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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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and this is a very specific moment, which is exactly what scammers are gearing up for. realization, as a rule, comes after the victim hangs up, the main thing here is not to waste time. if you have shared card details or other sensitive information, try to block that card from your online application as quickly as possible. the big question is whether it will be possible to catch the scammers; most often they operate from abroad and are inaccessible to our law enforcement system. as for the victims of scammers, they are now...
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in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some hertz. the silence
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doesn’t even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts, and to the depths of our souls, hello, this is our program. ukrainian authorities have been at war with the russian orthodox church for a long time. they prohibit the work of churches and open criminal cases against the clergy. why did priests become saboteurs in robes for the ukrainian authorities? what could a split in the orthodox church lead to? immediately after the maidan, the new government of the independent a sacred thing was encroached upon, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. the kiev regime has set a course for breaking spiritual ties with russia; in 2019, a new religious organization, the orthodox church, appeared.
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father andrei conducted services in hospitals and gave communion to the wounded, went to the front line, supported soldiers with prayer and performed baptismal rites. the servant of god peter is baptized in the name of father and son, spirit. in the spring of 2022 , territorial defense fighters appeared on his doorstep. andrei pavlenko was detained and taken to the torture chamber. was, this is the building where i went brought on april 18, where i was in the basement for 10 days, many went missing, many were taken out, shot somewhere in the city and outside the city. after brutal abuse, the priest was charged with treason. the court handed down a terrible sentence, 12 years in prison. how did father andrei manage to survive captivity, who helped him? will be freed
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why ukraine has made religion a new battlefield . and in our studio we have the rector of st. tikhvin cathedral in lesichansk. party andrey pavlenko. hello, father andrey. hello, father andrey. glad to see you. a tell us when you first felt that the ukrainian authorities were biased towards you . that's where it all started. this has already happened since 2014, when the conflict broke out in the month of may in the lugansk region, when military clashes had already begun, when the kiev regime. sent an army, and the battles were rubezhnye, lesechansk, severo-donetsk, but at that time the city was still under militia, in principle we provided all possible assistance, then the first militia detachments were created, and until the fourteenth year everything was quiet and smooth, before it was generally smooth ,
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that is, no one oppressed the church, we know that his holiness the patriarch came to us four times a year, there were even such events, such as the anniversary of chernobyl. here in the donetsk region he came, there were the opening of monuments, and some new monasteries, that is, we already saw his holiness the patriarch, well, once every two months already like this, that is, the people greeted him very strongly, that is, the authorities did not interfere with anything at all, but in the fourteenth year, by what signs did you understand that something was starting not just then, but already started writing on the internet, as they say in personal, as they say on social networks, that you are from moscow?
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is, i didn’t really need to convince people of anything, i just had to support them as a priest, which is what we russians, like the cradle of donbass , have been doing, are doing, and are doing to this day. father andrey, how did you perceive the start of a special military operation, well, i found it early in the morning at home, my priest called me, from moscow, my, as they say, friend and acquaintance, so, he says, you know, he says, it started all war, this...
