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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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news is broadcast on a russian tv channel. my name is maria sittal. hello. the laws adopted in the country must be clear, understandable, and effective. vladimir putin spoke about this today at the council of legislators in st. petersburg. the president
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congratulated the state duma deputies and senators of the federation council on their upcoming professional holiday. tomorrow our country will celebrate the day of russian parliamentarism. the head of state noted that while preserving long-standing traditions of lawmaking, it is necessary to pay close attention to those areas that unite society today. a special issue that unites everyone is the support of our heroes and families.
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strikes on peaceful cities and towns in the kursk, belgorod, kherson and zaporozhye regions, donetsk and lugansk people's republics. five people were killed and at least nine were injured of varying degrees of severity. two residents of the dpr were blown up by anti-personnel mines. the ukrainian armed forces hit residential areas of donetsk with nato-caliber shells, and were hit kirovsky and petrovsky districts. in the private sector, houses were destroyed, school windows were broken, gas lines were damaged, and electrical lines were cut off. in the city of takmag,
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zaporozhye region, ukrainian militants used guided bombs, one of which hit a high-rise building. rescuers are still clearing the rubble, under which there may still be people. a train with western weapons and military equipment was destroyed near the village of udachnaya, donetsk republic. in total, within 24 hours, our missile forces and artillery they disabled fortifications and equipment in 112 districts. here in these frames there is an exact hit on the ukrainian armed forces pillbox. scouts from the vostok group used a drone to destroy a browning m2 heavy machine gun in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. in total , more than 100 neo-nazis were eliminated on this section of the front over the past 24 hours. another 400 militants were killed by fighters from the center group. this is how our drone disabled a camouflaged dugout of the ukrainian armed forces. long-term firing point. the neo-nazis
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were covered by our aircraft. the militants fortified themselves in an abandoned building, which the bombers destroyed with a high-explosive bomb. multi-billion dollar military aid. for the ukrainian armed forces is on the way, but it will not save the crumbling front. observers of forbes magazine draw such conclusions when analyzing the battles for ocheretin. over the weekend, the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine was disrupted in this locality. unit 115 brigades did not replace their exhausted colleagues and gave way to russian troops. previously, the sixty-seventh brigade had refused to defend chas yarki. meanwhile, russian the army, according to the publication, inflicted. felt the weakness of the enemy and was able to break through far in the direction of pokrovsk. according to the authors of forbs, the problems are systemic: there are weapons, but there are no combat-ready units. attacks on russian civilian targets, strikes on
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the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, sabotage, all these crimes, are carried out by ukrainian militants with western weapons and with the direct participation of nato advisers. based on these facts , sergei shaigu today. drew special attention to the defense ministers of the sco countries. at the meeting, which took place in estonia, he emphasized that, unlike the united states, russia has made and is making every effort to maintain strategic stability throughout the world, while washington, on the contrary, creates hotbeds of conflict around the world and does everything to ensure that hostilities in ukraine continue. ostensibly striving for de-escalation, the collective west continues to pump kiev with weapons. control movement, which creates the risk of falling into terrorist organizations. data is transmitted in real time. training of ukrainian military personnel in the zone was organized western military
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specialists and mercenaries are in the fighting. traces of terrorist attacks, in particular the terrorist attack on march 22, at the cook city hall concert hall also lead to ukraine. all those guilty of these illegal actions and atrocities will definitely suffer the deserved punishment, it’s only a matter of time. today, sergei shaigu held a number of bilateral negotiations with colleagues from kyrgyzstan, pakistan, china; at a meeting with the head of the ministry of defense of the people's republic of china, he noted that the approaches of the two countries to the fundamental issues of modern world order and the solution of international problems coincide.
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with friendly countries in all areas. a comparative analysis of gdp growth indicates good prospects for the development of a mutually beneficial partnership. russia traditionally has a strong position in eurasia. our country is actively working in the eurasian economic union, in a union state. we are increasing the efficiency of cooperation between independent states. it is important that integration associations show convincing results. in particular, according to the results of last year, the increase in the volume of domestic product in the european union is estimated at 3.8%, which is higher than the world average, and of course significantly better than in the european union, where it amounted to about half a percent. brilliant command of the pen
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with words, the skill of a polymist, try to defeat him in an argument. a critical and often paradoxical look at...
