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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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that is, these are not tearing things, if you have this disease, there will be problems with your teeth, thank you very much, thank you, today we found out why teeth can become loose, what this can lead to and what to do about it, thank you for spent this morning with us, we wish you a good day and good health, we will definitely see you on the russia tv channel. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sittel, hello!
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another abrams heavy tank was destroyed in the avdiivka direction, our air defense missile system is hit by an arrow any air target, even in motion. but of course, stationary accuracy increases significantly. in the tyumen region, the water level is 11 m 21 cm. the evacuation continues. these days , flood is celebrated in the obbat district. the world's first drug against the disease has been registered in russia. and this drug has already proven its high effectiveness. student id cards and books in russia will become electronic. the corporation needs at least 10 thousand new, preferably, employees. in kazan, the all-russian championship of the united aircraft manufacturing corporation. the best in the profession compete in a variety of vobla competencies, and this is precisely what thousands of fishermen come here for. from all regions of the country,
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you catch it, but you have to stop in time, because you understand that you can’t catch it all. the norm for catching roach per person is no more than 10 kg and there are 6 days left until the end of fishing. 10 artillery pieces at once, including two american howitzers, destroyed our units in the donetsk and avdeevsk directions over the past 24 hours. in different areas. the enemy lost about thousands of militants. with precise strikes, our artillerymen destroy the fortifications and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces and support the actions of our infantry. over the past 24 hours, our attack aircraft have pushed back the enemy and taken more advantageous positions in four directions of the special operation. in these shots, the crews of t-90 breakthrough tanks destroy a detachment of the ukrainian armed forces. trying to break through in
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the kherson direction, the militants were noticed by a reconnaissance drone operator. the tankers advanced to a closed firing position and destroyed the enemy from a distance of 3 km. well, these are our cities: the crews destroyed strongholds and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine in the area bordering the belgorod region. report on the work of anti-aircraft missile systems in the donetsk direction. the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system had already captured the target, a few seconds later there was a shot, another moment later, a loud sound and a cloud of smoke, yes, yes, destroyed, one consumption, just like that, with one shot the air defense unit of the twentieth motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces destroys the ukrainian leleka's reconnaissance drone, it shatters into pieces, only small fragments fell to the ground. this is a container, it contains
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missile, we aim, it locks onto the target, we launch, it’s already gone, it’s already flying right at the target. lelek's flight speed is 120 km/h, his dimensions are no more than two meters, such a bird was pierced in the sky by our arrow. a drone is a small target, it is very difficult to hit it, since it has a small kill zone, a missile may not notice it when you hit it, as if it were a bull’s eye. hit the jackpot. the strela anti-aircraft missile system is a reliable air defense element. hit almost any air target, including aircraft and helicopters. strela 10 is the most mobile and maneuverable among similar systems; it can hit targets even in motion, but, of course, when stationary, the accuracy increases significantly. but the soviet development is not designed to destroy modern small unmanned aircraft, our anti-aircraft gunners thought until recently . everything was done with reserve, everything was done for the future. that’s why soviet technology
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works flawlessly, the technology is already mature, but nevertheless it does not prevent us from hitting targets, completing our mission, we are happy with it, among the anti-aircraft gunners of the southern group troops... there are many volunteers in the air defense crew , two brothers serve, they went to the front together, one is now recovering in the hospital, the other works for two, we need to help our country, our homeland, i could not leave either my brother or my homeland, i am now in my place, i don’t regret anything, victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated, the algorithm of actions of the anti-aircraft gunners is simple but effective, this is how they bring victory closer, we turn around, aim, shoot, hit. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. almost 2 m above the critical level. the flood in the tyumen region is reaching its peak, the ishim river near the village of batskovo has flooded the floodplain and now threatens to flood new settlements.