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this humanitarian headquarters also had a pro-russian position, simply, and we started, what can we do, because the city has already begun to be shelled since february 28, well , in order to somehow get through this very quickly, softly, then there is, as it were, a minimum loss in the civilian population, psychologically, morally, materially, but why and how were you arrested? i’ve already entered since march 9, he says, spontaneous military actions in the cities of severodonetsk and lesechansk. and the people all went to the basements, first of all we started drinking those the civilian population who were dying from shelling, here, i filmed a video, they started delivering food to the basements, taking it from this humanitarian headquarters, there was an acquaintance of mine who was a driver, they gave us an ambulance, but not the one that
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drives like this not a deposit, just like a passenger car, we loaded it and drove it, delivered it to yards, to basements, we also filmed it, all the medicine, because i understood it was important, even water, as there was water... even water in the basements, well can you imagine, people are sitting in basements, that is and to carry water, we filmed it, in principle, i sent it here to my friends, they showed what the situation was in the city, we posted it, we weren’t afraid in our official... page of our severodonetsk diocese, the acquaintance with whom we traveled, he himself was kidnapped by aidar in the fourteenth year, he was held by the aidar battalion, then they ransomed him, so he, too, is not wrong with nerobkov’s ten, he says they began to look at you badly, i really look, they are looking at me, there is the aidar battalion has already appeared, the right one has already begun to appear sector, which is nearby in the village, there is borovskoye, there he completely settled the right sector, well, naturally they look at me, and also... here is the head doctor, who will now give me a hand, a friend, a close one, a parishioner, my parishioner, yes , the city
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of syadonetsk, yes, and he, i go to the headquarters, well, in principle, i go, i don’t need to enter into polemics with them, i need to do my job, and he’s there all the time, so father andrei came, he’s with us of the moscow patriarchate, and can you imagine these aydarites with machine guns, terrorist defense, it’s worth it, well, that is, actually he pointed at you, yes, yes, he pointed, yes, i already wanted to say, why are you doing this? well, envy, revenge, that i can’t say, but i say, he was a very close comrade and friend to me, for many years, with whom we also experienced the same year of the fourteenth, all these years of occupation by the ukrainian government, and his position in the fourteenth year, what it was, he also remained like this in the positions of the lpr, and he was also hunted for the position by aidar in the fourteenth year, i hid him, the day before the arrest, the same one who... drove the driver comes and says: do you accept, aidar tyroborona lesechanskaya came to the novel
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, they asked where you were and in general they asked you, maybe they just threatened him, blackmailed him in this way? i don’t know , maybe, well, i arrived, that is, we arrived and it was palm sunday, uh-huh, i took a little contact with him, i called, i said, the doctor is like that, listen, they came to see you, yes they came, i say, i need well, lie down and go somewhere, because i understand what teroborons are, what aidar is, but no, there’s no need, they’re just. so they found out something there, just like that, well, well, you shouldn’t have listened to, as they say, your companion, with whom we went, she says, they asked so bad about you, that is, he says: go away, here hide, turn off the phone, hide somewhere in the city, change the conversation, because well, this won’t end well, but somehow i didn’t really believe it, well, there weren’t any conflicts, that is, i move freely, i take it freely, i drive freely, i communicate, everything, and april 18 is morning. monday, call, this roma communications doctor, somehow my heart
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turned a little upside down, i’m thinking why he told me so early, he never called me like that in the morning, 9 am, i pick it up, i say, yes, doctor, he’s a father, father, where are you , i say, doctor, something happened, tell me, he said something, something, two words, once there’s a connection, i call him back, but there’s already no connection, they open the doors and stand in masks, terrorist defense with machine guns, with words, well, are you waiting for your own people, you talk about it so easily with a smile? you know, i went through this somehow, you know, at that moment i also didn’t understand that is happening, although i understood how it could end even here on the porch, that is, this is complete chaos on their part, some were not even brought in, they immediately took my phone, and i only had it in my hand, so he was wearing a cassock, with a phone, they went in, come on, well, they had already started playing a game to detain the terrorist, supposedly, let’s check him for weapons, we went into the apartment, but there were no weapons, no, that’s it, take your passport, let’s go. let's look at the pegs on it, there are no nazi ones, that's it, they 're taking me away, by the way, my mother was with me, so