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vladimir putin gave a long interview for the russia tv channel of the rionovosti agency. we talked in the kremlin, joked, and the director of photography is here in the studio. he says, here's mine. grandma thinks that you live in kremlin star, that is, this is the feeling, he seemed to have turned this effect of television to the maximum for himself, while revealing to his young colleagues the nature of the phenomenon: screen fame comes quickly, but also disappears instantly if the scale of the personality does not correspond to it. kiselyov has been on camera and at the top of the ratings for more than 30 years, i am the oldest presenter on russian air, well, the current one, but there is no one older than me. and here's the latest news from the kremlin: in
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the nineties, dima came to us as a presenter, tsn news service, young journalists, another language, this is new television, working at a fateful moment, in the middle of nowhere, in a real information abyss, alluring, but equally unpredictable and dangerous. esenhower, degol, penochet, which image is closer to you, the image of a swan. “we will live, so i invite everyone to live, but whoever disagrees with this, then excuse me, kiselev always chose his path in life himself, when, as a graduate of a french special school , he went to work in the izvestia printing house, as a printer’s assistant, and when then, just as unexpectedly, he entered medical school, but desire working with words still prevailed, excellent command of norwegian after graduating from the leningrad philological department opened the way to foreign broadcasting, work at the microphone in western..."
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travel to kiev, work as the head of information for a ukrainian tv channel, into which , as always, i plunged headlong. i felt more ukrainians, i felt like i belonged. an attempt to understand, to build bridges, and not to burn. i saw this orange revolution, the first one. and i saw how the country was sliding into the abyss. entire demonstrations came to my editorial office and shouted: “kiselyov, come out.” because i’m russian, i’m so ignorant of me that you’re talking russian language with me in ukraine, but you’re
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talking to me in ukrainian, what’s that? in the biography of the family, a reflection of the history of a huge country, grandfather in the first world war, a military engineer in brusilov’s army, father went through the great patriotic war, two orders of the red star, a medal for courage, living family traditions, when it all just started, he came up to dad and said, come on, listen , i want to go, he said yes, great, come on, i'm proud of you, i started...
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everyday, every sunday, very, very hard work, this is the program of the new week, a real vampire, because it requires more and more energy from me, it is somehow insatiable , but there is enough energy for everything, the author of the flagship program of vgtrk, also the head of one of the largest media companies in the country, while kiselyov, the author of documentaries, went, i must say, let’s also say the creator of a jazz festival. passionate lover of motorcycles and horse riding - this is flight, water is also its element, a person,
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one might say, is inexhaustible, who surprises every time. this is the news of the week, next in the program. alexander khristenko, kirill malikov, lead. and today on our channel there is a documentary film by the same kiselyov. on air at 19:00. these are the topics that will be discussed next in our program. the russian national team won five gold and five silver medals at mendeleevskaya. this is vesti nedeli and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70. we were once joking in the studio. the director of photography said: my grandmother thinks that you are you live in zemlevskaya zvezda. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this elegance, this aristocratism, and from dostoevsky, of course,
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passion. let's go, it's bad form, to drag a weakened tiger by the whiskers. we’ll screw it up, then we’ll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, let’s say, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have exchanged places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion, but they don’t, we are open to the world. but they are not, from the breed that made russia great. vladimirovich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee, the same kisyalev, the premiere, today on rtr, they say
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you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest. beautiful, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmelshey, magnificent golf. resort world class surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake.