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nine of them have already been cut off by high water. during the day, the rescue team evacuated 800 people. at night there was a threat of a breach of the dam erected to protect the federal highway. tyumen-omsk. ksenia usoltseva is monitoring the situation in the region. the element continues to test regional strength. these days , floods are encountered in the abatsky district. so, according to the latest data, the water level in the ishim river is gauging station near the regional center 11 m 21 cm. during the day it rose by more than 2 and the water continues to remain. the height of the crest of our hydraulic structures and the federal road has increased. the federal road also protects the district center from floods. move and we increased the height of these structures on average, but we raised the level by one and a half meters. while patrolling the tyumen-omsk federal highway, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the road service discovered a small leak, and specialists from the emergency department immediately arrived on the scene. in a few hours
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rescuers filled up the emergency area, strengthened it, and pumped out the water. the federal highway tyumen-omsk is open for travel in the damba area and reverse traffic has been organized. the flood situation is still tense, the evacuation of villages and villages that fall into the zone of probable flooding continues, a hotline operates in the region, all questions will be answered by telephone number 122 button3. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. and in some regions of russia, a week before the may holidays, winter suddenly returned. residents of perm saw a snow-covered landscape this morning; within a few hours , a white shroud covered the city and surrounding areas. moreover, it happened literally the day before in the region. +20 and even higher. snow fell in the sverdlovsk region. motorists are asked to be careful on the roads, observe the speed limit and distance. it's snowy today in nizhny tagil, krasnoyarsk, tomsk, barnaul. ros-atom makes a huge contribution to the technological sovereignty
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of our country. it is of strategic importance for development. innovative developments are being introduced not only in the energy sector, but also in medicine, space industry, aircraft manufacturing. russian federation. in addition, the issues that arise there regarding the zaporozhye npp are in the area of ​​constant attention, including the attention of the rusatom corporation and the government. a lot of work has been carried out, primarily on the safety of the station; we have no doubts about its stable condition. defensive structures have been created around the
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fuel storage facility. the only thing that causes serious concern is the periodic shelling. another very important area is scientific and technological development donetsk. lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, what is very important is that, including rusatom, create new industrial sites there, engage in scientific development and scaling of those industries that exist there, and train new scientific personnel. the world's first drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis was registered by the russian ministry of health. clinical trials have proven its effectiveness and safety. the developers note that this is innovative the medicine allows you to completely stop the inflammatory process in the spine and joints. it does not cause addictive effects; it only needs to be administered once every six months or even less often. subsequently, based on these studies, russian scientists will be able to create drugs for the treatment of other
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autoimmune diseases. the new drug sineprutuk is based on a fundamentally new mechanism of action. he destroys with precision. specifically those cells that cause disease, autoimmune lymphocytes, other drugs usually suppress the immune system in in general, and this... action, it does not lead to a complete stop of the disease, and also has a number of side effects associated with immunosuppression, such as the risk of infectious diseases, including such severe ones as tuberculosis. ankylosing spondylitis develops most often in patients under 40 years of age, so in a few years the patient can develop severe disability, this... has a colossal medical and social problem that needs
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to be solved in order to control the activity of the disease and help our patients with this disease. assembling an airplane is like a great sporting competition. the championship on professional skills in aircraft manufacturing is ending in kazan. it takes place on the basis of a branch of the tupolev design bureau. more than 100 specialists from ten regions of our country are participating. from the year. the championship helps industry leaders identify the best personnel in the profession. stanislav nazarov will continue the topic. during the championship , the radiomechanical college classrooms turned into almost full-fledged workshops. production mock-ups will be used workshop, which includes different areas and equipment. here you just need to say thank you that such championships, the management of the united aviation corporation on time, means uh.