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they took her too, that is , they put us all in a car, it was a passenger car, we got in and drove off, well, i already started praying, because i say, i understand what’s going on, and what kind of people were taken through lesechansko, i see these checkpoints , this heavy artillery, which stands among the living quarters of the city, from which they fire at our army, at positions precisely, precisely among the living quarters, they so... hid and we come to lesechansk, this is the city office of the former police, everyone was there sbu, teroborona, aidar, that is, everyone they lived in a row, because there is a very large basement floor, i separated us, they take me into a room, there is one policeman sitting and another in uniform, so nervously ill, he was all the time, how to say, not even on courage, he was so nervous all like this all the time, insults started, who is our president, who is the russian army, who am i , who is the patriarch, that is, well, this is such... all sorts of abuse, that’s why you didn’t evacuate, you have to take everyone away,
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blow up your house, we shouldn't leave anything to the russian world, we won’t leave him anything, that is, already in advance this neurotic patient started screaming and running, and then a third one comes in, that is, this one too, well, who are you texting with, my phone number, they took it from me, i was texting with my , as they say, he is both a friend and my kumb, we just corresponded with him, well, what was happening in the city, and only the doctor knew this, no one else knew about his existence. now, as they say, 8 years have passed, in principle, he has not been in the city for 8 years, they immediately pointed out, and you with this you're texting, well, let's look at the phone, then aydarovets comes in, such a big closet, and he just started... beat me, he just beat me, so they beat me, i don't remember, they gave me something, i signed what - a piece of paper, so quickly i’m in the basement, this basement opens up, it’s a bullpen, well , a bullpen for four people, and there are 20 people sitting there, all of them beaten, these are all our lesichans, severodonetsk residents, i go in, but on my own , as they say, handsome, already, they
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rose so much, oh, father andrey, what are you doing here, like this, like this, so massively, so hum so don’t give up your place for him there on the bunk or somewhere else they bought some rugs, he will sleep here in the corner on the concrete until he communicates, and there were also two criminal elements sitting there, they were specially held , they were not arrested, they took them, this aidar came in the morning, they took these two criminals, they buried the dead, they also knew me well, because in principle, where do they go when people are released? yes, they come to church, well, because they are people too, well, as they say, with their sorrows, well, who needs them, and we always, that is, food, some kind of small financial assistance, that is, they came, so they remembered it, these two, so they gave me a carpet, i the concrete slept on this mat, that is, like this for 4 days, this was the sleeping on the concrete, that’s the most important thing, that is, all these people who
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were there in the cell, they are all, moreover, they are ordinary people, in the same place there were two, they shared two positions. they divided some as politically objectionable, like me, these were prisoners, and they allegedly took others as looters, which is what it consisted of, when shelling took place, shop windows were broken, and many left quickly, these police officers came, the police themselves, together with the terrorist defense, robbed the shops, well, everything that was there was taken out, they put some thing from this store on the street, people walked, it was lying there, they took them too... they jumped out right around the corner, grabbed them, brought them to the basement, beat them too, forced them to sign that you had looted this store or something else. something, here that is, they directly beat these people in the corridor more than the political ones, just sign that you did it, that is, these are not military men, not some kind of criminals, they say: but we got here, some of them were alone for 8 days, a week, and we say, we don’t know how to pray ourselves,
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and we say, we started asking god, send us someone who will teach us to pray, and there’s even a certain... some even wrote to me because they took everyone away, then took them out in the dnieper in a pre-trial detention center, i also taught them to read a prayer, miraculously they somehow then they released you, the court released you, how many days did you spend in this basement? 10 days, exactly 10 days, that was all, and i spent easter, this is the only easter in my life where i was not in church, now on bright tuesday, in the evening they took me up again without anything and told me that i'm going. in the dnieper in a pre-trial detention center, and there my fate will be decided, we’ve been changing article 111 for 12 years, and what is 111, this is the article that zelensky wrote in april of twenty-two, this is treason, state treason - what is this, the transfer of information some secret documents, some plans that, for example, the ukrainian army provided, but i don’t have anything close to that, well, they showed it to me,
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uh, on wednesday i was in the basement. i haven’t been here since 1997, since the day i graduated, here is the desk at which i sat, my place, here is my window where i looked, by the way, the teachers cursed for this, in the ninth grade, thank god, they started studying and behave normally, everything went well, look, the chemistry textbook that we studied in has been preserved, more than
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30 years have passed, you see, and it’s still lying here, i had problems with chemistry, with other... metas, everything was fine, except for the ukrainian language, naturally, he dreamed of becoming a doctor until he saw a film about orthodox priests who went through exile, but did not renounce their faith. already at the age of 17, andrei was ordained to the priesthood. the mother supported her son’s choice; later he studied at a theological academy, and then 20 years of pastoral ministry. he gravitated towards russia, he spoke out that we are all slavs.