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part-time new district police officer after graduation. we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girl, it was yours, it will be mine, pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise complaining if even if you blurt out a word somewhere, we will bury you in the forest, more desperately, there is no evidence, no testimony, let there be... please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation when you disappeared without explanation for the fact that it was honest, nothing not be afraid, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love will overcome everything starting monday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rta. you watch the news and we continue the release. washington threatens beijing with sanctions for cooperation with moscow. secretary of state blinken voiced ultimatum demands following negotiations with the chinese leadership. according to washington, china supplies russia with microelectronics and nitrocellulose for the production of shells. sidin pin at a meeting with blinken pointed out serious problems in relations between countries. stated that he welcomes competition from the united states, but this competition should not be a zero- sum game, where the winner takes everything from the loser, and the head of the foreign ministry called on
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washington not to cross red lines. we have always been consistent in our demands; we want the united states not to interfere in the internal affairs of our country, not to suppress its development, and not to cross red lines in matters of sovereignty. the minister will also meet with representatives of our other departments,
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including rosatom, the ministry of economy, and we are confident that as a result of this visit, our bilateral agenda will actively move forward, we will have every reason to report this to our president. the russian team won gold and five silver medals at the mendeleev olympiad in chemistry. it took place in chinese shenjen. the total number of participants was one and a half hundred schoolchildren from 26 countries. russia and china have the most winners. alexander baltsky spoke with young chemists. they didn’t lose their medals, they won them. five gold and five more silver from the mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, everyone takes home the award. russian team, vadim kharisov from bashkiria had no doubt that this would be the case. you think it’s right, it’s wrong, to write, not to write, and the most difficult thing was to gather these thoughts and
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decide, there were more medals, perhaps from chinese schoolchildren, but more of them also participated as hosts. china hosted the mendeleev olympiad for the first time, originally from 1967, then it was all-union, the competition of young chemists was serious has expanded its geography, in shinjin there are guys from almost thirty countries, but the main thing has remained - the highest requirements, guys like... who are represented here not only from russia, but from all 29 countries that are taking part in this year, this is the best of the best. the tasks are even more difficult than at the world olympics, three stages, two theoretical and laboratory practice, and the jury members themselves had to work hard, but ours completely managed it, along the way making personal chemical discoveries, in between rounds teji quan managed to work out and calligraphy. now they have a direct path, of course not quite into science, but definitely to the faculty of chemistry of moscow state university. the best kids are here. from all over the world, we would really like such students, the credit goes to the teacher trainers in their schools, the team has guys from eight regions, i really dream of opening something that
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will make people’s lives much easier, that is, some kind of acceleration of production scale , in order not to waste a lot of time and money on human labor, in order to automate it faster, the more important it was to notice everyone, the olympiad is supported by the andrey foundation melnichenko, well, shinzhen is like a platform. this year was not chosen by chance. this, of course, is not sparrow hills, but the truth is that the joint russian-chinese university of sheizheni is not only an external copy of moscow state university, because the educational process is based on all the best russian programs. exactly 10 years ago , the leaders of our countries announced the creation of a joint university between moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university, and today 2,500 students study here. styopa, a russian name, he chose for himself, studies cybernetics. i want a future in russia. study there. we have already passed the first stage, when there was only student exchange. now the most important thing is joint scientific projects, that is, deep integration. we must develop joint technologies,
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jointly implement these technologies. here. this is exactly what today’s winners of scientific olympiads will be able to create, the prerequisites are ground for growth, well, there will now be a mendeleev garden in shenzhen, it was laid out on the campus in honor of the 190th anniversary of the birth of the russian scientist. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from shinzhen china. the most powerful of all observation time, a cyber attack occurred today during the victory dictation. roscelik reports this. it has even surpassed what it was during the presidential elections in march of this year. the patriotic event is taking place for the sixth year in a row, everyone can test their knowledge about the great patriotic war, they write a dictation online or on the site, in total there are 27 of them organized in 60 countries. among the main topics are the liberation of the occupied territories of the ussr, the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade, the complete liberation of leningrad, the liberation of crimea, sevastopol and others. in the tula region , the site was organized in iconic places, in the kulikovo field museum complex, and the
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yasnaya polyana estate. aurora, in moscow the central site is the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. about the importance of preserving the truth of the connection between generations. the head of the russian historical society, the director, spoke at the grand opening of the event. knowledge about the events of past years, exploring, for example, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers with weapons in their hands, they defend the borders of our homeland, protect our country from neo-nazi evil. and many
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millions of concerned russian citizens are helping the front. in the historical center of orel, at the confluence of the oka and orlik , a smart light and music fountain, one of the largest in the country, was solemnly opened. one, sber gave it to the city. the complex is made in the form of eagle wings and is installed on a floating platform. 130 jets shoot to a height of 35 m, a pump and a fountain purify the water from impurities ; in addition, a special protective system is installed that preserves the biological resources of the reservoir. it seems to me that our country is so rich, so uniquely different, such completely original phenomena of nature, culture, history that by creating such points of attraction, we create a reason
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to... just go, get to know your country better, put together a puzzle of 400 elements or remember 400 words in 5 minutes. today on our channel is the seventh episode of the amazing people show, immediately after the evening news. about the contenders for reaching the finals. anton demidov. in the evening we will meet new amazing people whose abilities go beyond understanding.
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there is only one prize, but not so many people, it’s surprising they exist, they will fight for real, both children and adults, who will make the jury and the audience give a standing ovation and reach the final, we will find out tonight at 21:30 in the new episode of the show, amazing people. anton demidov, dina fetisova, lead. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us.


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