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at the championship of the united corporation in professional skills, employees of enterprises from all over the country gathered, the best in the profession, competing in a variety of competencies, electrical installation, equipment, lathes, production assembly of aircraft. alexey volchik came from komsomolsk-on-amur to the aircraft industry, has been working for almost a quarter of a century, disciplines, firstly, but in work it helps to work faster, well, as if you are trying, well, to sort it out. during, we always try to ensure that all tasks of the championship are as close as possible to the issues that
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production is currently solving, and the task is truly large-scale, now the revival of the domestic aircraft industry is in full swing, this includes the civilian tu-214, which is already mass- produced in kazan and ms-21, being built at the irkutsk plant. the corporation needs at least 10 thousand new employees, preferably, we are producing new aircraft. we have many new ones projects. the all-russian aircraft manufacturers championship is held in nine competencies; within a week , the best specialist in each of them will be determined. the title of winner will not only bring honor, but will help in future career growth. stanislav nazarov, alexey urazaikin, al khazipov, lead kazan. electronic student ids and grade books will appear in government services. for now, this is an experiment in which colleges and universities themselves will be able to participate voluntarily. student tickets in the form of a qr code can be downloaded from use the phone just like a regular
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paper document. using an electronic ticket , students, residents, and graduate students will be able to enter their educational institutions, receive discounts on travel, and on visiting museums, concerts, or sporting events. today , on vladimir zhirinovsky’s birthday, his friends and fellow party members came to honor his memory at the novodevichy cemetery. at the foot of the monument... in front of his memory, our responsibility is for those whom he raised, educated, and today this
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responsibility is for the core party in political architecture of russia, you are looking at the news, these are the topics further in our issue: another sixty-ton american abrams tank was destroyed near avdeevka, warsaw will help kiev catch draft dodgers and vastrakhon for more wobblers. you can safely fish for 6 days. all the details in a couple of minutes. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air 60. 60 minutes today on rta. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything, when you
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are calm and... completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy. contemporary design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sutes sharma. welcome to the newest rix hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness
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and comfort of the children of their parents. slip away everyday life. into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. i’m your new neighbor, well, and a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately
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agreed to submit an application, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, she was yours, she will be mine. pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, you can, i’ll hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if even a word fades somewhere, we’ll bury you in the forest, despair, no, no evidence, no incriminating testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation, when you disappeared without explanation, what was it honest? don't be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman, love will overcome everything, from monday on rtr, we meet on such a beautiful date of yours, you are 70 years old, happy birthday, dmitry kitelev is celebrating his anniversary, it would seem that dad is a general, but
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i never did used it, it didn’t even occur to me, one day and... he was called to school, i behaved terribly and studied poorly, he went there in uniform from work, he then says how your chemical engineer talked to me, marshal’s to me, don’t talk like that, i worked on the radio for 10 years, then came to ostankino, i had to work in the camera, my teacher, eduard mikhailovich tsagolayev , i will feel free when you can straighten your hair in the frame, what kind of hair is there, i have lead hands, you say, do something, that was my debut. what’s wrong with your hair, you ’ve learned how to fix it, there’s nothing left to fix, at least i can afford a gesture, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, you all had
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complaints against me, well, of course you are not sugar, but this is our business, right, who is here for... nikolavna being removed from work. angels of the area, final episodes. today on rtr. those who want to stay informed watch the week's news. advanced program. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday on rtr. we're on the air, let's continue production. in the avdiivka direction of the special operation it was destroyed. an american tank hit our lancet. the drone operators said that hunted for the target for 3 days. abrams did not allow us to attack right away. powerful protection, all signals were jammed by the rep systems, the tank constantly changed positions or went to the rear. the lancet operators analyzed the frequency with which abrams appears on
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the front line, and choosing an opportune moment, they successfully attacked the american vehicle. the coordination of the crew, the speed of the launch, we got there, the wind helped, that is, we walked with the wind, we approached the target and hit it, fortunately. at the moment , abras tanks are in use. less intense because losses were suffered and the crew they also understand that a targeted hunt is already underway for them here, and that abrams tanks are the priority targets among other tanks, among other enemy armored vehicles. foreign equipment captured in the special operation zone will be shown at an exhibition in moscow in victory park. tonight, 10 more combat vehicles were brought to poklonnaya hill, these are ukrainian. tanks : the american armored personnel carrier international maxpro, the british armored car mativ and the swedish infantry fighting vehicle tsv-90, which nato considers one of the best in the world. total