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that's all, we won't see him again. andrey's father's mother, victoria, joined us leonidovna. hello hello. you were also detained, right later? yes yes. tell us about it. in the morning i opened the door. my parents still remained there, infirm. so, and i see, either the police or the teroboron is already standing there, they don’t have any identification marks, of course. nobody. of course, he didn’t introduce himself, didn’t say anything, just said: so, where is your geek? well, the door had already opened, andrei came out, and said: well, here he is, here he is andrei, get ready, let’s go, well, they took us, of course,
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they immediately took our phones, all our passports and we went with him to the city of affairs in lisichansk, i asked, i said, why are we going, you and i will just talk, and of course to the city of affairs, in the city of affairs the conversation has already begun, well, they started telling me, well, the first thing is that ... the fact that i gave birth to a degenerate, that’s why he shouldn’t live at all, then they started telling me that we allegedly support the patriarch, who is an enemy of ukraine, well, that i won’t see my son anymore, that’s it, well , you know, how some kind of strange, incomprehensible feeling turns on here, there was only one fear, well, really, so that they they didn’t beat him, of course i started talking to each other about how we’ll see who beat whom...
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i’m telling you, there was a terrible moment, it’s just that moment when they started beating andrei, you just have to endure it, or something , well, of course, well, these were two rooms, the rooms were open, the doors were open, here i was, when i came out of my room, i realized that they were beating him, i went out, immediately this aidarov man came out, but a very large man, he turned my head, it seemed to me that...
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well, i was indignant, well, who heard me, me they locked everything in the room, then i only saw him when they took him out and took him to the basement, but you understood, you understood what you were actually suffering for, my child’s position was the same, maybe even from birth, and yours is also the position , you butchered it. of course, well, of course, of course, i understood perfectly well what was happening, why it was happening, it was all perfectly clear, they let you go, but they let me go, on the second day, they let me go, but how they let me go, that was also very interesting, otherwise there was there curfew, so they kept me, held me, there was almost an hour left before the curfew, and they just took me out into the street and that’s it, no cars are running, no public transport, well, nothing, but i have to go to another city, that’s go it was about kilometers, probably 10 on foot, you know
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where to go, they drained the phone so that i couldn’t call anywhere, well, god ordered it that way, you know, i came across a very good man, he was driving along the road in a car, i asked him, i say, i have such a situation, well, the local one, he says, no questions, quickly get into the car, we need to turn the corner so that they don’t see that you got into the car,
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thinks so. i didn’t have time to save my husband at the party and ran, why at the party? let's get married as we get married, elsa's land. on friday on rtr. earlier in the program, father andrei pavlenko told how the clergy in donbass stood up to protect parishioners and freedom. the clergy in donbass remained with their people. it didn’t start calling, let’s submit to the kiev regime, maidan is good, that is, they were waiting for these words. but no one from kiev to luhansk region.
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and maybe there were some temptations, maybe they tried to influence you in some other way? no, but there the influences are very simple, they had four proposals, i said that first, you condemn the patriarch, second, we urgently call on everyone to evacuate from severodonetsk, from lisichansk to ukraine, to enroll in the terrorist defense, and now this too needs to be done right now, you yourself and your colleagues, as they said, need to be persuaded to support. is at war, your church is at war with you, that’s why you need to move to the ocu, and the fourth proposal was from my friend, that’s who we corresponded with, ladislav
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ivanovich, he says: come on, he says, you give it to him now telephone, let them go to the emergency areas with all their commanders there, but we’ll take them and let you go, but then they offered to let you go if you passed, so to speak. now they’re on the safe side together and what did you tell them i say yes no you ’re speaking for who i am i ’m quoting to him word for word now and you’re taking me for who i’m telling you yeah well then he says you won’t get out of here this was the last phrase you’re talking about vladislava plahuta yes let’s call him in the studio vladislav please come in please good afternoon hello hello in our studio vladislav plahuta actually this man was offered to you by the traitors yes yes yeah and of course his comrades, whom i also knew very well.
