down, as they say, without breathing, they know this very well, so yes all sorts of different things, this is a women’s team. at the same time, this women’s team probably has some traditions , i don’t know how to celebrate a victory , of course, the main tradition is to bathe tatyana nikolaevna pokrovskaya and the entire coaching staff after every golden day, happy, how do you do it, how do you push the pool or throw i i already ask them and keep running from them .
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from 1997 to the present , the russian national team has not lost a single international competition in any event, well lucky, well, lucky, lucky, who's lucky, who 's lucky, right? you are generally a good swimmer, well , like a woman, i swim, like this, with my legs in circles, and my arms so that in no case should my head be, well, like a woman, just like a woman swims in the sea, that’s how i swim, i i wasn’t at the institute of physical education until this moment, until you said it, i didn’t know that i, too, was a female swimmer, to be honest, okay, but... well, one thing is for god’s sake, i never needed anyone train, but how is it possible, how
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can one train as a team, i will decide victoriously train the synchronized swimming team, if you yourself are not swimmers, i’m on the shore, well, i ’m not showing, tatyana nikolaevna, when she speaks, you need to do this element, but we don’t understand how it’s possible to do it upside down, tatyana nikolaevna says , try everything will work out, well, it turns out, it turns out. i feel it very much, i feel it very much, and of course, i started, one might say, from scratch, and i had to learn from the coaches. and to understand the geometry at work myself, we all walked along the path to the top, i at such a time i got it, good, and i, along with everyone else, mastered the knowledge of fungi, everything and so on, and the girls with us also studied together, 2004, another olympiad that gave you blood, another incredible victory, in spite of,
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show a fragment of that speech, during which, probably, your heart is simple. jumped out, put it on, my eyes are shining simply with admiration. i’ll ask you, masha, what about you then, you and the girls, how did you navigate this situation when you turned off the music, well, this was a fragment just now, when they had already given us restart, and we were already going through the second run, in the middle of which the music stopped, and here you couldn’t hear it, but we actually shouted at the whole pool to each other, we don’t stop and gave out another
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masha, masha directed the water, when to do, you directed , you don't stop. yes, this was the second time, and the first time was already there, the music turned off, why were we given the opportunity to repeat the program, the composition was staged in such a way that we entered the water one by one, five people were already in the water, sushi remained in the mood and the music turned off , and at such a moment we didn’t rehearse and weren’t ready for it, we just knew that we couldn’t stop so that it wouldn’t happen. we weren’t ready, we were, we were ready, for some reason my intuition told me and i said, girls, so that it doesn’t happen , don’t stop, i don’t know why, we were physically ready for this during training, we just didn’t expect that this was possible in competitions of this level at the olympics, we even it was a unique case, but it helped us dozens for this composition, at the end it wasn’t even there anymore
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you can hear the latest music, all the judges set it to 10:00, it was actually still there. after this, but it was still a problem with the disk or something else, or we’ll do it on purpose, people from our international organization came up to me and asked me not to raise this issue, and since we can do this , this situation helped us perform enchantingly getting fabulous grades, i didn’t bring it up, but in general, well, yes, we don’t know what it was, well, and this turned out to be not the limit of what, yes.
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conduct the training process, which are the elite of russian sports, and if we talk about synchronized swimming, then these are the elite of world sports, who not only have not lost motivation, not only have not slowed down the pace of training, but are also constantly raising the level of their skills, because despite the fact that the team has no trips today , you have starts, internal starts.
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friendship competitions are necessary, this is only for athletes, so that they compete with other countries, and god grant that as many countries as possible come, but we all...
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which we once believed so much, i think you explains today about world sports, in which they could protect the integrity of the sport and convey to african athletes, at a higher political level, that these games are presented to russia as the games of the russian president. we are categorically against these games, if you and your authority
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could do something regarding african states, we would be very, very grateful. can you imagine, this is about our friendship games that appear, thank god, instead of this eternal olympics, don’t we have the right to hold some kind of competitions and invite other countries, look, that is , we are just a country for him, the first enemy, it turns out that for what why, maybe he is afraid of this alternative, but you and i really know how all this will end, remind us with your whole life , service and incredible victories, that we are a victorious people, you see, the sports arena has also become a platform for war, unfortunately, we
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will inevitably win, i understand that, a good phrase, yes, we are a country, a winner, this is life and destiny, tatyana’s request. thank you, boron, thank you very much, there are places that they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the order is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is. there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world
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is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. you are young, beautiful, you found a normal man a long time ago. don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we’ll have lunch together later. i am your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich. and you, yes, apparently you don’t have a man. actually, it's none of your business. and i like you, i really... would like it to be mutual, love will overcome everything from monday on rtr, we will put aside our own, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us,
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each of our the word is a step to victory, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.


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