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visitors will be able to see more than thirty examples of military equipment from 12 countries. the exhibition will open on may 1. long-range american atak ms missiles, announced in the latest military aid package, have already been used by the ukrainian armed forces for attacks on crimea. biden, who. only yesterday he publicly signed the document; in fact, as washington admitted, he secretly authorized the deliveries back in february. well, on the part of the current administration, this is not the first, and far from the only, case of a discrepancy between words and deeds. with details, denis davidov. as biden signed the decision on the allocation of military assistance, it was shown on his social networks, he threw words about an irreplaceable nation, a superpower that does not turn away from its allies. what is more important for the white house resembles a badge with the ukrainian flag on the print of the presidential jacket. the package is sent to ukraine by express delivery. in
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the next few hours, literally a few hours, we will begin sending air defense equipment, ammunition for artillery and missile systems, as well as armored vehicles to ukraine. a license to continue fighting until the last ukrainian, zelensky was handed over to congressman bill keating, who brought the tortured decision of the house of representatives to kiev. the white house admitted that it secretly began supplying long-range attacks back in march. on april 17, american missiles were fired at russian crimea. obviously, due to the transfer of attacks to the ssu, the threat is intensified or increased. security of the russian federation , first of all, crimea, including sevastopol , new regions of the russian federation, as well as other cities of our country. armed forces
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the russian federation has already shot down several atacoms missiles, and this will continue to happen. politics writes how, in informal conversations , administration representatives doubt that the allocated 60 billion will significantly help ukraine. washington is preparing for the fact that kiev will again ask for money, they understand this and... the murder of palestinians. marches for peace are not limited to. students set up tent camps, demanding an end to the war. denis davidov and polina fedorova, lead. increase
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pressure on beijing and undermine chinese relations with russia. the real purpose of the visit us secretary of state in china, this was announced in our foreign ministry. yes, the state department does not hide that anthony blinken hopes to convince local authorities to stop supporting him. russian industry, this is the second trip of the secretary of state to the celestial empire since taking office, and the way he was greeted again speaks for itself, without a red carpet, and at the ramp blinkin was greeted by the head of the local department of external relations, kun-fuan, by rank - this is the level of a deputy measure; the foreign ministry made it clear that beijing will not tolerate washington’s dictates 。 美方一邊出台助法, china's right to normal trade and economic exchanges with russia and other countries of the world on the basis of equality of mutual benefit should not be interfered with or violated. we
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urge the us to fan the flames. denigrating others and shifting blame is not the way to solve the problem of ukraine. only taking into account the legitimate security interests of all countries and creating a balanced, effective sustainable european security architecture through dialogue and negotiations is the right way forward. warsaw will help kyiv to catch draft dodgers. these plans were announced by the polish minister of defense. since the beginning of the special operation , the country has provided temporary protection status to a million refugees from ukraine. this is the second indicator after germany. today.
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the law on mobilization continues to acquire clarifications; in fact, it turned out that ukrainians obliged to military service cannot obtain a foreign passport either at the consular department or through government service centers. it is separately stated that a new passport printed in ukraine, according to all rules, cannot be sent to a man applicant abroad. and this is how the russian foreign ministry commented on kiev’s actions today. it turns out that zelensky reached literally every citizen of his country in order to form the next battalions of suicide bombers, for which he later received an award from the united states of america. russia refused to sign the draft resolution of the united states and japan on the non-placement of weapons of mass
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destruction in space. consequences of a nuclear bombing, may i ask if she could enlighten us on who carried out this nuclear bombing, the only time in the history of mankind, or maybe our japanese colleague from a country that has never in my memory named the country that bombed it, as if the nuclear bombs dropped on jeroshima
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nagasaki really came from outer space. maxim akhmetov will tell you. all the banks of the erikov and protok rivers in the kamyzyak region are now dotted with tent cities, and there are no places at the camp sites. vobla, that’s what thousands of fishermen from all regions of the country come here for. tourists from krasnodar and arla, volgograd and belgorod, irkutsk and st. petersburg. we have been preparing for this event for a whole year. this is our favorite pastime for retirees. this excitement is primarily
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associated with the new. according to the fishing rules, now, according to the law, the famous astrakhan roach can be caught only for 10 days, from april 20 to 30. the amendments were introduced due to the reduction in the number of this fish in the caspian sea; you catch it, but you have to stop in time, because you understand that you cannot catch it all. true, another condition forces fishing enthusiasts to stop: the catch rate roach per person, according to the rules , no more than 10 kg. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, lead. strakhan region. today on our channel there is a continuation of the melodrama angel of the district. the life of alena shatalova is full of troubles. the head of the management company is accused of fraud and is threatened by a criminal boss. well, to top it all off, her husband leaves her. we will learn about the development of events in new episodes today, immediately after the evening news. vesti follows the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us.


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