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in the fourteenth year i participated, so to speak, in the activities of the militia, i was a close friend of pavel dromov, pavel dromov is the founder of lugansk, one of the founders of the lugansk militia, the creator of the sixth cossack guards regiment, he died on december 12, 2015, he was blown up on the way to his own wedding, here in stakhanov, well, as a matter of fact, his media group is a tv channel, a newspaper and... a radio station, i managed it after his death, especially, so to speak, the ukrainian comrades became angry after we made a feature film, the first feature film about the war in donbass, opolchenochka, and there were searches there in my former offices, which
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remained there in leshchansk, in kiev, in serodonetsk, and so on to say, they were quite actively involved in my person, i saw the materials of my criminal case, as if in the sbu, when did you find out about what? andrey didn’t turn you in, well, i found out that he didn’t turn him in after his release, father andrey, but technically, how they offered to hand over vladislav, that’s what you had to do in order to be released, well, they said, we’ll take it now, we’ll drive up, well, we sit down, you write to him that you’re going to have a drink at papasnoye, or to bring something, they , that is, they, they, we’ll decide which of these, you say the point where it is, they come there, well, that’s it, then, as they say, later our organs were already burning for me, and he says, well, the fastest way would be , if this had happened, no one would have arrested anyone, they would just hail there or die no matter what the shelling killed everyone, that’s it
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, yes, of course. victoria leonidovna, to you, here’s a woman’s question, did you even for a second have the thought that your son, your own blood, might not withstand these tests, you know, like it happened somewhere far away, but he doesn’t have the same upbringing, he has the core, thanks to the fact that in our family, men are men. these are really men, this is my grandfather one, grandfather two, my father and my husband, so, well, it shouldn’t have broken, but as i tell you, well, there was fear, of course, of course, i was twice execution they took you out to be shot, they took you out on monday and tuesday, and i basically got myself ready, i think, well, it will hurt instantly, and then that’s it, well, somehow no, why did they take me out the second time, and what -what does he say? you don’t become ours , you don’t ask us, i’m just saying,
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i’m kneeling before god, i’m saying, i’m not even going to, well, probably, there was also such a psychological impact, pressure, pressure, yes, because well, now people will be scared, let me sign something or i’ll say or do something, when the first execution did not take place, the second i understood that this would also be a game, that is, this is also a psychological impact, but how is this an execution, what do they do, they put you against the wall for... uh-huh passes over your head, over your head, yes, the second time they just distorted it, they set a goal, they were recording the phone, well, he says before the execution, you say, finally tell us something, that’s what i’m saying there, as they say. , i stand my ground, that is , i will not leave the russian church, yes, yes, and that is, i see my future in the lpr, that is, he wrote it down, he wrote it down like that, gave it up, that’s enough. the shooting stopped, that’s enough, he said, that’s enough, i thought this recording
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would be posted someday or maybe somewhere, well, as they were looking for it, it never surfaced anywhere, that is , well, he made it for some reason. vladislav, when did you learn about the arrest of andrei’s father? i found out about him, about his arrest, probably three days after the arrest itself, and on my next trip to the mainland, when the connection went out, i always called him, i dialed him, i couldn’t, he couldn’t there was a connection, i dialed the doctor, right?
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great joy and that the luhansk region is now russia and i think that as we will, we will now remain the russian land and never again paint the ukrainian square, but in general how did it all work out, thanks to which the lord helped you, well, the mercy of god, today is the day andrew the first-called is an apostle of this russia, and like me andrey, so this is the mercy of god today, that andrew the first-called after eight months of captivity. brought it out, therefore, of course, the first thanks to our apostle
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to all our warriors and defenders, tell me in general, what did you have to do, how was it for you? it’s hard, very hard, well, i think we’ll talk about this separately sometime, but well , it’s very hard, and there are still a lot of our luhansk-danyansk people there who need to be taken from there and pulled out of this mess. we were joined by father seraphim, who actively fought for the release of father andrei, hello! what kind of doors did we knock on, and what was the most difficult thing for father seraphim in organizing the exchange? well, to get on the list, here, of course, is vladislav ivanovich did his best, he fussed a lot around the territory of the lpr with military personnel, since he himself has been a military man since the age of 14 and , of course, has great authority in the lugansk people's republic. among the military, among the regional government, then of course,
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he was quite quickly able to include father andrei on the list, of course, this was also not easy, but naturally, what is father andrei’s track record, his service to the church, to the lugansk region, how much has been built temples, how many in general spiritual life has been raised, and of course, for this this is his spiritual authority, for his spiritual efforts, of course, the authorities of the lugansk region of the republic made efforts to include him in the exchange, but as we now, if we remember history, such exchanges began, which were carried out once a week. where, well, where, when will our exchange take place, then we begin to dig, enter different offices, it turns out that it is generally or once every two weeks, but we waited, well, where, well, crossed off the list, the russian orthodox church also joined , our department of external church relations sent us the official answer, to my mother too, is that
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he is included in the lists and is not, you know, suddenly , out of the blue, it turned out that he was simply crossed out, or new lists were drawn up, he was not on the lists. yes , then, of course, i had to run around a lot of offices. there he launched a very wide range of activities while in prison. and just with my mother, andrei’s father, and viktoriya leonidovna, we were very much like him here, his faithful assistants and hands. while i was here, i turned to father andrei’s friends here, since there are a lot of them, we all united with money. with this money, my mother bought food, bought things, bought bed linen. father andrei passed on letters through a lawyer, passed on letters to mom, gave instructions like this, this one needs this, this one needs that, do some other things there, he tried to help everyone, everyone, everyone, let’s see a story about how father seraphim works, i found
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myself a service book, i’ll take the trophy, kiev is 21 years old, it’s in ukrainian, malebin for victory, it’s in ukrainian. for victory, in the hour of invasion, barbarians piled up foreigners, that is, they considered us barbarians and considered foreigners, everything is step by step, here they are, just here they are, instructions on how to cause a split, how to seize churches, we arrived in severodonetsk, we are in lesichansk, near... grandfather volodya is happy, thank you very much, russia from what you used to do they brought, of course, there was a little left, but we are slowly distributing them, the rest is all new, dear friends, with great greetings from saturday, everything has arrived, we are giving it to the eskim guys,
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we brought a lot of medicines, t-shirts from the church of troets, the city of voronezh, underwear , all here. our father, and thou art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, may thy kingdom come, faith does not help, one must believe in it, victory will definitely come, thank you very much, father seraphim, and what you have in your hands is relatively recent father andrey and i just went to the diocesan administration of the lugansk diocese, which was... the schoolhouse of the ukrainian orthodox church of the kiev patriarchate, which since the eighteenth year, became the ocu, the orthodox church of ukraine, so the center turns out, here is their main church, there until many of us have visited, but there is such a pile of books lying around, naturally, because we are interested in reading what
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is there, so we began to study, but the most important thing is the right of believers to change subordination, subordination. their orthodox church, and as it turns out in reality, they come, they are beaten, they are kicked out of churches, the priests are beaten, they are kicked out of churches, they cut off locks, break out windows, doors, everything that the police should do, maintain law and order, be on the neutral
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side, all this is being violated, persecution, you can’t call it anything else, they help to commit these persecutions, this is a brochure. further in the program, why churches are one of the main goals for the ukrainian armed forces. our president answered this well. he said, and the orthodox church , we will say, in our great russia, is what unites the soul and citizens. this is the point that will reconcile our people, which will unite our people again, which will heal all wounds, any wounds. this is the news. weeks and i dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70. we were joking once in the studio, the director of photography said, my grandmother thinks that you live in zemlyovskaya zvezda. he is a human pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this precision, this aristocratism, and from dostoevsky, of course,
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passion. let's go, it's bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the mustache, they'll dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on pools, poison people, waste it, then we'll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don't think dima won't say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified. let's do it again on the maidan, they gave me a hero's star for my body, simply because i'm russian, that's enough, i loved europe very much, now we exchanged places, now we in russia are for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia great, vladimirevich says: “i wish you success, you are now my employee.” the same kiselev, premiere on friday. on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and
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on a global scale: i really want some shocks, because it’s so great that we have an international festival in the country cinema-erasing boundaries, this is the great courage of all those who came to us, brought their film or became a member of the jury, firstly, art is more important than everything else, and secondly, we are right, the participants are worthy! highest awards, only the best of the best will receive the main prize, the closing ceremony of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, on friday at rtr. earlier in
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the brothers' program, andrei pavlenko spoke about how he carries out his pastoral duty in lisichansk. i didn’t really need to convince people of anything, i just needed them support as a priest. we learned what father andrei and his mother victoria pavlenko had to endure in prison. they started telling me, well, first, that i gave birth to a bastard, that he shouldn’t live at all, then they started telling me that we were supposedly supporting the patriarch. who is an enemy of ukraine, well, about the fact that i won’t see my son again. vladislav plahuta, a friend of father andrei, told why the ukrainian authorities are now at war with the clergy. he was too convenient in this sense, the trend of the ukrainian authorities to condemn russian priests the orthodox church, such a directly restomatic image, there was only one hope left for exchanges. father seraphim dubanov
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brought unique documents to the studio. this is a manual, a training manual, yes, step by step, we worked out everything on how to seize churches, during military operations, tell me, in your opinion, father seraphim, father andrey, why the armed forces of ukraine chose churches as targets, and you know our president answered this well, he said, and we have the orthodox church, we will talk in our great... russia, this is what unites soul and citizens, this is the point that we will, as they say, as he writes, which connects heaven and earth, because our entire history, russian, our entire statehood, it was all born and completely, as it were, is the blood of our russian statehood and our entire society is already like this, already at the lame, let’s say,
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level, is already an orthodox community. therefore, this is the point that will reconcile our people, which will unite our people again, which will heal all wounds, any wounds, apparently, someone found it, here it is, as they say, the achilles heel, the orthodox church, we need to destroy it, we will destroy it and then we can do everything with this people, there will no longer be this point of reconciliation, unification, or any kind of, as they say, healing, here this will not happen, well, plus the second, most important thing: already as a spiritual component, when everyone goes over to a schismatic church, because this is spiritual death for a christian, the sacrament of baptism is invalid in a schismatic church, everything is invalid, because these are self-sanctified lies of the hierarchy and everything is false , on them there is no grace of the holy spirit, there is no apostolic succession, that is, it is also spiritual death. pay attention to the sermons that our hierarchies and our
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clergy say after the service, after. divine liturgy and what words are spoken by the false hierarchy, the false clergy in ukraine, how bad russia is, what they did today is they killed those, they killed these, that is, their church is politicized, it is not christ at the forefront, it does not call for repentance, but calls for hatred, that is, all politics is like the church, it cannot to be like this, shouldn’t be like this, well, this is a manifestation of hatred. they are trying to destroy the russian orthodox church not only spiritually from within, but also physically. let's see the plot. i arrived in the city of lesechansk, to my temple of the chestkhven icon of the mother of god. i was in captivity for 8 months, now i have already arrived at my parish, we see all the inheritance from the ukrainian shelling of our churches, this was part of the sunday school,
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the bell tower, and there is also a damaged icon. in honor of the inexhaustible chalice and the holy day temple, that’s all, as we know, it was destroyed, there were hailstorms of shelling, so we are inside the vedeno church, it’s possible. again, as the arrivals say, they were broken by splinters, the windows were tight, the painting was half-painted, this is our technical icon, a locally revered icon, ancient, according to legend , the tikan icon was brought by blessed fyodor lesechansky to christor erodev, he was a resident who pointed out that this icon would save the city, well you see, the city remained intact, we already went through the great patriotic war in 1914, and now...
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our russian orthodox people, so we we hope that through his prayers all hostilities will soon end, there will be a blessed world, there will be our united russia, our united russian state, we were joined by anton dobrondashvili, soloist of the male choir, russian format, hello anton, hello anton, when did you start traveling to novorossiya , where it all began, i started with my father. why did you go, what took you there? if we speak directly from the very beginning, i, of course, could not leave father seraphim alone, and i just wanted to support him as best i could, and then this
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some feeling of solidarity with what is happening, uh, because well , it’s not like it’s possible to stay in the country, the first visit there was in the fall of twenty-two, to the liberated cities, we arrived then, and anton tells me, well what do you think, i'll let you go now? uh-huh, we’re going to severo-donetsk, uh, this is the shock, the first things we saw were these, anton, and what struck us, and most of all? i was amazed, yes, i was amazed by everything, because i had never seen anything like this before, except in the movies, i remember then, me and we were driving with vladislav ivanovich, i was sitting in the back seat, i immediately see the first broken houses when entering the city, i was wondering what it was, and he turned half-sideways at me and said: this is war and... yes, there’s no other way to describe it, that is, your life has changed somehow after what you saw, well, it seems to me that, in principle , any person who comes into contact with this will look at things in a new way,
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these are some... the things that i began to value much more in our peaceful life are these little joys that we have every day, we have, so to speak, creative activity, it involves communication with different... views of people, we have our own argumentation, thanks to which, as it were, which does not allow us to remain indifferent, after this trip, just when anton saw all this, and he is the author of our solo songs, he wrote a very strong song in our opinion, which is called look, a video for this song, which is unique, we shot exactly on the day when we were liberated andrey's father from let's see now fragment of this song. i was able to accept the ordinariness of the days, i seemed to be ready for anything, so that anyone
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could become closer to my dear, my dear, why does she have the desire to destroy everything around, we divide our hearts into parts, and doubts rush out, now the world knows this happiness, look, this world is all ours in me , all that remains is to understand with you who your friend is, where your friend is, to take a step forward to pursue your dream, look. this whole world is on fire , all that remains is to understand with you, who is
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our friend, where is our friend, to take a step forward, for a dream, a dream, look, look. anton, where was this video filmed, we are partially they filmed it in voronezh, and part of it was filmed in severo-donetsk. these are all these houses - this is where they settled early in the morning, they came to the ssu, the national battalions, to these residential apartments, these are all the houses where they are rented, so they occupied a point, they are just on the outskirts of the city, it turns out, on the side of lugansk , they placed mortars on the roofs, that is , the film was shot there directly, where there were all several months of very difficult battles of tragic battles. father andrey, of course, i would like to ask you about today, about plans for the future, what are you doing now? what
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are you planning to do tomorrow? well, now we are actively helping our army, because i want to tell all tv viewers, now this is the most important thing, help to our army, because without our victory there will be no future, not in our cities and territories, not in all of russia, but slowly the parish we are establishing life in churches, parishes, well, then as the lord will manage, the most important thing is creation, with god, what is most important is creation, but in fact, father andrey, you saw in the video and...
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the gumeni of taistia and now he gives you the gospel, the gospel, we will definitely put it in the tikhvan church, because it, like our entire country, suffered both wounds and liberation, so it will remind this sacred scripture to all parishioners who will always go to church about those days about ours as liberation about to our glory. thank you, everyone. we have our fair share
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of tests, what matters is how we pass them, some break down, some don’t have enough strength, some continue to move forward with their heads held high, continue to serve people, there are only such people here in the studio, thank you thank you very much, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal.


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